Download - Official Newsletter of the Royal Australian Artillery AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION WA (INC) PRESIDENT’S AGM MESSAGE The Battery


Official Newsletter of the Royal Australian Artillery Association of WA (Inc), 2/3 Fd Regt RAA Association, 2/7 Australian Fd Regt Association, and RAA Historical Society of WA (Inc).

Everywhere Where Right and Glory Lead 1


Edition 3 / 06 September 2006

The Regimental Banner is marched in at the start of the Battery Birthday Dinner in July 06

Mark these dates in your calendars

Gunners Day Service and Parade St. Matthew’s Garrison Church – Guildford

Sunday 5 November 2006 Assemble 14:00hrs Step Off 14:30hrs

followed by Church Service and Afternoon Tea


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28th Jan 25th Feb 25th Mar 29th Apr 27th May 24th Jun 29th Jul 26th Aug 30th Sep 28th Oct 25th Nov 30th Dec


The Leighton Battery Heritage Site is open on a

regular basis on the first Sunday of

every month from 10 AM to 3:30 PM with tours of

the tunnels every half hour.


RAA Regimental Banner - Battery Birthday Dinner 2006 – More photos throughout the newsletter -

Inside this Issue – Main points

RAA of WA (Inc) President’s Message 3 Badges for Sale 4 Welfare Officer Contact 5 Direct Debit Details 6 Battery Dinner Pictures 6 BC’s Report 7 HAAMF – AGM Notice & Forms 8 From the Daughter of a Soldier 10 Battery Dinner Sitrep 12

Aiming Post President’s AGM Report 13 A novel way of advertising 14 Long Tan Remembered 15 Direct Debit Details 16 Artillery around the world 17 Another Workshop Achievement 17 The Final Word... 18 Order Form 19

Next Issue – December 2006

The Editor gratefully acknowledges the contributions to the newsletter by the members, whose names appear with the corresponding articles.

Articles, editorial comment or book reviews for publication should be submitted to the editor, Gabriel D’Uva at: Royal Australian Artillery Association of WA (Inc) PO Box 881, Claremont WA 6910. Phone: 93836544 Fax: 93836370 or E-mail the Editor at [email protected]




Subs to your Association or Society are now due – RAAA of WA (Inc) - $ 15 RAAHS - $ 25We now have a Direct Debit facility – Please refer to details in the relevant sections -

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PRESIDENT’S AGM MESSAGE The Battery Birthday / Corps Dinner conducted by 7 Field Battery on Saturday 8 July was an outstanding event and our congratulations to the Battery Commander Major Andrew Dunjey, members of 7 Field Battery and all who took part. On this occasion fifty-six Members and their Partners form the Association and the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Society were present. The highlight of the occasion was the marching in of the Regimental Banner to the music provided by the Army Reserve Pipe & Drums. It was pleasing to note that Major Ray Bird who was the Battery Commander in 1978 when 7 Battery was awarded the Mt. Schanck Trophy, proposed the toast to the Regiment, particularly as the Trophy was back in WA with 7 Field Battery gaining the honour. The Past President of 3rd Field Regiment, Captain Peter Rowles presented the Association’s Award to Lance Bombardier Andrew McAuliffe of 7 Field Battery and we extend our wishes for his future in the service. Our next event will be Gunners Day on Sunday 5th November at St. Matthew’s Garrison Church in Guildford. Member’s attention is directed to the details appearing in this issue of Artillery WA. We invite all Gunners Past and Present with their Partners to attend the 2006 Gunners Day March and Service. Ubique Bruce G. Campbell President

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Major Ray Bird RFD ED (Retd) proposing the Toast to the



JACKET POCKET BADGE – Actual size of Badge is 100mm wide x 90mm high - CAN BE ORDERED THROUGH THE ASSOCIATION – COST $25 EACH – Will be available before Xmas - PLEASE USE THE ORDER FORM IN LAST PAGE OF THIS NEWSLETTER.

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The RAA Association of WA (Inc) still have Ten (10) Artillery embroidered badges, as above. The cost of the Badges is $10 and anyone requiring one should put an order to the Association using the form in the last page of this newsletter. The badges are 55mm wide by 40mm high. (Please post request to Secretary)



John Walsh the Association’s Welfare Officer can be contacted to discuss any Welfare Funding and can be contacted via email at [email protected] or

[email protected] or by phone on 93836544, Wednesday mornings.

