Download - Obama Unloads Vicious Attack Ad Romney 'the Problem' With Ameri

  • 7/31/2019 Obama Unloads Vicious Attack Ad Romney 'the Problem' With Ameri



    After spending tens of millions of dollars on negative

    ads which have thus far only resulted in a close election

    remaining close, Team Obama has not only decided to

    double down on the nastiness but to push the very

    same outsourcing charges numerous media outlets have long ago

    declared untrue.

    Brace yourself, this is about as brutal as it gets.





    Obama Goes for Kill Shot With NastyAnti-Romney Ad




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    ma Unloads Vicious Attack Ad: Romney 'The Problem' with America

    3 7/14/2012

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    Over the past few weeks, many people have compared what Obama is doing to Romney to

    what George W. Bush did to Kerry in 2004. But there are some major differences, making

    the approach a risky one for the Obama campaign.

    First off, this is the President of the United States brazenly wrist-flicking the facts in an

    attempt to destroy his opponent's biography. In '04, it wasn't Bush who was behind the

    Swiftboat Veteran ads, it was an outside group. Also, the Vets questioning Kerry's record

    in Vietnam were able to back up their charges because many of those guys served with

    Kerry there. Obama's basing his primary attack on something the Washington Post, CNN,

    and numerous fact checkers have declared untrue.

    Though the media hasn't made Obama pay a price for this, Romney has begun to hit back

    with a narrative concerning the president's credibility, and this latest attack will only help

    to feed that narrative.

    Secondly, this Obama attack is extremely heavy-handed and even uncomfortable to watch.

    It's a vicious, demeaning, and mean-spirited ad meant to humiliate its target. This is far

    from the inspirational, hope-changey Barack Obama voters fell for in 2008 and a very

    different approach than the Bush campaign's towards Kerry. Though they mocked Kerry, it

    was with a much lighter touch. Whether you supported Kerry or not, you almost had to


    Far be it for me to question the wisdom of Obama's Chicago operation, but if any of this is

    hurting Romney, it likely isnt or wont be the Bain stuff -- it's how the Romney campaignresponds. Obama's trying to get into Romney's head, keep his people on defense, and

    make them look incompetent. And this is where Romney could really hurt himself.

    In many ways, John McCain lost in '08 because he looked hapless and erratic instead of

    like a leader. The mismanagement of his campaign fed this narrative, especially near the

    end. This, I think, is the arch-narrative the Obama campaign is aiming for with Romney. If

    Romney's campaign can be made to look defensive and ineffective, that undercuts

    Romney's compelling biography as a competent, effective leader more than any offshore

    account or SEC filing.

    The Romney campaign needs to put above all else -- not rebutting charges that have

    already debunked -- but running a competent campaign.

    There's no question that over 50% of the American people want to fire Barack Obama andthat Mitt Romney can win by presenting himself as an acceptable alternative. Obama can

    attempt to tear Romney apart all he wants, but it's really only Mitt Romney who can finish

    the job by running a campaign that looks weak and constantly caught off guard.

    Personally, I don't care about Bain or outsourcing or any of the distractions Obama and

    his media allies have created over the past few weeks. And the polls suggest I'm not alone.

    Romney needs to stay out of these weeds, though, and concentrate on The Big Picture --

    looking presidential and like a man who can lead America out of Obama's mess.

    America is desperate to replace Barack Obama, and anyone competent and grown up will

    do. That's what people care about, that's what people are looking for. Not the minutiae of

    what was filed and signed in 1999.

    ***UPDATE: The Romney camp has already responded to the ad:

    Every day, President Obama hits a new low. It is sad and shameful that President

    Obama would mock America The Beautiful. But sadly its not surprising for the man

    who launched his presidency with an apology tour. The Uncle Jims of our country

    as he condescendingly calls middle-class Americans dont believe in mocking

    America The Beautiful and dont believe in apologizing for America. - Romney for


    The "Uncle Jims" reference comes from a quote from the President in Virginia yesterday:

    So just in case some of your friends or neighbors, or Uncle Jim, whos a little stubborn

    and been watching FOX News -- (laughter) -- and he thinks that somehow I raised

    e-mail address SUBSCRIBE



    ma Unloads Vicious Attack Ad: Romney 'The Problem' with America

    3 7/14/2012

  • 7/31/2019 Obama Unloads Vicious Attack Ad Romney 'the Problem' With Ameri



    Sort by newest first

    taxes -- lets just be clear: Weve lowered taxes for middle-class families since I came

    into office. (President Obama, Remarks (

    /2012/07/13/remarks-president-campaign-event-virginia-beach-va), Virginia Beach,

    VA, 7/13/12)

    Follow John Nolte on Twier @NolteNC(hps://!/NolteNC)


    REAL-TIME UPDATING IS paused. (Resume)

    Showing 80 of 695 comments

    0and 22 others liked this.

