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    Theranostics2015, Vol. 5, Issue 4


    TThheerraannoossttiiccss2015; 5(4): 357-370. doi: 10.7150/thno.10657


    Off to the Organelles - Killing Cancer Cells withTargeted Gold NanoparticlesMohamed Kodiha1, Yi Meng Wang1, Eliza Hutter2, Dusica Maysinger2, Ursula Stochaj1

    1. Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada;2. Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

    Corresponding author: Ursula Stochaj, Ph.D. Department of Physiology, McGill University, 3655 Promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal,QC, Canada, H3G 1Y6. Phone: 514-398-2949 Fax: 514-398-7452 E-mail: [email protected].

    Ivyspring International Publisher. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License ( Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited.

    Received: 2014.09.27; Accepted: 2014.12.16; Published: 2015.01.21


    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are excellent tools for cancer cell imaging and basic research.However, they have yet to reach their full potential in the clinic. At present, we are only beginningto understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the biological effects of AuNPs, includingthe structural and functional changes of cancer cells. This knowledge is critical for two aspects ofnanomedicine. First, it will define the AuNP-induced events at the subcellular and molecular level,thereby possibly identifying new targets for cancer treatment. Second, it could provide newstrategies to improve AuNP-dependent cancer diagnosis and treatment.

    Our review summarizes the impact of AuNPs on selected subcellular organelles that are relevantto cancer therapy. We focus on the nucleus, its subcompartments, and mitochondria, because they

    are intimately linked to cancer cell survival, growth, proliferation and death. While non-targetedAuNPs can damage tumor cells, concentrating AuNPs in particular subcellular locations will likelyimprove tumor cell killing. Thus, it will increase cancer cell damage by photothermal ablation,mechanical injury or localized drug delivery. This concept is promising, but AuNPs have toovercome multiple hurdles to perform these tasks. AuNP size, morphology and surface modifi-cation are critical parameters for their delivery to organelles. Recent strategies explored all ofthese variables, and surface functionalization has become crucial to concentrate AuNPs in sub-cellular compartments.

    Here, we highlight the use of AuNPs to damage cancer cells and their organelles. We discusscurrent limitations of AuNP-based cancer research and conclude with future directions forAuNP-dependent cancer treatment.

    Key words: Gold nanoparticles, AuNPs, cancer cell imaging

    This review provides an update on the thera-peutic potential of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) foroncology. To this end, we introduce AuNPs as thera-peutic tools, summarize the current strategies thattarget AuNPs to specific cell compartments and dis-cuss how this targeting impacts cancer cell killing. Forsubcellular targeting, our focus is on nuclei and mi-tochondria, since both organelles are intimatelylinked to cancer cell survival, growth and prolifera-tion and therefore primary targets for anti-cancer

    agents [1, 2]. We conclude by highlighting unsolvedquestions and potential roadblocks in the field.

    1. Introduction

    Nanotechnology is in the spotlight of therapeuticinnovation [3], and AuNPs are particularly promisingtools to improve cancer treatment [4]. Due to theirunique optical properties, non-toxic nature, relativelysimple preparation and functionalization, AuNPs areexcellent candidates for many biological applications,

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    Theranostics2015, Vol. 5, Issue 4


    such as imaging, drug delivery and photothermaltherapy. These applications commonly take ad-vantage of the particles strong light scattering, in-tense absorption, and electromagnetic field enhance-ment that result from localized surface plasmon res-onance [5, 6].

    AuNPs can be produced in large quantities with

    defined shapes and sizes. The most common ap-proaches synthesize AuNPs in situthrough chemicalreduction of gold salts and seed-mediated growth [7],which enlarges the particles step by step. This methodis ideal to control AuNP size and shape [8-10] andused to produce large spherical, semi-spherical,rod-like, branched or other particle shapes [7]. AuNPsurfaces are amenable to covalent and non-covalentsurface modifications; this property is crucial for cel-lular and subcellular targeting. As the physi-co-chemical characterization of AuNPs and their de-tection have been reviewed by others [11-15], it willnot be discussed here.

    The development of AuNP-based strategies forthe eradication of cancer cells is important, becauseeffective therapies are frequently not available forrapidly progressing cancers [16]. So far, many of thestudies on AuNPs suggest that cancer cells are espe-cially vulnerable to these particles. Thus, AuNP-basedtreatment can destroy cancer cells, with minimal in-

    jury to healthy cells [17].The therapeutic value of AuNPs is based on (i)

    their distinctive physical properties and (ii) their abil-ity to interact with tumors and damage cancer cells.Thus, the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR)

    characteristics of many, but not all, tumors facilitateAuNP infiltration into the tumor [18]. Due to thispassive targeting, AuNPs (~6-200 nm) access the tu-mor tissue, where they accumulate in the extracellularmatrix before entering the cells [19]. Following theirassociation with tumor cells, AuNPs promote uniqueways of killing (Fig. 1). They can destroy cancer cellsby photothermal ablation, as exemplified by Auro-Shell [20, 21], through mechanical damage, or as drugdelivery systems for anticancer agents, such as tumornecrosis factor [21, 22] or doxorubicin [23, 24].

