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  • 8/14/2019 Only God Can Forgive Sins


  • 8/14/2019 Only God Can Forgive Sins


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    Speaking softly and stuttering Coby spoke II, umm, I

    Go ahead, you are among fellow sinners here today Pastor Shaw broke in swiftly.

    Still speaking softly but quickly I stole from my sick mothers purse while she slept

    bedridden said Coby who looked down in shame.

    The Church couldnt hear you Coby, speak louder. said Pastor Shaw.

    II stole money from my sick mothers purse, while she slept helpless. Coby said only

    a bit louder.

    Look to heaven and yell it Coby! God cant hear you unless you yell it! Pastor Shaw

    ignited You stole from your sick, helpless mother while she lay sleeping

    Coby burst into confession and was now yelling I stole from my sick mothers purse!

    You stole from your mother for your own selfishness! Pastor Shaw yelled, and kicked

    the back of Cobys legs bringing him to his knees, then moved in front of him and placed his

    hand on Cobys forehead and screamed at the top of his lungs You are a greedy young man who

    Satan has brought to sin! There was a bit of commotion in the audience, Jesse looked around

    and saw that Joshua Rachman had gotten up and was leaving. Pastor Shaw turned his head and

    saw this but quickly turned back around.

    Coby now in tears and screaming so loud his ill mother at home could hear him Im a

    greedy young man who Satan has brought to follow his will!

    Youve been corrupted by Satan and made to hurt your already sick mother because of

    it! Screamed Pastor Shaw in his low gravelly voice.

    Satan has corrupted me and brought me to bring hurt upon my already hurting mother!

    cried Coby.

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    You are sorry and now repent for your sin and will never follow Satans will again

    blasted Pastor Shaw.

    I am sorry God! Coby cried out in more tears. I have followed Satans will and repent

    from doing so.

    Raising the hand that was not on Cobys forehead into the air behind him and leaned

    forward a bit You are forgiven Coby! Pastor Shaws hand began to shake a bit And may your

    sin and Satans will be cast from you forever! Yelled Pastor Shaw once again and then using his

    shaking hand still on Cobys forehead, pushed Coby to the ground where he stayed weeping and

    stood above him breathing heavily.

    The church clapped and roared loudly with the shoutings of many amens! and praise

    Gods! and the occasional God bless him! Pastor Shaw stood by the door after the service as

    usual to shake everyones hand as they left and have the occasional conversation.

    God bless you sir, beautiful service. said an elderly man

    I thank God every day for sending you to us. Said a middle aged woman with two

    young children.

    Thank you said Pastor Shaw in return and I thank God every day for sending me to


    Wonderful service, when will we be working on donations to the church again? said

    another man.

    Im always working on donations, you need only to ask to help replied Pastor Shaw

    rather loudly this time.

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    Then Pastor Shaw looked through some people and saw Jesse walking out towards the

    exit and yelled out with open arms Jesse my friend, Ive been meaning to speak to you, does

    lunch at one sound good?

    Surprised, Jesse, who had only spoken to Pastor Shaw maybe once before and was rather

    shaken by the service to say the least, but maybe only because Jesse was new to the area, Jesse

    said in return umm sure, whered you have in mind?

    How bout my house, you know where that is dont you. Pastor Shaw spoke back.

    That works for me and yes I think know. said Jesse. Of course Jesse knew where Pastor

    Shaws house was, it was the largest and most elegant in town, on top of the highest hill

    nonetheless. Jesse shook his hand and wondered what it is Pastor Shaw would have that hed

    want to talk about.

    Well heres my card with my address on it in case you cant recollect. Said pastor Shaw

    in return and with his usual smile. Jesse took the card, the name read: Shaw Daoi, Pastor of 1st

    Georgia Church of Saul. It was a very nice card, very professional; the letters were all printed in

    gold, real gold too no doubt.

    Thank you. Replied Jesse Ill surely be there.

