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Coordonator ştiinţific: Student:

Prof. Dr. Bazil Pârv Mihnea Rădulescu


Page 2: Object-Oriented Database Development Using Db4o







Scientific Coordinator: Student:

Prof. Dr. Bazil Pârv Mihnea Rădulescu


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To my family

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Since the inception of the use of computers to manage (corporate) complex data, there has been

an emergence of database theories and implemented solutions suitable for different customer

needs. This variety in points of view regarding database principles almost ceased to exist with

the advent of the SQL relational databases in the 1990s, that eventually became thoroughly

supported by the vast majority of both major and minor database vendors.

Object-oriented databases seek to challenge the domination of SQL databases, in areas where

relational theory does not map appropriately to the application model or when object-orientation

at the level of the database provides clear benefits in comparison with a relational solution.

Such an ambitious project is db4o 7.4, developed by Versant and having API bindings to both the

.NET platform and the Java language.

This work is organized into three chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Database Management Systems explains the basics of

databases (the terminology and key concepts) and attempts a brief look into the SQL

technology, in order to expose some of its limitations, when persisting an object-oriented

model. This allows for a smooth transition to the main topic of the paper, as well as

provide the reader with an understanding of the reasons that made relational DBMS

insufficient for handling modern OOP languages’ object graph persistence.

Chapter 2 – Object-Oriented Databases in db4o exposes the principles and

foundations of db4o version 7.4, trying to achieve a delicate balance between OODBMS

concepts and their actual implementation under db4o. Each concept’s explanation is

augmented with a proof-of-concept example, in order to prove its usefulness and power.

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Chapter 3 – Implementing the BookStore.NET Application covers the steps needed for

developing a powerful digital book management system that relies on db4o for the

management of object persistence. It also provides an elegant solution to the sinuous task of

storing large binary data into a database.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction to Database Management Systems....................................................3

1.1 Preliminaries..................................................................................................................3

1.2 Database expectations...................................................................................................3

1.3 A simplified database environment………………………………………....………..5

1.4 Types of databases.........................……………….………………………....………..5

1.5 SQL taxonomy...............................………………….……………………....………..7

1.6 SQL modeling of object-based programming data example.........................................8

1.7 SQL modeling of object-oriented programming data example...................................11

1.8 Impedance mismatch...................................................................................................15

Chapter 2 - Object-Oriented Databases in db4o.......................................................................17

2.1 Object-oriented databases in general..........................................................................17

2.2 Some data on db4o.....................................................................................................18

2.3 Storing objects in db4o..............................................................................................18

2.4 Querying objects in db4o...........................................................................................20

2.5 Client-server mode in db4o.......................................................................................27

2.6 Advanced options in db4o.........................................................................................31

Chapter 3 - Implementing the BookStore.NET Application..................................................33

3.1General information....................................................................................................33

3.2 Use cases....................................................................................................................35

3.3 Sequence diagrams.....................................................................................................38

3.4 Component diagram...................................................................................................41

3.5 Database model..........................................................................................................42

3.6 Class diagrams............................................................................................................44



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1.1 Preliminaries

A database consists of some collection of persistent data that is used by the application systems

of some given enterprise, and that is managed by a database management system. [Dat97]

Persistent data refers to information that outlives the application that managed it, thus becoming

persistent. Although not a necessary condition, data could also be shared and persisted among

more than one application.

A database server is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a

database. [Elm03]

In order to issue instructions to the database server, one needs a database language. There can

be a single language for both querying and updating data, or specific languages for each of the

previously-stated tasks.

