Download - Option Strand Nutrition


HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand

Option Strand: Contemporary Food IssuesStudents learn about: Physical effects and economic costs of malnutrition (under and over nutrition) and diet related disordersMalnutrition and diet related diseases Malnutrition is defined as a condition when one or more nutrients are not supplied to the body in the correct amount. Malnutrition can be categorised as over-nutrition or undernutrition Diet related disorders are conditions related to more than just dietary i.e. they may have to do with physical activity and lifestyle such as type II diabetes and food allergies

Conditions linked withOver-nutrition-obesity -hypertension -dental caries

Under-nutrition-Anorexia nervosa -bulimia nervosa -dietery fibre defeciency -Anaemia -Osteoporosis

Diet-related diseases-diabetes -food intolerance/allergies

Over nutritionObesity Obesity causes when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, leading to the excess being stored in adipose tissue. Causes of obesity include: -environmental factors (values and beliefs) -psychological factors (pleasurable experience related to food) -Hereditary (genetics) -endocrine factors (underactive thyroid gland) -reduced physical activity Obese people generally have an excess of the macronutrients (i.e. fat, carbohydrates, protein) and sometimes, alcohol. The diet often lacks fibre. Physical effects of obesity include: -overworked cardiovascular system Page | 1

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand -strain on joints -reduced ability to regulate body temperature -fatigue when performing even simple task There are other associated conditions, including: -diabetes type II -gallbladder disease -Hypertension stroke -hernia -respiratory diseases -Arthritis -Some cancers The economic effects of obesity include cost of treatment (long-term), reduced working from sick leave and use of medical facilities. Hypertension Hypertension is caused by an excess of sodium in the diet, leading to an imbalance of sodium to potassium within the bodys cells, causing water retention which makes blood pump under greater pressure. There are a range of physical effects including: -haemorrhage (esp. brain) -stroke -heart failure -kidney disease -Arterial aneurism (blockage to heart) Economic costs include cost of treatment, surgery, medication and absenteeism and impairment in working. Dental Caries Dental caries aka tooth decay is caused by poor dental hygiene and excessive sugar consumption. Bacteria in the mouth feed on the sugars, producing acids which dissolve the enamel of the teeth. Plaque, an insoluble polysaccharide, is also produced, providing an impermeable layer which the bacteria continue to produce acid under. Physical effects include: -Toothache due to enamel decay exposing nerves -Bad breath -Loss of teeth Economic effects are the cost of treatment e.g. fillings, crowns, dentures, medication for pin relief

Under nutritionAnorexia Nervosa Page | 2

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Anorexia is a psychological disorder in which self-induced weight loss becomes out of control. It is most likely caused by puberty onset, low self-esteem and the influence of media on body image. -Physical effects include: -Heart palpitations -Fatigue -Muscle wasting -Low blood pressure -Anaemia -Absence of menstrual cycles -reduced pulse and metabolic rate -damage due to stomach acid Economic costs include cost of hospitalisation, psychological counselling and decreased employment Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa aka binge eating is a psychological condition that may be a feature of anorexia. It is characterised by secret periods of binge-eating in short time period followed by self-induced vomiting and/r use of laxatives and diuretics. It may be the result of a state of depression or anxiety. Physical effects include: -bowel dysfunction due to laxative abuse -tooth decay due to HCl in vomit -burnt oesophagus The economic effects are: -toll on family and community support -medical costs -counsellors and dieticians required Dietary fibre deficiency Normal bowel movements become irregular and faces become hard to pass due to a lack of dietary fibre. Dietary fibre is important because it absorbs water in the large intestine, bulking the faeces and making them easier to pass. It is important to note that even with an adequate fibre intake, enough water must be consumed to bulk the faeces. Physical effects include: -Hernia (result of stomach being forced up through diaphragm -Varicose veins (excess pressure causes stretching of veins in leg) -haemorrhoids (hard stools damage haemorrhoids) -diverticulitis (infected pockets in wall of large intestine due to small hard faeces) -colon cancer (cancer-causing compounds stay in body longer) Anaemia Page | 3

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Anaemia is the deficiency of oxygen-carrying red-blood cells in the body. It may be caused by: - inadequate iron in the diet -blood loss during menstruation -reduced absorption (due to diarrhoea, malabsorption syndrome, excessive fibre or copper deficiency) -repeated pregnancies (blood used to nourish developing baby) Physical effects include: -heart palpitations -Dizziness and chronic fatigue -Headache Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to too much calcium being withdrawn from the bones. It may be caused by: -inadequate calcium intake throughout life (esp. periods of intense growth such as adolescence or pregnancy) -physical inactivity (calcium released from bones) -menopause (lack of the hormone oestrogen, which helps retain calcium) -vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D required for calcium absorption) -family history of osteoporosis (genetics) This leads to the bones becoming porous and weak, so crush fractures may occur simply due to body weight. Stooped posture is a common indication and body weight decreases due to loss of bone mass.