    The walkway up to pastor Shaws house was quite nice too as to be expected, a man so

    good only deserved to live so well. The walkway was lined on both sides with beautiful looking

    bushes and shrubberies assorted with all sorts of varying flowers, and all matching. They were all

    perfectly trimmed as well. Jesse couldnt help but think of how perfect a man Pastor Shaw was,

    generous to the world, and the world generous to him. Jesse rang the doorbell, still with no idea

    why Pastor Shaw would have asked to have lunch together. The door opened Jesse, do come

    in. Pastor Shaw Greeted Be sure to take your shoes off, the floor dirties easily. The table is

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    already set, its around the first corner and to the left, you cant miss it. Go ahead and take your

    seat, make yourself at home

    Thank you Pastor Jesse said while removing the forbidden shoes and then walked

    down the hall and easily found the table fully set, food and everything, just as Pastor Shaw had

    said. It was odd though, for Jesse knew Pastor Shaw had no wife, and he had no servants to any

    knowledge; he had only been home maybe thirty to forty minutes yet had prepared a large filling

    meal for two in that time, roast beef and all. He was truly a man of many talents. Jesse went

    ahead and took a seat, and looked around some more; the large window to the left had a perfect

    view of the street crossing perpendicular to the main street which one could look directly down

    all the way to the church at the other end; from that room one could see all that was going on in


    How do you do today Jesse? Pastor Shaw asked as he entered the dining room.

    Jesse replied fine I presume, as good as usual, no worse

    Splendid, no reason to feel bad is plenty reason itself to feel good I always say. replied

    Pastor Shaw. He took his coat off, placed on the back of the chair directly across from Jesse, sat

    in it, placed his hands on the table before him entwined as if he were to pray but leaned forward

    looking straight at Jesse instead. Your somewhat of an artist I understand arent you Jesse?

    Pastor Shaw said to Jesse in more of a proposal than a question.

    Jesse grinned Why yes, I do believe I am, the best in north Georgia, at least to what Ive

    seen of my competition.

    An almost equal grin spread across Pastor Shaws face Absolutely Splendid! he

    continued with another proposal like question Im sorry to inform you I have not seen much of

    your work, but if you would so be inclined to tell me my friend, have you much experience with

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    drawing houses or buildings? He leaned back in his chair, put his hands behind his head and

    relaxed a bit.

    Jesse replied Well Ive been more accustomed to doing landscapes, but I have been

    known to do the occasional house or two. Curious, Jesse asked Why, would you like for me to

    paint your home for you?

    Heavens no. replied Pastor Shaw This old thing. He said in almost disgust despite his

    homes beauty. You see Jesse, our church has grown, it hardly fits the congregation within its

    tiny little walls anymore.

    Jesse was curious and spoke back slowly Im following.

    Good! said Pastor Shaw My churchour church has grown past its current physical

    boundaries. We need a new building, a bigger building, we need a new church Jesse, thats what

    we need. Id like you with your expertise as an artist to design that new church for us Jesse,

    could you do that for us? I sure do hope you will agree.

    I dont know Pastor Jesse replied Ive never designed a building before, thats

    architecture, drawing is more copying what you see, thats more of creating what you want to be

    Pastor Shaw rejected Nonsense! It is all the same principle in the end. Youre my first

    choice Jesse, please accept. I am fully confident you can design it, I would not have considered

    to trust you with such a monumentous task had I not thought you capable

    Jesse couldnt turn the good Pastor Shaw down, smiled and said Of course I accept; I

    can have it done in six weeks.

    Splendid! yelped Pastor Shaw while he slapped the table with joy, shaking all the plates

    on the table. Just wonderfully splendid, six weeks it is, the power of God growing just excites

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    your bones does it not? Oh, I almost forgot about lunch he said as he picked up food to offer to

    Jesse. I do hope your hungry?

    Still smiling, Jesse took the food and said replied Yes, yes I am, I did not eat breakfast

    this morning

    Pastor Shaws grin faded a little and he quickly picked up another plate of food to give to

    Jesse Well in that case you shouldve said something, we could have talked as we ate, sorry to

    keep you waiting. Jesse took the tasty looking food and began to eat. Pastor Shaw looked out the

    window onto the town below. His eyes focused in on one man and his eyebrows tilted inward in

    slight anger. Jesse of course took this as the good pastor having bad eyesight. Pastor Shaw spoke

    You see that negro man down there, the one unloading the sheered sheep wool, do you know

    who he is?

    Yes, thats Joshua Rachman I believe. Seems like a friendly fellow, though as I saw

    earlier, not to fond of your service Jesse did not dare mention they were of similar opinions on

    the topic.