Clean Energy Solutions Pty Ltd Clean Coal & Hydrogen Technologies

for A Cleaner Earth


Proud to be Associated with Artillery W.A. And

Gunners— Past—Present and Future

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SIR!! The Mess is assembled – Corp Dinner July 2006

Michael Towey - 9244 9900

You can Now pay your Membership Fees by Direct Debit!

Members can go to any bank and make a deposit quoting The RAA Association’s BSB and Account Number and your Name. The Funds will automatically be

transferred to the Association’s Account along with your name. Members can also pay electronically ensuring including your name on payment details.

It’s that Simple!!

If you choose this method please quote: RAA Association of WA (Inc) Commonwealth Bank BSB Number: 066 163 Account Number: 0090 2583

Our Thanks to All Seasons catering for the excellent service provided at the

Battery Dinner

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Commander 13th Bde, Brig. Geoff Hand promoting 2Lt Soh to LT Ex BSM – Jim Archibald, reminiscing in the Gunners Institute


BATTERY COMMANDER’S REPORT Having pushed through the midway point of 2006, the Battery finds itself deep in the final planning stages of a 13 day exercise in South Australia. We will be deploying to the Cultana training area located about 5 hours north-west of Adelaide to undertake an artillery exercise with Adelaide’s 48 Battery. The two Batteries will form a composite Battery known as 55 Battery, which aside from the arithmetic (7 + 48) has historical significance for both states. The exercise has been names Ex Tobruk and will be of immense benefit to both all personnel as we will be conducting training without most of the hindrances that are found on the Lancelin range. The exercise was the first of it’s type conducted in the state for at least 15 years In late May, we participated in a joint exercise

with 11/28 Battalion at Lancelin, in which we provided fire support to a company attack. and it also involved elements of 16 Battalion and 13 Field Squadron.It was well executed and provided particular benefit to our Forward Observer Party. The conduct of this type of activity is important if we are have elements of our personnel exposed to combined arms settings in the future. In July the unit has been active in conducting static and assault grenade practices in Bindoon which provided a welcome change for unit personnel. This was recently followed up in August with a 40mm grenade practice and F88 Steyr range practice, also in Bindoon. These two activities aid in the battle preparation for the upcoming Ex Tobruk.

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Ubique. Andrew Dunjey Major Battery Commander

BC congratulating BDR A. McAuliffe on winning the RAA Association Best Soldier Award, about to be

presented by Capt Peter Rowles, Vice President RAA Association WA.






1000 hrs


Hobbs Artillery Park Irwin Barracks

Karrakatta WA

............................................ 2006 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING


1. Welcome by Foundation – Chairman.

2. Minutes of previous AGM – Secretary.

3. Financial Report – Treasurer.

4. Election of New Board: • In accordance with the

constitution the longest serving directors (but at least one third of the directors) must stand down but are eligible for re-election.

• Voting papers will be distributed if required.

5. Announcement of election results.

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6. Business for which notice has been given:

7. General Business.

8. Address to meeting by re-affirming the future direction and objectives of the board for the Foundation.

9. Chairman closes meeting.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




I, (INSERT NAME) _________________________________________________________ OF: ______________________________________________________________________ BEING A MEMBER OF HOBBS AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY FOUNDATION DO HEREBY NOMINATE: (INSERT NAME) _____________________________________________________________ OF: ________________________________________________________________________ TO BE APPOINTED AS A DIRECTOR OF THE FOUNDATION FOR THE YEAR 2006/2007. ______________________________________ Date: / / 2006

Signature of Nominator Seconded By (Name) _________________________________ (Signature) _________________________ Acceptance by Nominee (Signature) _____________________________ / 2006 NOTES:



OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVED: ________________________ RECEIVED BY: ________________________ CURRENT FOUNDATION MEMBERSHIP CONFIRMED: YES/NO ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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PROXY FORM The Honorary Secretary Hobbs Australian Artillery Foundation MAJ Andrew Dunjey Hobbs Australian Artillery Memorial Foundation Hobbs Artillery Park Irwin Barracks Stubbs Terrace Karrakatta WA 6010 I/We (Name of Member) ____________________________________________ Of (address) _____________________________________________________________________ Being a member of Hobbs Australian Artillery Foundation hereby appoint (name) ____________________________________ of (address) _____________________________________________________________________ and/or failing him/her (name) _________________________________________ of (address) _____________________________________________________________________ or failing that person then the Chairman of the meeting as my proxy to vote for me and on our behalf at the meeting of the Association to be held at at hours on I direct my proxy to vote in the following manner: (list the number of the resolutions to be considered by the meeting with boxes FOR – AGAINST and ABSTAIN.) If no directions are given my proxy may vote as the proxy thinks fit or may abstain – If you do not wish to direct your proxy how to vote please place a cross in the box By Marking this box, you acknowledge that the Chairman may exercise your proxy as he/she thinks fit even if he/she has an interest in the outcome of any resolution before the meeting. Members Signature ______________________________ Date _____________________ The completed proxy form must be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 15 Sep 06.

