Download - OperatingSystems (1)

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Operating SystemOperating SystemFundamentalsFundamentals

    1.1. Components of an OSComponents of an OS

    2.2. Functions of an OSFunctions of an OS

    3.3. Types of OSTypes of OS

    4.4. Command-line toolsCommand-line tools

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    The Three Elements of an OSThe Three Elements of an OS

    User Interface Te part of te OSUser Interface Te part of te OS

    tat you interface !it.tat you interface !it.

    "ernel Te core of te OS. Interacts"ernel Te core of te OS. Interacts!it te #IOS $at one end%& and te UI!it te #IOS $at one end%& and te UI

    $at te oter end%.$at te oter end%.

    File 'ana(ement System Or(ani)esFile 'ana(ement System Or(ani)es

    and mana(es files.and mana(es files.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Operating System FunctionsOperating System Functions

    File 'ana(ementFile 'ana(ement

    *pplication 'ana(ement*pplication 'ana(ement

    #uilt-in Utility +ro(rams#uilt-in Utility +ro(rams

    Control of Computer ,ard!areControl of Computer ,ard!are

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Operating System TypesOperating System Types

    'ultiuser T!o or more users !or'ultiuser T!o or more users !or

    !it te computer at te same time!it te computer at te same time

    'ultitasin( T!o or more'ultitasin( T!o or moreprocesses runnin( at te same time.processes runnin( at te same time.

    'ultitreadin( T!o or more parts'ultitreadin( T!o or more parts

    of te same process runnin( at teof te same process runnin( at te

    same time.same time.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    PC Operating SystemsPC Operating Systems

    'icrosoft indo!s'icrosoft indo!s

    'acIntos OS'acIntos OS /inu0/inu0

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    MS Windows VersionsMS Windows Versions

    ,ome $on-+rofessional% ersions,ome $on-+rofessional% ersions

    indo!s 5indo!s 5

    indo!s 6indo!s 6

    indo!s 'eindo!s 'e

    +rofessional $#usiness% ersions+rofessional $#usiness% ersions

    indo!s Tindo!s T

    indo!s 2777indo!s 2777

    Te T!o /ines Came To(eter inTe T!o /ines Came To(eter in

    indo!s 8+ $2771%indo!s 8+ $2771%

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Dis Operating SystemDis Operating System

    ! DOS "! DOS " Te first +C Operatin( System $161%Te first +C Operatin( System $161%

    ot a 'ultitasin( OS& only one pro(ramot a 'ultitasin( OS& only one pro(ram

    could run at a timecould run at a time * command-line interface& no 9UI.* command-line interface& no 9UI.

    :arly ;ersions of indo!s sat on top of

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    File SystemFile System

    ** filefileis a collection of =ytes ofis a collection of =ytes of

    information treated as a sin(le unit.information treated as a sin(le unit.

    It is (i;en aIt is (i;en a


    to mae it easy toto mae it easy to

    find and use later.find and use later.

    TeTe file systemfile systemeeps trac of !ereeeps trac of !ere

    a file is actually resident on a dis.a file is actually resident on a dis.

    * dis $ard dis& floppy& optical* dis $ard dis& floppy& optical

    dis% is su=di;ided intodis% is su=di;ided into directoriesdirectoriesoror


  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    File System !continued"File System !continued"

    Te top le;el folder on a dis isTe top le;el folder on a dis isno!n as teno!n as te rootroot..

    Te root is (enerally su=di;ided intoTe root is (enerally su=di;ided into

    subfolderssubfolders.. *ny folder or su=folder can contain*ny folder or su=folder can contain

    files and oter folders.files and oter folders.

