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tanja schärer and ralph pfäffli are a happy couple, but not only ralph likes his girlfriend. alex fiva has a secret crush on her. jonas hunziker gets himself on slippery ground - in different ways...

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jonas has finished his practice but can't think of anything but fanny. until...

jonas, let's hit the bar.

yeah, let's booze it up!

ok, if you insist. i could use some distraction.

but not for long!

let's chill a little before i'll write a poem to my

fanny. super mario cart is the perfect


cheers guys. let's drink on a

successful world champs!

i can't think of

anything but fanny at the moment. i

would so much love to have a girlfriend.

you're so lucky that you have tanja,


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he definitely is. i

would love to be with her. better

keep this to myself…

i'll write a text to alex, he's with him at the bar and maybe like this ralph will remember to come


in the meantime at tanja's

i wonder when ralph

will be home. miss him.

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my oh my, this is


i should have skipped

that last beer.


omg, it's a text from tanja. i just hope

ralph doesn't see this.

dudes, i've had enough. i'm

heading home.

just in time to finish my poem for fanny. i hope

there won't be any further interruption.

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aaaargh!!! my knee hurts!!!

jeez, this is jonas. what has

happened to him?

i'm in pain, dammit.

what happened

jonas? where does it hurt?

i slipped on the ice. it's the knee

that hurts.

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tanja and jonas are off track. how does ralph react on this epic fail? there will be new stories tomorrow!

nice to know: all stories are pure fiction.

hey look, isn't this your

tanja with jonas??


wait i'll help you stand.

look at how soft his

beard looks. i wonder how this

feels while kissing.

tanja is such a babe, she

reminds me of fanny.