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Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning

Duration: 5 Days

What you will learn

In the Oracle Database 12c: Performance Management and Tuning course, learn about the performance analysis and

tuning tasks expected of a DBA: proactive management through built-in performance analysis features and tools,

diagnosis and tuning of the Oracle Database instance components, and diagnosis and tuning of SQL-related

performance issues. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Use the Oracle tuning methodology.

Use Oracle-supplied tools for monitoring and diagnosing SQL and instance performance issues.

Use database advisors to proactively correct performance problems.

Identify and tune problem SQL statements.

Monitor instance performance by using Enterprise Manager.

Tune instance components.

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Cloud Service.

Benefits To You:

The DBA will analyze the SQL performance with available tools. The DBA will be introduced to various methods of

identifying the SQL statements that require tuning and the diagnostic tools used to find ways to improve performance.

This will include the use of statistics, profiles to influence the optimizer, and using the SQL Advisors.

Maintain SQL Performance

A major task of DBAs is to maintain SQL performance across changes. This course introduces Database Replay and

SQL Performance Analyzer which help the DBA test and minimize the impact of change.

Influence Instance Behavior

Instance tuning uses the same general method of observing a problem, diagnosing the problem, and implementing a

solution. The instance tuning lessons cover the details of major tunable components and describe how you can

influence the instance behavior. For each lesson, we will examine the relevant components of the architecture.

The course only discusses the architecture to the level required to understand the symptoms and solutions. More

detailed explanations are left to other courses, reference material, and the Oracle documentation.

AudienceData Warehouse AdministratorDatabase Administrators

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

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Oracle Database 12c: Administration Workshop Ed 2

Suggested PrerequisitesOracle Database 12c: Install and Upgrade Workshop

Course ObjectivesUse the Oracle Database tuning methodology appropriate to the available tools

Utilize database advisors to proactively tune an Oracle Database Instance

Use the tools based on the Automatic Workload Repository to tune the database

Diagnose and tune common SQL related performance problems

Diagnose and tune common Instance related performance problems

Use Enterprise Manager performance-related pages to monitor an Oracle Database

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Cloud Service

Course Topics

IntroductionCourse ObjectivesCourse OrganizationCourse AgendaTopics Not Included in the CourseWho Tunes?What Does the DBA Tune?How to TuneTuning Methodology

Basic Tuning DiagnosticsPerformance Tuning DiagnosticsPerformance Tuning ToolsTuning ObjectivesTop Timed EventsDB TimeCPU and Wait Time Tuning DimensionsTime ModelDynamic Performance Views

Using Automatic Workload RepositoryAutomatic Workload Repository OverviewAutomatic Workload Repository DataEnterprise Manager Cloud Control and AWRSnapshotsReports

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Compare Periods

Defining the Scope of Performance IssuesDefining the ProblemLimiting the ScopeSetting the PriorityTop SQL ReportsCommon Tuning ProblemsTuning During the Life CycleADDM Tuning SessionPerformance Versus Business Requirements

Using Metrics and AlertsMetrics and Alerts OverviewLimitation of Base StatisticsBenefits of MetricsViewing Metric History InformationViewing HistogramsServer-Generated AlertsSetting ThresholdsMetrics and Alerts Views

Using BaselinesComparative Performance Analysis with AWR BaselinesAutomatic Workload Repository BaselinesMoving Window BaselineBaselines in Performance Page SettingsBaseline TemplatesAWR BaseslinesCreating AWR BaselinesManaging Baselines with PL/SQL

Using AWR-Based ToolsAutomatic Maintenance TasksADDM Performance MonitoringUsing Compare Periods ADDMActive Session HistoryNew or Enhanced Automatic Workload Repository ViewsEmergency MonitoringReal-time ADDM

Real-Time Database Operation MonitoringOverviewUse CasesDefining a Database OperationScope of a Composite Database OperationDatabase Operation ConceptsIdentifying a Database OperationEnabling Monitoring of Database OperationsIdentifying, Starting, and Completing a Database Operation

Monitoring Applications

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What is a Service?Service AttributesService TypesCreating ServicesManaging Services in a Single-Instance EnvironmentWhere are Services Used?Using Services with Client ApplicationsServices and Pluggable Databases

Identifying Problem SQL StatementsSQL Statement Processing PhasesRole of the Oracle OptimizerIdentifying Bad SQLTop SQL ReportsSQL MonitoringWhat is an Execution Plan?Methods for Viewing Execution PlansUses of Execution Plans

Influencing the OptimizerFunctions of the Query Optimizer SelectivityCardinality and CostChanging Optimizer BehaviorOptimizer StatisticsExtended StatisticsControlling the Behavior of the Optimizer with ParametersEnabling Query Optimizer Features

Reducing the Cost of SQL OperationsReducing the CostIndex MaintenanceSQL Access AdvisorTable Maintenance for PerformanceTable Reorganization MethodsSpace ManagementExtent ManagementData Storage

Using SQL Performance AnalyzerReal Application Testing: OverviewReal Application Testing: Use CasesSQL Performance Analyzer: ProcessCapturing the SQL WorkloadCreating a SQL Performance Analyzer TaskSQL Performance Analyzer: TasksParameter ChangeSQL Performance Analyzer Task Page

SQL Performance ManagementMaintaining SQL PerformanceMaintaining Optimizer Statistics

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Automated Maintenance TasksStatistic Gathering OptionsSetting Statistic PreferencesRestore StatisticsDeferred Statistics PublishingAutomatic SQL Tuning

Using Database ReplayUsing Database ReplayThe Big PictureSystem ArchitectureCapture ConsiderationsReplay Considerations: PreparationReplay ConsiderationsReplay OptionsReplay Analysis

Tuning the Shared PoolShared Pool ArchitectureShared Pool OperationThe Library CacheLatch and MutexDiagnostic Tools for Tuning the Shared PoolAvoiding Hard ParsesReducing the Cost of Soft ParsesSizing the Shared Pool

Tuning the Buffer CacheOracle Database Architecture: Buffer CacheBuffer Cache: HighlightsDatabase BuffersBuffer Hash Table for LookupsWorking SetsBuffer Cache Tuning Goals and TechniquesBuffer Cache Performance SymptomsBuffer Cache Performance Solutions

