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    Orchid Park Secondary School National Police Cadet Corps Bi-Annual Newsletter Volume 1, January 2009

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    Message from OC---------------------- 1

    by A/ASP Toh Wee Teck

    NPCC: My New Pride &

    Passion -- 2by CDT Ho Wei Er

    Photo Diary of Our MalaysiaEducational Visit----------------------- 3

    by LCP Siti Fateha Bte Affandi &LCP Siti Amirah Bte Osman

    Sec 2 Adventure TrainingCamp ---- 5

    by LCP Muhammad Khairul FahmiBin Juraimi

    Surviving Survival Camp-------------- 9

    by SGT Josephine Yeo Siew Ling

    Survivors: NPCC Style--------------- 13

    by SGT Jolyn Tey Jie-Lin

    Nurturing Youths @World.Singapore----------------------- 17

    by SGT Gavin Ng Jun Han

    My OBS Experience------------------ 24

    by SGT Tang Mei Yin

    The 18th Person in MyGroup ------- 26by SGT Jolyn Tey Jie-Lin

    Past Events of 2008 (July ~

    Message from OC

    Dear all,

    2008 had been a fruitful and meaningful year for our unit! In the

    Inter-Unit Biennial Campcraft Competition, both our boys and girls

    teams performed well and managed to obtain 22nd and 9th positions

    respectively. This was the first time that one of our teams actually made it

    into the top 10! And, in the Inter-Unit Annual .22 Revolver ShootingCompetition, our boys and girls teams also did well. They came in 18 th

    and 11th positions respectively. Our area (Area 2) also clinched the 2 nd

    position in theInter-Area Biennial Project-Based Competition. This was

    the best result that our area had ever since this competition started!

    8 of our graduating cadets were also awarded the SPF-NPCC

    badge in 2008, for their outstanding leadership and contribution towards

    NPCC. The SPF-NPCC badge is the most prestigious award that a cadet

    can receive. This pinnacle award is only awarded to the top 2% of the

    graduating cohort in NPCC each year. This is the first time that we have

    so many cadets receiving the SPF-NPCC badge!

    I would also like to congratulate LCP Ho Wei Er, CPL Siti

    Amirah Bte Osman andSSG Ong Kong Mingon being awarded the Best

    Squad Cadets for 2008 in their respective squads. They were exemplary in

    most aspects.

    On behalf of our unit, I would also like to bid farewell and thank

    our units 7th batch NPCC cadets for their dedication and commitment

    towards our unit. They have contributed tremendously to help bring our

    unit to where we are now.

    At the same time, I would also like to welcome 2 new CIs,P/CI

    Matthias Goh Boon Yongand P/CI Clifford Tan Junming, and a new

    teacher officer,INSP Prasana D/O Sankarapillai, to our big family.

    Lastly, though the result for Unit Overall Proficiency Award

    (UOPA) 2008 is not out yet, I believe our unit should be able to maintain

    our excellent result in 2007 (GOLD award). We may be a young unit (10

    years old) but we are definitely capable of achieving our GOAL! So, let

    us continue to work together to bring glory to our unit and our school!

    A/ASP Toh Wee Teck
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    Orchid Park Secondary School National Police Cadet Corps Bi-Annual Newsletter Volume 1, January 2009

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    NPCC: My New Pride & Passion

    On 9 January afternoon, the Sec 1s had our CCA Orientation, where all the Sec 1 students would get a chance to

    know more about all the CCAs that are offered in OPSS. It is a day where all the CCAs will have the opportunity to

    recruit more members into their CCAs.

    The event started off with a talk by Mr Sim, HOD PE/CCA, in the hall on the secondary school LEAPS system

    and the CCAs offered in OPSS. After that, we were ushered to the corridors on the 2 nd storey, surrounding the parade

    square, where we watched the performances prepared by various Uniformed Groups, Performing Arts and Sports. We

    were quite impressed with the performances. One that especially caught my attention was the fancy drill performance by

    the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC).

    When I saw NPCC cadets running out of the NPCC room, each carrying a rifle, for the performance, my first

    thought was, Huh? Not because I have never seen a NPCC cadet before, but it is just that I have never seen people

    doing rifle drill with music. It was a refreshing and impressive performance. I have always thought that uniform groups

    are very serious and strict. But after watching the performances by them, I realised that I was terribly WRONG!

    We then visited the booths set up by the various CCAs to find out more about them. After visiting the booths, a

    feeling told me to join one of the two uniform groups: NPCC and NCC (Sea).

    After considering for a long time, I finally decided to join NPCC. There seemed to be some unknown force

    that pulled me to NPCC. When I handed up my CCA option form, somehow I knew that I will not quit or regret.The first few weeks of training were much better than I expected! In fact, it was actually quite FUN! I have

    always thought that uniform group was tiring, strict, no nonsense and the student leaders are very fierce, but I was totally


    It is absolutely wonderful! The NCOs are great and friendly, and the lessons are fun. I also learnt a lot from

    NPCC. After these few months in NPCC, I realised that I am more responsible than before and I look forward to the

    training every week. Most of all, I am surprised that everyone in NPCC treats each other like family!

    I really do not regret choosing NPCC as my CCA. It is indeed my PRIDE & PASSION! ^_^

    CDT Ho Wei Er
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    Photo Diary of Our Malaysia Educational Visit

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    LCP Siti Fateha Bte Affandi & LCP Siti Amirah Bte Osman

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    Sec 2 Adventure Training Camp

    On 19th of June, I was very nervous and excited at the

    same time as this day marks the beginning of my 3-days-2-nights

    Sec 2 Adventure Training Camp at Pulau Ubin. We met at school

    in the late morning and took a bus down to Changi Jetty, where we

    would take bum-boats across to Pulau Ubin. The ferry ride was

    choppy but nevertheless it was a fun experience for all of us.

    When we arrived at Pulau Ubin, we trekked our way to

    the NPCC Campsite, Camp Resilience, with our heavy bags. The

    whole journey took us half an hour. Along the way, we sang,

    motivated each other and helped each other with the bags. The

    scenery was also refreshing for us. Though it was tiring for us but

    we persevere till the end. When we finally reached the gate ofCamp Resilience, we were all relieved, happy and proud of

    ourselves. However, we were told that there are actually two

    campsites, Bahru Campsite and Noordin Campsite, at Camp

    Resilience. Noordin Campsite, which is nearer to the gates, is for

    the Sec 3s and the Bahru Campsite, which is further in, is for us.

    By the time, we reached our campsite, we were all exhausted. We

    rested and regained our energy as we waited for the other units to


    When everyone arrived, we were split into various

    groups. After that, we were asked to pitch our tents. I was

    surprised that some of my tent-mates actually did not know how to

    pitch a tent. Luckily, my NCOs taught us well before this camp.

