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OASIS SHRINERS604 Doug Mayes Place

Charlotte, NC 28262-8410


Editor: Richard [email protected]

Phone: 704-549-9600Direct: 704-650-3000

All Editorial, Advertising, and Change of Address content should be addressed to:

Desert Dust is published monthly by Oasis Shriners,

604 Doug Mayes Place,Charlotte, NC 28262-8410

Advertising Rates Provided On Request

Elected Divan and Board of Directors

John A. Sullivan PotentateH. Mike Cook Chief RabbanFred Laxton Assistant RabbanW. David Sumpter, III High Priest & ProphetTodd Ham Oriental GuideWilliam M. Harward, PP TreasurerJames F. Rorie Recorder

Appointed Divan

Johnny King 1st Ceremonial MasterMike Neaves 2nd Ceremonial MasterBuddy Ellis DirectorJohn D. Burgess MarshalRodney Morgan Captain of the GuardShea Fadel Outer Guard


By the time you read this September, 2011 will be past. Shooting For Caine, Grand Lodge and SASA are memories. But there is more to come. Shooting for Caine raised thousands for our Hospitals, and due to the push from Captain of the Guard Rod-ney Morgan, will continue to generate funds into next year. Those who attended realized that this event was more than just a one-time fund raiser. Caine and the entire Russell family joined in the festivities from the Stanly County Shrine Club and it’s Hillbillies. And there is more to come, Noble Rodney is working on even bigger plans to announce later this month. Grand Lodge brought Oasis member, Most Worship-ful Bob Gresham to the forefront as Grand Master elect of North Carolina Masons. A resident of Stanly County, M.W. Bob at-tended Shooting for Caine and spent most of the day with our group. Congratulations Sir, I know you will serve us well. A United States Congressman (and his Chief of Staff) joined our fraternity with the help of Imperial Sir Mike Severe, and High Priest and Prophet David Sumpter. SASA came and went, and Oasis gar-nered lots trophies in competition. Harold Davis and the Hospitality Crew served our members well, and while I wasn’t there, I heard nothing but rave reviews.

Friday, September 23, 4:15am Forsyth Hospital Last month I wrote about growing older and things happening unexpectedly. Yester-

day that happened to my family. Our Daughter Christa, and Grand-daughter Lucy had spent two nights with us. While I was out Judy, Christa and Lucy were preparing to go for a walk in the woods behind our home. They made it as far as the

edge of our yard when Judy col-lapsed and was unconscious. What we thought initially was a stroke was actually a seizure. Judy’s right arm was dislocated from the shoulder socket by the muscle contrac-tions in her back, and when the contractions ceased the ball was snapped off her upper arm ( the humerus) as the muscles tried to put the ball back into it’s socket. So instead of attending Grand

Lodge and then driving to Pigeon Forge I spent the day in the Emergency Room and the night on a chair beside Judy’s hospital bed. Her surgery to rebuild the shoulder is to be in a few hours, so for me writing is easier than sleeping.

Fast forward to Friday 2:30pm Judy is in recovery and her surgeon said he expects her to make a full, if slow, recov-ery. God is good. The expressions of caring across our fraternity is amazing. My cell phone battery died early due to the number of calls I re-ceived from you. Thank you from our fam-ily... I cannot put into words what it means to us to feel the love and comforting words you sent. And once again I, on a very personal level, see what is right in Oasis.


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Brady Whipple, His Amazing Family & Shriners Hospitals

Come to the Aid of Children in Need “People say to me, ‘Jacki, you are such an amazing woman. Your husband is in a wheel-chair, your son has no feet, and you will soon have a daughter who also has special needs’.” “But I don’t feel like an amazing per-son,” Jacki Whipple says. “That’s just life. Maybe in our home, I’m the oddball.” The Whipples ad-opted Brady, now a 3-year-old who was born

missing bones in his lower legs and feet, and they are in the process of adopting Ava, a 3-year-old daughter with Achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfi sm. The cost to adopt Ava will total $29,000 by the time they get her home next year. “We still need $6,000 to $8,000 to bring Ava home, but we aren’t worried about it. We are confi dent God

will make it happen.” Jacki says she is asked, “Don’t you feel terribly disadvan-taged?” “No,” she says thoughtfully. We’re not disadvantaged at all. It’s just life. I am a nurse, and we have Shriners Hospitals. I couldn’t have my own biologi-cal children. But God provided these two wonderful children who were defi nitely meant to be ours. They are an-

swers to our prayers. We needed them. And they needed us. What could be better?”


Doctors at Shriners Hospitals for Children amputated Brady’s feet just after he turned one year of age, and fi tted him with prosthetic feet. Brady remained in a body cast up to his waist for fi ve weeks after sur-gery, but in less than a month after the body cast was removed Brady could walk. “We are so blessed to have a doctor and a hospital that could help us,” Brady’s mother said. “Brady’s doctor at Shriners Hopitals in Greenville, S.C. is Dr. David Westberry, a warm, wonderful human being as well as a skill-ful orthopedic surgeon. We think he is absolute-ly the greatest, and he is beautifully humanized by the pickup truck he drives,” Jacki says. “Oh, and the hos-pital! It is nothing like a standard hospital. I was able to be with Brady the entire we were there. We never had to pay for food nor room. And ev-ery time a child checks in to the clinic they are given a new stuffed ani-mal. There are games, and parties, and pizza and even therapy dogs to love and play with,”

- ON THE -Cover

and Shriners Hospitals give to their children. It is a remarkable thing to experience,” Jacki says. “And in other ways the Shriners have given Brady such a remark-able and exciting life. A Top Fuel Harley Da-vidson Drag bike team out of Greensboro put a larger than life picture of Brady on the side of their hauler and invited us to join them in Rock-ingham” Jacki added. “What an awe-some thrill for Brady! Of course he was the center of attention and the star of the show. That was really his day! Brady says that when he grows up, he’s going to be a Shriner just like his Daddy and his Papa and wear one of those red hats,” Jacki says. A native of Nash-ville, Tennessee, Jacki is a Tennessee State University School of Nursing graduate, and Jason is from Washing-ton State. “We are pleased that, once our adoption of Ava is fi nalized, Shri-ners Hospital will be there for her as well”, Jacki says. His mother says Brady can hardly wait for the arrival of his little sister. He watch-es videos of Ava ev-ery night and recently asked me, “Is Europe as far away as Con-cord?”

