Download - Open Publish User Documentation

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Version: OpenPublish-2.3-Build441.

Janhuary 27th, 2011 (Original rel.: December 3rd, 2010)

Recopilado de

por Carlos Nina [[email protected]]

Lima, Perú. 11/11/11

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Tabla de contenido

Quick Tour of Administration Screens ............................................................................................. 4

Logging In ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Administration Page ........................................................................................................................ 4

Categories of Administrative Functions ................................................................................... 5

Returning to the Home Page from the Administration Screen ............................................. 5

Accessing Administration Pages from Public-Facing Site Pages .......................................... 5

Logging Out ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Categorizing Your Content ................................................................................................................. 7

How Taxonomy Works ................................................................................................................... 7

Managing Vocabularies................................................................................................................... 7

Add a Vocabulary ........................................................................................................................ 8

Edit a Vocabulary ......................................................................................................................... 9

Managing Terms in a Vocabulary ............................................................................................... 10

Add a Term ................................................................................................................................. 10

Organizing Terms in a Vocabulary ......................................................................................... 11

Edit/Delete a Term ..................................................................................................................... 11

Configuring Site Navigation ............................................................................................................ 12

Administer Menus ......................................................................................................................... 12

Edit Menu .................................................................................................................................... 13

Add Item to a Menu ................................................................................................................... 13

Creating New Content ...................................................................................................................... 14

Create Content ................................................................................................................................ 14

The Author Dilemma ..................................................................................................................... 15

More Options for the Blog Content Type ................................................................................... 16

Categorizing your content through taxonomy ...................................................................... 16

Toggle Show Author Info ......................................................................................................... 16

Upload and Attach Files ............................................................................................................ 17

Add a Node to a Menu .............................................................................................................. 17

Authoring Information .............................................................................................................. 18

How to automatically generate "clean" urls ........................................................................... 18

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Create Content for an Article ....................................................................................................... 19

Creating a Deck, or Drop Head ................................................................................................ 19

Attaching Images and Adding Image Credits ....................................................................... 19

Enhance Your Content with CKeditor and Apture ....................................................................... 21

CKeditor (WYSIWYG) ................................................................................................................... 21

Using Apture .................................................................................................................................. 21

Configuring Apture ................................................................................................................... 24

Publishing and Promoting Your Content ....................................................................................... 25

Tagging with Calais ........................................................................................................................... 26

What is Calais? ............................................................................................................................... 26

How do I set up Calais for my OpenPublish site? .................................................................... 26

Calais API Settings ..................................................................................................................... 26

How do I use Calais? ..................................................................................................................... 27

Viewing Calais Tags Applied to a Node................................................................................. 28

What OpenPublish features are made possible by Calais? ...................................................... 30

Related Terms ............................................................................................................................. 30

More Like This ............................................................................................................................ 31

Advanced Calais Configuration .................................................................................................. 31

Calais Node Settings .................................................................................................................. 31

Calais Tag Modifications ........................................................................................................... 33

Calais Bulk Processing............................................................................................................... 33

Related Content with More Like This ............................................................................................. 34

What is More Like This? ............................................................................................................... 34

How does MLT work? ................................................................................................................... 34

Internal Content Recommendations (MLT Taxonomy) ....................................................... 34

External Content Recommendations (Flickr, Google Video, Yahoo! BOSS) ...................... 36

How do I set up and configure MLT? ......................................................................................... 37

General Settings .......................................................................................................................... 37

Flickr ............................................................................................................................................ 38

Google Video .............................................................................................................................. 38

Taxonomy .................................................................................................................................... 38

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Yahoo! BOSS ............................................................................................................................... 39

Yahoo! BOSS Images .................................................................................................................. 39

Editing Existing Content ................................................................................................................... 40

Editing Existing Content ........................................................................................................... 40

Adding Multimedia Content ............................................................................................................ 45

Audio ............................................................................................................................................... 45

Video ................................................................................................................................................ 45

Images .............................................................................................................................................. 46

Topic Hubs .......................................................................................................................................... 46

What are Topic Hubs? ................................................................................................................... 46

Any prerequisites for creating a Topic Hub? ............................................................................. 47

How do I create a Topic Hub? ...................................................................................................... 47

Configure Your Topic Hub ....................................................................................................... 48

Can I reorder/add/remove blocks in my Topic Hub? ............................................................... 50

Configuring Outgoing RSS Feeds .................................................................................................... 53