    A LIKE REPLY 7 minutes ago F

    Mr Obama, I'm not sure how Mitt Romney could be the problem with America since he is only a candidate. You,

    however, are the president and have been since January 20, 2009. If there is a problem with America it comes

    under your tenure.


    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago F

    Democrats have always been overboard with attack ads, I still remember the Daisy ad against Goldwater.

    Dems have no shame or honor.


    A LIKE REPLY 18 minutes ago F

    Dang, youse guys ain't touchy or nothin are you?


    A LIKE REPLY 20 minutes ago F

    Let's face it...the Obama campaign is running circles around the Romney campaign with messaging like this

    while Willard Mitt runs around demanding apologies and looking weak. Should have nominated one of the other

    guys. You may not agree with me now but will a year from now just like with McCain.



    LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago F should post Andrew's CPAC 2012 video as a reminder of what Andrew called us to do.

    Pick a path...America or occupy?

    Who cares if Romney's a mormon, rich, male, white and his wife rides a horse.


    Gossip, gossip, gossip.

    I finally heard one commentator hit the nail on the head by using the word "gossip" for the reports in the

    newspapers against Romney. This is how he should respond to the Obama campaign saying that they are so

    desperate that they are basing their attacks on gossip and not doing their homework to check the veracity of the


    Gossip, gossip, gossip.

    Only someone who is not prepared to examine Romney's record (before he left Bain, his time preparing for the

    Olympics and then his time as governor) and compare this with the performance of Obama during the past

    three and a half years resorts to gossip, gossip, gossip to avoid discussing the real issues - huge


    ma Unloads Vicious Attack Ad: Romney 'The Problem' with America

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    A LIKE REPLY 29 minutes ago 1 Like F

    unemployment, enormous debt and runaway government spending. This gossip is simply a red herring - a

    deliberate avoidance of the unpalatable truth.

    A LIKE REPLY 33 minutes ago F

    The only idiots that believe this crap are the lazy welfare check collectors. It will backfire AS usual.


    A LIKE REPLY 39 minutes ago 1 Like F

    Well, not so sure. They've said it all before just not in the same ad. I don't think it will be that telling. Just more

    class warfare and only effective with the crowd that already believed it. It's also easy to counter with Obama's

    outsourcing endeavors. Heck, even 007 had an account in the Caymans. :)


    A LIKE REPLY 40 minutes ago F

    This country is the way it is because of 3+ years of Obama, his czars and Democrat henchmen. The first two

    years they had unbridled control and now they have total obstructionist control. They are the problem. They are



    A LIKE REPLY 41 minutes ago 1 Like F

    Let's do a video collage of Chicago, black on black homicide with nightingale Gwen Moore's "Hit The Road,

    Scott" as an audio backdrop.


    A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago 1 Like F

    What a vicious, worthless and uncaring cad we have in the White House. So he approves of this message? Can

    we use the word n!gger? Of course not. Whites can't say groundless insults. But this is the garbage into which

    the Civil Rights Movement has morphed. This is a disgusting, unfounded lie and that man knows it and he

    knows there a double standard. Gloves off, let's roll!



    A LIKE REPLY 48 minutes ago F

    I don't think it's a very effective ad. Unfortunately, Romney's response is even more ineffective.

    It's lame.

    Obama held a state dinner to toast the gangsters of China. He's refused to label China a currency

    manipulator. Romney promised to do that on Day One. That should be his response, not these pleas to decency

    he's been making. He's up against thugs. They don't play bean bag.


    A LIKE REPLY 7 minutes ago F

    i have an idea mr. president ,why don't you try and run on your accomplishments? well, still waiting


    A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago F

    So Romney isn't Neil Diamond - not a reason to not vote for him. Outside of the singing didn't see anything

    terrible since all the outsourcing was been found to be false.

    So we have the reverse with Obama he can sing but his outsourcing have been found to be true. Romney you

    have my vote as long as you promise not to sing.