Diet-related disordersDiabetes type II Diabetes type II or mature-onset diabetes is a condition where the pancreases secretes little or none of the hormone insulin. Insulin is essential for the metabolism of glucose into energy for the body. It is a disease that develops over time and is common in middle-aged people, particularly women. There are several possible contributing factors: -Obesity -High-fat diet -Low-fibre diet -genetics Diabetes causes glucose in the blood stream builds-up, leading to high urination, thirst and in extreme cases, coma. In addition, excess glucose must be removed in the urine, placing strain on the kidneys which can lead to renal failure. As glucose cannot be used for energy, the body begins to break down fatty tissue and in extreme cases, muscle wasting occurs. Using either fat or protein from muscle as body fuel for long periods of time is unhealthy as there are many toxic metabolic by-products produced.

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Diabetic also have higher chances of developing the following conditions due to a lack of proper blood supply to the extremities: -Glaucoma -gangrene Economic costs exceed $50 billion annually- more than $2700/diagnosed case. Most expenses are due to: -medication, which needs to be taken frequently for long periods -blood glucose tests, to monitor the condition Cardiovascular Disease The most common cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis, a condition in which fat and cholesterol (called plaques) build up on the inner walls of the arteries. This leads to a progressive narrowing of the arteries, so they lose elasticity and become rigid. There are a number of possible risk factors which may cause the condition: -age (middle-aged men and post-menopausal women) -Gender (8x more common in men than pre-menopausal women) -Hereditary (family history in an indication of developing the disease) -High stress -physical inactivity (exercise increases good HDL cholesterol and decreases bad LDL cholesterol) -obesity -poor diet (esp. high fat) Physical effects of atherosclerosis include heart attack, blood clots and muscle damage due to lack of oxygen supply. CVD is the most costly disease in terms of the number of people with the condition. Costs are involved in surgery, hospitalisations and absenteeism from work.

Nutritional considerations for specific groupsSpecific community groups have particular nutritional needs dependant on: -physical state -age -health status -exercise levels -Nationality Within the Australian community, specific groups with special requirements include: -Adolescent girls -Pregnant and lactating women/teenagers -Vegetarians -Athletes Page | 5

Nutritional considerations for specific groups

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand -Elderly -Post-menopausal women -Middle-aged men who live alone -Individuals with specific health conditions (e.g. diabetes, CVD) -Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (ATSI)

Summary Table Nutritional considerations for specific groups Strategies to Dietary needs Nutritional diseases promote optimum associated with health group *good nutrition *balanced diet *anaemia Adolescent girls education and *Low fat intake *bulimia healthy food choices *Increased calcium, *anorexia *Addressing body iron and B-vitamins *obesity image and self*alcohol abuse esteem issues *teaching food preparation skills *Effects of alcohol abuse *good nutrition *Increased vitamins *obesity Pregnant and education and and minerals esp. *anaemia lactating healthy food choices calcium, iron, B*calcium deficiency women/teenagers *effects of alcohol vitamins *constipation and caffeine *Nutrient-dense *food cravings consumption rather than junk foods *Increased macronutrients esp. protein *avoid: alcohol caffeine, uncooked meats e.g. sushi *small regular meals spread throughout day rather than 3 large meals *drink plenty of water to avoid constipation *good nutrition *Sufficient iron, *anaemia Vegetarians education and calcium, complete *calcium deficiency healthy food options proteins Group Athletes *good nutrition education and healthy food choices *Increased: complex carbohydrates, protein, calcium, *anorexia *bulimia

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand *Addressing body image and selfesteem issues Elderly *good nutrition education and healthy food options *Teaching food preparation skills *ensuring at least 3 good meals per day * good nutrition education and healthy food choices *Teaching food preparation skills *preventative measures iron, B-vitamins *Low fat *low fat *appealing to senses *sufficient: energy, calcium, B-vitamins, iron *phyto-oestrogen containing foods: linseeds, soy *Increased: calcium, vitamin D, fruits and vegetables *less: fat, processed foods *Low: processed foods, fat, alcohol *osteoporosis *anaemia *digestive disorder

Post-menopausal women

* osteoporosis *heart disease *diabetes *obesity

* good nutrition education and healthy food choices *Teaching food preparation skills * Effects of alcohol abuse *preventative measures *good nutritional Individuals with specific health needs education concerning (e.g. diabetes, CVD, their particular condition celiac) *suitable food choices esp. when eating-out *early medical intervention *teaching appropriate food preparation s ki l l s Middle-aged men living alone

*obesity *heart disease *diabetes *constipation *alcohol abuse *hypertension

Diabetes: *low: fat, refined carbohydrates processed foods *More: fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins e.g. fish legumes, tofu Celiac: *avoid gluten containing products i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale *Use gluten-free substitutes CVD: *low: fat, refined carbohydrates processed foods, sodium *more: iomega-3s,

Diabetes: *poor circulation *coma *renal failure *unstable blood glucose levels Celiac: *malnutrition (anaemia, calcium deficiency) *digestive disorders CVD: *atherosclerosis (leading to heart attack) *stroke *hypertension

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand fresh fruit and veg., *early medical *less: alcohol, fat, intervention processed foods *Health and hygiene *more fresh fruits programs and vegetables *nutritional *more complex educational programs carbohydrates

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (ATSI)

*Heart disease *cancer *Obesity *hypertension *digestive disorders *lactose intolerance *diabetes *low-life expectancy