    What are the benefits of subcellular AuNPtargeting?

    While AuNPs are relevant for different clinicalapplications, further improvements of AuNP-basedstrategies are expected to optimize the therapeuticoutcomes. One such improvement is based on theconcept that AuNP targeting to specific organellesmaximizes the impact on tumor cells. To this end,AuNPs are being developed that accumulate in sub-cellular compartments where they destroy intrinsiccancer cell functions that are essential for tumor sur-

    vival. Once in their proper intracellular location,AuNPs can enhance cancer cell destruction by dif-ferent means. This includes the confined delivery ofanti-cancer agents [25], localized subcellular mechan-ical damage, and improved efficiency of photothermalablation due to high local AuNP concentrations [26,27]. Such controlled AuNP action will not only in-

    crease cancer cell killing, but also diminish toxic sideeffects, because it reduces the necessary amounts ofAuNPs and drug-load. Candidate compounds fornanoparticle-dependent subcellular delivery are dox-orubicin [23], platinum-based drugs [28] andpaclitaxel [29]. These anticancer agents interfere withnuclear and mitochondrial functions, respectively[30-33] and have been used to functionalize AuNPs[23, 34-37]. Aside from drugs, AuNPs can also deliveroligonucleotides to alter gene expression or splicing([38] and references therein).

    Figure 1. Impact of AuNPs on cancer cells. Size, morphology, functional groupson the AuNP surface and the cell type determine the subcellular distribution ofAuNPs. AuNPs can cause tumor cell death by photothermal ablation, me-chanical damage, and increase in the localized drug concentration. These eventscan be combined to enhance their killing efficiency.

    What are the bottlenecks for AuNP targetingto specific subcellular compartments?

    Once accumulated in tumor tissue, AuNPs haveto overcome multiple obstacles before they can con-centrate in the desired cell compartment: (i) cell sur-

    face binding, (ii) cellular uptake, (iii) escape from ly-sosomes/endosomes, and (iv) association with a par-ticular subcellular location, such as nuclei or mito-chondria (Fig. 2; [39]).The first three steps are generalfeatures that regulate the intracellular destination ofall AuNPs. These steps have been reviewed exten-sively [13, 39-42]; we will only briefly summarizethem here and then provide a more detailed discus-sion of AuNP targeting to nuclei, mitochondria andthe ER.

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    Theranostics2015, Vol. 5, Issue 4


    Figure 2. Obstacles AuNPs have to overcome for successful targeting to

    intracellular organelles or compartments. Once AuNPs are in the extracellularmatrix of the tumor (ECM, barrier 1), they have to bind to the cancer cellsurface. Cellular uptake requires translocation across the plasma membrane(barrier 2), by endocytosis or other mechanisms. Inside the cell, AuNPs have toescape from endosomes or lysosomes (barrier 3) to subsequently associatewith the desired organelle or cell compartment (barrier 4). Possible finaldestinations are the nucleus (blue) or mitochondria (yellow).

    Binding to the cancer cell surface, internaliza-tion and escape from endosomes/lysosomes

    AuNP uptake, subcellular distribution and tox-icity are determined by particle size, morphology andsurface modification. Although AuNPs of different

    shapes (spherical, shells, rods, diamonds) or sizes(1-100 nm) accumulate in various cancer cells, theiruptake kinetics and toxicity may vary profoundly(Fig. 1, reviewed by [13]). Besides shape and size,AuNP-based bio-nano interactions are further modu-lated by their functionalization [11, 43, 44].In general,positive charges on the AuNP surface stimulate cel-lular uptake, possibly due to electrostatic interactionswith the cell surface [45]. Positive charges can alsoimprove AuNP transport to the nucleus, because nu-clear localization sequences (NLSs) of many proteinsare enriched for basic amino acid residues.

    Particle uptake not only depends on AuNPproperties, but also relies on the cell type. Whengrown in culture, cancer and non-tumorigenic cellsdiffer significantly in this respect. Notably, tumorcells are often more vulnerable to AuNPs [46, 47].Nevertheless, there is variability even among cancercells; for example, AuNP uptake differs in hepatocel-lular carcinoma (HepG2) and cervix carcinoma cells(HeLa) [48]. Despite such cell-type specific differ-ences, nanoparticle binding to cancer cells can be en-hanced by exploiting tumor-related changes in plas-

    ma membrane composition (Additional File 1: TableS1 and associated references [41-91]). To this end,particle surfaces have been functionalized with lig-ands that improve docking at the tumor cell mem-brane. Ligands that promote high avidity binding tocancer cells include EGF (epidermal growth factor;associates with EGFR) or peptides containing the

    RGD motif (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid; recognizedby some integrin family members) [32, 92-94].Nucle-olin, transferrin or antibodies against Her2 and EGFR[55, 95-97] can also enhance nanoparticle binding tocancer cells.