Mrs. Whipple says. “My husband and I were amazed to be treated so well. We were like guests in a nice ho-tel, and everyone was so cheerful and friendly. If your child has to be in a hospital, there’s no greater place to be than Shriners Hospitals for children.” She said Brady is now on his third pair of prosthetic feet, and he goes in for adjustments every six months. Jason Whipple, a Shriner himself and Jacki’s husband, suf-fered a broken neck in an automobile accident when he was in the U.S. Navy, an accident which left him with a break in his spinal cord, partially paralyzed and life in a wheelchair. Jason does vol-unteer work for his lo-cal church and for the Masons and Shriners. Jason and Jacki make their home in Cornelius, N. C. “We are relying on God to get us through,” Jacki says, “With us it’s a God thing. We are thankful that God chooses our children for us. And we are thank-ful for the help He gives us.”



“People just cannot imagine the love and dedication the Shriners

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Shooting For Caine On a Tuesday in September men fi red shotguns in the morning and golf shots in the afternoon. Shooting for Caine was held for the third year, but for the fi rst time Shri-ners Hospitals for Children was chosen as the charity. Captain of the Guard Rodney Morgan was told of the event, and as it was held at The Tradition at Tillery Golf Club in Stanly County, adopted it as his own. Rodney met with the club owners and volunteers and kept Oasis apprised of the planned activities. Caine Russel is the 21 year old son of the owners of the club, and though he has a form of Muscular Dystrophy, wanted to do some-thing to help children. So in 2009 Shooting for Caine was begun. The event is made up of teams of sporting clay shooters who, at Fork Farms, visit 18 shooting stations and re-cord their scores in the morning. After lunch

the participants move to the golf course and add (or subtract from) their scores. The popularity of the event is growing, and this year there were 35 teams competing. Fi-nal numbers are not in, but es-timates of thirty thousand dol-lars for our hospitals are men-tioned. Fun event, the Stanly County Shriners showed up in force with patients, Hillbillies (and

their cars), and food. Thanks to every-one, this will be a premier event on Oa-sis’ calendar in years to come.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

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138th Imperial Council Session Comesto Charlotte on Fourth of July Week

Thousands of Shri-ners will be marching in the streets of Charlotte on the Fourth of July 2012 in what many ex-pect to be the biggest and fi nest parade ever to visit the Queen City. It will be a showtime extravaganza for as many as 10,000 members of Shriners In-ternational and the peo-ple of North Carolina. The parade will call attention to the work and support Shriners give to their 22 Shriners Hospi-tals for Children. The parade in down-town Charlotte will step off at 2:30 p.m. on Tryon St. and will end at 5:30 p.m. on Tryon St. at Stonewall. In the three-hour, one-mile-long pa-rade down Tryon St. will be 1,400 Shriners, 380 ve-hicles, including trucks, motorcycles and wagons and 10 to 15 fl oats, 10 to 20 bands, big buses, tiny cars, giant trucks, 120 horses and the most col-

orful clowns (possibly as many as 100) anybody has ever seen together at one time in their lives. And there will be fi erce competition waged for fi rst place among Shrine units such as the Oriental Bands, Motor Corps, Clowns, Horse Patrols, Drum and Bugle Corps and many more. The Fourth of July 2012 in Charlotte will be a day to remember for many reasons. One that nobody will forget is that the in-coming Imperial Poten-tate, Alan W. Madsen, is from Charlotte and Lake Norman, and he will be sworn in during the Shriners annual Imperial Council Session in Char-lotte. The Imperial Sir said today he wishes to welcome the 138th Im-perial Council Session to the beautiful Queen City of Charlotte. Imperial Sir Al is

a successful and well known Charlotte busi-nessman. He and his Lady Jan retired from their company, Corporate Staffi ng, to give their full time to their work with Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals. The incoming Impe-

rial Potentate was Poten-tate of Oasis Temple in 2000. He was appointed Oasis Outer Guard by Il-lustrious Sir Paul Whit-fi eld. The new Imperial Sir will be the fi rst Oasis Potentate to be elected Imperial Potentate.

Mile-Long ParadeOn Tryon StreetTo Last 3 Hours

Send the following information to: Junior Harward, President, 604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte, NC 28262

Name: ____________________________________________________Address: ___________________________________________________City:___________________________ State: ______ Zip: ____________Wife Name: ________________ Email: ____________________________HM:________________ Bus: _______________ Cell: _______________USGA Handicap or Current Average: ________________________________

Member of CC, Club, or Unit: _____________________________________

Please include a check for annual dues of $20.00 made payable to Oasis Shrine Golf Club.

For more information call: Secretary Noble Jim Adams: 704-575-9303

Let’s play golf with Oasis Shriners fastest growing club! We play every month March through October at some very nice golf courses in the Piedmont. Our focus is to foster good fellowship, have fun, raise a few dollars for our Shriners Hospitals and play some golf...but not necessarily in that order. Oasis Golf Club is open to all Nobles, whether currently a member of a club/unit or not. No minimum play required.


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High Priest and Prophet David Sumpter told me that Congress-man Heath Shuler want-ed to become a Shriner, but his schedule didn’t allow him the opportu-nity to make any of our ceremonials. I contacted

Imperial Sir Mike Se-vere and he granted me permission to hold a cer-emony in order to make the Congressman a mem-ber of our fraternity. David mentioned to me that there were sever-al other Masons in West-

ern North Carolina who wanted to join. I contact-ed the Membership Team in Tampa and they gave me instructions. Mean-while David and Lady Sandy sent me the sched-ule for the weekend. Now from Walnut Cove to Murphy is 300 miles, so I didn’t have time to make several trips. David arranged for all the local Shrine clubs to meet on a Friday night so I could present the ob-ligation. Once everyone ar-rived for the meeting, I was told that Heath Shul-

By Illustrious Sir John Sullivan

Murphy, NC Holds Unique Ceremonial


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Got a bike and want to ride for

Children, Prizes,

and Fun?


