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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.6: ThreadAnalyzer User's Guide

Part No: E77800June 2017

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Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Thread Analyzer User's Guide

Part No: E77800

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Référence: E77800

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Using This Documentation .................................................................................  9

1 What is Thread Analyzer and What Does It Do? ...........................................  11Getting Started With Thread Analyzer ............................................................... 11

What is a Data Race? ............................................................................. 11What is a Deadlock? ..............................................................................  12

Thread Analyzer Usage Model ........................................................................  12Usage Model for Detecting Data Races .....................................................  13Usage Model for Detecting Deadlocks ......................................................  15Usage Model for Detecting Data Races and Deadlocks .................................  15

Thread Analyzer Interface ...............................................................................  15

2 Data Race Tutorial .........................................................................................  17Data Race Tutorial Source Files .......................................................................  17

Getting the Data Race Tutorial Source Files ...............................................  17Source Code for prime_omp.c .................................................................  18Source Code for prime_pthr.c ................................................................  19

How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data Races ................................................ 22Instrument the Code ............................................................................... 22Create a Data-Race-Detection Experiment .................................................  23Examine the Data-Race-Detection Experiment ............................................  24

Understanding the Experiment Results ..............................................................  25Data Races in prime_omp.c ..................................................................... 26Data Races in prime_pthr.c ...................................................................  29Call Stack Traces of Data Races ..............................................................  33

Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race ...............................................................  33Check Whether or Not the Data Race is a False Positive ...............................  34Check Whether or Not the Data Race is Benign ..........................................  34


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Fix the Bug, Not the Data Race ...............................................................  34False Positives ..............................................................................................  38

User-Defined Synchronizations ................................................................  38Memory That is Recycled by Different Threads ..........................................  39

Benign Data Races ........................................................................................  40A Program for Finding Primes .................................................................  40A Program that Verifies Array-Value Types ................................................  41A Program Using Double-Checked Locking ...............................................  42

3 Deadlock Tutorial ..........................................................................................  45About Deadlocks ...........................................................................................  45Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files ........................................................  46

Source Code Listing for din_philo.c .......................................................  46The Dining Philosophers Scenario ....................................................................  49

How the Philosophers Can Deadlock ........................................................  50Introducing a Sleep Time for Philosopher 1 ...............................................  51

How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks .................................................  54Compile the Source Code .......................................................................  54Create a Deadlock-Detection Experiment ...................................................  54Examine the Deadlock-Detection Experiment .............................................  55

Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results ................................................. 57Examining Runs That Deadlock ...............................................................  57Examining Runs That Complete Despite Deadlock Potential .......................... 62

Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives ......................................  65Regulating the Philosophers With Tokens ..................................................  66An Alternative System of Tokens .............................................................  71

A APIs Recognized by Thread Analyzer ..........................................................  77Thread Analyzer User APIs ............................................................................  77Other Recognized APIs ..................................................................................  79

POSIX Thread APIs ..............................................................................  79Oracle Solaris Thread APIs .....................................................................  80Memory Allocation APIs ........................................................................  81Memory Operations APIs .......................................................................  81String Operations APIs ...........................................................................  82Realtime Library APIs ...........................................................................  82Atomic Operations (atomic_ops) APIs ......................................................  83

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OpenMP APIs ......................................................................................  83

B Tips for Using Thread Analyzer ....................................................................  85Compiling the Application ..............................................................................  85Instrumenting the Application for Data Race Detection ........................................  85Running the Application With collect ...............................................................  86Reporting of Data Races .................................................................................  86


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Using This Documentation

■ Overview – Provides an introduction to the Thread Analyzer tool along with detailedtutorials on data race detection and deadlock detection. The manual also contains anappendix of useful tips and an appendix of supported APIs.

■ Audience – Application developers, system developers, architects, support engineers■ Required knowledge – Programming experience, software development testing, aptitude to

build and compile software products

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Using This Documentation 9

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1 ♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 1

What is Thread Analyzer and What Does It Do?

Thread Analyzer is an Oracle Developer Studio tool that you can use to analyze the executionof a multithreaded program. Thread Analyzer can detect multithreaded programming errorssuch as data races and deadlocks in code that is written using the POSIX thread API, the OracleSolaris thread API, OpenMP directives, or a mix of these.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

■ “Getting Started With Thread Analyzer” on page 11■ “What is a Data Race?” on page 11■ “What is a Deadlock?” on page 12■ “Thread Analyzer Usage Model” on page 12■ “Thread Analyzer Interface” on page 15

Getting Started With Thread Analyzer

Thread Analyzer can show data races and deadlocks in experiments that you can createspecifically for examining these types of errors, as explained in this document.

Thread Analyzer is a specialized view of Performance Analyzer that is designed for examiningthread analysis experiments. See “Thread Analyzer Interface” on page 15 for moreinformation.

What is a Data Race?

Thread Analyzer detects data races that occur during the execution of a multithreaded process.A data race occurs when all of the following are true:

■ Two or more threads in a single process access the same memory location concurrently■ At least one of the accesses is for writing

Chapter 1 • What is Thread Analyzer and What Does It Do? 11

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Thread Analyzer Usage Model

■ The threads are not using any mutual exclusive locks to control their accesses to thatmemory

When these three conditions hold, the order of accesses is non-deterministic, and thecomputation might give different results from run to run depending on that order. Some dataraces might be benign (for example, when the memory access is used for a busy-wait), butmany data races are bugs in the program.

Thread Analyzer works on a multithreaded program written using the POSIX thread API,Oracle Solaris thread API, OpenMP, or a mix of these.

What is a Deadlock?Deadlock describes a condition in which two or more threads are blocked forever becausethey are waiting for each other. There are many causes of deadlocks. Thread Analyzer detectsdeadlocks that are caused by the inappropriate use of mutual exclusion locks. This type ofdeadlock is commonly encountered in multithreaded applications.

A process with two or more threads can deadlock when all of the following conditions are true:

■ Threads that are already holding locks request new locks■ The requests for new locks are made concurrently■ Two or more threads form a circular chain in which each thread waits for a lock which is

held by the next thread in the chain

Here is a simple example of a deadlock condition:

■ Thread 1 holds lock A and requests lock B■ Thread 2 holds lock B and requests lock A

A deadlock can be of two types: A potential deadlock or an actual deadlock. A potentialdeadlock does not necessarily occur in a given run, but can occur in any execution of theprogram depending on the scheduling of threads and the timing of lock requests by the threads.An actual deadlock is one that occurs during the execution of the program. An actual deadlockcauses the threads involved to hang, but might cause the whole process to hang.

Thread Analyzer Usage ModelThe following steps show the process by which you can troubleshoot your multithreadedprogram with Thread Analyzer.

1. Instrument the program, if doing data race detection.

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Thread Analyzer Usage Model

2. Create a data-race-detection or deadlock-detection experiment.3. Examine the experiment result and establish whether the multithreaded programming issues

revealed by Thread Analyzer are legitimate bugs or benign phenomena.4. Fix the legitimate bugs and create additional experiments (step 2 above) with varied factors

such as different input data, a different number of threads, varied loop schedules or evendifferent hardware. This repetition helps locate non-deterministic problems.

Steps 1 through 3 above are described in the following sections.

Usage Model for Detecting Data Races

You must perform three steps to detect data races:

1. Instrument the code to enable data race detection2. Create an experiment on the instrumented code3. Examine the experiment for data races

Instrument the Code for Data Race Detection

To enable data race detection in an application, the code must first be instrumented to monitormemory accesses at runtime, meaning calls to the runtime support library libtha.somust beinserted in the code to monitor memory accesses at runtime and determine whether there areany data races.

You can instrument your code at the application source-level during compilation, or at theapplication binary-level by running an additional tool on the binary.

Source-level instrumentation is done by the compiler when you use a special option. Youcan also specify the optimization level and other compiler options to use. Source-levelinstrumentation can result in faster runtime since the compiler can do some analysis andinstrument fewer memory accesses.

Binary-level instrumentation is useful when the source code is not available. You might also usebinary instrumentation if you have the source code, but cannot compile shared libraries that areused by the application. Binary instrumentation using the discover tool instruments the binaryas well as all shared libraries as they are opened.

Source-level Instrumentation

To instrument at the source level, compile the source code with the special compiler option:

Chapter 1 • What is Thread Analyzer and What Does It Do? 13

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Thread Analyzer Usage Model


With this compiler option, the code generated by the compiler will be instrumented for data racedetection.

The -g compiler option should also be used when building application binaries. This optioncauses extra data to be generated which enables Thread Analyzer to display source code andline number information when reporting data races.

Binary-level Instrumentation

To instrument at the binary level, you must use the discover tool. If the binary is named a.out,you can create an instrumented binary a.outi by executing:

discover -i datarace -o a.outi a.out

The discover tool automatically instruments all shared libraries as they are opened, whetherthey are statically linked in the program or opened dynamically by dlopen(). By default,instrumented copies of libraries are cached in the directory $HOME/SUNW_Bit_Cache.

Some useful discover command line options are shown below. See the discover(1) man pagefor details.

-o file Output the instrumented binary to the specified file name

-N lib Do not instrument the specified library

-T Do not instrument any libraries

-D dir Change the cache directory to dir

Create an Experiment on the Instrumented Application

To create a data-race-detection experiment, use the collect command with the -r race flag torun the application and collect experiment data during the execution of the process. When youuse the -r race option, the collected data includes pairs of data accesses that constitute a race.

Examine the Experiment for Data Races

You can examine the data-race-detection experiment with the tha command, which startsthe Thread Analyzer graphical user interface. You can also use the er_print command-lineinterface.

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Thread Analyzer Interface

Usage Model for Detecting Deadlocks

Two steps are involved in detecting deadlocks:

1. Create a deadlock-detection experiment.2. Examine the experiment for deadlocks.

Create an Experiment for Detecting Deadlocks

To create a deadlock-detection experiment, use the collect command with the -r deadlockflag to run the application and collect experiment data during the execution of the process.When you use the -r deadlock option, the collected data includes lock holds and lock requeststhat form a circular chain.