    Speaking crankily like hed just been woken up Pastor Shaw replied hmm, doesnt

    surprise me. You know that man makes as much money as anyone here in town off raising and

    sheering those sheep of his, yet he prospers none off it. He refuses to give to the church as well.

    Pastor Shaws voice was becoming tense He gives it all to poor folks he sees as he passes them.

    Says its better spent that way. Well, shows what little he knows Pastor Shaw was now staring

    down intently at Joshua who had stopped unloading sheep wool to help an elderly man carry

    some cumbersome supplies of some sort across the road. Jesse looked up and followed the

    Pastors eyes to Joshua and back several times, chewing the food slower as the tension seemed to

    increase. Pastor Shaw looked up at Jesse then quickly down to Joshua, then back to Jesse and to

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    Jesse walked through the door, looked back and replied As am I pastor, I am glad to

    help. Pastor Shaw waved goodbye with his right hand and a slight tilt of the head, then closed

    the door with his left. He went back to the dining room and watched from that window Jesse

    walk down the walkway to the street below, smiling has he followed along. Then he saw Jesse

    walk over and speak to Joshua Rachman. The smile faded into disgust then he let out a bit of a

    grunt first and then spoke out loud in a harsh still gravelly voice Hmm. Dirty Nigger! then he

    turned around away from the window and walked away, leaving all the food left to sit on the

    table and spoil.

    Excuse me. Its Joshua isnt it? Jesse said to the man he already knew to be Joshua


    Joshua was unloading the last bit of Sheeps wool as he looked up Thats what they call

    me, your Jesse, the artist, arent you, is there something I can help you with?

    Jesse replied Yes I am, and I believe so, you live up on that road going out south

    towards the pasturelands do you not?

    Mhmm, sure do. nodded Joshua

    Well I live not far down that road, on the dirt one that forks off about a mile down yours,

    if it would not be too much trouble could you drop me off there at that fork. I would walk, but

    you see I have an idea for a project of mine and I need to record it down as soon as possible.

    Jesse replied.

    Joshua had turned away placing down the last load of wool for the general store to come

    pick up. Then turned around and opened the passenger door to his truck, and with a smile that

    seemed extra illuminated in contrast to his black skin Of course I can, just hop in, try not to

    mind the mess, I wasnt expecting company.

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    Thank you so much. Replied Jesse who then hopped into the cab, pushing away a few

    cluttering items to the middle seat. They drove out of town towards their home quiet and not

    speaking when Joshua broke silence In all the time Ive lived here I dont think Ive ever met

    someone who lives down that road.

    Well, I havent lived there long and I cant speak for the others who have called it their

    home. Replied Jesse.

    Fair enough. Joshua agreed

    Jesse looked around the cab and saw an extremely weathered and used Bible on the

    dashboard, riddled with notes sticking out from the side. This seemed odd to Jesse whom had

    just recently heard the good Pastor Shaw, a very righteous and religious man, speak none too

    fondly of Joshuas church practices.

    Jesse was curious Is that your Bible? and nodded towards the one on the dashboard.

    Yes it is. Joshua nodded.

    Its quite used, Im not sure Ive ever seen one quite so used. Replied Jesse

    I read it every day, as all should. If I ever feel angry or mad towards someone, I just

    come out to my truck here and crack open the good book and my anger is gone.

    Jesse was intrigued Wow, its rare to ever see someone so content with life

    All you have to do is to follow whats in that there book and anyone can be the same!

    Joshua responded with a hint of assertion. He continued I pick a verse from it every day he

    began reaching in his coat pocket and fiddling with around presumably looking for something. I

    write it down and carry it with me all day to remind me that my life, however miniscule it might

    be, is from God, and I am to do with it as God told us he nodded once again to the Bible then

    continued to live as God taught us, and just as importantly to treat others as our savior taught us,

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    Love your neighbor as yourself, thats what he told us and thats what I intend to do. After some

    tedious effort, Joshua drew a small piece of paper from his pocket Ah, heres todays verse,

    Psalm 22:1.

    I see. said Jesse unsure of what else to say in return, but thankfully realized that they

    were not but a hundred yards from the fork which was to be the end of the ride.

    Well heres my stop. Announced Jesse but immediately following heard the blinker to

    the truck turn on and Joshua turned down the fork towards Jesses home.

