Download - Opening a Bank Account Without a SSN

  • 7/28/2019 Opening a Bank Account Without a SSN


    Opening a Bank AccountWithout a SSN

    Hi, Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know about a recent smallvictory in the no-SSN corner.

    I recently tried to open a bank account with my local bank , and whenthey asked for a SSN, I informed them that I didn't have one. Theyflatly refused and said that without a SSN that they absolutely couldNOT open an account of any kind. I then proceeded thus to convincethem that they were in the wrong: 1) I informed them that I hadterminated my SSN legally in accordance with 20 CFR 3 A7 404.1905and 2) I informed them that the bank could not be held legallyresponsible by anyone for failing to obtain a SSN from me pursuant to

    31 CFR 103.34(a)(1) and 3) I informed them that under the InternalRevenue Code Section 6041, that they were not even required toprovide any taxpayer identification numbers on the Form 1099 thatthey file with the IRS at the end of the year, and 4) I informed themthat pursuant to 26 CFR 301.6109-1(c) that they were under no legalobligation to obtain a SSN from me, and 5) I informed them that 42USC 408 makes it a FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to try toforce a person by fear or deceit to provide his SSN in an unlawfulmanner. After a brief meeting with the banks controller and legalcounsel, I received a phone call stating that I would be allowed to opena checking account. Please pass this information along to your readers,

    in hopes that it may help someone else who may find themselves inthis situation.

    Craig Burkholder

    Harrisonburg, VA