Download - Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom 12/Corning NY Journal/Corning NY... · Busom*, Drawer$i Scarft, Cravats, Tie*, Stock*, Merino and Cotton half Hon;



A r t fa Mich Central SOtn Railroad 3U SsQstm toonttfampo Thompson If O

I furiMin for the sale of rPHBOtJOH T1CKKTS to the following gtlu-I res among others -Baffalo Detroit Monroo lo

led Omkemsja ami tl Ports Lake Michlfa bull mum-fmm Cemlag to Detroit tat class bull raquo raquo

laquol riiM bullraquo Prom Cerelng to Chicago let 0IOM td olaaa o ad rim 15-50

AIM ideg Cincinnati St Louis llock Island Da haque copyetenu ami all the principal cities and vilshylage ilaquo Indiana llltttsis Wiacouaiu Iowa and Uinueaoca bull - raquo tf

bullraquo bull - bull mdash ~

QTATR OF NEW Y O U K - B T W BKS m c n i O - S h e r i f f s Off lce B a t h F laquo h dth 1 9 5 5

Proclamation ia hcrchy made that a Goanty Court aud Court of scerfons will be held at the Court House in the village of Hath in and fur the County of teu hen un the third Mmday Cihh day) ol March ncxraquo at IBM (clock in die loreno m and all peraous Wand Wappear at the aaid Conn by recognixance a otherwise are notified and required to appear thereat and aH J ustices of thePeace Comber and ether other who have taken ^any recognisance fur

- the appearance of an v person at aaid court or who haw taken any inquisition or the examination of any prisoner or wkneas are re qui red to return each reeogBisanceinqaisittoit or examination to the aaid court attba opening thereof on the first day of its silting bull

G T HABBOWER 8br i fr

- T T -



8 CO pa

Erie F o u n d r y and Machine S h o p Corning N T

The subscribers woatd give aotW that shay are constantly employing io their afaamdry and Machine shop a large force of competent workiueo and are prepared to ml all orders in the Ian ol their hsjavasss with promptness and upon as reasouable terms as at any ether establishment ia this section We Mat prepared to famish

Steam Engine and Boilers Mill Gearing PtowsTTefforya valuable Force Pnmpa Iron and Brass Ca atinga of all desmiptioas Wood-planoogfeod Shingie-Sawtng M achiaee Mortising and bull -1111111 M ichia es Ac Ac

JEr rKtll IIBOWN ft CO Proprietor W L HWKtlaquoa Managei 9 t i it




iwtmM we

a H

Philadelphia Medical House ESTABLISHED 90 year ago by Dr Kinkelin

corner i third and Union St I t ween Spruce and Pine Philadelphia Pa

Invalid Are apprised that Dr KJnkeiin confines hia practice to a particular branch of medicine which engages his undivided attention He cauikna the untortu nlite against the abase of mercery thousand are anshynually mereurialiaed eat of life tteeeat aflnction are promptly extinguished

Twenty years of Experience l a the treatment of a class of diseases hitherto negshy

lected and imperfectly anderstood has enabled Dr-Kinkeiw Author of a work on Self Presesvatfon to drolaquo a that niuc tenths of the cause of nervous deshybility local a nd con st i tut ion al weakness mntal and physical suffering are traceable to certain babit forming the moat secret yet deadly and fatal springs of domestic misery and premature mortality

T a k e part icular N t i c e There ia an evil habit sometimes indulged in by

boy iu solitude often growing up with ihem to manhood and which if net reformed in due time not iiil beget serious obstacles to matrimonial happishyness but gives rise to a serious oi protracted insid ions and devasting affections Few of those who cive raquoav to thisperuk-ioas prssifee am aware mi the ennaeqnence until they find the nervous sysloui shattered feef strange and unaccountable feelings sad ragoe fears In the mind

The unfortunate thus affected become feeble is unable to labor with accustomed vigor or io apply his ftind te studydy and woak be is dull irresolute and engage in hi sport with loss energy than usual

If ha emancipate ^himself before the practice ha done it worst and entSr matrimony hi m irriage is unfruitful and hia sense ted him that this is caused I by hi early lollies Them are considerations which | should awaken the aiieiition|of those similarly situashyted ^ v

Marriage Beqaims the fulfilment of several conditions is

order that it may be real y the cauae of mutual hapshypiness Could the oil which covers the origin of domestic wretchedness be raised audits true source ia every instauce disclosedmdash4a new many coatd it be traced to physical disqualifications an their atshytendant disappointments Apply them while it is yet time in order to have year anstrang and relaxshyed organization rebraced revivified and strengthenshyed

Remember mdash

B F Far wel l s C l o t h i n g S tore bull

B FARWfiJJL raquo now occupying the bullwhets Stem formerly divided with H D Kd

wards and has aBedi k tsgt olaquolaquoaWiskf w i n Mens

O f A l m o s t Every D e s c r i p t i o n of the a- quality and kataat styles sxmsistinK l i a V e s t s P a n t s laquoV Oyeral l s

of all sisfW and qualities S h i r t s Co l lars

Busom Drawer$i Scarft Cravats Tie Stock Merino and Cotton half Hon

Kid Litle Thread Hi Ik and Cotton tilwfs Mastic Suspenders

Silk L iars AOlaquolt o l i o s Pocket lldkfs UMIiRSLLAS 4 C ampC d-C

MlITS raquo laquo CVfraquo S Boot and Shoes Carpets India Rubber

ami jSnamdled Leather Bags Valises Brass banded Wood Folio Packshy

ing Trunks B F Farwell begs leave to state that one year

siuce bo opened a Clothing Store in Corning with the determination to famish hi customers with the beat quality of Clothing that could be procured in tha beat and moat approved Manufacturing estblith-tueitt in the city of New York and at the lowest prishyces possible P And also to transact business on pershyfectly fair andhonorable principles And he is hapshypy to state that bis highest expectation of (access have bona fatly realised and that he duly apprecishyates de favors of friends and customers who have boon pleased to give their pre erence to his establish mem He also with great pleasure acknowledges hia obligations for the generous welcome and friendshyly hearing of his honorable competitor- over the w a y and will be every happy to reciprocate hie kind and obliging favor