1.2 Database expectations

Regardless of the technologies and platforms involved, as well as irrespective of its type, a

database is required to provide the following key features:

updating – present the user with facilities needed to store new data, or modify existing


querying – facilitate interrogating the database for data matching a certain criterion or

set of criteria

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transactional semantics – support multiple statements (updates and queries) scheduled

to be executed against the database to be bundled together as a single logical unit of work

[Wil05] and, as such, treated in a coherent and reliable way, independent of other

transactions. The properties that the transactional semantics must fulfill are the ones

commonly accronimed as ACID:

atomicity – guarantees that either all of the tasks in a transaction are performed or

none of them are, meaning a transaction is an all-or-nothing matter and, should an

operation fail, the whole transaction is considered failed

consistency – ensures that the database exists and remains in a consistent state

both before and after the transaction is executed, and should the transaction fail,

the database is rolled back to the consistent state before the execution

isolation – relates to the constraint that other operations cannot access or see the

data in an intermediate state during a transaction, which is important for

consistency and performance reasons

durability – makes certain that once the user has been signaled the success of the

transaction, that transaction will persist and not be undone even in the case of

system failure

backup and replication – allow to make periodical copies of the data, to avoid loss of

information due to potential hardware or software failure and to maintain chronological

successive versions of the data repositories

enforcement of rules – provide opportunities to specify consistency regulations on the

data stored inside the database and to disallow adding or modifying data in a way that

would violate the aforementioned constraints

security – expose means to authenticate users, as well as permit only actions that are

conformant to the user’s group, role and individual privileges

computation abstraction – exempt the user of the application from knowing the database

management system’s internal structure and offer support for computations (such as

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summing, averaging, mean, standard deviation, etc.) in an abstract, implementation-

independent way

logging – making user actions and data modification trackable and checkable at a later


optimization – enabling users to specify performance tuning parameters and, in some

cases, perform the optimizations implicitly

1.3 A simplified database environment [Elm03]

DBMS software




processing software

Data access software





(stored data)

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1.4 Types of databases

flat file – although not a database in the strict sense of the word, flat files are text or

binary files that store data in a sequential manner. This approach may be suitable for very

small amounts of simple data in situations when concurrent access is not required.

hierarchical database – represents the data as a tree structure, as such each data record

can have many children records, but only one parent. This type of database models well

relations of type one-to-one and one-to-many, but is incapable of expressing a many-to-

many relation. Generally, this is a legacy database type and not used much nowadays for

new projects. An example of such a database is IBM’s Information Management System


network database – appeared as an attempt to improve the already-existing hierarchical

databases, by adding the possibility to model many-to-many relations between entities. As

such, the representation of data utilized by these databases is a graph structure

(generalized tree). A commercial DBMS build on top of these principles is Raima.

relational database – came into being after a paper submitted by mathematician and

computer scientist E. F Codd in 1969 proposed the use of first-order predicate logic to

model data. The content of the database is, thus, a finite model of the database, that is a set

of relations (one per predicate variable), ensuring that all predicates are satisfied. A

request to the database, in the form of a database query, is also regarded as a predicate.

The popular and ubiquitous SQL (Standard Query Language) is the established standard

language for relational databases and DB vendors (such as Oracle, Microsoft, etc.) have

developed relational database products that support a superset of the SQL language


object-relational databases – have risen to some to degree of prominence due to their

promise to shrink and even remove the disparity between the object-oriented data model

and the entity-relationship model. These databases allow users to specify their own data

types and augment the SQL language with syntax and semantics used to query inside

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abstract data types. Still, the internal structure of such databases in a relational one,

objects just taking the place of a primitive data type inside of a record. Nowadays, most

relational databases have some degree of object-relational capability.

object-oriented databases – expose means through which objects can be queried and

stored using the same model that it employed by the application’s programming language.

Another way of putting it would be saying that an ODBMS extends the programming

language with transparently persistent data, concurrency control, data recovery,

associative queries, and some other capabilities. In the contemporary world, object-

oriented databases have bindings to most modern programming languages and platforms,

including C++, Java, .NET, Perl, Python, Objective-C, Visual Basic.

