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Special Blessing For All !by Prophet Obafemi Y.I. AFIN

The Small Man in the Hands of a Great God.Founder and General Overseer of Master Jesus Ministry.

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Beloved, in the school of the Holy Spirit, if you hold this book today, it is not by chance but an opportunity to be blessed supernaturally.  Read it to be wise, believe its message to be saved, and put it into practice to be holy. This will make the heavens open and the gates of hell will not prevail.Read it by savoring it often and praying. It is a mine of wealth and the health of your soul. It will fill your memory, reign in your heart, and guide your walk with God. So, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.Beloved, to begin with, if you have not yet given your life to Jesus Christ, you can do it now, and the heavens will rejoice today with your salvation.

Indeed, Salvation is the greatest miracle and the greatest happiness that a man can have on earth. It is the forgiveness of sins through the gift of the son of God - Jesus Christ, who paid the price for the sins of the world. Hence, it is possible to have the assurance that your sins are forgiven and that you are ready to go to heaven by following the steps below:

First step: You must admit before God that you are a sinner according to the book of Romans in chapter three, verse twenty-three which says: "There is no distinction, since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

Second step: You must believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. According to the book of John in chapter three, verse sixteen which says: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes and trusts in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life"

Third step: You must confess your sins to Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive you. According to the first book of John in chapter one, verse nine which says:  "If we

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admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us continually from all unrighteousness".

Fourth step: You must do the following prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I need your forgiveness, I also recognize that you died on the cross for me. I ask you to come to live in my heart, to forgive my sins and to reign over my life. I accept your salvation today and I know that you reserve for me a dwelling in heaven with you. Thank you Lord, my Savior. Amen.

May God bless you ! Prophet Obafemi Y.I. AFIN The little man in the hand of the Great God.

Theme : The Works of the Grace of GodThis wonderful theme revolves around seven chapters that are :

Chapter I : SalvationBasically, we preach on repentance and on faith in the Gospel. Through the message of repentance, we say to you "Turn away from your old ways, from what the Bible defines as "Sin", saying "Turn to the Lord and receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior".

In reality, you repent, but you cannot save yourself.  Only Jesus Christ can save you, for he has paid the full price of salvation on the Cross of Calvary. You are thus saved by the faith that Jesus died for you to redeem you.

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This is the experience of the new birth, which is the first work of the grace of God. In truth, salvation is the most important thing in the life of man. According to the book of John chapter three, verse sixteen which says: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life".

For example, the thief on the cross went to heaven just through this act of faith, according to the book of Luke in chapter twenty-three verse thirty-Nine to forty-three which says: "One of the criminals who had been hanged kept hurling abuse at Him, saying, 'Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!' But the other one rebuked him, saying, 'Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? We are suffering justly, because we are getting what we deserve for what we have done; but this Man has done nothing wrong'. And he said, 'Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!' Jesus said to him, 'I assure you and most solemnly say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.' "

We believe that salvation comes only through faith and trust in Christ, which brings spiritual regeneration. But for one's own sake, man must seek to grow daily in the Grace of God, because all aspects of our lives are based on the Grace of God.

Chapter 2 : SanctificationFundamentally, sanctification is "to stand apart for God". The part of man in the work of sanctification is to set himself apart for God. It is true that we are all Christians after the new birth, but in the Bible, we see that the Christians of Corinth were still babies in the Lord despite their new birth. Apostle Paul had spoken clearly of their carnal character, their selfishness, their greed and many other things.

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Jesus said to his disciples who believed in him, "rejoice that your names are written in heaven". Which means that these disciples were not totally foreign to him. But, in spite of that, they still had the selfish attitude in them. 

The proof is that two of them sought to sit one on the left and the other on the right of Jesus in the kingdom of heaven, in order to dominate over others. 

We will say that although these disciples were with Jesus and worshiped God day and night, there was still a lot of egoism and greediness in their words. However, when you set yourself apart for the glory of God and give up everything else to follow Him, He then cleanses you of everything from which ordinarily you cannot free yourself.