Default RSS Feeds .......................................................................................................................... 53

Consuming Incoming Feeds, e.g., Twitter ...................................................................................... 54

Pulling-in a Twitter Feed .............................................................................................................. 54

Managing Regions and Blocks with Context ................................................................................. 55

Regions and Blocks in Drupal ...................................................................................................... 55

Beyond Core Drupal Block Management ................................................................................... 56

Working with Contexts ................................................................................................................. 56

Changing Basic Theme Options ....................................................................................................... 59

How to Contribute to OpenPublish. ............................................................................................... 59

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OpenPublish User Documentation

The simple installation of OpenPublish is not the end of the process. The site must be

configured, customized and designed to suit the needs of a specific organization.

It is also important to have a solid understanding of the workflow associated with managing

content in OpenPublish, as there are a number of important differences compared to a

standard Drupal core implementation.

Quick Tour of Administration Screens

OpenPublish provides several administration pages that allow you to manage your site's

content and configuration via an intuitive user interface.

In order to access these pages, you'll need to log in as a user that has the necessary privileges

to do so (which are governed by that user's role and associated permissions).

Logging In

To log in, navigate to /user and enter your username and password (usually "admin" and

whatever you set the admin password to during initial installation).

Administration Page

After you've logged in successfully, you will land on the Administration Page, located at

/admin URL.

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Categories of Administrative Functions

The Administration Page displays administrative functions grouped by common categories,

which include:

Content Management

Site Building

Site Configuration

User Management


Returning to the Home Page from the Administration Screen

On the top left of the Administration Page, you'll notice a breadcrumb.

Your site's name (in this case "OPENPUBLISH") is displayed there. Clicking on it will take

you to the home page. From there you can access other public-facing pages on the site.

Accessing Administration Pages from Public-Facing Site Pages

When you are logged in as a user with "use admin toolbar" permissions, you will see a

wrench icon in the upper-left corner of all of the public-facing site pages.

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Click on the wrench to expose the Admin Toolbar.

You will see three main tabs:

Create content - to be used when creating new pages, blog posts, articles, etc

Devel - access to developer-related functions, generally not relevant to most site


Administer - this contains a large majority of the administrative functions of your

website, grouped by common purpose

Logging Out

To log out, navigate to /logout.

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Categorizing Your Content

Drupal utilizes a concept called Taxonomy to allow users to categorize/tag their site's


How Taxonomy Works

Your site's taxonomy is comprised of a set of vocabularies that you define. OpenPublish

comes with a "Topic" vocabulary by default.

Each vocabulary contains a set of terms that can be applied to your site's content. In the

"Topic" vocabulary, we have example terms like "Business", "Health", "Politics", and

"Technology". You can see these displayed in the main navigation, and if you click on them

you can view a list of content items that have been tagged with that Topic term.

Also, note that you can even create a hierarchy of terms within a vocabulary if necessary.

Managing Vocabularies

From the Admin Toolbar, navigate to Administer >> Content management >> Taxonomy.

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You should see the Taxonomy page.

Add a Vocabulary

Click on the "Add vocabulary" tab on the top right corner of the Taxonomy page.

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You will see a form that prompts you to define your vocabulary.

Enter a "Vocabulary Name".

Enter a "Description" of your vocabulary.

Choose which content types can be tagged with terms from this vocabulary.

Enabling "Tags" allows users to supply their own terms during the process of

creating content (leave this disabled if you want a strictly controlled or hierarchical


Enabling "Multiple select" allow users to apply multiple terms from this vocabulary

to content that they create.

Enabling "Required" forces users to select at least one term from this vocabulary

when they create a content item.

Edit a Vocabulary

You can edit a vocabulary by clicking on the "edit vocabulary" link from the main Taxonomy


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Managing Terms in a Vocabulary

From the Taxonomy page, click on "list terms" next to the vocabulary that you are interested


You will see a list of "Terms in Vocabulary"

Add a Term

To add a term to the vocabulary you are working with, click on the "Add term" tab in the top

right of the "Terms in Vocabulary" page.

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To add terms to another vocabulary, return to the Taxonomy page at any time by clicking on

"Taxonomy" in the breadcrumb or in the Admin Toolbar on the left.

Then, click on "add terms" next to the vocabulary that you are interested in.

Organizing Terms in a Vocabulary

You can reorder the terms in a vocabulary, or nest terms beneath one another in a hierarchy,

by using the drag-and-drop icon to the left of the term name.