Tuning PGA and Temporary SpaceSQL Memory UsagePerformance ImpactAutomatic PGA MemorySQL Memory ManagerConfiguring Automatic PGA MemorySetting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET InitiallyLimiting the size of the Program Global Area (PGA)SQL Memory Usage

Automatic MemoryOracle Database ArchitectureDynamic SGAGranuleMemory Advisories

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Manually Adding Granules to ComponentsIncreasing the Size of an SGA ComponentAutomatic Shared Memory Management: OverviewSGA Sizing Parameters: Overview

Performance Tuning Summary with WaitsCommonly Observed Wait EventsAdditional StatisticsTop 10 Mistakes Found in Customer SystemsSymptoms

Oracle Database Cloud Service: OverviewDatabase as a Service Architecture, Features and ToolingSoftware Editions: Included Database Options and Management PacksAccessing the Oracle Database Cloud Service Console & Automated Database ProvisioningManaging the Compute Node Associated With a Database DeploymentManaging Network Access to Database as a Service & Scaling a Database DeploymentPerformance Management in the Database Cloud EnvironmentPerformance Monitoring and TuningWhat Can be Tuned in a DBCS Environment?

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Oracle Database 12c: RAC Administration Ed 1

Duration: 4 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle Database 12c: RAC Administration training will teach you about Oracle RAC database architecture. Expert

Oracle University instructors will deep dive into Global Resources and Cache Fusion. In this course, you will be

introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Install Oracle RAC software.

Create cluster databases.

Administer both administrator and policy-managed Oracle RAC databases.

Monitor and address performance issues.

Learn about services in a RAC environment as well as highly available connection features including Application

Continuity and Transaction Guard.

Create and administer a RAC One Node Database.

Create and manage multitennant RAC databases.

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

Ensure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver

a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds.

AudienceAdministratorDatabase Administrators

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Oracle Database 12c: Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administration

Oracle Database 12c: Grid Infrastructure Administration

Working knowledge of Oracle Database 11g: Release 2, including Clusterware, ASM and RAC. or

Oracle Database 12c: ASM Administration

Oracle Database 12c: Clusterware Administration

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Suggested PrerequisitesOracle Database 12c: ASM Administration

Course ObjectivesExplain the principles and purposes of clusters

Install the Oracle Database software

Modify initialization parameters in a RAC environment

Perform post-database-creation tasks

Configure RMAN for the RAC environment

Describe the benefits of Oracle RAC

Explain the necessity of global resources

Configure the RAC database to use ARCHIVELOG mode and the fast recovery area

Convert a single-instance Oracle Database to RACs

Create a cluster database

ain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service

Define redo log files in a RAC environment

Define undo tablespaces in a RAC environment

Describe global cache coordination

Describe how Grid Plug and Play affects Clusterware

Describe the Oracle Clusterware architecture

Course Topics

Grid Infrastructure Overview and ReviewWhat is a Cluster?What is a Flex ClusterClusterware CharacteristicsOracle ClusterwareHardware and Software Concepts (High level)

RAC Databases Overview & ArchitectureOverview of Oracle RACRAC One Node

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Cluster-Aware Storage SolutionsBenefits of Using RACScaleup and SpeedupI/O Throughput BalancedGlobal ResourcesRAC and Flex ASM

Installing and Configuring Oracle RACInstalling the Oracle Database SoftwareInstallation optionsCreating the Cluster DatabasePost-installation TasksSingle Instance to RAC ConversionCleaning Up Unsuccessful Installs

Oracle RAC AdministrationParameters and RAC - SPFILE, Identical and Unique ParametersInstance Startup, Shutdown and QuiesceUndo TablespacesRedo ThreadsUse Enterprise Manager Cluster Database PagesRAC AlertsRAC Metrics

Managing Backup and Recovery for RACOverview of Upgrades and PatchingRelease and Patch Set UpgradesPSU, CPU and Interim PatchesMerge PatchesPerforming Out Of Place Database UpgradesPlanning and Preparing for UpgradePerforming Out of Place Release Install or UpgradePost Upgrade Tasks

RAC Backup and RecoveryInstance Failure And Recovery In RAC - LMON and SMONRedo Threads and Archive Log Configurations and AdminParameter Settings Affecting Parallel Recovery and MTTRInstance Failure And Recovery In RAC - LMON and SMONRAC and the Fast Recovery AreaRMAN ConfigurationRMAN Admin For RAC: Channels, Instances, Backup DistributionRMAN Restore And Recovery RAC Considerations

RAC Global Resource Management and Cache FusionGlobally Managed Resources and ManagementLibrary Cache ManagementRow cache managementBuffer cache fusionBuffer Cache Management RequirementsAccessing single blocks in RACMulti-block read considerations in RAC

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Undo and read consistency considerations in RAC

RAC Database Monitoring and TuningOCPU and Wait Time LatenciesWait Events for RACCommon RAC Tuning Session and System StatisticsRAC specific V$ ViewsAutomatic Database Diagnostic Monitor for RAC

Managing High Availability of Services in a RAC EnvironmentOracle ServicesServices for Policy - and Administrator-Managed DatabasesCreating ServicesManaging ServicesUse Services with Client ApplicationsServices and Connection Load BalancingServices and Transparent Application FailoverServices and the Resource Manager

Managing High Availability of ConnectionsTypes of Workload DistributionClient-Side Load BalancingServer-Side Load BalancingRuntime Connection Load Balancing and Connection PoolsFast Application NotificationThe Load Balancing Advisory FAN EventServer-Side CalloutsConfiguring the Server-Side ONS

Application ContinuityWhat is AC?What problem does it solve?Benefits of ACHow AC worksAC ArchitectureSide EffectsRestrictionsApplication requirements

RAC One NodeRAC One Node ConceptsOnline database migrationAdding Oracle RAC One Node Database to an Existing ClusterConvert an Oracle RAC One Node database to a RAC databaseConvert an Oracle RAC database to a RAC One Node databaseUse DBCA to convert a single instance database to a RAC One Node database

Multitenant Architecture and RACNon-CDB ArchitectureMultitenant Architecture: BenefitsCDB in a Non-RAC Environment