Now with a fresh and greatly enlarged stock of facilitiei

subscriber respectfully solicits a crease of patronage Corning May92 133 _ B F FARWEL

P i a n o Fortes

THE aoderefgned would give notice that he besset up gt ne of Light ft Newtous seven octave

iiano Fortes at bis house These Pianoe were formerly a Id at SM3 hat the circa instances of the company am saeh that they am obliged to ha sold at s-i-v 1 have sold In one year In Steuben On tuno and Yates over 90 of these Pianos and Sat them all up a trial and have not la a single in stance taken down one which goo to speak volshyumes ia their praise These ltanos am Herman aake and tone and ate not equalled by any ia tea i nurd State for style of fornilam and teste The lovers ot good Ptanoes are invited to call and examshyine the Piano at my house whether they wish to purchase or not it they wish to see and boar a truly beaut i ful i n s t r u m e n t ot the forge c l a w for bull-raquo a n d warrant -d t i fu dol lars l e s s t h a n c a n b e p u r c h a s e d i n N e w Y o r k W i t h t h e m o n e y in h a d o f t h e s a m e s u e iud qoality These Pianos am used sltogetber at music dale Mr VVhcltk-ys Piano School in the Unishyted States snd am sought for by moss ol the teachers incur laquo W HATHAWAY

Corning Nov 30lh IMS N H Persons wishind to purchase aad desirous

of seeiag ihe subscriber will please leave word at my house

New Arrangement at the Oldest Drug and Book Store la Corilmff

bullPHE Proprietor of the above eatabliah X ment inconsequence of the enlargement and

increase of his business ha associated his Son as partner in the above concern The business will hereafter be conducted under the firm of

W U tEHHKLL ft SON ^Co-ning Jap 23 1854

The Books and accounts ofthe old establishment will be found at the same place Persons bavins deshymands will please present the same for paymentmdash

j Those indebted am respectfully requested to call and t _ 3 laquo ~ W l l T B B B B L L

THOMPSONS P R 0 M t l A M E a T 0

Vet T H B r t B i K

Am I m p o r t a n t A u n o n u c e m e t R e t i r e m e n t SJ

P R O F M c C L I N T O C K M D The undersigned hsve the pleaeore of informing

the public that they have made arrangements with tb eminent Professor JamCllateek l i Dbdquo ot Phil delneta hnowa for more than a quarter of a cea-tery east as oae of tb greatest Practitioners and Teachers of Medicine and surgery la this country or In Europe for the preparation of hi long celebrashyted Family Jafodicino

These remedies embrace some of the most vslua be discoveries and combination ever known for the earn of disease They am the fruits of the moat p r o f o u n d i n v e s t i g a t i o n the w i d e s r e s e a r e h a n d t h e m o s t u n e q u a l l e d e x p e r i e n e n e e o P o n e o f d i e first physician of oar f Each remedy is especially adapted to some particular form of disease ia actor-dauc with the highest principles of modru medical science Each of these remedie has

Facts Oannot Be Doubted 1 S T THE AFFJL10TBD HEAD AND


O R E than 500 person in the elty of Kich raquoaaojVa afoas Hsttfy to the remarkable

cure performed by ^ C S t e r 1 Spanish Mix ture The Spring Medicine oad Purifier of tb Blood raquo

now used by beadmds of grawfeJ patie nU who tese tify daily ugt the remarbabsateures perforased by the-

fmatest of all medicine Carters Seanish Mixture levralr ~

speedily pat to flsght by uing this great aad) timablc remedy

Goods aad with increased facilities for business theJ C o m p e t i l O t t t h S I s l f e O f B u s i n e s s corresponding in a bull r i bull bull bull bull

a bull raquo mdash ( l f

Dr J B Marchis i s CELEBRATED CATHOLICON FsiftlM Relief ass Csre of Salerlig


He who ptaeea himself under Dr Kinkelini treatment may religiourly confide in his honor a a

I gentfomaa and rely upon the assurance that the se-I creis of Dr Ks patients will never be dietoed

Viino manmdashlet no false modesty deter yea from making your case known to one who from edeca


T00000 copies laquoold ii less than a year K nev

It stands pre e m nent Cur its curative powers hi all the Jis-eaess for which it is recommended usualshyly called Pantile Complaint Of those are Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb t Fluor Albua or White Chronic Infismma lion and Ulceration of the Womb Incidentshyal He vjorrhave or Flooding Painful Suppressed aad Irshyregular Menstruation

itb all their ac-

no matter how

lion and respectability can certainly befriend Too many think they will conceal the secret in

therr own hearts and cure themselves Alas bow often is this s fatal delusion and how many a prom

companying evils (Caaccr excepted severe or of how long standing

The Oatholicoli farsurpasses other remedies in being more certain lea expensive snd leaving the system in a better condition Let all interested call

I aad obtain a pamphlet (free) containing ample proof

l^TE welcome our neighbor over the r v way amoutf the Vloikimg tlralrrt of Corning

aad hope he may f-ire mm x-dl as he hopes and as wo have sinceuur Brt cnnraieueina the

C l o t h i n g B u s i n e s s nth is village From a small beginning our trade ha increased to anextent farbeyond all oar expectashytions and yet oar ambition is not satisfied nor our end aad aim reached The

Consist (Jletti Store he net yet arrived at i u highest point of notority and usefulness W e have laid broad the foundations and the timber am strongaud we mean it shall be one oi The Bent Establishments in the Country for a man to visit when he w ishesto^

Replenish h is WarOrob Altho we have never kept the biggt$ to ck iaa

Steuben nor professed to sell forty per cent less tha our neighbors yet we hsve always been able to^fi thetalhst or tho skorieil of men and have given al most

Universal Satisfaction o the large number who hsve tested the quality strength sud superior style ofour garments W e say nlmutt because the man baa yet to-be born who can ay be never made a mistake-the atom has yet to be started from which no inferior article of merchanshydise has been sent unintentionally bat wlaquo venture to say this much that no man ever came to

iito Thompson k i o and said that this or that article was notes good ss hsd reason to expect who was not remunerated in

been tried improved and Anally perfected ia tbe course f a

long active and highly successful practice not only in Philadelphia bat throughout many of the disshytant sections of lue country to which hi treat repushytation has called him Their natam and cither am known aad approved of by bandra of regular phpi who bsve been his students and seen their benilieis results in Dr AcClintoeks own hsnds while they were under hi tuition in the College of Philadelphia Csslleten Pittsburgh aad elsewhere