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From the Daughter of a Soldier. (Article received via email)

Last week I was in Melbourne attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers in their uniforms, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for, it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded Australian who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work, and enjoy our home without fear or reprisal. Just when I thought I could not be more proud of my country or of our service men and women a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers. He knelt down and said "hi," the little girl then asked him if he would give something to her daddy for her. The young soldier didn't look any older than maybe 22 himself, said he would try and what did she want to give to her daddy. Suddenly the little girl grabbed the neck of this soldier, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the little girl, who said her daughter’s name, was Courtney, told the young soldier that her husband was a Corporal and had been in Afghanistan for 11 months now. As the mum was explaining how much her daughter, Courtney, missed her father, the young soldier began to tear up. When this temporarily single mum finished explaining her situation, a number of the soldiers huddled together for a brief second. Then one of the other servicemen pulled out a military looking walkie-talkie. They started playing with the device and talking back and forth on it.

After about 10-15 seconds of this, the young soldier walked back over to Courtney, bent down and said this to her, "I spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." He then hugged this little girl that he had just met and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He finished by saying "Your daddy told me to tell you that he loves you more than anything and he is coming home very soon." The mum at this point was crying almost uncontrollably and as the young soldier stood to his feet he saluted Courtney and her mum. I was standing no more than 6 feet away as this entire event unfolded. As the soldiers began to leave, heading towards their gate, people resumed their applause. As I stood there applauding and looked around, there were very few dry eyes, including my own. That young soldier in one last act of moment turned around and blew a kiss to Courtney with a tear rolling down his cheek. We need to remember everyday all of our soldiers and their families and thank God for them and their sacrifices. At the end of the day, it's good to be an Australian. RED FRIDAYS Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Australian's who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organised boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Australian's, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of Australia supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a

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deafening message that every Australian who supports our men and women afar will wear something red. By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make Australia on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football team. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before Australia is covered in RED and it will let our troops

know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on. The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is..."We need your support and your prayers". Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear something red every Friday.

THEIR BLOOD RUNS RED---- SO WEAR RED! --- Lest we Forget, Lest we Forget.

Members of the 1978 Mt. Schanck 7 Fd Battery winning team

SSgt Bill Kerr and Brig. Doug Collins (Retd) Brothers in Arms – Sgts Peter and Greg Frey

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Sit Rep – Battery Dinner 2006 The Corp Dinner, Battery birthday party, and celebration for the winning of the Mt Schanck Trophy took place on Saturday 8 July. Normally the combining of three events at one function would diminish the importance of each event, but I am pleased to report the opposite took place. This was without doubt due to the excellent efforts of the Battery with the organization and execution on the night. The total attendance was 140 with 56 from the RAA Association and RAAHS, a record. One of the many highlights of the evening was the marching in of the Regimental Banner, to the music of a lone piper. The banner was specially flown to Perth for the dinner. We were then entertained through out the evening by a section from the 13 Brigade Band.

I had the privilege of presenting our Associations award for the Best Soldier Award to Bdr McAuliffe for

his outstanding contribution to the Battery over the last year. The Brigade Commander Brig Geoff Hand gave the keynote address on the situation within 13 Brigade and it was pleasing to note his comments on the commendable performance of 7 Battery in regard to other units under his command. Maj. Ray Bird in the toast to the Regiment expanded on the family of Gunners, and that we can all take pride in the achievements of the current Gunners as they can also appreciate the legacy that has been left to them by the past Gunners. Prior to the Toast Ray requested the attendees that were part of the battery in 1978 when the Mt Schanck was last won to stand, this was done to the applause of the current Gunners. The applause quickly died when he reminded them that they would look like us is 30 years. It was pointed out that P Battery of 3 Fd Regt also won the Mt Shanck in 1961 and present at the dinner were three members of the Battery. They were Brig Doug Collins, WO1 Ron Jager and SSgt Bill Kerr. It was a great night and for those who could not make it, put it your dairy for next year. On behalf of the Royal Artillery Assoc I would like to thank the BC Maj. Andrew Dunjey and the members of 7 Fd Bty and Capt Gabby D’Uva for the excellent organisation and running of the dinner.