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ContainersTerminology and Data Dictionary ViewsConnection to a Non-RAC CDBOracle RAC and Multitenant ConfigurationOracle RAC and Multitenant Architecture

Quality of Service ManagementQOS Management conceptsDescribe the benefits of using QoS ManagementQoS Management componentsQoS Management functionality

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service OverviewIntroducing Exadata Cloud ServiceService Configuration Options & Service Connection OptionsService Architecture & AvailabilityManagement ResponsibilitiesStorage Configuration & Management DetailsSimple Web-Based Provisioning & ManagementREST APIsMigrating to Exadata Cloud Service

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Oracle Database 12c: Clusterware Administration

Duration: 4 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle Database 12c: Clusterware Administration training will explore general cluster concepts and Oracle

Clusterware architecture. Work with expert Oracle University instructors through interactive instruction and hands-on

exercises to reinforce your learning.In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Perform Grid Infrastructure pre-installation tasks.

Install both Standard and Flex clusters.

Add and remove nodes from a cluster in addition to upgrading and patching existing Grid Homes.

Manage and administer both Standard Clusters and Policy-Managed Clusters.

Use Oracle Clusterware to make applications highly available.

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

Learn how to make applications highly available using Oracle Clusterware. You'll walk away with the ability to install,

configure, manage and troubleshoot both standard and flex clusters. Furthermore, you will have developed the skills to

upgrade and patch Clusterware environments.

AudienceAdministratorDatabase Administrators

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Working knowledge of Oracle Database 11g: Release 2 on Linux Operating System

Suggested PrerequisitesOracle Database 11g: RAC Administration Release 2

Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g: Manage Clusterware and ASM - Release 2

Working knowledge of Oracle Clusterware, ASM & RAC on Linux

Course ObjectivesConfigure ASM disk groups

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Perform the prerequisite steps for extending a cluster

Delete a node from a cluster

Explain the principles and purposes of clusters

Understand the scope and capabilities of what-if command evaluation

Perform the different types of what-if command evaluation

Install Grid Infrastructure for Standard and Flex clusters

Add a Leaf node and a Hub node to a Flex cluster

Understand Flex Clusters architecture and components

Understand effect of node failure in Flex Clusters

Verify the installation

Describe Cluster hardware best practices

Describe the Oracle Clusterware architecture

Describe Clusterware architecture

Install and configure Flex Clusters

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service

Course Topics

Introduction to Grid InfrastructureWhat is a Cluster?What is a Flex Cluster?Clusterware CharacteristicsOracle ClusterwareHardware and Software Concepts (High level)Shared Storage Overview

Oracle Clusterware ArchitectureCluster Storage RequirementsClusterware Initialization and OHASDClusterware Process ArchitectureLocation Independent Names, Addresses and Name Resolution (GNS, SCAN, VIP..)Shared GNS Background and ArchitectureConfiguring shared GNSMigrating to shared GNSMoving GNS to Another Cluster

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Flex Cluster ArchitectureFlex Cluster ArchitectureConfiguring Flex ClusterFlex Clusters and Node Failure

Grid Infrastructure Pre-Installation TasksShared Storage for Oracle ClusterwareChecking System RequirementsSingle Client Access Name for the ClusterRedundant Interconnect UsageKernel RequirementsGroups and UsersShell SettingsOracle Validated Configuration

Installing Grid InfrastructureInstalling Oracle Grid InfrastructureInstalling Flex ClusterVerifying the Oracle Clusterware Installation

Managing Cluster NodesAdding Oracle Clusterware HomesPrerequisites for Running addNode.shAdding a Node with addNode.shConfiguring the node roleRemoving a Node from the Cluster

Traditional Clusterware ManagementOracle Clusterware startup and shutdownAdministering the Voting Disk fileAdministering the Oracle Cluster Registry Disk fileNetwork AdministrationWhat-If Command EvaluationClusterware Admin Tools Review

Policy-Based Cluster ManagementPolicy-Based Cluster Management OverviewServer CategorizationPolicy Set

Patching Grid InfrastructureOut-of-Place Oracle Clusterware UpgradeTypes of PatchesObtaining Oracle Clusterware PatchesRolling PatchesInstalling a Rolling Patchset with OUIOPatch OverviewInstalling a Rolling Patch with OPatchOPatch Automation

Troubleshooting Oracle ClusterwareDiagnostic Framework Support for CRS

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Cluster Health Monitor Enhancements OverviewComponent level checks - cluvfy with -compResource Debugging - Java Tools and Dynamic DebuggingTroubleshooting Node EvictionsLog files and Diagnostic CollectionThe oclumon Utility

Making Applications Highly AvailableOverview of Using Oracle Clusterware to Enable HAOracle Clusterware HA ComponentsResource Management OptionsServer PoolsOverall flow diagram of HA lifecycle (crs_profile, crs_register, crs_start….)Clusterware Resource ModelingCreating an Application VIPONS and FAN overviews

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service OverviewIntroducing Exadata Cloud ServiceService Configuration Options & Service Connection OptionsService Architecture & AvailabilityManagement ResponsibilitiesStorage Configuration & Management DetailsSimple Web-Based Provisioning & ManagementREST APIsMigrating to Exadata Cloud Service

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Oracle Database 12c: ASM Administration

Duration: 2 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle Database 12c: ASM Administration training teaches you about Oracle ASM architecture. Expert Oracle

University instructors will help you develop a deeper understanding of both standard ASM and Flex ASM applications. In

this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Administer ASM files, directories, templates, and disk groups.

Manage and administer Oracle Cloud File System and its components.

Configure and manage advanced CloudFS features like ACFS Auditing and Encryption, ACFS Replication and High

Availability NFS.

Gain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

Ensure fast, reliable, secure and easy to manage performance. Optimize database workloads, lower IT costs and deliver

a higher quality of service by enabling consolidation onto database clouds by learning about the Oracle Database 12c

Grid Infrastructure, specifically Oracle ASM.

