Download - OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

Page 1: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

' MINUTES .. ~, ,


Thirty-eighth Meeting


Spring 'River Baptist Association


Ebenezer Baptist ehurch

Clerk, CHAS. T. ARNETT, Mammoth Spring, Ark.

Page 2: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

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Page 3: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association




ring .River Baptist Association WHEN CONVENED WITH

rbenezer Baptist Church It mmoth Spring, Ark., Sept. 22-24, 1906


hi! r G. B. Boroh, Moderator, Denton, Ark. Elder Chas, T. Arnett, Clerk, ..Mammoth Spring, Ark.

1 l Session to be held with Pleasant Hill Church, Lynn, Ark., commencing on Saturday before the

Fourth Sunday in Sept. 1907, • 0

Page 4: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

Minutes Mammoth Spring, Ar'k., Sept. 22, 1906.

At 9 a. m. the messengers, ministers, visiting brethren, mem­' ' rs of Ebenezer church and citi.zens of Mammoth Spring, as-

mbled at the church house of Ebenezer Baptist Church and w•·re, in a few well chosen remarks, welcomed on the part of the , hurch by tlie pastor, Chas. T. Arnett; after which, the Jilayor of the town, Dr. C. W. Culp, in behalf ofthe city, in a short and pleas­tnt.~ address, extended a very cordial welcome to the hearts and bomes of the city and ~as follvwed by Rev. nr. Nugent, "with an , l(Cellent address, in behalf of the churches of the city. To both ,,f which Dr. J. H . Peay responded in his happy. style for t_he As-


At 10 o'clock, the Association was called to order by Bro. G. Boroh, the moderator, the soul stirring hymn, "I Want to b'e a

Worker for the Lord" was then sung. Bro. G. B. Boroh read the 133 Paslm and prayer was pffered by Bro. J. W. Robertson. llros. Owens and Robertson were appointed reading clerks.

On call ·of churches, the following responded by letters and &ssengers to wit:

Big Creek, N. A. Vance, W. A. Watkins, E. J. Russell and Alt. S. Johnson.

Black Ro·ck, I A. B. Minner and J. N. Robertson. Bold Spring, S. R. Erwin, J. F. Butler, Mollie Shaver.

Calamine, Jas, Maxwell, A. W. King, J . . H. Co.cke, J}lt. G:" King tnd Joe Miller. • -

Centerville, W. H. Goatcher, J. W. Henly and C. C. Hall Clear Spring, ·c. H. Wayland, .W. P. Dent and N. E. Dent. Clover Bend, H .. Little, S. B. Bell, · H. E. Suddith, Alt. E. R.

l'uraer and E. R. Evans.

Ebenezer, Chas. T. Arnett, W. H. Thomas and A. Emmerson. Hardy, Sisters, Cope and Gilliland and Bro. Campbeij, Alt.

liters-Jackson, Hatsings a~d Gilliland. Imboden, Sisters, Mitchell and Herring. Jerusalem, V. C. Erwin, J. C. Penn, W. R. Mize, Alt. R. E. Penn,

II Little and H. G. Penn. '

Page 5: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

-2- ' •

Lebanon, J. L. Hill, J. P. Goff, J. E. Miller, Alt. H. Croom and Dean Thompkins.

Little Spring, Sister Thompkins, Rol>b Thompkins, J. C. Dinton, Alt. H. D.·Taylor, F. M. Biggs and G. W. Smith.

Lone Oak, C. B. Lee, J. A. Justus, G. T. Pickett, S. F. C:te­ments, M. F. Pickett and W. A. Heims.

Mt. View, L. A. Baun, G. C. Jernigan, C. L. Bowers, Alt. Jas. Stephe.D6 and W A. Clark.


New Hope, G. B. Boroh, Jos Winchester and H A. Moore. Pocahontas, V. G. Hinton and G . W. Owens Porlia Not represe~ted. Pleasant Groye, T. F. Buchanan, H . G. Brady and Ray P!ck-

Pleasant Hill, J. S. Adams, S. W. Prince, Joe Goodwin, Alt. W. G. Dewson. ·

RingsChapel, P.M. Chrisenbery, W. T. Brashear. Shiloh, M. D. Bowers, J.D. Haynes and R L. Hayqes. Smithville, Sister J . E. Moore present but not messenger. Tuckerman, W. M. Tims, J. R. Cleveland. Union, \\' illie Wilson, John Helms and Miss Virginia P auley. Walnut Grove, W. T. Smith, W . A Deaton. Walnut Ridge, Mrs Guss \lcCarroll, Miss Duffy Gooch,

Mrs. Story and Miss Pearl Pane.

The next order of business being called, viz: The election of officers, Bro. G. B. Boroh was unanimously

re-elected moderator and Bro Chas. T. Arnett was, again for the sixth time, elected Clerk ·

On call for cor responding messengers, Bro G w . Owen from Mt. Zion Association responded ap.d w~s accorded a seat with US ·

The following visiting brethren were given seat5 with us, viz: 1. H Peay, representing the Baptist Advance }: . R. Powell, representing the Arkansas Baptist. Bro. Finch, representing Orphims Home .

