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  • 1. & OFM Vacations

2. What is ON FIREMIRACLE?Our Business Building &Vacation ProductsPatent Pending Pay Plan 3. I have been marketing online for over 23 years and On Fire Miracle has been the best businessI have ever been involved in. What makes On Fire Miracle unique from the rest, is it places theindependent business owner first, and it is so very true. OFM is constantly adding new ways forIBOs to earn additional income, it just blows me away! OFM is a company that not only talks thetalk but it delivers. Thank you Will Williams for having the vision, and making On Fire Miracle a reality.I have been with On Fire Miracle since the beginning and WOW what a ride it has been. Thanks OFMfor giving me the vehicle for online success.Cynthia Barbour, USAI started in OFM and talked to a few of my friends and they decided to join with me. Now the emails arecoming into my inbox saying CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE MIRACLE MONEY. Money is alreadyhitting my back office and I am so excited to be working with great leaders who are very dynamic , thank youfor this awesome opportunity! The products are about educating you self in this industry as Will rightly saidEducation is the most powerful thing anyone can have...Rocking OFM in the Caribbean....~ Jerome, ANGUILLA 4. $50 2X2 Spark Level7 5. Ignite 100Payout$480Per CycleFlame 500Payout$2,400Per CycleFire 1000Payout$4,800Per Cycle250 TravelCardPayout$1,050Per Cycle750 ResortCardPayout$3,150Per CycleWhat other product levels canI start with?You Choose The LevelThats Right For You 6. SparkIgniteFlameFire 7. This Is An Actual Pay CenterOf One Of Our IBOs 8. Hotel Plus Card Can be used in over 83,000 properties In 148 countries Monthly Vacation Specials Great for business travel & much more! 9. Now I know that many of you are saying Yes, I want all of those benefits and feel that these amazing Traveland Digital Educational Products are well worth the cost of Becoming an IBO but just wait until you see theCherry on top of this On Fire Mirracle Program The Compensation Plan! 10. 2X2 Spark Level Pay Center 2X3 Vacation Pay CenterYOUYOU 11. IGNITE FLAME FIRE BLAZE MIRACLE$100 $500 $1000 $3000 $6000IGNITE LEVELTotal Payout$480.00+ 2 PaycentersFLAME LEVELTotal Payout$2,400.00+ 2 PaycentersFIRE LEVELTotal Payout$4,800.00+ 2 PaycentersBLAZE LEVELTotal Payout$14,400.00+ 2 PaycentersMIRACLE LEVELTotal Payout$28,800.00+ 2 PaycentersLeveragePowerSynergy 12. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $2501st customer on your payline creates aGlobal Pay Center on the Vacation level 13. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $2502175The Second Customer that lands onyour payline pays you $175 ! 14. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $250217531753rd Customer $175 Thats now $350! 15. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $2502175317541754th Customer $175 Now $525 16. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $25021753175417551755th Customer $175 dollars Now $700 ! 17. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $25021753175417551756175The 6th another $175 Now $875 18. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $250217531757th $175 Now $10504175517561757175 19. YouLuisDavidGLBJaime Silvia Frank JosieVacation $25021753175When the final spot on your paylinefills you will re-enter the vaction $250right under your sponsor and earn$1050! Over & Over again!4175517561757175FSP 20. 2X3 Vacation 2501ST Pay CenterSponsor2X3 Vacation 2502nd Pay CenterGlobal Network Build(GNB)GNB$175You will receive a Follow SponsorPay Center entered into the Ignitelevel upon completion of yoursecond cycle and each cycle toinfinity! 21. YOU2X3 Vacation Level 250Global Network Builder (GNB)1ST Pay Center (PC)2X3 Vacation Level 250Following Sponsor (FSP)3RD Pay Center (PC)2X3 Vacation Level 2501st Pay Center (PC)LEVEL1LEVEL2SPONSORGLOBALNETWORKBUILDYOUYOUTotal Pay Out$1,050.00$175$175$175$175 $175$175Bonus Ignite$100 Pay CenterSecond cycle through Infinity! 22. You can qualify for a share of the 10% Pool.40% of Bonus Pool 30% of Bonus Pool 20% Bonus Pool 10% of Bonus PoolHow to qualify for the Bonus Pool LevelsTo qualify for the Flame level bonus, you and two of your personallygathered customers must have completed a Flame level pay centerand be active (your $10 admin fee is current) Same rules apply to the Fire Miracle levels* OFM also offers a Uni-Level bonus plan paying on your personalsand second generation team members 23. Join OFM Today!