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  • 8/9/2019 Optimal Trading Strategies for Ito Processes


  • 8/9/2019 Optimal Trading Strategies for Ito Processes

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    trading is to construct a stationary, mean-reverting synthetic asset as a linearcombination of securities. One example is the method of pairs trading whichhas been the focus of several recent studies [13]. Another example is where afutures contract is traded against one or more securities. This type of tradingis referred to as index arbitrage, where the goal of the trader is to capitalise

    on any price discrepancy between index futures and the underlying basket ofindex constituents. For various reasons, such as liquidity and transaction cost,it is possible to profit from such a trade. In the examples listed above, the goalis to construct a tradable stationary process so that trades are entered whenthe process reaches an extreme value, and exited when the process revertsto some mean value. The cost of trading is crucial when considering suchstrategies. Since market inefficiencies are generally small in magnitude, anypotential profit could be wiped out by transaction costs. Indeed, transactioncosts are one reason why inefficiencies remain.

    In order to execute a trading strategy in an optimal sense it is necessary tounderstand the characteristics of the stochastic process that drives the targetsecurity. In practice it is customary for traders to take a heuristic approachand enter a trade when the security prices reach a sufficiently large deviation.To date, there has been no widely accepted study addressing the question ofwhat constitutes the optimal deviation size. While there have been severalrecent works examining the development and implementation of such tradingstrategies [47], there has been little research done on the topic of how to ex-ecute a strategy optimally in the presence of transaction costs. The problemof determining when to enter and exit a trade can be expressed as a func-

    tion of two random variables: the return per trade; and frequency at whichtrades take place. This approach naturally leads to the examination of theeffect of transaction costs on trading. If one trades too frequently, or for toolittle return, then the cumulative effect of transaction costs can outweigh anypotential profit. Conversely, if one trades for a larger return per trade, with alower trading frequency, then the strategy may not accumulate profits at anoptimal rate. Further, there are constraints that must also be considered whenchoosing a trading strategy, one of the most important being the drawdownon a position. The drawdown is defined as being the maximum negative mark-to-market return experienced over the life of a trade. If a trade is entered atthe wrong time, then it may be subject to events such as margin calls if the

    drawdown becomes too large. Effects such as these should be considered whendetermining an optimal trading strategy.

    The analysis of optimal trading strategies can often be expressed in terms offirst passage time problems. The first passage time of a process is the time ittakes the process to reach a given level for the first time starting from somegiven initial value. The work of [1] suggested using the first passage time ofthe Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process to work out the time with greatest probabilityand used this as an optimal exit time in an investigation of a pairs trading


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    In this paper we examine the problem of constructing an optimal tradingstrategy for an asset whose price is described by an Ito diffusion process. Al-

    though we use the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as an example for illustrativepurposes, the method can easily be applied to other types of Ito diffusionssuch the CIR/Square Bessel process [8], CEV process [9], even non-stationaryprocesses such as arithmetic Brownian motion. Previous research has onlyexamined such strategies in special cases, for instance [2] considers the Gaus-sian white noise case while [1] use an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with unitstandard deviation and reversion rate. The problem is formulated in terms ofthe first passage time distribution of the process. Trading frequency is shownto be a function of two first passage times which represent the time takento exit from an existing trade, and the time taken to enter a new trade. Byusing the theory of first passage times we express the total trading time asthe convolution of the solutions to two systems of Fokker-Planck equations.We present a general framework to choose optimal trade entry and exit levels.These levels are optimal in the sense that they maximise the expected rateof profit subject to transaction costs and constraints on drawdown. We for-mulate expressions for the drawdown of a trade in terms of both maximumexpected drawdown and maximum 95% quantile drawdown. By using the the-ory of first passage times we are able to express the problem in terms of partialdifferential equations. Thus, the problem can be solved numerically withoutresorting to simulation based methods. We note that the purpose of this paperis not to propose specific models for combinations of assets or to characterise

    the behaviour of such real-world data, rather the authors aim is to focus onthe effects that trading constraints and transaction costs have on the returnsof a strategy. Our approach may be extended to incorporate more realisticnon-Gaussian processes such as the Levy process [10] or the Continuous TimeRandom Walk (CTRW) [11] by using simulation based calculations to derivethe necessary distribution functions.

