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  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    Optical Transport Network Switching:Creating efficient and cost-effective

    optical transport networks

    White Paper

  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks2

    1.0 Executive summary:

    Building for the future with optical transport networks

    2.0 Trends in optical networking

    Almost every day, headlines in the

    communications media highlight the

    phenomenal growth in data traffic

    that networks across the world are

    experiencing. The vast majority of this

    growth is being driven by bandwidth-

    hungry IP/Ethernet applications in both

    private and corporate users. These

    applications include VPN services,SAN networks, Internet browsing,

    peer-to-peer video distribution, IPTV

    and video on demand. As opposed to

    the Internet and data applications of

    the past which required only best effort

    traffic, these new real-time services

    require not only high bandwidth, but

    also high availability, low latency, no

    jitter and high Quality of Service (QoS).

    While fixed lines will continue to carry

    the majority of this traffic, mobile traffic

    is set for a period of massive growth,

    far exceeding anything that has gonebefore. This represents a major

    opportunity for communications service

    providers (CSP). The convergence of

    fixed and mobile networks means that

    this growth will drive traffic in every

    network, placing new demands on the

    2.1 Network evolution

    Forecasters predict that consumer

    Internet traffic will grow from over 10

    Petabytes per month in 2010 to more

    than 40 PB/month in 2014. Whats

    more, this estimate could be blown out

    transport core networks serving both

    fixed and mobile customers.

    These requirements will dramatically

    change the structure of tomorrows

    networks as their architecture shifts

    from being PDH/SDH-based, originally

    designed to support only voice, to

    being packet based. Core networkswill have to cope with added traffic

    demand, while metro and access

    networks will need enhanced capacity

    and changed interfaces to cope with

    the new mix of data and legacy traffic.

    The most effective solution for meeting

    these challenges is implementing a

    Packet Optical Transport Network

    (POTN) with DWDM technology for

    transport and cross connects for traffic

    switching at the level of ODUs (Optical

    Data Units). This OTN switching

    concept forms a vital part of convergedoptical networks of the future.

    OTN switches provide efficient

    grooming of the optical signal on a

    sub-wavelength level. This increases

    the network efficiency by enabling

    of the water by disruptive changes in

    services or customer behavior, such

    as the rapid rise of 3DTV. Meanwhile,

    enterprise customers are pushing up

    traffic volumes by relying increasingly

    on cloud services to deliver their

    business support systems.

    more effective use of bandwidth.

    In a mixed network that carries TDM

    and Ethernet traffic.

    OTN switches can switch data of any

    format. OTN switches also provide

    the most cost-effective way to offload

    traffic from the IP network layer, thus

    minimizing the amount of traffic handledby routers and enabling smaller and

    less costly routers to be used.

    There are many other benefits

    available from deploying OTN

    technology. These include support

    of Operations, Administration and

    Maintenance (OAM) features such as

    fast end-to-end service provisioning

    and rapid restoration. Furthermore,

    a converged optical network is open

    to being operated under a single

    management system to achieve the

    lowest overall costs. Together withthe adoption of mesh network topology

    for the highest network availability,

    extreme scalability and easy

    implementation of new traffic types, it

    effectively makes network investments

    future proof.

    The nature of traffic is changing too,

    from merely browsing web pages

    to real-time, high-bandwidth and

    interactive applications that require

    minimum loading and response times.

    IP services are increasingly dominant.

    Consumers and business users


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    3OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    demand fast access to services, with

    high QoS. Yet intense competitive

    market pressures mean that they needpay little extra, or even nothing extra,

    for ever-greater performance and

    enhanced service capabilities.

    It all adds up to a challenge for CSPs,

    who face growing demand for network

    capacity and quality at the same time

    that the price they can typically charge

    for each bit is flat or dropping. Driving

    down the cost per bit is, in the majority

    of cases, the most critical issue,

    encouraging many CSPs to seek out

    new ways to maximize the flexibility

    and efficiency of their networks.Another key priority is to deliver a

    great customer experience, and that

    demands the network functionality to

    provide end-to-end QoS and high

    network availability.

    Over recent years, many CSPs

    have addressed the need for greater

    network efficiency, for example,with the introduction of multi-service

    provisioning platform (MSPP)

    technology around a decade ago and

    the convergence of IP and DWDM

    roughly five years later. More recent

    network evolution has removed

    complexity and has broadly taken

    place in two distinct steps.

    First, the reduction and removal of

    ATM and SDH traffic was achieved by

    transporting traffic directly over the

    DWDM layer. Then, these DWDM

    networks were upgraded with theintroduction of multi-degree ROADM

    nodes for switching optical traffic,

    together with more transmission line

    capacity and colored OTN interfaces

    for traffic from the IP layer.

    However, this process creates some

    issues. For instance, theres the

    question of multi-vendor compatibilityduring interworking, as well as the

    complexity and time required to provide

    network resilience in the optical layer

    and the increased complexity and cost

    when scaling the IP layer. The focus for

    the most recent step in this evolution is

    therefore a shift to promote greater

    efficiency, scalability and functionality.