Examine the Experiment for Deadlocks

You can examine the deadlock-detection experiment with the tha command, which startsthe Thread Analyzer graphical user interface. You can also use the er_print command-lineinterface.

Usage Model for Detecting Data Races andDeadlocks

If you want to detect data races and deadlocks at the same time, follow the three steps in “UsageModel for Detecting Data Races” on page 13 for detecting data races, but use the collectcommand with the -r race,deadlock flag to run the application. The experiment will containboth race-detection and deadlock-detection data.

Thread Analyzer Interface

You can start Thread Analyzer by using the tha command.

The Thread Analyzer interface is the Performance Analyzer (analyzer) interface that isstreamlined for multithreaded program analysis. Instead of the usual Performance Analyzerviews, you see the Races, Deadlocks, and Dual Source views. If you use Performance Analyzerto look at multithreaded program experiments you see the traditional Performance Analyzer

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Thread Analyzer Interface

views such as Functions, Callers-Callees, Disassembly, along with the views for data races anddeadlocks.

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2 ♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 2

Data Race Tutorial

The following is a detailed tutorial on how to detect and fix data races with Thread Analyzer.

The tutorial is divided into the following sections:

■ “Data Race Tutorial Source Files” on page 17■ “How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data Races” on page 22■ “Understanding the Experiment Results” on page 25■ “Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race” on page 33■ “False Positives” on page 38■ “Benign Data Races” on page 40

Data Race Tutorial Source FilesThis tutorial relies on two programs, both of which contain data races:

■ The first program finds prime numbers. It is written with C and is parallelized with OpenMPdirectives. The source file is called prime_omp.c.

■ The second program also finds prime numbers and is also written with C. However, it isparallelized with POSIX threads instead of OpenMP directives. The source file is calledprime_pthr.c.

Getting the Data Race Tutorial Source FilesYou can download the source files used in this tutorial from the Download area ( of theOracle Developer Studio developer portal.

After you download and unpack the sample files, you can find the samples in theOracleDeveloperStudio12.5-Samples/ThreadAnalyzer directory. The samples are locatedin the prime_omp and prime_pthr subdirectories. Each sample directory includes a Makefile

Chapter 2 • Data Race Tutorial 17

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Data Race Tutorial Source Files

and a DEMO file of instructions, but this tutorial does not follow those instructions or use theMakefile. Instead, you are instructed to execute commands individually.

To follow the tutorial, you can copy the prime_omp.c and prime_pthr.c files from the samplesdirectories to a different directory, or you can create your own files and copy the code from thefollowing code listings.

Source Code for prime_omp.c

This section shows the source code for prime_omp.c as follows:

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <stdio.h>

6 #include <math.h>

7 #include <omp.h>


9 #define THREADS 4

10 #define N 10000


12 int primes[N];

13 int pflag[N];


15 int is_prime(int v)

16 {

17 int i;

18 int bound = floor(sqrt(v)) + 1;


20 for (i = 2; i < bound; i++) {

21 /* no need to check against known composites */

22 if (!pflag[i])

23 continue;

24 if (v % i == 0) {

25 pflag[v] = 0;

26 return 0;

27 }

28 }

29 return (v > 1);

30 }


32 int main(int argn, char **argv)

33 {

34 int i;

35 int total = 0;

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Data Race Tutorial Source Files


37 #ifdef _OPENMP

38 omp_set_dynamic(0);

39 omp_set_num_threads(THREADS);

40 #endif


42 for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {

43 pflag[i] = 1;

44 }


46 #pragma omp parallel for

47 for (i = 2; i < N; i++) {

48 if ( is_prime(i) ) {

49 primes[total] = i;

50 total++;

51 }

52 }


54 printf("Number of prime numbers between 2 and %d: %d\n",

55 N, total);


57 return 0;

58 }

Source Code for prime_pthr.c

This section shows source code for prime_pthr.c as follows:

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <stdio.h>

6 #include <math.h>

7 #include <pthread.h>


9 #define THREADS 4

10 #define N 10000


12 int primes[N];

13 int pflag[N];

14 int total = 0;


16 int is_prime(int v)

17 {

18 int i;

Chapter 2 • Data Race Tutorial 19

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Data Race Tutorial Source Files

19 int bound = floor(sqrt(v)) + 1;


21 for (i = 2; i < bound; i++) {

22 /* no need to check against known composites */

23 if (!pflag[i])

24 continue;

25 if (v % i == 0) {

26 pflag[v] = 0;

27 return 0;

28 }

29 }

30 return (v > 1);

31 }


33 void * work(void *arg)

34 {

35 int start;

36 int end;

37 int i;


39 start = (N/THREADS) * (*(int *)arg);

40 end = start + N/THREADS;

41 for (i = start; i < end; i++) {

42 if ( is_prime(i) ) {

43 primes[total] = i;

44 total++;

45 }

46 }

47 return NULL;

48 }


50 int main(int argn, char **argv)

51 {

52 int i;

53 pthread_t tids[THREADS-1];


55 for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {

56 pflag[i] = 1;

57 }


59 for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {

60 pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, work, (void *)&i);

61 }


63 i = THREADS-1;

64 work((void *)&i);


66 for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {

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Data Race Tutorial Source Files

67 pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

68 }


70 printf("Number of prime numbers between 2 and %d: %d\n",

71 N, total);


73 return 0;

74 }

Effect of Data Races in prime_omp.c and prime_pthr.c

When there is a race condition in the code, the order of memory accesses is non-deterministicso the computation gives different results from run to run. The correct answer in the prime_ompand prime_pthr programs is 1229.

You can compile and run the examples so you can see that the execution of prime_omp orprime_pthr produces incorrect and inconsistent results because of the data races in the code.

In the following example, type the commands at the prompt to compile and run the prime_ompprogram:

% cc -xopenmp=noopt -o prime_omp prime_omp.c -lm


% ./prime_omp

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1229

% ./prime_omp

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1228

% ./prime_omp

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1180

In the following example, type the commands at the prompt to compile and run the prime_pthrprogram:

% cc -mt -o prime_pthr prime_pthr.c -lm


% ./prime_pthr

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1140

% ./prime_pthr

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1122

% ./prime_pthr

Number of prime numbers between 2 and 10000: 1141

Notice the inconsistency of the results of the three runs of each program. You might need to runthe programs more than three times to see inconsistent results.

Next, you instrument the code and create experiments so you can find out where the data racesare occurring.

Chapter 2 • Data Race Tutorial 21

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data Races

How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data RacesThread Analyzer follows the same “collect-analyze” model that the Oracle Developer StudioPerformance Analyzer uses.

There are three steps involved in using Thread Analyzer:

1. “Instrument the Code” on page 222. “Create a Data-Race-Detection Experiment” on page 233. “Examine the Data-Race-Detection Experiment” on page 24

Instrument the CodeIn order to enable data race detection in a program, the code must first be instrumented tomonitor memory accesses at runtime. The instrumentation can be done on application sourcecode or on the application binary. The tutorial shows how to use both methods of instrumentingthe programs.

To Instrument Source Code

To instrument the source code, you must compile the application with the special compileroption -xinstrument=datarace. This option instructs the compiler to instrument the generatedcode for data race detection.

Add the -xinstrument=datarace compiler option to the existing set of options you use tocompile your program.

Note - Be sure to also specify the -g option when you compile your program with -xinstrument=datarace to generate additional information to enable Thread Analyzer's fullcapabilities. Do not specify a high level of optimization when compiling your program for racedetection. Compile an OpenMP program with -xopenmp=noopt. The information reported, suchas line numbers and call stacks, might be incorrect when a high optimization level is used.

You can use the following commands for instrumenting the source code for the tutorial:

% cc -xinstrument=datarace -g -xopenmp=noopt -o prime_omp_inst prime_omp.c -lm

% cc -xinstrument=datarace -g -o prime_pthr_inst prime_pthr.c -lm

Notice that in the example, the output file is specified with _inst at the end so that you can tellthat the binary is the instrumented binary. This is not required.

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data Races

To Instrument Binary Code

To instrument a program's binary code instead of the source code, you need to use the discovertool, which is included in Oracle Developer Studio and is documented in the discover(1) manpage and Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Discover and Uncover User’s Guide.

For the tutorial examples, type the following command to compile the code:

% cc -xopenmp=noopt -g -o prime_omp prime_omp.c -lm

% cc -g -O2 -o prime_pthr prime_pthr.c -lm

Then run discover on the prime_omp and prime_pthr optimized binaries that you created:

% discover -i datarace -o prime_omp_disc prime_omp

% discover -i datarace -o prime_pthr_disc prime_pthr

These commands create instrumented binaries, prime_omp_disc and prime_pthr_disc that youcan use with collect to create experiments that you can examine with Thread Analyzer.

Create a Data-Race-Detection Experiment

Use the collect command with the -r race flag to run the program and create a data-race-detection experiment during the execution of the process. For OpenMP programs, make surethat the number of threads used is larger than one. In the tutorial samples, four threads are used.

To create experiments from the binaries that you created by instrumenting the source code:

% collect -r race -o prime_omp_inst

% collect -r race -o prime_pthr_inst

To create experiments from the binaries that you created by using the discover tool:

% collect -r race -o prime_omp_disc

% collect -r race -o prime_pthr_disc

To increase the likelihood of detecting data races, it is recommended that you create severaldata-race-detection experiments using collect with the -r race flag. Use a different numberof threads and different input data for each experiment.

For example, in prime_omp.c, the number of threads is set by the following line:

#define THREADS 4

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Data Races

The number of threads can be changed by changing 4 in the above to some other integer largerthan 1, for example 8.

The following line in prime_omp.c limits the program to look for prime numbers between 2 and3000:

#define N 3000

You can provide different input data by changing the value of N to make the program do more orless work.

Examine the Data-Race-Detection Experiment

You can examine a data-race-detection experiment with Thread Analyzer, PerformanceAnalyzer, or the er_print utility. Both Thread Analyzer and Performance Analyzer presenta GUI interface; Thread Analyzer presents a simplified set of default views, but is otherwiseidentical to Performance Analyzer.