    Gotta love all this Hope and Change stuff... err .. what did I just say?

    And now we have the real obama, center stage.. What are you running on Mr. President?


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Answer: Hate...

    Hate of successful people, of course I'm not included in that group cause I'm better than everyone else, Just

    ask Moochelle...

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 6 Likes F

    Every time Obama does one of these attacks we all should donate 5 bucks to the Romney Campaign. There

    would be no better revenge then having Obama being the biggest campaign donor for Romney. The libs heads

    would bust. Don't get mad get smart.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    I am looking forward to election day...can't come soon enough.

    I look forward to the video of this person screaming and crying as the American people drag him, bodily, from

    the White House and kick him to the curb. After which, I predict he will fade into oblivion................ ......good



    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F

    lol...the only one who made a mockery of America the Beautiful was Romney with his horrible singing.

    Something tells me he won't be doing that again between now and election day.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Maybe, instead of asking who is John Galt, we should, this week, at least, be asking who is Uncle Jim.

    I don't know about you, but this week I am Uncle Jim.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 2 Likes F

    And we expected anything less? Caesar Obammus is doing this because he and his handlers know the

    America-hating pieces of crap that always vote democrat will buy into this garbage all the way.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F

    Steady as they go! Romney, you'll go thru the process better if you just sort of stay detached from their

    sleeze. Stay focused on the important stuff. Obama is showing his a.s.s more and more each time he does this

    and people are seeing what he is all about. And that's a good thing. Don't stoop to his level. Stay focused, be

    above the sleezy man in the white house.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F

    Our President just does not love America. We just have to accept it and send him packing with

    an overwhelming loss.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to icanseeclearlynow 2 Likes F

    The biggest problem will be the America-haters that vote for him.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F

    Can the family running this site please crop our flag out of every picture the commie and chief is in. It is real

    insulting he stands next to what I bled for. Does anyone have any naked pictures of muchelle?


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    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to myway F

    Have you seen the naked pictures of Obama's mother?


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to sobsister 2 Likes F

    That really put me off my lunch.


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 5 Likes F

    Oh, beautiful for spacious skies

    (filled with HS drones),

    For amber waves of grain, (distributed

    to many more food stamp recipients).

    For purple mountains majesty (doubling

    our debt owed to the Communist Red Chinese)

    Barack Obama, Barack Obama! You are

    itching for the imminent sequestration!

    You could care less about our great

    nation! You love Bill Ayers and Wright much more!

    Just call up Secretary Sebelious, forthis you're famous,

    And instruct her to hand over another union waiver!

    Barack Obama, Barack Obama, God send

    HIS wrath onto thee!

    And reverse and repeal thy ugly and

    hateful deeds,

    And save us all from Harry Reid and his illegally used reconciliation!


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F

    Obama is nothing more than a two bit thug from the hood. A P.O.S. and a Clear and Present Danger to



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F

    When i come here I feel happy and confident Obama will be voted out this November, but when I got to other

    sites as yahoo! I feel worried and nervous. The vote of the village Idiot counts just as much as mine.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F

    Be careful Mr. Obama. That glass house you're living in is about to crash.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F

    Me. myself and I knows all! What a parasite and a pathetic little prick.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F

    This, coming from a b@st@rd who LIES constantly. Come on barry; talk let's hear about your

    "accomplishments". Let's see YOU defend YOUR record.



    ma Unloads Vicious Attack Ad: Romney 'The Problem' with America

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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to martifr F

    Great ad!!! Tells the truth, Mitt & his Phony Christian GOPinhead friends Clubbing

    The American Middle Class with "Trickle Down Voodoo" Economics has been awful.

    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to ocrick 1 Like F

    Yeah, it aims at the 7th grade mentality. I see it hit it's target audience.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ocrick 2 Likes F



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to ocrick 7 Likes F

    How's the trickle up working for you?


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to martifr 5 Likes F

    It was Bush's fault. It's the republicans fault. It's Reagan's fault.

    Hows that for his record.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to stew1 3 Likes F

    It's a broken record.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F

    Obama has shown nothing but disrespect for this country, its constitution, its people, its military, ad infinitum

    since day one. Had anyone listened to the detractors in 2007-08 this wouldn't be happening, but no one wanted

    to hear the message. The guy is a marxist fraud. He's out to destroy. He lies, he steals vacations and

    campaign trips on taxpayers' money. The real question is why hasn't the house/senate begun impeachment

    proceedings. Certainly they have done so for much less important violations of the office. God help us!