The Philadelphia San remarks bullbullEminently sue cessful in bis private pracice extensively known for his medical erudition and aa the inttrmetor of mor-medical itmknis than perhaps and other man ia I iion Dr McClintock is just tbe person whose exshyperience and reputation will beget that complete conshyfidence in the public mind which will relieve bin medicines from all suspicion of empiricism and carry them into everv house a a blessihg

Rcaef thm SataoenSaaj CovtlSaet This Is to certify that I have placed in the hand

of Mossrs A Cushvui ft Co Aew York tbe receipt of my Family Medicines with my full authority to prepare and offer them for popular use They am such ar I have been in the habit of recommending and prescribing for many yearsand their compoi ition is well known to hundreds of regnlar physicians who have been my students and w ho arc tunny of tbem

a r i nesti

For all disease of the Bfood eothiae Use yet boon foand to compere with i t It clean the sysshytem of all impurities acts gently and efficiently ongt tbe Liver and kidneys strengthen the Digestion gives tone to the Stomach makes the Skin clear anlti healthy and restores the Constitution enfeebled by

iscase or broken down by the exceeseagt(of youth to it pristine vigor nd strength

For the Ladies it i incomparably better than all tbe cosmetics aver used A few dose of Carters Spanish Mixture will remove all sallow raquoess of comshyplexion bring dm rose^msntling to tha cheek give elasticity ugt the sted and improve the general health in a remarkable degree beyond all the mlaquodiciaeraquo ever heard of

A large number of wertincstes of rcmorkabU

now practicing will distinguished success in all parts of the country In securing the cooperation ol sir Alex Cashmaa who fee thoroughly educated Chemshyist and practical Apothecary of many years experishyence t am enabled to assure the public that ihey will be prepared in the best aad best purest and most perfect form regardless of expense

JAMES VetLINTON M U Late Professoroe of Anatomy mid Surgery n the Philadelphia Colicg of Medicine and Acting Professor of Midwifery one of the Consulting phycians of the Philadelphia Hospital Blockley low member of the Nattnal medical association membeal society member ot the Medico Chirureical College of Philadelphia forshymerly President and professor of Anatomy aad Sorshycery in Castteton Medical College Vermont and also late professor of Anstomy snd Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institution Afass ftc Jtc

I D r McCl intock P e c t o r a l Ngt t o p Aa invaluable remedy for Bronchitis Consumption

and all chronic disease of the tluoat and ungs In all deed seated comptaints of the Pulminary organs the most safe certain snd rapid remedy ever em-nloyep in tbe extensive prociico of Dr McClintock For sny of these forms of disease showing themselves as Cough tickling in tbe throat Sense ot tightness in the throat Spitting of blood Difficulty of breathing Hoarseness or loss of voice and Hectic fever pleasant to tbe palate and strengthening to tbe whole system bull t contains no Laudnum or opium in any shape Price f 1 per pint bottle II DrMcCUntoeksCoM and Cough Mixture

An inlalible core for recentCoughs Tickling in

cure performed on person residrug in tbe city o f Richmond Va by the use of Carter Spanish Mix tare is tho best evidoiee that them ia no humbug about it The pre hotel keepers magistrates physhysician and public men weU kaown to the commushynity all mid their testimony to the effects of this OHKAT BLOOD PvatrtxR bullbullgtbull gtt

Call an i see a tew hundreds of the certificates-around the bctlle

None genuine unless signed Dennett ft Beers Druggists _raquopound laquo

Principal Depeta at M Ward Close ft Co No S3 Maiden Lane New York

T W Dvott ft Sons snd Jenkins ft llartshoine Philadelphia

Bennett ft Beers No 193 Main Street Rich moud Vs

And for sale by W Terbell ft Sea Corning If Seely Painted Post A Hess Uath C E V Baldshywin Homcllsville J H Parmleo Wellsville

8 - l l l y

Peel Your Hemlock Bark HOWELL Curtis amp Co are prepared to eon-

tracl for 1000 cords good Hemlock Bark Io bo delivered atttu-r Tannery new building near the residence of Daniel Curtis Esq i Campbell

lie town oraquo



gi t d

9 n is

3poundQ9 KNOW tUVdKLi An Invaluable Book for 33 ee usmdash Every Family

should h e m e Copy - - bull

in ma year A new

A ^ 5 ^ gt ^ ^ i i ^ pound l 3 ^ S lt l i n n revised sud impro-^^-Jseurofr ffllKSTijiBfc-^vedjuit leaned


outline of the ori progress treatment aad cam of every form of

contracted by nrOmfsBSoe sexual inter enirs by self abuse or by sexual excess with sd-Tiee foe their prevention written i n s familiar style avoiding all medical t-clintcalitie and everything that would olTend thn ear of decency with aa out lino of complaints incident to Female from the

of soma twenty years successful practice ex rely devoted to the cam of diseases of a deli

tor private nature which is added receipts for the earn of the

ahnve disease aad a treatise ee the causes sympshytom and cere ofthe Fever and Ague

Testimony of tbe Professor of Obstetrics in Penn Colleee Philadelphiamdash -bull Dr Humeri Medical Manual mdashThe author of this work unlike the ma jority of those who advertise to cure the disease of which it treats is a graduate of one of the beet Colshylege in -the United States It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the unfortunate or to the vie tiraof malpractice as asoreeasful and experienced bulleeeektoaer hi whose honor ard Integrity tWv may plane the greatest confidence