    Once bound to the cell surface, AuNPs enter thecell; in most cases this occurs by an energy-dependentprocess, for which endocytosis is the main route (re-viewed in [13, 14]). Following cellular uptake, AuNPsinitially locate to endosomes and/or lysosomes,where the organellar membrane integrity determinesAuNP retention (reviewed in [14]). However, properfunctionalization of AuNPs can stimulate their endo-somal/lysosomal escape or promote uptake bynon-endocytotic pathways ([13, 14] and referencestherein).

    2. Nuclei represent primary targets forcancer therapy

    As nuclei mastermind essential aspects of tumorcell biology, they have become important targets incancer therapy in general, and AuNP-dependent in-terventions in particular. The nucleus controls cellgrowth, proliferation and apoptosis, and many an-ti-cancer drugs obliterate these functions. At the sametime, nuclear homeostasis is often altered in cancercells, which display changes in nuclear size, shape,envelope, lamina and chromatin organization, nucle-olar function or nucleocytoplasmic trafficking[98-104]. For example, the concentration of nucleartransport carriers is frequently increased in trans-formed cells or tumor samples, and this correlateswith augmented signal-mediated nuclear import andexport [105]. As compared to their normal counter-parts, transformed cells often transport larger AuNPs,and AuNP nuclear translocation is more efficient[106-108].

    Nuclear interactions of non-targeted AuNPs

    Even in the absence of subcellular targeting sig-nals, certain AuNP types associate with the nucleusand its subcompartments. In some but not all casesthis nuclear localization is accompanied by organelledamage. As such, AuNPs (3.7nm average diameter)were modified with both 3-mercaptopropionic acidand polyethylene glycol (PEG) and conjugated toFITC [58]. Although the particles accumulated inHeLa cell nuclei after a 24-hour incubation period, cell

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    viability still amounted to 85% of the control samples.Even after 72 hours and with up to10M of AuNPs,cell survival was maintained at 70%, suggesting lowcytotoxicity in HeLa cells [58].

    On the other hand, Au55 gold clusters (1.4nm)entered the cell nucleus where they interacted withDNA and elicited toxic effects [109]. Comparison of

    healthy and tumor cell lines revealed maximum tox-icity for the metastatic melanoma cell lines MV3 andBLM. The interaction between Au55 gold clusters andnuclear DNA is likely the underlying cause of this

    toxicity.Our recent studies examined AuNPs of different

    sizes and morphologies. In breast cancer cells, nuclearmembranes, nuclear laminae and nucleolar functionswere compromised by small spherical AuNPs or goldnanoflowers, but not by large spherical AuNPs ([46],Fig. 3). The damage inflicted by non-spherical gold

    nanoflowers is particularly interesting; despite theirlarge size (40-120nm), they entered the nucleus anddestroyed nuclear homeostasis in breast cancer cells,but not in normal breast cells.

    Figure 3. (A) Gold nanoflowers and large gold nanospheres (red) associate with nuclei of different breast cells, i.e. MCF7 and non-tumorigenic human mammaryepithelial cells (HuMEC). Note that gold nanoflowers can be detected in the nuclear interior of MCF7 cells, where they disrupt the nuclear lamina (green). Scale barsare 10m. (B) Small gold nanospheres (15.6nm diameter) and gold nanoflowers (40-120nm), but not large gold nanospheres (60nm), alter the nuclear organization inMCF7 cells. In particular, nuclear pore complexes (NPC, red) and the nuclear lamina (Lamin A, green) show severe changes. Arrows mark some of the nuclei with

    altered morphology; scale bar is 20m. (C) Small gold nanospheres and gold nanoflowers inhibit de novoRNA synthesis (magenta) in the nucleolus. Scale bar is 3m.Adapted from [46] with permission.

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    Theranostics2015, Vol. 5, Issue 4


    gold nanostars were functionalized with AS1411, theyentered HeLa cells and concentrated in the vicinity ofnuclei [55]. This uptake required both nucleolin on thecell surface and the aptamer. AS1411-gold nanostarlocalization close to the nucleus correlated withchanges in nuclear morphology, suggesting mechan-ical damage to the nuclear envelope. Irradiation lib-

    erated the aptamer from AuNPs, which in turn acti-vated caspases 3 and 7 and increased cell death. Col-lectively, the study supports the model that the ap-tamer release close to the nucleus enhanced damageand the ensuing cell death.

