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Core Java FAQs1. What is the difference between an Abstract class andInterface?2. What are checked and unchecked exceptions?3. What is a user defined exception?4. What is the difference between C++ & Java?5. What are statements in JAVA ?6. What is JAR file?7. What is JNI?8. What is serialization?9. Why there are some null interface in java ? What does itmean ? Give me some null interfaces in JAVA?10. Is synchronised a modifier? identifier? what is it??11. What is singleton class? where is it used?12. What is a compilation unit?13. Is string a wrapper class?14. Why java does not have multiple inheritance?15. Why java is not a 100% oops?16. What is a resource bundle?17. What is transient variable?18. What is Collection API?19. Is Iterator a Class or Interface? What is its use?20. What is similarities/difference between an Abstractclass and Interface?21. What is a transient variable?22. Which containers use a border Layout as their defaultlayout?23. Why do threads block on I/O?24. How are Observer and Observable used?25. What is synchronization and why is it important?26. Can a lock be acquired on a class?27. What's new with the stop(), suspend() and resume()methods in JDK 1.2?28. Is null a keyword?29. What is the preferred size of a component?30. What method is used to specify a container's layout?31. Which containers use a FlowLayout as their defaultlayout?32. What state does a thread enter when it terminates itsprocessing?33. What is the Collections API?34. Which characters may be used as the second characterof an identifier, but not as the first character of anidentifier?.35. What is the List interface?36. How does Java handle integer overflows and underflows?37. What is the Vector class?38. What modifiers may be used with an inner class that isa member of an outer class?39. What is an Iterator interface?40. What is the difference between the >> and >>>operators?41. Which method of the Component class is used to setthe position and size of a component?42. How many bits are used to represent Unicode, ASCII,UTF-16, and UTF-8 characters?43. What is the difference between yielding and sleeping?44. Which java.util classes and interfaces support eventhandling?45. Is sizeof a keyword?46. What are wrapped classes?47. Does garbage collection guarantee that a program willnot run out of memory?48. What restrictions are placed on the location of apackage statement within a source code file?49. Can an object's finalize() method be invoked while it isreachable?50. What is the immediate superclass of the Applet class?51. What is the difference between preemptive schedulingand time slicing?52. Name three Component subclasses that supportpainting.53. What value does readLine() return when it hasreached the end of a file?54. What is the immediate superclass of the Dialog class?55. What is clipping?56. What is a native method?57. Can a for statement loop indefinitely?58. What are order of precedence and associativity, andhow are they used?59. When a thread blocks on I/O, what state does itenter?60. To what value is a variable of the String typeautomatically initialized?61. What is the catch or declare rule for methoddeclarations?62. What is the difference between a MenuItem and aCheckboxMenuItem?63. What is a task's priority and how is it used inscheduling?64. What class is the top of the AWT event hierarchy?65. When a thread is created and started, what is its initialstate?66. Can an anonymous class be declared as implementingan interface and extending a class?67. What is the range of the short type?68. What is the range of the char type?69. In which package are most of the AWT events thatsupport the event-delegation model defined?70. What is the immediate superclass of Menu?71. What is the purpose of finalization?72. Which class is the immediate superclass of theMenuComponent class.73. What invokes a thread's run() method?74. What is the difference between the Boolean & operatorand the && operator?75. Name three subclasses of the Component class.76. What is the GregorianCalendar class?77. Which Container method is used to cause a containerto be laid out and redisplayed?78. What is the purpose of the Runtime class?79. How many times may an object's finalize() method beinvoked by the garbage collector?80. What is the purpose of the finally clause of a try-catchfinally statement?81. What is the argument type of a program's main()method?82. Which Java operator is right associative?83. What is the Locale class?84. Can a double value be cast to a byte?85. What is the difference between a break statement anda continue statement?86. What must a class do to implement an interface?87. What method is invoked to cause an object to beginexecuting as a separate thread?88. Name two subclasses of the TextComponent class.89. What is the advantage of the event-delegation modelover the earlier eventinheritance model?90. Which containers may have a MenuBar?91. How are commas used in the intialization and iterationparts of a for statement?92. What is the purpose of the wait(), notify(), andnotifyAll() methods?93. What is an abstract method?94. How are Java source code files named?95. What is the relationship between the Canvas class and the Graphics class?96. What are the high-level thread states?97. What value does read() return when it has reached the end of a file?98. Can a Byte object be cast to a double value?99. What is the difference between a static and a nonstaticinner class?100. What is the difference between the String and StringBuffer classes?101. If a variable is declared as private, where may the variable be accessed?102. What is an object's lock and which object's have locks?103. What is the Dictionary class?104. How are the elements of a BorderLayout organized?105. How are the elements of a BorderLayout organized?106. When can an object reference be cast to an interfacereference?107. What is the difference between a Window and aFrame?108. Which class is extended by all other classes?109. Can an object be garbage collected while it is stillreachable?110. Is the ternary operator written x : y ? z or x ? y : z ?111. What is the difference between the Font andFontMetrics classes?112. How is rounding performed under integer division?113. What happens when a thread cannot acquire a lockon an object?114. What is the difference between the Reader/Writerclass hierarchy and the InputStream/OutputStream classhierarchy?115. What classes of exceptions may be caught by a catchclause?116. If a class is declared without any access modifiers,where may the class be accessed?117. What is the SimpleTimeZone class?118. What is the Map interface?119. Does a class inherit the constructors of itssuperclass?120. For which statements does it make sense to use alabel?121. What is the purpose of the System class?122. Which TextComponent method is used to set aTextComponent to the read-only state?123. How are the elements of a CardLayout organized?124. Is &&= a valid Java operator?125. Name the eight primitive Java types?126. Which class should you use to obtain designinformation about an object?127. What is the relationship between clipping andrepainting?128. Is "abc" a primitive value?129. What is the relationship between an event-listenerinterface and an event-adapter class?130. What restrictions are placed on the values of eachcase of a switch statement?131. What modifiers may be used with an interfacedeclaration?132. Is a class a subclass of itself?133. What is the highest-level event class of the eventdelegationmodel?134. What event results from the clicking of a button?135. How can a GUI component handle its own events?136. What is the difference between a while statementand a do statement?137. How are the elements of a GridBagLayout organized?138. What advantage do Java's layout managers provideover traditional windowing systems?139. What is the Collection interface?140. What modifiers can be used with a local inner class?141. What is the difference between static and non-staticvariables?142. What is the difference between the paint() andrepaint() methods?143. What is the purpose of the File class?144. Can an exception be rethrown?145. Which Math method is used to calculate the absolutevalue of a number?146. How does multithreading take place on a computerwith a single CPU?147. When does the compiler supply a default constructorfor a class?148. When is the finally clause of a try-catch-finallystatement executed?149. Which class is the immediate superclass of theContainer class?150. If a method is declared as protected, where may themethod be accessed?151. How can the Checkbox class be used to create a radiobutton?152. Which non-Unicode letter characters may be used asthe first character of an identifier?153. What restrictions are placed on method overloading?154. What happens when you invoke a thread's interruptmethod while it is sleeping or waiting?155. What is casting?156. What is the return type of a program's main()method?157. Name four Container classes.158. What is the difference between a Choice and a List?159. What class of exceptions are generated by the Javarun-time system?160. What class allows you to read objects directly from astream?161. What is the difference between a field variable and alocal variable?162. Under what conditions is an object's finalize()method invoked by the garbage collector?163. How are this() and super() used with constructors?164. What is the relationship between a method's throwsclause and the exceptions that can be thrown during themethod's execution??165. What is the difference between the JDK 1.02 eventmodel and the event-delegation model introduced withJDK 1.1?166. How is it possible for two String objects withidentical values not to be equal under the == operator?167. Why are the methods of the Math class static?168. What Checkbox method allows you to tell if aCheckbox is checked?169. What state is a thread in when it is executing?170. What are the legal operands of the instanceofoperator?171. How are the elements of a GridLayout organized?172. What an I/O filter?173. If an object is garbage collected, can it becomereachable again?174. What is the Set interface?175. What classes of exceptions may be thrown by a throwstatement?176. What are E and PI?177. Are true and false keywords?178. What is a void return type?179. What is the purpose of the enableEvents() method?180. What is the difference between the File andRandomAccessFile classes?181. What happens when you add a double value to aString?182. What is your platform's default character encoding?183. Which package is always imported by default?184. What interface must an object implement before itcan be written to a stream as an object?185. How are this