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Oil Prices and Stock Prices of Alternative Energy Companies: Time Varying Relationship with Recent Evidence

Alex YiHou Huang* Department of Finance, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Chiao-Ming Cheng

Graduate School of Management, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Chih-Chun Chen Graduate School of Management, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Wen-Cheng Hu

Graduate School of Management, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan


This paper examines the recent interactive relationships between crude oil prices and stock

performances of alternative energy companies. The examination was conducted from 2001

to mid 2010, and the sample period is divided into three sub-periods according to two

Middle East wars. Different dynamics of oil prices across these sub-periods are significantly

documented for the first time. By method of vector autoregression model, oil prices and

stock indices of alternative energy sector were found independent from each other only

before late 2006. In the recent years, oil prices become significantly responsible for the stock

performances of alternative energy companies. This finding suggests that the stock market

investors of alternative energy sector incorporate oil price shocks into their trading decisions

only recently. The oil prices and stock index of oil companies also found to be

interdependent with each other during recent years.

Keywords: Crude oil price; Alternative energy; Oil stock index; VAR JEL Classifications: Q43; P28; G10

* Corresponding author: Assistant professor, Department of Finance, Yuan Ze University, 135 Yuan-Tung Road, Chung-Li, Taoyuan 32003, Taiwan. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 886-3-4638800 ext. 2668. Fax: 886-3-4354624. Huang gratefully acknowledges support from the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC98-2410-H-155-025).

1. Introduction

Oil is the primary energy source in modern economies. For example, the average daily

global consumption of crude oil in 2008 was 8.5 billion in US dollar, which was higher than

any other type of energy.1 However, recently, the development of alternative energy has

gained immense popularity because of the recognition of environmental protection and

political instability of oil export countries (e.g., Bleischwitz and Fuhrmann, 2006; McDowall

and Eames, 2006). Therefore, the relationship between oil price and alternative energy

industry in recent years requires close examination.

Henriques and Sadorsky (2008) found that oil prices and stock prices of alternative

energy companies do not interact with each other, where the trend of alternative energy stock

index is significantly linked with that of technology stock prices. Choi and Hammoudeh

(2009) showed that oil prices are better modeled with the nonlinear ARFIMA and structural

breaks have partially reduced the persistence of oil price returns. Chiou and Lee (2009)

documented significant structural change in recent oil price and showed that the impacts

from oil to stock prices are dynamical and asymmetrical. This study extends this line of

research and focuses on the recent interaction between oil prices and financial performances

of alternative energy companies in recent years. The stock performances of oil industry are

also considered to interact with the two variables, where prior studies suggested their

significant relations (Osmundsen, et al. 2006). In addition, since oil prices have fluctuated

significantly in recent years and have been affected by the two Middle East wars (i.e., the

Iraq and Lebanon Wars), the empirical examination of this research is applied with three

different time segments according to the period of said wars.2 Our findings show that oil

prices apparently behaved differently across these sub-periods, as well as the

inter-relationships between oil prices, stock prices of alternative energy companies, and

stock prices of oil industry. This paper also finds that owing to the recent developments and

attentions of green energy, and oil price had its most volatile state in history;3 the stock

prices of alternative energy companies become depending on crude oil price dynamics.

This study differs with previous studies in several aspects. One, it provides the first

1 Statistical Review of World Energy (June 2009), the British Petroleum Corporation 2 Detailed description of time period segmentation is provided in Section 3. The trend of oil price and summary statistics of oil price for the entire sample period, as well as for the three sub-periods, can be found in Figure 1 and Table 2. 3 During this period, the oil price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) reached its highest in history at $143.74 in July 2, 2008 and dropped to $32.94 in December 24, 2008. In September 30, 2009, the WTI bounced back to $66.56. Data are extracted from the Thomson Datastream database.

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empirical examination on the interactive relationships between oil prices, stock performance

of alternative energy firms, and stock performances of oil companies covering the recent

period of economic recession. Two, this study shows apparent different dynamics of oil

prices before and after the two Middle East wars. Three, consistent with previous studies,

this paper shows that the interactions between oil prices and stock prices of alternative

energy firms are insignificant prior to the Lebanon War in 2006; however, they become

significant after 2006. These findings, the first in literature, should be of use to investors and

policy makers.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews literatures; Section 3

discusses the methodology and data; Section 4 presents the empirical outcomes; and the last

section concludes the research.

2. Literature Review

Since the Industrial Revolution, the impacts of crude oil production on global economy

have been highly significant. Hamilton (1983) and Gisser and Goodwin (1986) showed

significant negative effects of oil shock on macroeconomic conditions. Sadorsky (1999)

found significant impacts on economic activities from oil price shock and concluded that oil

price movement is an important explanatory factor to stock return. Balke et al. (2002)

studied asymmetric effects of oil shocks on US economic activities. Jones et al. (2004)

examined empirical relationships between oil price shocks and macroeconomic variables.