When the children of Israel were in the desert they murmured and complained. It is the same thing with the Christians also. Due to the fact that they want to be satisfied in one way or the other, from there, egoism and greed have access into their lives. 

After Salvation, which is the first work of the Grace of God, it is sanctification. It is the second work of the grace of God, that every Christian needs to walk successfully in the light of the Lord. Its aim is to remove the selfish and greedy nature in man, to give the strength to love God more and to sacrifice oneself for God and for others. 

Thus, you grow daily in the Grace of God, from strength to strength, and possess a tender heart, a pure heart, and not a heart of stone. From there, you will be easy to be corrected, easy to live in love and in pure motives, then, it will be easy to submit totally to the will of God. 

In reality, the absolute perfection is only attained when we arrive into the peace of Heaven. However, we can still lead a victorious life on earth, a life full of love and pure motives towards God and towards men.

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The second part of the work of sanctification is what God himself does in us, through what we also do for him in love. True ‘love’ will therefore mean that we cannot harm others. 

So, when you become a Christian, you begin to do to others what you want them to do for you. Therefore, you apply this Christian principle in your life and in your relationships on a daily basis. 

In conclusion, you should know that it is not your good works that saves you. Rather, it is your faith in Christ that saves you! Thence, the love and trust you have in knowing Christ, will not allow you to harm your neighbor. 

The more you grow in the Grace of God, the more you are able to demonstrate to your neighbors the love of God, which you were not able to demonstrate before.In the same way, what you are not able to do today for the Glory of God, maybe in the next two or three years, if you grow in the grace of God, you will be able to do it easily without hesitation.

Chapter 3 : Baptism in the Holy SpiritBaptism in the Holy Spirit is the third work of the grace of God. Normally, the first work of baptism in the Holy Spirit is to pray in a well-articulated language that you have never learnt or spoken. 

The second proof is to translate or clearly interpret a language that you have never learnt or spoken. As in the example of prophet Daniel and King Belshazzar in the book of Daniel chapter five verse twenty-five to twenty-nine which says: "This is the inscription that was written, ‘ mene , mene , tekel , peres.

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This is the interpretation of the message: ‘ mene ’--God has numbered the days of your kingdom and put an end to it; ‘ tekel ’--you have been weighed on the scales and found deficient; ‘ peres ’-- your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians.” Then Belshazzar gave the command, and Daniel was clothed with purple and a chain of gold was put around his neck, and a proclamation concerning him was issued that he now had authority as the third ruler in the kingdom. During that same night, Belshazzar, the Chaldean king was slain.

Here, we see that through the Spirit of God, the prophet Daniel clearly and perfectly translated the language he had previously never learnt or spoken before. 

Also, the example of Balaam's donkey to whom the Lord gave the opportunity to speak clearly the language that she had never learnt or spoken before, in the book of Numbers chapter twenty-two, verse twenty-eight to thirty, which says: ‘’And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you that you have struck me these three times?” Then Balaam said to the donkey, “Because you have made a mockery of me ! If there had been a sword in my hand, I would have killed you by now!” The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden all your life until this day? Have I ever been accustomed to do so to you ?” And he said, “No.”’’

According to the promise of the Lord Jesus in the book of Mark in chapter sixteen, verse seventeen which says --- ‘’These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues’’

And also according to the promise of God in the book of Joel in chapter two, verse twenty-eight to twenty-nine, which says : ‘’It shall come about after this That I shall pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and your daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. “Even on the

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male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.’’These promises tell you about well-articulated languages that you have never learnt or spoken.

So, the baptism of the Holy Spirit will lead you to a life of deep prayer and give you light, and then a glimpse of the Word of God. he will also give you efficiency in preaching and evangelism. So that, the people you evangelize will be touched by the Spirit of power and will be converted.

The Lord Jesus said that we could receive the fullness of baptism in the Holy Spirit. In truth, if we pray in faith, God will baptize us in the Holy Spirit. In doing so, He will show us the things to come according to his promise. 