and super used?186. What is the purpose of garbage collection?187. What is a compilation unit?188. What interface is extended by AWT event listeners?189. What restrictions are placed on method overriding?190. How can a dead thread be restarted?191. What happens if an exception is not caught?192. What is a layout manager?193. Which arithmetic operations can result in thethrowing of an ArithmeticException?194. What are three ways in which a thread can enter thewaiting state?195. Can an abstract class be final?196. What is the ResourceBundle class?197. What happens if a try-catch-finally statement doesnot have a catch clause to handle an exception that isthrown within the body of the try statement?198. What is numeric promotion?199. What is the difference between a Scrollbar and aScrollPane?200. What is the difference between a public and a nonpublicclass?201. To what value is a variable of the boolean typeautomatically initialized?202. Can try statements be nested?203. What is the difference between the prefix and postfixforms of the ++ operator?204. What is the purpose of a statement block?205. What is a Java package and how is it used?206. What modifiers may be used with a top-level class?207. What are the Object and Class classes used for?208. How does a try statement determine which catchclause should be used to handle an exception?209. Can an unreachable object become reachable again?210. When is an object subject to garbage collection?211. What method must be implemented by all threads?212. What methods are used to get and set the text labeldisplayed by a Button object?213. Which Component subclass is used for drawing andpainting?214. What are synchronized methods and synchronizedstatements?215. What are the two basic ways in which classes thatcan be run as threads may be defined?216. What are the problems faced by Java programmerswho don't use layout managers?217. What is the difference between an if statement and aswitch statement?218. What happens when you add a double value to aString?219. What is the List interface?Collections1. What are limitations of object Arrays?2. What are differences between arrays and collections?3. what are differences between arrays and ArrayList?4. What are differences between arrays and Vector?5. What is Collection API ?6. What is Collection framework?7. What is difference between Collections and Collection?8. Explain about Collection interface?9. Explain about List interface?10. Explain about Set interface?11. Explain about SortedSet interface?12. Explain about NavigableSet ?13. Explain about Queue interface?14. Explain about Map interface?15. Explain about SortedMap ?16. Explain about NavigableMap?17. Explain about ArrayList class?18. What is RandomAccess Interface?19. Explain about LinkedList class?20. Explain about Vector class?21. What is difference between ArrayList and Vector?22. How we can get synchronized version of ArrayList?23. What is difference between size and capacity of a Collection Object?24. What is difference between ArrayList and Linked List?25. What are legacy classes and interfaces present in Collections framework ?26. what is difference Enumeration and Iterator?27. What are limitations of Enumeration?28. What is difference between enum and Enumeration?29. What is difference between Iterator and ListIterator?30. What is relation between ListIterator and Iterator?31. Explain about HashSet class?32. If we are trying to insert duplicate values in Set what will happen?33. What is LinkedHashSet?34. Differences between HashSet and LinkedHashSet?35. What are major enhancements in 1.4 version of collection frame work?36. Explain about TreeSet?37. What are differences between List and Set interfaces?38. What is Comparable interface?39. What is Comparator interface?40. What are differences between Comparable and Comparator?41. What is difference between HashSet and TreeSet?42. What is Entry interface?43. Explain about HashMap?44. Explain about LinkedHashMap?45. Differences between HashMap and LinkedHashMap ?46. Differences between HashMap and Hashtable?47. What is IdentityHashMap?48. What is difference between HashMap and IdentityHashMap?49. What is WeakHashMap?50. What is difference between HashMap and WeakHashMap?51. What is TreeMap?52. What is Hashtable53. What is PriorityQueue?54. What is Arrays class?55. We are planning to do an indexed search in a list of objects. Which of the two Java collections should you use: ArrayList or LinkedList?56. Why ArrayList is faster than Vector?Exception Handling FAQs1. What is an Exception?2. What is the purpose of Exception Handling?3. What is the meaning of Exception Handling?4. Explain Default Exception Handling Mechanism in java?5. What is the purpose of try?6. What is the purpose of catch block?7. Is try with multiple catch block is possible?8. If try with multiple catch block present is order of catch blocks important in which order we have to take?9. What are various methods to print Exception information? and differentiate them.10. If an exception rised inside catch block then what will happen?11. Is it possible to take try, catch inside try block?12. Is it possible to take try, catch inside catch block?13. Is it possible to take try without catch?14. What is the purpose of finally block?15. Is finally block will be execute always?16. In which situation finally block will not executed?17. If return statement present inside try is finally block will be executed?18. What is the difference between final, finally and finalize()?19. Is it possible to write any statement between try-catch and finally?20. Is it possible to take two finally blocks for the same try?21. Is syntax try-finally-catch is valid ?22. What is the purpose of throw?23. Is it possible to throw an Error?24. Is it possible to throw any java object?25. After throw is it allow to take any statement directly?26. What is the purpose of throws?27. What is the difference between throw and throws?28. What is the difference between throw and thrown?29. Is it possible to use throws keyword for any java class?30. If we are taking catch block for an exception but there is no chance of rising that exception in try then what will happen?31. Explain Exception Handling keyword?32. Which class act as root for entire java Exception hierarchy?33. What is the difference between Error and Exception?34. What is difference between checked exception and unchecked exception?35. What is difference between partially checked and fully checked Exception?36. What is a customized Exception?37. Explain the process of creating the customized Exception.38. Explain control flow in try, catch, finally.39. Can you give the most common occurred exception in your previous project.40. Explain the cases where you used Exception Handling in your previous project?Multi Threading FAQs1. What is Multitasking?2. What is the difference between process-based and Thread-based Multitasking?3. What is Multithreading and explain its application areas?4. What is advantage of Multithreading?5. When compared with C++ what is the advantage in java with respect to Multithreading?6. In how many ways we can define a Thread? Among extending Thread and implementing Runnable which is recommended?7. What is the difference between t.start() and method?8. Explain about Thread Scheduler?9. If we are not overriding run() method what will happened?10. Is overloading of run() method is possible?11. Is it possible to override start() method?12. we are overriding start() method then what will happen?13. Explain life cycle of a Thread?14. What is the importance of Thread class start() method?15. After starting a Thread if we trying to restart the same thread once again what will happen?16. Explain Thread class constructors?17. How to get and set name of a Thread?18. What is the range of Thread priority in java?19. Who uses Thread priority?20. Once we created a new Thread what about its priority?21. How to get and set priority of a Thread?22. If we are trying to set priority of a Thread as 100 what will happen?23. If two threads having same priority then which thread will get chance first for execution?24. If two threads having different priority then which thread will get chance first for execution?25. How we can prevent a thread from execution?26. What is yield() method? Explain its purpose?27. What is purpose of join() method?28. Is join() method is overloaded?29. What is the purpose of sleep() method?30. What is synchronized keyword? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.31. Where we can use synchronized keyword?32. What is object lock? Explain when it is required?33. What is the class level lock? Explain its purpose.34. While a thread executing any synchronized method on the given object is it possible to execute remaining synchronized method of the same object simultaneously by any other thread?35. What is the difference between synchronized method and static synchronized method?36. What is the advantage of synchronized block over synchronized method?37. What is synchronized statement?38. How we can declare synchronized block to get class level lock?39. How two thread will communicate with each other?40. wait(), notify(), notifyAll() method can available in which class?41. Why wait(), notify(), notifyAll() method defines in object class instead of Thread class?42. If a waiting thread got notification then it will entered into which state?43. In which method threads can release the lock?44. Explain wait(), notify(), notifyAll() method uses.45. What is the difference between notify() and notifyAll()?46. Once a Thread got the notification then which waiting thread will get chance?47. How a thread can interrupt another thread?48. What is DeadLock? Is it possible to resolve DeadLock situation?49. Which keyword causes DeadLock situation?50. How we can stop a thread explacitly?51. Explain about suspend() and resume() method?52. What is Starvation()? And Explain the difference between Deadlock and Starvation?53. What is race condition?54. What is Daemon Thread? And give an example?55. What is the purpose of a Daemon Thread?56. How we can check Daemon nature of a Thread?57. Is it possible to change a Daemon nature of a Thread?58. Is main thread is Daemon or non-daemon?59. Once we created a new thread is it daemon or non-daemon.60. After starting a thread is it possible to change Daemon nature?61. When the Daemon thread will be terminated?62. What is green Thread?63. Explain about Thread group?64. What is the Thread Local?65. In your previous project where you used multithreading concept?JDBC FAQs1. What is the difference between Database and Database management system?2. How a query could be executed when we send a query to Database?3. What is Driver? How many