Nandha and Faff (2008) further documented the complexities of crude oil price, and their

results showed that oil derivatives generated wider effects on economic conditions than


In particular, many prior studies have confirmed the significant and direct relationship

between oil price and stock performance of oil companies. Huang et al. (1996) found

significant interactions between oil price and stock returns of major US oil companies during

1980s under the framework of vector autoregressive (VAR) model, as well as insignificant

relationships between oil price and the S&P500 index return. Sadorsky (2001) documented

oil price as a major risk factor in stock returns of Canadian oil and natural gas companies

using a multifactor market model. In addition to oil price, Boyer and Filion (2007) further

showed that reserves of oil, volume of oil production, and drilling success rate also serve as

key factors in explaining the stock prices of Canadian energy companies. Cong et al. (2008)

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provided evidence of the significant impacts of oil shocks on the stock returns of oil

companies, and they also found that higher oil price volatility contributed to positive returns

of mining and petrochemical stock indices.

The economic development triggered by oil production has generated intense impacts

on the global environment. Glick (2004) showed a significant increase of the atmospheric

CO2 concentration from 275 to 375 ppm during the past 140 years, where CO2 concentration

had remained unchanged for the previous 1,000 years. Duncan (2006) argued that higher

atmospheric CO2 concentration is one major cause of global warming, and discussed the

possibility of reducing carbon emission by excising carbon tax. In addition to recent oil price

jumps, the understanding of environmental protection significantly contributes to the

development of alternative energy in recent years. In 1980, the global consumption of

alternative energy was 1,753 billion kWh; in 2007, such consumption reached 3,472 billion

kWh, a 98% increase.4 The US Economic Report of the President in 2006 concluded,

“In the long run, households and businesses respond to higher fuel prices by cutting

consumption, purchasing products that are more efficient, and switching to alternative

energy sources. Higher energy prices also encourage entrepreneurs to invest in the research

and development of new energy-conserving technologies and alternative fuels, further

expanding the opportunities available to households and businesses to reduce energy use

and switch to low-cost sources…”

While high oil price has allowed the use of alternative energy to receive great deal of

attention, larger oil price volatility creates greater challenges for oil-related analyses. Basher

and Sadorsky (2006) showed that different levels of oil price volatility would result in

various impacts on economic activities and stock markets, and Kilian (2009) argued that the

global demand shocks contribute to higher oil price volatility. Aguilera et al. (2009) provided

evidences showing that petroleum resources are likely to last longer than oil market

expectation, where the idea of depletion needed not drive the oil prices at their high levels

during 2007-2008. Moreover, since many major oil-exporting countries are Middle East

sovereign states, the instabilities or conflicts in the region have created significant impacts

on oil prices.5 For instance, the WTI jumped by 86% from $16.10 to approximately $30

immediately after the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990.

4 Data source: Energy Information Administration (EIA). 5 The Middle East region holds 60% of global oil reserve and 32% of current oil production. Data source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), See the article, “As the price of oil soars, so does its power to shape politics from Washington to Beijing,” (New York Times, July 25, 2006),

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Figure 1 illustrates the oil price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) between January

2001 and May 2010. The two shaded areas indicate the periods of Iraq and Lebanon Wars.

The figure shows that the WTI oil price before the 2002 Iraq War was generally stable

between $20 and $40. However, after the Iraq War, the change in oil price showed a

significantly upward and stable trend, reaching nearly $80. After the Lebanon War of 2006, a

small drop of oil price was first observed, followed by a dramatic jump up to more than $140

within two years. The price then crashed below $40 in late 2008; such severely volatile oil

price confirmed the recent structural changes in oil price dynamics (Chiou and Lee, 2009).

The summary statistics of oil price between these three periods are provided in Table 1.

These statistics are discussed in detail in the next section, confirming the observations in

Figure 1.

3. Methodology and Data 3.1 Vector Error Correction Model

This study adopts the VAR or vector error correction model (VECM) by Johansen

(1991) in order to examine the interdependencies between crude oil prices, stock index of

alternative energy companies, and stock index of oil industry. Kilian (2010) applied VAR to

investigate the relationship between gasoline price in the US and crude oil prices. VAR or

VECM are maximum likelihood estimation model allowing full information to be diagnosed

in a single stage of regression. Maysami and Koh (2000) documented the reliability of the

VECM, and many prior studies have commonly adopted the method in analyzing the

dynamics of economic and financial time series (Enders, 2004). VECM can be shown as


=−− ++′+ΔΓ=Δ




itktjtjt XXX εμβα , (1)

where variable is an n vector of endogenous variables with same order of integration; ∆

represents the first difference; shows the lag length;


k jΓ is an n × n matrix of

coefficients to be estimated; and μ and εt are the intercept vector and i.i.d. error term,

respectively. In addition, α is an n × r matrix showing the speed of correction and β is the

cointegrated matrix.