    Figure 4. Detection of 13nm AuNPs modified with CIPGNVG-PEG-NH3+in1BR3G cells (transformed human skin fibroblasts). Cells were incubated for 3hours with functionalized AuNPs, and particles were visualized by transmissionelectron microscopy. Some of the AuNPs were present in the nuclear interior,as indicated by the red arrows. Panels A and B depict two different nuclei. Scale

    bars are 2m. Adapted from Ojea-Jimnez et al. [64] with permission.

    The examples above suggest that targeting to thenucleus can amplify organelle-specific insults. Thisidea is validated by NLS-modified AuNPs that in-creased DNA damage and interfered with cell divi-sion, in particular cytokinesis [56]. Specifically, 30nm

    PEGylated AuNPs decorated with RGD- andNLS-peptides accumulated in nuclei and triggeredapoptosis in 20% of the cancer cells [56].

    Aside from targeting to the nuclear interior,AuNPs can also be used to obstruct the NPC. Thus,NLS-modified AuNPs (~39 or 32nm in size) blockednuclear transport in HeLa cells and induced au-tophagic cell death [115]. Interestingly, this was celltype specific, because it was not observed in SiHacells, another cervix carcinoma cell line.

    Delivery of nucleic acids. One of the applications of

    nuclear AuNPs is the modulation of gene expression;this can be achieved by knockdown or changes insplicing [60, 116-119].An example of this approach isthe use of 13nm AuNPs that carried oligonucleotidesto adjust the alternative splicing of mRNAs forpro-survival factors in different experimental systems[119]. As such, the particles were detected in nuclei of

    cultured cells and led to tumor shrinkage in a xeno-graft model based on LoVo cells (human colon carci-noma).

    In MCF7 breast cancer cells, spherical ultrasmall(6 and 2nm) tiopronin-coated AuNPs reside in thecytoplasm and enter the nucleus after a 24-hour in-cubation period [60]. When conjugated to a fluores-cent FITC-tag, only 2nm particles were detected inMCF7 nuclei. FITC-labeling increased the size of 6nmAuNPs to 10nm, which may have limited the passagethrough NPCs. To induce cell death, an oligonucleo-tide was added to 2nm tiopronin-AuNPs. This oligo-nucleotide generated triplex structures with the P2promoter of c-MYC. As a result, expression of theproto-oncogene was downregulated and cell viabilitywas reduced to 70%. When compared to the tri-plex-forming oligonucleotide alone, AuNP-attachedoligonucleotides increased c-MYC silencing andMCF7 cell death [60].

    Interestingly, AuNPs functionalized with dexa-methasone also delivered plasmid DNA to nuclei [76],suggesting that steroid hormones can be used forAuNP nuclear targeting. These studies were per-formed in cultured cells and experimental animals;they are discussed in section 5.

    Delivery of anti-cancer drugs.AuNPs that locate tothe nuclear periphery can provide transport vehiclesfor anti-cancer drugs. One such delivery system car-ried doxorubicin and was tested in HeLa (cervix car-cinoma), A549 (lung carcinoma) and NIH3T3-L1 cells(fibroblasts with pre-adipose characteristics). To thisend, 25nm PEGylated spherical AuNPs were func-tionalized with cell penetrating peptides, such as TAT[24]. TAT-AuNPs were taken up in all cells tested,whereas other peptides displayed cell type-specificdifferences. Doxorubicin-loaded AuNPs were espe-cially cytotoxic to HeLa and A549 cells, but

    NIH3T3-L1 cells were less affected. Cell death wasattributed to the release of doxorubicin close to thenucleus, where AuNPs concentrated.

    3. Targeting cancer cell mitochondriawith AuNPs

    Mitochondria are the major sites of cellular en-ergy production, and their dysfunction is associatedwith a wide range of diseases and pathophysiologies,including cancer [120]. Changes in bioenergetics are ahallmark of many tumors, but mitochondria are also

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    key regulators of apoptotic cell death. These proper-ties make mitochondria prime targets for cancertreatment [121, 122]. AuNPs often impair mitochon-drial functions and thereby induce cell death. How-ever, this does not always involve stable physicalcontact between AuNPs and the organelle. Here, wefocus on examples that report AuNP association with

    mitochondria. The emphasis is on studies that weredesigned to deliver AuNPs specifically to mitochon-dria.