    Where is the Congress?


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to HokieBird 2 Likes F

    i have said it before and i will say it again. OBAMA IS A POLITICAL HACK. he will SAY and DO

    ANYTHING to get reelected. anyone who buys into this kind of bull crap is not only probably of

    obamas race but an unamerican racist. we, as a nation have elected the most crass ignorant human

    being to be our leader, now it is time to admit, as a nation, we made a huge mistake. he does not

    deserve a second term by any streach of the imagination. anyone who believes he has done anything

    for this country is completely ignorant of the truth or just ignores the facts. if you currently have a job,

    do you worry it will go away. if you currently are unemployed, do you think you can find a job. to the

    first question, yes you are worried, to the second no, the business community will not be hiring as long

    as obama is in office. that is the truth of the situation.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to HokieBird 2 Likes F

    "Where is the Congress?"

    They're busy watching the country burn.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to nickpants 4 Likes F

    They are too busy investing in the stock market with inside trader deals illegal to everyone



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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F

    "above the fray"


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 5 Likes F

    I am truly ashamed and embarassed to identify this man as my president. He is an absolute and continuous

    liar, a freeloader, an inexperienced boob who could not run a lemonade stand. He is not fit to carrry Romney's

    briefcase nor, on reflection, was he fit to carry McCain's. He is a loser in every sense of the word and a

    despicable human being who has no interest in solving the nation's problems but only in his own re-election. A

    pox on him.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to hadenoughyet 2 Likes F

    That sounds about right.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    I'm beginning to love the smell of Obama's fear-filled desperation in the morning, noon, and night.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Hahahahahaha! I guess people have figured out it's not actually Bush's fault, so now he's trying out a new



    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

    "Hey Uncle Jim...dont you remember? I lowered taxes by $8.00 a month so you can go out and buy that extra

    pack of cigarettes! "


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to sha4ss 1 Like F

    Cigarettes may be declared verboten under ObamaCare. I know, he's a smoker himself, but rules don't

    apply to him apparently.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to TheLineIsDrawn 4 Likes F

    Yeah but he will make pot legal to collect taxes.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F

    Clinton questions Romney for not releasing tax returns for 2011 and m 2012. when is Barry going to release his

    college transcripts, his years in law school when others do not remember him, his friendship with the shady

    characters, and his behind closed door negotions for the most transparent administration in history? I think hope

    and change will be in November when the hope of a new administration to change America for the better will be

    in place.


    For the last couple of weeks, Barack Obama

    has suggested that being president of this country was, to a certain extent,

    about character, and although I have not been willing to engage in his attacks

    on me, I can tell you without hesitation: Being President of this country is

    entirely about character. So it naturally begs the question: Why would a President,

    his party's most powerful spokesman, choose to keep rejecting upholding the

    Constitution? If you can answer that question, folks, then you're smarter than

    I am, because I didn't understand it until a few hours ago. America isn't easy.

    America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put

    up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 4 Likes F

    acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage

    and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime

    opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the

    free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has

    to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Our

    democracy is a rule of law and you cannot decide what laws to uphold. Both sides must learn to respect and


    the other side and debate with the American people in mind. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in

    your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the

    free". Who amongst you really knows Barack Obama? I've been operating

    under the assumption that the reason Barack devotes so much time and energy to

    shouting at the rain, chasing windmills, was that he simply didn't get it.

    Well, I was wrong. Barack's problem isn't that he doesn't get it and he can't

    sell it! We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve

    them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Barack Obama is

    not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and

    two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it.

    That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of

    middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an

    easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and

    character. And wave around stories of twisted truths and lies about me and you

    scream about patriotism and you tell them, he's to blame for their lot in life,

    and you go on television and have your minions insinuate that I am a felon or

    liar. I am a good husband, great father and grandfather, a religious, pious,

    successful and humble man. I went to

    school, business and law school. I

    worked hard and was successful. When

    offered the CEO position at the Olympics I thought it important to serve anddid so without taking a pay check and did a good job. I became the Governor of Massachusetts unemployment

    was as low as 4.7% and again I did not take a paycheck and did a good job. Now I would like the opportunity to

    serve the

    USA; each and every one of her citizens and get us back to work, get the

    economy on track and our debt under control.