    You dont have to take me all the way, you only had to drop me at the beginning of the

    fork. said Jesse.

    No, its no problem for me to drive you all the way, it takes what, ten minutes out of my

    life? said Joshua

    I was just saying that you neednt bring me the whole way, you did not even have to

    give me a ride if you didnt want Jesse said back.

    Nonsense, Ive already come this far, whats a bit farther? Regardless it would be

    pointless for me to let you out now when Id have to drive to the end to turn around anyway.

    He had a good point; Jesse argued no more and rode silently the rest the way home.

    Joshua stopped in front of Jesses house and Jesse got out and thanked him once again Thank

    you so much, I am in your debt.

    Youre welcome and no debt necessary, you would have done the same. Joshua replied

    with a smile then drove around the turn around and headed back down the dirt road. hmm

    Jesse sighed looking on, then turned around and headed inside where the work on the design of

    the new church began immediately.

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    Ladies and gentleman, believers and nonbelievers, members and visitors of 1 st Georgia

    Church of Saul Pastor Shaw began Today we gather here to celebrate, not only the presence of

    God, but the growth of it. As you can tell our church building here, bless its heart, has grown to

    small for our congregation

    From the back one of the bakers dozen or so men who was forced to stand for there were

    no seats gave a loud Amen! and laughter spread throughout the church.

    Pastor Shaw smiled and carried on pleasantly Glad to see were in agreeance Tate. Six

    weeks ago I asked a fairly new, yet very talented member of our town and church to help us with

    this, and by Gods graciousness our good friend Jesse agreed to use the fortunate gift of artistic

    skill to design us a new church. Pastor Shaw explained as he stuck out an arm pointing to Jesse

    who was sitting in the second pew from the front at the end far end closest to the middle aisle. A

    man behind Jesse patted Jesse on the shoulder in congratulations. Pastor Shaw carried on Well

    Jesse has worked endlessly since that time to design and paint for us a drawing of that new

    church. Jesse is the only one who has seen it, not even I have taken a look at it beforehand.

    Pastor Shaw paused for a moment and looked directly at Jesse That is how much trust I have for

    my good friend. He stared at Jesse a moment longer then looked back up Well, it is time we

    see what our future church shall look like dont you think? Pastor Shaw yelled out with his arms

    open and extended into the air Boys, bring her in! Immediately the double doors entering the

    church opened and two men carrying a six by eight foot canvas, covered with a sheet to keep its

    picture hidden draped over it, walked down the middle aisle and placed it on a pair of easels

    already up by the pulpit. Jesse may you give us the honor? Pastor Shaw asked Jesse.

    Jesse stood up, nodded, and proceeded towards the large canvas up front. Pastor Shaw

    traded places and sat down where Jesse had stood up from. Jesse stood to the left of the canvas,

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    grabbed the guarding sheet from top and bottom with each hand, took a deep breath, and pulled

    back revealing the large picture of the new church placed right next to the current one in the field

    next to it. The church went completely still and silent, a long pause occurred that seemed to last

    eternity. A single clap rung out, it was Pastor Shaw. He stood up clapping once again in the

    process, then when fully erected, then speeding up his clapping gradually from slower to faster.

    Another man stood and did the same; a woman quickly and similarly followed. Soon people

    were rising left and right, all clapping, and no one was showing a hint of letting up. After a whole

    minute had passed, the whole church was giving Jesse a standing ovation, the painting and more

    importantly, the new church, was the most beautiful thing they had ever set eyes on. Pastor Shaw

    began to walk to the front; he wove both hands in front of him up and down to signal the

    congregation to conclude and retake their seat, even with Pastor Shaw giving the signal, the

    action still took a good minute or so. This seemed to frustrate Pastor Shaw and he began to wave

    his harms with more force to get the church to stop; they got the message.

    Pastor Shaw looked to heaven God! Holy righteous God! You have provided us dearly

    with a great gift, that gift is Jesse, we are forever grateful He walked to Jesse and put his arm

    around him. Today, our church has received another great gift, Jesse here hath provided. Funds

    for this magnificent church He pointed to the painting will start being collected immediately,

    Jesse will be the one leading that as well as the building of our new church Pastor Shaw turned

    his head and grinned at Jesse. Jesse smiled back, not knowing anything to say, the honor just

    bestowed, by Pastor Shaw nonetheless, was too great for words. A year from today we break

    ground, may God be fruitful in his gifts to the church in that time.