    Which AuNP size fits mitochondria? The concep-tual differences for AuNP targeting to nuclei and mi-tochondria are based on the distinct organelle bordersto the cytoplasm. Unlike the nucleus, mitochondria donot contain large pores that provide easy access forAuNPs. Both the outer and the inner mitochondrialmembranes present barriers to AuNPs that are des-tined for the mitochondrial matrix. In heart cells, 3nmparticles, but not 6nm AuNPs, translocated across theouter mitochondrial membrane [86]. In the inner mi-tochondrial membrane, protein import channels pro-vide openings of

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    Figure 6. Uptake and subcellular targeting of AuNPs. Non-targeted (left) andtargeted (right) AuNPs bind to the plasma membrane; this may involve re-ceptors on the cell surface. Upon internalization, AuNPs initially concentrate inendosomes or lysosomes. After escape from these membrane-bound com-partments, AuNPs associate with nuclei or mitochondria, where they can causeirreversible damage that culminates in cancer cell death. Cellular injury isenhanced if AuNPs are targeted to nuclei or mitochondria (right); this subcel-

    lular targeting increases cancer cell killing.

    4. Targeting AuNPs to the ER

    Unlike AuNP delivery to nuclei or mitochondria,strategies for ER targeting are less well developed.However, given the importance of the ER for manytumor types and the links between mitochondria andthe ER [126], AuNPs located in the ER could play asignificant role in cancer therapy. AuNPs have beendetected in this membrane system; for example,non-functionalized 13nm spherical AuNPs colocal-ized with the ER and Golgi apparatus in B16F10melanoma cells [127]. In HeLa cells, 18nm AuNPs

    associated with cytoplasmic vesicles that were pre-sumably part of the ER [128]. In Kupffer cells of theliver, 13nm PEGylated AuNPs located to lysosomesand the smooth ER [129], and AuNPs derivatized withCALNNR8 peptides were trapped in the ER of HeLacells [52]. Simultaneous association with nuclei andthe ER has also been reported for K562 cells (human,chronic myelogenous leukemia) [130]. Notably, theseparticles induced ER stress, which likely contributedto their toxicity.

    5. Targeting AuNPs to subcellular orga-

    nelles in vivoAs compared to cultured cells or spheroids,

    AuNP targeting to cell organelles in vivo faces extrahurdles. These additional challenges include accu-mulation in healthy organs, tissue-specific barriers,clearance by the reticuloendothelial system and in-sufficient concentration at the tumor site. Once ac-cumulated in the tumor, AuNPs will follow the samesteps depicted in Fig. 1. As such, after cellular uptake,particles have to escape lysosomes/endosomes andlocate to their final subcellular destination.

    To overcome these obstacles, several variablescan be changed, including size, surface modification,dosage and route of entry. Accumulation at the tumorsites in vivois a prerequisite for subcellular targeting,and this topic has been discussed in previous reviews[16, 18]. At present, only a limited number of studieshave attempted to optimize AuNPs to reach a sub-

    cellular destination in vivo. Here, we discuss severalstudies that show organelle targeting with AuNPsboth in cultured cells and in experimental animals.

    Targeting nuclei in vitro and in vivo. Huang et al.[85] compared the performance of AuNPs in threedifferent model systems. Spherical tiopronin-coatedAuNPs of 2, 6 or 15nm size were analyzed in MCF7cells, grown in monolayers or spheroids. These parti-cles were also examined in xenografts of Balb/c nudemice. In all of these model systems, cellular uptakewas size-dependent and more efficient for smallerAuNPs. Moreover, particle size determined the sub-cellular AuNP distribution (see Additional File 1: Ta-ble S1). Small AuNPs of 2 and 6nm located to the nu-cleus and cytoplasm, whereas 15nm particles wererestricted to the cytoplasm. Following intravenousinjection, all AuNPs were cleared from the blood; thiswas most efficient for 15nm particles. By contrast,tumors accumulated preferentially 2nm AuNPs, but2nm particles also concentrated in the kidney andlung. AuNPs of 15nm size associated predominantlywith non-tumor tissue, with preference for the liverand spleen. Collectively, these results suggest that thesubcellular distribution of tiopronin-coated AuNPs issimilar in MCF7 cell monolayers, spheroids and xen-

    ografts.Chen et al. [76] examined AuNP nuclear target-

    ing in vitro in Hep3B (hepatocellular carcinoma) and293T cells (human embryonic kidney cells containingSV40 T-antigen); the experiments were extended toHep3B cell-derived xenografts. To deliver DNA effi-ciently to the cell nucleus, AuNPs were coated withdifferent molecules in a sandwich-like fashion. Thesandwich included plasmid DNA, polyethylenimine(PEI) and dexamethasone, a synthetic agonist of theglucocorticoid receptor. PEI enhanced endosomalescape, while dexamethasone served several purpos-

    es. First, it improved uptake, which reached 82.5% incultured HepB3 cells. Second, dexamethasone stimu-lated AuNP nuclear targeting through its associationwith the glucocorticoid receptor. Specifically, func-tionalized AuNPs (carrying dexamethasone, DNAand PEI) form complexes with glucocorticoid receptorin the cytoplasm and then translocate to the nucleus.With this approach, cultured cells were transfectedeffectively, while cytotoxicity was low.

