Download - On-Demand Private Cloud


On-Demand Private Cloud


Thoughts from Ken Owens, Chief Technology Officer, Cisco Cloud



“Businesses use technology every day. Whether technology

is their main product offering or not— every enterprise is a

technology company.”


“As an enterprise, your application is your crown jewel. You don’t just throw it to the public and hope it’s successful.”


“Private cloud is delivering business agility and helping enterprise businesses get to

market much faster.”


Not every company needs to build their own private cloud. On-Demand private cloud can reduce costs and free up IT staff to be strategic.


“When choosing a on-demand private cloud provider, look for

a company with years of experience working with enterprises and service

providers with a proven track record on delivering

performance and security.”#CiscoCloud

“On-Demand private cloud enables enterprises to focus on their core competencies.”


More about Private Cloud:

Read Ken Owens’ blog