    I think that my background speaks for itself and I dont feel the need

    to go around touting my bona fides all the time. Regardless of who wins this election - America has serious

    problems. Let us debate issues and put the country

    first. Seriously. Some text copied from The American

    President good movie

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F

    As bad as he is there are still those that think this man is capable of walking on water. He is not the problem, theproblem is our Congress that allows this fraud to do what he wants. He has made fools of the Congress and

    they just sit there waiting to get elected again. Unbelievable!


    A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Judester 1 Like F

    That's why there is a Tea Party.


    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Judester 1 Like F

    We have an opportunity to do something about that this fall.


    Mitt Romney's campaign is like that last scene in Star Wars. Luke Skywalker and his crew are heading for that

    target in the Death Star. There are shots being fired, Darth Vadar is on his tail, and the guy in his earpiece is

    saying, "Stay on target! Stay on target!" Stay on target, Mitt, stay on target.

    President Obama and his crew are in the last stages of their own suicide. What started as "We're not the red

    states or the blue states...we're the United States" has devolved into "pit neighbors, family and friends against

    each other. Make everyone an enemy of someone else in order to gain their vote. Tell people what they want

    to hear and then hose them".

    That being said, Mitt Romney needs to stay out of the weeds. He cannot comment on every single thing that

    the Obama campaign throws at them. They are the 2-year-old at the grocery store, throwing themselves down

    on the floor because their mom won't buy them a cookie. As a mom, the worst thing you can do is give them


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

    attention, or God forbid, give them the cookie.

    Romney, or a PAC that supports Romney need to make a video, and release it in September. A video that has

    a clip of Obama's speech about the Blue States/Red States/United States. Flash the caption..."This is what

    hope and change looked like in 2008". Then, clips with news reports on how bad the economy is, what the

    Occupy Wall Street crowd looks like when they're protesting, one job report afte r another (accompanied

    with Obama declaring that it's not that bad), etc. And then flash the caption...."This is what a campaign looks

    like 4 years later when you haven't given America any hope or change."

    Call it a day after that...and get back to the economy. If Mitt Romney's campaign is talking about Bain, then

    Obama's campaign isn't having to talk about the economy.

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to the3Ds 1 Like F

    Make sure to get a clip of Obama saying, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 4 Likes F

    If Romney was smart he would stop being offended and go on offense instead of defense. So many good

    commercial in my head he could run. Or just a simple statement like, well I don't like to think about my

    President lying like this, but when you have no accomplicements to talk about mud is about your only weapon.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    As AZSMITY says so well...pathological liar. When someone does something because they don't know any

    better..that is ignorance. Someone would continually does the wrong thing over and over again...that is stupid.

    When your record in office is so pathetic you have nothing left but to at tack someone else...I am a bit surprise "it

    Romney's fault" yet.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    more lies from the obama camp. the only bad thing is romney's singing. the problem for obama is that romney

    camp don't have to lie when they bring out his record.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F

    OMG that BS ad came on my TV this morning and I literally sat in my chair and cussed out the TV for 20


    That has to be the biggest BS ad I have ever seen from politics.

    Obama the CERTIFIED CROOK can go (BLEEP) himself.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    YouTube is blocking negative comments. At least they blocked mine. The uploader wants to "approve" them

    first. That's a laugh. All I said was that Obama is spending our money shipping green jobs to China and

    bankrupting his green Solyndras. Romney was spending private money. That's a big difference. I also said that

    at least Romney knew the words to America the Beautiful. I doubt Obama does. You'll notice that the uploader

    highlights the most negative Romney posts at the top of the comments section.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 5 Likes F

    What would you expect from a sociopath, patholigical liar? Everyone of the claims in this ad have already been

    debunked, yet the sociopath believes he is entitled to tell lies and have people believe.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    I was Driveing down the road today and a stench Came over my truck , it was a dead skunk in the middle of the

    road , I immediately thought of Obama adminisration and occupy wallstreet and George Soros


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    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F

    Think Hussein is dirty now.......just you wait !!!!!


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 5 Likes F

    obama is a smug, self-serving, pathetic, lying commie.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 7 Likes F

    Buck O'Fama


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 4 Likes F

    Unless Romney overreacts -- and as the article suggests, he's in danger of doing so -- then no one's going to

    give a damn what he did 15 years ago at Bain (or 50 years ago in high school).