Report: The health of Middle-aged Men who live alone in AustraliaIntroduction In this report I will investigate the diet-related health conditions pertaining to Middle aged men who live alone in Australia. This includes a description of each condition, the causes, physical effects and dietary strategies to counter these conditions. I will also discuss the factors, including environmental, psychological, physiological and economic which may cause the condition. Middle-aged men in Australia are susceptible to a range of diet-related health conditions including obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, alcoholism, and constipation. Obesity is a condition that occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure, leading to the storage of excess energy in the bodys adipose tissue, more commonly known as fat. Causes In middle-aged men, obesity is usually the result of excessive consumption of overprocessed, energy-dense foods, typically those which are high in sugar, fat and low in essential nutrients such as fried takeaway foods, cakes and pastries. Effects Obesity has many detrimental physical effects. Excess fat causes fatigue by creating extra workload for the heart and it stresses the body joints. Furthermore, it can reduce regulation of body temperature. In males, excess fat is usually stored around the abdomen, leading to the characteristic abdominal obesity or beer belly. Statistics have shown that abdominal obesity is associated with higher levels of heart disease, hypertension, insulin resistance, elevated triglycerides and type II diabetes. Reduction Strategies To reduce obesity in middle-aged men it is advised to eat more fruits and vegetables and drastically reduce the consumption of high energy, high fat and overly processed foods, such as cakes, pastries, white bread, untrimmed meats, refined breakfast cereals, confectionary and desserts. Limiting the amount of energy-dense foods, even those that are nutritious is key. This means limiting the amount of dried fruits, nuts, meats and full-cream dairy. Replace these with lower-energy substitutes- eat fresh fruit rather than dried, select trimmed meats or meats naturally low in fat, low fat-milk, yogurt and cheese. Snacking is not recommended Page | 8


HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand and should be limited to high-water content, low-calorie fruits and vegetables (e.g. carrot, celery, mandarin, and apple). Drinking plenty of water is important as it helps you feel fuller faster- often we think we are hungry when we are only thirsty. However, drinks such as milkshakes and fruit juice are not recommended as they can be quite high in calories when all you need is water to quench your thirst. Physical activity is also necessary to help lose weight faster and to maintain a healthy weight. Contributing Factors The factors which may cause obesity include psychological, physiological, environmental and economic. Men with low self-esteem may be at risk of overeating while others may be unconcerned with their body image and choose to eat unhealthily. Some people are at greater risk of obesity due to their genetics. Women typically do most of the cooking in traditional Australian culture, therefore, men never develop the skills required to cook their own meals and subsequently, when they live alone, they tend to depend on pre-packaged or takeaway foods. People with little disposable income may be forced into purchasing high-energy, preprocessed foods rather than purchasing fresh produce and preparing meals from scratch. Paradoxically, those with very high income may also be at risk of obesity due to depending on pre-prepared meals because of long working hours which cause a lack of available time to cook their own meals Type II diabetes or adult-onset diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the body cannot produce sufficient insulin, causing elevated blood glucose levels. Causes It can be triggered by a number of factors including obesity and a high fat, low-fibre diet. Effects Long-term elevated blood glucose leads to complications such as increased risk of heart attack, strokes, kidney failure and even gangrene due to reduced blood flow to the extremities. The excess blood glucose also causes high urination, thirst and coma in extreme cases. Because the body cannot break down blood glucose to supply energy, energy must come from adipose tissue. In extreme cases, muscle is broken down in a process called ketosis. Both these metabolic processes are unhealthy long-term and usually only occurs in starvation situations. Reduction Strategies Dietary strategies to counter diabetes include eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes and eating less rich fatty foods (esp. those high in saturated fats and trans fats) including untrimmed red meats, full-cream dairy products, cakes, pastries and fried foods to a maximum of once a week. It is especially important for diabetics to eat low GI foods such as unrefined whole-grains and legumes or to include protein with their meals and snacks as this helps to slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. This also means limiting the amount of refined carbohydrates including sugar, white bread, white pasta and confectionary, because these foods can cause a sharp spike in blood glucose levels, which quickly plummet. Some diabetics find eating several small meals spread throughout the day rather than fewer larger meals maintains blood glucose levels better. Increasing the consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids from sources such as linseeds and oily fish e.g. sardines, salmon, may also help. Page | 9