AudienceAdministratorDatabase Administrators

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Working knowledge of Oracle Database 11g: Release 2 on Linux Operating System

Suggested PrerequisitesOracle Database 12c: Clusterware Administration

Oracle Database 12c: RAC Administration Ed 1

Oracle Grid Infrastructure 11g: Manage Clusterware and ASM - Release 2

Working knowledge of Oracle Clusterware, ASM & RAC on Linux

Course ObjectivesGain an understanding of the Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service

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Manage Flex ASM

Employ ASM space management techniques

Create and delete Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk groups

Set the attributes of an existing ASM disk group

Perform ongoing maintenance tasks on ASM disk groups

Explain key performance and scalability considerations for ASM disk groups

Describe the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) architecture

Use different client tools to access ASM files

Describe the format of a fully qualified ASM file name

Describe the components of ASM

Explain and apply Automatic Storage Management (ASM) initialization parameters

Manage ASM instances and associated processes

Monitor ASM using the V$ASM dynamic performance views

Understand Flex ASM architecture and components

Understand ASM Deployment Alternatives

Course Topics

Oracle ASM OverviewOverview of ASMASM Placement in Storage StackASM Cluster Configuration for Oracle RACASM System PrivilegesASM OS Groups and Role SeparationASM ComponentsSoftwareConfigure disks as ASM candidate disks

Oracle ASM Instance AdministrationASM Instance AdministrationInstance ParametersASM_DISKGROUPSAdjusting ASM Instance Parameters in SPFILEsInstance Startup and ShutdownRelevant V$Views

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Flex ASMFlex ASM ArchitectureBackground and OverviewASM Deployment AlternativesConfiguring Flex ASMManaging Flex ASMRelocating an ASM Client

Administering ASM Disk GroupsASM Disk Group OverviewDisk Group AttributesCompatibility AttributesDisk Group ManagementDisk Group MetadataViewing Connected ClientsDisk Group RebalanceASM Fast Mirror Resync

Administering ASM Files, Directories, and TemplatesInteraction Between Database Instances and ASMAccessing ASM FilesFully Qualified ASM File NamesASM File CreationView ASM Aliases, Files, and DirectoriesASM Directories OverviewManaging ASM DirectoriesManaging Alias File Names

Administering Oracle Cloud File SystemOracle Cloud File System ComponentsOverview of Oracle ACFSOracle ASM Dynamic Volume ManagerHigh Availability NFS (HANFS) OverviewOracle ACFS Integration with Oracle ASMOracle ACFS AdministrationClusterware Resources and ACFS AdministrationACFS and Dismount or Shutdown Operations

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service OverviewIntroducing Exadata Cloud ServiceService Configuration Options & Service Connection OptionsService Architecture & AvailabilityManagement ResponsibilitiesStorage Configuration & Management DetailsSimple Web-Based Provisioning & ManagementREST APIsMigrating to Exadata Cloud Service

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Oracle Database 12c: Data Guard Administration

Duration: 4 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle Database 12c: Data Guard Administration Ed 1 training teaches you how to use Oracle Data Guard. Expert

Oracle University instructors will demonstrate how this solution protects your Oracle database against planned and

unplanned downtimes. In this course, you will be introduced to Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Learn To:

Build highly available systems.

Offload business processing needs to another system.

Offload backup needs to another system.

Gain an understanding of Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service.

Benefits to You

You'll walk away from this course with an understanding of how Data Guard standby databases can be used to support

various production functions. These functions include reporting, querying and testing, while in a standby role.

Oracle Data Guard 12c

This course will also teach you about the new Oracle Data Guard 12c features and architecture. You'll get a chance to

explore topics like Oracle Active Data Guard, Far Sync, rolling upgrades and snapshot standby databases. Furthermore,

enrolling in this course will help you learn how to manage and troubleshoot a Data Guard configuration.

AudienceDatabase AdministratorsSupport EngineerTechnical Consultant

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Database Administration

Linux operating system fundamentals

Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop II Release 2

Oracle Database 11g: Administration Workshop I Release 2

Suggested PrerequisitesBasic understanding of PL/SQL and Triggers

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Course ObjectivesUse Data Guard standby databases to support production functions such as reporting, querying, testing, and performing


Create and manage physical and logical standby databases

Use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and the Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) to maintain a Data

Guard configuration

Use Data Guard to achieve a highly available Oracle database

Gain an understanding of Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service

Course Topics

Introduction to Oracle Data GuardWhat Is Oracle Data Guard?Types of Standby DatabasesTypes of Data Guard ServicesRole Transitions: Switchover and FailoverOracle Data Guard Broker FrameworkChoosing an Interface for Administering a Data Guard ConfigurationOracle Data Guard: Architecture(Overview)Primary Database Processes

Networking for Oracle Data GuardNetworking OverviewListener.ora ConfigurationStatics vs. Dynamic RegistrationStatic Entries for Database Duplication and SQL MaintenenceStatic Entries for Broker OperationsOracle Network Configuration TuningTnsnames.ora Configuration

Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using SQL and RMAN CommandsSteps to Create a Physical Standby DatabasePreparing the Primary DatabaseFORCE LOGGING ModeConfiguring Standby Redo LogsCreating Standby Redo LogsUsing SQL to Create Standby Redo LogsViewing Standby Redo Log InformationSetting Initialization Parameters on the Primary Database to Control Redo Transport

Oracle Data Guard Broker: OverviewOracle Data Guard Broker: FeaturesData Guard Broker: ComponentsData Guard Broker: ConfigurationsData Guard Broker: Management ModelData Guard Broker: Architecture

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Data Guard Monitor: DMON ProcessBenefits of Using the Data Guard BrokerComparing Configuration Management With and Without the Data Guard Broker

Creating a Data Guard Broker ConfigurationData Guard Broker: RequirementsData Guard Broker and the SPFILEData Guard Monitor: Configuration FileData Guard Broker: Log FilesCreating a Broker ConfigurationDefining the Broker Configuration and the Primary Database ProfileAdding a Standby Database to the ConfigurationEnabling the Configuration

Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using Enterprise Manager Cloud ControlUsing Oracle Enterprise Manager to Create a Broker ConfigurationCreating a ConfigurationCreating a New ConfigurationAdding a Standby Database to an Existing ConfigurationUsing the Add Standby Database WizardStandby Database Creation: ProcessingStandby Database Creation: ProgressVerifying a Data Guard Configuration