Bro J M Milburn representing the American Baptist Flag . E T Lineoln. State Line Association colporter wagon . No.

3, of the Sunday School board .

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J . L· Manley, ElE>.venuoints Association of v! issouri. \\' . T . Jackson from Illinois. H. B •. Williams, Thayer, Mo The Moderator then appointed the following committees to­

ll : On Divine Service, Chas. T : Arnett, Benj Jones, V. G. Hin-

' ' ' . J , T Helmes and Mrs Effie Manken . State of c~urches: H . G . Brady, !I. Croomaud Lilly Mitchel. Sunday Schools, Mrs. Chas T . Arnett, Miss Guss McCarroll

1.l J H. Peav. · F oreign Missions, J P . Goff, J . s. Adams and Mrs. · E.

ompkiris . Foreign Missions, W M . Tims·, J , D. Haynes, and Virginia

I tDly. State Missions, M. D Bowers, c. D . Lee, Miss Cope. Associational Missions, I A . 8 Misner, J . N. Robertson and

Mrs. Guss McCarroll. E ducation, 'j . F Helms, Dean Thompki~s, Mrs. Herring. Baptist Literature, W. H. Goatcher, H. Little, Miss Duffy

' l)Och.

W( Il

Prohibition, Chas. T. Arnett,!. T. Helms, and Mrs. W. Story. Correspondence, N. E. Dent, Willie Wj.lson, Miss Duffy Gooch. Finance, S. B . Bell, J P. Goff,. M. H. Croom. Ministerai Directory, C L Bowen, R. E. Penn. Jas .. Max-

Orphans Home, H G. Penn, S. H . Clements, W . T. Smith.

The Dead, J . H Smith, Rob Thompkins, W. H. Thomas. 11 a m -This being the hour' for the Introductory Sermon,

md Bros J. F Butler and R- ~- Bellamy, being absent,· Bro. M D. Bowers ,was chosen ·by the Association, after a . short de­l)tional service, the br"other preached a very impressive sermon,

1 cess: was taken until 2 p. m · 2 P . M.-On reassembling the circular letter. as written by

ro. J . E. Moore, was read by the Clerk, on motion it was or-1• red pri~ted ~n the Minutes, (s~e appendix "R". )

A. petiti~nary letter fro~ Mt Zion church sending Bros. S. II. •Clements, Geo W. Roark and Geo. L. Uooker to sit with us,

as n:ceived, and on motion, it was received into our union.

Page 7: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


The committee on Divine Worship. reported that Br9- .J N. Robertson would Preach at 7:30 p. m.-The devotional service to be led by Bro G 8 . Boroh On motion, the order of busi­ness was suspended and the following resolution from Black Ro::k church, was offered to-wit: (See ap;nndix "A ") The res­olution was unan:mously adopted and Mission Board composed of the following brethren, were appointed viz, I. A. B. Minner, Ed Moore, W. A. Fkillen. G. 13 Bqroh and .1. C. Penn.--!. A. B Minner, Chairman. The report of the clerk was read as fol- , lows: (See appendix "H ") On motion, it was adopted. -

The report of the Treasurer of the Associational Mission Board was read and adopted . (See appeedix "C.")

Recess was taken until Sunday mqrning at 8:30 7:30 P. M -Devotional exercises, led by Bro. Peay. The

ser}llon was preached by Bro J N. Robertson, the subject was, "God is Love," and the text, Ephesions; 3, 15, 16, 17. The ser­mon was touching, tender and uplifting.

The committee on Divine Worship announced that Bro . R . G." Bowers, secretary of State Missions and Sunday School Board• would preach at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Haptist church, and Hro , J . H. Peay, wouid at the Presbyterian church. . At 7:30 p. m Bro. w~ G. Owens wo.uld preach at the Baptist church and Bro. Powell, ·editor of the Arkansas Baptist, would preach at the Presbyterian church Recess was then ~aken until 9 a. m. 8un­day, when a Sunday School rally would )Je held.

9 A.M. Sunday 23rd -T!te Association was opened by pray­er and song service, Bro. Boroh presiding. The committe .on Sunday schools reported and after, very beautiful, impressive and uplifting talks by Brethren, Peay, Binton, ~lilburn, Owt:n s Robertson and Jacks~:m it was unanimously adopted. (See ap-

.'pendix '·D.") ·11 A. i\1 . ~Bro. R. G. Bowers read the 46th Psalm and the lat

ter portion ofthe 15th Chapter of Paul's First Epistle to the C'or­rintheans; his text was the 58th Verse, topic_ "Life ~s the Light of Christian Principles.'' The sermon was a grand one. The audi­ence was greatly impressed and many felt that the Holy Spirit of God was present, and all felt that it was 'good to have been there •

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t1 1 the sermon, a collection for State Missions was taken, 1 wnting to $27 00, which was' equally divided between the Uon­ullon and General Association~ Recess until2:30 P · m .

l:30 P M -On reassembling,· several beautiful prohibition' were sung, led by Sister Ohas. T. Arnett After prayer

I ' 11 to order, the Prohibition report ~as read and discussed I ngth by brethren, and its adoption postponed until 8:30 a. m.