    That day Jesse stood with Pastor Shaw at the exit of the church and shook peoples hands

    as they left. That day however, most the handshakes were for Jesse.

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    Pastor Shaw looked over Jesses shoulder to see the check Five thousand dollars, you

    prove more useful everyday Jesse.

    Of course Jesse took great compliment to this and replied Thank you pastor, I do try.

    I bet you do. said Pastor Shaw as he left to catch the last few remaining members

    leaving the church.

    A year had passed, and fundraising for the church had been successful by any definition

    of the term. There was an outside picnic held by the church that Sunday after the regular service

    to celebrate in the field where the new church would be built. Pastor Shaw stood on a chair and

    bellowed Everyone! Everyone please quiet down! The moment weve been waiting for has

    finally come all attention turned to the good pastor. Pastor Shaw picked up a shovel that was

    propped against the chair he was standing on and held it high in the air. Today my friends, our

    church begins a new chapter in its great story. I will delay now longer. he looked out and

    spotted Jesse in the middle of the largest table. Jesse! I believe this is your job now and thrust

    his arm holding the shovel out towards Jesse. Jesse stood and walked to where Pastor Shaw

    stood and took the shovel, held it in the air for all to see, then with great force dug it deep into

    the ground picking up much dirt and setting it aside. Everyone clapped and Cheered Well done

    exclaimed Pastor Shaw who was stepping down from the chair you have done a great service to

    God. Jesse looked out and savored the moment of praise, not a soul wasnt celebrating, at least

    Jesse thought for the moment. Jesse continued to look out and saw one man not cheering or

    clapping, it was Joshua Rachman.

    Jesse went to him and curiously asked Joshua, are you not happy our church has grown?

    This is a time to celebrate. Joshua looked sadly at Jesse and replied The money for that church

    could have been much better used; many people in our own state went without food last night

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    because they could not afford it. And what do we do, we build a new building. He turned and

    walked away back towards his truck to leave. Pastor Shaw looked at them from across the picnic

    and could only grin. Jesse did not know what to say but shrugged it off as a misguided opinion,

    for Pastor Shaw himself had wanted this church to be built, and what the good pastor said was

    always in our best interest.

    The weeks passed into winter and the new church being built was the talk of the town,

    especially after a couple of months when it was beginning to show the beauty it had shown in the

    painting but was not done yet. Everyone admired as they passed, all except for Joshua. Jesse and

    Pastor Shaw noticed this one day from the dining room window in the good pastors house as

    they ate dinner. While they watched him he did not even glance towards it as he walked passed

    it, but kept straight ahead.

    How ungrateful can one be? exclaimed Pastor Shaw in disgust.

    I dont know responded Jesse I think he just keeps to himself and wants to be more

    independent, thats all.

    Joshua stopped to help a group of men working on the road unload some wood for a new

    sign they were putting up. He was down there often; he was spending the night next-door for a

    twenty four hour caned food drive. Keep to himself eh? asked Pastor Shaw No that man has

    no respect for the church, and all we do for him too. Ungrateful! Thats what he is, nothing else,

    you remember that Jesse, you hear me?

    Ehh, well maybe so. Said Jesse

    Jesse said Pastor Shaw moving on Id like for you to spend the night at my house

    tonight, theres something about the new church Id like to work on in the morning, first thing.

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    Sure, but I can just come in the morning from my house, it takes no more than forty five

    minutes to walk to the church. What would be so important to get started immediately anyway?

    Nonsense replied Pastor Shaw No need in making you walk so early in the morning

    when you can wake right here, for what youd be walking or waking for is a surprise though, you

    mustnt know what it is quite yet.

    Taking Pastor Shaws word Well alright, I do hope its as important as you say

    responded Jesse.

    Great! Well finish dinner and head straight to bed, it will be an early rise tomorrow

    exclaimed Pastor Shaw.

    Exactly how early? asked Jesse.

    Youll know when you wake up wont you Jesse? replied Pastor Shaw.

    Yes. I suppose I Will. said Jesse while standing up after finishing dinner, and continued

    Good night pastor Im anxious for tomorrow.