COME JOIN US!Pat Glover: 704-634-3025

Steve Helms: 704-363-1053


the ladies were back in the room Fezes were pre-sented and pictures were taken. Illustrious Sir Rolla Rogers and Lady Mary were present, and after I spoke on the Hospitals, I asked Rolla to offer a clearer explanation of the insurance situation. I. S. Rolla promised that, as before, no child would

be turned away from our care. Club President Lei-gh Upchurch presented Lady Judy a wooden bowl he had turned by hand for her Hospital Benefi t auction in Hick-ory. He also presented hand-made pens to she and I. Dinner was served and the eighty-fi ve or so Shriners present ad-journed by nine o’clock. Saturday morn-

er could not join us, but according to his Chief of Staff (who was also join-ing our ranks) he really wanted this to happen. We agreed to meet Heath the following morn-ing. Once the room was cleared of non-Shriners, David and I proceeded to administer the obliga-tion to the six Masons who were there. Once




Saturday, June 25th...............................Country & Western Dinner Party $25.00Saturday, August 13th............................Hawaiian Luau Dinner & DanceSaturday, September 17th......................Rock ʻn Roll into Fall PartySaturday, October 8th............................Casino Night!Saturday, October 29th..........................Halloween PartySaturday, November 12th.......................We salute America and our VeteransSunday, December 5th............................Santa Day PartySaturday, December 17th.......................Christmas Party & Offi cer InstallationSaturday, December 31st........................New Yearʼs Eve Party

COME JOIN US!Call: John Caudle 704-763-1646

Frank Redies 704-451-8106

The Mecklenburg Shrine Club


SHAG NIGHT 1ST & 3RD Friday Night

Page 8: October Desert Dust


North Carolina Department of State Treasurer - U n c l a i m e d P ro p e rt y -

What is unclaim-ed property, you might ask? Well, unclaimed property consists of bank accounts, wag-es, utility deposits, insurance policy pro-ceeds, stocks, bonds, and contents of safe

deposit box-es that typi-cally have been aban-doned for one

to five years. Funds become

unclaimed because the company loses track of the consum-er, due to an incorrect address or other miss-ing information. By law, these funds are escheated, or turned over, to the Depart-ment of State Treasur-

er for safekeeping. As new funds are added, the NC Cash website is updated. Accord-ing to the State Con-stitution, the interest earnings on the fund go to needy and wor-thy North Carolina public university and community college students. Oasis Shriners was one of thousands of businesses listed on the North Carolina Department of State

INSTRUCTIONS 1) Log on to; 2) Click on the Unclaimed Propertydrop menu; 3) Choose Search for NC Cash; 4) Search your Name or Business; 5) Once you have identified your name with the last known address listed, click on Generate Claim next to your name; 6) Fill out the pertinent information and print the forms with instructions; 7) You will have to call the phone num-ber listed on the form to get the value of the property.

Good luck in your search!

Treasurer’s website as having unclaimed property. That prop-erty recently claimed was valued at $2,236.21. Our own Illustrious Sir John Sullivan, Recorder Jim Rorie, and Des-ert Dust Editor Rich-ard Ivey were also listed on the website as having unclaimed property. You could be one of thousands of individuals listed, too.

By Barbara Miller

Recently due to previous commitments where Illustrious Sir John Sullivan couldn’t be in two locations at the same time, Oasis Recorder Jim Rorie and Lady Brenda were invited for a special presentation from the Land of the Sky Shrine

Club. Jim is one of Oa-sis stabilizing Nobles and many wonder what Oasis will do if he ever decides to give up the position of Recorder. Land of the Sky Shrine Club is another one of Oasis best kept secrets. It sits atop a hill giving everyone

that visits a spectacular view of the NC Moun-tains. The club is well equip and a real show piece. If that wasn’t enough the members are extremely friend-ly...but you wouldn’t expect anything differ-ent and then you meet Jacob.

Jacob Burnette has had a special connec-tion with the Shriners since he was diagnosed with CP (cerebral pal-sy) at 18 months old. He and his twin sister, Olivia, were living with their father in Chatta-nooga, Tennessee and the closest Shriners’ Children’s Hospital was in Kentucky. It became too difficult to manage the trips to the hospital, day care, and working so they moved back to North Carolina to be with Grandma and Grandpa, (Ulus and Jean Burnette) in Can-ton. This worked so much better and Ja-cob’s father, Chris, was able to continue work-ing – even with a bit of

traveling. Luckily, now Chris can do most of his work from home. So it was at 2 1⁄2 years of age that Jacob began coming to the Green-ville Shriners’ Hospi-tal and The Land of the Sky Shrine Club of

Asheville, North Caro-lina fell in love with Ja-cob. At the hospital he has had many surgeries over the years from re-leasing the ham strings to toenail surgery. The


Jacob & the Land of the Sky Shriners

Page 9: October Desert Dust


Call Terry at 336-509-6545

Championship Cooker 4 Sale


Many times this type of dedication goes on and you never hear about it. These Nobles didn’t ask for any recognition nor special perks and if not for the support of your offi ce staff we may never have known about this group service to our hospitals. This was big savings for our hospitals, so the next time you see one of these Nobles, just say; “Thank you.”

Who’s Got The BALL? Most of the time you hear; “Who Dropped the Ball,” but to-day is more about who has the ball and what they are doing with it. The Oasis Hospital Van needed some repairs and four Nobles stepped up to the plate to help.

A BIG Thank You to Scott McCorkle, owner of Liberty Buick-GMC Cars and Trucks in Matthews and Steve Lee, Internet Manager and Salesman with Liberty Buick-GMC for the repairs. Also, to Johnny Burgess for the parts and Todd Smith for the Body work.


Call Captain Mike Avery at 704-279-8076 or send him an E-mail: [email protected]

Can ye play the pipes?

Can ye play the drum?

Would you like to?The Oasis Highlanders are recruit-ing new members and would like to hear from you. Experience is a plus, and so is the willingness to learn a rare skill. We also would like to have a drum major...Interested?

We are all fi ghting traffi c as school has started back and so too


has Martin Ivey, son of your editor of the Des-ert Dust, Noble Richard

Ivey. Mar-tin living in Wilmington, NC headed back to Beth-el School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, Cal-ifornia. Just a little 3,200 mile trip to the store and good ole’ dad didn’t want his son to make that trip alone, so away I went. Being the protective dad, I packed some drive along food with a pistol

and enough bullets to fi ght off a small army of attackers. Just one minor problem…got an hour down the road and realized we had plenty of bullets, but I had left the gun sitting on the dresser. Martin being the quick witted one and not wanting me to feel bad, said: “It’s ok dad, we can scream “BANG” and throw a hand full of bullets at the intrud-ers.” Nothing like a comedian to pick you up when you’re down! Nevertheless, we took the Desert Dust with us and had fun captur-ing it in journey across American. Here Mar-tin is standing in front of the 630 ft. tall Gate-way Arch in Saint Lou-is, Missouri.

Page 10: October Desert Dust


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Plan to order your Christmas cards from the Temple staff this year! Four of our Greenville Hospital patients artwork was chosen for the cards.

The cards will be boxed in quantities of ten, and will sell for $12.00.

Our offi ce staff is using this as their own fund raiser for the hospital. Illustrious Sir John Sullivan has supported the project, and the cards are being printed by the Orphanage print shop.