I nd 'Y· Recess until 7:30. ·

7:30 P.M.-After devotional exercises by Bro. M.D. Bowers, ' '7. W. Owens opened his service by an appeal in burning , t·, to the Christians to go to God in prayer for the- unsaved. uy arose and asked the prayers of all for loved one~ and nds. After a very strong sermon, an appeal was made to the

, •Ved, and auite an ineresting service was experienced.

8:30, Monday 24.-After singing, a scripture lesson and pray­Bro. Boroh, the body was called to order, and business re­i by, discussion of the Prohibiti()n report. After about one

1 spent in its discussion, it was adopted as amended. (See ndix "E.")

letter from Bethel church, which had not been represented 1 h -. Association since 1897, was received askinl:! restora-tion . . 1 h on motion was unanimousLy adopted. On call for reports, •ollowing were read an·d adopted, to-wit:

State of Churches, (see appendix '-'F.") Foreign Missions (see appendix "G") !lome Missions (see appendix "H.") State Missions (.see appendix ''I.") Associational Missions (see appendix "J.") Education (see appendix "K.") Bapt ist Literature (see appendix "L.") Correspondence {see appendix "M.") Finance (see appendix ''N.") Ministeral Directory (see appendix "0.") Orphans Home (see appendix "P. ") · The committee .on Memorials of the Dead, failing to report,

1 • ·~lerk was authorized to prepare and print a report with the ''Hites (Se~ appendix "Q.")

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After the discussion of the State Mission report, Bro. R. G. Bowen and Bro. Finch, each, made grand talks, whereby the brethren seemed to catch the spirit of Missions and in a few lilin·

· utes a collection of $27.52 was.taken, and added to that of yester· day, making altogether $57 52, ~11 being equally divided ~etween the convention and general Association. Bro. Finch also asked for an offering for the Orphans' Home, $10.00 was given, which, added to $15 00 taken last night at the Presbyterian church made $25 00 for the great cause.

The following Brethren were appointt>d corresponding messengers:

To Rocky Bayou- W . M. Rany. To Current River;-V. G. Hinton. State Line-C D Lee. White River Valley- W . H. Goatcher and W. M. Tims White River-Chas. T . Arnett . M t. Zion-M· D Bowers Independence-G. B. Boroh.

An election was then held for place of next session, for one to preach the Introductory sermon and to write the circular let· ter. Result, place-with Pleasant Hill chnrch on Saturday before the 4th Sunday in 1907. •

M. D. Bowers to preach the sermon and G. B. Boroh Alt. Dr. A . · L. Peacock to write the circular letter

The following Resolutions were then unanimously adoptid:

1st. Resolved, That the thanks ofthis Association, are here• by tendered, the brethren and citizens of Mammoth Spring, Ark· ansas for the many kindnesses and hospitalities during our stay among them and may God's blessing rest upon them.

2nd. Resolved, That that the thanks of this association are hereby tendered the Moderator and Clerk for their services, kindness and patience during this session.

3rd. Resolved, That the Clerk have 500 copies of the Min· utes printed, and that he be allowed $10.00 for his services.

S. H. Clements, c. B. Lee,

I. C. Penn.

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rhe following resolutions to change time of meeting was sub-1 1 Ill d to lie over until next session, for final action:

Resolved, That section nine of the constitution.s be changed ~a ad, T hursday instead of Saturday.

Chas. T. Arnett, J. T. Helms.

No other business appearing, the Association closed; the best 1111 most spiritual meeting that lias been held for ten years, or

1 baps ever, was the expression of many brethren. While "t mg '"God be You Till We Meet Again," the parting hand was

. n, after which the Benediction was given, and the Spring Riv­' \ aociation closed its .38th session to meet in its 39th session,

lurday before the 4th Sunday in September, ·1907.

G. B. Boroh, Moderator. · Uhas. T. ·Arnett, Clerk.


PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTION Whereas, great destitution of gospel preachinJ.! exists within

11., bounds of this Associatiop.; and in view of importance of a "tilled effqr t on the part of our people to supply said destitution

1111 send God's message to every creature: Therefore, · Resolved,-First, That this Association appoint .an executive

' <rd of five discret brethren, who shall have charge of all work , II missions in and by the Association, a majority of which shall ' aatitute a quorum.

Secon d: That ea~h church in this Association be requested • 1, , end one messenger to meet with said board, bearing the mis-

t• u. ry contributions from said church. Third: That su<;:h messenger be considered a part of the mis­

lon board for the transaction of all business coming before the eeting of the board.

Fourth: That in: the absence of such n1essengers, or on a fail­Ill of the churches to send a messenger, the mission board of live members appointed by this Association in pursuance of this

1 , tolution, or a majority of them shall have authority to transact 111y and all business coming before them.

Page 11: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


Fifth: That said board be requested to meet at a place of their choi<;e on or about October 27th, 1906, aud that · said board and the messengers from the churches be requested to meet for the transaction of business on Saturday before each fifth Sunday of the ensuing associational year, or oftener if necessary.

Sixth: That the pastors of the several churches be reauested to urge the churches over which God hath. made them overseers to take up collections for the work of supplying the destitution in the bounds of this Association .