    The rest of the paper is as follows, in the next section we calculate expectedtrade length and expected trade frequency where the asset being traded fol-lows an Ito diffusion process. By solving two first passage time problems and

    taking a convolution of the solutions we calculate the distribution and densityfunctions for the total trading time. Using the expected trading frequency wecalculate the expected rate of profit and the variance of the rate of profit asfunctions of trade entry and exit levels. In section 3 we derive two measuresof trade drawdown: the Maximum Expected Drawdown; and the MaximumQ95 Drawdown. These measures are calculated as functions of trade entry andexit levels. In section 4 we find the optimal trading levels that maximise theexpected rate of profit for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and present theresults. Section 5 concludes by summaries the main results of the study.


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    2 Expected Trading Frequency

    Since a trading strategy comprises a sequence of individual trades, many ofthe important quantities related to the trading strategy can be expressed as

    functions of the frequency at which these trades take place, for instance profitand loss. The trading frequency is specified by how many times the strategytrades per unit of time. This value is dependent on how long it takes in totalto move from one trade entry point to the next, passing though the exit pointalong the way. In order to analyse the total time between trade entry pointswe will consider to two subintervals: the time from trade entry until exit Texit;and the time from exit until a new trade is entered Tenter. We may write thetotal time as,

    Ttotal = Texit + Tenter. (1)

    The variable 1/Ttotal represents the frequency at which trades take place. Ifwe model the price of the traded security, pt as,

    pt = eXt ; Xt0 = x0, (2)

    where Xt is an Ito diffusion process, then the random variables Texit and Tentercan be identified as first passage times, for which we can evaluate distributionand density functions.

    Recall that the first passage time T of a stochastic process Xt is defined to bethe time at which the process first reaches the boundaries XT = xL or XT =xU having started from a given initial point Xt0 = x0, where xL < x0 < xU.As in [12] the first passage time is formally defined as the random variable,

    T[xL,xU](x0) = suptt0

    {t |xL < Xt < xU; X0 = x0}, (3)

    with xL < x0 < xU. Let Xt be a general Ito diffusion process satisfying the

    stochastic differential equation,

    dXt = (Xt, t)dt + (Xt, t)dWt; Xt0 = x0, (4)

    where Wt is the Wiener process. The transition densities p(x, t|x0, t0), for theprocess satisfy the Fokker-Planck equation [13],

    p(x, t)


    x[(x, t)p(x, t)] +




    22(x, t)p(x, t)

    , (5)


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    with initial condition p(x, t0|x0, t0) = (x x0). If Eq. (5) is solved withabsorbing boundary conditions at x = xL and x = xU,

    p(xL, t) = 0, (6)

    p(xU, t) = 0, (7)

    then the integralxUxL

    p(x, t|x0, t0)dx represents the probability that the processhas not yet reached either of the boundaries xL or xU at time t. Therefore thecumulative distribution function for the first passage time is given by,

    G[xL,xU](t|x0, t0) = 1 xUxL

    p(x, t|x0, t0)dx, (8)

    with corresponding density function,

    g[xL,xU](t|x0, t0) =

    tG[xL,xU](t|x0, t0) =


    tp(x, t|x0, t0)dx. (9)

    Further, it can also be shown [15] that the distribution function G[xL,xU](t|x0, t0)satisfies the partial differential equation ,


    = (x0, t0) Gx0


    22(x0, t0)


    x20, (10)

    in the region xL x0 xU subject to the initial and boundary conditions,

    G[xL,xU](t|x0, t) = 0, (11)G[xL,xU](t|xL, t0) = 1, (12)G[xL,xU](t|xU, t0) = 1. (13)

    By choosing appropriate values for x0, xL and xU we can obtain the distribu-tion and density functions for the trade exit and entry times.