Call Wendy to place your order (704) 549-0926.


David SumpterOasis High Priest & Prophet

Honored As Citizen Lawyer Award Winner

ARTICLE DATE: Wednesday,

June 22, 2011WRITTEN BY: Andrew Poltorak

MURPHY – The North Carolina Bar Associa-tion recently honored David Sumpter of Mur-phy with its 2011 Citi-zen Lawyer Award. This award recognizes law-yers who demonstrate exceptional leadership and service to their com-munities. Sumpter has im-pacted the lives of many in Cherokee County and throughout the Caroli-nas through his leader-ship and participation in a range of outreach activities, from public

service to church involve-ment to charity work. Sumpter is most pas-sionate about his work with the Oasis Shrine Temple, where he has served as a member of the Divan (the Temple’s govern-ing board) for the past six years. The Temple is a part of Shriners International, an organization devoted to helping children who suf-fer from burns, orthopedic injuries, and other medical conditions, with no out-of-pocket expense to their families. The organization contributes to the opera-tion of a healthcare system of twenty-two hospitals and currently supports over 137 children from the Cherokee and Clay Coun-ty area.

Sumpter’s involve-ment with the organization exemplifi es his personal passion and family tradi-tion of providing medical service to those in need. He hails from a long line of physicians whose medi-cal service dates back to the Civil War, and he has trea-sured the opportunity to serve the medical needs of children in his community. While serving on the Cherokee County Board of Commissioners, he helped orchestrate the preserva-tion of the historic Chero-kee County Courthouse, located in Murphy. The courthouse was construct-ed in 1927 out of blue marble, local to the area, and was placed on the Na-tional Register of Historic

As 2011 draws near to the end, many of you may not know much about those on the Divan who are representing you and Oasis. David and his Lady Sandy are one of those exceptional couples who live in the Western part of the State and very well respected for the dedication to Oasis, Shriners Hospital for Children, and their community. Lady Sandy is one of our outstanding ladies that enjoys life and is a blast to be around. Her smile, her laughter, and outlook on life are contagious. Below is an article published back in June, next time you see them; introduce yourself, get to know them, you’ll be glad you did...Enjoy.

Places in 1979. Renova-tions to the courthouse are currently under way as a result of Sumpter’s dedi-cated efforts, and will in-clude the construction of a courtroom and administra-tive offi ce complex annex which will signifi cantly enhance the judicial pro-cess and county govern-ment activities. He also has served in leadership positions with a number of local organiza-tions, including the Nan-tahala Regional Library Board, the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council, the Cherokee County Crime Commission, and the Hia-wassee Pool and Wellness Foundation. Sumpter believes that the success of the judicial

system is dependent on community support—sup-port in which jurors, wit-nesses, and voters all play an integral role. As a result, the privilege to practice law comes with the recip-rocal responsibility to give back to the community. Sumpter has and continues to meet this responsibility through his leadership and commitment to North Car-olina. The award was pre-sented on Friday, June 24, at the NCBA Annual Meeting in Asheville. (

winner.aspx)David remarks; As I have related to others who have extend-ed to me their congratu-lations, the award was an unexpected surprise. I am pleased to know that the mission of the Oasis Temple in support of the Shriner’s Hospitals has been dis-tributed to the North Carolina Bar Associa-tion Members by this Article as published in the North Carolina Bar Journal and, likewise to several communities across the State of North Carolina through various newspaper articles.W. David Sumpter III

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Riverside RV Campground in Se-vierville, TN, was the location for the first official OCC camp-out since our summer break ended. We gath-ered there to be near the SASA activities going on September 22-25 in Pigeon Forge, TN. OCC was represented

in the SASA parade on Saturday morning with a unit displaying our club banners. The unit was driven by 2nd VP Noble Mike Smalley. Riding on the unit were President Noble Ron Valentine, Secretary Noble John Schwab, Treasurer Noble Buzz Benson, and members

Noble Ben Mathis and Noble Claude Rentz. Several of our club members arrived early in the week so as to take in some of the culture of the Pigeon Forge area, with others arriving on Thursday and Friday. When the tally was taken, we had 17 mem-ber units there. For our

By Lady Judy Valentine


meal on Thursday eve-ning, Prez Valentine and Lady Judy prepared hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the trimmings, with club members adding delicious side dishes and desserts. After dinner, Prez Valentine and Lady Judy invited everyone to come to their camping site for

homemade ice cream. Counting the 13 guests

we had join us, we had CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

October Gator Tales The Oasis Gator Patrol started out the month with two of our Gator members attending the Til-lery Tradition golf tournament @ Lake Tillery in Mt. Gilead on September 13th. Gator Captain David Bowman and Gator Fred Medlin hauled their Gators to the Shoots for Cain golfing event which is a hospital function. The Hillbillies unit

was also represented at this event. The Gators rode the guest and kids and adults around during the golf tournament and were promoting Shrinedom to the kids and families attending. Hospital credits will be awarded to the Gator Patrol for their participation. The following weekend on Sun-day, September 18th, the Catawba Shrine Club held its 9th Annual POKER RUN...with 6 stops and ending up at the Shrine Club in Newton. Thirty plus Catawba County Shriners and Gators hosted/worked this event with Dennis Grigg be-ing the Chairman of the event this year. New Shriners Monty and Janie enjoyed being a part of the work force. 200+ BBQ

meals were waiting for the motorcy-clists as they returned to the clubhouse, as well as enter-tainment by DJ Doc Hol-lywood. One might recog-nize the riders by their bright orange and green tee shirts that many purchased that Sunday. 316 poker hands were turned in, and over $10,000 was netted for the Shrine Club. Nearly every poker hand that was won had part of it donated back to the Shrine Club...a very generous crowd. September 22nd – 24th brought most of our Gators and Gals to Pigeon Forge and The Creek-side accommodations with everyone having a balcony overlooking the river. Friday night the group ate together at the Texas Roadhouse, with Dan Wallace presenting the ladies at his table with a rose. Saturday morning eleven Gators paraded in the 2 1⁄2 hour parade. “We had it all” but no parade awards for us this year...?!? The weather was great, the Gators and Gals were present...there were so many of us that we filled up one Trolley! On one trolley ride, the “Leatherman – Jarrett” stories were being told and a lady overheard our conversations, real-ized we were Shriners and stood up to tell about


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NOTICEPursuant to Oasis Bylaws, Due Notice is given to the following Divan meetings.

I. November 5th, @ 4:00PM, In the Headquarter Hotel, Crown Hotel A. To vote on New Candidates.II. December 3, @ 2:00PM, In Oasis Temple Boardroom, Charlotte, NC A. To vote on bylaw changes: Section III, Article 3, Line (a), to read as follows; “The Oasis Director will serve at the Will and Pleasure of the Potentate.”