    Building on these in vitro studies, functionalizedAuNPs were also used for gene delivery in vivo

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    (Balb/c nude mice bearing HepB3-derived tumors).

    DNA encoding tumor necrosis factor-related apopto-

    sis-inducingligand(TRAIL) was introduced into theanimals using AuNPs of ~55nm size. Tumors pro-duced the highest levels of TRAIL when the DNA wasdelivered by an AuNP sandwich that contained bothPEI and dexamethasone. Concomitant with efficient

    DNA delivery, tumor growth was inhibited. Thus,functionalized AuNPs induced TRAIL synthesis invivo and thereby interfered with tumor growth [76],while TRAIL expression was low in non-tumor tis-sues. This study demonstrated AuNP nuclear target-ing in cultured cells. Although not shown experi-mentally in vivo,results suggest that nuclear targetingalso occurred in experimental animals. Thus, AuNPfunctionalization with dexamethasone can be usefulto target tumors that synthesize glucocorticoid re-ceptor.

    Targeting mitochondria in vitro and in vivo. The

    preferred route of ATP production in many forms ofcancer is anaerobic glycolysis; this pathway relies onthe enzyme hexokinase which synthesizes glu-cose-6-phosphate. Hexokinase 2 is especially im-portant among the four enzyme isoforms, because it ishighly abundant in aggressive tumor cells and pre-dominantly associated with the outer mitochondrialmembrane. Since hexokinase 2 interaction with theouter mitochondrial membrane stimulates glycolyticenergy production and reduces apoptosis, the enzymehas become a therapeutic target for cancer therapy.Hexokinase 2 is inhibited by 3-bromopyruvate, a toxiccompound with off-target effects. To improve3-bromopyruvate specificity and diminish toxicity,AuNPs were developed for mitochondrial delivery[91]. PEGylated spherical AuNPs (2.9 4.3nm) weremodified with TPP, thereby generating T-AuNPswhich are characterized by positively charged andlipophilic moieties on the surface. These propertiesimproved T-AuNP uptake and mitochondrial associ-ation in PC3 cells. Results were similar whenT-AuNPs were further modified with3-bromopyruvate (T-3-BP-AuNP). After 4 hours,T-3-BP-AuNPs bound to the outer mitochondrialmembrane where hexokinase 2 resides. These AuNPs

    accumulated in the mitochondrial matrix at 12 hours.T-3-BP-AuNPs reduced PC3 and DU145 (prostatecarcinoma) cell viability, but had little effect on hu-man mesenchymal stem cells. The impact on cancercells was attributed to the loss of mitochondrial func-tions and glycolysis. Overall, AuNPs modified with3-BP were more toxic to cancer than normal cells. Atthe same time, AuNPs targeted to mitochondria(T-AuNPs) were more harmful than theirnon-targeted counterparts (NT-AuNPs). The toxicityof AuNPs was further enhanced by a 1min laser irra-

    diation at 660nm. To evaluate in vivoeffects, the bio-distribution and pharmacokinetics of T-AuNP andNT-AuNP were assessed in male Sprague Dawleyrats. Clearance from the plasma was faster forT-AuNPs than NT-AuNPs. Both types of particlesaccumulated in the liver and spleen, but their subcel-lular localization was not determined [91].

    6. Perspectives: Limitations and futuredirections

    The promise of AuNP-dependent cancer therapyis emphasized by numerous publications and clinicaltrials [21]. At present, several hurdles limit the rapidimprovement of AuNP-based treatments. For exam-ple, the approaches for AuNP targeting to subcellularlocations differ widely. Since AuNP size, morphology,functionalization, concentration and the cell typesanalyzed vary significantly, it is difficult to compareresults from different laboratories. Moreover, alt-

    hough essential to improve AuNP-based intervention,the biological mechanisms underlying AuNP-inducedcell killing are often not defined. Nevertheless, somegeneral conclusions can be drawn for the diversestrategies that lead to AuNP association with subcel-lular organelles (Table 1).

    Our review discusses the potential benefits oftargeting AuNPs to specific cell organelles, and wepresent the barriers AuNPs have to overcome to reachtheir intracellular destination. Aside from the re-strictions these barriers impose, AuNP-mediatedcancer cell killing could be limited by export via exo-cytosis (reviewed in [131]). However, such particleloss can be reduced with appropriate surface func-tionalization [132]. At the organismal level, it willfurther be important to design strategies that controlAuNP clearance. Clearance is mostly achievedthrough the hepatobiliary system and the kidney, andit is modulated by AuNP surface modification [133].As the immune system contributes to nanoparticleclearance [134], clearance rates likely differ amongpatients. Although these variations challenge theuniversal application for cancer therapy, they maynevertheless offer the opportunity to produce AuNPsfor personalized medicine.