Submitted by Black Rock church; I. A. B. Minner, Messe:nger. The above haying been adopted, and Board· appointed, Oc·

tober 27th, was s~t for first meeting with Black Rock church. Free entertainment has been .made for messengers All churches are requested to send messengers.

B. • ~eport of Clerk of Spring River Association, September 1905:

To Balance on hand ........ . ............. ...... ... $ 1 15 Minute fund from Committee .... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 90 Collection for Minute fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 35 Amount for Associationai Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 Amount for Ministerial Education . ......... . . . . . . . . 1 50 For Sunday School coloortage.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 For State Missions ................... . ........ ·. . . . . 10 00 For Orphans Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 For Orphans Home, collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 20 Collections for State Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 97 Collection for Bro. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 08 Amount from Bro. Sharpe for Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25

$77 15 Credits-September 25. By paid N. E . . Judkins .Associational Missions ... .... $ 9 00 Paid Bro. Moore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 3 08 Paid Bro. J. I. Martin.. . ........ 4 ••••• :. • • • • • 3 48 Paid J. F . Love, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 93 Printing of Minutes · ........ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 25 Expense on boots ...... . ............ ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

. Postage and E:r.penses . ............. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Preparing Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00

$75 99

To Balance on hand ............................... $ 1.16 C:has . T. Arnett, Clerk

Page 12: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


c. 110rt of Treasurer of Associational Mission Board:

Received the following amounts: From N. E. Judkins. former treasurer, balance from last

11 1 , • • • •. • • •• •• • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • , . •• • • • • •• • • • • • • . $25 00 From N. E. Judkins, for New Hooe church.... . . .. . . . 1 6S From N E. Judkins for Smithville church . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 From N. E. Judkins for Pleasant Grove church. . .. . .. 3 40 From J. H. Townsend for Centerville church. . . . . . . . S 00 From C T. Arnett for Ebenezer church . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 From J P. Goff for Lebanon church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SO From Samie Stratton for Lone Oak church . ... .. . ... 2 SO From J. D. Haynes for Shiloh church .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 00 From W. A. Deaton for Walnut Ridge church...... . . 4 SO From W ~- Wasson, (Individual p ledge) . . ... ... . . . 10 00 From sale of one bible to N. E. Judkins.... . . . . . . . . . . 2S T otal Receipts .......................... .. ...... $63.80 To J. F. llutler, miasionary, for one month's s.ervices. . 2S 00 Balance on hand ................. .. .............. $38 80

Respectively Submitted, H. W. Townsend, Treasurer


nday School Report-Your Committee reports as follows: Children are the recruits ofthis· commonwealth; they are to

~ our plans when we are called from labor to refreshments, , 1 c fore, incumbent upon us as Baptist parents, to train them in

1 way the Lord would have them go. The Sunday School is as ••lper place to teach them the way of truth and to train them 1 • burch work.

No Baptist should send his children to Sunday School. Bap-11 ahould take them to Sunday School. Largely from the Sun­

School is the church to receive its growth and as such should tii)Urished and cherished by all true lovers of our Master's

,,, brethren, under God let us endeavor to establish and 111ntain good live Sunday Schools in all our churches and in

lltute places· J. H. Peay, Mrs. Chas. T . Arnett.

Page 13: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


.:E. Report of Committee on Prohibition:

All Christian people sho~ld have their hearts filled w:th len and gratefulness, to our loving, Heavenly Fatht>r, for the gr• 1

and glorious victory for righteousness and manhood in our 1 cent State elections in vpting down license for sale of liquor 111

.about four fifths_ of the cou~ties in the State. It is with gr .11 pleasure that we have watched the progress made in our Stat in the creation of public demand for better officers, for law 011

forcement, and for prohibition. This has been accomplished h the faithful teachin~ of God's word, in the homE}S and in the pul pit demanding that Christian men and women embody the bill teaching in their lives-practically, it is to our religious teach11 that we are indebted for our growth

We cannot too highly commend that great non-political, 1111

denominational, American, anti-saloon leagues, methods whlc h have furnished a medium for the best work and leadership, with out too close den-ominational connections. Its system has dt vel oped local leader ship and responsibility: ...,.-ith general co-op11 ative and helpfulness Especially is this true in the work in de veloping the right of good citizens to control the issuance of It censf', the riJ;!ht of County Judge to insert conditions in the licen • and to cancel for their violations We also note thedevelopiDI III made in the destruction of gambling houses and devices. In nil of this the Anti-saloon League has demonstrated its safe leade1 ship and effective work, and it is our duty, as good citizens a11.t Christian men and women, to encourage in every way possibl this great organization of man where all can work together fc• • the riddance of the whisky curse from our land.

F .

Chas. T . Arnett, John T Helm,

Sister W. Story.

We, your committee, on State of ( 'hurches, find that the moat of our churches have had spiritual outpourings during the pa I year, resultine in the birth of many souls into the kingdoiQ There has been 148 baptisms and our people are awakening 1,,

Page 14: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

- 11 -

llilution in our borders, and we believe that the next year. t 1 ay t.he greatest work that has ever been done in our

I)Llring th e year, 22 of our Brothers and Sisters have been 11 In the H ome above . H. G .. Brady,


11111tee on Foreign Missions:

Henry Croom , Mrs. Lee A. Brady.