VECM can be seen as a first-difference version of VAR model and is applied when each

variable of regression is integrated with an order of 1. Therefore, prior to the application of

VAR or VECM, proper tests of stationarity and cointegration must be conducted. In this

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study, both Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root tests are used

for test of stationarity, and the Johansen cointegration test is applied to investigate if the

target I(1) variables exhibited long-term relationships. Under the Johansen test, both trace

and maximum eigenvalue statistics are composed.6 In addition, under the framework of

VAR/VECM, the Granger Causality test is also conducted to evaluate the empirical


3.2 Data

Three oil price series are used in this study: the spot prices of West Texas Intermediate

(WTI), spot prices of Brent (Brent), and NYMEX Crude Futures (Futures). The first two

spot prices of oil have been widely applied in literature (e.g., Hammoudeh et al., 2004;

El-Sharif et al., 2005; Scholtens and Wang, 2008; and Cong et al., 2008). Sadorsky (2001)

and Scholtens and Wang (2008) argued that futures price of oil better reflects the value of

crude oil because spot prices can easily be driven by short-term supply-demand shocks.

Following Huang et al. (1996) and Hammoudeh and Li (2005), the NYMEX futures price of

oil is adopted in this study.

Following Henriques and Sadorsky (2008), the WilderHill Clean Energy Index (ECO)

is applied to represent the stock performance of alternative energy companies. The ECO

index is the first stock index to focus on clean energy-related firms. All the components of

the index must have at least one business concentration that produces or develops

environmentally friendly energy.8 Following Sadorsky (2008), the crude oil stock index of

American Stock Exchange is used to proxy the financial performance of oil companies,

where the index is comprised of the stock prices of 12 global oil companies.

The data period spans January 3, 2001 to May 31, 2010, and all data are extracted from

the Thomson Datastream database. Weekly data are comprised from original daily

frequencies, using the Wednesday price to avoid holidays. In case of holiday falling on a

Wednesday, Thursday data are used. The two wars that separate the sample period are the

Iraq War (a.k.a. the Second Gulf War) in March 2003 and the Lebanon War (a.k.a. the

Israel-Hezbollah War) in July 2006. In order to avoid extreme volatile movements of oil

6 See Johansen (1988) and Johansen and Juselins (1990) for detailed descriptions. 7 See Granger (1969) for details. 8 There are currently 40 components covered in ECO index, composed according to US dollar. Detailed descriptions of the index are shown at

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prices during the two Middle East wars, a four-month period during the war is omitted from

the empirical application.

Table 1 provides summary statistics for the variables of both spot prices of oil, WTI and

Brent, futures price of oil (Futures), ECO index, and the stock index of oil industry (Oil

index). The statistics are shown for the entire sample period, as well as the three sub-periods.

The statistics for the spot prices and futures price of crude oil are close, with similar mean,

median, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis across periods. When the statistics of oil

prices across time periods are compared, using WTI as an example, the standard deviations

are 4.01, 13.54, and 23.41 for Periods I, II, and III, respectively, with coefficients of

variation (CVs) of 0.15, 0.28, and 0.30 respectively for the three sub-periods. Moreover, the

differences between maximum and minimum of WTI are 19.58, 46.02, and 110.80 for

Periods I, II, and III, respectively. Such statistics show the volatilities and ranges of oil prices

increase from Periods I to III. In addition, the skewness of WTI is -0.04, 0.14, and 0.77 for

Period I, II, and III, respectively, implying that the price structures of oil are different across

the three periods. In sum, we can see that the oil prices are relatively stable in Period I

(lowest CV), grows gradually in Period II (skewed to the right), and fluctuates most strongly

in Period III (highest CV and range). This observation is consistent with Figure 1.

The ECO index also exhibits different dynamics across the sub-periods. For example,

the CVs of the index are 0.30, 0.19, and 0.38 with skewness of 0.16, 0.79, and 0.05 for

Periods I, II, and III, respectively. Such trend shows that the alternative energy stock index is

least volatile in Period II but yet most skewed. In addition to observation where the kurtosis

of the ECO index also apparently differs across the three sub-periods, these statistics imply

that price behaviors for alternative energy stocks vary through time. The Oil index seems to

have an inverse trend of CVs compared to ECO index with the CVs of 0.09, 0.29, and 0.18

for Periods I, II, and III, respectively. Contrary to the oil price, the volatility of Oil index is at

its highest in Period II, rather than Period III.

4. Empirical Results

We first investigate the levels of correlation between the oil prices, alternative energy

stock, and oil stock to understand their simple linear relationships. We then conduct unit root

and cointegration tests for these time series and provide key results based on VAR/VECM


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Table 2 presents the correlation analysis between three variables: oil prices, stock index

of alternative energy companies, and stock index of oil industry. During the full sample

period from January 2001 to May 2010, the correlations between stock index of alternative

energy companies (ECO) and the three oil prices, WTI, Brent, and Futures, are 0.3470,

0.3529, and 0.3464, respectively, and the correlation between the ECO index and Oil index

is 0.4848. At the same time, the correlations between Oil index and the three oil prices, WTI,

Brent, and Futures, are 0.9025, 0.9172, and 0.9036, respectively.