    After pitching our tents, we played some ice-breaker games to get

    to know our group-mates better. Then, we were given our ration

    for the 3-days-2-nights. It consists of Maggie Mee, canned food,

    biscuits and Milo. Throughout this camp, we were supposed to

    cook our own food. Again, I felt fortunate that my NCOs taught

    us how to light a solid fuel and we had experienced out-field

    cooking before in our units Annual Camp. After our dinner, we

    had a sing-along session to prepare for the campfire the next day.At night, we chatted in our tents as we could not get to

    sleep. When we were tired and wanted to retire for the night, I did

    not sleep well as one of my tent-mate was snoring. Eventually, I

    fell asleep too due to the fatigue.

    The next morning, we woke up very early. For some

    reasons, most of us did not sleep well the night before. We started

    out with mass physical training, followed by breakfast. Then, we

    went for our team-building activities. We had activities like the

    Gun-Aiming Challenge, the Low Rope Challenge, kayaking,

    rock-climbing, the Maze, etc... We were all excited and thrilled

    as most of us had never tried these activities before and we were

    looking forward to them. We had a great time!

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    Orchid Park Secondary School National Police Cadet Corps Bi-Annual Newsletter Volume 1, January 2009

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    At night, we went to Noordin Campsite to join the Sec 3s for a combined campfire. We sang and watched performances put up

    the Sec 3s. It was really FUN! We could feel the bonding that we had forged over the past 2 days. We all had a memorable campfire. After

    that, we headed back to our campsite to wash up.

    On the last day, there was only area clearing. We had to un-pitch our tents, wash them and clean up our area. We were all excited

    to be going home but we were sad too as this meant that the camp had come to an end and we had to go our separate ways. After the

    camp-closing ceremony, we waited for the buses to bring us out to the jetty. We were glad that we did not have to walk out like the firstday. However, after a while, we were informed that the buses were all booked and we had to wait longer. We were given an option of

    waiting for the buses or too walk out. We chose the latter because we all missed home and wanted to go home as soon as possible. Finally,

    we reached the jetty and took the bum-boats back to mainland Singapore. Then, from Changi Jetty, we took a bus back to school.

    We all had a great time at the camp, knowing new friends, learning new things and gaining new experiences!

    LCP Muhammad Khairul Fahmi Bin Juraimi

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    Surviving Survival Camp

    In the past, all sec 3 NPCC cadets would attend the

    Sec 3 Adventure Training Camp at Pulau Ubin. However, it is

    different this year. We are the very first batch of cadets going

    for Survival Camp. It sounds interesting and yet torturing as it

    is known as a survival camp and not an adventure camp. I

    was not sure if I could survive through the camp but I was

    determined to give it a shot. I was also excited about the

    camp as I could meet up with some of my old friends from

    the other units in Area 2.

    Day 1

    We all gathered in school at 11am, together with our

    Sec 2 juniors. They would be attending their first Adventure

    Training Camp. It was during attendance taking that I realized

    only 3 girls from my squad would be going for this camp. I

    was a bit disappointed as the attendance was quite pathetic;

    only 11 of our squad-mates would be attending this camp,

    which was quite a drastic drop as compared to last year.

    We boarded the bus and headed to the Changi Jetty.

    Upon reaching, we were separated into our respective groups.

    I was allocated to Alpha, together with Chin Tian. We then

    - -

    Our first activity for the camp, the Treasure Hunt,

    started immediately when we arrived at Pulau Ubin. We were

    supposed to find clues that would lead us from point to point

    and finally ending at Camp Resilience. It was a long and

    tiring journey but we enjoyed it.

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    When we arrived at Noordin Campsite, we weresplit into our tent groups to pitch our tents. Fortunately, Mei

    Yin was in the same tent group as me! We were both

    delighted with the arrangement. After pitching our tents, we

    were given time to prepare for our campfire performance,

    dinner and bathe. Throughout the day, we constantly

    reminded each other that we would be optimistic and tried to

    enjoy ourselves throughout the camp.


    We assembled at the foyer at 6am for flag-raising,

    followed by physical training. The activities started right after

    breakfast. ForAlpha, Bravo and Charlie, our first activity

    was the Intermediate Rope Course (IRC). When the

    instructors asked for 8 volunteers, Jolyn and I were one of

    those who volunteered. We thought we would be helping with

    the safety ladders. It was then that the instructors asked us to

    climb up the stairs to attempt the IRC first. I was terrified at

    that point. I saw one of the rope obstacles that I had done

    before during my Pri 5 camp. I thought I was confident that I

    could complete it quickly. However, that was also the

    obstacle which I took the longest time to complete. I realized

    that it was because the shoe that I wore during my Pri 5 camp

    had a groove in the sole, which allowed me to slide across the

    rope with ease. However, the shoe that I wore for this camp

    was totally flat! I was super insecure throughout that obstacle

    as I was afraid that I would fall anytime. But I felt a sense of

    achievement upon completing it! :D

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    After IRC was lunch and I was proud of myself as

    every meal time I only used 1 matchstick to light up the solid

    fuel. It was really a great improvement for me as I usually

    used lots of matchsticks to light up the solid fuel. This was an

    amazing feat for me!

    The activities resumed immediately after our lunch.

    My group went for the Tunnel. We were told that earlier a

    boy was actually stuck in the tunnel as he could not climb up

    the slide. It was super hilarious and the instructor kept talking

    about how they had to pull him up with the ropes. After

    seeing how fast the guys entered and climbed out of the super

    dark tunnel, I was quite confident that I could do it too. In

    fact, it was much easier than I expected.

    Next, we had the Shelter Building. Through this

    activity, we had a better idea whether we could survive in the

    wilderness if we were stranded there. We were given some

    dowel poles, manila hemp and our ponchos. We were

    required to build a shelter using these materials within 15

    minutes. Almost everyone built a shelter similar to our tents.

    Then, our instructors demonstrated how we could construct a

    shelter easily by tying 4 ponchos together and securing them

    to a nearby tree. It was so simple but yet we did not think ofit.

    Finally, it was time for our last activity, the Jetty

    Jump! It was the best activity in the camp for me. It was a

    first time experience for many of us and I was rather

    frightened initially. One after another, we took turns to

    perform the Jetty Jump. Seeing others jumped might be

    easy, but it is definitely very challenging when we are

    standing at the edge of the platform, looking down into the

    sea. Finally, it was my turn. I was like, Oh my goodness! I

    was super terrified. I turned back to ask the instructor whether

    he could push me down instead. But I was told that we had to

    overcome our fear and complete the jump on our own. I

    hesitated for a moment and then I heard our CI Sheng Xiang

    Sir shouting, Just close your eyes and take a step forward!

    He continued, 1, 2, 3, JUMP! And, I jumped!

    After I jumped, the feeling was indescribable. I was

    relieved and satisfied. I even attempted the Jetty Jump

    twice. It was a once in a life time experience as we would

    never get to experience it again elsewhere!

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    Then, we had our dinner and to wash-up before we

    proceeded to our campfire preparation. Soon after, our sec2s

    junior came over to Noordin Campsite for the combined

    campfire, the highlight of the camp. Everyone was trying to

    build up the atmosphere, especially the song leaders. The

    campfire was really enjoyable and memorable for me.