    Pastor Shaw nodded and answerd Good night Jesse, you should be

    Jesse left the dining room, Pastor Shaw still sat there looking out down the town towards

    the building of the new church and repeated softly to himself You should be. and grinned.

    Jesse! Jesse! Pastor Shaw rushed into the guest room Jesse was staying in, in the dead

    of night and a bit dirty and sweaty at that.

    Jesse groaned uhhh, what? Whats going on?

    Somethings happened to the new church Jesse, quick you must hurry! Put on some

    clothes and hurry! Pastor Shaw shouted.

    Jesse whose eyes spread wide open, jumped from the bed and scurried to put on clothes

    as fast as possible, this only took but half a minute. Jesse then rushed downstairs; Pastor Shaw

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    was waiting, when Jesse came he swung the closet door open and headed back down the hallway

    to grab a franticly grab a few more things and not turning to yell back, but yell back he did Its

    cold outside, take a coat! There was a sense of urgency. Something was wrong. Jesse reached in

    the closet and grabbed one of the five neatly hung sheep wool coats, leaving four.

    Whats happening? Whats going on? exclaimed Jesse shutting the door Is this the

    surprise you were talking about?

    Pastor Shaw turned around in all seriousness, looked Jesse in the eye and with his low

    gravelly voice commanded No! Just follow me. and headed down the hall to the front door.

    Jesse followed, and paused to peer through the dining room window towards the new

    church, something was different, something was radiating about it, and then Jesse realized what

    it was. Smoke! exploded Jesse The church, its on fire! Jesse rushed past the door and got

    into Pastor Shaws Mercedes which he had brought out and was waiting for him. Hurry

    screamed Jesse, the church, its burning!

    Yes I know! Pastor Shaw who was wearing only jeans and a long sleeved shirt, yelled

    back and they sped down the main street of town to the slowly burning church. Jesse looked

    down, the pastor had a black handgun in his lap, Jesse did not care to ask. When they got there,

    the flames were not evident yet, but the smoke had grown stronger. They didnt bother parking

    the car correctly, and both hopped out running towards the church. They ran, as they approached

    they heard coughing from the inside, and just then Joshua Rachman burst through one of the side

    doors coughing with smoke pouring out from behind him. He was carrying a little boy who was

    coughing also. He put the boy down at a safe distance. Jesse recognized him, he was the little

    boy who had asked if he was an angel.

    Joshua what are you doing here? screamed Jesse still running.

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    I was next door for the canned food drive, cough! I heard crying, cough! and came

    running replied Joshua

    Liar! Pastor Shaw roared You were not here saving that child, you started that fire!

    I did not, you selfish, lying, poor excuse for a preacher, Cough! I was here as I said I

    was, I would do no such thing! Joshua shot back.

    You expect me to believe you would run into a burning building like some sort of hero!

    rejected Pastor Shaw That stuff doesnt happen in real life, least of all here! He looked to Jesse

    and continued screaming This man is not a man of God! Hes been corrupted by Satan himself

    and brought to destroy our new church! This is a man of the devil!

    Joshua, stunned looked to Jesse in support. Jesse was split, not knowing who or what to

    believe. Instead of taking an immediate side, Jesse bent down to the little boy and asked Did

    you see who started the fire? the little boy still to scared to speak only nodded. Pastor Shaws

    face tightened, Jesse continued Could you tell me who started the fire? the little boy nodded

    again but this time sat down, raised his knees and put his head between his legs and started to

    cry. Please tell me who started the fire, this is important said Jesse more assertively, this time

    grabbing the boys shoulder. He looked up unable to speak, with tears running down his face,

    took in a deep breath, and blurted out one word Sheep! he cried and then put his head back

    between his legs. Pastor Shaw, out of Jesses sight, grinned. Jesse looked up at Joshua; the

    church was now in full flame.

    Ah! Only sheep farmer in our county, and a devil one at that cried Pastor Shaw

    pointing to Joshua. Joshua was speechless, there was nothing he could bring himself to say in

    defense. Jesse! Satan has called this man to destroy Gods work. Jesse looked to Pastor Shaw

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    heaven and spoke contently, some would say almost happily Father, into your hands I commit

    my spirit.

