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Office: +(98) 21 22 61 11 97 Cell: +(98) 912 105 2681 Email: [email protected]

Mahdi Arjomandi Managing Director

Lawyers building, No.1533 Shariati St.,Tehran, Iran Tel: +(98) 912 105 2681 +(98) 21 22 61 11 97 [email protected]

Oil & Gas Contractual Services

Page 2: Oil & Gas Contracts 2016

Office: +(98) 21 22 61 11 97 Cell: +(98) 912 105 2681 Email: [email protected]

Oil & Gas Industry of IranIran oil industry with proven crude oil reserves of 155 billion barrels and relatively low cost of production offers the most attractive investment opportunities. The plan is to increase refining capacity from 1.6 mb/d to 3.3 mb/d and also further develop the petrochemicals downstream chain. Some of the opportunities of Oil & Gas of Iran, include:

✦ Estimated total required upstream investments of $200 Billion USD in 3 years and downstream investments of $40 Billion USD.

✦ Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) terms compared to Buyback contracts;

✦ Natural gas projects (demand for domestic & injection purposes);

✦ Plan to build 11 mini-refineries with a capacity of 10,000 b/d each;

Contractual Services in Oil & Gas Portion There are plenty of contractual services could be delivered to clients, which enable them to make proper decision in regard to potential Oil and Gas opportunities in IRAN accordingly. In light of the above, take a glimpse at our respective services briefly herein below:

1Consultant for attending in bidding stage of the projects, and requirements which need to be considered during proposal preparation, in accordance with Iranian Oil and Gas market.

2Consultants and paving the way, pertaining to preliminary steps which need to be taken in Iranian Oil and Gas business industries (upstream/downstream)

3Preparation, modification or probable adjustment of different type of contracts, based on potential risks and scope requirements.

4Consultant and if required attending, in contractual negotiations during bid stage, clarification period and contract drawing up process.

5 Contract administration advisory.

6 Consultant, provision and review of variations, claims or counterclaims as well.

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Office: +(98) 21 22 61 11 97 Cell: +(98) 912 105 2681 Email: [email protected]

Summary of ExperiencesPreparation of tender documents

Supervision of tendering process for various type of contracts

Bidder selection

Preparation of TBE & CBE

Preparation of proposals at bid stage

Supervision of contract drawing up process

Contract engineering with regard to different type of contract

Contract administration

Preparation and analyzing the contractor's statements

Preparation of variation and change packages

Analyzing change and variation to contract

Claim analyzer

Contract Negotiation

Business and contract correspondence

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Office: +(98) 21 22 61 11 97 Cell: +(98) 912 105 2681 Email: [email protected]

Iranian Lawyers OfficeWe would like to introduce ourselves as a law firm in Iran providing our clients with professional legal services of the highest caliber, combining technical excellence with commercial awareness and a practical, constructive approach to your legal issues. We are a team of experienced and talented lawyers graduated from the most prestigious and distinguished universities in Iran.   Iranian lawyers office capabilities extend across the commercial law, contracts, with particular expertise in trade regulation law, joint venture projects, local and international partnerships and agency agreements. The office also advises on activities related to oil and gas, free Trade zone, branch office, investment regulations, and the registration branch office and companies, intellectual property rights in Iran and etc.   We also have very skilled associates in litigation and defending the civil and penal cases before Iranian courts. Our lawyers know how to manage legal expenses and we don't subscribe to the uncontrollable, stopwatch billing model favoured by most law offices. Whenever possible, we offer affordable fee for our services so you can properly plan and budget for our services.

Click on the links below to find out more about Iran and our legal firm.

Iranian Lawyers Office Profile

Doing Business in Iran 2015


Lawyers building, No.1533 Shariati St.,Tehran, Iran

Tel: +(98) 21 22 61 11 97

+(98) 912 105 2681

Email: [email protected]