When exploring the correlations in further detail according to sub-periods, for Period I

(pre-Iraq War), the correlations between ECO index and the three oil prices, WTI, Brent, and

Futures, are -0.2240, -0.1748, and -0.2242, respectively. Likewise, for Period I, the

correlations between Oil index and the three oil prices, WTI, Brent, and Futures, are -0.2623,

-0.1698, and -0.2591, respectively. These correlation coefficients are significantly different

from the ones in Periods II and III where the correlations turn positive. The coefficients

between stock indices of oil and ECO indices for Periods I, II, and III are 0.8141, 0.8212,

and 0.9236, respectively, showing a closer relation between the two variables over time. Oil

index and the three oil prices, WTI, Brent, and Futures, are highly correlated in Period II,

with the correlations as 0.9759, 0.9776, and 0.9769, respectively. In general, based on Table

2, the correlations between oil prices and ECO index are smallest in Period I and strongest in

Period II; this is also true for the relationships between oil prices and Oil index. In contrast,

the relationship between Oil index and ECO index becomes tighter from Period I to III.

Table 3 presents the unit root test result for all data series by both ADF and PP statistics.

None of the tests is able to reject the null hypothesis of unit root process for all series in level,

while all tests confirm stationarity for the first differences of the sample series. The results

show that all variables are integrated to an order of 1 during the entire sample period and the

sub-periods. Table 4 presents the cointegration test result based on Johansen statistics.

Between ECO index and oil prices, regardless which sample periods being examined, the

results are not able to reject the null hypothesis of no cointegrarted vector. Therefore, these

two series do not have statistically significant long-term relations. However, between Oil

index and the oil prices, only for Periods II and III, the trace statistics exceed the 5%

significance threshold implying that they are cointegrated during these time periods. The

results of Table 4 suggest that long-term relationships between the targeted variables differ

across periods, requiring different processes of investigation on their interdependencies.

Table 5 presents the VAR/VECM and Granger Causality results. Since oil prices and the

ECO index are both I(1) and not statistically cointegrated, VAR is applied on their first

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differences to determine their interactive relationships. The cointegrated series (between oil

prices and Oil index in Periods II and III) are applied with VECM. Granger Causality test is

used for robustness check. The optimal lag length is one, which is selected based on SBC for

all pair of tests, which is consistent to prior empirical studies using weekly data. The first

and second columns of the table are the left-hand-side and right-hand-side variables, with

every two rows estimated under bivariate VAR/VECM framework.

In Panel A of Table 5, the first two rows for the entire sample period show the VAR

outcome between WTI and ECO index. Here, the coefficient estimates are 0.1310 and

0.0482 for vectors of WTI-ECO index, respectively, with only one-way causality from oil

prices to ECO index found positive and statistically significant at 1%. The result shows that

the ECO index has no effects on WTI price, which is confirmed by Granger Causality test

with χ2 as 1.16 (insignificant). This result is consistent with the results of ECO index against

the other two oil prices. In contrast, between WTI and Oil index, interdependence is

significant in two-way causality. For example, the estimated coefficients are -0.3649 and

0.0037, respectively, for the third and fourth rows of Panel A; both are significant at 1%. The

relationships between the other oil two prices (i.e., Brent and Futures) and Oil index are

similar to WTI-Oil index relations with significant negative impacts from Oil index to oil

price and significant positive impacts from oil prices to the Oil index. The last two rows of

Panel A show only mild one-way dependence from ECO index to Oil index during the entire

examination period.

Panel B of Table 5 presents the results for Period I, the pre-Iraq War period, from

January 3, 2001 to February 26, 2003; this is also the period when oil prices are least volatile.

Using the same structure as Panel A, the first two rows show relations between WTI and

ECO index where both coefficients are positive and insignificant. All estimated coefficients

for the oil prices-ECO index vector are statistically insignificant. This finding implies that

the oil prices and alternative energy stock performance did not interact with each other

between 2001 and early 2003. This relationship is also true between oil prices and the Oil

index, where none of the vectors have significant VAR outcomes. The results of Granger

Causality suggest the same observations.

Compared to the results for the entire period, the outcomes of Panel B of Period I

suggest that when oil prices are relatively stable, their impacts on other variables are rather

limited. Boyer and Filion (2007) and Park and Ratti (2008) showed that oil price volatility is

a key factor in stock market operation. Higher uncertainties of oil price movements generate

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greater impacts on stock returns. 9 Therefore, when oil prices are rather stable and

inexpensive, the stock performances for both green energy firms and oil companies do not

interact with oil prices. This finding implies that at this low and less volatile oil prices era,

market participants of green energy and oil stocks generally did not need to incorporate

shocks of oil prices into their trading behaviors.