    The general trading strategy is to enter a trade by purchasing a security atsome level a and to exit by selling the security when it reaches some level m,where a < m. In the case where we are trading a stationary mean-revertingprocess we will be able to repeat these actions as the process continues to passbetween these levels. The issue in question is how to determine the valuesof a and m such that we implement the strategy in an optimal way, takinginto account trading costs and limits on funding requirements. To address thisproblem we must first formulate expressions for the trading frequency of thestrategy in terms of the trade entry and exit times. The exit time can be


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    characterised as the first passage time of the process Xt starting at x0 = awith a single barrier at x = m. We write the exit time as Texit = T[,m](a)with density function g[,m](t|a, t0). Likewise, the entry time consists of thefirst passage time of the process starting from x0 = m with barrier at thetrade entry point x = a. The entry time is written as

    Tentry =

    T[a,](m) and

    its density is given by g[a,](t|m, t0).By limiting our analysis to Ito diffusion processes, the Markov property ensuresthat the two random variables, Texit and Tentry are independent. Thus thedensity of the sum of random time variables in Eq. (1) is given by convolution,

    f(t; m, a) = g[,m](t|a, t0) g[a,](t|m, t0). (14)

    By using the density function, f(t; m, a), we can evaluate the expected tradelength,

    E [Ttotal] =0

    tf(t; m, a)dt, (15)

    and the expected trade frequency and variance







    tf(t; m, a)dt, (16)







    t2f(t; m, a)dt E



    . (17)

    We may also use an alternative approach to obtain the expected trading fre-quency. For an Ito diffusion process the first and second moments of the firstpassage time T = E[T] and V = E[T2], were shown by [12] to satisfy thesystem of second order differential equations,


    (x, t)2

    T(x) + (x, t)T(x) = 1, (18)2(x, t)

    2V(x) + (x, t)V(x) = 2T, (19)

    where T(xL) = V(xL) = 0 and T(xU) = V(xU) = 0. The theory of renewalprocesses then allows us to obtain the expected trading frequency as,



    T 1E[T] . (20)


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    By solving for the cases T[,m](a) and T[a,](m) we can calculate the expectedtotal trade time as,

    E[Ttotal] = E[Texit] + E[Tentry]. (21)

    This approach is simpler to implement numerically as it avoids the calculationof the convolution in Eq. (14). Note that although we can obtain the secondmoment of the first passage time, there is no result equivalent to Eq. (20)that would allow us to calculate the variance of the trading frequency in thismanner.

    The return on a single trade is given by the difference between the exit andentry prices minus the total transaction costs associated with the trade. Sincethe variable Xt represents the log-price, the function r(a,m,c) = (m a c)gives the continuously compound rate of return for a single trade, where c is

    the transaction cost per trade measured in percent. By multiplying this valueby the expected frequency we obtain the expressions for the expected rate ofprofit for the strategy and its variance,

    P = r(a,m,c)E



    = (m a c)0


    tf(t; m, a)dt, (22)

    P = r(a,m,c)2V



    = (m a c)20


    t2f(t; m, a)dt 2P. (23)

    3 Measures for trade drawdown

    In financial terms, the drawdown refers to the magnitude of the mark-to-market value of a trade where the current value of the position is less thanthe entry value. Mathematically this value can be expressed as,

    Dt = (a Xt)+


    0; Xt > a,

    a Xt; Xt a, (24)

    where Xt is the current value of the security and a is the value of the securityat which the trade was entered. Thus, the drawdown indicates the size ofan unrealised loss for the trade. In the case of a stationary process such asthe Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process the drawdown should not matter since, intheory, the process is guaranteed to revert to the exit level if we wait longenough. However, the drawdown is an important consideration when trading


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    due to operational constraints such as margin requirements, capital limits,profit reporting and risk management. Indeed, there have been several famousinstances where hedge funds have run into difficulties with trade drawdowneven when convergence to the exit level has been guaranteed, for example infixed income markets [16]. This means that drawdown should be considered

    as a constraint in the choice of optimal entry/exit points.