Jos S LosesHottF M D From A WendwsnL M D of Penn University

Philadelphiamdashit gives me pleasure to add my tra thnoayM the nrofessfoaat ability of the Author of tbe Medical MaaaalmdashMuiwermwcaseof Dtseose-e the Oetiftal CPruu raquo n w of tbem f long tending have seme aoder my notlee is wbieh bis sk ill has b e e n mani fes t i n relaquof gtr in if t e p e r f e e t h e a l t h i a s o m e rases where tb patient has been considered beyond medical aid In the treatment of Seminal weakshyness or disarmngemeat of die (auctions prestaued try setf abase or Excess ef reerry I So not Know bis sup -rlor in the profession I have been acquain ted with tbe Author some thirty years ami deem it no more thasjsstice tc him aa well as kindness to tbe unfortunate victim of early iadfoeretion to recshyommend him a one in whose professional skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves

Ai raru WMnwMt M D r excttptkm The most

iraquoing young man who might have been aa ornamen tosociety has faded from the earth

(bullstrictures of the urethra are rapidly removed by the application of a new therapeutical agent need only by Dr K Weakness and constitutional deshybility promptly cared and full vigor restored

Country Inva l ids Caa have (by stating their case explicitly to

aether with si 1 their symptoms per letter enclosing s remittance) Dr i t s medieine sppropriated accorshydingly

Forwarded ta any part of the United States and packed secure from damage or curiosity

R e a d Y o u t h and Manhood A Vigorous J ife or a Premature Death Linkelin

en 8elf PrtMerraTfotrmdash Only 23 cents It is a work eminently required as a meana of

reforming the vices ofthe age in which we lire -Alse

N a t ores Guide ~ W tin Rules for the Prolongation of ltfc just from the press

A letter with a remittnuce of 2rgt cents or the value in post stamps addressed tomdashDr Ktnkelin Philashydelphia Pa will secure a copy of either of the above books by return of mail or 13 copies will be sent free of postage for 1 Booksellers Oaovassers Travelling Agen s Ac supplied wholesale st the publishers prices which admit of a large profit

S T All Letters must be postpaid IhrTMlp


__ tax-

A N E W M E T H O D Medicated Inhalation

A HOST W o N D e t t F O n r s c o v e r y has recent ly been made by DK CURTIS for tbe care of Asth ma Consumption Bronchitis Coughs Colds and all Long Complaints by Medicated lhalation Dr Curtiss Hygeana or Inhaling Hygeaaa Vapor and Cherry Syrup has accomplished the most wondershyful care of Asthma and Consumption in the city of Mew-York and vienity for a few month peat ever known to man it is producing an impression On Disease of the Lung never before witnessed by the medical profession (See certificate In the nands of Agent)

The Inhaler is worn on the breast under she lmca whhoet the least ineoetveoieace the heat of tbe body being sufikiert te evaporate the fluidmdashsupplying the long constantly with a healing araquod agreeable vapor passing into all the air cells and passage of

I the tangs that cannot possibly be reached by any eth- er nw ills for Here ia a ease of

CONSUMPTION CURED r fw Yoitx Dec 27th 153 in the ship Telegraph my

native place is S t John New Brunswick when I readied this city my health was very poor had a veey bed cough raised a good deal of matter which wis frequently mixed with bfood bad psis ferny left tMe and waa very weak and emaciated My friends an I physician pronounced my case Coasamp-tion snd beyond the reach of medicine 1 accident-hear of Dr Curtiss Hygeana or Inhahag Hygean Vapor and Cherry Syrup and obtained a package which verily believe waa the meana of raving my lif- Sgtou after wearing the I nhaler 1 foand It rashy

yon j fTOnl ti0 n^in respectable sources of the beneficial results of its use together wUh letters from highly

experienced Physicians who have used it in their practice and speak from their own observations

REFERENCES P B Peekham M D Utica N Y L D- Flem

ing M D Rochester N Y M H Mills M D Rochester N Y- D Y Foote M D Syracuse N Y Prof Dunbar M D- Baltimore Md J C Or rick M D Baltimore Md W W Reese M IX New York City W Prescott M D Concord N H J P Newland M D Utica N Y Rev C S Beard Olenn Springs 8 C

Pamphlets to be Md Gratis at the Store WILLIAM TKRBSLL AgentmdashDruggist Corning Y and by Drnggiata at Elmira Havana Horse Heads Millport ftc

JJeraquo K0TICB TO TfTB CNIftMrTCNATE rEMATB 1 feel it a duty incumbent upon myself to declare

publicly the great blessing Dr Marchisis Uterine Oat helicon h_s proved to me For two yeais my health waa miserable I was almost unable to walk Physicians pronounced my case falliug of the v otnb extensive ulcerations commencing with floor albas The pains irritation prostration and the intolerable fintid discr irge rendered life almost a burden In this miserable condition Dr E P Newland recom-mendeduDr Marchisis Uterine Catholteon After iekiaajpoar bottles I find myself in perfect health Srstitudeifor my rejtoration makes we ardently desire thst alf my rex alike unfortunate may find sure relic from this inestimable medicine

ELIZABETH A NEWLAND No 19 West sr Utica N Y Tho above statement I Know to be true

F P NEWLAND M D Utica N Y I have used for some months past a prepared n

for female complaints called Marchisis Uterine Catholicon which I was induced to try in soma ex trerne eases st tbe urgent request of some patients who introduced it to my notice I am persuaded after tiying it in a great many eases that it surshyal ase all other remedies within my knowledge for that clam of difficulties for which it irecommended It ha cured some vary extreme cases nnder my ob servatfon which have resisted all other treatment

L D FLEMING M D Rochester N Y J B MARC HI SI Sf Co Proprietor


some way to hia entire satisfaction With the mujgt theabroat Tightness of breathing Croup iu children plicity ot Goods which every merchant doing any a- Ac It contains no preparation of opium rice S3 mount of business must have it is idle to say that no cents per bottle poor Goods will ever pass through his hands and the r M c C n t o c l t s Asthma and H o o p i n g best that any man under heaven can do is to make restitution should any thing ofthe hindjinadvertantly and unknowingly occur Now this we deem the true statement ofthe liabilities attending every mans busshyiness be it of whatever nature it may

A to Prices it always aftord usthe greatest pleas are to submit ear

e an examination for we have the most ahnndaa proof both from oar own knowledge ia the matter and the testimony ofthe who have done so ths ne one will mske a comparison of