Type II diabetes

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand

Contributing factors Factors that may cause the condition include physiological, psychological and economic. Some people may be physiologically more susceptible to developing adult-onset diabetes due to their genetics i.e. their parents or grandparents had it and passed the genes on. Psychological factors include low self esteem or lack of concern towards body image leading to overeating and hence, obesity which may contribute to developing the condition. Both high and low income may result in a dependence on fatty, over-processed, low-fibre foods which contributes to developing diabetes. People with low income have less disposable income to spend on purchasing healthier choices while those with a high income tend to have long working hours, meaning they have little time to prepare meals themselves.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated above normal levels. Causes In middle aged me, it may be due to a high sodium diet, so the body to retains water and blood pressure increases. It may also be triggered by excessive alcohol intake, sedentary lifestyle and vitamin D deficiency. Effects Physical effects include strokes, heart attack and kidney failure. Hypertension is closely related to the incidence of type II diabetes and obesity. Reduction Strategies Strategies to reduce hypertension include reducing sodium intake, using salt substitutes (e.g. Potassium chloride) eating more foods with potassium such as fruits and vegetables (helps to counteract sodium), more vitamin D rich foods such as dairy in conjunction with other lifestyle changes such as taking regular exercise (aim to spend a good 20 minutes each day in the Sun) and meditation. Cooking your own meals allows you to control the amount of sodium in the food. Alcohol consumption is not recommended, although statistical research shows that a small glass of red wine each day may actually help lower the incidence of hypertension. Contributing factors Psychological factors include low self-esteem leading to alcoholism and sedentary lifestyle. Environmental factors include the bad habit of adding salt to food esp. before actually tasting it. Some cultures traditional diets are high in sodium (e.g. Japan). Economic factors include low income leading to a dependence on pre-prepared meals which often contain excessive amounts of sodium. However high income may also be a contributing factor, because people with high income often work long hours and therefore do not have much spare time to cook their own meals and participate in physical activity. CVD is the hardening of the arteries caused by the build-up of fatty deposits along the artery walls, resulting in narrowing of the arteries and restricted blood flow to the heart. Page | 10


Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Causes Dietary factors that may cause CVD include a high-fat, high-energy diet. CVD is strongly linked with hypertension, so high-sodium intake does not help either. Effects CVD can cause heart attacks due to restricted blood flow to the heart and stroke due to blockage of blood in the brain. Reduction Strategies Reduction strategies are similar to those for obesity i.e. eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes because they are rich in essential nutrients, and antioxidants which are believed to keep the heart healthy, yet are low in energy. Increase the amount of soluble fibre from sources such as oats and beans because this can help to lower cholesterol reabsorption. Reduce the consumption of fatty foods, particularly those high in saturated fats and Trans fats (cakes, pastries, untrimmed meat, takeaway foods) and also sugary foods (desserts, confectionary, sugary drinks). Obtain moderate amounts of protein from low fat sources such as fish (esp. oily fish containing omega 3s), legumes and tofu. Regular exercise is also highly recommended. Replace saturated fats such with smaller quantities of monounsaturated fats from sources such as olive oil, canola oil and nuts (except coconut, which is high in saturated fat). Limit consumption of dietary cholesterol from animal product like full-fat dairy, fatty meats, egg yolk and offal. Contributing factors CVD is often caused due to genetic inheritance. Like, obesity and adult onset diabetes, low self-esteem is a contributing factor because it may lead to overeating, particularity of rich comfort foods. Environmental factors such as traditional eating habits (e.g. Argentineans consume large amounts of animal fat from beef) can also contribute. Economic factors are the same as adult onset diabetes i.e. too high or too low income leading to a dependence on fatty, over-processed foods. Constipation is a condition where bowel movements become infrequent and difficult to pass. Causes In Middle aged men, constipation is primarily caused by a low-fibre diet. Such diets are often overly-processed, pre-prepared or pre-packaged foods or a meat-heavy diet. Effects Short term effects of constipation include abdominal pain, bloating and difficulty passing stools. Long term effects of constipation are hernia (breakage in the muscle holding digestive organs in body), haemorrhoids and diverticulitis (inflamed pouches that form on the outside of the large intestine due to bulking of faeces) and colonic cancer (uncontrolled growth of malignant tissue in the large intestine), which can ultimately lead to death. Reduction strategies Gradually increase the amount of fibre in the diet by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grains and legumes and less meats, refined grains, confectionary, desserts. If the Page | 11


HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand increase is too sudden, it can cause bloating and abdominal pain. Fruit and vegetable juices are not recommended\, as they have had the fibre processed out of them. Eat a mixture of soluble fibre from sources such as legumes, pectin-rich fruits (e.g. apples) and oats and insoluble fibre from brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta, fruits and vegetables. It is especially important to increase water consumption in order to make stools easier to pass. Contributing factors Constipation may be caused by environmental factors such as the traditional diet lacking fresh fruits and vegetables esp. Western diet. People who have grown up eating low-fibre foods may find they naturally dislike fibre-rich fruits and vegetables, so personal experience is also a factor. Interestingly enough, wholegrain foods such as brown bread used to be considered poor peoples food and refined white bread was considered the food of the rich because it was easier to eat. Nowadays, however, whole-grain foods are more expensive than their more refined counterparts, so people with low incomes generally purchase more refined foods with low fibre content, while those with higher disposable income can afford to purchase more fresh fruit and vegetables. Alcoholism Alcoholism is a disabling addictive disorder characterised by the compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol. Suffers develop a tolerance and physical dependence on alcohol. Long term physical effects include cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, CVD, cancer, damage to the nervous system and permanent damage to the brain, which may lead to conditions such as epilepsy and dementia. Reduction strategies Effects The most obvious treatment to alcoholism is to gradually discontinue alcohol consumption, although this can be very difficult. The best solution is to prevent it occurring in the first place by drinking in moderation or to abstain from drinking altogether. Causes Alcoholism may be caused by a complex range of factors. Genetics are believed to play a role in ones susceptibility to alcoholism, and it may be indicated by a family history of the condition. Men who begin drinking at a young age may develop alcoholism later in life. For some cultures, such as Australians, drinking is seen as an acceptable activity in many families. Other environmental factors such as childhood abuse, lack of peer and family support may also contribute to developing the disorder.