Using Thread Analyzer to View the Data Race Experiment

To start Thread Analyzer, type the following command:

% tha

When you first start Thread Analyzer, you see the Welcome screen.

Thread Analyzer has a menu bar, a tool bar, and vertical navigation bar on the left that enablesyou to select data views.

The following data views are shown by default:

■ Overview screen shows a metrics overview of the loaded experiments.■ Races view shows a list of data races detected in the program, and associated call stack

traces. When you select an item in the Races view, the Race Details window shows detailedinformation about the data race or call stack trace selected.

■ Dual Source view shows the two source locations corresponding to the two accesses of aselected data race. The source line where a data race access occurred is highlighted.

■ Experiments view shows the load objects in the experiment, and lists error and warningmessages.

You can choose to see other views with the More Views options menu.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

Using er_print to View the Data Race Experiment

The er_print utility presents a command-line interface. You can use the er_print utility in aninteractive session and specify sub-commands during the session. You can also use command-line options to specify sub-commands non-interactively.

The following sub-commands are useful for examining races with the er_print utility:

■ -races

This reports any data races revealed in the experiment. Specify races at the (er_print)prompt or -races on the er_print command line.

■ -rdetail race_idThis displays detailed information about the data race with the specified race_id. Specifyrdetail at the (er_print) prompt or -rdetail on the er_print command line. If thespecified race_id is all, then detailed information about all data races will be displayed.Otherwise, specify a single race number such as 1 for the first data race.

■ -headerThis displays descriptive information about the experiment, and reports any errors orwarnings. Specify header at the (er_print) prompt or -header on the command line.

Refer to the collect(1), tha(1), analyzer(1), and er_print(1) man pages for moreinformation.

Understanding the Experiment Results

This section shows how to use both the er_print command line and Thread Analyzer todisplay the following information about each detected data race:

■ The unique ID of the data race.■ The virtual address, Vaddr, associated with the data race. If there is more than one virtual

address, then the label Multiple Addresses is displayed in parentheses.■ The memory accesses to the virtual address, Vaddr by two different threads. The type of the

access (read or write) is shown, as well as the function, offset, and line number in the sourcecode where the access occurred.

■ The total number of call stack traces associated with the data race. Each trace refers to thepair of thread call stacks at the time the two data race accesses occurred.If you are using Thread Analyzer, the two call stacks are displayed in the Race Detailswindow when you select an individual call stack trace in the Races view. If you are usingthe er_print utility, the two call stacks will be displayed by the rdetail command.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

Data Races in prime_omp.cTo examine data races in prime_omp.c, you can use one of the experiments you created in“Create a Data-Race-Detection Experiment” on page 23.

To show the data race information in the experiment with er_print, typethe following command.

% er_print

At the (er_print) prompt, type races to see output similar to the following:

(er_print) races

Total Races: 4 Experiment:

Race #1, Vaddr: 0x21850

Access 1: Write, line 25 in "prime_omp.c",


Access 2: Read, line 22 in "prime_omp.c",


Total Callstack Traces: 1

Race #2, Vaddr: (Multiple Addresses)

Access 1: Write, line 49 in "prime_omp.c",


Access 2: Write, line 49 in "prime_omp.c",


Total Callstack Traces: 1

Race #3, Vaddr: 0xffbff534

Access 1: Write, line 50 in "prime_omp.c",


Access 2: Read, line 49 in "prime_omp.c",


Total Callstack Traces: 1

Race #4, Vaddr: 0xffbff534

Access 1: Write, line 50 in "prime_omp.c",


Access 2: Write, line 50 in "prime_omp.c",


Total Callstack Traces: 1


Four data races occurred during this particular run of the program.

To open the experiment in Thread Analyzer, type the following command:

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Understanding the Experiment Results

% tha

The following screen shot shows the races that were detected in prime_omp.c as displayed byThread Analyzer.

FIGURE 1 Data Races Detected in prime_omp.c

Four data races are shown in prime_omp.c:

■ Race #1 shows a race between a write in the functionis_prime() on line 25 and a read inthe same function on line 22. If you look at the source code, you can see that on these linesthe pflag[ ] array is being accessed. In Thread Analyzer, you can click the Dual Sourceview to easily see the source code at both line numbers along with metrics showing thenumber of race accesses on the affected lines of code.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

■ Race #2 shows a race between two writes on line 49 in the main function. Click the DualSource view to see that there are multiple attempts to access elements of the primes [ ]array on line 49. Race #2 represents a group of data races that occur in different elements ofthe array primes[ ]. This is indicated by the Vaddr specified as Multiple Addresses.

■ Race #3 a race between a write in the main function on line 50 and a read in the samefunction on line 49 . If you look at the source code, you can see that on these lines thevariable total is being accessed.

■ Race #4 shows a race between two writes on line 50 in the main function. If you look at thesource code you can see that on these lines the variable total is being updated.The Dual Source view in Thread Analyzer enables you to see the two source locationsassociated with a data race at the same time. For example, select Race #1 for prime_omp.cin the Races view, and then click on the Dual Source view. You will see something similarto the following.

The Dual Source view in Thread Analyzer enables you to see the two source locationsassociated with a data race at the same time. For example, select Race #3 for prime_pthr.c inthe Races view and then click on the Dual Source view. You will see something similar to thefollowing.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

FIGURE 2 Source Code of Data Races Detected in prime_omp.c

Data Races in prime_pthr.c

To examine data races in prime_pthr.c, you can use one of the experiments you created in“Create a Data-Race-Detection Experiment” on page 23.

To show the data race information in the experiment with er_print,type the following command:

% er_print

At the (er_print) prompt, type races to see output similar to the following:

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Understanding the Experiment Results

(er_print) races

Total Races: 5 Experiment:

Race #1, Vaddr: (Multiple Addresses)

Access 1: Write, line 26 in "prime_pthr.c",

is_prime + 0x00000234

Access 2: Write, line 26 in "prime_pthr.c",

is_prime + 0x00000234

Total Callstack Traces: 2

Race #2, Vaddr: 0xffbff6dc

Access 1: Write, line 59 in "prime_pthr.c",

main + 0x00000208

Access 2: Read, line 39 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x00000070

Total Callstack Traces: 1

Race #3, Vaddr: 0x21620

Access 1: Write, line 44 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x000001C0

Access 2: Read, line 43 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x0000011C

Total Callstack Traces: 2

Race #4, Vaddr: 0x21620

Access 1: Write, line 44 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x000001C0

Access 2: Write, line 44 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x000001C0

Total Callstack Traces: 2

Race #5, Vaddr: (Multiple Addresses)

Access 1: Write, line 43 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x00000174

Access 2: Write, line 43 in "prime_pthr.c",

work + 0x00000174

Total Callstack Traces: 2


Five data races occurred during this particular run of the program.

To open the experiment in Thread Analyzer, type the followingcommand:

% tha

The following screen shot shows the races detected in prime_pthr.c as displayed by ThreadAnalyzer. Notice that they are the same as the races shown by er_print.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

FIGURE 3 Data Races Detected in prime_pthr.c

Five data races are shown in prime_pthr.c:

■ Race #1 is a data race between two writes to an element of the pflag[ ] array in functionis_prime() on line 26.

■ Race #2 is a data race between a write on line 59 to the memory location named i in main()and a read on line 39 of the same memory location named *arg in work().

■ Race #3 is a data race between a write to total on line 44 and a read of total on line 43.■ Race #4 is a data race between a write to total on line 44 and another write to total on the

same line.

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Understanding the Experiment Results

■ Race #5 is a data race between two writes on line 43 in the main() function. Race #5represents a group of data races that occur in different elements of the array primes[ ].This is indicated by the Vaddr specified as Multiple Addresses.

If you select Race #3 and then click the Dual Source view, you see the two source locations,similar to the following screen shot.

FIGURE 4 Source Code Details of a Data Race

The first access for Race #2 is at line 59 and is shown in the top panel. The second access is atline 39 and is shown in the bottom panel. The Race Accesses metric is highlighted at the leftof the source code. This metric gives a count of the number of times a data race access wasreported on that line.

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Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race

Call Stack Traces of Data RacesEach data race listed in the Races view of Thread Analyzer also has one or more associatedCall Stack Traces. The call stacks show the execution paths through the code that lead to a datarace. When you click a Call Stack Trace, the Race Details window in the right panel shows thefunction calls that lead to the data race.

FIGURE 5 Races View with Call Stack Traces for prime_omp.c

Diagnosing the Cause of a Data RaceThis section provides a basic strategy to diagnosing the cause of data races.

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Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race

Check Whether or Not the Data Race is a FalsePositiveA false positive data race is a data race that is reported by Thread Analyzer, but has actually notoccurred. In other words, it is a "false alarm". Thread Analyzer tries to reduce the number offalse positives reported. However, there are cases where the tool is not able to do a precise joband might report false positive data races.

You can ignore a false positive data race because it is not a genuine data race and, therefore,does not affect the behavior of the program.

See “False Positives” on page 38 for some examples of false positive data races. Forinformation on how to remove false positive data races from the report, see “Thread AnalyzerUser APIs” on page 77.

Check Whether or Not the Data Race is BenignA benign data race is an intentional data race whose existence does not affect the correctness ofthe program.

Some multithreaded applications intentionally use code that might cause data races. Since thedata races are there by design, no fix is required. In some cases, however, it is quite tricky to getsuch codes to run correctly. These data races should be reviewed carefully.

See “False Positives” on page 38 for more detailed information about benign races.

Fix the Bug, Not the Data RaceThread Analyzer can help find data races in the program, but it cannot automatically findbugs in the program nor suggest ways to fix the data races found. A data race might have beenintroduced by a bug. It is important to find and fix the bug. Merely removing the data race is notthe right approach, and could make further debugging even more difficult.

Fixing Bugs in prime_omp.c

This section describes how to fix the bug in prime_omp.c. See “Source Code forprime_omp.c” on page 18 for a complete file listing.