Prices and Quality without leading iiirn-to tbe inevitable conclusion tbat

W E A R E R I G H T + on rtii main question Il rs pretty generally under

stood that we manafactnre ail our

aive and iatel iltible work pabHsbed on the class of dJssseeaaof which it treats Avoiding all technical terms If addresses itself to dto reason ot Is readers It is free from all objectionable matter aud no parent however fastMfoas can object to placing It iu the hands of hi son The author has derated many years to the daeatment of the various complaints treated of and with too little breath te pud ami toil it tie (resumption to Impose he he offered to the world at the merely nominal price of 23 cents the fruit of some twenty years most successful nrac tice -Herald r

- No teacher-or partnt bullhoafd be without the knowledge imported i t this Invaluable work It would lt yesrs of pain monifiVaifotr and sorriw to ths y o u t h uu 1 j r tu ir clwrk-lt- mdash P e o p l e s A d v o sate

A presbytwrfan elergymin in Ohio wrhfef of Hunters Medical Msnoal says mdashlaquobull Thousands apgt ee thousand of oar youth by evil example aad in-fforaquoneeof dm passions have been llaquod into the habit laquof seif pollution withrot realising the sin and fearful crmsequence upon themselves and their praquo-t-mv The nousthutfoa of tHousanda who are raising ftril Ifosheve been enfeebled If not broken down an I they do eot knew the cause ofthe cute- Anything tbat eea4raquoe done o to enlighten and iafleeur the puiilu- mind as to check and ulifmstily to remove thfo widespread source of human wretchedness wire Id confer She mwj atest Uessirtg next to the reli g u m of J e s u s Oi i r i s t orft l ic p r e s e n t a n d C o m i n g g e n

eratiou iiifsnpranrc (er the ase of intoxicating eriaksy though it hss sisin thmsaadt upon tloiinnI is not t greater scourge te ihe hvman race Accept my thank on behalf of the afflicted aad believe lue yeareo-werkerla ihe good work yen arc ao actively eagaged ta

fnrw ard tl


Chronic e r Xenrolls D t b l l l l y Disease

of th- Sidneys e e x Jsenses arising

from a Disordered Liver er stomach such as Constipation

In ward Piles Fullness or Bfood to ine Reed Acidity of the Stsmaeh Nan-

sea llannhnrii Diiiel fen Feaw Fun-ness or wehjrM in the Stftmaafc Soor Erec

tat ions Sinkintr OT Flniierina at the Pit of the Mmsch Hwimming of the Head Htwried and difncult Breathing flattering at the Heart Cliosking or rtufltMSatiog Sensations ltVhcn in s lying Poetorc DVracwss of Vision Dots or

th tWht Fever sad IfoH

One copy (sssrarelv enveloped) will be free of postage a snylpart of thflfUntret S3 rwits or ak| copies for t l Address ft eonle bullOSOKN ft Co Pabltekere or pbia

KW Hooksellert Caavaseers supplied oa Ihe nmst liharal u-rnu

Box post

1M Iliilsdel

snd nrwk

V bull bull - -

T l MOTH V RKKD-One hfandred boah eh) ef lb sssetwm kind foot reeefoed nd for

etteUf WALRKS ft tUaNEar

RSADrr THF W k v W mw bosks jtart

^OBI^wQl i i r i S i a | aajaa I d ie w i l d - N P W i l l i

the disease made it bullanfaaii apon the at u n d e r t h e l u l i a f o r I took ths C h e r r y f t y r n p a s d l -recttvrt and eeetlaoee to do so mv covgh grsdeslly KBHting better until it entirely left me and 1 new consider mvlaquolf Cured I still wa the Inhaktv as the use of it is rather pleasant and believing it stre glbeelng and purify ins te the lungs I feel nn willing at present to dispense with it


BIIOOKIrs N YtDec awsh IMS Frgtr alout eight i srs-1 hv been serem y sfHie

laquobull I with tb Asthms for the lst tare y e a n I have suffered beyead all my powers of disruption monihs bullt a time Ive not been able te steep in bed getting win- rest I eoald silling te my chair My difficulty of breathintt aad my sufferings were so great at theses that far hear togcrhev my friera expiated each beer weetd be my kaat Dartog the past six years 1 hive had the aid and attendance kit sosnt of tbe most celebrated physician hot Iu ve received no pe maneet benefit and I at tittle relief 1 at length had the good fortune to procure D- Cents

Hygeaaa or Inballn Hygean Vapor aad Cherry Sy-I reps At the thee I first ehtaieed it I wee mteimg | under one of nay most vfoesnt attack aMk wa te great distrea almost suffocating for wast ef breath

In test than ten mtantea from ths time 1 applied tbe I uhal to my stomach and took a feespoonfut of the Chewy rtvrep I was relieved ta a great meanrlaquo fVese the difficult j of breadtteg sad had a eomforta-

| ble utfht t have since continued I with the f rent-I est p issibte b fii and am now comparatively well God only knows the amount of this medicine has re I lieved me from Myedviee to dm suffering te try it

MAIIGHKT bull ASTON Sold by BOTD k P t f L Re 1st Chambers St

C H RING corner of John street and BroadwayN bulltftpnenejr

N Hmdash Any person lncolaquofnlaquo Ot W BOTD ft PAUL er f f i t TIM ft F H KI N-i New York will reeehre a peefcag eoetasnasg a bottle ef Hyfmen Va-por one of Cherry Syi up and aa lahnler In a neat braquoS by cxpreas free to any pert ef the Vnfied 8 fraquolaquo package fr t i t raquo raquo ly

Kor Sale by W TerreU ftgen sod sisr by N T Colby - raquo raquo bull

tin and Ejea Psin ia the Side Back Chest

Limbs dr Cadae Feshe of Meat Burning in the Flesh Ceneftaat Imagining uf Bvii

and great TJepressfoe of Spirits can be effecta-

ally eared by D O C T O R H O O F L A N D S


(kid man Bitters rncrancn nt-


So 120 ArcK St ear dmmr Wom South Phtlada

mm Goods bought in Boston and New York-Mr Ely the ssmior partner of the concern reside

in Schenectady and is a practical Tailor of morut a twentylive year experience and every garment passhyses his inspection before it is sent from the factorymdash With this aud the advantage of receiving Good eveshyry w e e k