Edit/Delete a Term

When viewing a list of terms, you will see an "edit" link next to each term. Click on it to edit

the name/description of the term, or delete it entirely.

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Configuring Site Navigation

Drupal's Menus system allow you to configure navigation menus on your site.

The two sets of links in the header of the default OpenPublish theme are controlled by

menus, for example:

The links in these menus are pre-configured to point to lists of articles filtered by terms from

the Topic vocabulary (i.e. /articles/Politics), but you can change their labels/URLs to

whatever you'd like (more on this below).

Administer Menus

From the Admin Toolbar, navigate to Administer > Site building > Menus.

You will see a list of all of the Menus that have been created.

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The "Top Menu" was used for the links in the top right of the header, and the "Primary

Links" was used for the main navigation beneath the banner.

Click on a menu to view a list of items within that menu. A menu item is essentially

equivalent to a link (title and destination URL).

Edit Menu

The "Edit menu" link on the top right of a menu administration page allows you to modify

the title/description of the menu.

Add Item to a Menu

The "Add item" link on the top right of a menu administration page allows you to add an

item/link to a menu. You will be prompted to enter a path and link title at a minimum.

Reordering Menu Items

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Use the drag and drop control on the "List items" page in order to re-order menu items, or

establish a menu hierarchy.

Creating New Content

In Drupal, a single unit of content such as a particular Blog Post or Article is referred to as a


Create Content

To create a new node, click on the "Create content" tab in the Admin Toolbar.

You will see a full list of all of the different content types that you can use to create your

node. Click on "Blog entry" to create a node using that content type, and you should see the

content creation form.

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Many of the fields on this form are pretty straightforward, such as:




However, there is one fundamental OpenPublish feature that is worth explaining, which is

the field for "Author(s)".

The Author Dilemma

A big assumption in Drupal 6 core is that an author is a user, which in many cases is an

over-simplification since many times there are multiple authors associated with a given

piece. In other cases, authors are external contributors who do not actually have user

accounts on your site (and it can be cumbersome to even create a "dummy" user every time

since a unique email address is required and you have to go to a separate interface to create

the user).

For these reasons, OpenPublish has a separate content type for Authors. You can type the

name of one or more existing Author nodes into the Author(s) field and the auto-complete

feature will pull up the proper Author. Click on the proper match to insert that Author into

the field.

What if my Author hasn't been created yet?

You can use the "create and reference" button next to the Author field to create the Author

you need in a popup without leaving the form.

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More Options for the Blog Content Type

Categorizing your content through taxonomy

If taxonomies have been created, you have the option to categorize your content in the

Vocabularies Section. In this particular case, the topics have been configured to display as a

dropdown menu. For a more detailed explanation of how to set up taxonomies and terms,

please visit the Categorizing your Content section of the OpenPublish documentation.

Toggle Show Author Info

If you wish to display author information (such as name, picture and bio) below the blog

entry, make sure that the "Show Author Info?" box is checked. By default it should be.

NOTE: In order for this to work properly, the author must be a registered site user and have

created a profile.

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Upload and Attach Files

In the "File Attachments" section, you can upload files with various extensions such as jpg,

jpeg, gif, png, txt, doc, xls, pdf, ppt, pps, odt, ods, and odp. To upload a file, click the browse

button to find the file on your local machine, and then click the attach button to upload the

file to the web server. You can toggle the "List" checkbox, which when checked, will list the

file attachments below your blog entry so that visitors to your site can view and download

the file. Furthermore, the url of the uploaded file is displayed in this section so it can be

referenced in the body field or elsewhere in the site.

Add a Node to a Menu

While it rarely makes sense to include a Blog-Entry as a menu item, this option is available

in the "Menu Settings" section. This may prove more beneficial when working with other

content types. In the "Parent Item" dropdown menu, you can select the menu in which the

node will be listed. The "Weight" determines the rank order of the node in relation to other

nodes included in the same menu. For example, a value of -50 would tend to be listed first.

A value of +50 is considered a heavier number and would sink toward the bottom of the list.

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Authoring Information

In the "Authoring Information" section, the "Authored By" field refers to the user that

actually created the page. It is important to note that this is not the same as the "Author"

Content Type that was referenced in the "Author" field above. The "Authored By" field is

automatically populated with the user that is currently logged into the site.

This section also has a timestamp field which automatically records when the article was

first submitted down to a fraction of a second.