    We propose two possible measures for trade drawdown that may be usedas constraints for choosing a strategy. The first is the Maximum ExpectedDrawdown while the second is the Maximum Q95 Drawdown. Consider thefunction p(x, t|a, t0) which satisfies Eq. (5) with boundary conditions p(m, t) =0 and p(, t) = 0 where < a m. Note that while p(x, t|a, t) is nota true probability density function since

    mp(x, t|a, t0)dx = 1, the integrala

    p(x, t|a, t0)dx represents the probability that the process is less than itsinitial value, a, conditional on the process not having come into contact with

    the barrier at m before time t [14]. Further, the integrala

    xp(x, t|a, t0)dx, (25)

    yields the average value of the process in the region [, a] at time t, condi-tional on the process not having come into contact with the barrier at m.

    By combining Eq. (24) and Eq. (25) we may formulate the maximum expecteddrawdown as,

    maxtE[Dt] = max



    (a x)p(x, t|a, t0)dx, (26)

    where the maximum is taken over all times t0 < t < .

    As alternative to the maximum expected drawdown we can obtain an expres-sion for the drawdown in terms of the maximum 95% quantile bands. In thisapproach, we find the value Qt such that the absorbing process Xt is above thislevel with 95% probability, P[Xt > Qt]

    0.95. The maximum Q95 drawdown

    is then defined as,

    Q95 = maxt

    (a Qt)+, (27)

    where Qt satisfies,


    p(x, t|a, t0)dx = 0.05. (28)


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    Thus Q95 represents the maximum drawdown that could occur before exittime with a 95% level of confidence.

    4 Results for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

    In this example we model the traded security with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeckprocess,

    dXt = Xtdt + dWt; X0 = x0, (29)

    where is the instantaneous standard deviation and is the rate of reversion.The steady-state standard deviation of the above process is given by,


    2 . (30)

    The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is used in practice to model tradable syn-thetic assets known as spreads. These synthetic assets are constructed as alinear combination of two or more securities and are traded in the areas ofindex arbitrage and pairs trading [1,2]. We are required to find the entry levela and exit level m, where a < m, that maximises a chosen objective function.For illustrative purposes we will maximise the expected rate of profit, althoughthe analysis could also be carried out by maximising other functions such as

    the Sharpe Ratio [17]. Notice that this example that increasing the distancebetween the entry and exit levels increases the return for a single trade andsimultaneously decreases the number of trades that take place per unit time.Figure 1 displays a sample path for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process includingsample entry and exit bands at a = 1.8, m = 0.5. For this process, Eq. (10)is


    = x0G





    x20. (31)

    The above equation can be solved numerically and the derivative taken withrespect to t, as in Eq. (9), to obtain g[,m](t|a, t0) and g[a,](t|m, t0). Thedensity function for the total trade length, f(t; m, a), is shown in Fig. 2 forvalues of a = 1.8, m = 0.5. Similarly the differential equation Eq. (18) forthe alternative calculation of the expected trade length is,


    2T(x) xT(x) = 1. (32)

    which we solve for the cases: T() = T(m) = 0; and T(a) = T() = 0.


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    0 20 40 60 80 100





    Trading Bands for the Ornstein Uhlenbeck Process


    Exit LevelEntry Level

    Fig. 1. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with trade entry level at Xt = a and trade exitlevel at Xt = m.

    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400








    Density functions for Entry, Exit and Total Trade Length






    Fig. 2. Density functions g[,m](t|a, t0), g[a,](t|m, t0) and f(t; m, a) for the Orn-stein-Uhlenbeck process.

    2004 2005 2006 2007










    Fig. 3. The spread for dual-listed ANZ securities on the Australian and New Zealandstock exchanges.


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    Entry LevelExit Level



    Fig. 4. The expected trade length as a function of trade entry and exit level.

    We illustrate this example by fitting Eq. (29) to a spread constructed from thedual-listed security, ANZ Bank (ANZ). This security is traded simultaneouslyon both the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges. Let pAU, pNZ denotethe prices of the Australian and New Zealand stocks respectively and pFXdenote the Australian-to-New Zealand dollar exchange rate. We can constructa synthetic spread by buying the Australian listed stock, selling the NewZealand listed stock and buying New Zealand dollars in a 1:1:1 capital ratio.If we write the spread as,

    Xt = logpAU logpNZ + logpFX , (33)

    then changes in Xt will yield the continuously compound rate of return onthe trade. Figure 3 displays the dual-listed ANZ spread for the period 2004-2007 using daily observations. Using regression we estimate the correspondingmodel parameters as = 180.9670 and = 0.1538 with dt 1/250.