Thereafter, we will be more open to God and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. When we read the Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit will illuminate us more than before and we will understand better. 

In fact, before the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we naturally know the Holy Scripture, but, at the moment when we need to apply it to confront the difficulties of life, we are no longer able to remember it.

In conclusion, the more you are in the Holy Spirit, the more He will help you to rememberthe words of the Holy Scripture at the opportune moment for your victory. As He did to the Lord Jesus in the wilderness, according to the book of Matthew in chapter four, verse one to eleven which says: ’’Then Jesus was led by the [Holy] Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After He had gone without food for forty days and forty nights, He became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But Jesus replied, “It is written and forever remains written, ‘Man shall not live

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by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’”  Then the devil took Him into the holy city and placed Him on the pinnacle (highest point) of the temple. And he said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written, ‘He will command His angels concerning You and ‘They will lift you up on their hands, so that You will not strike Your foot against a stone.’” Jesus said to him, “On the other hand, it is written and forever remains written, ‘You shall not test the Lord your God.’”  Again, the devil took Him up on a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written and forever remains written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”  Then the devil left Him; and angels came and ministered to Him [bringing Him food and serving Him].”

The baptism of the Holy Spirit will greatly help you in prayers. It is true that in one way or another we all pray, and have a lot of knowledge about prayer. But it is only through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that you are able to pray with deep faith, and with the sense of a child of God.

Chapter 4 : Water Baptism 

The water baptism is not an eraser of sin, because it is only the blood of Jesus that washes us from sin. In reality, the most important is faith and trust in Christ. Indeed, water baptism is a public testimony of salvation for every Christian.

Thus, in Master Jesus Ministry, we teach that the normal application of water baptism is only intended for adults after conversion, by immersion in a river or in a stream

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of water.

If you are born again and baptized before joining the Master Jesus Ministry, you no longer need to be baptized again. But if you have been baptized as a child, or as an adult before your true conversion to Christ, then you need to be baptized again in a "clean and biblical way".

In truth, without being born again no one is qualified to be baptized. For this, each member of the church must be able to testify of his or her new birth in Christ, and must also be able to follow a biblical reformation with respect to water baptism and to the Christian life. This reformation will expose him or her to the Holy Scripture, so that he or she does not take the things of God lightly.

Beloved, note that the Spirit of God must first witness the conversion of each member of the Church before his water baptism.

Chapter 5 : Confirmation (strengthen the heart of believers)

 In the book of the Acts of the Apostles in chapter fourteen, verse twenty-one to twenty-two, the Bible speaking of true confirmation, says: “They preached the good news to that city and made many disciples, then they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening and establishing the hearts of the disciples; encouraging them to remain firm in the faith, saying, “It is through many tribulations and hardships that we must enter the kingdom of God.””

We must therefore be concerned for what the Bible says. Unfortunately, there are churches that baptize children, but the tragedy is that, these children are only babies who do not know how to repent and be born again. 

Let us see what the Lord said concerning the tradition or doctrine of Man in relation to the commandments of God, in the book of Matthew chapter fifteen, verse one to three that says:

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“Then some Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem came to Jesus and said, “Why do Your disciples violate the tradition handed down by the elders? For Your disciples do not wash their hands before they eat.” He replied to them, “Why also do you violate the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?”Indeed, nowadays, what is deplorable in Christianity is that there are people in the churches who baptize children, and are more worried about their traditions than God's commandments.

In those so called churches, there are people who are baptized, who have received communion and confirmation with rituals and ceremonies according to their tradition, but who still drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, practice idolatry, adultery, polygamy and occultism. In reality, these people are only "Christians by name”.

In the book of Luke Chapter fourteen verse twenty-seven, the Lord Jesus Christ talks about the qualifications by which man becomes his disciple (Christian) says: “Whoever does not carry his own cross and follow after Me cannot be My disciple”.

In the book of John chapter eight, verse twenty-nine to thirty-two, the Lord also says: "And He who sent Me, is with Me; He has not left Me alone, because I always do what pleases Him.” As He said these things, many believed in Him. So Jesus was saying to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you abide in My word you are truly My disciples.  And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".