How to automatically generate "clean" urls

Clean URLs are interpretable by humans and are often descriptive of the content. Let's looks

at for an example. Currently the "Buy a Kindle" button directs the visitor to This is machine

interpretable but it would be impossible for a person to remember. On the contrary, if the url

was simply, it would be easier to remember.

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OpenPublish automatically creates a url based on the node's title and content type and strips

out certain characters that may be obstructive. The content creator has the ability to uncheck

the "Automatic Alias" box and input a custom url.

Create Content for an Article

Another popular content type in OpenPublish is the "Article". It shares many of the same

fields as a "Blog Entry", although it has a few additional features.

Creating a Deck, or Drop Head

In addition to the title which doubles as the main-headline, the Article content type includes a

Deck which appears below the main headline.

Attaching Images and Adding Image Credits

One method of uploading an image is to upload the file through "File Attachments" upload

and then reference the url in the body. For a main image of the article, a better option would

be to upload the image through the Main Image upload button. It automatically renders and

styles the image at the top of the article - so you don't have to reference the url in the body

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field. The "Thumbnail Image" displays in list pages and the "Main Image Credit" is displayed

right under the frame of the Main Image.

Here's how the Main Image and Main Image Credit are displayed on the Article View Page.

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Enhance Your Content with CKeditor and


Tools like CKeditor and Apture make it easy for editors to make their content created in

Drupal more attractive and engaging.

CKeditor (WYSIWYG)

CKeditor is a WYSIWYG editor, but What You See Is (almost) What You Get. It's really a

tool for helping you generate HTML, but is no substitute for learning it incrementally.

We recommend that you leave your content nodes unpublished (details on this in the next

section on publishing/promoting your content) and save them so that you can get the most

exact possible preview of what your content looks like before it "goes live".

Configuring CKeditor

CKeditor is used in conjunction with IMCE for handling file uploads. You can find

configuration options for both of these in Administer > Site configuration.

Also, check out the project pages for CKeditor and IMCE.

Using Apture

Apture allows you to enhance your content with related content and multimedia from

around the web, in a fairly seamless fashion.

Just above the CKeditor toolbar, you'll see a set of Apture icons.

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Before clicking on them, though, you'll want to highlight the text that you want to use to

pull in related content such as the name of a company of famous person. We'll use "Bank of

America" in this example.

You'll see an Apture popup that contains a search box, which you can use to search for

related content of various types.

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Pick the most informative/relevant one first (that's your primary item) and the rest of your

choices will be presented as supplemental information.

Once you're done, click on the "Create Link" button to return to your node.

Save the node and notice that an icon that now appears next to the link you've created.

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If a user hovers over that icon, they will see the Apture content pop out.

Configuring Apture

To configure Apture, navigate to Administer > Site configuration > Apture.

Also, check out the project page for Apture.

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Publishing and Promoting Your Content

By default, published content is listed by decreasing chronological order, meaning that the

most recently added item is shown first. You can however override that by checking the

sticky flag under Publishing Options on a content item, through the right side menu you'll

find on its edit screen:

Should two items in the same category be both stickied, the post date will then be used again

as the primary sort criteria.

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Tagging with Calais

What is Calais?

Calais is a web service provided by Thomson Reuters that analyzes documents and

automatically identifies and extracts semantic metadata/tags from your content, as well as

related facts, events, and more.

Many services can tell you that IBM was mentioned in your content, but no other service

identifies that IBM is an Organization, then disambiguates all the various references to IBM

(International Business Machines, etc.), and finally tells you with a scoring mechanism that

your content is more about IBM than any other term identified.

Your OpenPublish installation includes a suite of modules we've developed called the Calais

Collection, which integrates Thomson Reuters' Calais web service into the Drupal platform.

How do I set up Calais for my OpenPublish site?

First, you'll need an API key if you haven't taken care of that already.

Next, open your Admin Toolbar and navigate to Site configuration >> Calais configuration.

Calais API Settings

You'll land on the "Calais API Settings" tab by default, which contains a field for your API

key. Enter it and save your changes.

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Before delving into the specifics of all of the various configuration options, let's take a few

steps back and talk about how Calais is used on a general level.

How do I use Calais?

Whenever you create/update a node, the contents of your node are sent to Calais for

processing and the tags it comes up with are applied to your node in the form of taxonomy

terms from one of Calais' many vocabularies including:





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Each term that is returned for your node also has a node-specific relevancy score associated

with it, which indicates the strength of the relationship between your node and the tag

applied to it.