    This can be achieved by introducing the

    OTN concept as an intermediate layer

    between the IP and the DWDM layers.

    The key benefits arise from

    implementing OTN switching at thecross-connects. This adds new value

    to the network and promotes significant

    CAPEX and OPEX savings. OTN

    switching enables traffic in transit to

    bypass many of the networks IP layer

    main volume expectedin 2012 and further




    DWDM (PXC)

    Addressing IP over DWDM approach challenges

    Multi-vendor compatibility at DWDM layer (transponder

    interworking, optical performance)

    High optical restoration switching time IP layer scalability (complexity and cost grows exponentially)

    Addressing IP over DWDM approach challenges

    Sub-lambda grooming for efficient pipe filling

    IP traffic offload / optical bypassing

    End-to-end networking (high-capacity & multi-service switch,

    with simple OAM)

    Intelligent management and carrier class network protection

    Reduced power consumption and space requirement

    Figure 1: Enhancing the network by introducing the OTN layer


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    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks4

    routers and thus reduces the amount

    of expensive router capacity required.

    It also provides efficient grooming ofthe optical signal on a sub-wavelength

    level, which enables traffic to fill the

    available DWDM bandwidth more

    efficiently. This effectively minimizes

    the capacity needed to carry a given

    volume of traffic.

    2.2 What is OTN switching?

    OTN provides service-agnostic

    switching that maps different client

    services into ODU frames and then

    switches them at that level. The actual

    process of OTN switching handlesone or more ODU frames by bundling

    them together in a new ODU packet.

    This digital wrapper approach

    encapsulates diverse data frames

    from different sources together in asingle entity, regardless of their native

    protocol, so they can be managed

    more easily. The concept was first

    described in ITU-T G.709.

    The ODU concept has frames with fixed

    size and uses bit rates ranging from 1G

    to 100G to match interfaces for a range

    of standards, including Ethernet, SDH/

    SONET and others. The OTN switches

    are also simple to manage, with SDH-

    like operations and maintenance.

    OTN delivers the key network functionsneeded to support high-quality end-

    user services as flexibly and efficiently

    as possible throughout the different

    network domains. In the core networkit offers high-capacity networking

    and rapid restoration, while the metro

    network benefits from service-agnostic

    aggregation and grooming. Users can

    enjoy cost-efficient delivery of multiple

    services in the access network, as well

    as benefiting from the service quality

    that can only be provided with end-to-

    end networking and provisioning.

    The following chapters discuss the

    technology and architecture that

    underpins OTN switching. Well also

    consider what potential benefits OTNswitching promises to deliver to CSPs.

    3.0 OTN technology overview

    3.1 The principles of OTN


    OTN was developed by the ITUs

    Telecommunication Standardization

    Sector (ITU-T) as a way of optimizing

    traffic efficiently while simultaneously

    coping with a new traffic mix. The

    ITU-T defines OTN as follows.

    An Optical Transport Network (OTN) is composed of a set of Optical

    Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide

    functionality of transport, multiplexing, routing, management,

    supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client

    signals. (


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    5OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    OTN provides digital wrappers that

    contain multiple data frames from

    different client services together ina common ODU. This enables the

    network to switch high volumes of

    any type of traffic efficiently, including

    Ethernet and legacy SDH traffic. OTN

    ensures that all 40 Gbps and 100 Gbps

    digital wrappers are fully packed to

    make maximum use of the networks

    available bandwidth.

    A simple analogy of the principle behind

    OTN is filling buses with passengers.

    A bus may leave the bus station only

    partly full. As more passengers arrive at

    the bus station, more half-empty busesleave on their journeys in different

    directions, which is clearly inefficient.

    OTN switching is akin to ensuring that

    every bus is filled to capacity before

    it leaves and before passengers are

    allowed to start boarding the next bus,

    even if some will later change or get off

    at intermediate stops.

    This increased fill rate also applies to

    optical channels, which are now using

    their large available transport capacity

    better. This limits the need to deploy

    new and costly DWDM channels.According to a study in February

    2009, using this kind of intermediate

    traffic grooming with an ODU switch

    can reduce wavelength usage by 40%

    (Thomas Engel, AchimAutenrieth,

    Jean-Claude Bishoff, Packet Layer

    Topologies of Cost Optimized

    Transport Networks, ONDM,

    Braunschweig, Germany).

    The OTN concept is simple yet

    powerful, because a diverse range

    of client signals can be managed

    together. Its also more flexible than

    the previously dominant architecture


    OTN is currently offered in the following

    line rates:

    OTU1has a line rate of

    approximately 2.66 Gbit/s and was

    designed to transport a SONET OC-

    48 or synchronous digital hierarchy

    (SDH) STM-16 signal.