Panel C of Table 5 provides the outcomes for Period II (May 2003 to June 2006), the

time between the Iraq and Lebanon wars. Between oil prices and ECO index, all estimated

coefficients are statistically insignificant. For instance, the first two rows show that the

estimates are -0.0093 and -0.0186 for vectors of WTI-ECO index with p-values as 0.9705

and 0.4724, respectively. Between oil prices and Oil index, however, there is one-way

causality from oil prices to stock index of oil industry, where the significant estimates are

0.0097, 0.0077, and 0.0081 for WTI, Brent, and Futures, respectively. The result is

confirmed by Granger Causality test, and this outcome is different from one in previous

period. In addition, there is also a one-way causality significant at 10% from ECO index to

Oil index during this period. Therefore, not only do the sample series exhibit different

dynamics across the three sub-periods constructed from this study, but their relationships

also change from one period to another.

The outcomes of Panel C suggest that when oil prices gradually rise, they generate

stronger impacts on stock performances of oil industry. Hammoudeh and Li (2005) found

that the increase of oil prices affects the levels of oil export and performances of oil

companies. The stock market investors of oil firms now more closely relate their trading

decisions to the price movements of crude oil, which have higher prices and greater impacts

on the general economic conditions. The stock investors of alternative energy companies, on

the other hand, have not yet response to oil price behaviors. In addition, the investors of oil

stocks also now mildly consider shocks of green energy stocks into their investment


Panel D of Table 5 presents the outcomes for Period III (June 2006 to May 2010;

post-Lebanon War). Between oil prices and the ECO index, there is now a significant

one-way dependence for ECO index on oil prices, found for the first time compared to

previous periods. For instance, the first two rows have the estimated coefficients of 0.1050

and 0.1066 for vector of WTI-ECO index with only second row significant at 1%. Such

result can also be seen in both vectors of Brent-ECO index and Futures-ECO index

9 The total consumption of alternative energy increased by 37% from 2001 to 2008. Data source: Energy Information Administration (EIA) at

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suggesting that ECO index significantly depends on oil price movements during this period.

Between oil prices and Oil index, highly significant interactive relations with negative

impacts from oil stock to oil prices and positive ones in reverse directions are obtained, also

newly found in this period. Between Oil and ECO indices, one-way significant causality (at

10% level) is found from Oil index to ECO index; this result is contrary to Period II.

The time-varying relations from Panel B to Panel D are consistent with prior studies.

Miller and Ratti (2009) documented significant changes in the relationships between oil

prices and stock market after 1999, and Hamilton (1983) pointed out that changes in the

dynamics of oil prices can have different impacts on key macroeconomic variables.

Therefore, when examining the relations between oil prices and other key variables, using a

period in which oil price dynamics structurally change (such as the results of Panel A for the

entire period) may mislead true relationships.

Only in Period III, after the Lebanon War in 2006, ECO index is found depending on oil

prices. As shown in Figure 1 and Table 1, this is the period when oil prices exhibits highly

drastic movements. This is also the time when financial crisis emerges (thus, the ECO and

Oil indices also become more volatile). This finding implies that investors of alternative

energy companies now pay closer attention on oil price shocks when making their

investment decisions. When oil prices jump and fluctuate, higher demand of green energy

emerges and leads to a better performance of ECO index. In addition, only in this period, the

two-way causality between oil prices and Oil index is observed. This finding suggests not

only must the investors of oil firms closely observe oil price behaviors when conducting

stock trading, but crude oil market participants also start to determine their levels of oil

trading according to the stock performances of oil companies.

5. Conclusions

This study explores the recent interdependent relationship between oil prices and stock

performances of alternative energy companies using the method of VAR/VECM and Granger

Causality test. The examination is conducted separately for three sub-periods, constructed

according to two Middle East wars. The oil price movements significantly differ from one

sub-period to another: oil prices are relatively stable in Period I, grow gradually in Period II,

and fluctuate strongest in Period III. The empirical results show no interdependence between

the oil prices and stock index of green energy companies during Period I. No interactive

relation is found between oil prices and stock index of oil industry neither in the same period.

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During Period II, oil prices begin to significantly affect the stock index of oil companies, and

in Period III, the oil prices generate significant impacts on the stock index of green energy

companies, and an interdependent relationship between oil prices and Oil index is


In sum, while price uncertainty of crude oil rises and green energy gains greater deal of

attention in recent years, the interrelationships between oil prices and stock performances of

alternative energy companies become more significant. For Periods I and II, time before the

Lebanon War from 2001 to late 2006, no causality is shown from oil prices to ECO index or

vice verse, implying that the movements of crude oil prices do not affect how the investors

trade with the stocks of alternative energy industry. In the most recent period, when oil prices

reach historical high and crash back with volatile dynamics, oil price behavior becomes

responsible for stock performances of alternative energy companies. Also only recently, the

dynamics in oil trading also depend on how stocks of oil companies perform. These results

add to literature showing that investors of alternative energy companies conduct their trading

decisions upon observation of crude oil price shocks. The two markets, i.e. crude oil market

and stock market for green energy sector, seem to be more closely interactive with each other.