Viewing Calais Tags Applied to a Node

When viewing a node, you should see a "Calais" tab next to the traditional "View" and "Edit"


Click it to reveal a list of the Calais terms that have been suggested for your node, and those

which have been applied.

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The Calais terms that are listed in the input fields are the ones that were applied to your


The terms listed in the help text are the ones that were suggested by Calais but did not meet

the minimum relevancy threshold requirement that must be satisfied before a term is

automatically applied (learn how this can be adjusted in "Advanced Calais Configuration"


Terms with a larger font face are more relevant to this particular node than terms with a

smaller font face.

You can apply/unapply these suggested terms by clicking on the term names in the help


You can remove any applied terms from your node by clearing them out of the fields

provided. If you were expecting a certain term to be suggested but it was not, you can try

typing it in manually - if that term already exists in Drupal, it will be suggested via an

autocomplete mechanism.

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What OpenPublish features are made possible by Calais?

The metadata extracted from Calais can be used for a very wide variety of features and

applications - here are some specific examples from OpenPublish.

Related Terms

Beneath an Article in OpenPublish, you will see a list of Related Terms which includes all of

the Calais terms that were applied to that node.

Clicking on a term will reveal a list of Articles on the site that have been tagged with that


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More Like This

The More Like This modules allow you to display related content from your site (or from

around the web) on your node pages, using the Calais terms you've deemed to be most


Examples include:

MLT - Taxonomy (related nodes on your site)

MLT - Flickr

MLT - Google Video

MLT - Yahoo! BOSS

For more specifics, check out our documentation on Related Content with More Like This.

Advanced Calais Configuration

This section covers additional fine-tuning and configuration options available at Site

configuration >> Calais configuration.

Be sure to save your changes before toggling to another tab.

Calais Node Settings

In Global, you can choose which Calais entities you would like to use for your

implementation. A separate vocabulary will be created in your Taxonomy for each of the

enabled entities.

Beneath the Global settings, you can configure Calais for each of your content types:

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Calais Processing: Determines if these nodes are analyzed via Calais, and if so, how

that process is implemented. It ranges from not processing at all, to automatically

processing on every update. Select the option that is most appropriate for your site

and the level of involvement required.

Allow Calais Searching: Overrides the setting at the API level. Indicates whether

future searches can be performed on the extracted metadata by Calais

Allow Calais Distribution: Overrides the setting at the API level. Indicates whether

the extracted metadata can be distributed by Calais.

Relevancy Threshold: The threshold set here will limit for the entity terms that

apply by only displaying or automatically associating terms that have an equal or

greater relevance than the threshold.

Use Calais Global Entity Defaults: When selected, the Vocabularies associated

globally in the Global Calais Entities section will use used for this specific content

type, however, you can override the associated Vocabularies for this particular

content type.

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Calais Tag Modifications

Calais Blacklist: Enter a list of terms that you want to prevent from being suggested

moving forward. If these terms already exist in your taxonomy, you'll need to delete

them in order to dissociate them from nodes they've already been applied to.

Calais Rename: Enter a list of terms that you'd like to have renamed in the format


Calais Bulk Processing

If your site has a large number of nodes, you can push them through Calais in batches using

the options available here.

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Related Content with More Like This

What is More Like This?

More Like This (MLT) is a set of modules we've developed that allows you to display related

content from your site (or from around the web) on your node pages, using a set of

taxonomy terms you've chosen for that particular node.

More Like This consists of the following modules:

MLT - Taxonomy (related nodes on your site)

MLT - Flickr

MLT - Google Video

MLT - Yahoo! BOSS

How does MLT work?

Internal Content Recommendations (MLT Taxonomy)

MLT Taxonomy harnesses Calais to automatically recommend related site content based on

the node page that a particular user is viewing.

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By default, MLT determines which Calais terms it will use for matching this "node at hand"

to other nodes on your site. These are known as MLT terms.

In order for a Calais term to be eligible to become an MLT term, it must exceed the "Global

Term Relevancy Threshold for MLT" (see notes below on "How do I set up and configure

MLT?" to learn how to adjust this).

If there are other Calais terms that you would like to use as MLT terms for matching against

other content nodes, you can add them directly by editing the node's More Like This


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For more details on how content recommendations are made using MLT, and the

implications that adjusting MLT and Calais relevancy scores has on this process, see this


External Content Recommendations (Flickr, Google Video, Yahoo! BOSS)

The MLT terms are essentially used as keywords for searches performed via the APIs

provided by these services.