The production/manufacture of nutritionally modified foods to meet consumer demandFunctional FoodsPage | 12

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Foods which have been modified to meet the demand of consumers are known as functional foods. Although similar to conventional foods they provide not only nutrients but added health benefits to the body. This health benefit can be in the form of either a curative or preventative manner. Functional food may target: *coronary heart disease *diabetes *constipation *anaemia *obesity *cancers esp. colonic, prostate, breast *osteoporosis *hypertension There are 3 categories of functional foods: 1. Existing foods containing naturally occurring substances which have curative or preventative characteristics e.g. antioxidants 2. Modified processed foods e.g. kJ, fat, salt, sugar reduced, fortified with vitamins and minerals. They are also called designer foods 3. Foods containing active non nutrients (i.e. intestinal bacteria, dietary fibre, antioxidant from plant sources) Primary Production Modification During Primary production food can be nutritionally modified in 2 ways: -changing the genetics of the organism -changing the food production conditions Changing the genetic make-up The genetics of an organism determines its final characteristics. Genes may be rearranges to achieve desirable characteristics through selective breeding or genetic modification. Selective breeding aka traditional biotechnology involves cross breeding organisms with th desired characteristics to produce offspring that include favourable characteristics from both parents. It is relatively long and imprecise, but recent advances in gene mapping have improved the process. Examples of modifications include: -beef and cattle with greater proportion of lean meat -wheat varieties with increased protein for bread and pasta making -canola plants bred to produce edible cooking oils (original plant produced toxic oils suitable only for industry) Genetic modification (GM) involves directly manipulating and altering specific genes. Genes from one organism may be transferred to another, even from plants to animals. It therefore allows for changes that are not possible with selective breeding. Examples of modifications include: Page | 13

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand -vitamin A and iron in rice, with the potential to reduce malnutrition in 3rd world countries -higher vitamin content in vegetables -improved protein quality in soy, rice and corn -Allergy-causing proteins removed from peanuts -antifreeze from cold-water fish inserted into tomatoes -lowered fat absorption in potatoes -improved fatty-acid content in seed oils -higher protein content in cows milk -leaner meats -bacteria that produce enzymes to improve production of bread, cheese and alcohol In Australia, the only GM crop allowed is cotton. Cotton seed oil is approved for use in margarines and cooking oils. Changing food production conditions The biggest concern in Australia is the intake of products containing saturated fat and cholesterol. This has resulted in a decline in the consumption of red meats, butter, full-cream dairy and eggs. Producers have responded by producing animals with healthier fats and/or lower fat content. Examples include: -Range-fed beef, with leaner meat and higher proportion of omega-3s -controlled diets in grain-fed beef to produced leaner meats -using leaner overseas breeds -oilseed fed to dairy cows to increase monounsaturated fats -growth hormones to produce leaner, larger carcass -seed-oils fed to chickens to produce eggs with more omega-3s and less saturated fats and cholesterol -organic farming practices, avoiding use of chemicals is claimed to produce food with greater micronutrient content Issues with primary produce modification Consumer concerns have been expressed over: -use of growth hormones -application of GM technology -claims and labelling for organic and biodynamic foods Growth hormones are seen as a possible health threat to consumers. Most poultry producers in Australia do not use hormones because of this concern,. GM foods have been met with caution and distrust by consumers. Detailed and extensive testing of Gm foods for safety has delayed production of GM foods in Australia. Packaged Gm food must be labelled if the final product: -contains novel proteins/DNA -has altered characteristics Exemptions apply if GM flavours are used in concentrations < 0.1% or if the food contains up to 1% GM material that was unintended.

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The role of active non-nutrients in the diet , e.g. phytochemicals, probitoics and fibreActive non-nutrients are substances that are not essential in the diet, but enhance ones health by playing an active and protective role. There are 4 main types: -phytochemcials -probiotics -fibre -Omega 3-fatty acids Phytochemicals Phytochemicals aka phytonutrients are substances found naturally in plant foods that act as antioxidants in the body. They inhibit oxidation reactions (esp. with fats and oils) involving dangerous free radicals, regulate blood cholesterol levels and may prevent heart disease and some cancers. There are over 600 known phytochemicals. One type of phytochemicals is phyto-oestrogens, which imitate the female hormone oestrogen in the body. For women, the benefits include a reduction in hot flushes associated with menopause and for both genders, improvement in cardiovascular health and reduced risk of prostate and breast cancers. There are 4 classes of phytochemical compounds: *Terpines *Organosulfur compounds *Phenols *phytosterols Terpines are strong antioxidants responsible for controlling blood cholesterol levels, inhibiting free radicals and maintaining vision. There may be divided into 3 subgroups:

Active non-nutrients

*Carotenoids: found in yellow/orange fruit and veg. e.g. tomatoes, spinach, oranges