B y E x p r e s s we have ne hesitation in itraquo-rlraquorimr onr ability te

supply the necessities of suck aaare in want efa F A S H I O N A B L K W E L L M A D E

artiele on the tnott REASONAHLK T K R M S

G e o T h o m p s o n df Co Corraquofng June 185S

-l^HEttiing lias becorrre so w^Itrad-rgfoott JL in Corning that

iiKOIUsE THOMPSON CS have a larger stock a oetter variety and a more duf rable article of

R E A D Y M A D E C L O T H I N G than most other dealers that is is scarcely necessary any longer to resort to the columns of an advertising Newspsper o keep it before tbe people Yet as we like to see all trades prosper snd our friends the pubshylishers of the Corning Journal may perhaps send their rltipe hi some remote corner where the lame eftbe

Corning Clothing Store has not yet reached we therefore make use of their sheetmdashby paying for it howevermdashto impart a knowl edge to such as are not already acquainted with tr fact that in Coming at

f larkel S f r rc l at the sign ofthe

STONE IV THE WALK A man whesrgsrmcnts have become so much sniler

aad wore oet a to make it necessary for him to re place them by new noes csn do so te a little bottei sdvsntsge provided- he wants a good article and well made than where no attention is paid by the seller toward a permanency in the

C l o t h i n g B u s i n e s s FaU style efSilk Hat are received and sold hylaquof

k QEO THOMPSON ft Clt7 Corntnc Sept 3 i M t

Cough R e m e d y An almost instantaneous relief for these distressine

complaints This the fruit of an immense experience and is astonishing hi its effects No person need sufshyfer a day from asthma or hooping cough who will use it Price SO cents per bottle

4 poundgtrr MeCtimtxtYe Dutrrrhoeea Cordial ead Choi era Prectwtatttrr

A prompt and and certain cum for Diarrhoea Dys entery and Cholera morbus ia ail it sugcs A snre preventative of Asistic Clio vera which no traveler or family should be without Price 25 aad 60 tenl5 per bottle

S Dr MeClinieeit Tonic Alternative Syrmp For purifying tbe bfood Tbe most powerful pari-

tier ever discovered For all ScroSulons disease Skin diseases Erapiens Boils Pimples Ulcers 8ampe Legs snd al Hheamatic and Syphilitic complaint ftc il hi infallible Price (pint bottle) t l

6 r iicClimorJki by peptic Exilir Dvsrrrsi or disordered digestion may b called

the National diaerae of America It symptoms r headache giddiness nervousness low spirts dimnett of vision with motes or specks before tbe eyes itch ing of the nostrcls dullness of hearing and ringing jn the ears dissg -eeable taste in tbe month eenstrir titnor weight shout the chest difficulty of breathing sense of suffocation in lying down or in aascudiic stairs palpurtioa or uneasy fcelfogs shout the heart irregular or deficient appetite sense of sinking at the stomach acidity heartburn pain or fullness of tfo abdomen snd rostiveness Some of these symptom al way s appear in dyspeptics and sometimes the IIBII patient hss msny of them at the same time or a-different times For attacking these Protesn-spmp-toms in their seat snd soure-viz deranged condition of the tliuesttve functions theDyspeptic Kxilfr comshybines all the valuable ingredients which the Vrghs hie kingdom stems Taken hi connection with the Vegifable pargstive pills ia case where Uwre is much cosmencwior wrth the Anti-Bilious Pills where the functfons of the liver are irregularly discharged it will be found a mesteacctaal remedy Price (is Pint Bottles traquo

VII Dr AlrChntnekt Rheumatic Mirtnrt For internal use bull purely vegetable couihinatfoi

for the cure of Bheunauisni Oout and alt Neuralgic and Bbcoautie Diseases Tins remedy is offered tbe almost confidence It be been used mast ex tensive-ly and is as near a Specie for Mheumstic Diseases aa the world has ever accn- Price per Botshytle Fifty Cents

VII Mr MrCtsfosts Remmatie Iinimmm An infallible outward epplrcaiioB for the relief of

all rhcumstic or ncuralaic pains - Shiraius swellings tiff neck stiffness of the joints pains in the shoulshyders bsckc-r limbs It affords immediate relief from colic and pains in the stomach aad abdome A bull counter-irritant ii is invsluabk in all Where snextentalstimulale is needed Frim ncr bottis Fifty Cent

IX Dr AfrChntmrk- Anraquo4ynr Mixture OT Pain Extractor aeed internally and externally

for the Instant relief of all pahs Teetbaehe Head sclie CeHe Agne in the Face Chilbfans Neeralgis Stone or Grieve ftcfte No pain aeed be endured a moment by any person who will nte this valuable Anodyne Price 50 cents per bottle

X lr NdHntoek Ferrr mmd Kgm NjnWtV This lss been found re lafellible rpCfiffc for this

sr-eergo ofnetv ueainte Snd for intermittent fervers No traveller or rosideat (a aa ogee district ahould fail to provide themselves this sam paVotive Frit t l par bottle

1 gt U J O H N B U L L S

SABSAFARILLA T h h medielss wbs i assd seesrding to tixwUuM l i t

rs a l l h o u t f a i l mdash _ _

or Kiss s Kraquol taiiecra KntptioM

of ih taJa Krlpraquolsa Tuaers Chronic Sors Kyss

ftbif xtsrsa or Totters Seal J l l o a j lthvuMsilsni tsins in ths Hones ST

Joint Oi Soros a4 Ulrrs SwaHlsg oil tas e iassls SrphUa Drspvpsht laquoatt Rhsosav

lo f l a s EMiMys Dtssasrssrlslwg frtni las



a s s of Usrt-ury Loss of Appstlto fsin in tao8Msasf t bullheult isrs Osuoral lability bUMbafn ( nughi Colds-

Dropsy JsvindiesOstiTraquonss llmnrliitliUgtitkitassof t h s Clsost e o n Throat Psioiosary A s W t w s s aad all satec

laasassa tossing teseseee ConsawpttoeUvsr Cos-pUlnt - Kruit Irregularities snl l uoiplsl i i t Ilaquolaquo