Drivers are available in JDBC? What are the types?4. What is JDBC and What are the steps to write a JDBC application?5. How to load a JDBC driver?6. How to establish a Database connection between java application and Database?7. Basically Connection is an interface, how getConnection() will create an object for Connection interface?8. What is the requirement to use Statement object?9. How to execute SQL Queries from a java application?10. What are the differences between executeQuery(), executeUpdate() and execute() methods?11. How to create a table dynamically from a jdbc application?.12. How to insert records into a table from a JDBC application?13. How to update a table from a jdbc application?.14. How to delete records from a table from jdbc application?.15. What is ment by ResultSet object and How to Fetch the Data from Database?.16. Ingeneral execute() method can be used to execute selection group SQl queries for getting the data from Database , but execute() return a boolean value true so here how it possible to fetch the data from database?17. Ingeneral execute() method can be used to execute updatation group SQl queries for updating the data on Database , but execute() return a boolean value false so here how it possible to get the records updated count value(int value)?18. If we use selection group SQL query to executeUpdate() ,what happened?19. If we use updatation group SQL query to executeQuery() ,what happened?20. What is ment by ResultSet and What are the types of ResultSets are available in JDBC application?21. What is the difference between ScrollSensitive ResultSet and ScrollInsensitive ResultSets?22. What is the default ResultSet type in JDBC application and How it is possible to create a specific type of ResultSet object?23. How to iterate the data from Scrollable ResultSet objuect in both forward and backword direction?24. How to generate ScrollSensitive Result Set and how to reflect the later updations from database automatically to the ResultSet object?25. How to insert records into Database throws Updatable ResultSet?26. How to perform updations on Database throws Updatable ResultSet?27. What is meant by ResultSetMetaData ?How to get The ResultSet metadata of a ResultSet object?28. How to display the data with the respective field names29. What are the differences between Statement and PreparedStatement? (or) Tell me the situations where we should go for PreparedStatement over Statement object.30. Hhow to insert number of records into a table through Prepared Statement object.31. How to update the database through PreparedStatement object.32. How to fetch the data from database through PreparedStatement object.33. What is meant by Transaction? How it is possible to maintain Transactions in JDBC applications?34. What is meant by SavePoint?How to use Savepoints in JDBC applications?Servlets FAQs1. In How many ways we can develop a servlet?2. What is the difference between CGI & Servlet?3. What is the difference between traditional & Fast CGI?4. What is the difference between ServletConfig & ServletContext?5. How to define a Servlet?6. Specify parallel technologies to the servlet?7. What is the difference between web server & web container?8. What is the difference between web server & application server?9. What are the various types of web containers?10. By using which 2 Packages we can implement Servlet?11. What is the purpose of RequestDispatcher?12. What methods we can call on RequesrDispatcher Object?13. Explain about SingleThreadModeal?14. Explain about SingleThreadModeal?15. What are the various methods present in SingleThreadModeal?16. What is the marker interface? Example?17. By using which interfaces we can implements Filter concept?18. What are the various listeners are available in Servlet specification?19. What are the various Event classes present in Servlet Specification?20.By using which object we can send text data as response from the Servlet?21.By using which object we can read binary data send by the client?22. By using which object we can send binary data send as response from the Servlet?23.What are the (various ) lifecycle methods of the Servlet?24.Explain the purpose of the init() method & How many times it will be excuted? When it will be executed?Q25.If init() method throws any Exception i.e; if init() method fails to execute then what will be happen?26.Is it possible to write constructor with in the Servlet?27.Why init() is required to perform initialization activities instead of constructor?28.Is it possible to perform Initialization activities with in the constructor?29.What is the purpose of service() & How Many times it will be Executed?30.Explain about destroy?31.Is it Possible to call destroy() method explicitly from service?32.With in the how many url pattrerns taken at a time?33.Explain LifeCycle of the Servlet?34.What is the purpose of ?35.What is the significance of the number for ?36.If two servlets having same value then which wii be loaded first?37.Explain about GenericServlet?38.Which interfaces are implemented by GenericServlet?39.What is the necessity of having 2 init() methods with in the Servlet?40.Explain best way of overriding init()?41.What are various possible status code of response?42.Explain the difference between GET&POST?43.What are various HttpRequest methods?44.What is the difference between HEAD&GET?45.What is the difference between PUT&GPOST?46.Which Http methods are non-idempotent?47.Which Http methods are idempotent?48.In how many ways we can trigger a GET request?49.What is the default method for the form?50.What are different ways to trigger POST request?51.How many service() methods available in HttpServlet?52.Explain life cycle of getRequest?53.Is it recommended to override service() in Http based Servlet?54.If you are sending Get request but our Servlet contains doGet() & service()Methods then which method will be executed?55.If you are sending Get request but our Servlet doesn't contain doGet() what happen?56.Even though HttpServlet doesn't contain any abstract method why it is declared as abstract class?57.What are the various methods to retrieve from parameters?58.What is the purpose of request Headers?59.How we can retrieve headers associated with the ServletRequest?60.To what value is a variable of the String typeautomatically initialized?How we can retrieve cookies from the request?61.By using which method we can get client &server information from the request?62.How we can add response headers to the ServletResponse?63.How we can set ContentType to the response?64.What is the MIME type?65.Is it possible to send multiple content type as response from the same servlet?66.Write Servlet code to send movie file as response?67.Is it possible to get PrintWriter & ServletOutputStream objects simultaneously?68.How we can implement Redirection mechanism?69.Explain, difference between sendRedirect&forword?70.How many times we can call sendRedirect() method with in the same Servlet?71.How we can add cookies to the response?72.Explain the directory structure of a web application?73.In which location we have to place static content?74.Is it possible to access resources present in the context root directly?75.Is WEB-INF folder mandatory for web application?76.Explain about web.xml?77.Where we have to place 3rd party jar files?78.If the required class file available in classes folder and lib folder jar file, then which one will get preference?79.Is there any alternate location to place servlet .class file Other than classes folder?80.Is it possible to access web.xml directory?81.Where we have to place tag libraries inside web application?82.Is it important the order of tags in the web.xml?83.Can you specify any 10 tags of web.xml?84.With in the which tags are mandatory?85.What is the purpose of 86.How many names are possible for a servlet in web-app?87.Is it possible to configure jsp's in web.xml?88.When we have to configure jsp's in web.xml?89.What is the purpose of Servlet initialization parameters and explain how to configure in web.xml?90.With in the servlet how we can access logical name of the servlet?91.With in the servlet how we can access Servlet initialization parameter?92.What is the ServletConfig object and explain the methods available in ServletConfig interface?93.What is the purpose of explain its advantages & disadvantages?94.If two Servlets having same values what will be happen?95.How many types of url patterns are possible according to Servlet specification?96.With in the how many url pattrern tags we can take?97.How to configure defult Servlet in web.xml and when it will get chance for execution?98.What is the difference between url, uri & urn?99.How we can get Contextpath and quereyString directly with in the Servlet?100.What is the necessity of welcome-file and explain How to configure welcome files in web.xml?101.What is the default welcome-file?102.Is it possible to configure welcome file in folder wise?103.What is the necessity of error page and explain the process of Configuration in web.xml?104.How to send ErrorCode programmatically?105.What is the purpose of ?106.Explain about of war file & the process of creation?107.What is the purpose of META-INF folder?108.Explain about MANIFEST.MF?109.Explain about tag & ?110.What are the differences between Servlet initialization parameters& Context initialization parameters?111.How we can access context parameters and servlet parameters with in the Servlet?112.How we can declare context & Servlet in web.xml?113.What is the scope of &?114.What are the difference between parameters & attributes?classhierarchy?115.What is the purpose of an attribute?116.What are various scopes available for Servlets?117.Explain the cases where we should go for each scope?118.explain the methods to perform following activities?1. a) Adding an attribute?2. b) Get the name of an attribute?3. c) Remove an attribute?4. d) Modify the value of an attribute?5. e) To display all attribute names present in a specified scope?119.If we store information in application scope by default it is available everywhere with in the web application, then what is the need of session and Request scopes?120.What is the purpose of RequestDispatcher?121.How many possible ways we can get the RequestDispatcher?122.What is the difference between obtaining RequestDispatcher from ServletRequest and ServletContext object?123.What is the difference between forward() &include()?124.What is the difference between forward() &sendRedirect()?125.What is the foreign RequestDispatcher & explain the process how we can get it?126.What are various attributes added by web container while forwarding & including? What is the purpose of these attributes?127.What is the purpose of