    Whoever the GOP candidate is (and I still hope a miracle happens and it's not Romney) just needs to keep this

    election a referendum on Obama. Do that and he (or she) wins -- period.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    Romney needs to hit back hard. He has a lot to work with seeing as Obama got elected on a litany promises,

    none of them kept other than minor odds and ends. Start at the begining and grind through them. One after the


    The Expose the patest attack ads for what they are, flat out lies.

    This article says it PERFECTLY..


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago F

    "First off, this is the President of the United States brazenly wrist-flicking the facts in an attempt to destroy his

    opponent's biography."

    lol so hard I fell off my chair...

    "In '04, it wasn't Bush who was behind the Swiftboat Veteran ads, it was an outside group."

    That's where Obummer learned to lead from behind! Thanks for pointing out that technicality to us common

    lame-brained folk bigfart editors. As if Bush never had the power to tell the "Outside group" to cease & desist.

    "Secondly, this Obama attack is extremely heavy-handed and even uncomfortable to watch. "


    Yes, for those that are squeamish about the truth. Somehow I don't think those who had their jobs outsourced

    would be so thinned skinned however.

    "If Romney's campaign can be made to look defensive and ineffective, that undercuts Romney's compelling

    biography as a competent, effective leader more than any offshore account or SEC filing."

    Mission accomplished. "We demand an apology.." Whahahahaaaa.... Its beneath his office...Whahahahaaha.

    Talk about the very definition of defensive and ineffective!

    "Personally, I don't care about Bain or outsourcing or any of the distractions"

    Tell that to the people who lost their jobs. Why do you th ink we are STILL in a recession, dumb a$$. Because

    we have a business culture that like you could care less about off-shoring jobs, that views that sordid approach

    to profit making as a mere "Distraction" on the road to greed glory.

    "It is sad and shameful that President Obama would mock America The Beautiful."

    lol No Mitt, you mock it with you pandering use of it for petty partisan politics. What a pathetic argument. Wrap

    yourself in the flag and blather on. Nobody is fooled about who is mocking what.


    Personally, I find the fact that he has all these off shore accounts is reason enough not to vote for the


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to scotr F


    I mean, do you want to have a President who has bet against his own country. Is having a few more

    millions that can't be taxed more important than investing in your own country.

    Just like Eric Cantor shorting US Bonds. Betting against your own country, while being part of the

    government. Disgusting.

    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to proudcanucklehead 3 Likes F

    He closed those accounts 2 years ago.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to scotr 4 Likes F's a prediction...the poseur loses...and loses big, making the epic beatdown of the socialist

    party in 2010 look insignificant...Mitt wasn't who I wanted, but he'll suffice. America resurgent scrot.



    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to scotr 3 Likes F

    You sound as desperate as Obama.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 7 Likes F

    I am 60 years old living off my retirement accounts in the private sector. I put my head on my pillow every night

    and sleep sound knowing America has never had a problem in my lifetime we didn't fix. that is what we do out

    here in the work a day world-- we fix. We bring order, we serve our fellow man, we make life better for people

    we don't even know up and down the chain. Through it all we don't have problems we can't solve. mr Obama

    is correct we have a situation here (problem); however it is not a canidate, it is an incumbent that has a history.

    It is a sitting president that exceeds his powers, as defined by the constitution, on now almost a daily schedule.

    I believe we can remedy this soon.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to koug 1 Like F

    I agree. The average American who isn't part of the east and left coast bubbles is quite capable of

    discerning between lies and facts. Actually as you said, this problem is fixable, and fairly easily too.The fix will come on November 6th when all of those hard working Americans who believe in personal

    responsibility, adherence to tried and true American values and good old common sense will begin the

    task of righting the ship of state and getting her back on course. All the talking heads and so called

    media experts will just have to pick up a new narrative and move along. Obama's Presidency will

    eventually take a back seat in our history as the United States of America reasserts itself as the

    greatest nation the world has ever seen. A nation of "fixers."


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

    My two and three year old grand daughters, are more mature.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    OTOH, we are still in the pre-nomination time period. If this "scandal" prevents the GOP from nominating

    another multi-millionaire moderate, then I'm all for it.


    A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F

    Obama also claimed that Harry Truman said "The buck stops with you". In stretching for this quote, Obama fell

    again on his rhetorical face. The actual quote is "The buck stops here" and wasn't famous because Truman

    said it but because it was the wording of a sign on Truman's desk.


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    A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to teapartyofficer 1 Like F

    obama, harvard-educated, actually know history? musta been the same prof who taught him

    constitutional law. vote him out.


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