·' are p leased to note the progress made in the work on 11 llelds. We need trained men and women to work their

' I' ople Theological schools have been established and t1 1111e hundred men are being trained for the work May the I help us to send more laborers into the vineyard. Itt the year of 1904-5, Arkansas contributed ...... $4988.65 111 1905-6, contributed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5764.44

An increase of . ..•••..... $778 71 l l1o numerous Missionary Societies have contributed $874.47 ''tposition, both at home and abroad, has, to a certain extent,

II II moved. Barriers have been swept away. Our God leads 11, nt home and abroad . His blessings have beeii manifold;

we review the past with thanksgiving and praise, let us re­olu I' the blessings bestowed, only call us to higher and holier I· 1 Let us enter upon another year with higher purpose

1 tk·· it better than any of the past for the glory of our Lord I 11ter. Respectfully Submitted,

H. 11 t of committee on Home Mission:

J.P. Goff, A . E. Thompkins,

I. S. Adams.

W ,. would r espectfully state, that from available data, we find t Ill' Home Mission Board of the S.C.B. have very materially

11ed their work for the· past year, both l.n soul-saving and ,. 11 asing interest on the part of our people for this great

, ~ Some of our large cities are as destitute of the preaching 1d word as is darkest Africa, and here is where the greatest

1" 11 being done. We f nd that durin{! the life of the Home , II over 4,000 churches have been establish ed ; over 3,000

Page 15: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


meeting houses have been built; over 200,000 additions to the churches have been the results of the labors of the missionaries . For this year there has been great increase in workers, Last year there was 718 missionaries; this year there is 880; last year there was 10,557 baptisms; this year 15,436. The contributions have been increased over $30,000. The board has asked for $250,000 this year. Brethren, when we realize our individual re­sponsibility, there will be no lack of funds for carrying on God's work. Let our motto be-"W ork, Pray and Give.

I. State Missions:

W. M. Tims, J . D. Haynes,

Virginia Parsley.

Arkansas is a great Mission field. There is destitution in every county, and in almost every community. The pf':ople are dependent upon the Baptists for the pure gospel. It is our duty to send the gospel into every community in the state, and, into all the world. There are two State bodies seeking the co-operation of our churches in State Missions. We understand they are both doing excellent work, and since the sentiment of this body is somewhat divided, we recommend the greatest liberality through what ever body the churches may select. You are re­ferred to the Minutes and papers of both bodies lor datt con-cerning the work. M.D. Bowers,


Chas. B. Lee, W. E. Lamppary.

We, your committee, on Associational Missions, beg leave to report. For the past year we have done almost nothing alonl?' Missionary lines. In fact, we have done but little Missionary work for some years, and yet the demands become greater year by year and our responsibilities to preach the gospel at our own doors, is first of all. Brethren, let us make this year the crown-ing of all passed years. Respectfully Submitted,

J. N. Robertson, I. A. B. Minner,

Sister Gusie McCarrol1.

Page 16: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


K. We, your committee, on Education, respectfully report that

1 are pleased to note the increased interest in the cause of I l11l1tian education it is a source of satisfaction to know that as a I ominational, we stand in the front rank as to institution equip­

Ill nts and instructory We recommed that our people patronize 1111 own schools which are second to our Ouachita-Central Sys-

1 111 consists of Ouachita College for girls only. Academies are 1, 11ted as follows:

and Magazine, Alw. Maynard, Mountain Home, Bentonville lhH kner College at Witch'nerville Jno. T . Helms,

W, H. Goatcher, Dean Thompkins.

L I ·.IJ)tist Literature:

Your committee on Baptist Literature ·respectfully offer the 11llowing:

First, that the study of God's word be earne~tly recc<;>mmend­' I to the n aptist within the bounds of this body, especially, and

I h 4 t they prayerfully endeavor under the guidance of the holy I' rit to follow it. Second: Every Bapt;ist home should be sup-

1. d with as many Baptist periodicals and papers as they are •hie to pay for. . w. H. Goatcher,

A. Little.


We, the committee, on Correspondence, beg leave to submit 11 11 following report: We recommend that this Association cor­•• •pond with the following Associations: Rocky Bayou, Current I 1ver, State Line, White River Valley, Mt Zion, and Indendence nd Elevenpoints Associations in Missouri. A. E. Dent,

W. H. Wilson.


I , port of Finance Committee:

Received for Minute fund· · · · · .. · · · · .. · · .. · · · · · · · · . $32.65 Received for Associational Mission .... · . · · · · .". . . . . . . 27.55

Received for State Missions·· · · · · · · · . · · · · · · · · · · · . . . . 3.00 Received for F£!eign Missions ..... .... ·· . .......... 2.00

Page 17: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


Received for Home Missions .. . ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SO $66.20

Paid to Clerk. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66.20


S. B. Bell, 1. P. Go££,

H. M. Croom.

We, your committee on Ministerial Directory, beg leave to report the following ordained Ministers of the different churches in our Association:

w. H . Abee, Smithville, Ark. Chas . T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. J M. Appelgate, Portia, Ark. M.D. Bowers, Pocahontas, Ark. R. B. Bellamy, Smithville, Ark. L. A. Bain, Mobley, Ark. G B. Boroh, Imboden, Ark. J. F. Butler, Shelbyville, Ark. P. M . Chritstenberry, Bengay, Ark. S H. Clements, Williford, Ark. J. C. Diceton, Poughkeepsive, Ark. E. R. Evans, Laura Town, Ark. M. W. Frizzell, Black Rock, Ark. H c. Moore, Portia, Ark. W. Watkins, Maxville, Ark. H. B. Williams, Imboden, Ark. Sam Stratten, Smithville, Ark. James Winchester, Denton, Ark. U. B. Lee, Williford, Ark.

p, Orphans Home Report:

C . L . Rowers, R E . Penn,

J · M . Maxwell. Committee.