According to the word of God, if you are really a disciple, it means that the experience of conversion has already taken place in your life, meaning you have totally abandoned Your sins and embraced Christ. 

In the book of the Acts of the Apostles in chapter fourteen, when Luke wrote concerning the confirmation of the new converts through Paul and Barnabas, He did

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not use the word "ritual or ceremony." But rather he used the word “confirmation” which means firming, exhortation, strengthen the hearts of the believers. Here, Paul and Barnabas exhorted the new converts to "continue" in faith and trust in Christ. 

The truth is that you could not continue something you had not begun. According to the Holy Scripture, confirmation is to stand in the totality of the word of God. To stand on the word of God, means to trust and strongly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

For example, all the teachings that we give on Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays are already confirmations, exhortations and consolidations.Here is the confirmation according to the Holy Writing, in the book of Ephesians in the chapter four, verse twelve to fourteen, says: « That's how he prepares the saints for the writings of their ministry, for the building of the Body of Christ, so that we all arrive at unit in faith and knowledge of the Son of God, so that we become the Successful person and adult in whom fans out the fullness of Christ.

Then we will not be any more small children trailing along in drift, taken by the wind, by whatever doctrine and invention of astute and expert men in deceit. »Finally, the New Testament does not have a program of water baptism or communion for those who are not really born again in Christ. Because there is no mix-up in the kingdom of God, for our God is not an author of confusion.

The “confirmation” according to the Holy Scripture is not a ritual, neither a ceremony, or a tradition that some churches force people to accomplished, in order to buy their way into the kingdom of God.

According to the Word of God, “confirmation” is when you are already formed and you are no longer a child in faith, but rather a warrior in Christ. That is to say, a man or a woman who fears nothing but Christ, and who hates

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nothing but sin.

Chapter 6 : Become a member of Christ bodyAt Master Jesus Ministry (MJM), we always emphasize the need to be born again. You may be coming to the Church, but if you are not born again, you are not our member, no matter how many years you spent with us. Because the basis of Master Jesus Ministry membership is your testimony of being born again.

We hope that every member makes a positive change in his or her life, and be able to tell when and when he or she was born again. In the book of John chapter three, verse three to seven, Jesus replied to Nicodemus that he must be born again, this’s his word: “Jesus answered him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again he cannot see and experience the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born, can he?” Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.  Do not be surprised that I have told you, ‘You must be born again”.

The Lord Jesus Christ also warned his disciples that they needed to become like little children in order to enter the kingdom of God. According to the book of Matthew chapter eighteen verses one to four which says: “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” and he said, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore, whoever humbles

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himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”According to the verses above, we see that to be a member of the body of Christ, we need a true conversion. Because the Bible says that all have sinned and are cut off from the glory of God. it also says that no Man can be justified, saved or redeemed by the work of the law or human tradition. You must therefore accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

According to Matthew chapter eighteen, verse one to three, cited above, the disciples wanted to know who will be the greatest between them in the kingdom of God. However, the Lord Jesus Christ was not ready to speak of the greatest in the kingdom. He expects us to talk first about entering the kingdom, before talking about being the greatest when you enter. Indeed, to enter the kingdom of heaven, brothers and sisters, one needs to be washed in the blood of the Lamb; to be purified by the blood of the Son of God. It needs a real conversion, a change of life, a change of heart and a change of direction.It is after this change that you can say, "I know him as my Lord and Savior, he came into my heart, he saved me, he is my strength and my light". Beloved in Christ, all this constitute your first step on the path to heaven.

In the book of the Acts of the Apostles chapter three, verse nineteen to twenty, you can see that after turning back to your sins, and after receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, he lives in you. And the moment comes when Christ Himself will return in glory, He will receive you into himself.

In conclusion, the book of psalms in chapter twenty-four, verses three to four, says: “Who may ascend onto the mountain of the Lord ? And who may stand in His holy place ? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to what is false, Nor has sworn deceitfully.”