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How do I set up and configure MLT?

Using the Admin Toolbar, navigate to Site configuration >> More Like This settings.

General Settings

By default, the MLT terms on a node will be pre-populated with Calais terms that exceed the

Global Term Relevancy Threshold for MLT (which is based on the same 0-1 scale as Calais'

relevancy thresholds).

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Enabled Node Types: Select the node types that can display the flickr MLT block.

Search Parameters: Specify parameters for the method (number

of photos, safe search, etc)

Google Video

Enabled Node Types: Select the node types that will have MLT Google Video

recommendations displayed for them.

Google Video Bar Settings: Specify parameters for the number of results, orientation

of display, cycle time, etc


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For each node type, you can specify:

Enable More Like This Taxonomy: Controls whether or not content

recommendations should be made for this content type.

Target Content Types: Limits which nodes types are eligible to be included in

content recommendations displayed on a node page of this type.

Number of Results: Limits number of items that can be recommended for a node of

this type.

Node Relevancy Threshold for MLT Taxonomy: Set a minimum node relevancy score

(see note on top of configuration form that describes how this is calculated) that must

be met in order for a match to be created. More guidance on this is available in this

linked PDF document.

Yahoo! BOSS

Yahoo Boss Global Settings: Of particular importance is the Yahoo BOSS App ID,

which can be obtained here.

Content Type-Specific Settings: Choose which node types should be enabled for

Yahoo BOSS, specify desired number of results returned, and include/exclude certain

sites/document types incrementally.

Yahoo! BOSS Images

Similar to Yahoo! BOSS configuration.

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Editing Existing Content

In Drupal, a single unit of content such as a particular Blog Post or Article is referred to as a


Editing Existing Content

In terms of editing content that already exists on the site, you can do this in one of two ways:

1.) Find the node you want to edit, for example the Blog entry titled: Five ways Michael

Steele Could come back. Once you are on this node, click on the Edit tab at the top right in

the Admin Toolbar:

Once you have clicked through a new page has opened and you can now edit all fields

available for this node:

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When you are finished making your edits make sure to press the Save button at the bottom:

Once you click save, the live page will render and you will see a green dialogue box below

the title indicating the page has been updated:

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2.) Find Content tool.

Login to your Admin panel and click the tool icon in the upper left-hand column to open the

left-hand navigation:

In the left-hand navigation, click on the Administer folder then the Content Management


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In the Content Management screen select the “Find Content” tool (in the middle of the list):

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In the Find Content tool there are several ways to find existing content. Every option begins

with the user selecting the proper radio button to identify the field they want to search by.

Here are examples of a few ways to search for existing content:

i. Select Node Type radio button. In this case we will filter by: “Blog Entry”, then select

“Filter” and the search results display all content that are blog entries.

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ii. Select Title/Subject radio button. Enter a word in the title of your content (or body of the

content). In this example we will enter “Steele” to find the blog entry titled: “Five ways

Michael Steele could come back” then select filter.

Adding Multimedia Content


OpenPublish provides an audio content type that is flexible and suitable for storing media

locally on your site or referencing 3rd party providers. To add an audio node, click on

Create Content > Audio in the Admin menu.

Embedded: this field relies on the Embedded Media Field module, which provides a

simple way to feature external media on your site. Currently, the following providers

are supported out of the box for audio: Odeo, Podcast Alley, podOmatic and custom

URLs for remote mp3 files.

MP3 Audio clip: upload an mp3 file and the SWFtools provided player (ie

1PixelOut) will handle it.


The same functionalities apply to video in terms of support for both local and remote

content. To add a video node, click on Create Content > Video in the Admin menu.

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Embedded video: in a similar fashion to its counterpart on Audio, this field requires

you to enter the URL or Embed code provided by a third party content provider. The

services supported include YouTube, Dailymotion,, Vimeo,, and more. A full list can be found by hovering over the field.

Flash File: this field should be used when you wish to upload and host your own .flv

files. Flowplayer will then display your video on the node.


The same functionalities apply to images in terms of support for both local and remote

content. To add an image node, click on Create Content > Image in the Admin menu.

Embedded image: support is provided out of the box for Picasa, Photobucket,

ImageShack, Custom URLs and Flickr, although you will need to set your API for the

latter at /admin/content/emfield.