We, your committee, on Orphans Home, at Monticello, a re glad to report that the past year has been a most successful one in every r~spect, while we have had scores 9f children in t he Home there has been but little sickness and no deaths.

The Home has been refur nished from top to bottom both

Page 18: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


~t)nl!l and electric lights added and many other badly needed 1111 ovements have been made

Your Committee regards this a most blessed work and has 1 thaps been neglected in some of our chur~bes . We therefore 1 'om mend that each r .astor in the Association devote at least 111r aervice during the year to this glorious work and close by

It king a good, liberal collection for the support of the 70 father­'' , helpless ones, dependent upon us for bread. Send all con­I! tlutions to o. T . Finch, Box 276, Little Rock, fi.rk .

Q. fl morial of the Dead:

Respectively Submitted, J. C. Penn,

W. T . Smith, s. H. Clements.

This committee failing to make 'report, I herewith submit the owing: Upon examination of the church letters, I find that

111 Master has called thirty-five of our Hrothers and Sisters to tl11· Home on High Blessed are 'the dead who die in the Lord,

ho shall at the last day arise again in th~ likeness of the Lord . Chas. T. Arnett, Clerk .

R. lt'Cular Letter:

There have been many theories concerning the highest good •nd the supreme rule of right. One of the most common ideas,

that advanc~d so long a~o by Epicurus; that "Happiness is our lu 1ngs end imd aim -" This does away with right altogether nd leaves nothing but exoediency to be considered. The ques­

llnn is no longer, "Is it right?" but, "Will it pay?" · I believe that lhr &reatest amount of happiness, will, in the end, at least, alway lh)w from right action. But to make pleasure our aim, and bend

II things to it, is to crown selfishness king of life, and to stifle 11111ny of the noblest impulses of our nature. Our very charity

ould proceed, not from any desire to better our fellowmen, but Imply from the pain of living in contact with pepple in distress ­Dother very common idea is, that the intuitive knowledge of

•l&ht and wrong, commonly called conscience, is the highest law tl right. But the conscience is not an infallible _s!uide, it depends

Page 19: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


too much upon the education . The Hindoo mother throws her infant into the Ganges river to appease her God. Paul verily believed that he was doing God service when he was persecutin~

t4e church. He was following the dictates of a misguided con­science. The scripture says that we ~!lay believe a lie and be damned So let us train our conscience in the light of God's word and not be satisfied with anything that is not sanctioned by Him, and in so doing we shall aviod many pitfalls and dangers in this life. Fraternally,

J. E . Moore

CONSTITUTION We, the messengers of the Baptist Churches of Christ, in con­

vention assembled, in order to perpetuate Union,foster Education and aid in the ex-tension of the Gospel, do ordain this constitution for this Union to be called Spring River Baptist Association.

I. The Association shall be composed of Messenger~ chosen by the church of the Uni<:>n and accredited by letter, and each church shall be entitled to three messengers.

11. The officers of th~s Association shall be a Moderator and Clerk, whose duties shall be defined in rules of decorum.

III. The letters of the churches shall express the number in fellowship received by baptism, by letters, restored, dismissed by letter, excluded and dead, during the associational year, the name of the pastor, postoffice, and the amount contributed and the ob­ject of the donation, and in no case shall the .Association appro­priate money for any purpose but that designed by the donor.

IV. The Association shall have no ecclesiastical authority over the churches, but ·may give council and answer queries , when requested.

v. Churches may be admitted to the Union on petitionary letters, if Scriptural in Constitutional, faith and practice,

VI. This Association may withdraw from any church in this Union for unch_ristian conduct,

VII. .Every question shall be decided by a majority vote ex­cept on the reception of members into this union, which must be unanimous.

Page 20: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


Il l. A m inute of the proceedings of the Association shall be 111ted; and, if the churches furnish the means, printed.

I The Association shall hold a session annually with one of , hnrches of the Union, on Saturday before th.e fourth Sunday • ptember of each year.

This Constitution may be amended by proposal made in ·llnl' and entere~ of recor d at one session: and if a majority , l~>r such amendment, it shall become part of this Constitu·

RULES OF DECORUM A moderator and Clerk shall be elected by the Associa-

111 who shall continue in office one year or until their suc­nrs are elected.

The moderator shall take the chair at the hour to which lu Aaaociation is adjourned, and after prayer proceed to busi­

He shall keep order, and may speak provided he calls a t 111 man He shall have no voice except in case of a tie, in hie h case h e shall give the casting vote .