filter? Explain the cases where exactly required?128.By using which interfaces we can implement filter concepts?129.What is the purpose of FilterChain?130.How we can configure filter in web.xml?131.In how many ways we can map a filter?132.What is the purpose of tag?133.What are the default values of tag?134.What are allowed values of tag?135.In filter chain in which order the filters will be executed?136.What is the difference between Filter interface doFilter() & FilterChain doFilter()?137.What is the intercepting filter design pattern?138.What is the purpose of wrapper?139.Explain the types of wrappers?140.Explain Decorator design pattern?141.Explain the cases where you used filters & wrappers in your previous project?142.What is the need of Session Management? Explain cases where Session Management is required with example?143.What are the various Session Management techniques are available?144.Explain the process of creating Session object?145.What is the difference between getSession() & getSession(boolean b)?146.Explain with an example where getSession(false) is required?147.How we can invalidate a Session?148.Define Session management?149.How we can configure SessionTimeout in web.xml?150.What is the difference between and ?151.How to know SessionCreation time & lastaccesed time?152.Explain the Session Management Mechanism by SessionAPI?153.What is the default session timeout?154.Explain Session Management by using Cookies?155.How the SessionId is exchanging between Client & Server?156.What is the difference between Session API & Cookie which approach is recommended?157.What is the difference between persistent and non persistent cookies?158.What is URL Rewriting?159.By using which Methods we can implement URLRewriting?160.BY using which methods we can identify under laying Session Management technique?161.Explain advantages & disadvantages of6. cookies7. URL Writing8. Session API162.Explain the purpose of Listener?163.What are the various listeners are available according to Servlet specification?164.What is the difference between ServletRequestListener and ServletRequestAttributeListener?165.How to configure listener in web.xml?166.To print hit count of the web application which listener is required to use?167.To print the no of active session objects at server side which listener is responsible?168.What is the difference between HSAL & HSBL?169.What are various methods present in binding listeners?170.Explain about HttpSessionActivationListener?171.At the time of application deployment to perform certain activities which listener is responsible?172.What are various listeners which are not required to configure in web.xml?173.What are various event classes available in ServletSpecification?174.Is it possible to configure more than one listener of same type?175.If you are configures more than one listener of the same type then in which order listener will be executed?176.Who is responsible to perform instantiation of listener?177.At what time listener classes will be instantiated?178.What is the difference between declarative Security & programmatic security?179.By using which methods we can implement programmatic Security?180.What is the purpose of ?181.How we can configure users in Tomcat?182.In your previous project how you implement security?183.In your previous project what type of authentication used?JSP FAQs1. What is JSP? Describe its concept.2 . Explain the benefits of JSP?3. Is JSP technology extensible?4 .Can we implement an interface in a JSP?5 What are the advantages of JSP over Servlet?6. Differences between Servlets and JSP?7 . Explain the differences between ASP and JSP?8 . Can I stop JSP execution while in the midst of processing a request?9. How to Protect JSPs from direct access ?10. Explain JSP API ?11.What are the lifecycle phases of a JSP?12.Explain the life-cycle mehtods in JSP?13. Difference between _jspService() and other life cycle methods.14 What is the jspInit() method?15. What is the _jspService() method?16. What is the jspDestroy() method?17. What JSP lifecycle methods can I override?18. How can I override the jspInit() and jspDestroy() methods within a JSP page?19 . Explain about translation and execution of Java Server pages?20 . Why is _jspService() method starting with an '_' while other life cycle methods do not?21.How to pre-compile JSP?22. The benefits of pre-compiling a JSP page?23.How many JSP scripting elements and explain them?24. What is a Scriptlet?25. What is a JSP declarative?26. How can I declare methods within my JSP page?27. What is the difference b/w variable declared inside a declarationand variable declared in scriplet ?28.What are the threekinds of comments in JSP and what's the difference between them?29. What isoutput comment?30. What is a Hidden Comment?31. How is scripting disabled?32.What are the JSP implicit objects?33. How does JSP handle run-time exceptions?34. How can I implement a thread-safe JSP page? What are the advantages and Disadvantages of using it?35.What is the difference between ServletContext and PageContext?36 . Is there a way to reference the "this" variable within a JSP page?37 . Can you make use of a ServletOutputStream object from within a JSP page?38 .What is the page directive is used to prevent a JSP page from automatically creating a session?39. What's a better approach for enabling thread-safe servlets and JSPs? SingleThreadModel Interface or Synchronization?40.What are various attributes Of Page Directive ?41 . Explain about autoflush?42.How do you restrict page errors display in the JSP page?43. What are the different scopes available fos JSPs ?44. when do use application scope?45.What are the different scope valiues for the?46. How do I use a scriptlet to initialize a newly instantiated bean?47 . Can a JSP page instantiate a serialized bean?48.How do we include static files within a jsp page ?49.In JSPs how many ways are possible to perform inclusion?50.In which situation we can use static include and dynamic include in JSPs ?51.Differences between static include directive and include action ?Spring FAQsWhat is IOC (or Dependency Injection)?What are the different types of IOC (dependency injection) ?What are the benefits of IOC (Dependency Injection)?What are the advantages of Spring framework?What are features of Spring ? What is web module?What are the types of Dependency Injection Spring supports?What is Bean Factory ?What is the difference between Bean Factory and Application Context ?What are the common implementations of the Application Context ?How is a typical spring implementation look like ?What is the typical Bean life cycle in Spring Bean Factory Container ?What do you mean by Bean wiring ?What do you mean by Auto Wiring?What is DelegatingVariableResolver?How to integrateJava Server Faces (JSF) with Spring?What isJava Server Faces (JSF) - Spring integration mechanism?What is Significance of JSF- Spring integration ?How to integrate your Struts application with Spring?What are ORMs Spring supports ?What are the ways to access Hibernate using Spring ?How to integrate Spring and Hibernate using HibernateDaoSupport?What are Bean scopes in Spring Framework ?What is AOP?How the AOP used in Spring?What do you mean by Aspect ?What do you mean by Advice?What are the types of Advice?What are the types of the transaction management Spring supports ?What are the benefits of the Spring Framework transaction management ?Why most users of the Spring Framework choose declarative transaction management ?Explain the similarities and differences between EJB CMT and the Spring Framework's declarative transaction management ?What are object/relational mapping integratio6 module?When to use programmatic and declarative transaction management ?Explain about the Spring DAO support ?What are the exceptions thrown by the Spring DAO classes ?What is SQLExceptionTranslator ?What is Spring's JdbcTemplate ?What is PreparedStatementCreator ?What is SQLProvider ?What is RowCallbackHandler ?What are the differences between EJB and Spring ? Do I need any other SOAP framework to run Spring Web Services?I get NAMESPACE_ERR exceptions when using Spring-WS. What can I do about it?Does Spring-WS run under Java 1.3?Does Spring-WS work under Java 1.4?Does Spring-WS work under Java 1.6?Why do the Spring-WS unit tests fail under Mac OS X?What is SAAJ? What version of SAAJ does my application server support?I get a NoSuchMethodError when using SAAJ. What can I do about it?I get an UnsupportedOperationException "This class does not support SAAJ 1.1" when I use SAAJ under WebLogic 9. What can I do about it? I get an UnsupportedOperationException "This class does not support SAAJ 1.1" when I use SAAJ under WebLogic 10. What can I do about it? I get an IndexOutOfBoundsException when I use SAAJ under JBoss. What can I do about it?Does Spring-WS run on IBM WebSphere?Why does Spring-WS only support contract-first?How do I retrieve the WSDL from a Service? What is web module? What is a BeanFactory?What is AOP Alliance?What is Spring configuration file?What does a simple spring application contain?What is XMLBeanFactory?What are important ApplicationContext implementations in spring framework? Explain Bean lifecycle in Spring framework?What is bean wiring?How do add a bean in spring application?What are singleton beans and how can you create prototype beans?What are the important beans lifecycle methods?How can you override beans default lifecycle methods?What are Inner Beans? What are the different types of bean injections? What is Auto wiring? What are different types of Autowire types? What are the different types of events related to Listeners? What is an Aspect? What is a Jointpoint? What is an Advice?What is a Pointcut?What is an Introduction in AOP?What is a Target?What is a Proxy?What is meant by Weaving?What are the different points where weaving can be applied?What are the different advice types in spring?What are the different types of AutoProxying?What kind of exceptions those spring DAO classes throw? What is DataAccessException?How can you configure a bean to get DataSource from JNDI?How can you create a DataSource connection pool?How JDBC can be used more efficiently in spring framework?How JdbcTemplate can be used?How do you write data to backend in spring using JdbcTemplate?Explain about PreparedStatementCreator? Explain about BatchPreparedStatementSetter? Explain about RowCallbackHandler and why it is used?Hibernate FAQs1. What is the advantage of Hibernate over jdbc?2. What is Hibernate?3. What is ORM ?4. Hat does ORM consists of ?5. What are the ORM levels ?6. Why do you need ORM tools like hibernate?7. What Does Hibernate Simplify?8. What is the main difference between Entity Beans and Hibernate ?9. What are the Core interfaces and classes of Hibernate framework?10. What is the general flow of Hibernate communication with RDBMS?11. What is the need for Hibernate mapping file?12. What are the important tags of hibernate.cfg.xml?13. What role does the Session interface play in Hibernate?14. What role does the SessionFactory interface play in Hibernate?15. What are the most common ways to specify the Hibernate configuration properties?16. How do you map Java Objects with Database tables?17. How do you define sequence generated primary key algorithm in hibernate?18. What is component mapping in Hibernate?19. Difference between getCurrentSession() and openSession() in Hibernate ?20. What are the types of Hibernate instance states ?21. What are the types of inheritance models in Hibernate?22. What is Hibernate Query Language (HQL)?23. What are the ways to express joins in HQL?24. Transaction with plain JDBC in Hibernate ?25. What are the general considerations or best practices for defining your Hibernate persistent classes?26. Difference between session.update() and session.lock() in Hibernate ?27. What are the Collection types in Hibernate ?28. What is the difference between sorted and ordered collection in hibernate?29. What do you mean by Named SQL query?30. How do you invoke Stored Procedures?31. Explain Criteria API32. Whats the difference between load() and get()?33. What is the difference between and merge and update ?34. Define cascade and inverse option in one-many mapping?35. Define HibernateTemplate?36. What are the benefits does HibernateTemplate provide?37. How do you switch between relational databases without code changes?38. If you want to see the Hibernate generated SQL statements on console, what should we do?39. What are derived properties?40. Define cascade and inverse option in one-many mapping?41. Explain about transaction file?42. Difference between ,session.saveOrUpdate() and session.persist()?43. Explain about the id field?44. What is the use of dynamic-insert and dynamic-update attributes in a class mapping?45. What is automatic dirty checking?46. What are Callback interfaces?47. What is Hibernate proxy?48. How can Hibernate be configured to access an instance variable directly and not through a setter method ?49. How can a whole class be mapped as immutable?50. Explain about transparent persistence of Hibernate?51. Explain about the dirty checking feature of Hibernate?52. What is the effect when a transient mapped object is passed onto a Sessions save?53. Explain about addClass function?54. Explain about addjar() and addDirectory() methods?55. What is lazy fetching in Hibernate? With Example .56. How to Integrate Struts Spring Hibernate ?57. How to prevent concurrent update in Hibernate?58. What is version checking in Hibernate ?59. Explain about the dirty checking feature of Hibernate?60. What is the effect when a transient mapped object is passed onto a Sessions save?61. Explain about addClass function?62. Features of java1. Which version of java we are using? and what are the features in 1.5 version and explain them?2. What is Jvm?3. Explain features of Java?4. Garbage Collection ?Oops concept1. What is main purpose of oops concept?2. What is an object-oriented Programming?3. What is difference between C++ and Java?4. Explain about OOPs?5. What are the oops concepts and explain them?6. What is encapsulation?7. Encapsulation is keyword or class or interface?8. What is class and object?9. Explain about Object class? what are the methods it can have? Tell me about tostring()?10. What are the methods are available in Object Class?11. What is inheritance?12. What is Abstraction ?13. What is the difference String and StringBuffer and StringBuilder?Constructors1. What is constructor and how to initialize an Object?Inheretence1. What is super and this keyword?2. What is function overloading ?3. What is Marker interface?

Polymorphism1. Explain about polymorphism?2. Explain about inheritance and polymorphism in hibernate?Abstract classes1. What is an abstraction?2. What is an Abstract class and interface?3. Difference between Interface and Abstract Class?4. What is difference between Abstract class and inner class ?5. What is the difference between abstract class and interface?Exception handling1. What is Exception? Difference between Exception and Error?2. How many types of Exceptions and explain and given some examples?3. How we will handle Exceptions?4. How to write Customized Exceptions?5. They are given some programs on Try, Catch and Finally?6. What is final Key word?7. What is difference between final,finally and finalize() ?8. what are the types of the exceptions?9. what is immediate super class of RuntimException?10. can you write one predefined exception code in real time manner?11. They can given some programs on Overloading concepts with Exceptions?Collection frame work1. What difference LinkedList and ArrayList?2. What is difference Iterator and Enumeration?3. can you draw the Collection Hierarchy?4. What is Difference between list and Set?5. What is Difference between ArrayList and Vector?6. How we can sort the elements in HashSet?7. What is Difference between Comparable and Comparator?8. What is Difference between Hashmap and HashTable?9. How we can Synchronize List and set?10. When we use Enumeration, Iterator and ListIterator?11. What is collections?12. What is Iterator?13. What is the purpose of ArrayList?14. What is enumeration?15. What is difference ArrayList and Vector ?16. What is collections ?17. What is difference between Abstract class and interface?18. Differnce between Hashtable VS HashMap?19. How will you provide thread safety in ArrayList?20. Vector vs Array list?21. Explain about collection overview?22. What is difference b/w HashMap and Hashtable?23. What is differance b/w ArrayList and Vector?24. What are methods available in Collection interface?25. What is difference b/w Arrays and Collections?Threads1. Explain about Thread life cycle?2. What is Difference between Sleep and Wait methods?3. What is the Difference between Notify and NotifyAll methods?4. What is Yield method?5. What is Synchronization?6. How many ways we are implementing Threads? which ways is better?7. Can you write multi Threading program?8. How will you provide thread safety in ArrayList?9. can you write one multi threading programme?10. What is serialization? How can you achieve it?where you used in your project?11. Explain differences between yield() and join() methods ?12. How many ways are possible to create a Thread ? which way is better?JDBC questions:1. write DataSource code?2. what are drivers available? which driver you use in your project?3. What are types driver jdbc?4. What is resource allocator?Servlet & jsp1. What is difference between Jsp and Servlet?2. Is the servlet Thread singleton? explain the reason?3. Explain about servlet life cycle?4. Explain about init() method?5. if we call destroy() from service() what will happen?6. Differentiate include file Vs include page?7. Session management techniques?8. Is it possible to override service() method in Servlet?9. Explain about Servlets? what are the life cycle methods explain?10. Among Servlets and JSPs which is better? Where JSP Technology is best suitable.11. Explain about SingleThreadModel in servlets?12. Explain about Servlets? what are the life cycle methods explain?13. Among Servlets and JSPs which is better? Where JSP Technology is best suitable.14. Tell me about jsp Elements?15. What is difference b/w scriptlet and declaration?Spring1. What is spring?2. What the difference b/w Spring and Ejb?3. What are advantage using Spring?4. What are packages avilable in spring?5. What is IOC?6. What is Method injection?7. What are interfaces available in spring?8. What is meant by spring?9. Explain about Spring?Struts questions1. what are actions in struts?2. what is include action?3. how to declare exceptions in struts?4. Can we override execute() method in Struts?5. Explain about struts flow?6. What are Action classes available in struts?7. What is DispatchAction? where did you use in your project? where it configure write code?8. How to write form bean tags in your struts-configuration file?9. I have 4 action classes i want get second action class how can i get it? where are you configure? can u write code ?Hibernate1. Explain about Hibernate SessionFactory ?2. Explain about inheritance & polymorphism in hibernate?3. Explain about Hibernate Architecture ?4. Explain about Hibernate mappings ?5. What is meant by component mapping?6. What are the problems you faced while using hibernate in your project?7. Explain about Lazy Loading?8. Explain differences between get() and load()?9. What is difference between First level cache and Second level cache?10. What is the difference Session and SessionFactory?11. How can we connect more than one database in hibernate applications?12. Difference between Dialect and Driver?13. Is it possible to write hibernate application without using hibernate mapping file?14. Is it possible to write hibernate application without using hibernate configuration file ?15. Explain about Persistance class life cycle states in hibernate?16. Explain about hibernate tools?17. what is hibernate?18. What is disadvantage using hibernate?19. What is ORM?20. Hibernate Assction mappings tell me ? can you give real time examples?21. what is meant by component mapping?2)what is meant by component mapping?22. what is meant by inheritance mapping in hibernate?23. what are the problems you get doing hibernate projects?24. Explain about Hibernate mappings?25. Explain about Hibernate Session Factory?26. Explain about Hibernate Architecture?27. What is mutable and immutable?EJB questions1. what are ejb sessions in ejb?2. who do you know your ejb application can have stateful or stateless?3. what is jndi?4. what is ejb?Project Manager questions1. Can you draw your project architecture?2. What are issues you got in your projects?3. How can you achieve encapsulation your project?4. Tell me about your Second project and draw its architectu5. How to provide security in your Project?and as well as your module also?6. What are version using in your project?7. How to handle Exceptions in your project?8. What is diamond problem in java?9. What are exception we get doing hibernate in your project?10 Why we are going to hibernate?11. What are performance issues you have to faced in your project?Weblogic server1. How can you increase connection pool-size in web logic?Programs1. Write program in java to check whether the given number is perfect number or not2. Write Program in java to convert the decimal number to binary number form?Core Java questions1. put vs get?2. what are concepts in 1.5 java?3. Describe how procedure of c program -like compilation every thing...4. what is macro write a program to find largest b/w 3 elements by using macro?5. diff b/w in declaration and definition?6. tell memory structure allocation process and how it works?7. what is DMA? what it means?8. what is function pointer?9. what is difference b/w structure and union?10. write a program for conversion of little endian to big endian?11. what is splay tress and some question about tress?12. can u write a print a statement with out using print function ?13. They told me to write a program to find mid point of rectangle by just giving x1 x2 and y1 y2 ?Misllinious1. what is Cloning? why we are using Cloning concept? and How many types of cloning?sir, here i list out some Questions i faced in My Interview.1) What are the oops concepts and explain them?2) They can given some programs on Overloading concepts with Exceptions?3) Difference between Interface and Abstract Class?4) Which version of java we are using? and what are the features in 1.5 version and explain 5) what is Cloning? why we are using Cloning concept? and How many types of cloning?6) What is Exception? Difference between Exception and Error?7) How many types of Exceptions and explain and given some examples?8) How we will handle Exceptions?9) How to write Customized Exceptions?10) They are given some programs on Try, Catch and Finally?11) Explain about Thread life cycle? 