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*Liminoids: found in citrus peel, they fight lung infections and stimulate the liver to remove toxins

*Saponins: found mainly in legumes, they lower bad LDL and increase good HDL cholesterol Organosulfur compunds are responsible for protecting against cancers by deactivating harmful substances and stimulating production of liver enzymes. There are 4 subgroups: *Glucosinolates: found in cruciferous vegetables e.g. cauliflower, broccoli, mustard greens *Indoles: found in cruciferous vegetables *Thiosulphonates: found in onions, garlic, leek, shallot, chives *Isothiocyanates: horseradish, Mustard greens, wasabi Phenols have anti-fungal, antiseptic and flabouring properties and most common in herbs e.g. basil, parsley, coriander. There are 2 subgroups: *Polyphenols: improve cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation and clotting; found in berries, citrus, nuts, tea, wine *Phyto-oestrogens: imitate the female hormone oestrogen in the body. For women, the benefits include a reduction in hot flushes associated with menopause and for both genders, improvement in cardiovascular health and reduced risk of prostate and breast cancers. Phytosterols lower LDL cholesterol and promote HDL cholesterol. They are commonly found in grains, soy and nuts. Probiotics Probiotics are bacteria found naturally in the digestive system esp. intestinal tract. They are added to foods with the aim of ensuring a food balance of good to pathogenic bacteria in the gut. Benefits include: -improved digestion Page | 16

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand -reduced gastrointestinal problems -improved immune function (reduce disease) -contribute to vitamin production (D and K) Examples of probiotic bacterium are Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifid. Food product containing probiotics include Yakult, Tip Top High fibre bread (inulin probiotic extracted from artichokes or chicory), sour cream & yogurt

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3s are precursors to prostaglandins in the body. Prostaglandins are involved with proper cardiovascular health. Benefits include: -reduced blood clot formation -protection against -cancer prevention -brain health -Anti-inflammatory -Immune health Foods containing omega-3s include oily fish, omega-3 enriched bread, margarines and some animal foods such as eggs, beef, milk which have been fed with omega-3 rich plant foods (e.g. flax, grass, canola) Dietary Fibre Dietary fibre is found naturally in plant foods. Gastrointestinal flora in the large intestine acts on dietary fibre, causing it to swell in the presence of water. This increases the size of the faeces and helps to speed up the expelling of waste matter from the large intestine. There are 3 main types of dietary fibre: 1. Insoluble 2. Soluble 3. Resistant starch Insoluble fibre is found naturally in wholegrain products e.g. cereals like Weet-Bix, oats, pasta and in many fruits and vegetables e.g. broccoli, carrot. It be extracted from plants and added to other foods such as crackers, biscuits and breads e.g. Tip Top wonder white HiFibre Soluble fibre forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract that may help to control blood cholesterol levels and slow down the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. It is found in foods such as legumes, oats, apples, citrus peel and barley. Resistant starch is a type of starch that resits digestion in the small intestine. It increases insulin sensitivity, weight management (promotes satiety and lipid oxidation) and may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Page | 17

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand

The benefits of fibre are: -prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements (provided enough water is also consumed) -aid in the production of vitamin K and B-vitamins -add bulk to diet without adding extra kilojoules -lower glycaemic index of foods (rate at which glucose is absorbed)

The role of supplements in the diet, e.g. vitamins, minerals, proteinThe role of supplements in the dietMain functions of vitamins: -growth and repair i.e. protein synthesis -maintain vision -Antioxidant effect -synthesis and absorption of minerals -blood clotting -DNA and RNA formation within cells -Energy release from carbohydrates Main functions of minerals: -growth and repair of bones and teeth -blood clotting -nerve and muscle functioning -enzymatic reactions -maintenance of blood pressure -energy and amino acid production Main functions of protein: -growth and repair -enzyme and hormone formation -secondary energy source The consumption of dietary supplements has increased due to: *Busy lives leaving less time for careful diet and meal preparation *Increased intake of un-nutritious processed foods due to greater disposable income *Increased food preparation technology leading to a reduction in traditional food preparation skills *Groups with greater nutrient requirements than normal e.g. athletes, teenage girls, pregnant women, vegetarians *The belief that dietary supplements will help achieve maximum energy

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand There is still debate as to whether taking vitamin supplements are necessary. Water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, so an excess does not usually harm the body. However, fat soluble vitamins are stored in adipose tissues, where they can build-up to toxic levels. Excessive mineral can also be harmful. Nutrient Vitamin A B-vitamins Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Calcium Phosphorus Iron Possible side-effects of overconsumption Cause cancers Renal failure due to stress on kidneys to remove excess Kill healthy cells by acting as an oxidising agent decreases vitamin B-12 Atherosclerosis, bone deformation Bleeding in brain impaired immune function leading to cancers or arthritis increases susceptibility to oxidative damage Kill healthy cells by acting as an oxidising agent Formation of gallstones Osteoporosis atherosclerosis Arthritis high blood glucose thyroid problems CVD Decreased ability for blood to clot Overworked kidneys, leeching of calcium from bones

Omega-3 Protein

Supplements have been use to rectify health problems e.g. fluoridation of water to reduce dental caries.