    OTU2has a line rate of

    approximately 10.70 Gbit/s and

    was designed to transport an

    OC-192, STM-64 or WAN PHY

    (10GBASE-W). OTU2ehas a line rate of

    approximately 11.09 Gbit/s and

    was designed to transport a 10 Gbit

    Ethernet LAN PHY coming from

    IP/Ethernet switches and routers

    at full line rate (10.3 Gbit/s). This is

    specied in G.Sup43.

    OTU3has a line rate of

    approximately 43.01 Gbit/s and was

    designed to transport an OC-768

    or STM-256 signal or a 40 Gbit

    Ethernet signal.

    OTU3e2has a line rate of

    approximately 44.58 Gbit/s and wasdesigned to transport up to four

    OTU2e signals.

    OTU4has a line rate of

    approximately 112 Gbit/s and was

    designed to transport a 100 Gbit

    Ethernet signal.

    The OTUk (k=1/2/2e/3/3e2/4) is a

    signal format into which another

    information structure called ODUk

    (k=1/2/2e/3/3e2/4) is mapped. ODUk is

    the server layer signal for client data

    signals. The main difference between

    ODU and OTU signals is the forward

    error correction (FEC) header

    contained in the OTU format.

    ODUk data generally follows the

    same approach as OTUk, but some

    new service formats cant fit into

    any existing ODUk without wasting

    bandwidth. Also, defining a new ODU

    container each time a new client is

    added would require upgrading ODUk

    switch fabrics. ODUflex was therefore

    introduced as a flexible lower order

    container that can be right sized to

    fit any client rate and overcome the


    ODU data packets form the basis for

    flexible mapping and multiplexing

    within the OTN switching process.

    Different services are converted into

    ODU packets and these are directed to

    their destination ports and converted

    into OTU for optical transmission.

    Its useful to distinguish between

    single-stage and double-stage ODU

    multiplexing, which is typically used for

    mapping several small ODUs into one

    large ODU. The flexible multiplexing

    scheme also allows mapping, in oneor more steps, of small ODU data

    packets into a larger ODU container,

    maintaining a small data granularity

    while using a large transport capacity.

    Note that lots of services and service

    types can be processed by a single

    OTN switch simultaneously. All thats

    required is the right mix of interface

    cards to support the appropriate client

    formats, for example GbE, and sufficient

    port capacity. Figure 2 illustrates which

    service types can be mapped into an

    ODU packet and finally into the requiredtransport (OTU) format.


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    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks6

    Figure 3 highlights a scenario with

    vast mapping options in an ODU4,

    combining single ODUk and dual-stage

    multiplexed ODUk, as well as different

    ODUflex pipes.

    3.2 The architecture of OTN


    The substantial cost saving benefit of

    OTN switching is complemented by

    increased network resilience and

    greater flexibility. The way in which

    OTN is implemented by the design of

    the hardware has a significant impact

    on the scale of these benefits. The

    architecture of an OTN switch should

    maximise flexibility and availability.

    OTN switches are protocol-independent

    and operate transparently both on

    TDM and packet-based traffic. They

    break traffic down into ODU packets in

    a suitable interface card, then perform

    the switching and grooming function in

    a centralized switch fabric and forwardthe ODU packets to the switchs

    relevant output port via the respective

    interface card. This switch fabric is the

    heart of the OTN switch, connecting

    the interface cards via an electrical

    backplane. The ODU packets are

    processed in the electrical switch

    matrix with agnostic cell switching.

    The total traffic load from all the

    interfaces in the switch can be shared

    among several switching cards that

    operate simultaneously. This approach

    should provide CSPs with excellent

    scalability in their switching capacity,thanks to multiple switch fabric

    modules (SFMs) in a single chassis.

    It opens up an opportunity to benefit

    from a pay-as-you-grow approach to


    To achieve maximum redundancy and

    protection in the system, all the SFMs

    in the OTN switch should be able to

    share the traffic load. As well as

    achieving effective load balancing, this

    architecture ensures that, should one

    card fail, the remaining cards can

    redistribute the extra traffic betweenthem to avoid service interruptions.

    This structure also enables CSPs to

    carry out upgrades while the OTN

    switch remains in service.

    Similarly, redundancy should be

    provided in the power supply cooling

    fans and system controllers. Combined

    with service protection, this results in

    the highest, carrier-grade, availability.

    Figure 5 summarizes the switch

    architecture from the perspective of

    the signal format. It illustrates ODUswitching functionality, which is used

    for all different formats. Alternative

    approaches might include packet

    switching for MPLS/Ethernet signals

    using an MPLS interface card,

    or SONET interfaces for ODU or

    VC4-based switching, all handled by

    the same switch fabric. Therefore,

    the OTN switch becomes the only

    switching element for all the formats

    present in the network.