1.5 SQL taxonomy

Since, for a significant percentage of developers and database administrators, relational

databases built upon an SQL-standard core are synonymous with databases in general, this

subchapter deal with the most relevant SQL taxonomy.

type – defines the set of possible values an entry in a SQL database can take

tuple – a partial function from attribute names to atomic values

header – a finite set of attribute names

projection (of a tuple t on a finite set of attributes A) –

relation – a tuple (H,B) with:

H – the header

B – the body, that is a set of tuples that all have the domain H

relation universe (relation universe U over a header H) – a non-empty set of relations

with header H

relation schema (relation schema (H,C))

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consists of a header H and a predicate C(R), that is defined for all relations R with

header H

satisfies a relation schema (H,C), if it has header H and satisfies C

1.6 SQL modeling of object-based programming data example

Consider the following example relating to a book library. A book concept is defined by the

following attributes:



set of authors

set of genres

year of publishing

The model for this concept does not need to be a fully object-oriented one, just an object-based

model. Below is the UML class diagram illustrating the classes required to model the book


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Now let us see how this object-based model can be mapped to a relational one, based upon the

SQL standard. First, let us express the content of the tables required for the SQL model.

Then let us specify the relations between the preceding tables.

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We can observe some key differences between the two models of the same concept (books):

the approximate map (function) between object-based model entities and relational ones

is the following:

class SQL table

object row in the SQL table

references to other objects foreign-key constraints

the relational (SQL) model contains two extra entities (the BooksAuthors and

BooksGenres tables), therefore complicating the object-based model and increasing its

entities count from 3 to 5 (almost to double).

the relational model seems a rather awkward approximation of the object-based model,

but still is an arguably reasonable and manageable compromise in this case

1.7 SQL modeling of object-oriented programming data example

Our next example is about storing binary data, in the form of a recursive folders and files

structure, inside a database. First, let us expose the object-oriented model for our problem.

There are four object-oriented entities pertaining to our problem:

IDiscEntry – interface for storable disc data (either files or folders)

File – class representing a file on the disc

Folder – class expressing a folder on the disc, which may contain both folders and files

Buffer – class storing up to X bytes of data in a contiguous data structure in memory

The next UML class diagram specifies the attributes of the types mentioned, as well as the

relations between them.

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The diagram reveals the usage of the composite design pattern. An IDiscEntry can be either a

File or a Folder. A Folder can contain many IDiscEntry’s, those, of course, being files or folders.

A File contains one or many Buffer’s, which are used to read / write data from / to disc using

contiguous memory blocks. If a file is small, it may require only one Buffer object, but, if its size

is great, it could use many such objects.

The main addition in this example when compared to the previous one is the use of full-fledged

object orientation, including inheritance and polymorphism, not just of object-based features.

As the relational database world does not have even an approximate correspondent to the

inheritance relation in the object-oriented world, modeling this concept into a SQL-compliant

database is a painful, full of compromises experience, as it will be shown below.

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The relation between the aforementioned tables is given below.

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We can notice some essential differences between the two models of the same concept (folder

and file storage):

unlike in the case of the object-based example, there is no supported way in SQL

databases to model inheritance and polymorphism from the object-oriented world.

Therefore, the SQL model uses hacks (non-standard, non-elegant solutions) to express

these relations between classes in OOP.

the relational (SQL) model contains two extra entities (the DiscEntriesMappings and

FilesBuffers tables), therefore adding extra complexity to the object-oriented model and

augmenting its entities count from 4 to 6.

the relational model is, in this case, almost completely lacking any resemblance with the

object-oriented model. Therefore, the transition of data from one format to the other, as

well as navigating the emerged SQL model, are mired by complications, hacks and

quirks. These hindrances can be collectively understood as the impedance mismatch

between the object-oriented world and the relational world.

1.8 Impedance mismatch

The object-relational impedance mismatch is a collection of technical and conceptual

difficulties, often encountered when a relational (SQL) database management system is being

used by a program that is based upon the object-oriented programming paradigm.