    The girls managed to wake up on time. However, the

    guys did not. It was almost 6am, but none of the guys had

    woken up. I was worried that if they did not wake up on time,

    we would be punished again. Hence, Mei Yin, Jolyn and I

    approached a CI to ask him whether we could go over to the

    guys tent area to wake them up. He suggested that we should

    just throw stones at them. The 3 of us were stunned by his

    reply and looked at him in disbelief. Then, he told us to go

    somewhere near their tent area and shout at them. We went

    and started shouting for them to get up. One of the guy

    actually sat up, but went back to sleep again. I was so irritated

    by him that I really threw a stone at his tent.

    Fortunately, the guys managed to gather on time.

    Then we had our physical training, which was the toughest

    we ever had. After that, we had breakfast, followed by area

    cleaning and camp closing ceremony. It is really a memorable

    camp for me and I have learnt a lot of values and life skills

    from it!

    SGT Josephine Yeo Siew Ling

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    Survivors: NPCC Style

    Sec 3 Survival Camp is a 3-day-2-night camp at Pulau Ubin, Camp Resilience. On 19 June, we met in school to take a bus

    to Changi Jetty, where we would take bum-boats over to Pulau Ubin for our camp. I was told that it would be a tough camp. My first

    thought for this camp was, very little water, limited food supply, shortage of solid fuel and sleeping with mosquitoes out in the

    forest. I was mentally prepared for the worst, especially after our experience at the Adventure Training Camp at Camp Resilience

    last year.

    When I reached school, I realized that quite a number of my female squad-mates would not be going for the camp due to

    illnesses. However, I was glad to see that 2 of my unit CIs would be going for the camp with us. All of us got ready and boarded the

    bus. Off we go for our very first Survival Camp!

    Upon reaching Changi Jetty, we were separated from our squad-mates into our respective groups. We waited for quite a

    while before the rest of the units from Area 2 arrived. This year, I was in the same group as one of my squad-mate, Kong Ming. We

    left our familiar mainland Singapore to a small island called Pulau Ubin.

    We walked to the basketball court, which was a gathering place for all the groups. While waiting for the other groups to

    arrive, we had some ice-breaking games. We introduced ourselves to the unfamiliar faces in front of us. My group was known as

    Bravo with CI Jonathon as our instructor.

    Our first activity was the Treasure Hunt! We were given some small pieces of jigsaw puzzles. Upon fixing them together,

    we realized that it was actually a map of Pulau Ubin. Our destinations are covered by small quizzes. We have to walk to our various

    destinations with all our bags. It was quite a tiring walk. Finally, we managed to reach our last check point.

    When we were about to walk happily to our campsite, the teacher officer with my group suddenly received a phone call. We

    were told that one more cadet would be joining my group. As a result, we had to go back to the basketball court to meet up with our

    new group member. At last, we arrived at Camp Resilience after a long and tiring walk, and with countless of motivations and

    encouragements from each other.

    We assembled at the area where other groups were. After which, we were allocated into our tent groups. Then, we collected

    our logistics and started to pitch up our tents, which would last us for 3 days and 2 nights. This year, we were glad that most of the

    campers were familiar with the tent-pitching procedures, unlike last year. With the help from every tent member from various units,

    we managed to pitch up our tent.

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    Then, we had our first meal in the camp! I had my first meal at Survival Camp with one of my group mates, Esther! After

    eating, we had our shower! PERFECT! During our ATC last year, we did not get to bathe as there was a shortage of water. I was so

    happy to be able to take our shower in this camp.

    After our shower, we had our campfire preparation. The theme for this year campfire item was Survival in the 21 st

    Century! After which, it was lights out and we went back to our tents to sleep.

    Most of us could not get to sleep as we felt itchy from the numerous ant bites and mosquito bites. Finally, we could not take

    it anymore and decided to sit up to chit-chat. We started sharing our stories on our NPCC lives. It was about 3am, when we took a

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    nap. After 20 minutes, we woke up and started to chat again. Suddenly, there seemed to be something falling from the sky. It was

    bright white in colour. I asked the person looking in the same direction as me and she said she saw it too! IT WAS A SHOOTING

    STAR! This is the first time in my life that I see a shooting star! I was so excited that I started telling all the people around me. Then,

    those people who were facing my previous direction saw another one. WOW! It was an unforgettable night for us!

    When it was almost 5am, we decided to shift to the foyer. We sat down and before we knew it, we started to fall asleep one

    by one. We woke up at round 5:30am and went to wake the rest up.

    It was the second day of the camp! All of us were excited about the activities that we would be doing that day. We

    assembled for our morning physical training. It was manageable and was quite fun. After that, we had our breakfast, followed by our

    first round of activities for the day.

    My first activity was the Intermediate Rope Challenge (IRC). It consisted of very challenging rope course a few stories

    high from the ground. It requires a certain amount of courage and determination to lift our legs off the ground to a higher place where

    we can only depend on the safety harness that we had around us, especially for those who have a phobia of heights.

    Next was lunch. I had lunch with Josephine and Kai Sheng. It was a hilarious lunch! Kai Sheng told me that if we were to

    eat too much baked beans, we would fart a lot! Then we started laughing at everything that we ate. It was an enjoyable lunch.

    After lunch, we had our improvised shelter session. We had to build a shelter using manila hemp, dowel poles and whatever

    natural surrounding we have around us. It was fun and interesting to see all the different kinds of shelters that we could come up


    Next, we had the most exciting activity in the camp, the Jetty Jump! I enjoyed it so much that I jumped a total of 4 times!

    When I had my first jump, I felt anxious and frightened. It was a test of water and height confidence. After my jump, when I emerged

    from the waters, my very first reaction was that the water was super salty!

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    After the Jetty Jump, we were allowed to change into our dry clothes. Our last activity was the Tunnel! The tunnel was

    pitched dark inside. We could not even see our fingers inside the tunnel! When I was inside the tunnel, I fell into a pool of soft and

    rubbery unknown substance. When we finally reached the exit and the instructor opened the door for us, we turned our heads and

    saw that the soft and rubbery unknown substance was actually balls!

    Then, we had our dinner. This time, I had dinner with Mei Yin and Josephine. We realised that whenever Mei Yin opens the

    can of pineapple with her can opener, there would always be a pool of pineapple juice around the can. She was so funny! After

    dinner, we had our last campfire preparation, followed by the campfire! The campfire was fun and enjoyable!

    The next morning, we had our morning physical training. Unlike the previous one, this mass PT was torturous. It requires a

    lot of determination to complete all the exercises. It was really a test of our level of endurance. We did a total of more than 40 push-

    ups (male version), 35 sets of jumping jacks and 35 crunches. Throughout the PT, we had to constantly encourage each other to

    persevere on and to endure. Finally, the morning PT ended! We were all relieved and proud of ourselves.