    STM-1/OC-3STM 4/OC-12

    STM-16/OC-48FC 2G

    STM-64/OC-19210 GBASE-W

    STM-256/OC-76840 GBASE_R

    FC 4GFC 8G

    10 GBASE-R

    FC 10G

    100 GBASE_R

    ODU1 (H)

    ODU1 (L) OTU 1

    ODU2 (H)

    ODU2 (L) OTU 2

    ODU2e (L) OTU 2e

    ODU3 (H)

    ODU3 (L) OTU 3

    ODU flex (L) ODU4 (H)

    ODU4 (L) OTU 4

    Not specified in G.709, but in G.sup43

    Figure 2: Flexible mapping and multiplexing scheme highlighting the ODU concept

    Figure 3: Network capacity optimization example of ODU mapping and multiplexing forlarge capacity 100G channels

    n x MPLS-TPtunnel

    n x ODU flex(various size)

    dual stage multiplexing(ODUflex via ODU2 / ODU3)

    dual stage multiplexing(all ODUk)

    ODU0 / ODU1 / ODU2(e) / ODU3

    ODU4 (L)(100G)

    Efficient bandwidth utilization

    Built on flexible client service mapping andODU frame multiplexing acc. to ITU-T G.709


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    7OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    OTN switches can be deployed in a

    network in several ways.

    In an existing DWDM network with

    mesh topology, OTN switches can be

    deployed as a standalone network

    element (NE) operating as a cross-

    connect at a network node. This is thetypical way in which OTN functionality

    is introduced where only optical

    switching at the wavelength level

    has existed previously, for example,

    using multi-degree ROADMs. The

    wavelengths of the DWDM system

    are optically de-multiplexed and

    individually connected to the OTN

    switch interface cards. The standalone

    NE could also be connected toother equipment such as IP routers.

    This kind of deployment is typical in

    multi-vendor networks where the OTN

    standard ensures interoperability

    between many different platforms.

    If the network is newly deployed and

    the DWDM transport system and the

    switch are both from a single vendor,

    a single NE can be defined at the

    network nodes of the mesh network,

    incorporating the OTN switch and the

    optical transport equipment logically

    into one NE. The advantage of this

    approach is that the composite

    element is managed by the network

    management system (NMS) as one

    NE featuring OTN switching, MPLS-TP

    switching, SONET switching, WDMswitching and WDM transmission.

    In yet another scenario, the OTN switch

    can be deployed as a standalone NE

    together with extension shelves. This

    enhances the capabilities of MSPP

    platforms with additional OTN switching


    The next issue is where in the network

    to deploy OTN switches. Typically,

    most switching and aggregation takes

    place in the metro and core parts of the

    network, which define the capacity andconfiguration requirements for OTN


    Figure 4: Example for the architecture of an OTN switch showing interface cards, the switch fabric andadditional controller cards

    Figure 5: OTN traffic model based on ODU switched client formats

    OTN interface card System controller card (w)

    System controller card (p)

    Peripheral controller card (w)

    Peripheral controller card (p)

    Flow Sensor Card (CFSU)

    Switch FabricModule

    2x / 3x (1+1)Power Supply Unit

    8 / 12Fan Trays

    Switch FabricModule

    MPLS-TP interface card

    Ethernet L2 interface card

    SDH/SONET Bridge card

    OTN interface card

    SDH/SONET interface card








    #15 / #30

    OTN interface card

    OTN interface card

    Client signal



    -> ODUk -> ODUk

    Ethernet-> ODUj


    Other (FC, etc.)


    Line signal

    Switching FabricModule

    Client signal Line signal

    ODU switching

    packet switching


    local node traffic

    OTU signal

    Ethernet signal

    SDH / SONET signal

    other signals

    ODU frames

    Ethernet / MPLS signal

    virtual switching domain


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks8

    4.0 The major benefits of OTN switching

    Generally, all OTN switches should

    support the same overall functionality.

    However, in metro networks the focus

    is on the aggregation of different

    services to fill the wavelengths

    efficiently with various traffic formats

    while ensuring service transparency

    across the network.

    The introduction of OTN switching will

    bring major benefits for CSPs in terms

    of lower costs, higher efficiency and

    greater functionality in their transport

    networks. As networks grow and need

    to accommodate new types of traffic

    alongside existing traffic, it becomes

    vitally important to fill the available

    transmission bandwidth efficiently. This

    calls for techniques such as grooming

    and aggregation. Beyond the task of

    transporting and switching traffic, a

    unified management system can add

    value to the network by providing

    simplified operations and functions

    such as the end-to-end provisioning

    of services and resilience schemes

    For the core network, the focus is on

    achieving switching capacity in the

    Terabit range, practically distributed

    over several chassis by capacity

    expansion. Core-based switches

    handle enormous traffic loads and

    can switch any service from one

    wavelength to another. They must also

    throughout all the network layers and

    segments. Its ultimately about aiming

    for the most efficient and cost-effective

    end-to-end networking. Such a

    converged optical network shall fulfil

    the following requirements.

    Optimize and simplify the network

    structure with new OTN switches.

    Simplify network operations.

    Migrate any installed base.

    OTN switches are embedded in the

    converged packet optical transport

    system (P-OTS) and hence play a vital

    role in the metro and core of such a

    network. The choice of interface cards

    support networking functions such as

    protection and restoration.

