Download - Oncology - · Providing an integrated view of modern oncology across all disciplines, the journal publishes original research and reviews and keeps readers current on content


OncologyIf you’re looking for one source for online resources in Oncology, you’ll find hundreds of premium, current, critical resources spanning all major subject areas on Ovid—from comprehensive reference texts and monthly journals covering critical practice to bibliographic databases updated daily with the most current citations.

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CoreJournals,Books,andDatabasesinOncologyThe following resources are a must for any institution. For a complete list of journals, books, and databases in Oncology on Ovid, visit

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Journal of the National Cancer Institute OxfordUniversityPress This internationally acclaimed resource, one of the most cited original-research cancer journals, features up-to-date news and peer-reviewed information from the rapidly changing fields of cancer research and treatment.

The Cancer Journal: The Journal of Principles & Practice of Oncology Lippincott Providing an integrated view of modern oncology across all disciplines, the journal publishes original research and reviews and keeps readers current on content published in the book Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology.

Annals of Oncology OxfordUniversityPress The official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles addressing medical oncology, surgery, radiotherapy, paediatric oncology, basic research, and the comprehensive management of patients with malignant diseases.

Current Opinion in Oncology Lippincott This bimonthly publication features renowned guest editors and delivers expert assessments of developments from the previous year.

PLUS!OvidOncologyJournalCollection Convenient, cost-effective access to 16 premium journals that address critical sub-disciplines in oncology—all from the world’s leading medical and health science publishers.

BooksDeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 10thEdition Lippincott Doody’s Core Titles™: 2.87 - Hematology/Oncology; 2.8 - Oncologic Surgery (Essential Purchase Title); 2.73 - Nursing/Oncology (Essential Purchase Title) Widely recognized worldwide as a staple text for the medical oncologist, this book provides cutting-edge, practical information on the science of oncology and the multimodality treatment of every cancer type.

Perez and Brady’s Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology™, 6thEdition Lippincott Doody’s Star Rating®: 5 stars, score: 97; Doody’s Core Titles™: 2.73 – Radiation Oncology (Essential Purchase Title); 2.6 Hematology/Oncology Provides an understanding of every aspect of radiation oncology, the natural history of cancer, the physical methods of radiation application, the effects of irradiation on normal tissues, and more. Includes over 1,300 illustrations.

Berek and Hacker’s Gynecologic Oncology, 6thEdition Lippincott Doody’s Star Rating®: 4 stars, score: 92; Doody’s Core Titles™: 2.87 – Obstetrics & Gynecology Here’s the most comprehensive, current, and practical reference on gynecologic oncology, covering all relevant topics. This edition includes chapters on wound care, hospice care, and end-of-life issues.

Principles & Practice of Pediatric Oncology, 7thEdition Lippincott Doody’s Core Titles™: 2.93 – Nursing/Oncology (Essential Purchase Title); 2.47 - Hematology/Oncology The definitive reference in pediatric oncology includes state-of-the-art information and guidelines on every aspect of pediatric cancer—from molecular biology and genetics to diagnosis, multimodal therapy, follow-up, and supportive care.

PLUS!LWWOncologyBookCollectionofover85premiumeBooks!A comprehensive collection of over 85 leading resources, including classic texts and newer references.

DatabasesLWW Health Library: Oncology Designed specifically for oncology professionals, LWW Oncology delivers access to in-depth, unbiased, and expert oncology information that your staff needs to develop the best treatment options for their patients. Find current, authoritative content including authoritative texts, drug monographs, patient education, and more to support clinical diagnosis, patient management, and treatment protocols in oncology. Embase® Elsevier One of the leading sources of pharmacological and biomedical literature includes over 30 million abstracts and indices from more than 8,500 published, peer-reviewed journals, as well as in-press publications and conferences. Search the current records in Embase simultaneously with the archival information of Embase Classic. Ovid MEDLINE® National Library of Medicine Updated daily, MEDLINE on the Ovid platform offers novice and expert searchers seamless and up-to-the-minute access to over 23 million of the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,600 biomedicine and life sciences journals in nearly 40 languages (60 languages for older journals).