Creating a Logical Standby DatabaseBenefits of Implementing a Logical Standby DatabaseLogical Standby Database: SQL Apply ArchitectureSQL Apply Process: ArchitecturePreparing to Create a Logical Standby DatabaseUnsupported ObjectsUnsupported Data TypesChecking for Unsupported TablesChecking for Tables with Unsupported Data Types

Creating and Managing a Snapshot Standby DatabaseSnapshot Standby Databases: OverviewSnapshot Standby Database: ArchitectureConverting a Physical Standby Database to a Snapshot Standby DatabaseActivating a Snapshot Standby Database: Issues and CautionsSnapshot Standby Database: Target RestrictionsViewing Snapshot Standby Database InformationUsing DGMGRL to View Snapshot Standby Database InformationConverting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database

Using Oracle Active Data GuardOracle Active Data GuardUsing Real-Time QueryChecking the Standby’s Open ModeUnderstanding Lag in an Active Data Guard ConfigurationMonitoring Apply Lag: V$DATAGUARD_STATSMonitoring Apply Lag: V$STANDBY_EVENT_HISTOGRAMSetting a Predetermined Service Level for Currency of Standby Queries

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Configuring Zero Lag Between the Primary and Standby Databases

Configuring Data Protection ModesData Protection Modes and Redo Transport ModesMaximum Protection ModeMaximum Availability ModeMaximum Performance ModeComparing Data Protection ModesSetting the Data Protection Mode by Using DGMGRLSetting the Data Protection Mode

Performing Role TransitionsRole Management ServicesRole Transitions: Switchover and FailoverSwitchoverPreparing for a SwitchoverPerforming a Switchover by Using DGMGRLPerforming a Switchover by Using Enterprise ManagerConsiderations When Performing a Switchover to a Logical Standby DatabaseSituations That Prevent a Switchover

Using Flashback Database in a Data Guard ConfigurationUsing Flashback Database in a Data Guard ConfigurationOverview of Flashback DatabaseConfiguring Flashback DatabaseConfiguring Flashback Database by Using Enterprise ManagerUsing Flashback Database Instead of Apply DelayUsing Flashback Database and Real-Time ApplyUsing Flashback Database After RESETLOGSFlashback Through Standby Database Role Transitions

Enabling Fast-Start FailoverFast-Start Failover: OverviewWhen Does Fast-Start Failover Occur?Installing the Observer SoftwareFast-Start Failover PrerequisitesConfiguring Fast-Start FailoverSetting the Lag-Time LimitConfiguring the Primary Database to Shut Down AutomaticallyAutomatic Reinstatement After Fast-Start Failover

Managing Client ConnectivityUnderstanding Client Connectivity in a Data Guard ConfigurationUnderstanding Client Connectivity: Using Local NamingPreventing Clients from Connecting to the Wrong DatabaseManaging ServicesUnderstanding Client Connectivity: Using a Database ServiceCreating Services for the Data Guard Configuration DatabasesConfiguring Role-Based ServicesAdding Standby Databases to Oracle Restart Configuration

Backup and Recovery Considerations in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration

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Using RMAN to Back Up and Restore Files in a Data Guard ConfigurationOffloading Backups to a Physical StandbyRestrictions and Usage NotesBackup and Recovery of a Logical Standby DatabaseUsing the RMAN Recovery Catalog in a Data Guard ConfigurationCreating the Recovery CatalogRegistering a Database in the Recovery CatalogSetting Persistent Configuration Settings

Patching and Upgrading Databases in a Data Guard ConfigurationUpgrading an Oracle Data Guard Broker ConfigurationUpgrading Oracle Database in a Data Guard Configuration with a Physical Standby DatabaseUpgrading Oracle Database in a Data Guard Configuration with a Logical Standby DatabaseUsing DBMS_ROLLING to Upgrade the Oracle DatabaseRequirements for Using DBMS_ROLLING to Perform a Rolling UpgradeLeading Group Databases and Leading Group MasterTrailing Group Databases and Trailing Group MasterPerforming a Rolling Upgrade by Using DBMS_ROLLING

Monitoring a Data Guard Broker ConfigurationMonitoring the Data Guard Configuration by Using Enterprise Manager Cloud ControlViewing the Data Guard Configuration StatusMonitoring Data Guard PerformanceViewing Log File DetailsEnterprise Manager Metrics and AlertsData Guard MetricsManaging Data Guard MetricsViewing Metric Value History

Optimizing a Data Guard ConfigurationMonitoring Configuration Performance by Using Enterprise Manager Cloud ControlOptimizing Redo Transport ServicesSetting the ReopenSecs Database PropertySetting the NetTimeout Database PropertyOptimizing Redo Transmission by Setting MaxConnectionsSetting the MaxConnections Database PropertyCompressing Redo Data by Setting the RedoCompression PropertyDelaying the Application of Redo

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Service OverviewIntroducing Exadata Cloud ServiceService Configuration, Connection, Architecture & AvailabilityData Security & Management ResponsibilitiesStorage Configuration & Management DetailsSimple Web-Based Provisioning & ManagementREST APIsBackup and RecoveryMigrating to Exadata Cloud Service

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Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals for Oracle

Duration: 4 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals for Oracle training focuses on Oracle-to-Oracle database replication. Expert

Oracle University instructors will deep dive into the Oracle GoldenGate architecture, walking you through various

product features.

Learn To:

Install Oracle GoldenGate on Linux and Windows platforms.

Issue GGSCI commands.

Configure, start, stop and monitor Change Capture and Delivery processes.

Manage Extract trails and files using Data Pump and logdump.

Create parameter files to transform data.

Manage multiple Oracle GoldenGate instances.

Benefits to You

Integrate your organization's disparate data across heterogeneous databases for improved decision-making. Become

more efficient at configuring and implementing Oracle GoldenGate.

Install GoldenGate Installation & Command Line

You'll learn to install Oracle GoldenGate and prepare the source and target environments. Enrolling in this course

teaches you how to use the Oracle GoldenGate command line interface (GGSCI) efficiently.

Learn GoldenGate Configuration Processes

You'll also develop the knowledge and skills to configure Change Capture (Extract), Change Delivery (Replicat) and

Initial Load. You'll learn how to extract trails and files using Data Pump, create parameter files and manage Oracle

GoldenGate instances.