Jim Rorie - Recorder

her daughter had been helped by the Shriners until she was an adult. Someone gave THE Vickie Jarrett a new mi-crophone...I guess so that we could all hear her better...?!? A group of the Gators enjoyed din-

ner at the Cracker Bar-rel...some others went to the Smokey Moun-tain Distillery and those folks couldn’t remember a thing after that. Thirty three Ga-tors and Gals attended the monthly meeting hosted at the PO BBQ in downtown Hickory on Wednesday, October 5th. Captain David Bow-man called the meeting

to order; Larry Hale said the prayer; the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag was said. Up coming events on our schedule are: parade on October 7th and 8th at Oxford --a circus in Boone on

Wednesday October 26th...two Gators are needed, plus some cooks --a circus in Concord on Saturday, October 29th...six Gators are needed ---the Fall Ceremonial in Hickory on November

4th and 5th—the Hildeb-ran parade on December 3rd – the Cat Square Parade on December 10th at Doris and Allen Leatherman’s house. Our next Gator meeting is Wednesday

on November 2nd at Sa-die and Richard Ellen-burg’s house...covered dish.

And that’s the Way it Was...See ya’ later




Page 14: October Desert Dust


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH Holmes Center, Boone • 4:30PM and 7:30PM

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27TH Agriculture Center, Fletcher • 4:30PM and 7:30PM

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH Cabarrus Arena, Concord • 10:00AM and 3:00PM

Now Is The Time To Tell All Your Club And Unit Members About It!

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ing David and I drove the 100+ miles to Heath Shuler’s home where his Dad, Noble Joe Shuler joined us for the Obliga-tion. By 1:30pm Satur-day David and I were at Hayesville (another 70 or so miles away) to at-tend the annual Western N.C. Shrine Club Golf Tournament. I addressed the participants, thanked them for supporting our cause and they all headed for their respective holes for the shotgun start. David played with his son, Noble Duncan, but I joined Lady Sandy and Judy for lunch. Judy & I joined Da-vid and Sandy for a quiet

dinner that evening. But what a whirlwind trip! We created seven new members for Oasis, took part in raising thousands of dollars for our Hos-pitals, and spent qual-ity time with dozens of members who rarely, if ever, make it to Char-lotte. And in the end, it doesn’t really matter if they have never attended a dance at the Temple, nor even a ceremonial. In 2010 this group raised over $85,000 for Shriners Hospitals for Children. And that folks is reason enough for carrying your membership card. To my heroes out West, thanks for all you do, and thanks for the hospitality!

Noble Soon-To-Be “Doctor”

Noble Jeffrey Ham just received his “White Jacket” from Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine as division of Lincoln Memorial Uni-versity located in Harrogate, Tennessee. Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine is one of the Top 25 Colleges of medicine in the country. Picture here with his proud father, Oasis Orien-tal Guide Todd Ham. Talk about being on top of the world... how about being on top of the mountain? Congratulation Noble Jeffrey and the Ham family.

Page 15: October Desert Dust


“Go See” Ron“Ron Gosey” that is...

CALL (704) 904-0885


- Tour & Sale - On Friday, November 4 the la-dies of Oasis have the opportunity to get in on all the first hand info on the 2012 market trends in home furnish-ings and designs. The Hickory Fur-niture Mart will give us a 30 minute presentation on the new trends and colors in the world of new furniture lines that have just been unveiled. Peak timing for the weekend that furniture buyers wait for the Fabu-lous Fall Sale when the existing in-ventory is on its way out and the new inventory is on its way in.

There is an opportunity for a group of 40 to depart the Crown Plaza in Hickory at 1:30PM; transportation will be furnished to the Hickory Fur-niture Mart’s presentation and shop-ping afterwards. This is one of the great attributes of Hickory, the won-derful world of furniture. If you would like to be part of this incredible opportunity then re-serve your spot by calling Windy in the Oasis office: 704-549-0926.I look forward to seeing you there.

- Brenda Rorie

Page 16: October Desert Dust


The World Loves A ClownCome and join us and put a smile on the face of a child!

Stars Of The Oasis Shrine Circus

Shrine & Community Parades

Social Gatherings that Include Your Wife

Individualized Instruc� ons on Makeup & Costumes

Contact Secretary Rick Bean for informa� on and a pe� � on

980-581-0401 or email: [email protected]

OASIS SHRINE CLOWNS Accep� ng New Members

No Experience Necessary

Ac� vi� es Include:


Outing at the Fall Hickory Cermonial at Catawba Country Club


Check-in: Shot-Gun Start Four Men Teams

Cost: $50.00 Per Person (Includes Lunch and Golf with/Cart)

Bring Your Own Team if you like, or we will place you on a team

For Reservations Call Carl (704)535-4263 or Email [email protected]

Reservations must be in By October 15th Reservations are Limited get in A.S.A.P.

OXFORD BBQ Grand Master Lewis Ledford wanted to bring more interest to the Masonic Home for Children at Ox-ford. There was a time that every June, Shriners and Masons gathered in large numbers to celebrate Saints John’s Day. Parades, fried chicken, music and more was on the agenda. But a few years ago interest waned. Some think it was due to the unbear-able heat in late June. Some thought the general interest just faded. Whatever the reason, Most Worship-

ful Ledford wanted to fi nd a way to bring back the excite-ment. He began put-

ting a committee together in October last year. Past Grand Master Dan Rice is the President of the Orphanage Alumni. The alumni have celebrated homecoming every year in October and he offered to ask if they would allow the “new Saints Johns Day’” to be held in conjunction with their homecoming. In January this year the fi rst Masonic Homecoming Festival was born. All three Shrine Temples in North Carolina agreed to participate in a parade and more. A golf tourna-ment, BBQ Competition, music, an art auction and more were put on the schedule. The weekend of October 7 arrived


Page 17: October Desert Dust



Steve Lee, Internet ManagerProvost Guard

Scott McCorkle, OwnerDrum & Bugle

Rick McLemore, Sales ManagerProvost Guard

9028 E. INDEPENDENCE BLVD., MATTHEWS NC 28105 704-708-8000

“On the square pricing”


SASCA HONORS “BoBo” OASIS CLOWN asked if he could also visit other children on the hospital fl oor which “BoBo” gladly did. Noble Robert and Lady Rosemary have since made a second visit and brought several gifts.

Thank You “BoBo”!