    Across the network domains, OTN

    switches perform other advanced

    networking functions such as end-to

    end provisioning and different

    resilience schemes.

    enables these switches to handle the

    dominant packet traffic as well as any

    existing legacy formats, from MSPP or

    Carrier Ethernet Transport (CET), for

    example. Typical packet based

    services are FE/GE/10GbE/40GbE

    and 100GbE, which are mapped into

    ODU0,2,2e,3,4,flex as already shown.

    Moreover, advanced OAM capabilities

    provide CSPs with a unified platform

    to manage the network and services

    effectively end-to-end, with common

    service, fault and performance

    management. This helps deliver a

    high-quality end-user experience.

    Services Access Metro Core NMS

    Figure 6: OTN switches are typically placed in the metro and core networks


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    9OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    Figure 7: The functional view of OTN switching in the P-OTS architecture

    Figure 8: Sub-lambda grooming packs more streams into each wavelength and therefore effectively reducesthe number of required distinct wavelengths

    Figure 7 illustrates how OTN switches

    fit into this overall network architecture.

    In the core network they connect the IP

    layer and the DWDM-based optical

    layer. They also provide traffic grooming

    and aggregation throughout the rings

    that make up the metro networks.

    From there they direct the traffic to the

    correct carrier in the access network,

    whether thats Ethernet, DSL or a radio

    cell, for example.

    The following sections highlight what

    OTN switching can deliver in terms

    of capacity improvements, reduced

    investment, increased availability and

    reliability and improved support for

    service management. This white paper

    presents a broad network view, while

    specific OTN topics are discussed in

    more detail in complementary white


    4.1 Filling the pipe with

    sub-lambda grooming

    In DWDM transport systems, line rates

    are approaching 100 Gb/s with 80 or

    more optical channels transmitted

    simultaneously. This enormous

    capacity can be handled purely on the

    optical layer when using multi-degree

    ROADMs for switching at network

    nodes. However, with this technology

    the smallest unit for switching is a

    single optical wavelength. Given the

    trend to high line rates, this translates

    into an equally high granularity. On

    the other hand, services demand

    comparatively low data rates in the

    Mb/s or low Gb/s range, which results

    in inefficient fill rates in the optical

    channels. The ideal solution for

    CSPs would therefore be to create a

    high-capacity network over DWDM

    combined with low switching

    granularity for efficiency.

    Sub-lambda switching and grooming is

    the answer. In this process, multiple

    data streams carrying different services

    are electrically multiplexed into larger

    units that can be processed and

    transmitted as single entities. In the

    same way, such streams can also be

    de-multiplexed at a switching node to

    access and extract specific data. The

    primary aim is to lower the cost of

    handling traffic in the network by

    making better use of the available

    capacity. In this set-up, a DWDM

    wavelength can be used as a pipe for

    lots of different traffic. In particular,

    adopting the ODU-based approach

    in OTN switching can reduce the

    wavelength used to carry a given

    volume of traffic by 40% by enabling

    CSPs to pack more streams into each



    Up to 40% less

    wavelengths in real

    life networks reducesnumber of deployed


    Channel 1

    Channel 2

    Channel 3

    Sub-lambda grooming


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    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks10

    MSPP platforms carrying traditional

    SDH/PDH services also support this

    concept of switching. However, with

    the ODU layer, the switching concept is

    expanded into a fully service-agnostic

    platform, incorporating new, IP/

    Ethernet services in addition to legacy

    services and combining impressive

    scalability with a unified network

    management system. This provides

    a future-proof networking architecture

    for CSPs to manage and evolve their

    service portfolio easily.

    4.2 Traffic offloading reduces


    Routers are closely integrated into the

    overall network where they provide

    switching and routing capability. But,

    in general, router capacity remains

    expensive, with costs increasing as

    more and more IP traffic is generated.

    This increasing IP traffic can be divided

    into multipoint-to-multipoint traffic, like

    classical L3 VPN and VPLS and point-

    to-point traffic like Internet, which is

    directed from a PE router like a BNG or

    GGSN/SAE-GW to the Internet peering

    points. This point-to point traffic does

    not necessarily need to be switched

    by the large core routers, so the IP

    core router can be saved for VPN

    traffic. Alternatively, upgrades from

    single-chassis routers to more costly

    multichassis routing systems can be


    Put simply, routers alone will not be

    able to keep up with the increasing

    bandwidth demand in a techno-

    economical environment and only a

    combination of routers and optical

    transport will be economically viable for

    a traffic mix dominated by IP/MPLS.

    MPLS is a technology for labeling IP

    packets so they can be directed

    around the network. The particular

    MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP)

    supports carrier-grade OAM, as well as

    performance and fault management.

    There are some additional benefits that

    the combination of MPLS-TP and ODU

    brings over and above those offered by

    the ODU concept alone. Generally, this

    combination allows CSPs to optimize

    the transport layer to handle the

    dynamic behavior of IP/MPLS.