12) What is Difference between Sleep and Wait methods?13) What is the Difference between Notify and NotifyAll methods?14) What is Yield method?15) What is Synchronization?16) can you draw the Collection Hierarchy?17) What is Difference between list and Set?18) What is Difference between ArrayList and Vector?19) How we can sort the elements in HashSet?20) What is Difference between Comparable and Comparator?21) What is Difference between Hashmap and HashTable? 22) How we can Synchronize List and set? 23) When we use Enumeration, Iterator and ListIterator?24) What is the difference String and StringBuffer and StringBuilder? 25) what are the methods are available in Object Class?After these they come to the Advanced Java(Jdbc, Servlets, jsp) 1) How many Drivers are there in Jdbc? Which Driver we are using in our project? 2) Can you write the code for Connecting the database? 3) What is Connection pooling mechanism? How we can implement? 4) Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement? 5) What is Callable Statement? 6) What is Servlet Life Cycle? 7) If iam sending the request at in servlet life cycle which method will be called? 8) What is the difference between Forward and include Mechanisms? 9) What is the difference between Forward and SendRedirect Mechanisms?10) What is the difference between Servlet Config and servlet Context?11) What are the Implicit objects in jsp?12) How we can Handle the Exceptions in Jsp?13) What are the scopes in jsp?While coming to Struts 1) Explain Struts Flow? 2) What is I18N? 3) What are the Actions are available in Struts? 4) What is the difference between DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction? 5) What is Switchaction? 6) What is MVC? 7) Struts follows which MVC Architecture? 8) What is FrontContoller? 9) What is Singleton Design Pattern? can you write some code about this?10) What is DAO and Explain?11) Which Tags are there in Struts-config.xml file?12) Difference between Struts1.2 and Struts2.0?13) How you provide the validations?While Coming to PROJECT MANAGER ROUND 1) Explain about your project? 2) How many Modules are there in your project? 3) What's your Role and Responsibilities? 4) How big is your Team Size? 5) Tell me Some Exceptions you faced in your project? 6) Which type of Complexity code you written in your project 7) Which Version Controller you used? 8) Which type of validations you done in your Project? Etc.Once again I Thanks to Durga sir, Nagoor Babu Sir and Ravindra Sir.Your's N.Venkatesh.1. Explain features of Java?2. Explain about polymorphism?3. What is the purpose of ArrayList?4. Explain about Hibernate Session Factory?5. Explain about inheritance and polymorphism in hibernate?6. Explain about Hibernate Architecture?7. What is mutable and immutable? 8. What are performance issues you have to faced in your project?HCL - Hibernate Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju (27-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experience.1. Explain about Hibernate SessionFactory ?2. Explain about inheritance & polymorphism in hibernate? 3. Explain about Hibernate Architecture ?4. Explain about Hibernate mappings ?5. What is meant by component mapping?6. What are the problems you faced while using hibernate in your project?7. Explain about Lazy Loading?8. Explain differences between get() and load()?9. What is difference between First level cache and Second level cache?10. What is the difference Session and SessionFactory?11. How can we connect more than one database in hibernate applications?12. Difference between Dialect and Driver?13. Is it possible to write hibernate application without using hibernate mapping file?14. Is it possible to write hibernate application without using hibernate configuration file?15. Explain about Persistance class life cycle states in hibernate?16. Explain about hibernate tools?17. what is hibernate?18. What is disadvantage using hibernate?19. What is ORM?IBM Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju with3+yearsJava ExperienceTechnical questions:1)What is Spring?2)What the difference b/w Spring and Ejb?3)What are advantage using Spring?4)How many ways we are implementing Threads? which ways is better?5)What is difference between Jsp and Servlet?6)Is the servlet Thread singleton? explain the reason?7)Can you write multi Threading program?8)What are packages avilable in spring?Project Manager round:1)How to provide security in your Project? and as well as your module also?2)What are version using in your project?3)How to handle Exceptions in your project?4)What is diamond problem in java5)What are exception we get doing hibernate in your project?6)Why we are going to hibernate?ITC Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju with 3+ years Java ExperienceCore Java questions:1. What is the difference between abstract class and interface?2. Explain about OOPs?3. Differnce between Hashtable VS HashMap?4. How will you provide thread safety in ArrayList?5. Explain about Object class? what are the methods it can have? tellme about tostring()?6. what are the types of the exceptions?7. what is immediate super class of RuntimException?8. can you write one predefined exception code in real time manner?9. put vs get?10. Vector vs Array list?11. what are concepts in 1.5 java?12. can you write one multi threading programme?JDBC questions:1. write DataSource code?2. what are drivers available? which driver you use in your project?Servlets question1. Explain about servlet life cycle?2. Explain about init() method?3. if we call destroy() from service() what will happen?4. Differentiate include file Vs include page?5. Session management techniques?Spring questions:1)What is IOC?2)What is Method injection?3)What are interfaces available in spring?4)What is meant by spring?EJB questions:1)what are ejb sessions in ejb?2)who do you know your ejb application can have stateful or stateless?3)what is jndi?4)what is ejb?Hibernate questions:1)Hibernate Assction mappings tell me ? can you give real time examples?2)what is meant by component mapping?2)what is meant by component mapping?3)what is meant by inheritance mapping in hibernate?4)what are the problems you get doing hibernate projects?Struts questions:1)what are actions in struts?2)what is include action?3)how to declare exceptions in struts?Project Manager questions:1)Can you draw your project architecture?2)What are issues you got in your projects?SOCIETE GENERALE Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju(20-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experiance1. Is it possible to override service() method in Servlet?2. Can we override execute() method in Struts?3. Explain about Hibernate mappings?4. How can you increase connection pool-size in web logic?5. Explain differences between yield() and join() methods ?

T C S Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju (27-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experience. 1. Tell me about your Second project and draw its architecture?2. Explain about Oops?3. Encapsulation is keyword or class or interface? 4. How many ways are possible to create a Thread ? which way is better? 5. Explain about Servlets? what are the life cycle methods explain?6. Among Servlets and JSPs which is better? Where JSP Technology is best suitable.7. Tell me about jsp Elements?8. What is difference b/w scriptlet and declaration? 9. Explain about struts flow?10. What are Action classes available in struts?11. What is DispatchAction? where did you use in your project? where it configure write code?12. How to write form bean tags in your struts-configuration file? 13. I have 4 action classes i want get second action class how can i get it? where are you configure? can u write code ?14. Explain about SingleThreadModel in servlets?15. Explain about collection overview?16. What is difference b/w HashMap and Hashtable?17. What is differance b/w ArrayList and Vector?18. What are methods available in Collection interface? 19. What is serialization? How can you achieve it?where you used in your project?20. What is Marker interface?21. How can you achieve encapsulation your project?22. Explain about Spring?23. What is difference b/w Arrays and Collections?Virtusa Interview Questions by Mr.Nagaraju (27-3-2010) with 3+ years Java Experience. 1. What is the Hibernate? What are files we have requires doing a hibernate application? 2. Explain about Hibernate Architecture?3. Explain your project flow? What technologies used in your previous project?4. Explain about Spring Framework features?5. How do you configure using spring mvc with DAO class?6. What is Abstraction, inheritance polymorphism?7. What are Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions?8. What is AutoBoxing and AutoUnboxing ? Can you Explain with real time example? 