The role of the individual, community groups, the food industry, government organisations and private agencies in promoting healthFood availability is highly complex; therefore health promotion and healthy food choices are the responsibility of a number of agencies. Although consumers are ultimately responsible for their individual food choices, the following agencies can provide food and nutritional education so that consumers can make informed decisions: Agency/group The AFI Why they are responsible Responsible for the supply of food from raw material to packaged product Consumers rely on the AFI for their daily food supply; therefore all How they are addressing health issues Reduction of fat and energy in foods i.e. leaner meats, lite products, kJ reduced Increased variety of foods Improved food preparation techniques/equipment e.g. Page | 19

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand sectors of the AFI are aware of the impact food products have on health microwave steaming, non stick pans, Improved production techniques e.g. organic farming, safe-food testing Labelling improvements i.e. nutritional information Ethical marketing considerations e.g. products for vegans Increased production of products for healthier meal options e.g. simmer sauces, stir-fry veggie packs Data analysis of the health of different community groups identifies problems to be eliminated Increased education through dietary guidelines and healthy eating targets Legislation which controls production, manufacture of food e.g. nutritional panels on labelling, controlled used of chemicals, use of GM foods Quarantine laws to protect food supply Formation of FSANZ and the National Health and Medical Research council to provide info and guidelines on all aspects of the food supply to ensure maximum food safety Public information about diet related disorders e.g. osteoporosis in conjunction with the dairy industry to promote calcium consumption through dairy products Choice magazine informs consumers about the nutritional value of new products Food endorsement of healthier options e.g. Healthy-Heart Tick to assist consumers kin making healthier food choices

Government organisations

Government policies are based on the reasoning that it is better to promote and educate good health rather than placing stress on the health system for poor food choices Examples of policies/initiatives include Healthy Weight, Your Health, How do you measure up?, Get set 4 life

Community groups and private agencies

Examples such as the National heart foundation and Dieticians association of Australia Use of Internet and TV media has allowed these groups to make nutritional information readily available to the public

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Health and the effect of heredity and role of diet in the development of conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, food sensitivity/intolerance/allergiesThe individual is ultimately responsible for their own food choices. However, the link between diet, and the heredity conditions of diabetes, CVD, food allergies and intolerances does have a significant impact on the development of dietary disorders. Diabetes Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient insulin for the metabolism of blood glucose to energy. A lack of insulin causes the blood glucose levels to rise, having detrimental effects on the eyes, kidneys, and heart and blood vessels. If there is immediate treatment, hypoglycaemia occurs, causing the sufferer to faint, become dizzy or even lapse into a coma under extreme cases. Such a condition is treated with a dose of fast-absorbed carbohydrates e.g. fruit juice or jelly beans. There is a strong link between heredity and diabetes. People with family history of diabetes are at a greater risk of diabetes. Individuals need to control diabetes by controlling their weight through regular exercise and consuming a balanced diet based around unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits with low to moderate amounts of low-fat animal products e.g. lean meats, tofu, egg white Coronary heart disease (CVD) CVD occurs due to the coronary arteries becoming blocked, thus preventing normal blood flow to the heart. In terms of dietary factors, the main culprit nutrients are refined carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, processed snack foods), trans and saturated fats, found primarily in highly processed foods (such as hot chips fried in vegetable oil containing trans fats) and animal products (i.e. Animal fat and butterfat from milk). Excessive consumption of these nutrients causes atherosclerosis i.e. the hardening of the arterial walls to an accumulation of fatty deposits. This prevents sufficient blood-flow to the heart, possibly leading to cardiac arrest (heart attack). The obvious methods to prevent/treat the disease are a low-fat diet. There are hereditary risks for those with a family history of CVD. Knowledge of this can warn individuals of the need to maintain a balanced, low-fat diet to prevent the condition. Food Allergies and Intolerances Food allergies are a response by the bodys immune system when it identifies a specific food chemical (usually protein) as a foreign object. The body responds by producing antibodies to eliminate the chemical/s, thus producing an allergic reaction (usually quite rapid; within a few minutes/hours)) which can range from anything as mild as a simple rash, to a lifethreatening anaphylaxis. The most common allergens include milk, peanuts, fish, eggs, nuts and gluten.

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Gluten allergy (Coeliac disease) Coeliac disease is a condition in which the protein, gluten, found in wheat damages the delicate lining of the small intestine. It causes the collapse of the small hair-like protrusions, called villi, which are responsible for the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. This results in malabsorption of nutrients, leading to malnourishment. Symptoms of the condition include cramping, bloating, nausea and weight loss. Milok allergy Milk allergy is an immune response to the milk protein casein. It is most common in infants and children, who usually outgrow it later in life. The allergic response varies depending on the individual, so the only way to determine this is in a strict medical environment. Food intolerances are individuals inability to process certain foods and can relate to any number of food nutrients. In some cases, the intolerance may be heredity, in which case it results in adverse side-effects, but the reaction is usually much slower than food allergies. The gastro-intestinal tract is simply unable to produce the enzymes required to breakdown certain foods. They are mostly related to: -salicylates: found in plant foods, nuts, tea, coffee, juices -monosodium glutamate (MSG: a flavour enhancer found naturally in tomatoes, soy sauce, mushrooms; it was once a common food additive -Lactose: the sugar found in milk and hence, many dairy products Symptoms vary widely, common examples include: -bloating -migraine -hives -lethargy -irritable bowel syndrome -behavioural changes


