Download - O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Page 1: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ as the Path to Outstanding Results

Skyrocket Your Company’s Morale, Employee Engagement, and Profi t

Conscious Leadership AssessmentVISIONPU



By: Pete Winiarski and David Tweedt

Page 2: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 1

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer:

Skyrocket Your Company’s Morale,

Employee Engagement, and Profits


There are countless books on leadership and nearly as many unique leadership styles. Some

people are considered good leaders because they have the guts to make a decision and stand

by it. Others because they have a vision that excites people. Still others because they support

and even defend their team. We think all these attributes are important.

Consider different leadership styles. We all have images of what a strong military leader looks

like. Think of the movie Patton, with George C. Scott standing on stage addressing the

audience. We may have worked in a “command and control” environment where we learn to

say, ”Yes, sir!” and execute someone else’s plans. This is certainly one leadership style that is

effective in some situations, some of the time.

There are other styles that have various descriptive terms such as collaborative, coaching,

democratic, or pace-setting (see Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman). There are servant

leaders, laissez-faire leaders, and bureaucratic leaders.i ii We can go on and on.

Different leadership styles are appropriate for different

situations. Some teams and team members may respond

well to some styles that others reject. It is the responsibility

of leaders to recognize the situations, the needs of the team,

and apply the best style while continuously developing

different leadership skills within themselves. To do this

effectively, the leader must develop their leadership

consciousness and become more conscious of themselves

and of others. At Win Enterprises, this is what we call Win

Conscious Leadership™.

The Case for Win Conscious Leadership™

Win Enterprises, LLC is a firm that helps business leaders transform their results. Knowing what

to do to achieve transformational results is just part of the story. The leadership throughout

The leadership throughout the organization is critical to get the extended team to execute well and sustain any results achieved.

Page 3: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 2

the organization is critical to get the extended team to execute well and sustain any results


Think about organizations that have achieved great transformational results. Leaders who

motivated and engaged people to high levels of performance enabled these results.

Unfortunately, it’s easy to envision poor managers we have met or been exposed to in our past

jobs. Consider how that leader impacted the team and the organization. Maybe they applied

leadership styles that were inappropriate for that team or

situation. Or, perhaps they lacked leadership skill sets.

Having weak, ineffective leaders in the workplace has many

damaging effects on employees and the company as a whole.

Poor leadership can affect the company’s output directly by

mismanaging resources and indirectly by not getting the best

out of organization’s members. Companies with poor leaders

have a low engaged workforce and almost always

underperform in the market.

In a recent survey, Tower Watson reported the operating margins of “High Sustainable

Engaged” companies were 276% higher than “Low Traditional Engagement” companies.iii In

addition, according to British researchers Kelloway, Sivanathan, Francis, and Barlinghe, the

issue of poor quality leadership has been the center of various studies since the early 1960s,

proving its influence on employees' performance, as well as on their mental and physical

health.iv The effects of ineffective leadership are far reaching and long lasting. Some effects

aren't realized until much later, maybe even after the leader has left his position.

In our experience and based on our observations, ineffective leaders share common

characteristics: lack of vision, inadequate understanding of their own strengths and

weaknesses, and poor interpersonal communication skills. In

contrast, great leaders are often visionaries, understand and utilize

their strengths, and have impressive interpersonal skills. These

observations led to our defining Win Conscious Leadership™.

By creating an organization that emulates Win Conscious Leadership™

we expect you will see your employee engagement and retention

rates skyrocket along with the personal and professional productivity

of everyone involved.

Great leaders are often visionaries, understand and utilize their strengths, and have impressive interpersonal skills.

Page 4: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 3

Defining Win Conscious Leadership™

To guide a business in its journey to achieve transformational results, we created the Win

Holistic Transformational Model™. One critical element of this model is Conscious Leadership.

While there are many possible adjectives to describe the leadership element, we deliberately

selected Conscious Leadership. As you review the definition of “conscious” you may begin to

understand our choice.

con·scious v



a. Having an awareness of one's environment and one's own

existence, sensations, and thoughts. See Synonyms at aware.

b. Mentally perceptive or alert; awake: The patient remained fully

conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.

2. Capable of thought, will, or perception: the development of conscious life on the planet.

3. Subjectively known or felt: conscious remorse.

4. Intentionally conceived or done; deliberate: a conscious insult; made a conscious effort to

speak more clearly.

5. Inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful: was increasingly conscious of being watched.

6. Especially aware of or preoccupied with. Often used in combination: a cost-conscious

approach to further development; a health-conscious diet.

The concept of aware, awake, alert, and mindful shaped our deliberate selection of the phrase

Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief

that leaders, to be truly effective, must learn to move

beyond a reliance on their mind’s brain power and learn to

tap into mind, body, and spirit together.

Conscious leaders use their full mind; the awake,

conscious mind AND the unconscious or subconscious

mind. They use their body as they manage stress and

energy levels. They also use their spirit, which includes

their intuition (or inner knowing) AND their “high self” (an

almost heavenly guidance).

Leaders who learn to awaken their consciousness, of themselves and of others, are naturally

utilizing their mind, body, and spirit connections.

Leaders who learn to awaken their consciousness, of themselves and of others, are naturally utilizing their mind, body, and spirit connections.

Page 5: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 4

Win Conscious Leadership™ is the ability of leaders to tap into their full mind, body, and spirit.