Oasis Clowns win at SASCA competition. Noble Ron “Jazz” Leb-old won Second Place in the Open Whiteface Clown competition and Noble French “Cuzin Wilbur” won Second Place in the Individual Clown Skit competi-tion. Congratulations Noble Clowns!

During the South Atlantic Shrine Clown Association (SASCA)

completions in Pigeon Forge, TN last month Clown Unit Captain

Robert “BoBo” Bickel was honored by Kosair Shriners. Kosair Chief Rabban, Dave Juergens presented a check to the clown unit 1st Lt. French Harvey and told the following story. This past summer Noble Juergens was in Indiana doing some fl ood relief when he met a contractor from Michigan there for the same purpose. The two men found out that they were both Masons and Shriners. The No-ble from Michigan mentioned to Noble Juergens that he had a niece in the hospi-

tal in Asheville, NC un-dergoing chemotherapy and was asked if there was any way to get a Shrine Clown to visit her. Noble Juergens call his counterpart at Oasis Shriners, Chief Rabban Mike Cook, and past on the request. Noble Mike then called Cap-tain Robert and asked if it could be done. Shortly thereafter “BoBo” and his Lady Rosemary traveled from Hickory, NC to Asheville and visited the little girl who was quite taken by her “sur-prise visitor”. Noble Robert said that during the visit the little girl




Page 18: October Desert Dust


Patrol meetings are fun. At each Patrol meeting, the hospital-ity is provided by a section from the active Patrol and a section from the Veterans. The Patrol wives are the best cooks in the world. All the food is spread out on tables and we all sit down for a meal to-gether. A sample of the some the recent dishes brought by our ladies were, Rueben casse-role, Chicken salad, hot wings, BBQ, pimento cheese sandwiches, dips

of all types, nuts, chips and a delicious Pineap-ple cake. We don’t leave out our Officers as they also provide a meal on a rotating basis. This is done prior to our regular busi-ness meeting with Pa-trol ladies and children enjoying some great food. Our ladies meet separately while the Pa-trol meets. Patrol meet-ings are held on Friday nights as scheduled by the Captain. All Patrol meetings open with a prayer and Pledge of

Allegiance. August 20th was a Cold Sands ceremonial at Oasis Temple. Twen-ty nine new Nobles be-came members of Oasis Temple. Jim Turner was named class honor-ee. Congratulations go out to Jim. One of the new Nobles created was a former patient at Shri-ners Hospital. Our next ceremonial will be in Hickory, November 4th and 5th. The Patrol will be there in force. The parade this year will pass below the Marriott

where the Patrol will be staying. It will end at the convention Center. Nobel Bob Saye visited Pigeon Forge recently and reports the city isready for us. If you have not been to Pigeon Forge/Gatlin-burg area in some time, it has grown to a boom-ing area. Hopefully we will have some cool weather in September after the terrible Hot summer we have had in North Car-olina. Two More Patrol-

– PATROL NEWS –By Past Captain Graham Wilson



SHAGGIN’ SATURDAYS @ Stanly County Shrine Club2nd and 4th Saturday Every Month

For More Information:Patty Blackmon 704-723-6282

Scott Gwyn 704-888-8361

Hors D’oeuvres Provided by Club Members

35781 City Lake Rd. Albemarle, NC 28001




men were honored at a recent Patrol meet-ing with the “Rung on the Ladder certificate”. Noble Bob Saye, a Pa-trol officer, was hon-ored for all he does not only for the Patrol but also for all he does for Oasis Temple. Patrol-man Bob Medlin, who died early this year, was also honored. Bob was a member of the Patrol for over 40 years. His certificate will be pre-sented to his widow Doris and her Daughter by Bob’s good friend,

and Veteran, Patrolman Bob Kirkley. Three important dates in October are October 8th when we journey to Oxford for St. Johns Day. Amran, Sudan and Oasis will be there. October 22nd is our annual Ladies Night. We will be back at the Crown Plaza Ho-tel on McDowell Street in Charlotte. Invitations will be mailed soon for this special night. Cap-tain Daniels and Lady Leigh have promised


Page 19: October Desert Dust



Christmas Cards that truly hold a Meaning

Order yours today!

Message inside: Merry Christmas from Our Family

Call Jan Garman704-549-9691

Page 20: October Desert Dust


44 for dinner. On Friday morn-ing, many OCC mem-bers ventured to Cade’s Cove nearby, where they reportedly saw bears and other wild-life. Other members just relaxed around the campground. Friday evening our dinner was fried chicken and spi-ral ham served by the Valentine’s and com-plimented by members side dishes and desserts. More ice cream was en-joyed at the Valentine’s again. With 13 guests, we totaled 46 being served this meal. Saturday morning, we had several campers go into Pigeon Forge to view the parade, last-ing well over 2 hours! Lunch, consisting of leftovers from Thurs-day and Friday eve-nings was served at the

Valentine’s site to those campers that were not out “seeing the sights”!! And, the ice cream was “finished off”!! Some of our camp-ers attended the Oasis Hospitality Room and Dance on Saturday eve-ning at the Ramada Inn in Pigeon Forge. Most of the camp-ers packed up and head-ed home on Sunday morning, anxiously an-ticipating our next out-ing which will be held on Oct. 20-23 in Mt. Airy, NC, at Mayberry Campground. This will be our annual business meeting and election of officers, along with the Potentate’s Appre-ciation Dinner. Illustri-ous Sir John and Lady Judy are providing our Saturday evening meal of BBQ ribs and trim-mings. (More on this outing in the next DD.) We are headed to Hickory for the Fall Ceremonial, November 4-6. There will be dry

camping available or there is full hook-up camping at Indian Springs Campground in Hickory. Contact President Noble Valen-tine for information on either of these. OCC members Ir-wen and Carla Burns, Danny Chandler, and the Valentines attend-ed the St. John’s Day /Homecoming at the Masonic Orphanage in Oxford, NC, on Oc-tober 6-8, to assist Il-lustrious Sir John with the barbecue competi-tion, held on Saturday. There were 16 teams competing, providing lots of good barbecue, ribs, and chicken for all to sample after the com-petition! It was a beau-tiful weekend for this event and several Oasis members and units par-ticipated in the Saturday morning parade. Hope to see all of you campers in Mt. Airy or in Hickory!!