    Then, we had our breakfast. It was our last meal in the camp! After breakfast, we did our area cleaning. Then, we had our

    last debrief with our instructors. We cracked a lot jokes. We also get to see the fun and playful side of our CIs.

    BREAK CAMP! We were so happy! However, we had to walk all the way back to the jetty. It was a long journey. Finally,

    we reached the jetty and we took a short rest before leaving Pulau Ubin. Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable camp for me. Without

    each others help and encouragement, we would not be able to complete some of the activities. Lastly, I would like to say, Thank

    you, all my group-mates!

    SGT ol n Te ie-Lin

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    Nurturing Youths @ World.Singapore[ like an email address: [email protected]]

    The National Camp is a biennial event and is organised

    alternately between the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National

    Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). This year, it was NPCCs turn to

    organise the National Camp. The National Camp is also an

    exclusive activity undertaken by members of the uniformed groups

    and youth clubs: NPCC, NCC, Singapore Scout Association, Girl

    Guides, Girls Brigade (GB), Boys Brigade (BB), St John

    Ambulance Brigade (SJAB), Red Cross Youth, National Civil

    Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) and Singapore Youth Flying Club,

    to celebrate the National Day. Hence, it is traditionally held

    immediately after the National Day, where participants will gather

    together for a 4-day-3-night camp filled with fun and challenging

    outdoor activities. The theme for National Camp 2008 is

    Nurturing Youths @World.Singapore!

    Day 1I woke up very early the day after National Day, which

    happens to be a school holiday to attend the National Camp. We

    met at Expo MRT Station. We got our boarding pass from the HOs

    and quickly boarded the bus. Everyone on the bus was not very

    friendly and the mood on the bus was very quiet as none of us

    knew each other. I did not talk to anyone at all during the bus trip

    to SAF Jetty until I was in the ferry. I had some brief chat with a

    guy sitting beside me while the ferry were moving and realised

    that he also went for the

    Malaysia trip organised by NPCC last year.

    We reached the jetty at Noordin Campsite. We were glad

    that we did not have to walk into Camp Resilience like my

    previous camps at Camp Resilience. We walked up to the field,

    where there was a stage just for this camp. After we were seated,

    our division commander got us to introduce ourselves. Everyone

    was still quite reserved and shy. I looked around and noticed that

    the other groups were playing games and having a great time. I

    thought my group would be boring and my division members were

    unenthusiastic. However, after I started to crack some jokes to

    lighten the atmosphere, everyone started to open up. I began to

    feel that maybe I was wrong.

    We were separated to 4 sections within our Delta

    Division. Then, it was the Opening Ceremony. We watched the

    performances prepared by representatives of the various uniform

    groups and youth clubs. The President of Singapore was the

    Guest-of-Honour for the Opening Ceremony. We stood up to

    welcome him and sang the National Anthem, followed by the

    recitation of the National Camp.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    After the Opening Ceremony, we had our lunch. The food

    was awesome as we were not required to cook our own food, like

    in ATC and SC. Instead, we had packet food and there was even

    juice too.

    After lunch was our first activity. It was the Campfire

    Organisation prepared by the scout instructors. We learnt about

    the reason for a campfire and how it should be built and how to

    plan one. We were even asked to plan one.

    Our next activity cycle was the Intermediate Rope

    Challenge, the Tunnel and Dangle Duo. The Intermediate

    Rope Challenge and the Tunnel were not new to me as I had

    tried them before during my Survival Camp. However, I had not

    attempted the Dangle Duo before. I was looking forward to it.

    At the Dangle Duo, the instructors told us that no team had

    gotten to the top within the given time. The

    Dangle Duo was like a ladder except that the gap between each

    log increases as we got higher. As an encouragement, one

    instructor challenged us to reach the 5th bar in 4 minutes and as

    reward, we would get a can of Coke. In the end, my partner and I

    completed the challenge and even reached the 6th bar in 5 minutes!

    We got our reward as promised and we shared it with our division-


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    Day 2

    The second day started with a bang. All of us geared up

    for an exciting day, full of activities and thrills. In the morning, we

    gathered at 6:30am for morning physical training.

    Then, we had our breakfast and moved on with the first

    activity of the day soon after. It was the Flight Stimulation by

    the Singapore Youth Flying Club. I managed to land the plane

    after several attempts. It was fun and challenging. We also learnt

    how to fold a paper plane. We even had a mini competition to see

    whose plane can fly the furthest. My plane flew the 2 nd furthest

    and I was awarded the 9V-BPA Plane collar pin. The instructor

    told us that that collar pin cannot be bought anywhere. I was so

    happy and proud of my performance!

    Then, we had the Cardiopulmonary Rresuscitation

    (CPR) &Automated External Defibrillator (AED) session by theSJAB. As most of us already knew how to do CPR, we learnt how

    to operate an AED instead.

    Our next activity cycle was the Team-building stations

    organised by GB and BB. One of the instructors there happened to

    be my friend, so we had fun talking and playing games at the same

    time. We played Human Foosball. It was something like table

    soccer, except that the figurines were real people. We were

    supposed to have 3 other games, but due to the rain, we had to

    stop. So, we went into the tentage for some cheers and we also had

    our lunch there.

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    After lunch, the rain stopped and we went over to the

    Bahru Campsite for the Low Rope Challenge by NCDCC. This

    was also not new for me as I had done it before last year, during

    my Adventure Training Camp. We managed to complete all the

    stations. There was one particular station, where a lot of teamwork

    was required. We had to get everyone in my section to balance on

    a rope. We almost succeed but time ran out. I believed if we had a

    bit more time, we would have succeeded. Nevertheless, the

    instructors still praised us and said that we were the best so far as

    we had good teamwork and balancing skill. After the LRC we

    really became more and more united and cheered from place to


    Then, we went for the Rock Climbing & Abseiling

    by NPCC. I abseiled down smoothly but for the rock climbing, I

    could not do as well as I had done during my Adventure Training

    Camp last year. This time, I was not able to reach the top. After the

    climb, I had some rest before we proceeded to the Maze. I haddone this activity before during my Adventure Training Camp.

    Then, we headed back to Noordin Campsite.

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    We had our dinner and bathed. Then, we came together

    and our division commander informed us that we would need to

    prepare a performance for the campfire. At first, it was quite

    messy, but finally everyone settled down. A few of us discussed

    about the performance we were going to put up. Then, we

    practised ourselves and chose some people to join us in the

    performance as we could not have too many people. Hence, we

    taught the rest of them the song and dance that we would be

    putting up during the campfire.

    Day 3

    We would be having our wet activities. My division-

    mates were all looking forward to it. Our first activity was a nature

    walk. In this nature walk, we had to compete in some games along

    the way.

    In one of the games, we had to pass ping-pong balls from

    one member to another in cones made from newspaper. If a ball

    dropped, everyone had to restart. The mosquitoes added on to the

    difficulty of the game.

    We also had to find 6 items in a scavenger hunt. We

    found all the items in less than a minute. In another game, we had

    to be blindfolded and make an animal sounds to find each other.