Main Image: this is your standard file field where you can upload the image you

want to associate to this node.

Topic Hubs

What are Topic Hubs?

Harnessing the power of Calais tagging, administrators can create Topic Hubs based on one

or more of a site’s most commonly used tags.

Topic Hubs are highly configurable and contain a series of pluggable content views/blocks,

like “Most Read” content for this topic, “Most Commented” stories, most active

contributors, and links to other related topics. To top it off, integration with Calais Geo

allows for plotting all of your content for a Topic Hub content on a map.

Here's an example from

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Any prerequisites for creating a Topic Hub?

Before you create a Topic Hub, you'll want to make sure that you have quite a bit of content

on your site that has been tagged with a particular term (such as "Politics" from the Topic


How do I create a Topic Hub?

From the Admin Toolbar, navigate to Create content >> Topic Hub.

Enter the name of your Topic Hub, and a brief description.

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Save your changes in order to proceed to Topic Hub Configuration.

Configure Your Topic Hub

In order to populate your Topic Hub with content, you'll need to create at least one

condition that must be satisfied by each content node in order to appear there.

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A condition consists of one or more taxonomy terms. To get started, choose the Vocabulary

from which you would like to select a term, and then select the term itself as well as the

condition to which you would like to add this term.

When you're finished, click Add term to add the term you've selected to the condition

you've chosen.

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At this point, you can keep adding terms to Condition1 if you'd like, or even create a

separate condition.

Once you're done setting up the conditions for nodes to appear in your Topic Hub, you can

adjust settings for each of the views/blocks that appear on your Topic Hub.

When you're done, click Save in order to view your Topic Hub.

Can I reorder/add/remove blocks in my Topic Hub?

Topic Hubs are built using panels, so you have control over which blocks are displayed on

your Topic Hub and where they are located.

Click on the "Panel content" tab above your Topic Hub in order to modify your layout.

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You can move blocks to different regions via drag and drop.

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You can also add content to your panel layout.

Finally, you can remove content from your panel layout.

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Configuring Outgoing RSS Feeds

Default RSS Feeds

A set of default outgoing RSS feeds are provided with OpenPublish, and they are typically

accessible through the various sections of the site by clicking on the orange RSS icon:

These can be found for:

Articles, which links to /rss/articles

Blogs, which links to /rss/blogs

Multimedia, which links to /rss/multimedia

Resources, which links to /rss/resources

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Events, which links to /rss/events

These are feed displays that are configured on each corresponding view, giving you the

same level of control over them that you'd expect from Views. These displays also have the

Sticky sort criteria, so the listing order will be the same as on the regular page display.

Consuming Incoming Feeds, e.g., Twitter

Pick a feed, any feed. Keep in mind that many RSS feeds don't provide full story

bodies, so don't expect your node bodies to necessarily be more than a few sentences.

From the administration menu of an OpenPublish site, click on Content

Management > Create content > Feed

Enter a "Title" for the feed. Optionally enter a "Body" but this isn't mandatory.

Supply the URL of the RSS feed you've chosen as the "Feed URL"

Open the "Processors" field set and select the appropriate "Node type of feed items".

Try "Article" as a good first test.

Select other options on the Feed configuration as needed. Most settings are pretty self


Save the Feed edit form.

If you chose to have feed items refreshed on creation, and you selected Article as

your node type, check your site's Homepage and you should see them there.

If you would like to use the feed item's description as the Teaser, there is an

additional step you need to follow.

Click on your feed's node edit form and select "Map" from the tabs at the top

Under the "Edit mapping" fieldset, choose "Map to field_teaser (content) to the feed

field "description" and hit "Update"

At this point, you'll need to delete and refresh your feed items to pick up the new


Upon returning to your Homepage you should see the feed description now

appearing as the Teaser of your Articles

Pulling-in a Twitter Feed

This section will be updated and is not applicable to OpenPublish 2.0. Here are the steps for

putting your twitter feed on the site:

Create a new feed:

Put your twitter URL in the Feed URL field, e.g.,

Check Refresh feed on creation

Under the Processors field set, select Twitter Item


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Now you should see your feeds on the Homepage. You'll want to give your block a title:

Go to

Select the Block display

Click Title and enter your title

Update and Save

Managing Regions and Blocks with Context

Regions and Blocks in Drupal

A typical Drupal page is built from static HTML, which defines layout's markup, and

several regions of dynamic content. A good example of this approach is in The New

Republic website:

The screenshot above shows the structure of the article detail page. We can see that article

pages have four main regions:

1. Banner Space

2. Headlines

3. Content

4. Right Sidebar

Most regions (except the content region) do not by themselves define the content shown in

the region. Rather they are containers for Blocks. Blocks in Drupal/Openpublish are small,

arbitrary, dynamic portions of a page. More often than not blocks are provided by one of

Drupal or OpenPublish modules, but a block can also be a piece of static HTML managed by

an editor through an administration interface.

