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Opiates in the Human Body

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An opiate is described as a narcotic alkaloid found in opium.

Effects body in many ways.Reheated users must use more to feel the

effect of the drug as a result of the body's adaptation to the drug.

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The 4 Main Opiates


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HeroinHow its extracted

Heroin is processed through morphine. This drug is extracted from the seed pod of the Asian poppy plant.

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Heroin abuse can induce many health conditions. These include fatal over dose, collapsed veins, and depending on whether the user injects the drug with needles, HIV/AIDS and/or hepatitis.

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HeroinEffects (Short Term)

Short term effects include a feeling of euphoria, accompanied by warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth. Also ones mental functionality becomes clouded.

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HeroinEffects (Chronic Users)

Chronic users may develop collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, liver…, etc.

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Opium contains 16% morphine and originally came from China during the 15th century. It was considered rare however by the 17th century it became much more common when it was mixed with tobacco. This was when the addictive aspect of Opium was realized.

OpiumIn General

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The duration of the drugs effects typically last about 4 hours.

Side effects are that it the drug produces relaxation and relief of pain. Also decreased alertness occurs.

It has nearly the same effects on the body as natural pain killers.

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OpiumOpiate Molecules

The opiate molecules take up many of the same nerve receptor sites. The effects include Euphoria, sleepiness, vomiting, itchy skin, sweating, impaired vision, death, etc.

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Codeine is a typical drug used as an anesthetic.

First Isolated by Jean-Pierre Robiquet in 1850.

Common adverse drug reactions that can occur with the use of codeine include euphoria, itching, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dry mouth, mitosis, orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention and constipation.

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MorphineIn General

Morphine is highly potent and it is also a natural endocrine product in humans and animals.

The Word morphine is derived from Morpheus, one of the Greek Gods of dreams.

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Morphine acts directly upon the central nervous system to relieve pain at the synapses of the nucleus.

Other side effects include anxiety, involuntary movement of the eyes, blurred vision, pinpoint pupils, vomiting, insomnia, etc.

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Works Cited