    There was also a game where we had to build a structure

    using things from our surrounding and twines. After the

    construction, the instructors would throw coconuts at it to see if it

    was strong and durable enough. As the time given to construct was

    rather short, I thought we did quite well because our structure was

    able to withstand the first hit but collapse during the second attack.

    Our second activity cycle was kayaking by NCC. Many

    of us had done kayaking before but we did not find the activity

    boring. I noticed that one of the CLTs conducting the activity was

    actually from our school. We even raft-up (all the kayaks were

    lined up side-by-side) and some of us were told to exchange

    partners in that position. I volunteered to exchange when they ask

    for volunteers. It was fun walking on the kayak while we were still

    out at sea. It was an experience I never had before!

    After lunch was the Water Confidence Jump by NPCC.

    Although I had already jumped thrice in my Survival Camp earlier

    this year, I still enjoyed the activity a lot!

    The last activity cycle of the day was archery by BB. It

    was really fun! I tried two kinds of bow, but I preferred the long

    bow, which is the older type of bow. According to the

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    instructors, it is harder to control than the other type of bow.

    However, I had no problems handling it.

    After our archery session, it was dinner and bath time. We

    finished everything as fast as we could, so that those involved in

    the campfire performance would have more time to rehearse.

    I brought along a light stick to represent our division for

    the campfire. We even used it in our cheers. We also had our

    division flag. At the campfire, I realised that our group was themost enthusiastic. During the campfire, we would cheer non-stop

    and our performance was simply awesome! Everyone enjoyed it

    because it was entertaining. But after all the performance and

    campfire songs, the campfire was coming to an end. Everyone

    kept quiet and watched sadly as the campfire diminished.

    After the campfire, our group went around cheering and

    dancing till supper. After supper, everyone took photos. Our

    division agreed not to sleep that night. All of us gathered outside

    our tents. Some of us played games and others lay on the floor and

    looked at the stars. But after midnight, we were asked to go back

    to our tents. Although we were reluctant, we still had to follow the

    rules. Once we were in our tents, we

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    were slept soundly till the next morning as everyone was super


    Day 4

    It was the last day of the camp. Everyone went for our

    breakfast with glum faces. We were all sad that the camp was

    coming to an end and we were leaving each other. But my section

    did not fail to bring up everyones spirit after breakfast. We started

    cheering, singing and dancing. We even recited our division

    pledge and anthem. I think we were the only division with our

    own division pledge and anthem. Soon, other divisions that were

    grumpy initially started cheering too. We also started bombing

    other divisions.

    After a while, we were asked to gather back to our own

    UG. Our instructors talked to us for the last time and said they had

    fun with our group. Everyone listened quietly, trying not to weep.

    Then we took our last group photo, hugged each other, bade our

    farewells, signed on each other T-shirt and exchanged our contact


    We thought we would see each other for the last time. But

    when we went back to the mainland, we actually met up with each

    other at McDonalds in Tampines Mall for our lunch. Our

    instructors even wanted to treat us to lunch, but we did not want toburn a hole in their wallets, so we thanked and rejected their offer.

    This camp was really awesome! It allowed me to know new

    friends from various schools and uniform groups! I also learnt a

    lot of useful lessons from it!

    SGT Gavin Ng Jun Han

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    My OBS Experience

    Before the OBS camp in August, I went around

    asking those who had previously attended OBS before what

    their experience was like. From what I gathered, it seems

    boring and tough. I tried to convince myself that it would not

    be like what they described. I kept telling myself that it would

    be a fun and challenging experience for me. At the same time,

    I do not wish to disappoint my teacher officers for nominating

    me for the OBS course.

    1st Day

    While we were waiting at the jetty for the

    participants from the other schools to arrive, I had a quick

    look around at all the instructors. They all seem quite elderly

    to me. I wondered if they could click with us. Finally, when

    the other schools participants arrived, we were separated into

    various groups. My group was called Tenzing (a famous

    mountaineer)! While waiting for the ferries, we had some ice-

    breaker games.

    My instructor told us that he is one of the fittest

    instructors in OBS and therefore will have a higher

    expectation from us. Everyone thought that he would betough and strict on us, especially when most of my group-

    mates were from uniform groups. He also briefed us on the

    safety precautions for certain activities that we would be

    doing in this OBS.

    We learnt how to pitch our tents. We also had our

    lunch, which consisted of biscuits and apples. After that, we

    had our belaying lesson. We were introduced to some of the

    belaying skills and techniques, which I had learnt earlier

    during our NPCC Survival Camp.

    We then played a game of trust, where we had to

    trust each other in our group. One person had to lie on a

    ground sheet at a certain height while the rest of us would

    hold the sheet tightly, preventing the person lying on the sheet

    from falling to the ground. It was actually quite challenging

    and interesting.

    Next, we had our dinner and wash-up. We actually

    had a long shower time as we always finished our tasks faster

    than the other groups. We also had a fire drill before lights

    2nd Day

    In the morning, we had our physical training,

    followed by breakfast. After that, we went for one of the high

    rope elements, the Double Decker. It consists of 5~6 logs,

    hanging horizontally in mid-air. Two people had to climb up

    from one log to the other. Our instructor deliberately chose

    this obstacle for us because he knew that a lot of us had never

    tried this before. It was indeed a challenge for all of us! My

    partner and I were great! We coordinated very well. He would

    let me step on his knee as I climbed onto the next log. Then,

    he would climb onto the next log on his own. We completed

    the obstacle in the shortest time.

    We also had triyaking! We learnt how to do the

    capsized drill. It was super duper fun! We reached an

    anonymous island after over 3 hours of kayaking. We went to

    a lake on the island. The water was super clear. We were

    soaking in the water while our instructor told us our activities

    for the next day. It felt like we were having a spa in a remote


    As we were having our dinner, I was told that I

    would be the IC for the next day. I was excited and worried at

    the same time. After dinner, I discussed with the other ICs

    about the route that we would be taking to the other campsite

    the next day. The instructors told us that we need to set off by

    7am and reach the other campsite by 1pm. After our

    discussion, it was lights out at 9:30pm and I had my sentry

    duty at 10:45pm. Later, we were told that someone actually

    saw a wild boar. It was so cool!

    3rd Day

    After breakfast, we set off at 7am for our sea

    expedition to the next campsite, which was about 9~12km

    away! I was to be the last kayak throughout the whole

    expedition. No other kayak could be slower than mine. My

    partner and I also helped a lot of people whose kayak got

    stuck. We kayaked for about 3~4 hours before reaching our

    destination. Our instructors did not expect us to be that

    fast. (: Teamwork rocks! They told us that most of their

    previous campers would take about 4~5 hours. Some even

    took 9 hours! We were proud of ourselves. Well doneeveryone!

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    Then, we had our shower and did a tunnel obstacle.

    We were supposed to find two set of puzzle pieces in the

    pitch dark tunnel. We even lost our way in there but

    eventually we found the puzzle pieces and got out of the


    4th Day

    We had a really interesting physical training. It was

    fun and more like a game session than a physical training. My

    group competed with Raleigh in a Newspaper Race.