Move lines 49 and 50 into a critical section in order to remove the data race on elements ofthe array primes[ ].

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Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race

46 #pragma omp parallel for

47 for (i = 2; i < N; i++) {

48 if ( is_prime(i) ) {

#pragma omp critical


49 primes[total] = i;

50 total++;


51 }

52 }

You could also move lines 49 and 50 into two critical sections as follows, but this changefails to correct the program:

46 #pragma omp parallel fo

47 for (i = 2; i < N; i++) {

48 if ( is_prime (i) ) {

#pragma omp critical


49 primes [total] = i;


#pragma omp critical


50 total++;


51 }

52 }

The critical sections around lines 49 and 50 get rid of the data race because the threads are usingmutual exclusive locks to control their accesses to the primes[ ] array. However, the programis still incorrect. Two threads might update the same element of primes[ ] using the samevalue of total, and some elements of primes[ ] might not be assigned a value at all.

The second data race, between a read from pflag[ ] from line 22 and a write to pflag[ ] fromline 25, is actually a benign race because it does not lead to incorrect results. It is not essentialto fix benign data races.

Fixing Bugs in prime_pthr.c

This section describes how to fix the bug in prime_pthr.c. See “Source Code forprime_pthr.c” on page 19 for a complete file listing.

To remove the data race on prime[ ] at line 50, as well as the data race on total at line 44, add amutex lock/unlock around these two lines so only one thread can update prime[ ] and total at atime.

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Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race

The data race between the write to i on line 59 and the read of the same memory location(named *arg) on line 39 reveal a problem in the shared access to the variable i by differentthreads. The initial thread in prime_pthr.c creates the child threads in a loop in lines 59-61,and dispatches them to execute the function work(). The loop index i is passed to work()by address. Since all threads access the same memory location for i, the value of i for eachthread will not remain unique, but will change as the initial thread increments the loop index.As different threads use the same value of i, data races occur. One way to fix the problem is topass i to work() by value, instead of by address.

The following code is the corrected version of prime_pthr.c:

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <stdio.h>

6 #include <math.h>

7 #include <pthread.h>


9 #define THREADS 4

10 #define N 10000


12 int primes[N];

13 int pflag[N];

14 int total = 0;

15 pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;


17 int is_prime(int v)

18 {

19 int i;

20 int bound = floor(sqrt(v)) + 1;


22 for (i = 2; i < bound; i++) {

23 /* no need to check against known composites */

24 if (!pflag[i])

25 continue;

26 if (v % i == 0) {

27 pflag[v] = 0;

28 return 0;

29 }

30 }

31 return (v > 1);

32 }


34 void * work(void *arg)

35 {

36 int start;

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Diagnosing the Cause of a Data Race

37 int end;

38 int i;


40 start = (N/THREADS) * ((int)arg) ;

41 end = start + N/THREADS;

42 for (i = start; i < end; i++) {

43 if ( is_prime(i) ) {

44 pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);

45 primes[total] = i;

46 total++;

47 pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);

48 }

49 }

50 return NULL;

51 }


53 int main(int argn, char **argv)

54 {

55 int i;

56 pthread_t tids[THREADS-1];


58 for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {

59 pflag[i] = 1;

60 }


62 for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {

63 pthread_create(&tids[i], NULL, work, (void *)i);

64 }


66 i = THREADS-1;

67 work((void *)i);


69 for (i = 0; i < THREADS-1; i++) {

70 pthread_join(tids[i], NULL);

71 }


73 printf("Number of prime numbers between 2 and %d: %d\n",

74 N, total);


76 return 0;

77 }

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False Positives

False Positives

Occasionally, Thread Analyzer might report data races that have not actually occurred inthe program. These are called false positives. In most cases, false positives are caused byuser-defined synchronizations or by memory that is recycled by different threads. For moreinformation, see “User-Defined Synchronizations” on page 38 and “Memory That isRecycled by Different Threads” on page 39.

User-Defined Synchronizations

Thread Analyzer can recognize most standard synchronization APIs and constructs provided byOpenMP, POSIX threads, and Oracle Solaris threads. However, the tool cannot recognize user-defined synchronizations, and might report false positive data races if your code contains suchsynchronizations.

Note - In order to avoid reporting this kind of false positive data race, Thread Analyzer providesa set of APIs that can be used to notify the tool when user-defined synchronizations areperformed. See “Thread Analyzer User APIs” on page 77 for more information.

To illustrate why you might need to use the APIs, consider the following. Thread Analyzercannot recognize implementation of locks using CAS instructions, post and wait operationsusing busy-waits, and so on. Here is a typical example of a class of false positives where theprogram employs a common way of using POSIX thread condition variables:

/* Initially ready_flag is 0 */

/* Thread 1: Producer */

100 data = ...

101 pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);

102 ready_flag = 1;

103 pthread_cond_signal (&cond);

104 pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);


/* Thread 2: Consumer */

200 pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);

201 while (!ready_flag) {

202 pthread_cond_wait (&cond, &mutex);

203 }

204 pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

205 ... = data;

The pthread_cond_wait() call is usually made within a loop that tests the predicate to protectagainst program errors and spurious wake-ups. The test and set of the predicate is often

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False Positives

protected by a mutex lock. In the above code, Thread 1 produces the value for the variable dataat line 100, sets the value of ready_flag to one at line 102 to indicate that the data has beenproduced, and then calls pthread_cond_signal() to wake up the consumer thread, Thread2. Thread 2 tests the predicate (!ready_flag) in a loop. When it finds that the flag is set, itconsumes the data at line 205.

The write of ready_flag at line 102 and read of ready_flag at line 201 are protected by thesame mutex lock, so there is no data race between the two accesses and the tool recognizes thatcorrectly.

The write of data at line 100 and the read of data at line 205 are not protected by mutexlocks. However, in the program logic, the read at line 205 always happens after the write atline 100 because of the flag variable ready_flag. Consequently, there is no data race betweenthese two accesses to data. However, the tool reports that there is a data race between thetwo accesses if the call to pthread_cond_wait() (line 202) is actually not called at run time.If line 102 is executed before line 201 is ever executed, then when line 201 is executed, theloop entry test fails and line 202 is skipped. The tool monitors pthread_cond_signal()calls and pthread_cond_wait() calls and can pair them to derive synchronization. When thepthread_cond_wait() at line 202 is not called, the tool does not know that the write at line100 is always executed before the read at line 205. Therefore, it considers them as executedconcurrently and reports a data race between them.

The libtha(3C) man page and “Thread Analyzer User APIs” on page 77 explain how touse the APIs to avoid reports of this kind of false positive data race.

Memory That is Recycled by Different Threads

Some memory management routines recycle memory that is freed by one thread for use byanother thread. Thread Analyzer is sometimes not able to recognize that the life spans of thesame memory location used by different threads do not overlap. When this happens, the toolmight report a false positive data race. The following example illustrates this kind of falsepositive.

/*----------*/ /*----------*/

/* Thread 1 */ /* Thread 2 */

/*----------*/ /*----------*/

ptr1 = mymalloc(sizeof(data_t));

ptr1->data = ...



ptr2 = mymalloc(sizeof(data_t));

ptr2->data = ...

Chapter 2 • Data Race Tutorial 39

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Benign Data Races



Thread 1 and Thread 2 execute concurrently. Each thread allocates a chunk of memory thatis used as its private memory. The routine mymalloc() might supply the memory freed by aprevious call to myfree(). If Thread 2 calls mymalloc() before Thread 1 calls myfree(), thenptr1 and ptr2 get different values and there is no data race between the two threads. However,if Thread 2 calls mymalloc() after Thread 1 calls myfree(), then ptr1 and ptr2 might have thesame value. There is no data race because Thread 1 no longer accesses that memory. However,if the tool does not know mymalloc() is recycling memory, it reports a data race between thewrite of ptr1 data and the write of ptr2 data. This kind of false positive often happens inC++ applications when the C++ runtime library recycles memory for temporary variables.It also often happens in user applications that implement their own memory managementroutines. Currently, Thread Analyzer is able to recognize memory allocation and free operationsperformed with the standard malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() interfaces.

Benign Data Races

Some multithreaded applications intentionally enable data races in order to get betterperformance. A benign data race is an intentional data race whose existence does not affect thecorrectness of the program. The following examples demonstrate benign data races.

Note - In addition to benign data races, a large class of applications enable data races becausethey rely on lock-free and wait-free algorithms which are difficult to design correctly. ThreadAnalyzer can help determine the locations of data races in these applications.

A Program for Finding Primes

The threads in prime_omp.c check whether an integer is a prime number by executing thefunction is_prime().

15 int is_prime(int v)

16 {

17 int i;

18 int bound = floor(sqrt(v)) + 1;


20 for (i = 2; i < bound; i++) {

21 /* no need to check against known composites


22 if (!pflag[i])

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Benign Data Races

23 continue;

24 if (v % i == 0) {

25 pflag[v] = 0;

26 return 0;

27 }

28 }

29 return (v > 1);

30 }

Thread Analyzer reports that there is a data race between the write to pflag[ ] on line 25and the read of pflag[ ] on line 22. However, this data race is benign as it does not affect thecorrectness of the final result. At line 22, a thread checks whether or not pflag[i], for a givenvalue of i is equal to zero. If pflag[i] is equal to zero, that means that i is a known compositenumber (in other words, i is known to be non-prime). Consequently, there is no need to checkwhether or not v is divisible by i; you only need to check whether or not v is divisible by someprime number. Therefore, if pflag[i] is equal to zero, the thread continues to the next value ofi. I pflag[i] is not equal to zero and v is divisible by i, the thread assigns zero to pflag[v] toindicate that v is not a prime number.