    BANG! A shot rang out and Joshuas body fell limply to the ground. At the same time a

    large support beam in the church fell, collapsing the middle of the church. Jesse stood in place

    for a moment, not moving an inch, not even to breath. Then to make sure the job was done, he

    lifted the gun once more and shot Joshua in his side; the job was done. He squatted next to the

    body and opened up Joshuas hand and took out the paper he had removed from his pocket

    before he died, opened it and read at it, it read Matthew 7:15. He squatted ruminating for a

    moment then a look of sudden shock came over his face, he gripped the paper tightly in his hand

    squeezing it until it hurt. He looked down at the coat he was wearing and said spitefully outloud.


    Jesse stood turned to Pastor Shaw who also stood there only he stood without emotion.

    Jesse asked Wheres your coat pastor, you know one of the nice sheeps wool ones? Pastor

    Shaw seemed confused.

    Im not following Jesse? replied Pastor Shaw.

    You mentioned to me when I first came to your home that you owned six of the finest

    sheeps wool coats, when I grabbed mine from your closet Jesse lifted the breast of that coat for

    a moment using the muzzle of the handgun I counted five including this one, you are not

    wearing one, so I am asking where is your coatPastor?

    Im sorry I must have miscounted, since when is that a sin? rebuked Pastor Shaw

    What does that have to do wit

    There was no surprise tomorrow was there? Jesse cut him off and continued. Pastor

    Shaws face went pale. Jesse persisted A bit odd for you to come wake me in the dead of night

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  • 8/14/2019 Only God Can Forgive Sins


    Armistead 23

    I an abomination? Look at him he pointed to Joshuas body he was a son of Canaan,

    his people were cursed to be our slaves! He would not support the church for heaven sakes! Alls

    he was, was some black smudge on the pure white cloth of my holy church!

    He was a man of God! Jesse rejected harshly Far more a man of God than any other I

    ever met, I see now why he did not support the church, he saw through you, saw who you really

    are, your nothing but a greedy, lying poor excuse for a preacher. I hope God has mercy on I and

    anyone else that ever listened to you.

    He a man of God? I a poor excuse? Have you not heard my sermons? I have cast Satan

    from countless helpless souls. I have helped the poor, I have prayed for those who didnt deserve

    it, I have done more for God in this world and forgiven more sins than anyone alive today! Ask

    anyone of my church, they have all seen me do it!

    They have seen, and they have been deceived! Listen to yourself, you speak of forgiving

    sin when you have just tricked someone into murdering a good man, a holy man!

    The church engulfed in even more flame and another part of it collapsed once more. All

    the sudden Pastor Shaws face relaxed from one of anger to a relaxed one of some obscure

    emotion and said softly Yes. Your right Jesse, I have sinned.

    Jesse moved closer still pointing the gun at Pastor Shaw Yes thats right you have sinned

    pastor. said Jesse.

    Pastor Shaw fell to the ground and began shouting I have sinned!

    Jesse shouted back moving closer with the gun pointed at the pastors head You have

    sinned and had an innocent man murdered for your own selfish racism!

    I am a racist lord! And have had this innocent man murdered because of it! Pastor

    Shaw yelled form his knees, his eyes beginning to tear.

  • 8/14/2019 Only God Can Forgive Sins


    Armistead 24

    Yes pastor you have sinned, Satan has corrupted you your whole life! Responded Jesse

    who now held the gun trembling on the pastors forehead.

    Pastor Shaw looked up to heaven and shouted Satan has poisoned my heart God! I am a

    sinner, Oh lord I am a sinner!

    Louder! yelped Jesse.

    I am a sinner lord! shouted Pastor Shaw with a face full of tears.

    I said louder pastor, heaven must hear you! yelled Jesse looking down upon the man

    once so respected.

    Now screaming at the top of his lungs I am a sinner lord, I have sinned, oh Jesse please

    forgive me, please cast Satan from my heart He spread his arms wide open and looked up to

    Jesse please Jesse, please forgive my sins!

    Jesse looked down at him spitefully and said to him harshly Only God can forgive sins.

    Bang! Another gunshot rung out, another limp body collapsed. Jesse did not pause this time, he

    walked over to the little boy, both of their eyes filled with tears, and picked him up. The boy

    smothered his tear ridden, sobbing face in Jesses shoulder, gripping tightly to the back of Jesses

    shirt. Jesse looked down at Joshuas dead body then patted the boy on the back of the head and

    said comfortingly Its okay to cry, a good man has died here today."