The situations that could reflect an impedance mismatch are expressed below:

relational databases disregard the notion of information hiding, that is visibility specifiers

(private, protected, public, etc.) from OOP

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the difference in terms of security policies between relational databases (based on

privileges, roles, authentication) and the OOP languages (based on information hiding)

lack of relational support for OOP’s inheritance and polymorphism

data types differences – OOP programming languages often have somewhat different

primitive types than SQL databases, while the ubiquitous String data type from OOP can

correspond to many primitive types in SQL. OOP allows users to create new types, while

classic relational databases do not. Of course, a lot of modern relational databases are, in

fact, object-relational databases, and, as such, this issue is somewhat mitigated.

the syntax and semantics of the object-oriented programming language is completely

foreign and radically different from the Standard Query Language (SQL) employed by the

relational databases.

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2.1 Object-oriented databases in general

Unlike their relational competitors, object-oriented databases do not follow a common set of

principles and guidelines, but rather are dependent on the database vendor objectives and the

target object-oriented language that the OODBMS will bind to.

There are still some similarities among OODBMS products, most of them related to the core

object-oriented programming principles and foundations:

navigational interfaces, meaning objects are reached using references (pointers), rather

than through joins. Some newer OODBMS’s abstract the navigational interface behind a

declarative one.

non-formal approach, as there is no mathematical theory behind the principles of object


either use reflection to determine the object data (in modern languages) or require

intrusive additions to the object prototypes (classes), meaning they should contain extra

load (methods) to aid the database management system in manipulating them

provide most of the features that database users have been accustomed to and that are,

more or less, independent of the database technology being used:

transactional support

connectivity over the network or on the same machine

backup and replication

abstraction from the intricacies of internal storage mechanisms

security features

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2.2 Some data on db4o

db4o is an object-oriented database management system developed by Versant, an international

company with offices and Europe, the Americas and Asia. It has bindings to both the .NET and

Java platforms and the versions for each of these platforms are developed jointly, thus being

similar in terms of facilities.

The distribution system of db4o is open-source, having the advantage that flaws in the code are

quickly detectable and correctable. The current db4o licensing system is dual, meaning one can

apply to the system that is most suitable to its (company’s) goals:

commercial licensing, for using db4o in a commercial product

GNU General Public License (GPL), for non-commercial products, that must themselves

belong to the GNU GPL License

The stable release that this thesis is based upon is at the 7.4 version.

2.3 Storing objects in db4o

Storing a new object in db4o is as easy as calling the store method of the database container

object. If one wishes to update an object that already exists inside the database, the same method

is called, since db4o uses .NET’s / Java’s unique object identifiers to determine whether the

object is new or not. [db4o]

The subsequent example shows simple object storage mechanisms in db4o.

class Person


private string name;

private Address address;

private string phoneNumber;

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public Person(string name, Address address, string phoneNumber)

{ = name;

this.address = address;

this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;


public Person()



public Address CurrentAddress




return address;



public override string ToString()


return name + “ – “ + address.ToString() + “ – “ + phoneNumber;



class Address {

private string street; private string city; public Address(string street, string city) {

this.street = street; = city;


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public override string ToString()


return street + “ – “ + city;



Address address = new Address("Teodor Mihali St.", "Cluj-Napoca"); Person person = new Person(“Mihnea Rădulescu”, address, “111111”); try {

// Opens the database file and creates a new instance of the IObjectContainer interface. IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("Persons.yap"); // Stores the new person. db.Store(person); // Commits the transaction. db.Commit();

} catch (Exception) { // Rolls the transaction back, in case of failures.

db.Rollback(); } finally {

// Closes the database. db.Close();


2.4 Querying objects in db4o

There are three methods for querying objects in db4o. Two of them use a declarative syntax,

while the third is based on navigational semantics. The table below reveals the querying options

in db4o 7.4:

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Language Query Expression Characteristics

Query by Example (QBE) Template objects Fast and simple to comprehend and

implement. Optimal solution for simple

queries that do not use logical operators.