It does not matter, from a correctness point of view, if multiple threads check the samepflag[ ] element and write to it concurrently. The initial value of a pflag[ ] element is one.When the threads update that element, they assign it the value zero. That is, the threads storezero in the same bit in the same byte of memory for that element. On current architectures, itis safe to assume that those stores are atomic. This means that, when that element is read by athread, the value read is either one or zero. If a thread checks a given pflag[ ] element (line22) before it has been assigned the value zero, it then executes lines 24–26. If, in the meantime,another thread assigns zero to that same pflag[ ] element (line 25), the final result is notchanged. Essentially, this means that the first thread executed lines 24–26 unnecessarily, but thefinal result is the same.

A Program that Verifies Array-Value Types

A group of threads call check_bad_array() concurrently to check whether any element of arraydata_array is “bad”. Each thread checks a different section of the array. If a thread finds thatan element is bad, it sets the value of a global shared variable is_bad to true.

20 volatile int is_bad = 0;


100 /*

101 * Each thread checks its assigned portion of data_array, and sets

102 * the global flag is_bad to 1 once it finds a bad data element.

103 */

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Benign Data Races

104 void check_bad_array(volatile data_t *data_array, unsigned int thread_id)

105 {

106 int i;

107 for (i=my_start(thread_id); i<my_end(thread_id); i++) {

108 if (is_bad)

109 return;

110 else {

111 if (is_bad_element(data_array[i])) {

112 is_bad = 1;

113 return;

114 }

115 }

116 }

117 }

There is a data race between the read of is_bad on line 108 and the write to is_bad on line 112.However, the data race does not affect the correctness of the final result.

The initial value of is_bad is zero. When the threads update is_bad, they assign it the valueone. That is, the threads store one in the same bit in the same byte of memory for is_bad. Oncurrent architectures, it is safe to assume that those stores are atomic. Therefore, when is_bad isread by a thread, the value read will either be zero or one. If a thread checks is_bad (line 108)before it has been assigned the value one, then it continues executing the for loop. If, in themeantime, another thread has assigned the value one to is_bad (line 112), that does not changethe final result. It just means that the thread executed the for loop longer than necessary.

A Program Using Double-Checked Locking

A singleton ensures that only one object of a certain type exists throughout the program.Double-checked locking is a common, efficient way to initialize a singleton in multithreadedapplications. The following code illustrates such an implementation.

100 class Singleton {

101 public:

102 static Singleton* instance();

103 ...

104 private:

105 static Singleton* ptr_instance;

106 };


108 Singleton* Singleton::ptr_instance = 0;


200 Singleton* Singleton::instance() {

201 Singleton *tmp;

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Benign Data Races

202 if (ptr_instance == 0) {

203 Lock();

204 if (ptr_instance == 0) {

205 tmp = new Singleton;


207 /* Make sure that all writes used to construct new

208 Singleton have been completed. */

209 memory_barrier();


211 /* Update ptr_instance to point to new Singleton. */

212 ptr_instance = tmp;


214 }

215 Unlock();

216 }

217 return ptr_instance;

The read of ptr_instance on line 202 is intentionally not protected by a lock. This makesthe check to determine whether or not the Singleton has already been instantiated in amultithreaded environment more efficient. Notice that there is a data race on variableptr_instance between the read on line 202 and the write on line 212, but the program workscorrectly. However, writing a correct program that enables data races requires extra care. Forexample, in the above double-checked-locking code, the call to memory_barrier() at line 209is used to ensure that ptr_instance is not seen to be non-null by the threads until all writes toconstruct the Singleton have been completed.

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3 ♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 3

Deadlock Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to use Thread Analyzer to detect potential deadlocks and actualdeadlocks in your multithreaded program.The tutorial covers the following topics:

■ “About Deadlocks” on page 45■ “Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files” on page 46■ “The Dining Philosophers Scenario” on page 49■ “How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks” on page 54■ “Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results” on page 57■ “Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives” on page 65

About DeadlocksThe term deadlock describes a condition in which two or more threads are blocked foreverbecause they are waiting for each other. There are many causes of deadlocks such as erroneousprogram logic and inappropriate use of synchronizations such as locks and barriers. This tutorialfocuses on deadlocks that are caused by the inappropriate use of mutexes, or mutual exclusionlocks. This type of deadlock is commonly encountered in multithreaded applications.

A process with two or more threads can enter deadlock when the following three conditionshold:

■ Threads that are already holding locks request new locks■ The requests for new locks are made concurrently■ Two or more threads form a circular chain in which each thread waits for a lock which is

held by the next thread in the chain

Here is a simple example of a deadlock condition:

■ Thread 1 holds lock A and requests lock B■ Thread 2 holds lock B and requests lock A

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Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files

A deadlock can be of two types: A potential deadlock or an actual deadlock and they aredistinguished as follows:

■ A potential deadlock does not necessarily occur in a given run, but can occur in anyexecution of the program depending on the scheduling of threads and the timing of lockrequests by the threads.

■ An actual deadlock is one that occurs during the execution of a program. An actual deadlockcauses the threads involved to hang, but might cause the whole process to hang.

Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source FilesYou can download the source files used in this tutorial from the Download area ( of theOracle Developer Studio developer portal.

After you download and unpack the sample files, you can find the samples in theOracleDeveloperStudio12.5-Samples/ThreadAnalyzer directory. The samples are locatedin the din_philo subdirectory. The din_philo directory includes a Makefile and a DEMO fileof instructions, but this tutorial does not follow those instructions or use the Makefile. Instead,you are instructed to execute commands individually.

To follow the tutorial, you can copy the din_philo.c file from the OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-Samples/ThreadAnalyzer/din_philo directory to a different directory, or you can createyour own file and copy the code from the following code listing.

The din_philo.c sample program which simulates the dining-philosophers problem is a Cprogram that uses POSIX threads. The program can exhibit both potential and actual deadlocks.

Source Code Listing for din_philo.cThe source code for din_philo.c is shown below:

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <pthread.h>

6 #include <stdio.h>

7 #include <unistd.h>

8 #include <stdlib.h>

9 #include <errno.h>

10 #include <assert.h>

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Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files


12 #define PHILOS 5

13 #define DELAY 5000

14 #define FOOD 100


16 void *philosopher (void *id);

17 void grab_chopstick (int,

18 int,

19 char *);

20 void down_chopsticks (int,

21 int);

22 int food_on_table ();


24 pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];

25 pthread_t philo[PHILOS];

26 pthread_mutex_t food_lock;

27 int sleep_seconds = 0;



30 int

31 main (int argn,

32 char **argv)

33 {

34 int i;


36 if (argn == 2)

37 sleep_seconds = atoi (argv[1]);


39 pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);

40 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

41 pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);

42 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

43 pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);

44 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

45 pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);

46 return 0;

47 }


49 void *

50 philosopher (void *num)

51 {

52 int id;

53 int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;


55 id = (int)num;

56 printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);

57 right_chopstick = id;

58 left_chopstick = id + 1;

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Getting the Deadlock Tutorial Source Files


60 /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */

61 if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)

62 left_chopstick = 0;


64 while (f = food_on_table ()) {


66 /* Thanks to philosophers #1 who would like to take a nap

67 * before picking up the chopsticks, the other philosophers

68 * may be able to eat their dishes and not deadlock.

69 */

70 if (id == 1)

71 sleep (sleep_seconds);


73 grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");

74 grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");


76 printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);

77 usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));

78 down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);

79 }


81 printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);

82 return (NULL);

83 }


85 int

86 food_on_table ()

87 {

88 static int food = FOOD;

89 int myfood;


91 pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);

92 if (food > 0) {

93 food--;

94 }

95 myfood = food;

96 pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);

97 return myfood;

98 }


100 void

101 grab_chopstick (int phil,

102 int c,

103 char *hand)

104 {

105 pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);

106 printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);

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The Dining Philosophers Scenario

107 }


109 void

110 down_chopsticks (int c1,

111 int c2)

112 {

113 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);

114 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);

115 }

The Dining Philosophers Scenario

The dining philosophers scenario is a classic which is structured as follows. Five philosophers,numbered zero to four, are sitting at a round table, thinking. As time passes, differentindividuals become hungry and decide to eat. There is a platter of noodles on the table but eachphilosopher only has one chopstick to use. In order to eat, they must share chopsticks. Thechopstick to the right of each philosopher (as they sit facing the table) has the same number asthat philosopher.

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The Dining Philosophers Scenario

FIGURE 6 Dining Philosophers

Each philosopher first reaches for his own chopstick which is the one with his number. When hehas his assigned chopstick, he reaches for the chopstick assigned to his neighbor. After he hasboth chopsticks, he can eat. After eating, he returns the chopsticks to their original positions onthe table, one on either side. The process is repeated until there are no more noodles.

How the Philosophers Can DeadlockAn actual deadlock occurs when every philosopher is holding his own chopstick and waiting forthe one from his neighbor to become available:

■ Philosopher 0 is holding chopstick 0, but is waiting for chopstick 1■ Philosopher 1 is holding chopstick 1, but is waiting for chopstick 2■ Philosopher 2 is holding chopstick 2, but is waiting for chopstick 3

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The Dining Philosophers Scenario

■ Philosopher 3 is holding chopstick 3, but is waiting for chopstick 4■ Philosopher 4 is holding chopstick 4, but is waiting for chopstick 0

In this situation, nobody can eat and the philosophers are in a deadlock. Run the program anumber of times. You will see that the program might hang sometimes, and run to completion atother times. The program might hang as shown in the following sample run:

prompt% cc din_philo.c

prompt% a.out

Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Philosopher 2: eating.

Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1


Execution terminated by pressing CTRL-C

Introducing a Sleep Time for Philosopher 1

One way to avoid deadlocks is for Philosopher 1 to wait before reaching for his chopstick. Interms of the code, he can be put to sleep for a specified amount of time (sleep_seconds) beforereaching for his chopstick. If he sleeps long enough, then the program might finish withoutany actual deadlock. You can specify the number of seconds he sleeps as an argument to theexecutable. If you do not specify an argument, the philosopher does not sleep.

The following pseudo-code shows the logic for each philosopher:

while (there is still food on the table)


if (sleep argument is specified and I am philosopher #1)


sleep specified amount of time


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The Dining Philosophers Scenario

grab right chopstick

grab left chopstick

eat some food

put down left chopstick

put down right chopstick


The following listing shows one run of the program in which Philosopher 1 waits 30 secondsbefore reaching for his chopstick. The program runs to completion and all five philosophersfinish eating.

