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OpenWells on Xamarin platform

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Capstone Project: CSCI 6838.04

Team Members:

1. Rou'a Aldalgamouni (Blackboard Id: aldaqamounir1270)

2. Daniel Wang (Blackboard Id: WangD9527)

3.Shreyas Makde (Blackboard Id: makdeS3844)

4. Madhavi Potluri (Blackboard Id: potluriM6302)


David Crawshay


Email id:. [email protected]

Olivier Germain


Email id: [email protected]


Dr. Pradeep Buddharaju

Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Email Id: [email protected]

OpenWells on Xamarin platform

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Table of Contents:

Project Description


o Business Requirements

o Functional / Technical Requirements

o Hardware Requirements

o Software Requirements


o Use case diagram

o Software Architecture Diagram

o Database Description

o UI Design

o Task Division

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Project Description:

The Landmark OpenWells application is a comprehensive tool that allows for the data

management of Workover operations. The application can be obtained from the Apple App Store

and can be installed on a variety of iPads. The application can be used in a connected or

disconnected environment. The project will be to take the iOS OpenWells application and

convert it to work on Android devices using the Xamarin platform. Once converted, the

application should perform on Android devices exactly the same as on iPads.


Business Requirements

A. Develop an application that can manage oil well workover tasks and functions

similarly to the Landmark OpenWells iOS application for the Android platform.

B. User should be able to input daily oil well workover task information.

C. User should be able to enter data in a connected or disconnected environment.

D. Application should sync with the EDM database.

E. User should be able to view data entered in the past or obtained from EDM database.

F. User information should be tied to the submitted data.

Functional/Technical Requirements

A1. Application should be developed in Xamarin with cross platform capabilities for

both iOS and Android using the Xamarin.Forms library.

B1. Application should allow numerical data entry with value limits.

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B2. Application should allow textual data entry for both data and comment fields.

B3. Application should allow user to input information via radio buttons.

B4. Application should allow user to delete entered data.

B5. Application should allow user to attach a media file or document.

C1. Application should be able to detect if in a connected or disconnected environment.

C2. Application should save and store data locally on device in both connected and

disconnected environments.

D1. Application should send stored data to EDM database if in a connected


D2. Application should receive data from the EDM database if in a connected


D3. Application should allow manual syncing of data to the EDM database with a

“Sync” button.

E1. User should be able to generate a PDF report with details of daily tasks.

E2. User should be able to view past data within the application.

E3. Application should display views of the data filtered by “All”, “Year”, “Month”,

and “Day”.

E4. Application should display Well Bore schematic data obtained from the EDM


E5. Application should display a map of the current area via device GPS.

F1. User information should be tied to the device settings.

F2. Application should identify the user for a specific device the first time a well is


Hardware Requirements

Windows computer with Xamarin Open Source installed.

Android device with GPS.

Apple computer capable of viewing OpenWells application source code.

iPad tablet with GPS capable of running the Landmark OpenWells application.

Software Requirements

Xamarin Open Source

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Visual Studios (compatible with Xamarin Open Source)

MS Office


Adobe Acrobat


Use Case Diagram:

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Software Architecture Diagram:

Web Service EDM


Mobile Application (Xamarin/Android)

Well Selection Page

Application Background

Data Entry Pages

Daily Ops Info

Wellbore Eq. Info

Test Info

Failures Info Casing Info

Cementing Info Logging Info

Perforation Info Material

Transfer Info Pipe Tally Info

Drill Stem

Test Info

Stimulation Info

Data Display Pages









View Pages

Monthly View

Year View

All View

Daily View

Description Pages



Well Bore




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Database Description:

The Landmark Engineers Data Model (EDM) is the corporate database that houses the well data

collected by the OpenWells application. EDM is a comprehensive data management solution that

houses over 4000 tables. The OpenWells application is able to sync with the EDM database to

both transfer data saved by the client application to the corporate database and to retrieve well

information stored in the corporate database.

For this project, Xamarin’s Realm will be used to generate a mobile database on each android

device. The tables for this database will be automatically converted from an existing XML

schema. This Realm database will then communicate directly with the EDM corporate database

using the AutoSync API.

UI Design:

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Task Division:

Well-Selection Page Creation:

o Daniel Wang

Background Page Creation:

o Daniel Wang

Common Pages Creation**:

o Shreyas Makde, Rou’a Aldalqamouni, Madhavi Potluri, Daniel Wang

Report Generation Function/Page:

o Daniel Wang

Map Display Function/Page:

o Shreyas Makde

Schematic Display Page:

o Shreyas Makde

Web Service Function/Page:

o Madhavi Potluri

Integration of Complete Application:

o Daniel Wang, Shreyas Makde, Rou’a Aldalqamouni, Madhavi Potluri

Application Installation and Testing:

o Rou’a Aldalqamouni, Shreyas Makde, Madhavi Potluri, Daniel Wang

Bolded means task lead, if multiple people assigned. ** Note: Common pages are all data entry pages not specifically listed.