    All IP/MPLS traffic and label-switched

    paths (LSPs) can share the full

    10G/40G/100G line interface capacity

    between nodes that are acting as

    MPLS-TP switches. This delivers

    a statistical multiplexing gain and

    increases efficiency in the network even

    further. Since no fixed bandwidth is

    assigned, this is a close approximation

    of the dynamic nature of the IP/MPLS

    traffic. In the metro network, MPLS-TP

    helps provide more efficient packet

    aggregation from MSPP/CET andDWDM sources.

    MPLS-TP supports OAM functions so

    the network operator can configure

    traffic profiles, QoS, protection and

    restoration to optimize the transport

    layer and meet the quality requirements

    of IP/MPLS.

    A key advantage of combining MPLS-

    TP functionality and OTN switching is

    the ability to offload traffic from the IP

    layer. This enables transit traffic to

    bypass intermediate routers entirely,significantly reducing the required

    router capacity and saving capital

    expenditure (CAPEX) and operational

    expenditure (OPEX).

    In the traditional set-up, the IP and

    transport networks are separated

    entities. DWDM transport networks

    offer plain connectivity to the IP core

    network. Features such as resilience

    are based in the IP layer. Such

    networks are relatively slow scaling,

    with increased capacity creating extra

    cost, space and power challenges,even though the IP routers only

    perform simple tasks such as label

    switching for the majority of traffic.


    5 Tbps

    10 Tbps

    2010 2015 2020

    Core router capacity [Tbps ]

    Max single shelf

    router capacity

    Required core router


    Figure 9: The evolution of core router capacity over time due to increasing IP traffic


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    11OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    Incorporating MPLS-TP in the OTN

    switches and transport layer - with theDWDM transport and OTN switching -

    provides the following enhancements.

    IP ofoad: Shifting trafc to the ODU

    layer frees up core router interfaces

    and saves CAPEX by requiring less

    router hardware and lowers OPEX

    by reducing power, footprint and


    Transit trafc: Label-switched

    routing can be carried out in the

    transport domain, so transit trafc

    can bypass the IP layer as it

    traverses the OTN platform.

    Resilience: MPLS-TP and ODU-

    level mechanisms also offer fastservice recovery

    DWDM-layer optimization:

    Combined with the benet of sub-

    lambda trafc grooming, it yields a

    dramatic improvement in wavelength

    utilization and network efciency.

    For example, to assess the scale of

    the potential savings, consider the

    case of a European greenfield CSP

    experiencing a 50% annual traffic

    growth rate and using MPLS-TP to

    offload IP traffic in order to limit the

    need for large capital investment in

    router capacity. Using OTN switches

    to carry all peering traffic resultsin offloading 70% of all traffic from

    routers, leaving the remaining 30%

    of traffic within the router layer.

    Comparing the cost of investing in

    router capacity only with investing

    in a combination of OTN switches

    and routers reveals that the cost of

    introducing the MPLS-TP layer would

    be recouped within one year. The

    cumulative CAPEX saving over a

    five-year period amounts to about 60%

    In addition, significant OPEX savingswould amount to a 60% saving, while

    reduced power consumption would

    equal CO2savings of up to 590 tonnes

    over five years.

    OTN switches that support MPLS-TP

    also help to future-proof the architecture

    by enabling the migration of legacy

    circuit-switched transport networks to

    next-generation packet-optimized

    optical transport networks.

    Last but not least, little investment

    is required to implement MPLS-TPcapabilities, since it is merely a

    software feature running on the OTN


    Figure 10: Combining MPLS-TP functionality and OTN switching gives IP traffic the ability to remain in the transport layer,thus effectively offloading it from the IP layer

    Figure 11: Incorporating MPLS-TP in the transport layer means that intermediate sites havereduced or no router traffic

    IP service layer

    Electrical switching layer

    DWDM layer


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks12

    OTN switches equipped with MPLS-TP

    can also carry out many of the traffic

    management functions that wouldotherwise be handled exclusively by

    IP-layer routers. Furthermore, by

    incorporating them directly onto the

    transport layer, these advanced

    features become part of the transport

    network, regardless of the IP router

    actually used. This approach also

    helps CSPs to generate significant

    savings by reducing the router capacity

    needed in the network.

    4.3 Robust protection

    promotes carrier-gradeavailability

    As we have seen, combining OTN

    switches in a mesh topology provides

    an extremely robust network. The OTN

    switches typically have redundant

    hardware installed for maximum

    reliability, but in the event of a major

    failure or an incident on the DWDM

    transport layer, such as a severed fiber,

    traffic may need to be rerouted. The

    right topology can even protect against

    multiple failures.

    Its possible to provide protection in the

    IP layer, although it can be relatively

    slow to recover. There are also

    different techniques for protection that

    can be applied directly on the DWDM

    layer, based on GMPLS or simple 1+1

    optical switching. The best solution for

    a particular network depends to its

    specific topology, but OTN switches

    offer a new degree of sophistication for

    traffic protection. Protection occurs on

    the service level, making it possible to

    apply different measures to traffic withdifferent QoS.

