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My name is Brian Gosur, and I am an alcoholic. Alcoholism is a disease. It's a disease that slowly creeps into your life and makes its claim on you. It takes over everything, and

becomes the desire, the drive, and the motivation for your life. It kills, not only on a physical level, but on an

emotional, and spiritual level as well. It destroys your family, your finances, and your friends. You will die a very slow and agonizing death, while everyone who loves you,

can only sit back and watch this horrible tragedy take place.

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The real sad thing about this type of decease is you, and only you, hold the key to turning this whole thing around. Your family and your friends can try to encourage you and support you with everything that they have in them, but only you can make the decision to quit, and change the

course of your life forever.

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So it is with obesity. Obesity is a disease, and 67% of Americans have it. Like alcohol the first thing you do is

never admit that you have a problem.

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You say, you can stop whenever you want. You say, you just reward yourself for working real hard all week. No big deal...yes you kind of over eat at that holiday party, but it

was Christmas...You just couldn't say no and hurt their feelings...besides, everyone else was doing it...right? You tell yourself that, after the holidays, you're going to start

that diet and do those exercises, and you will get back that shape that you once had.

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Any of those excuses sound familiar? They do to me, because as an alcoholic, I used every one of them over and

over again. They didn't mean a thing to me because I knew, and I never had any intention, of ever doing or

keeping any of them. They were just empty words that I used all the time, but they had no real meaning for me,

and all the people who loved knew that as well.

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People will eventually begin to give up on you, and you will find yourself drifting further and further away from

your home, and from those that love you and depend on you.

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I know that I can never ever have a drink again, and I don't miss it one single bit. It has been almost twelve years of

sobriety for me, and I thank God, and my wonderful wife, for bringing me through this journey. It was not easy. It

was hard, but it was worth every step that I took to get to where I am today.

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As I contemplated writing this article, I realized that there are a lot of similarities between the decease of alcoholism and the disease of obesity. I wanted to use my experience and my struggle with my disease, to help those of you in

your struggle with your disease of obesity, and even those of you who may be just at the start, of your unhealthy life

of being over weight and over eating.

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Here are five steps that you must come to grips with before you can ever hope of getting healthy again.

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1. Houston...We Have a Problem

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The first thing, and the hardest thing for me to admit was that I had a drinking problem. This is the hardest step for

anyone to take. I thought that if I only drank on the weekend and got drunk on the weekend, I was OK, but my

friend told me that it just meant that I was a weekend alcoholic, but an alcoholic none the less.

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Food will slowly start to creep into your life just like that. It tastes good and you like to eat it, and you never give a

thought to what you're eating or if it's good for you. Before you know it your eating more of it all the time and

at all hours of the day and night, you might be even sneaking it into your house or bedroom, and the pounds

start to slowly add-on.

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You have to realize the truth and see, that food is no longer just for living, but you are living for your food.

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2. Never Walk Alone

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The second thing that I came to realize, was that I could not win this battle by myself. That's a very hard thing to

admit when you're an, "I can do that," kind of person. You know the kind that never asks for directions when he gets

lost...that's me.

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Look for those people who love you and care about, and want to help you win this battle, and then cling to them

and learn to lean an them, it will make all those bumps in the road, a lot easier to take.

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3. Find The Right Plan For You

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There are a ton of weight loss products and programs out there. Find the one that works for you. Check them out

and see if it's right for you, because if it's not, you will not see results and after a couple of weeks of struggling for

results... you will quit.

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Take the time and do the research and find the right product and plan your road to a new healthy you.

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4. Exercise has To Be A Part of The Plan

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No if, ands, or buts about it, you must get off the couch and get some physical exercise. That's part of the reason why you're in this situation in the first place. Eating too much, eating all the wrong things, and never getting any


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I think that exercise is the first thing to go. You get a little bit older and you get a little bit busier, and then you lose

the contact with your friends that you used to play basketball, tennis, and golf with, and you learn a new to veg out on the couch with your chips,

beer and pizza.

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Start to integrate an exercise plan in along with your new eating plan. Take a shake in the morning, a light lunch, and

a good healthy dinner, and then a walk or a run to close the day out. You will feel better and best of all; you will

see those pounds start to fall off. Believe's a great feeling.

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5. Do It Today - Start Right Now!

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As my friend Cedrick Harris always says, "don't be a member of the biggest nation on the planet, called

Procrastination. I use to live there, and I didn't like it one single bit. Nothing gets moving in that nation, and there

are no success stories coming out of that country.

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How many times have you said, "You got a point there Brian, I'm going to take a good look at it later," "I'm pretty busy right now, but I will check it out," "I know I need to

do something, I'm going to get started someday." Someday becomes next month, and next month becomes next year, and in the mean time you're getting fatter, and your heart is working harder, and you're blood pressure is

getting higher, and eventually your walking time bomb...EXPLODES...and you die.

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My doctor tried to tell me this years ago, until one day he sat me down and just hit me between the eyes with the

truth. My alcoholism was going to kill me. He said you are going to die, if you don't change your life around right!

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Obesity is a disease, you and only you can decide whether you're going to be another statistic, or another success

story that will reach out and save someone else's life. But you need to start today...right now.

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