Simple Object Data Access


Query graphs Build a query graph by navigating

references in classes and imposing

constraints. Fast, but concept can be

seen as counterintuitive. It is considered

obsolete, since the advent of Native

Queries (NQ), except in applications

where even very small performance

improvements are paramount.

Native Queries (NQ) .NET method Express the query in a .NET-compliant

language by writing a method that

returns a Boolean. db4o applies

your method to all objects stored and

the list of matching object instances is

returned. The speed of execution

depends on the optimization level

you have chosen, but is generally only

marginally worse than SODA queries.

2.4.1 Query by Example

In order to use the QBE methodology, one needs to create a template object, which is an

instance of the class to be searched for. If one or more attributes in the template object have data

assigned to them, then db4o looks for objects in the database with matching attributes. The

matching objects are returned by the query in a set, namely an instance of the db4o API type

IObjectSet. [Pat06]

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The attributes that are not assigned values, and are implicitly null or zero, depending on the

attribute type (primitive or non-primitive), are always matched. The consequence of this is that, if

one does not assign any attribute values, then all objects of the specified class will match, so the

query will return all objects in the extent of that class. One assigns attributes as required in order

to constrain attributes, making the query more specific.

The following example sheds light on the query by example query type of db4o. We use the same

person class definition from the object storage examples). The query returns all the persons

stored in the database.

Person person = new Person(); try {

// Opens the database file and creates a new instance of the IObjectContainer interface. IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("Persons.yap"); // Retrieves all the persons in the database. IObjectSet personsSet = db.QueryByExample(person); // Prints the results on the screen. PrintResults(personsSet);

} finally {

// Closes the database. db.Close();


private void PrintResult(IObjectSet results) {

while (results.HasNext() == true) Console.WriteLine(((Person)results.Next()).ToString());


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2.4.2 Query by Example limitations

Query by Example (QBE) has some limitations, the main one of being the lack of advanced query

capability. QBE is usually remarkably simple to use, but there are a couple of areas for which

new query mechanisms are required:

One cannot use the values that are defined to mean empty as constraints. Fields specified as null,

0, or "" (empty string) are always treated as unconstrained. This leads to issues in situations:

when desiring to find, say, all the Customer class instances, which do not qualify for a

discount percentage, that is their discount attribute will always be zero. This cannot be

achieved using QBE, which will return all the customers, irrespective of their discount


when needing to specify range conditions in a query, such as retrieving all the Customer

objects, with age attribute between 35 and 50

when needing to specify a template object, whose constrained attributes cannot be set

using a combination of existing constructor calls and setters or other methods. To still be

able to use QBE in this situation, one must perform an intrusive change in the class

model, that is add the appropriate constructor / methods / setters to be able to define such

a template.

None of these issues do arise with the other db4o query methods, at the expense of increased


2.4.3 Native Queries

Native queries are the general recommended way of querying objects in db4o, for cases when the

complexity of the query is not suitably handled by the Query by Example (QBE) technique.

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Although Native Queries are internally based on SODA Queries, the performance penalty for

using NQ vs. SODA in negligible in most applications, except for the most demanding.

Native Queries allow type-safe, compile-time checked and refactorable querying, following

object-oriented principles. Native Queries expressions are written as if one or more lines of code

would be run against all instances of a class. A Native Query expression should return true to

mark specific instances as part of the result set. db4o will attempt to optimize native query

expressions and execute them against indexes and without instantiating actual objects, where this

is possible. [db4o]

The greatest advantage of Native Queries over other querying languages is that they are written

as predicates in the same language (in this case .NET CLI) as the object templates (classes).

Therefore, there is absolutely no impedance mismatch when using Native Queries in db4o.