    OTN technology supports the full range

    of protection techniques to prevent

    failures and speed up recovery times.

    The first step to increase resilience

    is to build alternative paths into the

    network using ring topology, dual

    nodes and high connectivity, for

    example. The next consideration is

    the functionality of the nodes where

    the switching occurs in the event of a


    OTN switches enable protection to be

    configured at the level of the individual

    ODUs, which provides much finer

    granularity than protection provided

    by the line interface alone. Features

    include sub-network connection

    protection (SNCP), which works on

    different ports of the interface cards and

    can protect particular ODUs. There are

    also the same protection architectures

    familiar in other layers of the network,

    such as multilayer GMPLS (Och, ODUk

    and VC4). OTN switching also supportstechniques such as hold-off timers

    to prevent the triggering of multiple

    protection measures and wait-to-

    restore timers combined with revertive

    protection, which automatically

    restores the original traffic configuration

    when possible.

    The deployment of MPLS-TP with

    OTN provides additional protection

    at all levels from the end-to-end

    transport path to individual links. The

    above options are complemented by

    packet-oriented protection schemesspecifically for LSP and pseudo wire

    (PW) connections.

    4.4 OAM capabilities support

    a great customer


    Effective OAM comprises a set of

    network-oriented mechanisms for

    monitoring and managing the network

    Capex Opex Weight-80*% -60% -60%IP CORE


    OTN switch +


    OTN switch +


    OTN switch +






    * Depending on final configuration. Example 50% OTU-2 and 50% Client 10G MPLS interfaces

    Figure 12: Benefits deriving from OTN switching for the discussed network scenario

    Figure 13: OTN switches within a mesh network topology supports protection switchingand creates a robust network


    B E


    D G

    Initial route

    1st alternative route

    2nd alternative route

    3rd alternative route

    Failure NN





  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    13OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    Figure 14: OAM capabilities shown for a performance management throughput test

    infrastructure. Since the OTN switch

    offers a lot of functionality within the

    network environment, OAM support

    optimizes the integration of OTN

    switches into the overall network

    management. In particular, the

    deployment of MPLS-TP within the

    OTN switch provides carrier-gradeOAM capabilities.

    Common functions are performance

    management (PM) and fault

    management (FM). Together with

    MPLS-TP, PM comprises packet loss,

    packet delay and throughput, end-to-

    end across the entire network. For FM,

    features such as trace routing and LSP

    pings are available, as well as a set ofproactive functions.

    Figure 14 shows a throughput test for

    PM. This is the typical approach for

    verifying the bandwidth of an MPLS-TPtransport path before it is brought into

    service. This is the configuration

    typically used in the traffic offloading


    In the architecture shown here, we

    consider a transport network domain

    with OTN switches, comprising PE

    switches at the edge and P switches

    in between.

    The throughput tests are performed

    on the transport layer between the

    two end points. The OAM systemscontrol the end points and a test-traffic

    sequence is sent between them,

    complete with a byte count.

    The benefits of effective OAM include

    fast end-to-end service provisioning,

    maintenance and the fast restoration

    of services. Improved performance

    and the ability to trace network faults

    in case of failures translate into less

    downtime, which in turn helps to drive

    down OPEX for CSPs.








    P PEPE


    Throughput test

    5.0 Packet Optical Transport from Nokia Siemens Networks

    Nokia Siemens Networks offers a

    P-OTS solution with advanced

    transport and optical and electrical

    switching capabilities. The P-OTS

    solution also supports the end-to-end

    provisioning of services across a

    network and provides restoration

    functions for greater network resilience.

    Nokia Siemens Networks P-OTS

    can be tightly integrated with existing

    DWDM platforms and features

    advanced network architecture that

    places no restrictions on services or

    applications. DWDM transport capacity

    is upgradable up to 96 channels with

    40 Gbit/s or 100 Gbit/s, while switching

    is scalable from a capacity of 0.2

    Terabytes per second (Tbps) up to

    more than 24 Tbps, complete with 40

    Gbit/s and 100 Gbit/s optimized line

    interfaces from a single platform.

    Seamlessly integrating with the P-OTS

    solution is the hiT 7100 OTN switch

    that offers multilayer switching including

    ODU -0/1/2/3/4/flex, MPLS-TP, L2

    Ethernet and VC-4/STS-1. Using

    intelligent multi-service interfaces, the

    switch is future-proofed, because any

    service can be processed transparently

    by adding the relevant interface card.

    This protocol-independent switch

    features 3 Tbps switching capacity per


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks14

    chassis that can be flexibly scaled up to

    48 Tbps in a multi-chassis configuration.

    Carrier-class network resiliency is

    provided by the hiT 7100s built-in

    switch fabric module and controller

    card redundancy offering N+1

    protection, combined with several

    protection options offered on ODU

    layer. The hiT 7100 can be provided in

    different configurations to suit any

    network need, whether for a stand-

    alone network element, or on top of

    existing DWDM infrastructure.

    OTN capacity planning is supported by

    the Nokia Siemens Networks NPS10planning tool and optical network

    planning is supported by TransNet.