Uni- and Bi-Directional Replication

Capture of both DML and DDL will be configured for both uni- and bi-directional replication with collision detection.

Explore New Features in 12c

Features new to 12c, such as Integrated Apply and Wallet, are highlighted along the way. This course is based on

Oracle GoldenGate version 12.1.2. Please note that the labs are done in Linux.

AudienceConfiguration ConsultantData Warehouse Administrator

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Data Warehouse AnalystData Warehouse DeveloperDatabase AdministratorsDatabase DesignersSystem IntegratorTechnical Consultant

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Familiarity with Oracle Database and basic SQL using SQL*Plus

Familiarity with editing Linux text files using gedit or vi

Suggested PrerequisitesFamiliarity with basic encryption techniques

Course ObjectivesDesign replication solutions using Oracle GoldenGate products and environments

Install Oracle GoldenGate and prepare the source and target database (assumes Oracle-to-Oracle replication)

Issue GGSCI commands (batch Obey scripts and command-line interactive)

Configure, start, stop, and monitor Change Capture (Extract), Change Delivery (Replicat), and Initial Load

Manage Extract trails and files using Data Pump and utilities such as logdump

Control network transmission using compression and encryption

Transform data

Course Topics

Technology OverviewCreating Oracle GoldenGate TopologiesReviewing Oracle GoldenGate Use CasesAssembling Building BlocksListing Supported OSListing Supported DatabasesListing the Oracle GoldengGate Product LineDescribing GUI Management OptionsListing Non-Database Sources and Targets

Oracle GoldenGate ArchitectureDescribing Oracle GoldenGate Process GroupsExplaining Change Capture and Delivery (with and without a Data Pump)

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Explaining Initial Data LoadContrasting Batch and Online OperationExplaining Oracle GoldenGate CheckpointingDescribing Commit Sequence Numbers (CSN)Describing Oracle GoldenGate Files and Directories

Installing Oracle GoldenGateListing System RequirementsPerforming InstallationConfiguring Environment VariablesUsing GGSCIRunning Oracle GoldenGate from the OS shell.

Configuration Overview and Preparing the EnvironmentReviewing Configuration OverviewConfiguring Manager ProcessCreating Source DefinitionsPreparing the Source DatabaseAssigning Oracle Database Roles/Privileges RequiredUsing DBMS_GOLDENGATE_AUTH Package

Configuring Change Capture (Extract)Reviewing Extract OverviewAccessing Logs on Oracle ASMAccessing Logs RemotelyConfiguring Extract TasksAdding Extract GroupEditing Extract ParametersExtracting Use of Archived Transaction LogsAdding Trails

Configuring Change Delivery (Replicat)Reviewing Replicat OverviewConfiguring Replicat TasksConfiguring a Sample EnvironmentConfiguring New Integrated Replicat

Configuring Extract Trails and Files (Data Pump)Reviewing Extract Trails and Files OverviewDescribing Trail FormatsUsing Logdump for Viewing TrailsReversing the Trail SequenceConfiguring and Using Data Pumps

Performing Initial LoadOracle GoldenGate MethodsListing Database-specific MethodsDescribing Resource LimitationsListing Advantages of Oracle GoldenGate MethodsConfiguring File Load MethodsConfiguring Direct Load MethodsHandling Collisions with Initial Load

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Editing Configuration ParametersEditing Parameter FilesContrasting GLOBALS versus Process ParametersConfiguring GLOBALS ParametersConfiguring Manager ParametersConfiguring Extract ParametersConfiguring Replicat Parameters

Filtering and Data SelectionFiltering and Data SelectionMapping Columns Between Different SchemasUsing Built-in "@" (at) FunctionsUsing SQLEXEC to Interact Directly with a DatabaseConfiguring New Coordinated Replicat

Additional Transformation ConceptsConfiguring and Using MacrosConfiguring and Using User TokensConfiguring and Using User ExitsConfiguring and Using Oracle Sequences

Configuration OptionsConfiguring and Using BATCHSQLConfiguring and Using CompressionConfiguring and Using EncryptionConfiguring and Using Event ActionsConfiguring New Wallet Security

Bidirectional ReplicationReviewing Bidirectional ConsiderationsDetecting LoopsAvoiding ConflictsConfiguring and Using Conflict Detection and ResolutionDescribing Identity Types Issues

DDL ReplicationReviewing Data Description Language Replication OverviewConfiguring and Using Options for DDL ReplicationConfiguring and Using String Substitution in DDL

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Oracle Database 12c: Security

Duration: 5 Days

What you will learn

This Oracle Database 12c: Security training teaches you how you can use Oracle Database features to meet the

security, privacy and compliance requirements of your organization. You'll get the chance to interact with expert Oracle

University instructors through a combination of instruction and hands-on exercises that reinforce new concepts.

Learn To:

Understand Oracle security solutions and how they can help address your security requirements.

Configure strong authentication for database users using PKI and Kerberos.

Control data access using virtual private database and Oracle Label Security.

Analyze application privileges and reduce the attack surface using Oracle Database Vault Privilege Analysis.

Reduce risk of data exposure using Oracle Advanced Security Data Redaction, Transparent Data Encryption and Oracle

Data Masking and Subsetting.

Audit activity inside the database using policy and condition based unified auditing.

Configure network encryption to protect information in transit.

Audit activity inside the database using policy and condition based unified auditing.

Protect against application bypass using Oracle Database Vault Realms.

Benefits to You

The current regulatory environment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, HIPAA, the UK Data Protection Act, and others requires

better security at the database level. By investing in this course, you'll learn how to secure access to your databases and

use database features that enhance data access and confidentiality. This course provides suggested Oracle solutions

for common problems.

Deep Dive into Security Features

Expert Oracle University instructors discuss the following security features of the database: authentication, data access

control including user authorizations using privileges and roles, Privilege Analysis, Virtual Private Database, Oracle

Label Security as well as data confidentiality. This includes Data Redaction, Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting,

Transparent Sensitive Data Protection and encryption at the column, tablespace and file levels using Transparent Data



Throughout this course, you'll also get a chance to discuss auditing using different features, including unified auditing

and fine-grained auditing. You'll deep dive into some of the Oracle Network security topics, like securing the listener and

restricting connections by IP address.