A Native Query (NQ) example is presented below:

class Customer


private string name;

private int age;

private int discount;

public Customer(string name, int age, int discount)

{ = name;

this.age = age; = discount;


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public Age CurrentAge




return age;



public override string ToString()


return name + “ – “ + age.ToString() + “ – “ + discount.ToString();



try {

// Opens the database file and creates a new instance of the IObjectContainer interface. IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("Customers.yap"); // Retrieves all the customers in the database, whose age attribute is between 35 and 50

IList<Customer> customersList = db.Query<Customer>(delegate(Customer customer) { return customer.CurrentAge >= 35 && customer.CurrentAge <= 50;

}); // Prints the results on the screen. PrintResults(customersList);

} finally {

// Closes the database. db.Close();


private void PrintResult(IList<Customer> results) {

foreach (Customer customer in results) Console.WriteLine(customer.ToString());


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2.4.4 SODA Queries

SODA Queries were the first type of query to be introduced into db4o and they are still used

internally in the implementation of Native Queries (NQ). The basic idea of SODA was to build a

query graph, which can be used to express the query. The resulting query is thus fast because

these graphs can be parsed or traversed easily. SODA is the foundation of native queries, as NQs

will be translated (optimized or unoptimized) into a SODA graph.

However, SODA has its share of disadvantages. A query is expressed as a set of method calls that

explicitly define the graph. It’s not too hard to get used to, but it’s not similar in any way to

traditional querying techniques. This is why Native Queries are preferred, since they utilize the

standard programming language constructs. A further important disadvantage is the fact that

attribute names are strings, therefore SODA queries are not type-safe. [Pat06]

A SODA Query example is displayed below. It retrieves all Customer objects, with the age

attribute between 35 and 50.

try {

// Opens the database file and creates a new instance of the IObjectContainer interface. IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile("Customers.yap");

// Creates a new IQuery object IQuery initialQuery = db.Query(); // Constrains the returned object to instances of the Customer class query.Constrain(typeof(Customer)); // Reaches the age attribute of a Person IQuery ageQuery = query.Descend("age"); // Constrains the age attribute to be between 35 and 50 ageQuery. Constrain(34).Greater(); ageQuery. Constrain(51).Smaller(); // Executes the query IObjectSet results = query.Execute(); // Prints the results on the screen PrintResults(results); } finally {

// Closes the database. db.Close();

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} private void PrintResult(IObjectSet results) {

while (results.HasNext() == true) Console.WriteLine(((Customer)results.Next()).ToString());


2.5 Client-server mode in db4o

In general, a client/server system consists of clients that interact with a central server. The server

provides a service using a daemon process, that listens for and accepts connections. Clients then

connect to the server via this daemon to perform tasks such as data retrieval, updates, deletions,

and general administration.

The following figure shows client-server interoperability in db4o:

. . .

db4o client

no. 1

db4o client

no. 2

db4o client

no. n

db4o server db4o



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db4o supports three flavors of client/server interactions, as revealed below:

• The first mode is the networking mode, which is the traditional way of operating in most

database solutions. Here, remote clients open a TCP/IP connection to transfer, query, insert,

modify, and delete instructions to, and data from, the db4o server. This mode works in db4o in

exactly the same manner as one would expect from any database management system.

• db4o also supports an embedded mode, which doesn’t involve a distributed system, although

the client and the server are quite distinct objects. Instead, both the client and the server are run

on the same virtual machine. The communication between the server and the client is the same as

in networking mode, but in this mode you work entirely within one process, which is extremely

useful in some applications. One example application for this mode could be the design of a

desktop application that uses db4o as storage. If the application is later redesigned to work in a

distributed mode, then it is very simple to convert to work in network mode—all there is to be

done is specify an IP address or hostname and TCP port number for the server.

• The last mode is used for ―out-of-band‖ communications with the server. In this mode the

information sent does not belong to the db4o protocol, and does not consist of data objects, but

instead is completely user-defined. This mode uses a message passing communication interface.

One can send objects to the server and the server can use them to do whatever is needed. This is

extremely useful for sending messages to the server like: ―do a defragment‖, ―stop yourself‖,

―perform a save copy‖ and so on.