Give us a call!Captain Doug Teague...............828-381-8415Director Paul Blosser................828-310-68041st Lt. Allen Jones......................336-313-0346Ill. Sir John Elder, PP, PC...........336-883-0403

Jacob & the Land of the Sky Shriners


surgeries have all gone well and from this family you won’t hear about how much it hurt or how long it took to heal They only sing praises of everyone at the hospital from the doctors who explain every procedure, to the kind and caring nurs-ing staff, to the room custodians. This fam-ily knows the staff is put there for special reasons and they don’t complain about any-thing. Jacob sees nurses spend their off duty time visiting patients with few visitors. He sees other children that need more help than himself and he forgets about his troubles. Most of the patients form friendships with one another and be-come very supportive

of one another and usu-ally there are several children in one room. All of this kindness and care from the hos-pital and his family has worked on this young man to make him a kind, wise, and caring per-son and someone that The Land of the Sky Shrine Club and their ladies love and look forward to seeing at our activities through-out the year. Over the years the Shrine Club has watched him grow from a small tyke to a very pleasant teenager. Jacob is 15 years old now and in the 10th grade at Pisgah High School in Canton, NC where he is in the Hon-ors Program and main-tains a 4.0 grade aver-age. His classmates also see his fine quali-ties and recently elect-

ed him to the Student Council. Jacob ques-tions his ability to do this job well. I would remind him that the decisions he has seen important people in his life make were done so with a great deal of knowledge and plan-ning, care, and love. Why wouldn’t he do the same? The students will be well served by Jacob. Grandma tells Ja-cob that God couldn’t give him a perfect body but did give him a good heart and a good mind. The next big date for Jacob and his family is October 28, 2011 when they will meet with 6 doctors from differ-ent fields in the morn-ing, and then in the afternoon will all get together to discuss the upcoming plans for Ja-cob. Jean is very excit-ed about this approach to Jacob’s care. I talked with Grandma to find out the story of

Jacob and all he has had to go through at the hospital and ended up hearing mostly how thankful they are to the hospital and staff and the Shriners.

It’s no wonder that our connection is so strong. We all love the children and the hos-pital. When the Street-Tiques of Asheville pre-sented The Land of the

Sky Shrine Club with a $20,000.00 check from the 2011 Car Show no one could have been happier than Jacob who sees this money going to help the children.

Page 21: October Desert Dust


another fantastic eve-ning.

October 13,14 and 15, we will be back at Charlotte Motor Speed-way. If you are interest-ed in helping the Patrol, please call one of the Patrol Offi cers. This will be a fun weekend.

Noble Greg Mc-Collister is the new-est member of Oasis Patrol. He and Lady Kathy are from New London, N.C. Greg is an educator and a new member of Oasis Tem-



Oasis OldiesIf you have a classic car or are interested in the old classics

come join us for some fun and fellowship

We meet the 1st Sundayof the Month - Nobles and LadiesLogan’s Roadhouse in Statesville at 3 pm

Contact one of the following for more info:Captain: Ron Bailey 336-769-9780 • Lieutenant: Pat Stanley 336-775-0620

Treasurer: Alton Grayson 704-545-5920 • Secretary: Gene Medlin 704-892-4757



and crowds fi led in. The cooks lit the fi res and Mother Nature

blessed us with won-derful fall weather. On Friday night a bright moon shone thru the ancient oaks as smoke rose from the cookers. Representing Oasis was Kevin Bodenheimer

and his son Clay, No-ble Pressley White, and Don Rhoney composed three teams. These three teams competed against BBQ teams from as far away as Pennsylvania. On Saturday the pa-rade started and at al-most the same time the cooks began turning in their food to be judged. By 11:45 the pa-rade had ended and the winners were an-nounced. The crowd headed for the BBQ Pit and began sampling

ple. We welcome them to the Patrol family. September 11th, known as “9-11”, we remember the day we were attack by terrorist. Over 3000 people died in these attacks. Fly

your American Flag and honor those who lost their lives as well as those who rescued many from the burning buildings. All our Patrol members and fami-

lies are important, es-pecially those going through diffi cult times. Our thoughts, prayers and best wishes go out to all who are unable to attend Patrol functions. We miss each of you.

the ribs, chicken and chopped BBQ from their favorite teams. The afternoon pro-gressed with live music and museum tours. Sunday services were held and thanks were given to the Architect of the Universe for the outcome of the year’s planning. I have to give spe-cial thanks to Danny Chandler, Irwen & Carla Burns and Ron & Judy Valentine for the effort they put into

helping make the BBQ competition a huge success. The Grand Champion and Re-serve Champion were separated by one single point out of a possible

300. And most of the teams were all within just a few points of each other in every cat-egory. All in all, it was a good weekend.

Rowan Shrine Club~ 1 5 T H A N N U A L ~

Oyster RoastFriday, November 11, 2011

Salisbury Depot in Downtown Salisbury

Call Don Lyerly 704-636-4043

Page 22: October Desert Dust




Danny & Lisa Bullman, Sr Wesley Bullman


Rodney & Rita Morgan Aaron TuckerTommy & Gerrie Hartsell Alma Morgan HollandFolger & Carol Koontz Anna PhillipsTodd & Kelly Walker Betty J FosterJames & Carolyn Lineberry Betty J FosterK-Dee’s Jewelers Bob DietzC Doug Mayes Bob ProvenceRodney & Rita Morgan Charlotte CampbellRodney & Rita Morgan Chris AlmondRodney & Rita Morgan Chris SmartRodney & Rita Morgan Claud RitchieFloyd Burton Dot BurtonRodney & Rita Morgan Graham HarwoodJoe & Jenny Deich Harry SwankOasis Oriental Band Auxiliary James LawrenceRodney & Rita Morgan James Redwine, SrC Doug Mayes Jean NewcombeJuliana Flowe Jerry A Nicholson, SrGary & Jean Miller Jerry Albert Nicholson, SrGregory & Peggy Robinson Jerry Albert Nicholson, SrJames & Carolyn Moore Jerry Albert Nicholson, SrTommy & Gerrie Hartsell Jerry Albert Nicholson, SrWilliams Lodge #176 Jerry Albert Nicholson, SrBerea Baptist Church Jerry NicholsonMichael & Lura Matvey, Jr Jerry NicholsonSonny & Barbara Rachels Jerry NicholsonThomas & Margaret Pons Jerry NicholsonSheila Readling Jerry NicholsonLinda Nichols Jerry NicholsonCrystal Waddell Jerry NicholsonDana Lawing Jerry NicholsonJohn & Jean Geiger Jerry Nicholson, SrLyle & Martha Scruggs Jerry Nicholson, SrNancy L Johnston, David & Jonathan Little Jerry Nicholson, SrWib Overcash Jerry Nicholson, SrRodney & Rita Morgan Jonas TuckerCalvin & Rebecca Gaddy Kenny SmithWib Overcash Lillian CobaughRodney & Rita Morgan Logan MonkRodney & Rita Morgan Malvina EnglandFred & Jenny Reed Marion KramsVirginia Turner Marion KramsRodney & Rita Morgan Marnice BeamanHoward & Shirley Keyes Michael “Mickey” AllenC Doug Mayes MW James Ray BarnesC Doug Mayes Noble Gungar SolmazC Doug Mayes Paulette EdwardsPeter & Mary Milliones Potoula CouchellNorth Stanly High School Rachel Jerleen BeanRodney & Rita Morgan Sylvester FrickRevels Contracting Services, Inc William Darrell PooleSam & Barbara Morris William Waddington