    Each of us had a piece of newspaper on our chest and we

    were to run as fast as we could so that the newspaper would

    not fly off. We enjoyed ourselves and had a good work-out.

    The highlight for the day was trekking around PulauUbin. We also had to carry our backpacks and stores along

    with us for the 15~18 kilometres trek. It was seriously very

    heavy. Our instructor was very thoughtful as he allowed us to

    take turns to carry our backpacks and stores. He said that in

    this way it would be less tiring for us and we could also learn

    how to help each other. Through this activity, I have learnt

    how to appreciate my group members more and the

    importance of teamwork and supporting each other. We took

    approximately 7~8 hours to complete our trek. It was really

    tiring, especially under the hot weather! Although we were

    not the first group to set off, we managed to be the first group

    to reach back at the campsite! I was so proud of my group!

    After that, we washed up, had our dinner and

    showered. Then we had our debrief near the sea. Our

    instructor is really cool! He is not like the other instructors

    who seem boring. He brought us near the sea to allow us to

    enjoy the cool breeze of the sea. During our debrief, one girl

    actually cried, maybe she was sad that our OBS course was

    coming to an end. I believed the others felt the same way too.

    Before lights off, we had quite a lot of free time, so

    we actually played some games with the other groups to help

    us temporarily forget the fact that we would be going our

    separate ways the next day.

    5th Day

    Our instructor brought us near the sea again to have

    our last breakfast. He then told us to lie on each others

    stomach as he told us the story of Tenzing Norgay, one of the

    first people known to have reached the summit of Mount


    After that, we went to do some shopping at the shop.

    As usual, our group was the fastest. As we waited for the

    other groups, we signed on the back of our group photos. We

    really could not bear to leave one another. I hugged the girls

    and shook hands with the guys. I was really sad having to

    leave them.

    After attending this OBS course, I learnt a lot of life

    lessons; some of it I have learnt before and some of it were

    new to me. Though my group instructor did not talk much, he

    was still able to motivate and pushed us in a certain way. He

    always encouraged us to complete our tasks fast so that we

    could have more rest time.

    He told us, We do not need to cheer before we do

    something. He suggested, Instead, why not we cheer only

    after we have completed our task? What he said made me

    think. Sometimes, we behave like kids; always wanting others

    to cheer for us or motivate us before we set out to do our

    tasks. Instead, we should be more independent and also learn

    to celebrate our successes, no matter how small it seems.

    I really love this instructor! He left a deep

    impression on me and everything that he said was very

    meaningful. I will always remember what he taught us in this


    SGT Tang Mei Yin

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    The 18th Person in My Group

    On 11th August, the OBS campers from my school gathered in OPSS and took a bus to Punggol Jetty. We reached the jetty

    filled with excitement. Not sure of what is going to happen during the camp, we waited with curiosity. After everyone arrived, we

    were introduced to our instructors and group-mates. My groups instructor is the handsome Elton. My group consists of students from

    Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School, Hong Kah Secondary School and OPSS. My group was called Nila Utama!

    Day 1

    We took the OBS boat to OBS Campsite II. When we arrived at the campsite, we had some ice-breaker games. Then, we

    took a group photo and proceeded to check our stores. The first day was quite boring. After checking the stores, we packed our food

    for the next four days into two backpacks provided to us. After a few attempts, we finally succeeded but our loaves of bread wasdistorted. They actually looked quite funny.

    Our first activity was belaying. We learnt the basics of belaying. A belaying team consists of a climber, a belayer, a 2nd

    belayer and an anchor-man. In this activity, we were entrusted the lives of our climbing group-mates, although the climbing height

    was only 1 metre. We took turns trying out in all the different roles. It was really enjoyable.

    We pitched our tents at a high ground in the campsite. This was because we thought the higher our tents are, the cooler it

    would be. Our first dinner turned out not so nice as our rice was not fully cooked. Since we were all hungry, we took a loaf of bread

    and gathered around the hot curry chicken instead. As we were still hungry, we ate the half-cooked rice along with some heated

    canned food. We had fun stealing each others dishes, eating and sharing all the dishes that we had. Then, we washed up the pots and

    cutlery and proceeded to the best event of the day: BATHE! Everyone was waiting for this moment.

    After bathing, we packed the rest of our food into the backpacks again. This time, we were given three backpacks and we

    did it! However, our bread was still distorted. Then, it was lights out and we slept in the tents that we pitched earlier. It was indeed

    cooler on higher ground but there were also more mosquitoes! We spent the cool night with the lovely mosquitoes as our


    Day 2

    We woke up and un-pitched our tents and kept them into the tent bags. Then, we had our breakfast. This time, it was not so

    bad but we actually lost a loaf of bread. Our instructor told us that he saw a dog taking our bread away and came back for a can of

    tuna. Luckily, our instructor managed to chase the dog away before it could steal our tuna as well. Despite the unfortunate incident,

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    we all burst into laughters. We thought that the dog was really clever as it knew that the bread would taste better with the tuna. A

    comical image started to form in my head. Imagine a dog trying to open a can of tuna... ... with a can-opener!

    After breakfast, we tried out the Flying Fox. The experience was a heart-pounding and refreshing one! After our Flying

    Fox, we had our lunch. The lunch was great! Next, we had our wet activity. We went for a life vest test and had our Jetty Jump.

    Before our Jetty Jump, we were asked to think of some of the qualities that we would like our 18 th imaginary group member to

    possess. We were to shout out a quality before we jump. And after we emerged from the waters, we would have to strive to become

    like that 18th person. The experience was unforgettable! As some of us have a phobia of water, we encouraged each other to give it a

    shot. Eventually, all of us managed to jump at least once.

    As we waited for another group to complete their capsize drill, we had an introduction to orienteering. Finally, it was our

    turn and we got into our triyaks and tried the capsize drill. It was an exciting experience! Then, we saw dark clouds approaching us.

    Our original plan was to triyak to our next campsite, Campsite Macho. However, because of the approaching storm, we were unable

    to do it. So, we stayed at Campsite II and had our dinner there. When the storm passed, we trekked to Campsite Macho instead as the

    weather seems unpredictable. The journey was long and the route was full of rocks and stones. It felt like we were having a free foot


    Finally, we reached our destination. We put down our backpacks and started to pitch our tents. Then, our instructors

    gathered us and appointed some of us as the navigators for our triyaking expedition the following day. We did not get to bathe for the

    whole day and also did not get to use a proper toilet. Our small and big businesses had to be done in a made-shift toilet.

    We took turns to perform sentry duty as the rest of us slept. When it was my tents shift, we were woken up by the previous

    tent. We were told that there were wild dogs and weird music coming out from the forest. At first, we thought that the previous shift

    was trying to scare us. But, it was real! We actually saw the dogs and heard the eerie music. It was really CREEPY!