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Here, we see clearly that to enter the kingdom of heaven, brothers and sisters, it needs pure hands and a pure heart. If you are still sinful, then your hands and your heart are not pure. If you have not given yourself completely to the Lord Jesus Christ, your hands and your heart are not pure. You need to repent today before it's too late.

Do you know what it costs to enter the kingdom of heaven? Do you want to succeed in going to heaven? It needs more than what you have or think. The end is near; the Lord is on the threshold of coming. Are you born again? Do you have real conversion?Do you have a pure heart ? Do you have a new life ? Did you change direction in favor of your salvation? Talk about it to the Lord Jesus today. Confess to the Lord. Repent of all your evil ways today, and take the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

Maybe you were born again before, but today you have fallen from faith, you are not the only one to have fallen into the trap of Satan. I too had gone through this kind of moment of falling into the trap of false doctrines. But today, the Lord in his infinite grace has restored me to the faith of Christ, and I have become strong for his glory.

You too can be restored and be established again in the faith today. All you need to do now, is to repent and invoke the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation, and He will restore you.

Invoke the Lord Jesus Christ now, tell Him that you want Him to meet you prepared for the rapture of the Saints. We are in the last days, there will be a lot of compromises. Hold on to the entire Word of God. Stay on the Word of Christ. Believe strongly in Him and have absolute confidence in Him.

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Chapter 7 : Decision-making for a new lifeIf you are convinced by this message, and if you are ready for the new life, the Holy Spirit will come upon you now, to perform the works of God's grace. That is to say, he will fulfill in you the works that will give you a new life, a new power and a new glory.

Therefore, in your heart, believe in God today and hope for your miracles of salvation, deliverance, healing and total victory over darkness. For on the cross the Lord Jesus Christ conquered all the powers of darkness and sickness. Therefore beloved in Christ, your victory and your new life are already declared in advance.

Prayer to Return Totally to Christ :1. Our Father who is in heaven, I thank you because you

are the God of heaven, and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, but I thank you because I heard your Word today that Jesus Christ came to save me from sin.

3. Father, I am sorry for all my sins. I turn away from all my sins now, and I turn to follow Jesus Christ as my Savior.

4. Jesus, come into my life. I receive you by faith, use your blood to wash away all my sins and change my life. I believe that I am now saved. Thank you for saving me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN!

Prayer for Restoration : O Lord of justice! I repent of all the injustices of my life. I want my heart to be tender and pure before You. Lord

Spiritual Lesson Taught by Prophet Obafemi Y.I. AFIN of Master Jesus Ministry© Copyright 2018. TEL : +234 814 547 0893 +234 805 419 2506 +234 701 294

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Jesus, I humbly turn to you in your holy name. Amen!

1- Let my heart, my soul, my spirit be healed and be liberated today, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

2- Let the light and the power of the Holy Scripture fill me today, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

3- Let the bands of darkness over my glory be broken today, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

4- Let the powers of disease and failure be broken from my life now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

5- Let the power of the voice of hell on my life be broken now, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

6- Let the power of the Holy Spirit, fill me now, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

7- Let the joy of salvation fully fill my life today, in the name of Jesus Christ.

8- Let the new glory and the new power appear in my life today, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

9- Let the bands of darkness upon my glory, or on my spirit, be broken today, in the name of Jesus Christ.

10- Let the powers of sickness be broken from my body now, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

11- Let the power of the voice of hell behind my life be broken now, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

12- Let the power of the abode of the dead be broken from my life today, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

13- Let the power of the Holy Spirit, fill me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

14- Let the joy of salvation fully fill my life today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Lesson Taught by Prophet Obafemi Y.I. AFIN of Master Jesus Ministry© Copyright 2018. TEL : +234 814 547 0893 +234 805 419 2506 +234 701 294

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15- Let the new glory and the new power appear on me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen!

Spiritual Lesson Taught by Prophet Obafemi Y.I. AFIN of Master Jesus Ministry© Copyright 2018. TEL : +234 814 547 0893 +234 805 419 2506 +234 701 294

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