9. Explain differences between Abstract class vs interface?10. Explain differences between HashMap and Hashtable?11. try{ some code } catch(Exception e) { some code } finally{ some code } which one is optional?12. try{ some code; system.exit(0); } Catch(Exception e){ Some code } finally{ some code } what will happen?13. What is the difference b/w extends Thread class and implements Runnableinterface?14. Explain about Servlet life cycle ?15. How to include one jsp into anther jsp? Which tag we can use for this purpose ?16. Explain about Struts?17. Explain Singleton Design pattern?18. How to connect more than one database in Hibernate?19. I want change my database from Oracle to MySQL in hibernate. Which configuration changes are required and which classes we have to use?20. Which tools you used in project?21. What are version control tools used in your project? Explain about check-in and check-out?22. What is your team size?23. How to build modules in your project? Are you used any tool for this?24. What is Sax parser and Dom parser?Mahaboob Basha Interview experience@Virtusa with 2+ years experienceDear Durga Sir, This is Mahaboob Basha, I attended scjp and scwcd classes. I got the offer in Virtusa on 25th Oct, 2010. So I Really Thanks to Durga sir and Nagoor Babu Sir. based on your guidence i got this offer and in IBM also.Interview Process in Virtusa is ....First they conducted the Written Test Round after that Technical Round after they conducted Project Manager Round, after they conducted HR Round.About the Written TestIn written test they gave the question paper consisting of 20 questions in which about 10-12questions are on core java. 2-3 questions on servlets and 2-3questions on jsps and 1-2 questions on struts and 1question on spring. In this round I got around 19marks and 16 marks is the cut off. And I could remember some of the questions1. A Thread object has a method called notify(). (true/false)2. Which kind of ActionForm doesn't need to implement setter and getter methods by developer?3. In Struts, which of the following best maps to the "front controller"? 4. One question on Hash Map 5. One question on Hash Set 6. Around 3-4 questions on programs of core java which are very easy. 7. one question on the directory structure of jar file.About my Technical Round......... In technical Round the interviewer took me the interview for 2hours first he asked tomefirst tell me about myself and after that he asked me about the project and then he started to ask me questions on Core Java.If we are very good at in core java then they asked simple questions on J2EE.And then he will ask only Struts Flow in struts.If we are average in core java on that time they asked some what difficult questions on J2EE.So they mainly Concentration on Core Java.sir, here i list out some Questions i faced in My Interview. 1.What are the oops concepts and explain them?2.What is mean by Polymorphism and what is the difference between static and dynamic polymorphism?3.They he asked about the overriding and method hiding?4.What is mean by singleton class and can u write a program?5.Difference between Interface and Abstract Class and where did u used interface in your project?6.Which version of java we are using in your project? and what are the features in 1.5 version?7.What is Exception? Difference between Exception and Error?8.What is mean by checked and unchecked Exceptions?9.He asked me about Try, Catch and Finally and he asked different control flow of try..catch,try..catchfinally type questions?10.Difference between final,finally,finalize?11.Explain about Thread life cycle?12.What is the Difference between Notify and NotifyAll methods?13.What is Synchronization?14.What is mean by collection frame work and explain the complete hierarchy?15.What is difference between Array List and Vector?16.In ur project where did u used the Array List?17.Differnce between Comparator and comparable?18.Difference between Hash Map and Hashtable?19.Can u explain about the Stack?20.Can u tell me something about the collections?21.Tell me something about Enumeration, Iterator and list Iterator?22.What is the difference String and StringBuffer and StringBuilder?23.What is mean by immutability?After these he come to the J2EE1) Can you write the code for Connecting the database using JDBC?2) What is Connection pooling mechanism? How we can implement?3) Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement?4) What is Callable Statement and can u write program for that?5) What is Servlet Life Cycle?6) What is the difference between Forward and include Mechanisms?7) What is the difference between Forward and SendRedirect Mechanisms?8) What is the difference between Servlet Config and servlet Context?9) What are the Implicit objects in jsp?10) How we can Handle the Exceptions in Jsp?11) What are the scopes in jsp ?While coming to Struts1) Explain Struts Flow?2) What are the features of struts 1.3.x version?3) What are the Actions are available in Struts?4) What is the difference between DispatchAction and LookupDispatchAction?5) What is Switchaction and where did used in your project?6) What are the parameters used in the ActionForward execute()?7) What is Singleton Design Pattern? can you write some code about this?8) Which Tags are there in Struts-config.xml file?9) Can explain about the validations and in your project where did u used the validations?While Coming to PROJECT MANAGER ROUND1) Explain about your project?2) How many Modules are there in your project? 3) What's your Role and Responsibilities?4) How big is your Team Size?5) Tell me Some Exceptions you faced in your project? 6) Which type of Complexity code you written in your project7) Which type of validations you done in your Project?8) Have you helped your team member in your project? 9) If anything dispute arises between your college and you then how will u handle that?10) If anything dispute arises in your work and personal work then how will u handleit?While Coming to Hr Round1.Can u tell about yourself and your experience?2.What is the package you are excepted?3.Whats your strength and weakness?4.When will u join the company?Once again I Sincerely Thanks to Durga sir, Nagoor Babu SirDate:9-9-2014TCS 2+years very good Java interview quetions================:=======================:-1)What is difference between abstraction and encapsulation ?2)how ways to acheive abstraction in java ?3)why interface ,eventhough we have abstract class ?4) Why wait() ,notify() and notifyAll() methods are in Object class instead of Thread class?5)explain exception structure ?6)we can implement try block with out catch?7)can we stop finally block execution ?8)what happends if return statement place in exception handling?9)What is the difference between String and StrinBuffer ?10)String s="abc"s="xyz" then whats the value of s?11)String s="xyz"s1="xyz" how many objects created ?12)String s="abc"String s1=new String("abc"); how many objects created ?13)What is immutable ?14)What is the difference between Collection And Collections ?15)Expalain Collection heirarchy ?16)why List,Set,Map ?17)What is Comparable,Comparator?18)Expain methods of Comparable and Comparators?19)class Employee{HashSet hs=new HashSet();hs.add(new Employee().setName("ramesh");hs.add(new Employee().setName("ramesh");} how many Employee objects Set contains ?20)How you can create SessionFactory object in your project ?21)Expain transaction in hibernate ?22)how you can map list in mapping file?23)expain one to many mapping in hibernate ?24) how to call procedures in hibernate ?25)how to integrate hibernate with Spring ?26)how to integrate Struts with Hibenate ?27)expain HibernateTemplate ?28)in hibernate we have SessionFactory,Session,Transaction that in strut2 have any thing ?29)How many modules you know in Springs ?30)why Spring ?31)what is the difference between load() of JS and ready() method of Jquery ?30)how you can disable some text in JS ?31)why HQL , Criteria ?32)How Map works ?33)What is Serialization? why serialization ?how you can use it ?34)What is marker interface ,why marker interface ?give me some Examples ?35)Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig ?36)What are implicit objects in JSP ?37)tell me something about your current project ?Phonex It Solutions:1. Wt is diff b/w JDBC and Hibernate2. Wt is ActionServlet3. How to integrate struts and spring4. How to handle exceptions 5. Which jdbc driver u r using ? why?6. What is log4j and its main advantage?7. What is ur version control and advantages8. In eclipse how to establish link source files to classes folder9. What will happen if u compile jsp program where it is stored?10. What is web.xml and use of it?11. What r joins and explain?12. What is framework ? why?13. What is ur project architecture?Broadridge :1. what is IOC?2. Write MVC and explain3. What is ant? Write a ant scripting to load required jars automatically at runtime, whenever the system has less memory to store all files?4. What are joins?5. Write a trigger, procedure6. What is AOP7. What is AspectDell1. What is MVC arch2. Write update query to update all employee sal 10% increase3. What is javabean why4. What is controller why5. What is front design of ur project?6. Explain p.s.v.main(String arg[]) why static?7. Class program8. {Static void m(){sop(m)}Void m()sop(m1)}}Class mypro{Psvm(){ m();}}what happen?

GSS Infotech Solutions1. We have collection object type string, how to retrieve in jsp program2. Can u create object for system class?3. Tell jsp tags4. Is sugestable java code in jsp 5. Explain about validator frameworkIBM, Bang (18-08-2012) F2F1. How to perform unit testing?2. How to move your developed files to testing dept3. What is main advantage of log4j4. Servlet object creation5. What are implicit object and their datatypes6. We are not extending String class from our class why? (String s= something)7. If we implement polymorphism then inheritance is defeault: true or false8. What are return types of sql quaries9. What are interfaces of collectionsTavant Technologies(1-09-12)1. Write a program that has List obj, StudentList , it contains id,name,marks,status[pass,fail] now I want student list who are passed 2. Explain validations in struts3. Write a criteria query that has two pojo classes,Student and Subject now query for students who are associated with maths subjectOpen Symphony pune(24-09-12)Tel1. Diff between interfaces and abstract classes2. How to initialize serializable classes3. Diff between static and non static4. Can we use static serialization5. Explain method overloading and overridingFind output:Class base{Public void m(Object o){sop(base);}}Class derived extends base{Public void m(String s){soop(derived);}}Public static void main(String arg[]){Base b = new derived();b.m(new String);b.m(new HashMap);}1. How to debugging in eclipse2. Diff between servlet and jsp3. What happen in jsp compilation4. What is httpsession5. Diff between generic servlet and httpservlet6. What are scriptlets in jsp and wt is problem and wt is alternative7. What is method for sorting8. Can we synchronized an arraylist object9. How to compare employee objets10. Diff between comparable and comparator11. How