The full picture of how the crude oil markets react to the development of green energy,

however, requires additional examinations and is certainly an area worthy of future


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Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Weekly Close Price and Index

WTI Brent Futures ECO index Oil index Panel A. Full Period (2001/01/03~2010/05/31, N=491)

Mean 54.49 53.15 54.54 158.98 868.92Median 52.51 51.09 52.77 160.02 875.37Maximum 143.74 142.17 143.57 297.05 1625.29Minimum 18.38 18.46 18.36 63.73 411.09Std. Dev. 26.22 26.21 26.24 49.01 332.85C.V. 0.48 0.49 0.48 0.30 0.38Skewness 0.88 0.82 0.87 0.14 0.30Kurtosis 3.51 3.33 3.50 2.16 1.88 Panel B. Period I: Pre-Iraq War Period (2001/01/03~2003/02/26, N=112)

Mean 26.60 25.40 26.57 158.17 508.98Median 26.94 25.77 26.92 163.49 515.12Maximum 37.96 33.54 37.70 258.71 590.08Minimum 18.38 18.46 18.36 78.78 411.09Std. Dev. 4.01 3.46 3.95 47.07 46.69C.V. 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.30 0.09Skewness -0.04 -0.18 -0.06 0.16 -0.36Kurtosis 3.28 2.64 3.31 2.06 2.12 Panel C. Period II: Post-Iraq and Pre-Lebanon War Period (2003/05/07~2006/06/28, N=165)

Mean 47.82 45.74 47.86 160.04 759.92Median 47.36 44.09 47.27 156.80 713.44Maximum 72.26 73.42 72.28 253.02 1165.25Minimum 26.24 24.18 26.23 97.42 449.23Std. Dev. 13.54 12.15 13.62 30.61 218.72C.V. 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.19 0.29Skewness 0.14 0.21 0.14 0.79 0.23Kurtosis 1.73 1.73 1.71 3.79 1.67 Panel D. Period III: Post-Lebanon War Period (2006/09/06~2010/05/31, N=196)

Mean 76.54 75.74 76.65 160.39 1175.30Median 72.23 71.48 72.15 182.54 1143.42Maximum 143.74 142.17 143.57 297.05 1625.29Minimum 32.94 35.62 34.62 63.73 802.18Std. Dev. 23.41 22.38 23.31 61.17 211.76C.V. 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.38 0.18Skewness 0.77 0.81 0.79 0.05 0.19Kurtosis 3.25 3.39 3.27 1.55 1.87 This table presents the summary statistics of crude oil prices, stock index of green energy sector, and stock index of oil companies. Std. Dev. and C.V. stand for standard deviation and coefficient of variation, respectively. WTI is spot price of West Texas Intermediate Oil; Brent is spot price of Brent; Futures is NYMEX Futures Oil price; ECO index is WilderHill Clean Energy index; and Oil index is the American Stock Exchange Oil index. N is numbers of samples. The data were extracted from the Datastream database.

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Table 2. Correlation Matrix of Weekly Close Price and Index

WTI Brent Futures ECO index Panel A. Full Period (2001/01/03~2010/05/31, N=491)

Brent 0.9965 ----- (0.0001)

Futures 0.9998 0.9968 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001)

ECO index 0.3470 0.3529 0.3464 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) Oil index 0.9025 0.9172 0.9036 0.4848 (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) Panel B. Period I: Pre-Iraq War Period (2001/01/03~2003/02/26, N=112)

Brent 0.9609 ----- (0.0001)

Futures 0.9958 0.9643 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001)

ECO index -0.2240 -0.1748 -0.2242 ----- (0.0176) (0.0651) (0.0175) Oil index -0.2623 -0.1698 -0.2591 0.8141 (0.0052) (0.0734) (0.0058) (0.0001)

Panel C. Period II: Post-Iraq and Pre-Lebanon War Period (2003/05/07~2006/06/28, N=165)

Brent 0.9942 ----- (0.0001)

Futures 0.9994 0.9950 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001)

ECO index 0.7678 0.7753 0.7690 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) Oil index 0.9759 0.9776 0.9769 0.8212 (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) Panel D. Period III: Post-Lebanon War Period (2006/09/06~2010/05/31, N=196)

Brent 0.9935 ----- (0.0001)

Futures 0.9998 0.9936 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001)

ECO index 0.5166 0.5326 0.5159 ----- (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001)

Oil index 0.6982 0.7172 0.6977 0.9236 (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) This table presents the correlation statistics between crude oil prices, stock index of green energy sector, and stock index of oil companies. Descriptions of variables and data please see Table 1. The numbers shown in parentheses are p-values.