Gain Hands-On Experience

Hands-on practices and available demonstrations help you learn how to use most of the features of Oracle Database

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12c to secure your data center. Develop an understanding of how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and

other tools like SQL*Plus.

AudienceDatabase AdministratorsNetwork AdministratorSecurity AdministratorsSecurity Compliance AuditorsSupport EngineerSystem Analysts

Related Training

Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of Oracle Database

Suggested PrerequisitesAdminister listeners

Create and manage users, roles, and privileges

Perform RMAN backup and recovery

Use Oracle Data Pump export and import

Course ObjectivesEnsure data confidentiality using an encryption solution like Transparent Data Encryption, or Data Redaction or Oracle

Data Masking and Subsetting

Audit user actions using any of the auditing features like unified auditing

Find appropriate Oracle solutions to meet the security, privacy and compliance requirements of their organization

Find solutions to secure database access through the network

Configure appropriate authentication for the database or enterprise users in the organization

Control data access and integrity in their organization using the appropriate feature or option or product like privileges or

Oracle Label Security

Analyze any security risks of their organization

Course Topics

IntroductionCourse Objectives

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Course Schedule and Appendices

Understanding Security RequirementsFundamental Data Security RequirementsSecurity RisksExploitsTechniques to Enforce Security

Choosing Security SolutionsNetwork Access ControlDatabase Access ControlData Access ControlData ConfidentialityData IntegrityAuditCompliance

Implementing Basic Database SecurityDatabase Security ChecklistReducing Administrative EffortPrinciple of Least PrivilegeObjects Protection

Securing Data on the Network Network Access ControlListener SecurityListener Usage Control

Using Basic and Strong User AuthenticationBasic AuthenticationStrong AuthenticationDatabase Link Passwords Protection

Configuring Global User AuthenticationAbout Enterprise User Management (EUS)EUS and Oracle Internet Directory Integration

Using Proxy AuthenticationSecurity Challenges of Three-Tier ComputingProxy Authentication Solutions

Using Privileges and RolesSeparation of DutiesRoles ManagementManaging Security for Definer's Rights and Invoker's RightsManaging RMAN Virtual Private Catalogs

Using Privilege AnalysisPrivilege Analysis FlowPrivilege Analysis Implementation

Using Application Contexts

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Description of Application ContextApplication Context Implementation

Implementing Virtual Private DatabaseFine-Grained Access Control and VPDFGAC Policies ManagementVPD Policies Management

Implementing Oracle Label Security Access Control OverviewOracle Label Security RegistrationOracle Label Security Policies Management

Redacting Data Redacting Data Masking Policies Implementation

Using Oracle Data Masking and SubsettingOverviewData Masking Definition ImplementationData Masking ProcessData Subsetting Process

Using Transparent Sensitive Data ProtectionTDPS Implementation

Encryption Concepts and SolutionsConceptsSolutionsOracle Solutions

Encrypting with DBMS_CRYPTO PackageUsage

Using Transparent Data EncryptionOverviewThe Master Keys and the KeystoreHardware KeystoreEncryption

Database Storage SecurityRMAN and OSB BackupsRMAN Encryption ModesData Pump Export and Import of Encrypted Data

Using Unified AuditAuditing OverviewUnified Audit ManagementSpecific Audit Situations

Using Fine-Grained AuditComparison with Unified Auditing

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OverviewFGA Implementation

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Oracle Database 12c: OCM Exam Preparation Workshop Ed 1

Duration: 5 Days

What you will learn

The Oracle Database 12c: OCM Exam Preparation Workshop is designed for those candidates who are preparing to

take the Oracle Database 12c: Oracle Certified Master (OCM) Exam. This workshop has extensive hands-on practices

to enable students to:

Create a Multitenant Container Database and Pluggable Databases

Perform Backup,Recovery and Flashback of CDB and PDBs

Load and unload data

Implement partitioning

Configure Dataguard

Configure clusterware

Install RAC

AudienceData Center ManagerData Warehouse AdministratorData Warehouse DeveloperDatabase AdministratorsDatabase DesignersSystems ArchitectsTechnical AdministratorTechnical Consultant

Course ObjectivesDescribe the multitenant architecture

Establish connections to CDB / PDB

Implement fine-grained auditing (FGA)

Describe operations that can be parallelized

Describe ways to move data

Describe the architecture, uses, and advantages of partitioning

Describe how to optimize a star query using star transformation

Use the SQL Access Advisor

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Explain the goals, benefits, and architecture of the inmemory column store

Explain the differences between physical and logical standby databases

Use real-time query to access data on a physical standby database

Create a snapshot standby database to meet the requirement for a temporary, updatable snapshot of a physical standby


Explain the principles and purposes of clusters

Explain and apply Automatic Storage Management (ASM) initialization parameters

Describe the benefits of Oracle RAC

Modify initialization parameters in a RAC environment

Course Topics

Basics of Multitenant Container Database and Pluggable DatabasesNew Multitenant Architecture: BenefitsMultitenant Container DatabaseSeparating SYSTEM and User DataProvisioning a Pluggable DatabaseInteracting Within Multitenant Container DatabaseMultitenant Container Database ArchitectureCommon and Local UsersCommon and Local Privileges and Roles

Managing Tablespaces and Users in CDB and PDBsTablespaces in PDBsCreating Permanent Tablespaces in a CDBCreating Local Temporary TablespacesTablespace Encryption: AdvantagesCreating an Encrypted TablespaceCommon and Local Schemas/UsersGranting and Revoking PrivilegesGranting Common or Local Privileges/Roles to Roles

Basics of Parallel ExecutionParallelizable OperationsPreviewing Execution PlansUnderstanding Parallel Execution: Query Coordinator (QC) and Parallel (PX) ServersParallel Execution Plans: Identifying the Producers and ConsumersParallel Execution Plans: Understanding GranulesExample PX ParametersPX Parameters for Auto DOPParameters for PX Messaging: Shared and Large Pools