    In Fig. 4 we show a surface plot for expected trade length as a function of theentry and exit levels where we have used the values = 180.9670, = 0.1538,0 < t < 1 and steady state standard deviation = 0.0081. Here the axeshave been normalised to display the entry and exit in units of the processsteady-state standard deviation. This figure shows the nonlinear increase intrade length as the entry and exit bands become further and further apart.

    Figure 5 displays the expected profit rate as a function of entry and exit levels.Here we have included a transaction cost (TC) value c = 0.001. We can see


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    32 1









    Entry LevelExit Level












    Exit Level

    Fig. 5. The expected rate of profit as a function of trade entry/exit levels. Thetransaction cost is c = 0.001.

    from this figure that there is clear maximum. In order to maximise profit forthe Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with the stated parameters, this result sug-

    gests having entry/exit bands at approximately 0.8 standard deviations eitherside of the mean. This figure clearly shows the extent to which the positions ofthe trade entry/exit bands affect the profitability of the strategy. This resultis of particular interest as it provides a way to quantify the practical taskof choosing between having a larger return per trade or trading at a higherfrequency. When such processes are traded by practitioners, the standard ap-proach is to place entry bands at 2 standard deviations from the mean andhave the exit band at the mean itself [3].

    Figure 6 displays the maximum value of the expected profit rate as a functionof transaction costs. As expected the highest return is obtained when transac-

    tion costs are zero. The function displayed in this figure provides us with wayto analyse whether a trading strategy will be profitable given a particular costfor trading. In Fig. 7 we show the maximum expected drawdown for differententry and exit levels. This figure shows how the drawdown is determined, notonly by the position of the entry level, but also by the trading frequency. Ifthe bands are set close together then the drawdown can be reduced, althoughtransaction costs would need to be quite small for the strategy to be profitable.Table 1 presents the results for the optimisation of the expected return ratefor different values of transaction cost. As the transaction costs increase we


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    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 120





    Transaction costs (%)


    Max E[Profit] vs Trans. Costs

    Fig. 6. Maximum expected profit vs transaction cost for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeckstrategy.

    32.5 2

    1.51 0.5








    Entry LevelExit Level


    Fig. 7. The maximum expected drawdown for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as afunction of trade entry and exit levels.

    see that the rate of profit, P decreases as the optimal entry and exit bandsare made further and further apart to offset the cost of trading. This is alsoreflected as an increase in the expected trade length. We also show the returnper trade, r(a,m,c), and the drawdown measures for the optimal entry andexit levels. The table clearly shows the drawdown measures decreasing as theentry level becomes further from the process mean. In the cases shown, thedrawdown is an order of magnitude less than the return per trade.

    It is widely accepted that financial processes exhibit non-Gaussian and non-stationary behaviour and this has been shown in several important studies[1821]. Thus, price returns of spreads and other asset combinations cannotbe characterized by a Gaussian distribution. In this example the drawdownmeasures calculated for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process should be expectedto underestimate the true drawdown of the financial process being modelled.Characterising the statistical nature of such spreads remains the focus of fur-


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    TC E[T] P Entry Exit r(a,m,c) maxE[Dt] Q95

    0.0010 0.0174 0.4950 -0.5881 0.5932 0.0086 0.0017 0.0091

    0.0020 0.0231 0.4454 -0.7541 0.7558 0.0103 0.0015 0.0085

    0.0030 0.0275 0.4057 -0.8675 0.8728 0.0112 0.0014 0.00810.0040 0.0317 0.3718 -0.9674 0.9684 0.0118 0.0013 0.0076