    Cell type dependent differences in uptake andsubsequent intracellular targeting complicate the op-timization of AuNPs for cancer therapy. On the otherhand, if systematically examined, these differencescould be explored to develop AuNPs that are selectivefor specific types of cancer. Moreover, AuNP target-ing to tumor cell organelles could be enhanced byexploiting the differences between normal and cancercells. For example, nuclear transport is more efficientin proliferating cancer cells as compared to theirnon-tumorigenic counterparts (see above). This is -in

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    part- caused by the overexpression of importin- andimportin- family members and other soluble factorsor nucleoporins that support signal-mediated nuclearimport [135-137]. To date, AuNP nuclear targetingrelies predominantly on NLSs that bind importin-(SV40 T-antigen, nucleoplasmin) or importin-1(TAT, [138]). In the future, nuclear delivery could be

    improved through AuNP functionalization that stim-ulates NPC binding. Some nucleoporins are moreabundant in cancer cells [139], and therefore providepotential AuNP docking sites at the nuclear pore.

    With respect to mitochondria, functionalizingsmall spherical or rod-shaped AuNPs with mito-chondrial targeting sequences may be suitable todamage organellar functions or even clog mitochon-drial protein import sites, analogous to what has beenobserved for NPCs.

    While targeting to subcellular organelles is ofparticular interest to nanomedicine, the major bottle-neck after cellular uptake is AuNP escape from en-dosomes/lysosomes. Recent studies suggest addi-tional strategies to enhance this escape. Besides lowenergy laser irradiation [140], particle surface modi-fications that increase the proton sponge effectcould promote endosome swelling and AuNP release[141]. Moreover, AuNPs that undergo pH-dependentaggregation or enhance pH-dependent lipid rupture

    could be useful for the liberation from endosomes.Release from endosomes is critical for AuNPs to reachnuclei; however, it may not be mandatory for mito-chondria. For instance, fusogenic lipids as describedfor the Mito-porter could circumvent the need forendosomal escape. On the other hand, it is conceiva-ble that the direct delivery of material from endo-

    somes to mitochondria [142] will be exploited to bringAuNPs to mitochondria.

    So far, cell culture models have dominated thecharacterization of AuNP bio-nano interactions. Morerecently, AuNP-induced cell damage and death havebeen assessed in tumor cell spheroids [85, 143], amodel system that mimics multiple aspects of tumortissues in vivo. For example, AuNP penetration acrossmultiple cell layers was studied in spheroids derivedfrom U87 glioblastoma cells [143]. The progress inspheroid production sets the stage to explore thismodel further and examine AuNP targeting to nucleiand mitochondria. To date, there are only few studiesthat examine the subcellular distribution of AuNPs invivo. While in vitroanalyses located AuNPs in nucleior mitochondria, it is in most cases not clear whetherthese AuNPs are targeted to the same tumor cell or-ganelles in experimental animals. Clearly, this infor-mation has to be provided in the future to fully assessthe value of AuNP subcellular targeting in vivo.

    Table 1. Advantages and limitations of current approaches for AuNP delivery to subcellular organelles.

    Approach Subcellular organelle Advantages Limitations

    Exploitation of AuNP physical prop-erties for organellar delivery withoutspecific targeting moieties:

    size (e.g. small or large particles,nanoclusters),shape (spheres, rods, flowers, urchins),charge

    nonspecific subcellular distribution,often concentrated in endo-somes/lysosomes, particles may

    escape endosomes/lysosomes andassociate with nuclei and/or mito-chondria

    easy to prepare,low cost,fast clearance may limit toxicity,

    PEGylated small AuNPs often damagecancer cells,positive charges frequently enhance up-take

    uptake not specific to cancer cells,fast clearance may limit accumulation intumor,

    effect of positive charges cell-type de-pendent,low endosomal/lysosomal escape,low concentration in subcellular organelles,high toxicity, thus damage to non-tumortissues

    Targeting to cell surface: RGD trans-ferrin, EGF, antibodies or aptamersthat bind cell surface components

    nonspecific subcellular distribution,often concentrated in endo-somes/lysosomes, particles mayescape endosomes/lysosomes andassociate with nuclei and/or mito-chondria

    enhanced targeting to cancer cells, therebyimproved uptake by tumor cells

    endosomal escape and subcellular deliverymay require additional modifications;cell surface receptor signatures for efficienttumor targeting not available for all cancertypes