Strict dietary management is the main solution. The AFI has responded to this need by reducing the use of MSG, including additives on food labelling and providing consumers with products to suit dietary needs e.g. lactose-free milk, gluten-free products. Identification of food intolerance is much more difficult than a food allergy, as specific chemical/s must be isolated. The elimination diet is a method which allows only a narrow group of foods to be consumed. This includes foods that are unlikely to cause reactions, i.e. -skinless poultry, veal, lamb, eggs -sunflower and safflower oil -potatoes, lettuce, parsley -fresh pears or pears tinned in syrup -rice, unprocessed bran, wheaten cornflour, arrowroot flour, potato flour -sugar -mineral water, pear juice, soda water, instant coffee

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HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Once the symptoms of the intolerance subside, the offending chemicals can be isolated by slowly reintroducing the normal diet. The suspect chemicals are known as challenges. If there are no reactions within two days, the next challenge is introduced and so on until the offending substances have been identified.

Media and the impact of advertising practices on food consumption such as the promotion of health foods and fast foodsMedia and the impact of advertising on Food Choices Advertising in terms of food marketing is used to persuade consumers to purchase new or existing products. A number of factors are considered: -health promotion: due to an increase in dietary disorder and health awareness, through promotion of diet models e.g. the Australian dietary guidelines, marketers aim at healthy choice and healthy body image -targeting busy lifestyle, dual income families through promotion of convenience and fast-foods (this presents a major advertising market) -targeting diverse Australia through ethnic cuisines -Promotion through community support structures e.g. Ronald McDonald House at Westmead hospital Fast food advertising has in the past associated healthy body image with their products. Due to increasing health awareness, the general public no longer associates fast food with healthy eating. This has forced fast food companies to target this change by producing new products that cater to busy lifestyles but are still perceived by consumers to be healthier options e.g. salad, Heart foundation Tick approved meals.

Lifestyle and the effect of cultural and social practices such as food taboos and levels of physical activityNutritional status can be affected by lifestyle, cultural and social practices. Lifestyle Lifestyle choices play a significant role in health status and relate to the issues of: -employment -household structure and roles -geographic location and climate -social interactions -education levels In modern society, many lifestyles are highly sedentary, relying on labour-saving devices for transportation and in the workplace. Full-time employment means many people only work Page | 23

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand 35-40 hours per week, leaving more time for leisure actives. However, increased technology means these are mostly passive activities such as watching television or playing on the computer. Western society needs to have an awareness of the necessity to eat a balanced diet, which is not too high in energy. Some employers are addressing these issues by providing exercise equipment, healthy canteens or corporate gym memberships. Awareness of the need to moderate energy intake could also be raised through advertising by health groups Cultural Practices In terms of culture, the acceptance of nutritional practices is due to instilled values, attitudes and beliefs. Due to the ever-increasing ethnic diversity within Australia, food habits and choices are more diverse and acceptable than in other societies. In addition, due to improved and diverse cooking methods, Australians are consuming foods prepared using healthier methods e.g. stir frying, use of herbs and spices to reduce need for additional salt and artificial flavourings. Religion, through tradition and festivals, plays a large part in the types of food consumed and the preparation techniques used. Usually, this involves food taboos. In Australian society, food taboos include: -Christian groups eat fish on Good Fridays -Catholics may eat fish on Fridays -Hindus do not eat beef -Muslims and Jews avoid pork products -Jews only eat Kosher products and cannot eat milk and meat together -Muslims abstain from food and drink in light hours during the Ramadan festival Ion some cases, these food restrictions have led to the formation of food organisations to produce foods to suit these religious beliefs. For example, Sanitarium has improved the nutritional statues of individuals due to its promotion of health and vegetarian foods, in addition to provision of nutrition and health education Social Practices Many social gathering revolve around the sharing of food and drink in order to create a relaxed social environment. In Australia, the natural environment means that many social gatherings are centred in the outdoors e.g. picnics & barbeques. Such social gatherings include: -childrens birthday party -Cocktail party -Dinner party -After work drinks -Workplace morning tea -Restaurant dining -Family celebration -Friends house Page | 24

HSC Food Technology Summary- Option Strand Food manufactures have responded by producing foods suitable for outdoor stations e.g. promotion of fish and poultry with marinades for variety. Seafood is replacing the hot roast meal as the Christmas meal. Alcohol consumption, especially at social gatherings is another issue. Although alcohol consumption in moderation is acceptable and is even thought to be beneficial by some health authorities (particularly red wines, which are believed to be rich in antioxidants that neutralise free radicals), frequent overconsumption may led to malabsorption of micronutrients, neurological damage and there are social impacts on the individuals family and work performance. The establishment of food courts in shopping centres has encouraged the consumption of fast food. This has encourage the eating of fast foods as part of a social meeting, which has caused detriment to the overall health of Australians.

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