    Day 3

    Everyone woke up early the next morning and trekked back to Campsite II for our triyaking expedition. We triyaked for 12

    kilometres around Pulau Ubin to OBS Campsite I. We had our breakfast and lunch out in the sea. We even had to do our businesses

    out in the sea as well. This was a totally new experience for all of us.

    As we got nearer to our destination, we motivated ourselves by saying things like, No more self-cooked food! No more

    natural toilet! and we thought of good and pleasant things like bathing, cold drinks and chicken wings. We paddled to our

    destination as fast as we could and we arrived at Campsite I with amazing speed and timing. We were actually 2 hours ahead of time!

    We bathed in the cleanest water, ate the most delicious and fragrant rice, together with the biggest and juiciest chicken wing,

    and the freshest cabbage, along with the most aromatic soup and the coolest syrup drink.

    After our sumptuous meal, we repacked our bags and prepared for our next days trekking expedition. Then, we saw a

    rainbow as the sun slowly sets. Next, we gathered at the Indiana ship for a briefing and a story-telling session by our instructor. The

    story was nice but lame. Then, we brushed our teeth and slept in our tents. That night was quite warm.

    Day 4

    We woke up early in the morning. My friend and I decided to go brush our teeth. So, we headed over to the area where we

    placed our bags. Suddenly, we saw a dog coming our way. My immediate reaction was to jump up from my sitting position and

    walked backwards till I reached the end. The dog kept approaching me and I decided to adopt the stupidest solution: RUN! It

    worked! However, the dog turned and approached my friend instead and she came running after me. It was such a hilarious sight.

    Finally, we managed to brush our teeth and went for our breakfast. Then we packed our bags for the last time and set off

    back to Campsite II. We trekked a distance of 15 kilometres with our heavy backpacks on our shoulders. We motivated each other

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    along the way as we headed to Ubin Village for our lunch. Initially, we thought that we were going there for seafood or chilli crab.

    However when we arrived, our instructor told us, Take out the food from your backpacks to eat and have a short rest after eating.

    All of us looked stunned. But after all, it was only our own imagination that we were going to have chilli crabs for lunch. We simply

    laughed it off and proceeded to have our lunch.

    After our lunch, we set off for the highest point on Pulau Ubin. The scenery up there was truly breath-taking! Our instructor

    then told us each to think of a positive aspect of ourselves and shout it from there. We could even hear the echoes. We started to shout

    one after another. After we were done, we left the place and headed back to Campsite II.

    On our way back, we cracked jokes with each other. When we were about to reach the campsite, one of my group-mate,

    Stanley, had a headache. Another group-mate, Jackie, ran towards him and volunteered to carry his backpack for him. We tried to trek

    back as fast as possible. However, after walking for another few hundred metres, Stanley suddenly fainted. We then took out the

    stretcher and put him on it. All the males in our group put down their backpacks and carried Stanley in the stretcher while the females

    took the backpacks for them. Everyone was tired and worried at the same time. But we trekked on and helped and motivated each

    other. As we almost reached the campsite, our instructor suddenly stopped us and asked us to quickly place Stanley down on the

    ground. He told us, Stanleys situation seems quite bad because... I thought that our instructor was going to do CPR on him on the

    spot. Everyone started to get tensed up and anxious. ... because Stanley is a BIG FAT LIAR! he said. It was then that we

    understood what happened. It was all a scam! We were both relieved and angry. Our instructor had planned this act with Stanley. He

    wanted to test how we would react to the situation and how much teamwork we had.

    Then, we continued on our journey back to Campsite II and had our debrief. After our dinner, we bathed for the last time at

    the campsite. We passed soap and shampoo to each other while bathing and laughed and joked. We had lots of fun. Then we pitched

    up our tents at a different site and slept.

    Day 5

    On the last morning at OBS, we woke up early and un-pitched our tents. We packed everything and checked our stores

    again. We had our final debrief at the jetty. This time, we conducted the debrief ourselves.

    We came from different background to attend this OBS course. When we first met, we only knew each others names. As the

    days passed and as we went through all the different activities; like kayaking, trekking, cooking meals together, we somehow bonded

    together. Not only do we know each others names by the last day, we also knew each others personalities and characters too. We

    were no longer seated together with our own schools-mates, but we were sctually sitting together as a group. We felt like a big

    family! We were all brothers and sisters! We are NILA UTAMA!

    We exchanged our contacts and hugged each other, regardless of gender and height. It was also then that we realized we had

    acquired the traits of the 18 th person we wanted to have in our group. We no longer need the 18 th person in our group. Together, we

    make up the 18th person!

    We left the OBS Jetty and headed towards Punggol Jetty. Although we missed mainland Singapore, but we also miss our

    wonderful times spent together at Pulau Ubin. We missed our technologies but we will also miss the times when we were freed from

    all distractions. We will definitely miss everyone in NILA UTAMA, including the 18th person in our group. I will never forget this

    OBS experience that I had and what I have learnt from it: the power of TEAMWORK!

    SGT Jolyn Tey Jie-Lin

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    Past Events of 2008 (July ~ December)

    Event / Activity Date Participant

    Police Heritage Centre Visit 01/07/08 Sec 2

    Singapore Philatelic Museum Visit 04/07/08 Sec 3

    Anti-Drug Knowledge Tree 08 ~ 11/07/08 All

    Promotional Exercise 16/07/08 Sec 1 ~ 2

    NPCC Service Day 18/07/08 AllInter-Unit Beep Test Challenge 2008 25/07/08 Sec 1 ~ 3

    Handing-Over & Taking-Over Parade 30/07/08 All

    Farewell Gathering 30/07/08 All

    CCA Photo-Taking 31/07/08 All

    Heartland Trail Pledge Card (CIP) 06 ~ 25/08/08 Sec 1 ~ 3

    School National Day Parade 08/08/08 Sec 3

    .22 Revolver Practice Shoot 26/08/08 Sec 2

    Focus on the Family Flag Day (CIP) 13/09/08 Optional

    Anti-Drug Abuse Course 29/10/08 Sec 2

    Annual Camp 15 ~ 17/11/08 Sec 1 ~ 3

    BBQ Gathering 16/11/08 Sec 4 & 5

    Our Achievements for 2008 (July ~ December)

    Activity / Competition Date / Period Participant Achievement / Award Organizer

    Anti-Drug Knowledge Tree

    Competition 200808 ~ 11/07/08 OPSS NPCC Unit Outstanding Award Central Narcotics Bureau

    NPCC Tie, Bid & Cook

    Challenge 200812/07/08

    SGT Daniel Lee (Captain)

