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Office support to constituents to give effect to the Global Jobs Pact at the

national-levelSpecial Assignment No: 1

GJP Learning Event December 14, 2011


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« Ensure sound and integrated technical support to the operational response to constituents in countries wanting to apply Global Jobs Pact’s policies. This entails strategic and effective coordination of policies and tools, mobilizing the knowledge and technical capacities from across technical sectors and departments, and complementing the technical capacity of the regions in the delivery of assistance to constituents at the country level, under the authority of Regional Directors »

Source: DG Announcement, 6 Nov 2009. « Special Office Arrangements to support ILO Constituents to give effect to the GJP ».

Assignment 1 of Special Office Arrangements:

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Assignment developed two streams of activities

I. Mobilizing knowledge from across technical sectors and departments in a distilled user friendly way:

Updating the crisis policy inventory for 54 countries Partnership with the World Bank for crisis policy inventory and

for collaboration on research and impact assessment Expanded capacity building, knowledge sharing and training

activities – including resource mobilization to these ends. Series of GJP Policy Briefs

II. Support to constituents at the national level in particular in those countries that want to use the GJP in an integrated way


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Office strategy to support constituents for national implementation of GJP takes place at two levels:

A. Mainstream GJP implementation in P&B and DWCPs (Office-wide responsibility, not just Assignment 1)– Outcome Coordinators were required to take account of the

Global Jobs Pact in their strategies– Outcome Based work plans were adjusted to provide the

support requested in Country Priority Outcomes

B. Support to National Implementation in countries committed to an integrated application of the GJP (Focus of Assignment 1)


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What is a Scan? Uses the full framework provided by the GJP Provides an integrated analysis of policies using the GJP portfolio

How is it produced? Office’s multi-disciplinary teams Constituents are consulted during its preparation Before it is published it is widely circulated across the Office

How is it used? Made available to constituents as a contribution to their national

policy dialogue and policy-setting processes In capacity building activities and as a knowledge sharing tool As an input to the development of DWCPs and Outcome-Based

work plans

B. Support to countries committed to an integrated application: GJP Scan Methodology

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The GJP Country Scans methodologyComponents of the Approach

1. Product: Global Jobs Pact Country Scan – input to national social dialogue on crisis response

2. Country selection: criteria in line with GB guidance, consultations with social partners were the basis for final decision.

3. Working Methods: Multi-disciplinary teams and HQs Field Coordination Management

4. Capacity building for constituents and support to national policy dialogue

5. Process at country level: Social Dialogue and consultations to produce Priority Roadmaps for action, influenced by scan

6. Follow-up technical support mainstreamed into the DWCP and Outcome-based Work plans

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a broad description of what is known at country level about impact of the crisis

overview of most important policy responses

recommendations on how national policies can contribute to shaping fair and sustainable globalization


1. The product: A GJP country scan is a document with three well defined parts:

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• To have an integrated situation analysis using the GJP policy portfolio to improve crisis response policies

• To enable an integrated approach that takes account of the integrated, interdependent and mutually supportive elements of policies under a decent work lens - as requested by SJD

• To contribute to well informed social dialogue and policy prioritization by constituents

• A new knowledge product that fills a gap in policy analysis

• Office document: it is a document under the responsibility of the Office, not a negotiated document.

• Standardized methodology: it is a structured, systematic and integrated approach, using a questionnaire/checklist and a common diagnostic format for all countries

• Multi disciplinary teams are established with Office specialists from Field and HQs in all relevant areas

• An input for tripartite dialogue and priority setting


1. Why a scan and how does it work

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• Summarizes key information about impact of crisis on real economy, employment and labour market 

• Provides the contextual background against which policy mapping should be interpreted, using statistics and other data

• Has 5 subsectionsImpact on macroeconomic variablesImpact on the real economy, key sectors, regional differencesImpact on labour market and employmentImpact on systems for social protectionImpact on labour standards

• What knowledge gaps?


What is in a GJP scan - part 1

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1. Did country start, expand or modify policies or measures in that particular area?

2. What Quantitative and qualitative impact of the measure (s)? Debate on effectiveness?

3. What support by international organization(s) for implementation of the measure?

4. Has ILO been involved?5. Is there further interest for ILO

involvement and support?

What is in a GJP scan - part 2Uses the Global Jobs Pact as organizing framework for a diagnosis of policies

4 policy areas, broken down into specific sub-areas

• Accelerating employment creation, jobs recovery and sustaining enterprises

• Building social protection systems and protecting people

• Strengthening respect for ILS

• Social dialogue; bargaining collectively, identifying priorities, stimulating action

5 generic questions for each sub-area


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• A clear request for assistance from a member state interested in applying the GJP in an integrated manner

• A strong commitment to genuine tripartite social dialogue

• Agreement that the ILO will undertake an integrated review

• Commitment to a national tripartite policy dialogue that results in a well prioritized roadmap for additional national policy responses and potential additional ILO support

2. Country selection criteria

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3. Multidisciplinary Teams and HQs-Field Coordination Management

Region Regional Director

Country (Lead Executive Director, Lead Technical Coordinators)

AFRICACharles Dan

South Africa (José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs), Lead TCs: Vic van Vuuren; Susan Hayter

Nigeria(José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs), Lead TC: Sina Chuma; Azita Berar

Mali(Assane Diop), Lead TCs: Francois Murangira; Michael Gautrey


Argentina(Guy Ryder); Lead TC: Marcelo Castro; Mito Tsukamoto.