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Table 3. Unit Root Test Levels First differences

ADF PP ADF PP Panel A. Full Period (2001/01/03~2010/05/31, N=491)

WTI -1.43 -1.71 -22.80*** -23.20*** Brent -1.40 -1.74 -21.93*** -22.66*** Futures -1.40 -1.73 -22.20*** -22.83*** ECO index -1.75 -1.89 -21.39*** -21.42*** Oil index -1.33 -1.31 -20.18*** -20.09*** Panel B. Period I: Pre-Iraq War Period (2001/01/03~2003/02/26, N=112)

WTI -0.44 -0.49 -11.04*** -11. 03*** Brent -0.97 -1.25 -10.63*** -10.63*** Futures -0.30 -0.42 -11.17*** -11.18*** ECO index -1.49 -0.74 -5.73*** -10.60*** Oil index -1.36 -1.04 -11.17*** -11.91*** Panel C. Period II: Post-Iraq and Pre-Lebanon War Period (2003/05/07~2006/06/28, N=165)

WTI -0.82 -0.70 -14.01*** -14.07*** Brent -0.55 -0.51 -12.50*** -12.51*** Futures -0.75 -0.70 -13.38*** -13.39*** ECO index -1.92 -1.95 -13.07*** -13.06*** Oil index -0.40 -0.31 -12.86*** -12.86*** Panel D. Period III: Post-Lebanon War Period (2006/09/06~2010/05/31, N=196)

WTI -1.32 -1.53 -14.24*** -14.30*** Brent -1.32 -1.62 -13.99*** -14.19*** Futures -1.30 -1.53 -13.92*** -14.01*** ECO index -0.83 -0.90 -12.48*** -12.42*** Oil index -1.30 -1.36 -12.35*** -12.26*** This table presents the results of unit root test for crude oil prices, stock index of green energy sector, and stock index of oil companies. Descriptions of variables and data please see Table 1. All tests use an intercept with no trend, and the null hypothesis is that the series has a unit root. Each Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) statistic is reported for the shortest lag length which has been chosen based on the AIC. The Phillips–Perron (PP) test uses the same models as the ADF tests, but uses a nonparametric correction, due to Newey and West (1987), to address the potential serial correlation. The lag truncation for the nonparametric correction is conducted with an automated bandwidth estimator of the Bartlett kernel (Andrews, 1991). *,**,*** Significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% critical level.

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Table 4. Johansen Cointegration Test

Oil Price WTI Brent Futures

ECO index

H1 λmax Trace λmax Trace λmax Trace λmax Trace Panel A. Full Period (2001/01/03~2010/05/31, N=491)ECO index 0.0137 10.0677 0.0140 9.8985 0.0139 10.0713 ----- ----- Oil index 0.0331 20.2221† 0.0382 22.5482† 0.0323 19.9407† 0.0083 5.8430

Panel B. Period I: Pre-Iraq War Period (2001/01/03~2003/02/26, N=112)

ECO index 0.0910 11.4250 0.0561 6.2802 0.0568 6.2795 ----- ----- Oil index 0.0491 5.9417 0.0505 5.7605 0.0501 6.5477 0.0910 11.4250

Panel C. Period II: Post-Iraq and Pre-Lebanon War Period (2003/05/07~2006/06/28, N=165)

ECO index 0.0364 6.8852 0.0387 6.8375 0.0360 6.6437 ----- ----- Oil index 0.0949 16.5118† 0.0846 20.5375† 0.0839 19.9948† 0.0402 6.7453

Panel D. Period III: Post-Lebanon War Period (2006/09/06~2010/05/31, N=196)ECO index 0.0375 9.9974 0.0340 8.9597 0.0371 10.0255 ----- ----- Oil index 0.0495 16.2607† 0.0551 16.6399† 0.0505 16.4083† 0.0551 11.7615

This table presents the results of cointegration test between crude oil prices, stock index of green energy sector, and stock index of oil companies. Descriptions of variables and data please see Table 1. The null hypothesis of no cointegrated vector is concerned, and the lag length of cointegrated test is applied based on the SBC. The Significant value of Trace is 15.34 at 5% level with † indicating the significance. We can derive the value of λmax from the following formula:

∑ +=



1)1log( λ

)1log( 1+

−− rT λ , The value of Trace can be calculated by the subsequent formula:

where is the eigenvalue. i∧λ

Table 5. VAR/VECM and Granger Causality

VAR/VECM Causality Left- hand side

Right- hand side

Coefficient p-value 2χ p-value

Panel A. Full Period (2001/01/03~2010/05/31, N=491)