Betty Lou WrightBill Howell

Billy M FaggartChadney W Houk

Charles Faulkenberry, JrClarence J Eck

David L McConnell, JrGuilford Merchants Association

J R CraigJames E Sims

Jimmy R MauldinJo Benny ShulerJohn P MayburyJoseph G HicksJoyce F Pruitt

Land of the Sky Shrine Ladies Auxiliary

Mary Jane Voeltner


Mountain Creek Baptist ChurchRoger W Walters

Russell JonesShane Gilchrist

Verlin & Karen LedfordAvery County Shrine Club

Crowders Mountain Shrine ClubEast Burke Shrine Club

Hendersonville Shrine ClubMars Hill Shrine Club

Oasis Clown UnitOasis Oldies

Randolph Shrine ClubSmoky Mountain Shrine Club

Thermal Belt Shrine ClubTri County Shrine Club

Union County Shrine ClubWhite Plains Shrine Club

Mr. Mark David Abernethy


Ladies BreakfastOrder Today!

The Fall Ceremonial will host a Ladies Breakfast on Saturday,

November 5 at 9:30am. The event will be held at the Crown Plaza

Hotel Ballroom in Hickory.

To order your tickets contact Jan Garmon at HQ (704) 549-9691. Tickets are $20.00 and are

sold in advance only.

Page 23: October Desert Dust


1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters.3He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine en-emies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

- Psalm 23

As the sun sets in the west to signal the closing of the day, so will it rise in the east to mark a new day.


PASSED WITHIN THE UNSEEN TEMPLE Reported In October 2011 Desert Dust

CREATED DIED 32433 Samuel S. Irvin Hendersonville, NC 05/18/1968 07/20/2011

34943 Johnny M. Wyatt, Sr. Moravian Falls, NC 12/12/1994 08/20/2011

25578 J.K. Hutchens Mt. Airy, NC 05/24/1975 08/27/2011

24497 Michael Allen Candler, NC 01/26/1974 08/30/2011

22846 Walter M. Wilson Highlands, NC 10/23/1971 09/01/2011

24857 Thomas C. Freeman High Point, NC 06/01/1974 09/05/2011

28784 Ed C. Barbee Concord, NC 11/10/1979 06/06/2011

12494 Earle P. Brown Salisbury, NC 05/19/1951 09/09/2011

34605 Ronald E. McDaniel Asheboro, NC 10/30/1989 09/10/2011

39701 Barton S. Rice III Asheville, NC 10/29/2009 09/11/2011

33092 Jerry A. Nicholson Mooresville, NC 11/08/1986 09/11/2011

25636 Larry F. Marshall Supply, NC 05/24/1975 09/13/2011

29890 Shields Jolly, Jr. Taylorsville, NC 05/30/1981 09/15/2011

39356 Mitchell M. Lombard Pompano Beach, FL 11/21/1981 09/17/2011

Well…The Oasis Directory has all the contact information you will ever need. It includes; your Divan, Club & Unit leaders, along with a calendar of special events…And they’re Free. If you would like one, contact your club or unit leaders or stop by the Oasis offi ce and pick one up. Having trouble getting out…NO Problem, just send us $2.00 for postage and we will drop one in the mail. Get Connected Today!

No Connection?Do you feel left out?Don’t know who to call? Have you ever wondered who is in charge?

Mail your check, name and address to:Oasis Shriners, Attn: Directory, 604 Doug Mayes Place, Charlotte, NC 28262


Page 24: October Desert Dust


Conditions Treated at the Cincinnati Hospital

BURN CARE• Burn injuries

• Inhalation injuries

• Burn reconstruction & rehabilitation

• Congenital ear deformities

• Congenital hairy nevus (large birthmarks)

• Cleft lip and palate

• Brachial plexus injuries (nerve damage affecting upper extremities)

• Congenital hand malformations

• Gynecomastia (abnormal breast development in teenage boys)

• Congenital breast deformities

• Hidradenitis (chronic sweat gland disorder)

• Post trauma deformities (treadmill injuries, dog bites, lawnmower accidents)

• Purpura Fulminans

• Necrotizing skin infections & Necrotizing Fasciitis

• Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

• Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

• Port wine stains



Pioneering Burn Treatment Saves TeenAll Care and Services are Provided Regardless of the Patients’ Ability to Pay

In December 2010, fire broke out in DJ Brown’s family home in West Vi-riginia. DJ rushed inside to rescue his sister and the family dogs - unaware they had already escaped.

DJ sustained a 90 percent burn injury, so severe that he was immediately transferred to Shriners Hospitals for Children® — Cincinnati.

“In many hospitals and only until recently, children with this extensive of a burn injury would not have survived,” said Richard Kagan, M.D., chief of staff.

“Our reputation speaks for itself,” said Debbie Harrell, RN, MSN, director of profes-sional relations at the hospital. “We recognize that it is not an easy decision for fami-lies to travel to Cincinnati for burn care. We see patients from 22 states, and I can honestly say families are satisfied with their decision to come here for expert pediatric burn care.”

Especially important are the support services provided after the burn injury. Together, the experts at the hospital address all aspects of a patient’s physical and emotional needs and develop a comprehensive, individualized rehabilitationplan for each child.

Recognizing the importance of support for burn survivors, the hospital is co-hosting the 2011 Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress in Cincinnati. More than 800 burn survivors, their families, and others celebrated the important work done by the Phoe-nix Society. For more than 30 years, the society has worked with survivors, families, healthcare professionals, the fire industry and donors to support burn recovery, im-prove the quality of burn care, and prevent burn injuries.

“Survivors are often faced with the challenge of burn scars and a change in their appearance,” said Donna McCartney, co-chair for the meeting and a social worker at the hospital. “One of the many messages taken from the gathering is that even though your physical appearance may have changed on the outside, it does not change the person you are on the inside.“

DJ Brown, shown with Allison Morgan, Donna McCartney, and Cheryl Dahling.