Only one member shall speak at a time, who shall rise 1111 his feet and address the Moderator He s.hall not depart 1111 the subject under consideration, nor indulge in personal llr ··tions. I No member shall speak more than t wice on the same

ultject without leave from the Associat ion

No m ember shall absent h imself from the Association llhout leave. '' No member shaU address another by any appellation

the r than"Brother," The Moderator shall not interrupt any member while

I' 1king unless he violates these rules of decorum. H Any member may appeal from the decision of the Mod-

' 1lor to the Association ..•. .; The clerk shall keep a minute of _the PfR<(_eedil:ig'S tQ~).'Jj,~

ciation, and perfor m such other_ ~uties a;~:.'~j be re"ij_'u~~<l I him .~auU~·lf., t'Jd A~_::-,.ui~J~

IO . Any member vio1atih~1ffie rules may be reported.

Page 21: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


11. The session of the Association shall be open'ed and closed by prayer.

12. Resolved, That order of business be amended to read as follows:

1. Call to order by the Moderator. 2. Re<tding a chapter from th~ Bible, and prayer. 3. Appointing reading clerks. 4. Calling roll of Churches, and reading letters. 5. Election of officers. 6. Introductory sermon. 7. Reception of corresponding messengers. 8. Invitation to visiting brethren. 9. Reception of Churches .

10. Appointment of committees, viz: On divine service; State of Churches; Destitution; Sunday Schools; Missions; Educa­tion, Baptist Literature; Prohibition, Correspondence; Finance: Mipisterial Directory; Orphans' Home; Memorials of Dead.

11. Queries. · 12. Report of Secretaries and treasurers o! boards . 13. Report of associational mission board. 14. Report of committees. 15. Miscellany. 16. Adjournment.


-~ z 0


"· ? ;; ~


CHUROH ENT CLERK '"" " c;: ADDRESS ~ " ~~ ~ ..... ;;' 0 co " .., ..

"' --- ---50!$ 75\Maxvllle, Big Oreek J S Johnson B F Johnson 4 Ark.

Bold Spring Moille ,;haver 5 25 Strawberry, Black Rock IV A Skillen Miss E Matthews ll 90 Sl 38 Black Rock, .. Centerville 0 A Clark 5 35 3 00 Kenyon, .. Clear Spring C H Wayland .r ennle Hollabanh 6 63 3 40 Denton, .. Ebenezer John Shetron Mrs 0 T Arnett s 159 2400 Mammoth Spr " Imboden J J Estes Miss !llobel Owen 6 60 25 00 Imboden, " Jerusalem V C Erwin J L Penn 7 35 4 75 Strawberry, .. Lone Oak G wHelms J es~le J odes '5 38 60 Matthews .. Mt. VIew R M Jernigan 4 26 90 Mobley, .. Pleasan~ Grove Ray Pickett Bedford Pickett 5 25 8 70 Annlevllle, .. Pleasant Hill S l1 Prlnee Jas Goodwin Jr. 6 74 790 Lynn, .. Pocahontas V G Hmton Sndle Hinton 7 ~a 10 81 Pocahontas, .. Ne.v Ilope John McLeod John Garrett 6 40 Denton, .. Ring's Chapel P M Chrlsenbery G W Brasllear 5 55 100 Emory, .. Shiloh D Bowen Mrs Drew Wllev fi s,;; 4<00 Pocahontas, .. Tuckerman If SHill Elmer Klair 6 M 10 00 ruckerman, .. Ualon w P Mason J R Wilson 4 40 5 00 Jessop, .. Walnnt Ridge W A Henry Mrs Gus McCarrol 8 72 60 00 Walnut Ridge

Total~, 100 1069 $20I 14

Page 22: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association




lid ' .. . .. . . . Mr Mo.!Cullough thul ...... . . ... HE ('ark

1,,, '' .. ... . .. W A. Watkins G P Johnson till llpr!ng ..... J F Butler · W M Watson

k Rock .. , . . J N Robertson H W Townsend u I, nllle. • . . G q Boroh U C Hall •lllllno ...... : •. R B Bt>!lamy ,John H Coeke 11 Spring . .. .. G B Boroh C II Wayland

, 1r Bond ... .. . W R Marshal. ..... ::l B Bell Chas T A rnet, 3.J 8 , Co ·

Dl•~wr ........ . H B Williams, 1 !:! MyrL e nway 111.v , • • • • •••• H B Williams \-Irs M A Cooper loo •I• n-•• .•••.. J W fl.obertson Mrs C C Bacon "' •lem ..... . . G W James R E Penn , nun .••••• ... .M P Jackson J P GOff

111 ~pring .... J C Dtceton G T Oiceton 111 l)pk .... . .. . ,J C Dic~tou W A. Helms

1 don!&, ....... C ·B Lee J S Goff VIew ... . .. . G W James J E Dawson !lope ....... . G B Boroh T J Moore