El Salvador (José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs); Lead TCs: Virgilio Levaggi; Mario Berrios

EUROPESusanne Hoffmann

Bulgaria(Kari Tapiola); Lead TCs: Mark Levin; Maoazam Mahmood


Jordan (George Dragnich); Lead TCs: Maurizio Bussi; Azita Berar

ASIA PACIFICSachiko Yamamoto

Indonesia: Lead TCs: Peter van Rooij; Claudia CoenjaertsMongolia: Lead TCs: Anne Herbert; Per Ronnas

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For employers’ & workers’ organizationsEnhance understanding of policy optionsDevelop and articulate policy position Participate in policy design, implementation and

monitoringFor policy makers, planners, government officials and development agencies

Policy design Policy implementation and monitoring

4. Capacity building for constituents

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• Indonesia: Indonesia Jobs Pact; led to the application of the Dynamic Social Accounting Matrix to asses the employment impact of the infrastructure component of their stimulus package • El Salvador: National Jobs Pact• South Africa: priorities approved by NEDLAC• Bulgaria: helped to build a national consensus regarding pension reform measures.• NOTE: Governments and social partners were offered immediate responses, that is, ongoing work and immediate support for urgent new priorities would not have to wait for the scans to be ready!

5. Process at country level: social dialogue and production of well prioritized country roadmap

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6. Follow-up technical support Extract from South Africa Action Plan

As agreed with the tripartite Decent Work Technical Team at NEDLAC and integrated into the DWCP Implementation Matrix.

Global Jobs Pact, Decent Work Response

ILO engagement

Exploring policies to promote universal income protection

Public employment schemes and the social grant system

Support to Phase II of ILO/NPC/UNDP/NALEDI project (ongoing TC project)

Promoting effective social dialogue and sound industrial relationsCollective bargaining and social dialogue Research / study on role of collective bargaining in the crisis and recovery.

Promote knowledge-sharing on the role of collective bargaining and social dialogue in recovery.

Promoting employment through inclusive job-rich growthEmployment creation potential of sectoral strategies

Assess employment creation potential of different sectors / strategies with a view to enhancing the employment impact of the new growth path.

Technical support in forecasting and assessing the employment impact of green jobs strategy

Employment and Infrastructure investment

Analytical and policy support to maximize employment impact of public investment in infrastructure.

Capacity building….

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1. Work under assignment 1 was reported to the GB in March, 2010; Nov 2010; March, 2011; including participation of Regional Directors

2. Work under assignment 1, as part of GJP implementation was also reported to the ILC, 2010 as part of the recurrent item report on Employment.

Additional issues:

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• External evaluation of assignment

• GJP Learning Event

• Finalize « loose ends »:• Nigeria• Mali• Coordinate spending of remaining funds.

EXIT strategy from GJP Assignment 1

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Develop a coordinated approach to ILO’s DW country level analysis as a basis for services to constituents and development of effective DWCPs:

(i) Work with Gateway Assignment to develop an Office-wide approach to Collection of country information and analysis involving the same consultative process across the Office;

(ii) Develop and apply a common methodology for Decent Work country level policy analysis building on Global Jobs Pact Scan approach, integrating it with country profiles, Decent Work Indicators and other country level reviews, in order to develop and apply one overall approach on Decent Work Country Scans.

(iii) Ensure the relevance and use of a common template for the development and review of decent work country programmes (DWCP) and their linkages with UNDAF, country based UN reform processes and other broader development cooperation frameworks. It should also inform country/sub-regional and regional policy analysis and advice.

(iv) Develop and apply a staff capacity building plan in collaboration with the regions and the ILO Centre in Turin.

Next Step: DG Announcement, 30 August, 2011

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Did they have the Potential Benefits envisaged?At country level

Did they help to enhance the social dialogue about policies to respond to the crisis at the national level

Did the standardized template helped to promote policy coherence and more integrated approaches at the country-level?

Were the growth and demand-side macroeconomic issues well covered? Did they contribute to better policy development? Did they help as an input to redefine DWCPs priorities? Did they help to improve inter-agency partnerships and UN country

programming?At the level of the Office

Did the managerial process help to strengthen the capacity of the Office to deliver integrated technical assistance

Did it help to have better, more integrated and just in time knowledge about decent work crisis responses?

Was sufficient ownership by different units developed? What was the experience with the use of consultants?

Assessment of the experience

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