WTI ECO index 0.1310 0.2825 1.16 0.2820 ECO index WTI

0.0482 0.0061*** 7.60 0.0059***

WTI Oil index -0.3649 0.0058*** 7.66 0.0056*** Oil index WTI

0.0037 0.0002*** 14.42 0.0001***

Brent ECO index 0.1473 0.2565 1.29 0.2560 ECO index Brent

0.0480 0.0035*** 8.59 0.0034***

Brent Oil index -0.3694 0.0100** 6.70 0.0097*** Oil index Brent

0.0041 0.0001*** 17.30 0.0001***

Futures ECO index 0.1119 0.3741 0.79 0.3736 ECO index Futures

0.0426 0.0127** 6.26 0.0123**

Futures Oil index -0.3604 0.0067*** 7.40 0.0065*** Oil index Futures

0.0035 0.0002*** 14.19 0.0002***

Oil index ECO index 0.0248 0.0603* 3.55 0.0597* ECO index Oil index

0.2657 0.2117 1.56 0.2111

Panel B. Period I: Pre-Iraq War Period (2001/01/03~2003/02/26, N=112)

WTI ECO index 0.6271 0.3987 0.72 0.3968 ECO index WTI

0.0088 0.4864 0.49 0.4849

WTI Oil index -0.0026 0.9984 0.01 0.9984 Oil index WTI

0.0068 0.3981 0.72 0.3962

Brent ECO index -0.0682 0.9340 0.01 0.9339 ECO index Brent

0.0108 0.3599 0.85 0.3578

Brent Oil index -0.2875 0.8408 0.04 0.8404 Oil index Brent

0.0093 0.2192 1.53 0.2165

Futures ECO index 0.3397 0.6702 0.18 0.6694 ECO index Futures

-0.0005 0.9608 0.01 0.9607

Futures Oil index -1.0805 0.4495 0.58 0.4478 Oil index Futures

0.0012 0.8705 0.03 0.8702

Oil index ECO index 0.0728 0.2322 1.44 0.2296 ECO index Oil index

0.0570 0.7299 0.12 0.7292

This table presents the results of VAR or VECM between crude oil prices, stock index of green energy sector, and stock index of oil companies. When two series are cointegrated according to results of Table 4, VECM is applied; otherwise, VAR in differences is applied. Descriptions of variables and data please see Table 1. For Granger Causality, the null hypothesis states no causality relationships between two variables, and the selection of lag length based on the SBC. *,**,*** Significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% critical level.

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Table 5. VAR/VECM and Granger Causality (continued)

VAR/VECM Causality Left- hand side

Right- hand side

Coefficient p-value 2χ p-value

Panel C. Period II: Post-Iraq and Pre-Lebanon War Period (2003/05/07~2006/06/28, N=165)

WTI ECO index -0.0093 0.9705 0.01 0.9704 ECO index WTI

-0.0186 0.4724 0.52 0.4713

WTI Oil index 0.4024 0.5162 0.42 0.5153 Oil index WTI

0.0097 0.0046*** 8.28 0.0040***

Brent ECO index 0.0471 0.8658 0.03 0.8656 ECO index Brent

-0.0121 0.6013 0.27 0.6006

Brent Oil index 0.7281 0.2358 1.42 0.2340 Oil index Brent

0.0077 0.0164** 5.89 0.0153**

Futures ECO index 0.0459 0.8645 0.03 0.8643 ECO index Futures

-0.0319 0.1916 1.72 0.1897

Futures Oil index 0.4918 0.4337 0.62 0.4326 Oil index Futures

0.0081 0.0139** 6.18 0.0129**

Oil index ECO index 0.0509 0.0653* 3.44 0.0635* ECO index Oil index

-0.1798 0.5924 0.29 0.5917

Panel D. Period III: Post-Lebanon War Period (2006/09/06~2010/05/31, N=196)

WTI ECO index 0.1050 0.4857 0.49 0.4849 ECO index WTI

0.1066 0.0037*** 8.63 0.0033***

WTI Oil index -0.4380 0.0261** 5.03 0.0250** Oil index WTI

0.0057 0.0061*** 7.68 0.0056***

Brent ECO index 0.1381 0.3862 0.75 0.3851 ECO index Brent

0.1024 0.0033*** 8.87 0.0029***

Brent Oil index -0.4458 0.0353** 4.49 0.0340** Oil index Brent

0.0059 0.0033*** 8.84 0.0030***

Futures ECO index 0.0771 0.6184 0.25 0.6178 ECO index Futures

0.1064 0.0031*** 8.95 0.0028***

Futures Oil index -0.4340 0.0281** 4.90 0.0269** Oil index Futures

0.0056 0.0059*** 7.75 0.0054***

Oil index ECO index 0.0065 0.7222 0.13 0.7219 ECO index Oil index

0.8444 0.0815* 3.07 0.0799*

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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Figure 1. Crude Oil Price of WTI This figure presnets the trend of West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Price between January 2001 and May 2010 in US dollar. The first and second shaded areas indicate the periods of Iraq War and Lebanon War, respectively.

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