Download - Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water. semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Page 1: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water

Page 2: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings

Page 3: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

→small openings (pores) allow certain molecules to penetrate cell but denies others making it semi

Small black molecules allowed through

Small black molecules allowed through

Large red molecules NOT allowed through

Large red molecules NOT allowed through


Page 4: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

o Plasma membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer (two layers of phospholipids or lipids with phosphates)

2 layers = 1 plasma membrane

2 layers = 1 plasma membrane

Page 5: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Phosphate head

Lipid tails

Page 6: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

• phosphate group: phosphate (PO4)

>Polar / hydrophilic (water-loving) globular heads, form outside of membrane (can be exterior or interior side of cell)

>Can dissolve in water, allows plasma membrane of cell to interact with watery environment of cell.

Phosphate head

Lipid tail

Page 7: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

• properties of phospholipids do NOT allow water-soluble molecules to move through membrane easily.

Page 8: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

H 2O



H 2O



Page 9: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

o Proteins embedded within membrane move about in a fluid fashion♦ Fluid mosaic model explains how structural

properties of plasma membrane allow lipids & proteins to move freely in membrane

Mosaic: something consisting of variety of components

Page 10: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

o Plasma membrane also contains:♦ Transport proteins: allow substances or waste

materials to move through plasma membrane♦ Proteins & carbohydrates: stick out from cell and

help cells identify each other–Proteins: give cell flexibility–Carbohydrates: act as identifier of cell type

Page 11: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Cell constantly interacts with environment & has to respond to external conditions to maintain homeostasis


Increase in heat makes temperature


Increase in heat makes temperature

riseCell will seek to cool

itself downCell will seek to cool

itself down

Homeostasis at work!Homeostasis at work!

Page 12: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Eating a bag of chips will cause cell to respond to new salty


Page 13: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Cell membranes maintain homeostasis by regulating passage of materials into and out of the cell:• Passive Transport – no energy required to

move solute or solvent from high to low concentration (down concentration gradient)

• Active Transport – energy required to move solute from low to high concentration (against concentration gradient)

Outside Cell (16) Inside Cell (4)

Page 14: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.


concentration gradient = difference in amount of substance present inside the cell versus outside the cell


Page 15: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

→Molecules will freely flow from high concentration to low concentration

Page 16: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

→Pathway from high to low concentration is concentration gradient

→Eventual point where concentration is equal = equilibrium (particles still randomly move but equal in/out)

Concentration Gradient

High Concentration

Low Concentration

Page 17: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Three methods:Three methods:a.a. Simple diffusion Simple diffusion – particles – particles

(solutes)(solutes)b.b. OsmosisOsmosis – diffusion of water – diffusion of water

(solvent)(solvent)c.c. Carrier-facilitated diffusionCarrier-facilitated diffusion – –

particles (solutes) with protein particles (solutes) with protein assistanceassistance

Page 18: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Simple diffusion – free movement of ions & molecules through protein channels in membrane

Outside cell

Inside cell

Page 19: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Simple Diffusion – the homemade animation

Page 20: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

o Osmosis – free movement or diffusion of solvent (water) ONLY

Note how the red sugar particles stay put. Only the blue water molecules move.

Page 21: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Osmosis– the homemade animation

Page 22: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

o three types of solutions that determine direction of water :♦ isotonic solution♦hypotonic solution♦hypertonic solution

Page 23: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

♦ Isotonic Solution> concentration of water on outside of cell is same as on inside of cell>Cells do not experience overall osmosis (or

diffusion)>retain their normal shape,>Still random movement for an overall net gain of 0

Page 24: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

90% H90% H22OO10% 10%

particlesparticles(inside (inside

cell)cell)90% H90% H22OO

10% 10% particlesparticles(outside (outside


Page 25: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

♦ Hypotonic Solution> concentration of water is higher outside cell

than concentration of water inside cell.>Cells experience osmosis (and diffusion)

>water moves into cell >cell swells and will burst if animal cell but will not burst if plant cell due to cell wall

Page 26: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

30% H30% H22OO70% 70%

particlesparticles(inside (inside

cell)cell) 70% H70% H22OO30% 30%

particlesparticles(outside (outside


Osmosis of waterDiffusion of particles

Page 27: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

♦ Hypertonic Solution> concentration of water is higher inside cell

than concentration outside cell.>Cells experience osmosis (and diffusion)> water moves out of cell >Cells shrink

>Plant wilts because of a decrease in pressure on cell wall

Page 28: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

55% H55% H22OO45% 45%

particlesparticles(inside (inside

cell)cell)45% H45% H22OO

55% 55% particlesparticles(outside (outside


Osmosis of water

Diffusion of particles

Page 29: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic

Higher solute OUTSIDE

Equal solute Higher solute INSIDE

Higher water INSIDE

Equal water Higher water OUTSIDE

Water moves OUT

No net movement

Water moves IN


Page 30: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Hypertonic vs. Isotonic vs. Hypotonic Solutions

Page 31: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Hypertonic vs. Isotonic vs. Hypotonic Solutions

Page 32: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Hypertonic vs. Isotonic vs. Hypotonic Solutions

Page 33: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Often times, diffusion of large particles can’t happen or happen fast enough

Water will diffuse via osmosis to regulate concentration (PERCENTAGES)•Outside cell is 50% solute, 50% water• Inside cell is 10% solute, 90% water•Solute is too big to move. Will we die? No.

Water will move to get concentration equal

Page 34: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

90% H90% H22OO10% 10%

particlesparticles(inside (inside


50% H50% H22OO50% 50%

particlesparticles(outside (outside


Hint: look at water % only. Where will the water go?

Page 35: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

20% H20% H22OO80% 80%

particlesparticles(inside (inside

cell)cell) 80% H80% H22OO20% 20%

particlesparticles(outside (outside


Diffusion of particles

Osmosis of water

Question1: Which way will the particles move?

Question 2: Which way will the water move?outside


Page 36: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.



Page 37: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.
Page 38: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

free movement of larger molecules with aid (help) of a transport/carrier protein• Large solutes (sugars, amino acids) are too big to

go through plasma membrane unaided

Page 39: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Facilitated Diffusion – the homemade animation

Page 40: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Needs energy (ATP) to move particles across plasma membrane• Three types:1. Active transport – small molecules AGAINST

concentration gradient (from low to high)2. Endocytosis – large molecules being engulfed

by plasma membrane into vesicles3. Exocytosis – large molecules being expelled

out by vesicles out of plasma membrane

Page 41: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Requires energy (ATP) to move materials against gradient (low to high concentration)

♦ carrier protein allows specific molecule or ion to bind

o Example: sodium/potassium (Na/K) pump♦ATP changes shape of protein to move molecule or ion across plasma membrane


Page 42: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

cell surrounds material with a portion of its plasma membrane and forms a vesicle

Vesicle moves particle inside cell for digestion•Bacteria, foodPhagocytosis – large, solid particles

Pinocytosis – small, liquid particles

Page 43: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.


train as the CELLtrain as the CELL


people as the people as the PARTICLESPARTICLES

conductors as the ATPconductors as the ATP

Page 44: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

Vesicle brings material to cell membrane & expels (secretes) it •Wastes, hormones

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Page 46: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.
Page 47: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.
Page 48: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.
Page 49: Obtaining Ions, Nutrients and Water.  semipermeable membranes regulate cell interaction with surroundings.

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