In-Memory Parallel Execution & Multi-Threaded architecture

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Direct Reads Versus Buffer Cache ReadsParallel Execution and the Buffer CacheIn-Memory Parallel ExecutionWhen In-Memory Parallel Execution WorksControlling In-Memory Parallel ExecutionEnhance In-Memory PX Using Server PoolsEnhance In-Memory PX: Automatic Big Table CachingUsing PARALLEL_FORCE_LOCAL Parameter

Moving DataOracle Data Pump: OverviewDirectory Objects for Data PumpData Pump Export and Import Clients: OverviewExternal TablesData Pump Import: TransformationsSQL*Loader: OverviewLoading MethodsTransportable Tablespaces

Working with IndexesNormal B*-tree IndexesIndex ScansIndex Range ScanIndex Range Scan: Function-BasedIndex Fast Full ScanB*-tree Indexes and NullsIndex-Organized TablesBitmap Indexes

Partitioning ConceptsPartitioned Tables and IndexesPartitioning Strategies: Single-Level PartitioningOracle Partitioning HistoryPartition Key ExtensionsBenefits of Partitioning: Table AvailabilityManageability: Relocate Table DataBenefits of Partitioning: Performance ConsiderationsVerifying Partition Use

Dataware House Tuning and Partitioning WorkloadsCharacteristics of a Data WarehouseOLTP Systems Versus Data WarehousesData Warehouse Architectures: Basic Data Warehouse with Staging AreaData Warehousing ObjectsOptimizing Star Queries: Star TransformationExecution Plan Without Star TransformationStar Transformation ConsiderationsRetrieving Fact Rows from All Dimensions: Phase 1

Using Flashback TechnologiesFlashback Technologies Error Detection and CorrectionFlashback Technology

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Guaranteeing Undo RetentionFlashback QueryFlashback Table: OverviewFlashback Table: ConsiderationsFlashback Transaction QueryFlashing Back a Transaction

Influencing the OptimizerFunctions of the Query OptimizerCardinality and CostChanging Optimizer BehaviorOptimizer StatisticsOptimizer ParametersEnabling Query Optimizer FeaturesDynamic PlansCardinality Feedback: Monitoring Query Executions

SQL Performance Management and SQL Data CompressionMaintaining SQL PerformanceMaintaining Optimizer StatisticsAutomated Maintenance TasksSetting Statistic PreferencesRestoring StatisticsDeferred Statistics Publishing: ExampleAutomatic SQL Tuning: OverviewPlan Tuning Flow and SQL Profile Creation

In-Memory Column StoreGoals of In-Memory Column StoreStore Versus Column Store: 2D VisionIn-Memory Column UnitDual Format In MemoryDeploying IM Column StoreObjects Candidates for IM Column StoreDefining IM Column Store PriorityDefault In-Memory Setting

Introduction to Oracle Data GuardWhat Is Oracle Data Guard?Types of Standby DatabasesRole Transitions: Switchover and FailoverChoosing an Interface for Administering a Data Guard ConfigurationPrimary Database ProcessesStandby Database ProcessesPhysical Standby Database: Redo Apply ArchitectureAutomatic Gap Detection and Resolution

Using Oracle Active Data GuardUsing Real-Time QueryDisabling Real-Time QueryChecking the Standby’s Open ModeMonitoring Apply Lag: V$DATAGUARD_STATS

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Allowed Staleness of Standby Query DataSetting STANDBY_MAX_DATA_DELAY by Using an AFTER LOGON TriggerForcing Redo Apply SynchronizationCreating an AFTER LOGON Trigger for Synchronization

Creating a Logical Standby DatabaseBenefits of Implementing a Logical Standby DatabaseLogical Standby Database: SQL Apply ArchitecturePreparing to Create a Logical Standby DatabaseUnsupported Data TypesChecking for Tables with Unsupported Data TypesUnsupported PL/SQL-Supplied PackagesAdding a Disabled Primary Key RELY ConstraintCreating a Logical Standby Database by Using SQL Commands

Enabling Fast-Start FailoverWhen Does Fast-Start Failover Occur?Installing the Observer SoftwareFast-Start Failover PrerequisitesConfiguring Fast-Start FailoverStep 1: Specify the Target Standby DatabaseSetting the Lag-Time LimitConfiguring the Primary Database to Shut Down AutomaticallyConfiguring Automatic Reinstatement of the Primary Database

Introduction to ClusterwareClusterware Architecture and Cluster ServicesGoals for Oracle ClusterwareOracle Clusterware FencingCluster Time SynchronizationOracle Clusterware NetworkingGrid Naming Service (GNS)Grid Naming Service Configuration OptionsSingle-Client Access Name

ASM OverviewWhat Is Oracle ASM?ASM Features and BenefitsASM Instance Designs: Clustered ASM for Clustered DatabasesASM Components: SoftwareASM Components: ASM Instance Primary ProcessesASM Components: Configuration FilesASM Disk Group: Failure GroupsASM Files: Extents and Striping

Flex ClustersFlex Clusters: OverviewFlex Cluster ScalabilityLeaf Node CharacteristicsCluster Mode: OverviewConfiguring the Cluster ModeConfiguring Miss Count for Leaf Nodes

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Configuring a Flex Cluster with OUI: Configuring GNSConfiguring a Flex Cluster with OUI: Selecting the Node Type

Flex ASMFlex ASM: OverviewASM Instance ChangesConfiguring Flex ASM on a Standard ClusterConfiguring Flex ASM on a Flex ClusterStopping, Starting, and Relocating Flex ASM InstancesSetting the Cardinality for Flex ASM InstancesMonitoring Flex ASM ConnectionsRelocating an ASM Client

RAC Databases Overview and ArchitectureTypical Oracle RAC ArchitectureOracle RAC One NodeCluster-Aware Storage SolutionsOracle RAC and Network ConnectivityClusters and ScalabilityLevels of ScalabilitySpeedup/Scaleup and WorkloadsNecessity of Global Resources

Upgrading and Patching Oracle RACPatch and Patch Set: OverviewConfiguring the Software LibraryReduced Down-Time Patching for Cluster EnvironmentsOut-of-Place Database UpgradesOPatch: OverviewBefore Patching with OPatchOPatch Automation: ExamplesOPatch Log and Trace Files

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