    Combined, this offers a complete

    process of planning, configuration and

    installation of packet optical networks

    including configuration, upgrade,optimization, ordering, commissioning,

    and network maintenance.

    P-OTS network management is

    performed via the carrier grade Nokia

    Siemens Networks Transport Network

    Management System (TNMS) solution

    that provides automated or manual

    provisioning of ODU connections and

    interface connections. The system also

    provides monitoring and performance

    management at the element and

    transport service levels.

    Nokia Siemens Networks also

    provides a full set of professional

    services, including assessment, design,

    database creation and adaptation, and

    replacement preparations for upgrading

    networks. Highly trained expertsthroughout the world can save CSP

    time and effort by offloading lengthy

    design and database management

    activities, helping to lower the total

    cost of ownership by allowing CSPs

    to focus on their primary business,

    providing customers the new, high

    quality services they demand. The use

    of Nokia Siemens Networks services

    not only ensures the highest network

    efficiency and integration of upgrades,

    but also paves the way for future


    6.0 Conclusion: OTN switches at the heart of efficient and

    flexible packet transport

    Deploying OTN switching technology

    in metro and core networks is one of

    the most cost effective opportunities

    for CSPs to meet the booming

    capacity demand and manage the

    increasingly complex and dynamic

    mix of traffic generated by advanced

    IP-based services. While the concept

    of introducing an optical switching

    network layer may seem contrary

    to the trend over the last decade of

    simplifying networks by removing

    layers, the technology does promise

    substantial cost savings and

    performance gains.

    OTN switching can be combined more

    efficiently with an IP core network,

    saving significant CAPEX at the

    network level. OTN switching enables

    traffic in transit to bypass many of the

    networks IP routers and thus reduces

    the amount of expensive router

    capacity required. It also provides

    efficient grooming of the optical signal

    on a sub-wavelength level. This uses

    existing bandwidth more efficiently,

    thereby minimizing the capacity

    needed to carry a given volume of


    These benefits are compelling reasons

    for CSPs to adopt OTN switching.

    Using the Nokia Siemens Networks

    converged optical packet portfolio,

    CSPs can support a multitude of

    applications in metro and backbone

    optical transport networks. As these

    networks are typically multiservice in

    nature and contain complex mesh

    topologies carrying many different bit

    rates, an electrical grooming layer is

    required, achieved when the P-OTS is

    combined with the Nokia Siemens

    Networks hiT 7300 DWDM platform.

    These factors shape the Nokia

    Siemens Networks converged

    transport network vision, with IP

    optimized optics enabling the

    exponential growth of the Internet at

    the lowest possible cost per bit. With

    the P-OTS combination of the hiT

    7100 OTN switch and hiT 7300

    DWDM platform, CSPs can plan and

    deploy their entire optical transport

    network in the most cost effective way,

    seamlessly migrating towards next-

    generation packet optical networks.


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    15OTN switching: Creating efficient and cost-effective optical transport networks

    Summary of benefits of OTN switching

    Capital and operationalcost reduction

    Maximum utilization of wavelengths by sub-lambda grooming

    IP traffic offloading reduces investment in IP network layer routers and reduces running costs

    Multi-vendor interoperability simplifies procurement and operation

    Common management system for OTN and DWDM layers reduces system complexity and simplifies

    network operations

    Carrier-class protection and migration to mesh network topology improves network availability and

    reduces maintenance

    Rapid return on investment Rapid service provisioning enables fast time to market and early revenue

    Future-proofed network Extreme scalability and flexibility to adopt new service types protects investments

    Migrate to IP/Ethernet services while supporting traditional SDH/PDH services


    ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

    BNG Border Network Gateway

    CAPEX Capital Expenditure

    CET Carrier Ethernet Transport

    CSP Communications service provider

    DSL Digital Subscriber Line

    DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    FEC Forward Error Correction

    FM Fault Management

    GMPLS Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching

    GW Gateway

    IP Internet Protocol

    ITU-T International Telecommunication Unions

    Telecommunication Standardization Sector

    LAN Local Area Network

    LSP Label-Switched Path

    MPLS MultiProtocol Label Switching

    MPLS-TP MPLS Transport Profile

    MSPP Multi-Service Provisioning Platform

    NMS Network Management System

    OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance

    ODU Optical Data Units

    OPEX Operational Expenditure

    OTN Optical Transport Network

    POTN Packet Optical Transport Network

    PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

    PM Performance Management

    P-OTS Packet Optical Transport System

    PW Pseudo Wire

    QoS Quality of Service

    ROADM Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

    SAN Storage Area Network

    SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

    SFM Switch Fabric Module

    SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection

    SONET Synchronous Optical Network

    TDM Time Division Multiplexing

    TNMS Transport Network Management System

    VPN Virtual Private Network

    WAN Wide Area Network

    WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing


  • 8/13/2019 Optical Transport Network Switching


    Nokia Siemens Networks

    P.O. Box 1



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