    Improved cellular uptake: cell pene-trating (CPP) and other peptides; e.g.CALNN, CALNNR8, TAT, Pntn,lysosomal sorting peptides

    nucleus and other subcellular com-partments

    may enhance nuclear targeting throughincrease of cellular uptake;some CPPs also function as nuclear locali-zation signal

    some peptides inefficient for endoso-mal/lysosomal escape and nuclear target-ing;nuclear localization can depend on celltype

    Nuclear localization signals (NLSs):biological and synthetic signals;

    linear and cyclic peptides:SV40-NLS, adenoviral NLS, cyclic[KW]5

    enriched in nucleus positive charges of NLS enhance cellularuptake;

    specific and efficient nuclear targeting;frequently low toxicity in vitro;useful for drug delivery to nucleus

    may need additional modifications toimprove tumor targeting in vivoand to

    facilitate endosomal/lysosomal escape

    Combination of peptides with differ-ent functions:e.g. CPP+NLS, RGD+NLS

    enriched in nucleus improved tumor targeting and cellularuptake;useful to exploit cell surface receptors

    functionalization with multiple peptides;specific ratio of peptides may be required

    Other molecules: CTAB, tiopronin,cysteamine, thioglucose,dexamethasone

    can lead to enrichment in nucleus may stimulate cellular uptake, endoso-mal/lysosomal escape or both;this can enhance nuclear association

    some modifications highly toxic (e.g.CTAB);except for dexamethasone, nuclear target-ing not efficient;targeting may be cell type specific (e.g.nuclear accumulation by dexamethasonerelies on glucocorticoid receptor)

    Different types of functionalization:octa-arginine, CTAB, TPP, chitosan,polyvinylpyrrolidone

    enriched in mitochondria can stimulate cellular uptake and/orendosomal/lysosomal escape;this can enhance mitochondrial association

    frequently toxic (e.g. TPP);may require permeabilization of plasmamembrane (e.g. polyvinylpyrrolidone)

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    Theranostics2015, Vol. 5, Issue 4


    As the model systems to evaluate AuNP per-formance are becoming more diverse, so are AuNPs.As such, AuNPs can assemble into chains, plasmonicvesicles [144, 145] or other structures that providemultiple functions at the same time, including drugdelivery, enhanced photothermal ablation and parti-cle tracking. Large complex AuNPs that are able to

    disassemble into smaller AuNP units [145, 146] couldhelp overcome the different roadblocks that limitAuNP subcellular targeting (Fig. 2). Such complexAuNPs, when disassembled, may have the additionalbenefit of rapid renal or hepatobiliary clearance.

    Taken together, AuNPs offer unique opportuni-ties to translate the insights of basic research intoclinical applications. Given the success of AuNPs forphotothermal ablation, mechanical injury and tar-geted drug delivery, future strategies that combinethese effects for AuNP-dependent cancer cell killingare particularly promising.

    7. Summary and highlightsRecent studies have begun to reveal how AuNPs

    impinge on the structural/functional organization ofcancer and normal cells. This knowledge is critical fortwo aspects of nanomedicine. First, it will help definethe AuNP-induced events at the subcellular level.This will set the stage for the identification of newmolecular targets for cancer therapy. Second, it willdirect the design of AuNPs with physico-chemicalproperties that overcome the current limitations theseparticles face in basic research, diagnosis and therapy.Thus, optimization of AuNP surfaces for cell and or-

    ganelle-specific delivery is anticipated to enhance theefficiency of cancer cell killing, while minimizing theimpact on non-tumor tissues. Based on their essentialrole for cancer cell survival, nuclei and mitochondriaare prime targets for this approach.


    AuNP: gold nanoparticleCALNN: cys-ala-leu-asp-aspCTAB: cetyltrimethylammonium bromideEGF: epidermal growth factorEGFR: EGF receptor

    EPR: enhanced permeability and retentionLSP: localized surface plasmon resonanceMTS: mitochondrial targeting sequenceNIR: near infrared radiationNLS: nuclear localization sequencePEG: polyethylene glycol, surface coating of

    AuNPs that reduces particle aggregation, non-specificinteractions with biomolecules and uptake by the re-ticuloendothelial system

    PEI: polyethyleniminePntn: Penetratin, peptide sequence derived from

    Drosophila protein Antennapedia that promotes entryinto the cell

    TAT: HIV-1-trans-activating proteinTPP: triphenylphosphoniumTRAIL: tumor necrosis factor-related apopto-

    sis-inducing ligand

    Supplementary MaterialAdditional File 1:Table S1: Impact of AuNP size, morphology andfunctionalization on cellular uptake, subcellular lo-calization and cell survival.

    Author Contributions

    The manuscript was written through contribu-tions of all authors. All authors have given approvalto the final version of the manuscript.

    Competing InterestsThe authors have declared that no competinginterest exists.

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