Spirits Sick and Merrous If s tar t NilaquoUt Seoat gxposur or Twprudimos la lifs

Chronic Constitutional plssasss s a d M tartBC and Butumor Hrlok and Oonersi

Tonic for ths System s a d s senile and pleasant purcaUvs it is

Superior to ttiie IitX s a d Congress Water

tsMCOrSehllits Powders raquo

It Is a remarkable fWat teat amenf the hundred of eminent phytkiana who have examined the resfp s y tsiich Bulls aarsaparuia is prepare not eae i n s eoa-deiine1 i t bat all approved it and eommesd It i s the Uiglieet terms U s s y physteians express tlietuelvee-issssifte to the s e l M teat it Is decidedly ths beet prepashyration of Sarsaparllla tbat baa ever been ptserd before the public Although there are many pliirK-mii whs feel a reinrianee to having their nasses SSpsuded IS the rseam-Bteudaiion of any particular remedy i io lni iUsUsdlsg they may sf prraquos of It )n tie bighest uaTree Ibsre am s teers wfe f ikly y te l l their laquoi| rurt in nivor of S renwdy vbllaquo iltey knlt s Is ripakle of duing so mnrh food hi s n saUeted coon unit y As an evilen-e lead tbe tSlrowia from eld sud rsspsstsble physktans sf blggt bull U u d t a g i a ths ecansinuity ugt agthiek they MV gt

TBSV1MONT t r - TvscimnnT like ths Sllowlng renders uperBooea

all M l SMOts s a I no sBraquoaJI of Hul l s Sara pa ri I la yen rem Or I P Yandell Irofessor of Chemistry in (lie l^iUvilie Mcdlral College I have looksd over the list of liltltrdigtHtraquo aempeshvg John Balls Compound Kxrreet of sraquorgtapaiIlia sod have no beitation In saying ibot i her fbrai a sale seen pound aad one thai prow less well ia entSMts sSMSiia io fh ie l it is applicable L 1 1ANUMIX1I ft

Loaisvills Jan 8 18ft

what Br Pytss pfcysW-isji by appointment te ths La Isvilie Usriue HsSplfoi says Sf Hul ls Sar^pariMa

frfiuisviuus ttmnh 9K Msti I ha examined the sMsnletfea fee ths premmttesyef

John Bulls Sermparllla and 1 believe ths cmblaat lou M be aa oxeaUsut on and wsll ealeatstet traquo prWlac aa

I haveuwlii bo-s

g ^

sl eratlre impressinn on the ystem 1 bsve used It boia In ptte and privMs srastlas sad ttnab It tas bso artiele of Sarm peril Is see ia ass

Hesfdsat Physkiaa h o u h f Ute Marine

tevsee I f - Aprft 35th 1380 bullis Permit as ts sderm toyea a fr- lines and do m

Their power over the celled if epiailed by any

Meafe eheep

bull bull l t s eaeiass11 m e t laquo 1

bulllaquoeieeltseraquoesgtlaquo t G a r y 71

^ w t i bdquo r t y bdquo bdquo iv nine MHrna Blever--- ir

bullI- works i n bull vol ^ of MH^ W f l

above diseases is eat ex-other prrparateoa fat the

United (Mates ae dm attest in ma ay cases afshyter skiful physicians had failed

These Bittern am worthy the attention of Invalids P o s s e s s i n g g r e a t v i r t u e s in t h e rort i f i c s t ion o f l b l i v e r and leaser g l a n d e x c r c i i n g t h e moat s e a r c h i n g p o w e r In w e a k n e s s s n d s t f e c l i o n s o f the d l g e s -t i v e o r g a n s th- y arc laquo kba l s a f e c e r t a i n a n d fmmm

Ftor sale Whanetnaa by Breggtet ft all the pria-eipal citfoa aad at retail by apotsWearlea aad store keeper in every town in the United State

Ptt lCB 75 CENTS PEB BOTTLI For sale by W Terbell ft Sou Corning H Seely

Painted Pom A Hess Bath 1 K W Baldwin Homellsvlle J B Iarmce WjlUvilfo t - l l - ly

B r e a d Bread Agt^JB^i^SaiutMy ^w

wehesra mated he K 1 1 - - v Dyer Block directly opposite or tirmi plsre of business whom where wraquo shall be prepared la a few day te snpply oar castoantm with s e a m a n men I of (Groceries snd Prnvisfoae aad with PinHlT Hsking aa Crar kersss )ormerlr J

W - J AR NOLfx Aaent Oomhsg Qcs t mi

F i t k B Metal ic B u r i a l C a i e a Y H E Snbatriber lias on hand a food alaquo- aortmeot ot these splendid Air tight Itarial raaca

of llelaquo ssnv^ kind snd from the same mantrtacinrv a thnlaquoe fnrniahed for the fete John C Calhoan snd lien ry Cfear alsaryi sorts tad sise of coffins ready made bull bull bull bull chaw bedsteads cabinet work of different kind matirasse ftc

He is also Agent for the sale of lots hgt Hope Cemshyetery

Coming April tth 15 bull ft P AHCF I

laquoirr i Hi i fftort

A SURROGATES CCTOT will bheld at the BsBM ofthe County Judge in tho vil

lege of Bsth en Mondsy of cweh week pt drj r i n g i t te s e s s i o n of C o u n t v ( n n r t s

T h e b o u n t y J u d g e w i l l a l s o a t t e n d a t s t t f t f l e e in B a t h on r t s t a r l s y (not T h i r s l s y ) o f e a c h w e e k Ui s u e n l W a n y b u s i n e s s that m a v b e d o n e b y O r b e f b s me at Chsmbers Dated Bath March t ItSS