Peter Rowles Vice President RAA Association WA (Inc)

Capt Peter and Marie Rowles Capt Tom and Glenda Arnautovic

enjoying the Corp Dinner

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THE AIMING POST The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Society

Of Western Australia (Inc) President’s AGM Report: The Society, through its Restoration Tea, since 1994 has restored many Artillery Pieces of behalf of the local RSL Branches Local Government bodies and other. In many instances the restoration has required extensive work; however, the Team has come up to expectations. We wish to advise that the Army has recently carried out a Safety Audit of the building occupied at Irwin Barracks and are awaiting receiving a copy of the Report. As you are aware this Restoration Unit is totally manned by Volunteers and many are experienced in specialised trades, which are essential. It is hoped that in the next issue of Artillery WA we can give you an update on the situation and the future of this important facility to the ongoing maintenance of Artillery Pieces in Western Australia using the expertise accumulated over the years. On Sunday 22nd October the Society will be holding the Breakfast Function at Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club and details will be advised. All Members, their Partners and Friends are invited. Yours Sincerely Bruce G. Campbell President

Mt. Schanck Shield

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A NOVEL MEANS OF ADVERTISING The Society was invited to participate in a multi-national advertising promotion designed to attract tourists to Perth and Fremantle. The promoters, MULTIMEDIA POSTCARDS, have compiled a CD Rom highlighting the principal tourist destinations in Perth and Fremantle which includes the Leighton Battery Heritage Site. The complete description of the contents appears below:

Members wishing to purchase copies of the novel postcard for friends and relatives planning to visit Perth can do so by contacting the Society at our mailing address – PO Box 881 Claremont WA 6910 or by phoning 9383 6544 (leave your message on voicemail if unattended). Cost is $25.00 per postcard inclusive of postage and handling. Please include your payment with order.

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LONG TAN REMEMBERED Friday 18th August witnessed the 40th Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan, South Vietnam, in which Delta Company of 6th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment resisted overwhelming odds against North Vietnamese Regulars and Viet Cong, suffering 18 members killed in action and 42 wounded out of a total of 108 Company personnel. North Vietnamese/Viet Cong casualties were conservatively estimated at 245 killed in action. Throughout the Nation special services were conducted on the 18th, the most significant at Canberra, during which the survivors of Delta Company were honoured and the Prime Minister officially recognized the contribution made by all members of the Australian Forces deployed in South Vietnam during the 10 year conflict. A significant contributor to the success of the engagement were the guns of 1 Field Regiment Royal Australian Artillery and Battery “A” 2/35th United States Artillery. A total of some

3000 rounds were expended during the engagement with outstanding accuracy. Major Harry Smith, Company Commander Delta Company, when asked in 1984 what single factor had the greatest effect on the outcome of the Battle of Long Tan, replied with one word: “Artillery”. The Royal Regiment has every reason to be proud of their achievement. “UBIQUE” RAAHS Member, Robert Eggleston, was a National Service Signaller with Headquarters Battery 1 Field Regiment RAA during 1965 – 1966 and clearly remembers the tension within Artillery Tactical Headquarters during the battle. Two days after the successful conclusion of the Long Tan battle, Lieutenant Colonel Richmond Cubis, Commanding Officer 1 Field Regiment RAA issued his message of appreciation to all Gunners who had participated in the battle. Robert Eggleston cherished his copy of the message and has made it available for inclusion with this article.

1 Fd. Regt. RAA Nui Dat 20th August 1966 Distribution: List B

COMMANDING OFFICER’S MESSAGE I take this opportunity of passing my congratulations to all members of the Regiment and the Task Force Artillery on their performance and behaviour over the last days. On 16th August, the enemy began mortaring and shelling of the area (Task Force Base Nui Dat), for the first time and to a heavy scale. This occurred without warning and at a time carefully and skilfully chosen. The artillery reaction was fast and effective. There is reason to suppose not only, that our reaction suppressed the fire of enemy artillery and caused him to stop before he intended to do so, but also that a subsequent target caught the enemy , either when he was assembling after action or, possibly, infantry elements forming up for an attack. Signs of hasty withdrawal, abandonment of equipment and casualties were detected by patrols. On 18th August, “D” Coy 6 RAR was heavily attacked by an estimated two North Vietnamese battalions. This action, the most serious that the Task Force has yet faced, was most efficiently resisted by the company concerned in a classic action of infantry combat. It is no discredit to the company in its most gallant action, to observe that it would never have been successful without an effective employment of artillery in support. As is to be expected the majority of the enemy casualties were inflicted by our artillery. In the course of this action we fired over 3000 rounds many directed to fall within 100 yards of our own soldiers. While it is invidious to invite comparison, I would like to record my especial appreciation of the following particular aspects:

a) The members of HQ Bty and 131 Div Loc Bty who assisted the gun batteries in ammunition handling and thus ensured a continuous supply to the guns.

b) A Bty 2/35 US Arty, whose speedy response to fire enabled us to suppress enemy mortars at an early

stage (the extent that they never subsequently opened fire).

c) To Captain Stanley RNZA and his OP party from 161 Bty RNZA (with D Coy 6 RAR) who so skilfully directed fire in the D Coy 6 RAR battle.

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d) To the gun detachments, particularly the layers, whose attention to duty under most difficult conditions, ensured accurate laying so that of the very large amount of shells fired, all hurt the enemy and none ourselves. This represents laying and gun drill of a high order and is to be heartily commended.

e) The wireless operators who kept the Net open and ensured that imperative fire orders were passed.

f) The members of 103 Fd Bty who, receiving most of the enemy fire on the 16th August, stood to their

guns and, there is reason to suppose, drove the enemy from his. Signed Richmond Cubis Lieutenant Colonel commanding Officer

You can Now pay your Membership Fees by Direct Debit!

Members can go to any bank and make a deposit quoting The RAA Historical Society’s BSB and Account Number and your Name. The Funds will automatically

be transferred to the Association’s Account along with your name.

It’s that Simple!! If you choose this method please quote: RAA Historical Society of WA (Inc) Commonwealth Bank BSB Number: 066163 Account Number: 00902583

Ex Sgt’s Peter Frey & Jim Green Ex P Wendy Mahoney

rivates - Ros Barnes (nee Harold) & Capt Gabby and Heidi D’uva at Corp Dinner

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Artillery from around the world

Article – Courtesy of the Listening Post Newspaper


When approached by the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder in 2005, the Workshop Restoration Team readily accepted the request to fully restore a 77mm WW1 War Trophy German Field Gun displayed at their War Museum. In a dilapidated state with rotted wheels and

invasive rust the task was undertaken and over a period of some 12 months a complete work-over has transformed this important heritage relic into a most presentable Trophy. Not the least important task was constructing a pair of wooden spoked wheels to closely resemble the originals. With draw knives and spoke shaves a group of willing students learned something of the skills required to recreate these vital components.

Congratulations to all the dedicated Restoration Team for their patience and skill in helping to preserve yet another link in Australia’s Military Heritage.

Now fully restored, the Gun is ready for collection by the Kalgoorlie-Boulder War Museum.

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The Final Word..................Past Battery Members enjoying a few crownies at the Battery Dinner......

From L to R – Sgt. Greg Frey, Major Peter Mahoney, Captain Tom Arnautovic, Sgt. Peter Frey and WO1 Ron Jager

Spot the odd one out........................

L to R – Sgt. Greg Frey, Captain Tom Arnautovic, Captain Peter Rowles and Captain Roger Harrison

****Membership Fees are due Now to your Association****

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Note from the Editor: If any member from any of the Associations or Society would like to contribute any comments, war stories or book reviews, please send

them in to the Editor at the address shown in Page 2. All contributions will be greatly appreciated!

Beret and Jacket Pocket cloth RAA badges order form. Cut and return to the RAA Association

RAA Association of WA (Inc) PO Box 881 Claremont WA 6910

I would like to order an Embroidered Badge / Jacket Pocket Badge (circle choice/s) as advertised in the Arty WA newsletter. Please find enclosed the amount of $______ being for payment of _______(Qty) Badges or

Please find enclosed the amount of $______ being for payment of _______(Qty) J P Badges

(Badges are $10 each. Jacket Pocket badge are $25 each. ) Name______________________________ Member of ____________________ (Name of Association or Society) Street Name_________________________________________

Suburb:________________________ Postcode________ Phone_____________ Email:______________

Please make cheques payable to RAA of WA (Inc)