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Beyond Core Drupal Block Management

If you have used Drupal, you are probably familiar with the core Drupal block management

user-interface. It's very straightforward: you can add, manage and sort blocks in regions.

Unfortunately, the interface is often too straightforward (read: limited). If you are building a

complex CMS system like the one for an online publication, core block management is

definitely not flexible enough.

Main limitation of the core interface comes from the fact that it is global: you can only

manage blocks site-wide. There's no notion of a "section of a site". Everything you do applies

to the entire website, which does not bode well with actual needs of Publishers. Publishers

typically need to control regions' content (blocks) separately for various sections of a site.

And that brings us to Context: a user-interface for managing sections (contexts) of a site and

block configurations in those contexts (sections).

Working with Contexts

To access Context UI, go to :, where is the root of your OpenPublish installation, or from the Admin menu go

to: Administer > Site Building > Context. you should see a page that looks like:

As you can see there're a whole bunch of common context definitions that come pre-

installed with OpenPublish and can be used for the variety of common use-cases. To get

familiar with the system, let's create a new one. We are going to create a context for the

detail page of a content type called "Page" (a simple, generic page).

Click on the "add" tab at the top right corner of the Context user interface. You should see

new context creation screen:

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First you need to enter three identifiers of the context:

Namespace - is the identifier of the system that context is used in. It helps avoid

name clashes between context definitions produced by different Drupal distributions

(e.g. OpenPublish and Tattler, or OpenPublish and OpenAtrium etc.). For our

purposes this field is always set to "openpublish". You could set it to the name of

your website, if you wanted to.

Attribute - is a group which you want your context to fall into. This is an important

setting and usually requires some planning. It's important because contexts from

different groups (having different "attribute" values) can overlap and exist

concurrently. Contexts within one attribute don't get activated concurrently and only

one of the contexts will actually get set, even if activation conditions of both contexts

are met. This is why OpenPublish defines "sitewide" context in a separate attribute,

called "general" apart from all other contexts. The sitewide context needs to "run"

concurrently with any other context, therefore it may not share its attribute with any

other context. For our new context let's re-use an existing attribute and set the

attribute value to: "node_detail".

Value - is the actual identifier of the specific context we are creating. Let's set this to


Final form should look something like:

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Now that we fully identified our context, we need to tell OpenPublish/Drupal when is this

context activated. Right below the form we just filled, there's a listing of available conditions.

Please click on the condition that rads: "Node Pages." A list will appear to the right of the

conditions list, scroll and find an item called "Page" and check the checkbox right next to it.

Word "Page" will appear under "Node Pages" in the conditions listing:

So with the first three setting we defined the section of an OpenPublish website that gets

activated (or: "context gets set" in Drupal terminology) and with the last setting we defined

the condition that activates the context. The last piece of the puzzle is to tell OpenPublish

what should it do if and when the context is set. To achieve this, we can either use one of the

Reactions (set a theme variable, activate a specific menu item, or disable a region) and/or we

can indicate which blocks to put in what regions.

To arrange blocks in regions, check a checkbox next to it and then click "add" link under the

region which you want that block to get assigned to:

Once you have chosen blocks and regions and are done messing with the interface, save the

form and make sure new context appears in the list of context. Then go ahead and create a

new content item of "Page" type, go to its detail view page and make sure what you see in

the sidebars matches what you would expect to see with the settings you used.

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If you have not used Context in Drupal, before, it's good to spend some time playing with

different settings to get a feel of how everything works. For further information about

Context, you can also refer to its project page on

Changing Basic Theme Options

Refer to the OpenPublish Theming Guide (


How to Contribute to OpenPublish.

OpenPublish is an open-source software and is largely made possible by an enormous

community effort. While Phase2 technology and its partner organizations invest large

amount of time and resources in the development of OpenPublish, continued community

involvement is the best way to ensure this piece of software lives and continues to improve.

For more information, Get Involved!(