% a.out 30

Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

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The Dining Philosophers Scenario

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.


Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0 is done eating.

Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0

Philosopher 4: eating.

Philosopher 4 is done eating.

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: eating.

Philosopher 3 is done eating.

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: eating.

Philosopher 2 is done eating.

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1

Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2

Philosopher 1: eating.

Philosopher 1 is done eating.


Execution terminated normally

Try running the program several times and specifying different sleep arguments. What happenswhen Philosopher 1 waits only a short time before reaching for his chopstick? How about when

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

he waits longer? Try specifying different sleep arguments to the executable a.out. Rerun theprogram with or without a sleep argument several times. Sometimes the program hangs, while itruns to completion at other times. Whether the program hangs or not depends on the schedulingof threads and the timings of requests for locks by the threads.

How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

You can use Thread Analyzer to check for potential and actual deadlocks in your program.Thread Analyzer follows the same collect-analyze model that Oracle Developer StudioPerformance Analyzer uses.

There are three steps involved in using Thread Analyzer:

■ Compile the source code.■ Create a deadlock-detection experiment.■ Examine the experiment results.

Compile the Source Code

Compile your code and be sure to specify -g. Do not specify a high-level of optimizationbecause information such as line numbers and call stacks, might be reported incorrectly at ahigh optimization level. Compile an OpenMP program with -g -xopenmp=noopt, and compile aPOSIX threads program with just -g -mt.

See cc(1), CC(1), or f95(1) man pages for more information about these compiler options.

For this tutorial, compile the code using the following command:

% cc -g -o din_philo din_philo.c

Create a Deadlock-Detection Experiment

Use the collect command with the -r deadlock option. This option creates a deadlock-detection experiment during the execution of the program.

For this tutorial, create a deadlock-detection experiment named using thefollowing command:

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

% collect -r deadlock -o din_philo

The collect -r command accepts the following options, which are useful when creating adeadlock-detection experiment:

terminate If an unrecoverable error is detected, terminate the program.

abort If an unrecoverable error is detected, terminate the program with a coredump.

continue If an unrecoverable error is detected, enable the program to continue.

The default behavior is terminate.

You can use any of the previous options with the collect -r command to get the behavioryou want. For example, to cause the program to terminate with a core dump when an actualdeadlock occurs use the following collect -r command.

% collect -r deadlock, abort -o din_philo

To cause the program to hang when an actual deadlock occurs, use the following collect -rcommand:

% collect -r deadlock, continue -o din_philo

You can increase the likelihood of detecting deadlocks by creating several deadlock-detectionexperiments. Use a different number of threads and different input data for the variousexperiments. For example, in the din_philo.c code, you could change the values in thefollowing lines:

13 #define PHILOS 5

14 #define DELAY 5000

15 #define FOOD 100

You could then compile as before and collect another experiment.

See collect(1) and collector(1) man pages for more information.

Examine the Deadlock-Detection Experiment

You can examine a deadlock-detection experiment with Thread Analyzer, PerformanceAnalyzer, or the er_print utility. Both Thread Analyzer and Performance Analyzer presenta GUI interface; Thread Analyzer presents a simplified set of default views, but is otherwiseidentical to Performance Analyzer.

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How to Use Thread Analyzer to Find Deadlocks

Using Thread Analyzer to View the Deadlock-DetectionExperiment

To start Thread Analyzer and open the experiment, type the followingcommand:

% tha

Thread Analyzer has a menu bar, a tool bar, and vertical navigation bar on the left that enablesyou to select data views.

The following data views are shown by default when you open an experiment that was collectedfor deadlock detection:

■ Overview screen shows the metrics overview of the loaded experiments.■ Deadlocks view shows a list of potential and actual deadlocks that Thread Analyzer

detected in the program. The threads involved for each deadlock are shown. These threadsform a circular chain where each thread holds a lock and requests another lock that the nextthread in the chain holds.When you select a deadlock, the Deadlock Details window in the right panel shows detailedinformation about the threads involved.

■ Dual Source view shows the source location where the thread held a lock, and the sourcelocation where the same thread requested a lock. The source lines where the thread held andrequested locks are highlighted. To display this view, select a thread in the circular chain onthe Deadlocks view and then click on the Dual Source view.

■ Experiments view shows the load objects in the experiment and lists any error and warningmessages.

You can choose to see other views with the More Views options menu.

Using er_print to View the Deadlock-Detection Experiment

The er_print utility presents a command-line interface. You can use the er_print utility in aninteractive session and specify sub-commands during the session. You can also use command-line options to specify sub-commands non-interactively.

To display the deadlock-detection experiment, type the following command:

% er_print

The following sub-commands are useful for examining deadlocks with the er_print utility:

■ -deadlocks

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

This option reports any potential and actual deadlocks detected in the experiment. Specifydeadlocks at the (er_print) prompt or -deadlocks on the er_print command line.

■ -ddetail deadlock-IDThis option returns detailed information about the deadlock with the specified deadlock-ID.Specify ddetail at the (er_print) prompt or -ddetail on the er_print command line. Ifthe specified deadlock-ID is all, then detailed information about all deadlocks is displayed.Otherwise, specify a single deadlock number such as 1 for the first deadlock.

■ -headerThis option displays descriptive information about the experiment and reports any errors orwarnings. Specify header at the (er_print) prompt or -header on the command line.

Refer to the collect(1), tha(1), analyzer(1), and er_print(1) man pages for moreinformation.

Understanding the Deadlock Experiment ResultsThis section explains how to use Thread Analyzer to investigate the deadlocks in the diningphilosopher program.

Examining Runs That DeadlockThe following listing shows a run of the dining philosophers program that results in an actualdeadlock.

% cc -g -o din_philo din_philo.c

% collect -r deadlock -o din_philo

Creating experiment database ...

Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 1: eating.

Philosopher 3: eating.

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Chapter 3 • Deadlock Tutorial 57

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1

Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0

Philosopher 4: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: eating.

Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: eating.

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2

Philosopher 1: eating.

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1

Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0

Philosopher 4: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: eating.


Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: eating.

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3


Execution terminated by pressing CTRL-C

Type the following commands to examine the experiment with er_print utility:

% er_print

(er_print) deadlocks

Deadlock #1, Potential deadlock

Thread #2

Lock being held: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #3

Lock being held: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

Lock being requested: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #4

Lock being held: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #5

Lock being held: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #6

Lock being held: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Deadlock #2, Actual deadlock

Thread #2

Lock being held: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #3

Lock being held: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #4

Lock being held: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #5

Lock being held: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #6

Lock being held: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Lock being requested: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Deadlocks List Summary: Experiment:

Total Deadlocks: 2


Chapter 3 • Deadlock Tutorial 59

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

The following screen shot shows Thread Analyzer's presentation of the deadlock information.

FIGURE 7 Deadlock Detected in din_philo.c

Thread Analyzer reports two deadlocks for din_philo.c, one potential and the other actual. Oncloser inspection, you find that the two deadlocks are identical.

The circular chain involved in the deadlock is as follows:

Thread 2: holds lock at address0x21300, requests lock at address0x21318

Thread 3: holds lock at address0x21318, requests lock at address0x21330

Thread 4: holds lock at address0x21330, requests lock at address0x21348

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

Thread 5: holds lock at address0x21348, requests lock at address0x21360

Thread 6: holds lock at address0x21360, requests lock at address0x21300

Select the first thread in the chain (Thread #2) and then click the Dual Source view to see thesource code location in which Thread #2 held the lock at address 0x21430, and where in thesource code it requested the lock at address 0x21448. The following figure shows the DualSource view for Thread #2.

The following screen shot shows the Dual Source view for Thread #2. The top half ofthe screen shot shows that Thread #2 acquired the lock at address 0x21300 by callingpthread_mutex_lock() on line 105. The bottom half of the screen shot shows that the samethread requested the lock at address 0x21318 by calling pthread_mutex_lock on line 105. Eachof the two calls to pthread_mutex_lock used a different lock as the argument. In general, thelock-acquire and lock-request operations might not be on the same source line.

The default metric (Exclusive Deadlocks metric) is shown to the left of each source line in thescreen shot. This metric gives a count of the number of times a lock-acquire or lock-requestoperation, which was involved in a deadlock, was reported on that source line. Only sourcelines that are part of a deadlock chain would have a value for this metric that is larger than zero.

Chapter 3 • Deadlock Tutorial 61

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

FIGURE 8 Potential Deadlock in din_philo.c

Examining Runs That Complete Despite DeadlockPotential

The dining philosophers program can avoid actual deadlock and terminate normally if yousupply a large enough sleep argument. Normal termination, however, does not mean theprogram is safe from deadlocks. It simply means that the locks that were held and requesteddid not form a deadlock chain during a given run. If the timing changes in other runs, an actualdeadlock can occur. The following listing shows a run of the dining philosophers programthat terminates normally because of the 40 second sleep time (supplied as an argument to theexecutable).

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

% cc -g -o din_philo_pt din_philo.c

% collect -r deadlock -o din_philo_pt 40

Creating experiment database ...

Philosopher 0 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 1 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 3 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 4 is done thinking and now ready to eat.

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: eating.

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: eating.


Philosopher 4: got right chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: got right chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: got right chopstick 2

Philosopher 4: got left chopstick 0

Philosopher 4: eating.

Philosopher 4 is done eating.

Philosopher 3: got left chopstick 4

Philosopher 3: eating.

Philosopher 0: got right chopstick 0

Philosopher 0: got left chopstick 1

Philosopher 0: eating.

Philosopher 3 is done eating.

Philosopher 2: got left chopstick 3

Philosopher 2: eating.

Philosopher 0 is done eating.

Philosopher 2 is done eating.

Philosopher 1: got right chopstick 1

Philosopher 1: got left chopstick 2

Philosopher 1: eating.

Philosopher 1 is done eating.