2.5.1 Client-server example using networking mode

// Server class definition class Server { private bool stop = false; private void Run() { lock (this)

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{ Console.WriteLine("Starting server..."); // Assigning a database file repository to be handled by the server IObjectServer server = Db4oFactory.OpenServer("C:\\Database.yap", 8732); // Granting access rights to two clients server.GrantAccess("user1", "password"); server.GrantAccess("user2", "password"); try { while (stop == false) Monitor.Wait(this, 60000); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { } finally { // Closes the server server.Close(); } } Console.WriteLine("Server closed."); } }

// Client class definition class Client { private IObjectContainer client; public void Run() { Console.WriteLine("Starting client..."); // Gets a client connection to the db4o server client = Db4oFactory.OpenClient("localhost", 8732, "user1", "password"); // Reads new customer data Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s age: "); int age= int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s discount: "); int discount= int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine());

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try { // Stores the client inside the database client.Store(new Customer(name, age, discount)); // Commits the transaction client.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { // Rolls the transaction back, in the case of an exception client.Rollback(); } finally { // Closes the connection to the server client.Close(); } } }

2.5.2 Client-server example using embedded mode

// Embedded client class definition class EmbeddedClient { private bool stop = false; private void Run() { lock (this) { Console.WriteLine("Starting server..."); /* Assigning a database file repository to be handled by the embedded server */ IObjectServer server = Db4oFactory.OpenServer("C:\\Database.yap", 0); Console.WriteLine("Starting client..."); // Creating an embedded client “connection” to the server IObjectContainer client = server.OpenClient(); // Reads new customer data Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine();

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Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s age: "); int age= int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the customer’s discount: "); int discount= int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine()); try { // Stores the client inside the database client.Store(new Customer(name, age, discount)); // Commits the transaction client.Commit(); } catch (Exception) { // Rolls the transaction back, in the case of an exception client.Rollback(); } finally { // Closes the “connection” to the embedded server client.Close(); // Closes the embedded server server.Close(); } } }

2.6 Advanced options in db4o

There are several fine-tuning and performance scaling options offered by db4o. The most useful

ones will be mentioned, along with their corresponding explanation.

indexing options – are quite similar in nature and semantics to indexes in relational

databases. They speed up querying based upon the indexed field (in this case object

attribute), at the expense of increased object storing and updating time.

Example (adds the attribute ―name‖ as index for Person objects):

IConfiguration dbConfig = Db4oFactory.NewConfiguration(); dbConfig.ObjectClass(typeof(Person)).ObjectField("name").Indexed(true); IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(dbConfig, “C:\\Persons.yap”);

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update depth – when one uses the Store() method for an object, one may only want to

update the object graph starting from the given object at a certain depth only. db4o allows

the setting of update depth, for all the entities, as well as for individual types and type

templates. A depth of 1 is the default, which stores the object’s primitive data and sets any

references to null. A depth of n follows the references inside the initial object, decreases

the update counter by 1 when moving to the next entity in the graph and then applies the

same process recursively.

Example (setting the update depth for all objects to 5 and then the depth for Person

objects to 2, meaning that the Address object of a Person instance will also be updated):

Db4oFactory.Configure().UpdateDepth(5); Db4oFactory.Configure().ObjectClass(typeof(Person)).UpdateDepth(2);

activation depth – when one uses any of the querying methods to retrieve a set (or list) of

objects, it might be useful not to store the whole object graph at once into memory, but

activate and then deactivate parts of the object graph, as they are needed by the

application. A depth of 5 is the default, while an activation depth of n behaves in the same

way as an update depth on n.

Example (setting the activation depth for all objects to 1 and then the depth for a

previously-queried Person object to 2, meaning that the Address object of a Person

instance will also be activated):

Db4oFactory.Configure().ActivationDepth(1); IObjectContainer db = Db4oFactory.OpenFile(“C:\\Persons.yap”); Person currentPerson = db.QueryByExample(new Person()).Next(); db.Activate(currentPerson);

encryption support – by default, db4o stores any object data in plaintext inside the

database repository (file on the disc). In situations when this approach is unsuitable

(especially in the case of strings), db4o offers internal encryption capabilities (of limited

security) and an interface for 3rd

-party vendors to develop security plug-ins in.