Ctvth p i I KRSRHorGH A V -laquosgtc trreeers t03 Chamtsfm bulltrnet New York keep ea km

tvlng cboscsmlseefoasef anil aertici

sOOBTwMt aed I t s 8 0 0 mVmZiT LbWi thh^


Tbe beat ct Sagar In tltgtraquon may bt foundat J19rL L CUKTItft_

CSee Here

AST 1 wi 1 lgte paid ft good Shinjvlca hv Bow-ell Carta k C eM netwietaaditg that money I

asaperlor srtirfo U Rido Hill Ba nking aa Hnharil Corn and other Plow a

the Pbcenx Hardware Tin ft Store Stem of CertngJIaeraquo 154 HART ft JOHNS

H lt gt X K Y m nice article for aale at JsasMllM ABNQLDteBaknrp

IWWmis ottBTO Co- Dried laquo f mssTTWi F r i l l s

currants citron OtagarPtn aeplt ^raquoaasr QRAiylrndlrn Hcjtbe

KD0W8 a a L I bullh WWWT u n

ApnUTti l

symptoms enonierslrd under the Dytlaquoptllaquo Elfativ Price J- cents per box

23 Dr MrClimtnrAe AnHMiomi fidt Far Liver cempfeittev d all forms of diseases

arming hom derangement of the Beer with syattonte each a Dtssinesa pmatame ringing In the Fsrs

Ihe right shoulder disordered

kidneys taken in th

thsr Fe rsv Pi generally w s r | off the attack Price per

soeh ss Dtssinesa Headache ringing In tl yollow furred tangee pln ia the right si sense bdquof fullness or pain In the right side di bulltomsch or bowels dHfeteirt sctlVm of the I clsy colored stools ftbdquobdquo T h e Pil If tkr incipient -tsge of ft ilium and Yellow or o

arrcpting he propiertor locks Fsmily mcdtehtes ta public thst in hlsrro-

aalVof IV jjfat in ble pro-

aeaily fifteen yearn past he hss been aetfvel connected with the best nbsrmaroiticsl establishments in this connlry and hss had rooatsnt occasion fe seesnd prepsrslh pre-bullcription of the moat latlntni physk-lsna among Whom W would nsme Dr Mott Dr Isrker Dr Fraacia Dr Chetnamwa Dr Benee Dr Heeawk snd manyothers^ Th experienoe thus rreaheden-bull bfehim to testify tht the prescription of br J me Mcltlntock am not eaw oampnmJ of the most vale able medicine habitually empbn ed by our beat prac

la the trentamdt ef the mvernl 1 lsese for in

can refer with

tas hoarr te rspty te a ssaslaem sf ttoht Istter sis

I as a graduate ef Trasavl bare praenrtd ganBahw Is tbu wiu Ire yeas bat ixpisosi j l i a v a belaquoM im Ifam^^M vlsli ASMS mositlts AAer hvlnr eahaael ssant tf aty ase and derlvieit a


thst I - i l l la te

sledieel v M Of SMr t souatry asset rWilvle

bull b e a t 1 bull y l i l t In the Ir

- I w laquo rnds Jraquo a fair trial

ssaaS surehased a Hot le of jwir aaaatslus t o yraat Mr OUOMS r nmea akoat tws s u amgtr a a t J mt W f c j l ttat bottle ba entirely rore1 a

II U bullraquogt ^raquoiagtas Uitvt bullfrir pr gas tirnvsrimaaaily aew^rwaisig v aste^ areemsrs |

and I ill take great pleasure in reronmendl ( It te the-amlr tedas bei f a ren-tllaquol sgstt and 1 will ad Tie tee pbysif laos to u s It in their prsetioe eto

lteapeeifully j ours B 11 A IUCC II D

U o i s v t u July 131 M t t I hav sgsmkvM Ihe list of s r tMs that compass Jshagt

Bull s Mi tract ef laquorsepartlie and I have nr l bdquo r l n bdquo i raquo sayhlg that It h s Safe s a d valuable compound I laquo laquo H bullrefor i t te say sitlele now i s a a r thsdNssses at ttng-M B I aa Imrinri stats ed ths Msed sr tslst ef ib sgt ten t eontldenwy reenmmeod It ts nay rrlsmls sa being aj powerful BxteMt snd one that 1 betters will rata a i l bullleaam ef dtsmsoa for ublsh it a mswaaiesdvd if saml

I dlrariions I believe it to be a vlnabw | l m ar mm I tgcWaa Kgaak a t i l t^w^r bullam t ^ k l ^ msjgl ev bull aaasmm t i v a a i t asx ^se^ay v^najsjgsj) ^fsafraquotsv ge aj

Ryphills arrelaquonpelaquoled with Nodes Ttophe ia assise vdihm seas whstesr tt segat est ts auiisssd every other riaiiirZ

t K-sfcCON ACID ftll fc llonorsry sesatbtrsf fhs llsdtsai aoatety Ibll

what Dr i t a n e s Dhtatrlae w I eraaaaja a r raquo OP fFa| r t y raquo r s smsmrngsr or

a refcstesvlaquof Jsja trails I have ieen astsa Jea Bulls arparliiraquo laa

the top of hi

variety ef carome dinmia ajsk als most h snd I have hesltsltoo In reelaquoimerdix il for the sam ef swefuta aypblia ateasAl n

i hPtraquov i l v S H e p u i l h

siduir flimia Tears mesf UwiapoH K y April laquo I d laquoM

m i B

bull bull his Tiarante m ihe

aedTmlaquotc raquolaquolaquo on Bole F7

amy of tee prinaipsl

In ibe eitv Tee shove s^m ammsar w e a w p svsr OB SB^^ r ^

sdt retilof BBKLL ft BON Waa Tarbell and Ron

Of W s l l P

r^C^AflfrlJllr^_raquolaquo-raquo bullgtbull Bakerj

ift XV V J

I f seeompnshwd yasmr ef tsar at

Ceaxxmrre-ae B W ^sea a a bulltojomtamt B laquouurrh and nev t u of tee sseet uu-ee1 aal aealeue a t s i U i s tlM the

sid avaet f W nmay ysam a

la raquoi leu nd grnevaa Hshed sasmr hssssssi kssws Mlaquo

4 bdquo bdquo _ bull bull _ bull - J ^L^ ^^i_iLi_ ^_-J^z -mdash- -- __plusmn__L i bull bull - bull bull bull bull - bull bull

Untitled Document

fileC|Documents20and20SettingsAdministratorDesktophellohtml2182007 110103 AM

Thomas M Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