Execution terminated normally

Type the following commands shown at the prompts to examine the experiment with er_printutility:

Chapter 3 • Deadlock Tutorial 63

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Understanding the Deadlock Experiment Results

% er_print

(er_print) deadlocks

Deadlock #1, Potential deadlock

Thread #2

Lock being held: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in "din_philo.


Lock being requested: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #3

Lock being held: 0x21318, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in "din_philo.


Lock being requested: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #4

Lock being held: 0x21330, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in "din_philo.


Lock being requested: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #5

Lock being held: 0x21348, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in "din_philo.


Lock being requested: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Thread #6

Lock being held: 0x21360, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in "din_philo.


Lock being requested: 0x21300, at: grab_chopstick + 0x0000003C, line 105 in


Deadlocks List Summary: Experiment: Total Deadlocks: 1


The following screen shot shows the potential deadlock information in Thread Analyzer.

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

FIGURE 9 Potential deadlock in din_philo.c

Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False PositivesOne way to remove potential and actual deadlocks is to use a system of tokens so that aphilosopher must receive a token before attempting to eat. The number of available tokensmust be less than the number of philosophers at the table. After a philosopher receives a token,he can attempt to eat in accordance with the rules of the table. After eating, each philosopherreturns the token and repeats the process. The following pseudo-code shows the logic for eachphilosopher when using the token system.

while (there is still food on the table)


get token

grab right fork

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

grab left fork

eat some food

put down left fork

put down right fork

return token


The following sections detail two different implementations for the system of tokens.

Regulating the Philosophers With TokensThe following listing shows the fixed version of the dining philosophers program that uses thetoken system. This solution incorporates four tokens, one less than the number of diners, so nomore than four philosophers can attempt to eat at the same time. This version of the program iscalled din_philo_fix1.c:

Tip - If you downloaded the sample applications, you can copy the din_philo_fix1.c file fromthe OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-Samples/ThreadAnalyzer/din_philo directory.

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <pthread.h>

6 #include <stdio.h>

7 #include <unistd.h>

8 #include <stdlib.h>

9 #include <errno.h>

10 #include <assert.h>


12 #ifdef __linux__

13 #include <stdint.h>

14 #endif


16 #define PHILOS 5

17 #define DELAY 5000

18 #define FOOD 100


20 void *philosopher (void *id);

21 void grab_chopstick (int,

22 int,

23 char *);

24 void down_chopsticks (int,

25 int);

26 int food_on_table ();

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

27 int get_token ();

28 void return_token ();


30 pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];

31 pthread_t philo[PHILOS];

32 pthread_mutex_t food_lock;

33 pthread_mutex_t num_can_eat_lock;

34 int sleep_seconds = 0;

35 uint32_t num_can_eat = PHILOS - 1;



38 int

39 main (int argn,

40 char **argv)

41 {

42 int i;


44 pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);

45 pthread_mutex_init (&num_can_eat_lock, NULL);

46 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

47 pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);

48 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

49 pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);

50 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

51 pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);

52 return 0;

53 }


55 void *

56 philosopher (void *num)

57 {

58 int id;

59 int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;


61 id = (int)num;

62 printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);

63 right_chopstick = id;

64 left_chopstick = id + 1;


66 /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */

67 if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)

68 left_chopstick = 0;


70 while (f = food_on_table ()) {

71 get_token ();


73 grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");

74 grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");

Chapter 3 • Deadlock Tutorial 67

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives


76 printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);

77 usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));

78 down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);


80 return_token ();

81 }


83 printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);

84 return (NULL);

85 }


87 int

88 food_on_table ()

89 {

90 static int food = FOOD;

91 int myfood;


93 pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);

94 if (food > 0) {

95 food--;

96 }

97 myfood = food;

98 pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);

99 return myfood;

100 }


102 void

103 grab_chopstick (int phil,

104 int c,

105 char *hand)

106 {

107 pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);

108 printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);

109 }




113 void

114 down_chopsticks (int c1,

115 int c2)

116 {

117 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);

118 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);

119 }



122 int

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

123 get_token ()

124 {

125 int successful = 0;


127 while (!successful) {

128 pthread_mutex_lock (&num_can_eat_lock);

129 if (num_can_eat > 0) {

130 num_can_eat--;

131 successful = 1;

132 }

133 else {

134 successful = 0;

135 }

136 pthread_mutex_unlock (&num_can_eat_lock);

137 }

138 }


140 void

141 return_token ()

142 {

143 pthread_mutex_lock (&num_can_eat_lock);

144 num_can_eat++;

145 pthread_mutex_unlock (&num_can_eat_lock);

146 }

Try compiling this fixed version of the dining philosophers program and running it severaltimes. The system of tokens limits the number of diners attempting to use the chopsticks andthus avoids actual and potential deadlocks.

To compile, use the following command:

% cc -g -o din_philo_fix1 din_philo_fix1.c

To collect an experiment:

% collect -r deadlock -o din_philo_fix1

A False Positive Report

Even when using the system of tokens, Thread Analyzer reports a potential deadlock for thisimplementation when none exists. This is a false positive. Consider the following screen shotwhich details the potential deadlock.

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

FIGURE 10 False Positive Report of a Potential Deadlock

Select the first thread in the chain (Thread #2) and then click the Dual Source view to see thesource code location in which Thread #2 held the lock at address 0x216a8, and where in thesource code it requested the lock at address 0x216c0. The following figure shows the DualSource view for Thread #2.

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

FIGURE 11 False Positive Potential Deadlock's Source

The get_token() function in din_philo_fix1.c uses a while loop to synchronize the threads.A thread will not leave the while loop until it successfully gets a token (this occurs whennum_can_eat is greater than zero). The while loop limits the number of simultaneous dinersto four. However, the synchronization implemented by the while loop is not recognized byThread Analyzer. It assumes that all five philosophers attempt to grab the chopsticks and eatconcurrently, so it reports a potential deadlock. The following section details how to limit thenumber of simultaneous diners by using synchronizations that Thread Analyzer recognizes.

An Alternative System of TokensThe following listing shows an alternative implementation of the system of tokens. Thisimplementation still uses four tokens, so no more than four diners attempt to eat at thesame time. However, this implementation uses the sem_wait() and sem_post() semaphore

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

routines to limit the number of eating philosophers. This version of the source file is calleddin_philo_fix2.c.

Tip - If you downloaded the sample applications, you can copy the din_philo_fix2.c file fromthe OracleDeveloperStudio12.5-Samples/ThreadAnalyzer/din_philo directory.

The following listing details din_philo_fix2.c:

1 /*

2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

3 */


5 #include <pthread.h>

6 #include <stdio.h>

7 #include <unistd.h>

8 #include <stdlib.h>

9 #include <errno.h>

10 #include <assert.h>

11 #include <semaphore.h>


13 #define PHILOS 5

14 #define DELAY 5000

15 #define FOOD 100


17 void *philosopher (void *id);

18 void grab_chopstick (int,

19 int,

20 char *);

21 void down_chopsticks (int,

22 int);

23 int food_on_table ();

24 int get_token ();

25 void return_token ();


27 pthread_mutex_t chopstick[PHILOS];

28 pthread_t philo[PHILOS];

29 pthread_mutex_t food_lock;

30 int sleep_seconds = 0;

31 sem_t num_can_eat_sem;



34 int

35 main (int argn,

36 char **argv)

37 {

38 int i;


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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

40 pthread_mutex_init (&food_lock, NULL);

41 sem_init(&num_can_eat_sem, 0, PHILOS - 1);

42 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

43 pthread_mutex_init (&chopstick[i], NULL);

44 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

45 pthread_create (&philo[i], NULL, philosopher, (void *)i);

46 for (i = 0; i < PHILOS; i++)

47 pthread_join (philo[i], NULL);

48 return 0;

49 }


51 void *

52 philosopher (void *num)

53 {

54 int id;

55 int i, left_chopstick, right_chopstick, f;


57 id = (int)num;

58 printf ("Philosopher %d is done thinking and now ready to eat.\n", id);

59 right_chopstick = id;

60 left_chopstick = id + 1;


62 /* Wrap around the chopsticks. */

63 if (left_chopstick == PHILOS)

64 left_chopstick = 0;


66 while (f = food_on_table ()) {

67 get_token ();


69 grab_chopstick (id, right_chopstick, "right ");

70 grab_chopstick (id, left_chopstick, "left");


72 printf ("Philosopher %d: eating.\n", id);

73 usleep (DELAY * (FOOD - f + 1));

74 down_chopsticks (left_chopstick, right_chopstick);


76 return_token ();

77 }


79 printf ("Philosopher %d is done eating.\n", id);

80 return (NULL);

81 }


83 int

84 food_on_table ()

85 {

86 static int food = FOOD;

87 int myfood;

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives


89 pthread_mutex_lock (&food_lock);

90 if (food > 0) {

91 food--;

92 }

93 myfood = food;

94 pthread_mutex_unlock (&food_lock);

95 return myfood;

96 }


98 void

99 grab_chopstick (int phil,

100 int c,

101 char *hand)

102 {

103 pthread_mutex_lock (&chopstick[c]);

104 printf ("Philosopher %d: got %s chopstick %d\n", phil, hand, c);

105 }


107 void

108 down_chopsticks (int c1,

109 int c2)

110 {

111 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c1]);

112 pthread_mutex_unlock (&chopstick[c2]);

113 }



116 int

117 get_token ()

118 {

119 sem_wait(&num_can_eat_sem);

120 }


122 void

123 return_token ()

124 {

125 sem_post(&num_can_eat_sem);

126 }

This new implementation uses the semaphore num_can_eat_sem to limit the number ofphilosophers who can eat at the same time. The semaphore num_can_eat_sem is initialized tofour, one less than the number of philosophers. Before attempting to eat, a philosopher callsget_token() which in turn calls sem_wait(&num_can_eat_sem). The call to sem_wait()causes the calling philosopher to wait until the semaphore's value is positive, then changesthe semaphore's value by subtracting one from the value. When a philosopher is done eating,he calls return_token() which in turn calls sem_post(&num_can_eat_sem). The call to

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

sem_post() changes the semaphore's value by adding one. Thread Analyzer recognizes thecalls to sem_wait() and sem_post(), and determines that not all philosophers attempt to eatconcurrently.