    0.0050 0.0355 0.3420 -1.0519 1.0504 0.0121 0.0013 0.0072

    0.0060 0.0391 0.3152 -1.1228 1.1223 0.0123 0.0012 0.0070

    0.0070 0.0431 0.2909 -1.2000 1.1941 0.0125 0.0011 0.0068

    0.0080 0.0471 0.2687 -1.2672 1.2625 0.0127 0.0011 0.0065

    0.0090 0.0510 0.2482 -1.3232 1.3259 0.0126 0.0011 0.0063

    0.0100 0.0552 0.2293 -1.3840 1.3869 0.0127 0.0010 0.0060

    0.0125 0.0660 0.1878 -1.5201 1.5214 0.0124 0.0009 0.0057

    0.0150 0.0787 0.1532 -1.6481 1.6544 0.0121 0.0009 0.0055

    0.0175 0.0934 0.1240 -1.7738 1.7734 0.0116 0.0008 0.0051

    0.0200 0.1115 0.0996 -1.8932 1.8958 0.0111 0.0008 0.0048

    0.0250 0.1631 0.0622 -2.1362 2.1358 0.0101 0.0007 0.0043

    0.0300 0.2441 0.0368 -2.3641 2.3667 0.0090 0.0006 0.0042

    0.0350 0.3941 0.0204 -2.6096 2.6050 0.0081 0.0005 0.0037

    0.0400 0.6620 0.0106 -2.8413 2.8395 0.0070 0.0004 0.0033

    0.0450 1.2827 0.0050 -3.1160 3.0908 0.0065 0.0003 0.0025

    0.0500 2.6178 0.0022 -3.3594 3.3549 0.0058 0.0002 0.0013

    Table 1Results for the strategy optimisation applied to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processwith = 180.9670, = 0.1538 and 0 < t < 1. The entry and exit levels areexpressed in units of the steady state standard deviation, .

    ther study.

    5 Summary

    In this paper we have presented a framework for the optimal trading of It odiffusion processes with transaction costs. It was shown how the total lengthof a trade can be expressed as a first passage type problem and expressions for


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    the distribution and density functions for the trade length were obtained. Thedensity functions were used to derive the expected value and variance of thetrading frequency. We constructed expressions for the expected rate of profitand the variance of the profit for the trading strategy. These expressions areformulated in terms of the return per trade and the trading frequency.

    The drawdown is an important consideration when implementing a tradingstrategy and should be considered as a constraint when choosing optimal en-try and exit points for a trade. We presented two measures for the drawdownin this paper. The maximum expected drawdown measures the average draw-down that we are likely to see over the course of a trade. The maximum Q95drawdown is a measure of the largest drawdown that is likely to occur at the95% confidence level.

    The method was applied to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This process was

    chosen as it is commonly used as a model for spread trading. We illustratedthe example by calibrating the model to a spread formed from a dual listedsecurity. The expected trade length and expected return rates were calculatedas functions of trade entry and exit level. It was shown that for the uncon-strained case the optimal trading levels are not only symmetric, but occurmuch closer to the mean of the process than is commonly accepted in prac-tice. This result highlights the important effect that trading frequency has onthe profitability of a strategy. The drawdown measures were calculated for theoptimal strategies and it was shown how they varied with entry/exit level andtransaction cost. In the studied example we found the expected drawdown tobe an order of magnitude less than the return per trade.

    While the strategy itself is simple, i.e. buying low and selling high, it is pos-sible to apply the method to more complex strategies on different stochasticprocesses. It is well known that financial processes exhibit non-Gaussian be-haviour such as power law distributions and long-memory. A model such asthe Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process will underestimate the maximum expecteddrawdown and Q95 drawdown if applied to such financial processes. Exten-sions for future work include applying the method to processes that includenon-stationary terms, using a simulation based approach to extend the methodto non-Gaussian processes and using real world data to examine the viability

    and even the existence of tradable market inefficiencies.


    The author would like to thank Jim Clark of Lacima Group and Ivan Kaverzineof Deutsche Bank Australia, Equities and Futures Trading for several inspiringdiscussions in relation to the practical implementation of quantitative trading


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  • 8/9/2019 Optimal Trading Strategies for Ito Processes


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