1111'bt Grove . . R B Bdl>~my H G Brady 1 tnnt Hill. . . . J F Bntler S M Prince· 1 hon tas ..... . W G Owens J VV Presley

tlln .... ....... G B Borob E B I vie I t !,lon ........ S H Clements Geo .L Fooker '' Obapel. . .. PM Chrisenber,v G W Brasher t1nh, ., •........ MD Bowers J D Haynes , 1 h•llle, .. . .. . . G B Boroh Mrs Dora White , lcermu.n . .•••. Oscar Reynolds Anna Condit lllttn ...... • .... . G W James J R Wilson •IIIII~ Grove ... W 1~ Bridges W A Deaton olnut. Ridge .. J H Peay J E Gooch


Alicia, -Ark. Hardv " Max wen, Strawberry, " Black Rock, ' Kenyon, " Cttlamine, " Denton, · Clover Bend, "

Mamm _ th Spring

Hardy, • Ark. r ,nboden, Strawbe-ry, ' • Smithville, Poughkeepsie" Clements, " Hardy, " Mobley, DeJton, . Annieville,


Lynn, Pocahontas, " Portia, Matthews. Emery, Pocahontas, Smithville, " Tuckerman. · • Jessup, " Wa'nut Ridge Walnut Ridge

.. " •

NOTE....,.-Correction of omission in statistical table. Poca-1 ' ' ' . church paid for state mission $1 00, home missions SOc,

, , ljll missions $4 65 and tdthe Orphans ·Home $23:

Page 23: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association

u ~ ST.A 'TIS TICAL . ;T:ABI.:E ~ u ~ .....

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B ethel .... ....•................ I $ 2 .wl j$ 761

1$ 2 40 Rig Oreek, ..•... . ......... I 2 I 1 I 1 52 $ ~00 00 $ 30 00 a~ 75 .B"Id Sprln~r ................. 1 1 4 7 I 12 1 3 ' ill! 400 00 $ 4 111

1 1 00 6 Ill Bla •··k ltock . ................ 1 1 I ll 1 12 ll I 6 132 301111 00 300 00 ' $15 o!V 1olll$1175 $131 001 4o9 Ho r.alamlnA . ....................


6 2 8 35 300 00 400~ 2 00 s g 00 100 .a 00

Cent~rvllle ....... . ............ 1 1 2 ~ 2 7 gl 1~! 800 00 I!J.I 00 1 2/i: 3 00 123 25 ()leur IS)Jrlng ................. :1 5 ta 400 ou . . 18 6li

I 100 I 19 (Ill Olover Bt~nd ................. 1 6 5 IO I 8

41 34 . 50 ' lin

Ebenezer , ...... . ......... I 32 5 37 10 10 82 2000 00 43.00 500 15 00 1 001

15 00 60 00 163 00 Hardy .... ... . ···-··· ········· ' 13 5

1~1 ~ I 3 28 :n5 oo

"T'"" $ 2 0( l 00 · 83110 6325

Imboden . ...................... .j r 4 8 40 I~50 00 156 60 00 4 00 64 no J e rusalem .................... I I 50 600 00 50 00 3 10 100 . 54 In Lebanon .. I ' li a 8 I 1 I 3 83 2500 18 45 bOO 1 oo 24 411

t~t~~ o~S2~~:::::::::::·::::: 1 2 .8 3 2 1 I 4 121 25 00 .. 1 60 100 JJO 506 ' lo6 l!o

1 fl I 7 19 2 I 4 114 800

: ~:1 811 13 8·•

Mnc~d· •nla .................... I 6 1 { 1 1 1 2 ~~ 711 I 711 Mt, VIew ................. ·- · 2 1 2 l 3 60 42 00 160 . 7~ 4 OH Mt 7.lon ....... H 21 1 36 s! ~ 1 0 at 76 I 76 .K'ew Hope . ........... .'::::: 2 1 1 3 4 14 25 ]Jlq 1200 00 H6 15 1 00 c 60 00 6l 00 Pleasant Grove .............

I 5 7 2 14 5 2 2 9 1<3 600 00 I Ou 33 70 '34 o.,

PleaAant Hill. ............ 3 3 >~,1 1 4 9 110 i~~ ggl 34 90 325 6 4.~ ' 2 10 In So Pocahllntas .......... .......... a 2 ~ IOi

[ 11 71 !1'7 .2.~ ' 53 6• IOO 100 00 n s1 824 96 Portia . II l 2(1 llOO 00 50 415 100 li7 46

~~~f~~ - -~~--~~~1 .:::::::::::::: 1 4 4 1 a 4 4 1 30 00 100 2 00· 3 on 2 1 20 3 2 25 I l 1M xnoo oo 50 00 5 00 7 69 2 00 13 olll 7!1 14

~'uckerman . ..... I 2 4 r 1 5 70 1600 00 ]6() 0 I I 511 190 00 3(1 311 Smltkvllle ........ .. :.:: .. :.' 2 I ~ ~' . :-13 600 00 oa uo 1 00 54 ~0 UniiiD ..... ... ......... .. ........ ' 2 2 M · 4110 00 4'l 00 75 42 76 Walnut Grove ..............

I 6 5 2 13 60 1000 00 75 00 411( 1 50 81 QO Walnut 1tldge ..... ········· 16 12 27 4 4 66 21500 00 800 00 25 50 6 00 I 50 140 00 473 flO

I Q ' ' ~ ·> - ~ ~

Page 24: OF THE Spring 'River Baptist Association


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