    TeTe fully-qualified filenamefully-qualified filenameincludesincludeste name of te file and tete name of te file and tepathpathtoto

    te folder in !ic it resides>te folder in !ic it resides>


  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Windows #egistered File TypesWindows #egistered File Types

    * particular file e0tension can =e* particular file e0tension can =e

    re(isteredre(isteredandand associatedassociated!it a particular!it a particular


    .doc0 files are associated !it 'S ord.doc0 files are associated !it 'S ord .0ls0 files are associated !it 'S :0cel.0ls0 files are associated !it 'S :0cel

    .t0t files are associated !it otepad.t0t files are associated !it otepad

    .tml files are associated !it I:.tml files are associated !it I:

    Tis is o! indo!s no!s !at to doTis is o! indo!s no!s !at to do

    !en you dou=le-clic a file in 'y!en you dou=le-clic a file in 'y


  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    File $ttri%utesFile $ttri%utes

    :ac file as four attri=utes !ic:ac file as four attri=utes !iccan =e ;ie!ed or set.can =e ;ie!ed or set.

    Aead Only File may =e ;ie!ed& copied&Aead Only File may =e ;ie!ed& copied&

    e0ecuted $if appropriate%& =ut note0ecuted $if appropriate%& =ut not

    can(ed. It can =e deleted.can(ed. It can =e deleted.

    ,idden File !ill not =e displayed in,idden File !ill not =e displayed in

    normal list of files.normal list of files.

    System File is identified to =elon( toSystem File is identified to =elon( tosystem& sould not =e messed !it.system& sould not =e messed !it.

    *rci;e File is $or is not% a candidate*rci;e File is $or is not% a candidate

    for =acup.for =acup.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    DOS CommandsDOS Commands

    T!o types Internal and :0ternalT!o types Internal and :0ternal

    Internal commands are resident in teInternal commands are resident in te

    main ernel file> $ormain ernel file> $or

    cmd.e0e%cmd.e0e% :0ternal commands are separate little:0ternal commands are separate little


    ItBs important to learn

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    The Command PromptThe Command Prompt

    #y default& it reminds youof te current dri;e and tecurrent directory.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    Three Parts of a DOS CommandThree Parts of a DOS Command

    0copy me c>?temp d>?temp


    S!itces +arameters

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    DOS Wildcard CharactersDOS Wildcard Characters

    Te caracters D and E can =e usedTe caracters D and E can =e usedto affect multiple files !it a sin(leto affect multiple files !it a sin(le


    Te D means any sin(le caracter.Te D means any sin(le caracter.

    copy c>?temp?notesDD.doc d>?tempcopy c>?temp?notesDD.doc d>?temp

    means copy any ord file tat =e(insmeans copy any ord file tat =e(ins!it te !ord notes !it e0actly t!o!it te !ord notes !it e0actly t!o

    oter caracters& lie notes71.doc&oter caracters& lie notes71.doc&

    notes*#.doc& etc.notes*#.doc& etc.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    DOS Wildcard CharactersDOS Wildcard Characters

    Te E !ildcard replaces any num=er ofTe E !ildcard replaces any num=er of


    copy c>?temp?notes.E d>?tempcopy c>?temp?notes.E d>?temp$copy all files !it te name notes and$copy all files !it te name notes and

    any e0tension.%any e0tension.%

    copy E.doc c>?tempcopy E.doc c>?temp$copy all files !it a doc e0tension in$copy all files !it a doc e0tension in

    te current directory.%te current directory.%

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    $t the Command Prompt$t the Command Prompt

    * dri;e letter and a > $e.(. f>%* dri;e letter and a > $e.(. f>%maes tat your current dri;e.maes tat your current dri;e.

    C< $Can(e

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    DOS CommandsDOS Commands

    '< 'ae directory.'< 'ae directory. A< Aemo;e a directory or an entireA< Aemo;e a directory or an entire

    directory tree.

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    More DOS CommandsMore DOS Commands

    'O: 'o;es file$s% from one folder'O: 'o;es file$s% from one folderto anoter.

    A:$*':% Aenames file$s%.A:$*':% Aenames file$s%. *TTAI#

  • 7/24/2019 OperatingSystems (1)


    E&en MoreE&en More

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