Example (setting on the included encryption support):

Db4oFactory.Configure().Encrypt(true); Db4oFactory.Configure().Password("password");

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Chapter 3 – Implementing the BookStore.NET Application



3.1 General information

BookStore.NET is a digital book management system, written in C# and targeting the .NET

Framework 2.0 on the Windows operating system.

3.1.1 Features

The application allows the user to store all of its digital books (pdf, chm, html, doc, rtf, etc.) in a

central single-file database repository, without the need to keep the books as individual files and

folders on the disc, thus reducing disc fragmentation and easing content cohesion and portability

(by copying the books database to a memory stick, for example).

The books to be imported can be either file-based books (such as a single pdf document) or

folder-based books (such as a website offline copy). Books can be loaded one at a time or many-

at-once (bulk-load). Once imported, each book can be visualized or deleted.

Each book stored in the system is characterized by 5 attributes: title, set of authors, set of tags,

publishing house and year of publishing. Each of these attributes can be set for every book. The

user can then query a particular set of books, based upon a combination of the aforementioned

attributes. As such, the querying system is very powerful, while retaining its ease of use.

The application supports multi-user access on the same PC, as each user can have its own

database, without any interference with the data of other users. Also, since the user is able to

select the application's working folders, the solution can be run by any user, irrespective of its

privileges on the system.

This application uses the object-oriented database management system db4o 7.4, under its own

GPL license.

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3.1.2 Screenshots

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3.2 Use cases

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3.3 Sequence diagrams

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3.4 Component diagram

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3.5 Database model

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3.6 Class diagrams

Package BookStore

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Package BusinessLayer

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Package DataAccessLayer

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Package DiscAccess

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Object-oriented database management systems in general and today’s implementation of db4o in

particular (db4o 7.4) can be very efficient and easy-to-use alternatives to the relational DBMS’

(sometimes including object-relational mapping tools such as (N)Hibernate).

In the case of object-oriented features such as inheritance and polymorphism or a complex object

graph, a relational mapping to the object model becomes very hard to define, due to the

pronounced impedance mismatch between the OOP and SQL worlds. Object-relational DBMS

do not alleviate this issue to a significant extent either.

There are also performance implications, which favor OODBMS’ and db4o. Storing an object

graph through an object-relational mapping (such as (N)Hibernate) is several orders of magnitude

slower than using SQL stored procedures, which, in turn, can actually be slower then directly

persisting a complex object graph.

In the case of an evolving object model (the attributes and methods of types or type templates

might change), a relational database needs a schema alteration, in order to accommodate the

changes. This is not the case with db4o, whose database structure mirrors that of the application

and modifications are performed seamlessly, on-the-fly.

The application developed (BookStore.NET) is a well-chosen example of using the strengths of

OODBMS’ in real-world scenarios. It manages the storage, visualization and tag-based querying

of the digital books of the user and allows viewing the content of books already stored, deleting

existing books, searching for books based upon a criterion or combination of criteria and adding

new books to the application's database. It benefits from object-oriented persistence features in

terms of natural, straightforward development, as well as performance opportunities.

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[Dat97] C. Date, H. Darwen, A Guide to the SQL Standard, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley,


[Elm03] R. Elmasri, S. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fourth Edition, Addison-

Wesley, 2003

[Lan06] R. van der Lans, Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language,

Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2006

[Pat06] J. Paterson, S. Edlich, H. Hoerning, R. Hoerning, The Definitive Guide to db4o, Apress,


[Wil05] P. Wilton, J. Colby, Beginning SQL, Wiley Publishing Inc., 2005

[db4o] Db4o Developer Community,

[MSDN] Microsoft Developer Network,