Note - You must compile din_philo_fix2.c with -lrt to link with the appropriate semaphoreroutines.

To compile din_philo_fix2.c, use the following command:

% cc -g -lrt -o din_philo_fix2 din_philo_fix2.c

If you run this new implementation of the program din_philo_fix2 several times, you will findthat it terminates normally each time and does not hang.

To create an experiment on this new binary:

% collect -r deadlock -o din_philo_fix2

You will find that Thread Analyzer does not report any actual or potential deadlocks in experiment, as the following figure shows.

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Fixing the Deadlocks and Understanding False Positives

FIGURE 12 Deadlocks Not Reported in din_philo_fix2.c

See Appendix A, “APIs Recognized by Thread Analyzer” for a listing of the threading andmemory allocation APIs that Thread Analyzer recognizes.

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A ♦ ♦ ♦ A P P E N D I X A

APIs Recognized by Thread Analyzer

Thread Analyzer can recognize most standard synchronization APIs and constructs providedby OpenMP, POSIX threads, and Oracle Solaris threads. However, the tool cannot recognizeuser-defined synchronizations, and might report false positive data races if you employ suchsynchronizations. For example, the tool cannot recognize spin locking that is implementedthrough hand-coded assembly-language code.

Thread Analyzer User APIsIf your code includes user-defined synchronizations, insert user APIs supported by ThreadAnalyzer into the program to identify those synchronizations. This identification enables ThreadAnalyzer to recognize the synchronizations and reduce the number of false positives. ThreadAnalyzer user APIs are defined in and are listed below.

TABLE 1 Thread Analyzer User APIs

Routine Name Description

tha_notify_acquire_lock() This routine can be called immediately before the program tries toacquire a user-defined lock.

tha_notify_lock_acquired() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined lock issuccessfully acquired.

tha_notify_acquire_writelock() This routine can be called immediately before the program tries toacquire a user-defined read/write lock in write mode.

tha_notify_writelock_acquired() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined read/writelock is successfully acquired in write mode.

tha_notify_acquire_readlock() This routine can be called immediately before the program tries toacquire a user-defined read/write lock in read mode.

tha_notify_readlock_acquired() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined read/writelock is successfully acquired in read mode.

tha_notify_release_lock() This routine can be called immediately before a user-defined lock orread/write lock is to be released.

tha_notify_lock_released() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined lock orread/write lock is successfully released.

Appendix A • APIs Recognized by Thread Analyzer 77

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Thread Analyzer User APIs

Routine Name Description

tha_notify_sync_post_begin() This routine can be called immediately before a user-defined postsynchronization is performed.

tha_notify_sync_post_end() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined postsynchronization is performed.

tha_notify_sync_wait_begin() This routine can be called immediately before a user-defined waitsynchronization is performed.

tha_notify_sync_wait_end() This routine can be called immediately after a user-defined waitsynchronization is performed.

tha_check_datarace_mem() This routine instructs Thread Analyzer to monitor or ignore accessesto a specified block of memory when doing data race detection.

tha_check_datarace_thr() This routine instructs Thread Analyzer to monitor or ignore memoryaccesses by one or more threads when doing data race detection.

A C/C++ version and a Fortran version of the APIs are provided. Each API call takes a singleargument id, whose value should uniquely identify the synchronization object.

In the C/C++ version of the APIs, the type of the argument is uintptr_t, which is 4 bytes longin 32-bit mode and 8 bytes long in 64-bit mode. You need to add #include <tha_interface.h> to your C/C++ source file when calling any of the APIs.

In the Fortran version of the APIs, the type of the argument is integer of kind tha_sobj_kindwhich is 8-bytes long in both 32-bit and 64–bit mode. You need to add #include"tha_finterface.h" to your Fortran source file when calling any of the APIs.

To uniquely identify a synchronization object, the argument id should have a different value foreach different synchronization object. One way to do this is to use the value of the address ofthe synchronization object as the id. The following code example shows how to use the API toavoid a false positive data race.

EXAMPLE 1 Example Using Thread Analyzer APIs to Avoid False Positive Data Races

# include <tha_interface.h>


/* Initially, the ready_flag value is zero */


/* Thread 1: Producer */

100 data = ...

101 pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);

tha_notify_sync_post_begin ((uintptr_t) &ready_flag);

102 ready_flag = 1;

tha_notify_sync_post_end ((uintptr_t) &ready_flag);

103 pthread_cond_signal (&cond);

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Other Recognized APIs

104 pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

/* Thread 2: Consumer */

200 pthread_mutex_lock (&mutex);

tha_notify_sync_wait_begin ((uintptr_t) &ready_flag);

201 while (!ready_flag) {

202 pthread_cond_wait (&cond, &mutex);

203 }

tha_notify_sync_wait_end ((uintptr_t) &ready_flag);

204 pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

205 ... = data;

For more information on the user APIs, see the libtha(3) man page.

Other Recognized APIs

The following sections detail the threading APIs which Thread Analyzer recognizes.


See the Multithreaded Programming Guide in the Oracle Solaris documentation for moreinformation about these APIs.














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Other Recognized APIs























Oracle Solaris Thread APIsSee the Multithreaded Programming Guide in the Oracle Solaris documentation for moreinformation about these APIs.








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Other Recognized APIs














Memory Allocation APIs







See the malloc(3C) man page for information about the memory allocation APIs.

Memory Operations APIs






Appendix A • APIs Recognized by Thread Analyzer 81

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Other Recognized APIs


See the memcpy(3C) man page for information about the memory operations APIs.

String Operations APIs




















See the strcat(3C) man page for information about the string operations APIs.

Realtime Library APIs



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Other Recognized APIs



Atomic Operations (atomic_ops) APIs









Thread Analyzer recognizes OpenMP synchronizations, such as barriers, locks, critical regions,atomic regions, and taskwait.

See the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: OpenMP API User’s Guide for more information.

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B ♦ ♦ ♦ A P P E N D I X B

Tips for Using Thread Analyzer

This appendix includes some tips for using Thread Analyzer.

Compiling the ApplicationTips for compiling an application before collecting an experiment:

■ Use the -g compiler option when building application binaries. This enables ThreadAnalyzer to report line number information for data races and deadlocks.

■ Compile with an optimization level less than -xO3 when building application binaries.Compiler transformations might distort line number information and make the resultsdifficult to understand.

■ Thread Analyzer interposes on the routines shown in “Memory AllocationAPIs” on page 81. Linking to archive versions of memory allocation libraries might result infalse positive data races being reported.

Instrumenting the Application for Data Race DetectionTips for instrumenting an application for data race detection before collecting an experiment:

■ The collect -r race command issues a warning if the binary is not instrumented for datarace detection, as shown here:

% collect -r race a.out

WARNING: Target `a.out' is not instrumented for datarace

detection; reported datarace data may be misleading

■ You can determine whether a binary is instrumented for data race detection by using the nmcommand and looking for calls to tha routines. If routines whose names begin with __tha_are shown, the binary is instrumented. Example output is shown below.Source-level instrumentation:

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Running the Application With collect

% cc -xopenmp -g -xinstrument=datarace source.c

% nm a.out | grep __tha_

[71] | 135408| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__tha_get_stack_id

[53] | 135468| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__tha_src_read_w_frame

[61] | 135444| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__tha_src_write_w_frame

Binary-level instrumentation:

% cc -xopenmp -g source.c

% discover -i datarace -o a.out.i a.out

% nm a.out.i | grep __tha_

[88] | 0| 0|NOTY |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__tha_read_w_pc_frame

[49] | 0| 0|NOTY |GLOB |0 |UNDEF |__tha_write_w_pc_frame

Running the Application With collect

Tips for running an instrumented application to detect data races and deadlocks.

■ Make sure that the Oracle Solaris system has all the required patches installed. The collectcommand lists any missing required patches. For OpenMP applications, the latest version is required.

■ Instrumentation might cause a significant slowdown in execution time, 50 times or more,and an increase in memory consumption. You can try reducing the execution time by usinga smaller data set. You can also try reducing the execution time by increasing the number ofthreads.

■ To detect data races, make sure that the application is using more than one thread. ForOpenMP, the number of threads can be specified by setting the environment variableOMP_NUM_THREADS to the desired number of threads, and setting the environment variableOMP_DYNAMIC to FALSE.

Reporting of Data Races

Tips for reporting of data races:

■ Thread Analyzer detects data races at runtime. The runtime behavior of an applicationdepends on the input data set used and operating system scheduling. Run the applicationunder collect with different numbers of threads and with different input data sets. Alsorepeat experiments with a single data set to maximize the tool's chance of detecting dataraces.

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Reporting of Data Races

■ Thread Analyzer detects data races between different threads that are spawned from a singleprocess. It does not detect data races between different processes.

■ Thread Analyzer does not report the name of the variable accessed in a data race. However,you can determine the name of the variable by inspecting the source lines where the twodata race accesses occurred, and determining which variables are written to and read fromon those source lines.

■ In some cases, Thread Analyzer might report data races that did not actually occur inthe program. These data races are called false positives. This usually happens when auser-implemented synchronization is used or when memory is recycled between threads.For example, if your code includes hand-coded assembly that implements spin locks,Thread Analyzer will not recognize these synchronization points. Insert calls to ThreadAnalyzer user APIs in your source code to notify Thread Analyzer about user-definedsynchronizations. See “False Positives” on page 38 and Appendix A, “APIs Recognized byThread Analyzer” for more information.

■ Data races reported using source-level instrumentation and binary-level instrumentationmight not be identical. In binary-level instrumentation, shared libraries are instrumentedby default as they are opened, whether they are statically linked in the program or openeddynamically by dlopen(). In source-level instrumentation, libraries are instrumented only iftheir sources are compiled with -xinstrument=datarace.

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