    SGT Ong Kong Ming

    SGT Tang Mei Yin

    3rd PositionNorthland Secondary

    School NPCC Unit

    Fun on Foot Heritage

    Marathon 200819/07/08

    SGT Gavin Ng

    SGT Jolyn Tey

    SGT Shahril

    SGT Dhivya

    Certificate of

    ParticipationNational Heritage Board

    Inter-Unit Beep Test

    Challenge 200825/07/08

    SGT Ko Kai Sheng

    SGT Nurfahtia

    Certificate of


    Orchid Park Secondary

    School NPCC Unit

    Inter-Area Project-BasedCompetition 2008


    01/08/08 SGT Jolyn TeySGT Wilson Lee

    Top 5 NPCC HQ

    National Day Parade 2008 09/08/08 SGT Edwin Tan NA NPCC HQ

    National Camp 2008 11 ~ 14/08/08SGT Lim Xing Xia

    SGT Gavin NgNA NPCC HQ

    Outward Bound Singapore

    (Outdoor Discovery)11 ~ 15/08/08

    SGT Tang Mei Yin

    SGT Jolyn Tey

    SGT Josephine Yeo

    SGT Sin Yee Suan

    SGT Tan Shi Qi

    NAOrchid Park Secondary


    SMRT Challenge 2008 31/08/08

    SGT Gavin Ng

    SGT Edwin Tan

    SGT Tan Shi QiSGT Ko Kai Sheng

    Certificate of


    Singapore Mass Rapid


  • 8/14/2019 OPSS NPCC Newsletter (0109)


    Orchid Park Secondary School National Police Cadet Corps Bi-Annual Newsletter Volume 1, January 2009

    Visit us at : Page 30 of 31

    Our Achievements for 2008 (July ~ December)

    Activity / Competition Date / Period Participant Achievement / Award Organizer

    Inter-Unit Counter Strike

    Competition 200805/09/08

    CPL Benny Chia (Captain)

    SGT Edwin Tan

    SGT Lim Chin Tian

    SGT Yim Shao Wei

    1st Position

    Anglo-Chinese School

    (Independent) NPCC


    Inter-Unit Rope

    Challenge 200815/10/08

    SGT Tan Shi Qi

    SGT Sin Yee Suan

    Certificate of


    Ahmad IbrahimSecondary School

    NPCC Unit

    Inter-Area Project-Based

    Competition 2008


    17/10/08SGT Jolyn Tey

    SGT Wilson Lee2nd Position NPCC HQ

    Inter-Unit Photo Hunt

    Competition 200824/10/08

    CPL Johnson Oh

    CPL Lim Yexing

    CPL Jonathan Lim

    2nd PositionNaval Base Secondary

    School NPCC Unit

    Fun Olympics 2008 25/10/08

    SGT Gavin Ng

    SGT Edwin Tan

    SGT Tang Mei Yin

    SGT Lim Chin Tian

    SGT Ko Kai Sheng

    Certificate of


    Nan Hua High School

    NPCC Unit

    Inter-Unit Blog

    Competition 200825/10/08 OPSS NPCC Unit 2nd Position

    St Josephs Institute

    NPCC Unit

    Inter-Unit Online History

    Quiz Challenge 200812/11/08

    SGT Gavin Ng

    SGT Jolyn Tey

    SGT Tang Mei Yin

    SGT Daniel Lee

    SGT Ko Kai Sheng

    Certificate of


    Beatty Secondary

    School NPCC Unit

    Overseas Educational

    Visit 2008

    (Hong Kong & Macau)

    17 ~ 23/11/08 SGT Tang Mei Yin NA NPCC HQ

    Outward Bound


    (Leaders Journey)

    24 ~ 28/11/08 SGT Gavin Ng NA NPCC HQ

    Cadet Inspector Basic

    Training Course 200801 ~ 20/12/08

    SSG Matthias Goh

    SSG Clifford TanNA NPCC HQ

  • 8/14/2019 OPSS NPCC Newsletter (0109)


    Orchid Park Secondary School National Police Cadet Corps Bi-Annual Newsletter Volume 1, January 2009

    The Tortoise & The Hare (Complete Version)

    Once upon a time, a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the

    argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The hare shot ahead and ran briskly for

    some time. Then, seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he would sit under a tree for a while and

    relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on, overtook

    him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champion. The hare woke up and realized that he had

    lost the race.

    The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race.

    This is the version of the story that we have all grown up with. But, the story does not end here. There are a

    few more interesting twists to it. It continues as follows...

    The hare was disappointed at losing the race and he did some reflection. He realized that he had lost the

    race only because he had been overconfident, careless and lax. If he had not taken things for granted, there is no

    way the tortoise could have beaten him. So, he challenged the tortoise to another race. The tortoise agreed. This

    time, the hare went all out and ran without stopping from start to finish. He won by several miles.

    The moral of the story is that fast and consistent will always beat the slow and steady.

    If we have two people in an organization: one slow, methodical and reliable, and the other fast and still

    reliable at what he does, the fast and reliable chap will consistently climb the organizational ladder faster than the

    slow, methodical chap. It is good to be slow and steady; but it is definitely better to be fast and reliable.

    The tortoise did some thinking this time, and realized that there is no way it can beat the hare in a race

    using the original route. It thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to another race, but on a slightly

    different route. The hare confidently agreed. They started off. In keeping with his self-made commitment to be

    consistently fast, the hare took off and ran at top speed until he came to a broad river. The finishing line was a

    couple of kilometres on the other side of the river. The hare sat there wondering what to do. In the meantime, the

    tortoise trundled along, got into the river, swam to the opposite bank, continued walking and finished the race.

    The moral of the story is that we have to first identify our core competency and then change the playing

    field to suit our core competency.

    In an organization, if you are a good speaker, make sure you create opportunities to give presentations that

    enable the senior management to notice you. If your strength is analysis, make sure you do some sort of research,

    make a report and send it to your senior management. Working to your strengths will not only get you noticed, but will

    also create opportunities for growth and advancement.

    But, that is not the end of the story yet. It continues as follows...

    The hare and the tortoise, by this time, had become pretty good friends and they did some thinking

    together. Both realized that the last race could have been run much better. So, they decided to do the last race

    again, but to run as a team this time. They started off, and this time the hare carried the tortoise till the riverbank.

    There, the tortoise took over and swam across with the hare on his back. On the opposite bank, the hare again

    carried the tortoise and they reached the finishing line together. They both felt a greater sense of satisfaction than

    they had felt in all their previous races as they were able to complete the race in record time. They were both

    winners of the situation.

    The moral of the story is that it is good to be individually brilliant and to have strong core competencies;

    but unless you are able to work in a team and harness each other's core competencies, you will always perform

    below par because there will always be situations at which you will do poorly and someone else does well.

    Teamwork is mainly about situational leadership, letting the person with the relevant core competency for asituation to take the leadership.

    Also, note that neither the hare nor the tortoise gave up after their failures. The hare decided to work harder

    and put in more effort after his failure. The tortoise changed his strategy because he was already working as hard as he

    could. In life, when faced with failure, do not give up, keep trying and adopt a different strategy if necessary.

    Sometimes it is appropriate to work harder and put in more effort. Sometimes it is appropriate to change strategy and

    try something different. And, sometimes it is appropriate to do both.

    The hare and the tortoise also learnt another vital lesson: When we stop competing against a rival and

    instead start competing against the situation we can and will perform far better!