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A 3 Bad Monkeys Book. For more information, v isit

Copyright © 2008 by Damon Keen. Al l r ights reserved.

One Fel l Swoop by Damon Keen is l icensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0

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Fuck the system.

The Rules.

I’m still not sure why anyone would call that a crime, but there you go.

I rob banks.

Guess that makesme a bad guy.

I do what I wanna do.

Take lightening bolt.

Fortunately most of them are as thick as a sack of spanners.

Superheroes. There’s one at every party.

My nephew’s birthday present.

I sure hope he doesn’t mind me playing with it before it’s wrapped.

Bases his morality

on what he reads in the


Shoots electricity out of his fingers.


give it up, lady.

Terrorist scum.

That’s why I take precautions.



What kinda idiot doesn’t use his x-ray vision to perv on lois lane--

I mean you score a super power and you use it to solve crimes?

Or magic lasso the truth outta

a boy they’ve got the hots for?

-or for that matter actually

do something worthwhile--

Take the red pill munter.

Life isn’t a fucking comic strip.

Christiansprobably. No idea about the real world.

Like punch bush in the mouth.

The name’s swoop.

Sure, sarcasm, I guess.


Have I got any super powers?

Not sure if that’s a super power,

but damn, it scares the shit out of the moral majority.

Smart as a whip. Great tits.

Fell swoop.

And this is my town.

PMT 24/7.

Like it or not.