to reverse the collection objectsSkype video conference with above company1. Is arraylist inserted orderd? Hashmap?2. In jsp how to propagate error messages3. Web.xml4. Sql queries5. Explain about ant, maven, jquery,javascript6. Which version controller ur using7. Method orridingInfinite Computer sol(22-09-12) Tel1. How to use serialization concept in ur project ? if not used what happened?2. How to integration done ur project3. How to initialize ur hibernate dao related classes.4. Log4j main use and assertions5. ExpectionsInterview Questions Syntel, IBM Telephonic6. Why Java as OOP language?7. Main difference between C++ and Java?8. Inheritance types with real time examples?9. Polymarphim real time example?10. Abstract class and Interface .. ect11. How config Hibernate?12. Difference between SQL and HSQL?13. Collections and Collection?14. Hsahmap and Hash table?15. Collections hierarchy?16. Servlet life cycle?17. JSP life cycle?18. How to connect DB by using MySQL?19. Struts Flow?20. One jsp, One Servlet, One pojo - how to define directory structure?21. What is prepared statement, and advantage of that?22. What are the different between java 1.4, Java 1.5 and Java 1.6?23. What is the main difference between core java and advance java?24. What is the difference between JVM, JDK, JRE?25. How to use JUNIT in your project?26. Why web.xml?27. What are the problems faced in the current working project?28. Abstract design pattern code?29. Object class methods?30. What are the features of JDBC 2.0 and JDBC 3.0?31. You performed any java testing? Is needed?32. Explain about MVC design pattern?33. What are the core classes of your project?34. Explain about hibernate mapping xml file?35. Struts flow in your current project?36. What is your job in Design Phase?Chennai1)explain your current project?2)how to configure lazy loding?3)wher you are using collections in your project?4)can you chang the arraylist values? how can you change?5)explain MVC architecture?6)where your using hibernate in your project?7)what is struts actionclass explain?8)explain exception and error?9)which type of exceptions handle in your project?10)explain stack overflow and heap?11)which type of exceptions rised in your project?1)can we extend string class?2)what is an abstract class?3)can we write two constructors in abstract?4)one to one relationship in hibernate how to write lazy loding in hibernate?5)write a program string by word with out using stringTokenizer?6)what is the use of flush() method in Hibernate?7)what is evit() method and expalain them?8)what is the diff b/w abstract and interface?9)what is use of final&finalize?1)write a program to print the given String is pallindrom or not?2)write a program the given String is Sorting order in Desinding?3)write a program to print the FibnoicSeries?4)write a program String s="this,is,an,have,work,to,the,home";count the no of commas?5)write a program on userdefined exceptions or custom exceptions?6)write a program to print given no is prime or not?7)What is First and Second Level caching in Hibernate?First-level cache always Associates with the Session object. Hibernate uses this cache by default. Here, it processes one transaction after another one, means wont process one transaction many times. Mainly it reduces the number of SQL queries it needs to generate within a given transaction. That is instead of updating after every modification done in the transaction, it updates the transaction only at the end of the transaction.1.2) Second-level cacheSecond-level cache always associates with the Session Factory object. While running the transactions, in between it loads the objects at the Session Factory level, so that those objects will available to the entire application, dont bounds to single user. Since the objects are already loaded in the cache, whenever an object is returned by the query, at that time no need to go for a database transaction. In this way the second level cache works. Here we can use query level cache also. Later we will discuss about it.1)what is map?a)A Map is an object that maps keys to values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys: Each key can map to at most one value. It models the mathematical function abstraction. The Map interface follows.2)what is connection pooling?a)It's a technique to allow multiple clinets to make use of a cached set of shared and reusable connection objects providing access to a database. Connection Pooling feature is supported only on J2SDK 1.4 and later releases.3)what is iterator how to use hashmap?4)what is lazyloding()5)what is diapatchaction?6)what is garbagecollection?a)When a Java object becomes unreachable to the program, then it is subjected to garbage collection. The main use of garbage collection is to identify and discard objects that are no longer needed by a program so that their resources can be reclaimed and reused.7)what is jvm?a)JVM is the main component of Java architecture and it is the part of the JRE (Java Runtime Enviroment) . It provides the cross platform functionality to java. This is a software process that converts the compiled Java byte code to machine code.8)what is context?a)public interface ContextThis interface represents a naming context, which consists of a set of name-to-object bindings. It contains methods for examining and updating these bindings.Names1)write a sample code in customexceptions?a) import*;// A Java application to demonstrate making your own Exception class// This program catches the exception when the word "client" is// entered incorrectly.public class TestException{ static String s = "";//-------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String args[]) { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(is); System.out.println("Enter the word you cannot spell: "); try { s = buf.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException was " + e.getMessage()); } try { checkSpelling(); // this method throws SpellException } catch (SpellException se) // but it is caught here { System.out.println("Spell exception was: " + se.getError()); } } // end main//----------------------------------------------------------// Check spelling of typed in word. Throw exception if wrong.// Note how this method specifies that it throws such and such // exception. Does not have to be caught here. private static void checkSpelling() throws SpellException { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("client")) System.out.println("OK"); else throw new SpellException("Cannot spell client"); }} // end main class//***********************************************// Custom exception class that descends from Java's Exception class.class SpellException extends Exception{ String mistake;//----------------------------------------------// Default constructor - initializes instance variable to unknown public SpellException() { super(); // call superclass constructor mistake = "unknown"; }//-----------------------------------------------// Constructor receives some kind of message that is saved in an instance variable. public SpellException(String err) { super(err); // call super class constructor mistake = err; // save message } //------------------------------------------------ // public method, callable by exception catcher. It returns the error message. public String getError() { return mistake; }}2)using arrylist add values and copy that values in to map?3)What are the methods in Object class?a)There are lots of methods in object class.the list of some methods are as-cloneequalswaitfinalizegetClasshashCodenotifynotifyAlltoString./*Reverse string by word using StringTokenizer example.This example shows how to reverse a line or sentense using Java StringTokenizer and String classes.*/import java.util.StringTokenizer;public class ReverseLine {public static void main(String[] args) {String strLine = "Java Reverse string by word example";//specify delimiter as " " spaceStringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strLine, " ");String strReversedLine = "";while(st.hasMoreTokens()){strReversedLine = st.nextToken() + " " + strReversedLine;}System.out.println("Reversed string by word is : " + strReversedLine);}}/*Output would beReversed string by word is : example word by string Reverse Java*/----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/* Java StringTokenizer count tokens example This example shows how to count remaining tokens of java StringTokenizer object using countTokens() method.*/import java.util.StringTokenizer;public class StringTokenizerCountTokensExample { public static void main(String[] args) { //create StringTokenizer object StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer("Java StringTokenizer count Tokens Example"); /* countTokens() method returns the number of tokens remaining from the current delimiter set. It calculates the number of times StringTokenizer's nextToken() method can be called before it generates an exception. Please note that invoking countTokens() method does not advance the current position. */ //iterate through tokens while(st.hasMoreTokens()){ System.out.println("Remaining Tokens : " + st.countTokens()); System.out.println(st.nextToken()); } }} /*Output Would beRemaining Tokens : 5JavaRemaining Tokens : 4StringTokenizerRemaining Tokens : 3countRemaining Tokens : 2TokensRemaining Tokens : 1Example*/Reversing a String by WordString test = "Reverse this string";Stack stack = new Stack();StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(test);while(strTok.hasMoreTokens()) { stack.push(strTok.nextElement());}StringBuffer revStr = new StringBuffer();while(!stack.empty()) { revStr.append(stack.pop()); revStr.append(" ");}System.out.println("Original string: " + test);System.out.println("\nReversed string: " + revStr);The output of this code fragment will beOriginal string: Reverse this stringReversed string: string this Reverse5)write a program on userdefined exceptions or custom exceptions? package na; public class Nage extends Exception { public Nage(String s) { super(s); } }-->package ap;impoer na.Nage;public class Age{public void decide(String s0throws NumberFormatException,Nage{int age=Integer.parseInt(s);if(age=0;i--){ reversedSt+=str[i]; } if(st.equalsIgnoreCase(reversedSt)){ System.out.println("String is palindrome"); } else{ System.out.println("String is not palindrome"); } }}write a program to print the FibnoicSeries?import java.util.*;public class Fibonacci{public static int fibonacciSeries(int n) {if (n == 1)return 1;else if (n == 2)return 1;elsereturn fibonacciSeries(n-1) + fibonacciSeries(n-2);}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {Scanner input=new Scanner(;System.out.print("Enter value of n: ");int num = input.nextInt();for(int i=1;i