Download - Ontology Mapping Support Lori Phillips June 2014.


Ontology Mapping Support

Lori Phillips

June 2014

Mapping Tool

Tool to verify/(re)assign ontology mappings.

Summary Page

Displays statistics on the target ontology and mapped terms

The Mapping Tool Tree

Displays mapped terms from one ontology (e.g. ICD-9) within hierarchy of another (e.g. ICD-10)

Mapped terms are displayed adjacent to terms they are mapped to and appear in bold

Flags represent the level of mapping from 3rd party source, if available:

Blue = exact

Green = approximate

Yellow = combined

Purple = none


Adding a new mapping

ICD9:269.3, Mineral deficiency could also map to ICD10:E63.8 Other specified nutritional deficiencies

Copy term ICD9:269.3

Adding a new mapping

Paste onto ICD10:E63.8 Other specified nutritional deficiencies

Move or Unmap a mapping

ICD9:112.0 Candidiasis of mouth appears in two places: the one attached to ICD10:B37 appears unnecessary and can be unmapped.

Or it may be moved (drag and drop) down two levels to ICD10:B37.89

The Unmapped Terms List

Free form list of terms to be mapped

Locate term you wish to map to in the hierarchy tree. Drag from table to term in the tree.

If you make a mistake you can either reassign the mapped term within the tree, unmap it from tree or drag it back to the list

Unmapping or dragging it back to the list will cause it to reappear in the unmapped terms list if the term has no other mappings.

Locating a term to map to within tree

Search for term containing “Pressure ulcer”

Select term you would like to map to

Tree opens to

selected term

Drag and drop to tree

Term “Pressure ulcer stage iii (ICD9:707.23)” is now mapped

Search Unmapped Terms By Name

Search Unmapped Terms by Code

Verify mapped terms

Verified terms are not bold

Mapped Terms Viewer

Search Mapped Terms By Code

Search Mapped Terms By Name

Support functions

Integration tool Merges the mapped terms into the target ontology to produce a single

integrated ontology

Export tool Exports the merged ontology

Import tool Intended for import of a small number of terms to be mapped

Integration tool

Select path symbol format (S,M,L)Start integrationRefresh process status until integration is complete.

Export tool

Exports the result of integration as a single delimited i2b2 metadata file.

Import tool

Enter data into staging area or into table directly.Upload to mapping table when complete.Entries will appear in unmapped terms table.