It is their awareness of their own abilities (and limitations) and their personal journey of self

improvement and discovery. It is their understanding of the many leadership variables

including their team members’ individual skills and needs and the different situations they,

through their teams, must navigate to achieve their goals.

Leaders who develop Win Conscious Leadership™ are able to lead their teams through business

transformations and enjoy long-term success.

The Eight Characteristics of Win Conscious Leadership™

Win Conscious Leadership™ has eight characteristics. The first 4 characteristics focus on

“conscious of self” while the next 4 characteristics center on “conscious of others.”

Conscious of Self

1. Centered and Grounded. Centered and grounded leaders are aware of their strengths and

weaknesses, can clearly articulate their passions, and have a vision for where they want their

life to go. These individuals understand that the unimportant things cause the most turmoil in

our lives and have learned how to effectively reframe those circumstances with respect to how

they fit into the big picture. Picture a time that you spoke to someone who was so sure of who

they were that they rarely became flustered or frustrated with circumstances in their lives. I

Leaders “conscious of self” possess the following traits:

1. Centered and grounded – aligned with their purpose and life plan

2. Clarity in their life – know what is important 3. Self-aware – know who they are 4. Introspective – intentional activities centered on

clearing the mind of the daily “noise” of leadership pressures

Leaders “conscious of others” are:

1. Humble – no time for egos 2. Trustworthy – earn and extend trust up and down

the corporate ladder 3. Coaches, mentors, and students – giving and

receiving feedback 4. Engaged with and committed to developing teams –

a great team is a reflection of a great leader

Page 6: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 5

suspect this individual had a set of beliefs and behaviors that were in alignment with who they


2. Possess Clarity. When you possess an understanding of

the clarity within your life you’ve reflected on every part.

You know parts of your life where you have and do not

have clarity, and you have developed a list of actions to

gain more clearness and/or improve that aspect of your

life. This list of actions is normally followed by the

development of a clear path and focus that is so big it

ignores the potholes. When you’re guided and you step

into the unknown you are excited.

3. Self-Aware. Self-awareness includes having a clearly defined set of personal and social

values and beliefs. Let’s reflect for a minute. What happens

when your actions are counter to your values and beliefs? If

you have ever been in that situation you know that it’s

accompanied by internal stress and in some cases

destructive behavior. When you clearly define your

personal and social values, these become the principles that

guide the actions you take in your life. The more consistent

you are about taking action toward your life plan the closer

you are to congruence with internal integrity.

4. Practice Introspective Reflection. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines

Introspection as, “the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotion

processes.” By introspective reflection we mean those practices that set time each day to pull

back from the intense pressures of leadership to reflect on what is happening. Introspective

activities include meditation, daily journaling, prayer, and reflecting while walking, hiking, or


While we suggest you experiment with all these practices, we’ll talk here about meditation.

Incorporating mediation in your daily routine has health benefits and increases regional brain

gray matter density in regions that include learning and memory vii

Self-awareness includes having a clearly defined set of personal and social values and beliefs.

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your mind off your goals.” Author Unknown

Page 7: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 6

Meditation’s goal is to gain clarity about what is really

important and increase awareness and sensitivity to the

impact your actions have on others. You control your

breathing, heart rate, and brain wave cycles during

meditation, which helps you manage stress, and tunes in

your intuition. There are a number of different mediations

for conscious leaders.

Conscious introspection, done while awake, helps clear away the trivia and needless worries

allowing for the nurturing of passion for your work and compassion for others. It develops your

ability to empower people in your organization and create an atmosphere of organizational

learning with every circumstance or activity. Your leadership will come from a point of

authenticity and trustworthiness.

Conscious of Others

1. Humble. Demonstrating authentic humility does not mean

“weak.” True humility does not have time for egos. Humble

leaders give the credit to others, are open-minded, accept

personal responsibility and hold themselves accountable to

levels higher than any external person would. These leaders

actively seek out feedback that will help them continue to

grow their leadership skills and decision-making. Interestingly

enough, truly humble leaders do not think of themselves as

humble. These leaders will be heard saying, “I am focused on

doing the right thing.” Humble leaders might be described as,

“having a high level of self-esteem”, “knowing who they are”,

“feeling good about who they are”, “and having high esteem with which they regard others”.

Good behavior flows naturally from that kind of humility. For example you would never steal

from someone, because you respect that person too much. You’d never lie to someone for the

same reason.

2. Trustworthy. A third of all CEO’s surveyed by The Conference Board say the most pressing

issue they have is attracting, developing and retaining the right talent. Two of the biggest

factors in engagement and retention are trust in senior leadership and the relationship people

have with their managers. With 75% of employees in a recent Gallup Organization survey

reporting that they are unengaged or actively disengaged at work, current leadership is not

successfully addressing this issue.

Humble leaders give the credit to others, are open-minded, accept personal responsibility and hold themselves accountable...

Conscious introspection, done while awake, helps clear away the trivia and needless worries…

Page 8: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 7

Trustworthy leaders obviously behave in a way that gains

your trust and they display behavior that tells you they trust

and respect you as a valuable member of their team. Trust is

a wall built one brick at a time. This requires consistent,

predictable, trustworthy actions day in and day out by your


Trustworthy leaders know behavior that gains your trust

includes understanding your values and aligning their

management style with your values whenever possible as a way of connecting with you on a

deeper level. Trustworthy leaders have a high level of integrity and demonstrate a history of

delivering what they say they will deliver both up and down the organization. Trustworthy

leaders can be described as, “they set expectations for a team culture based on trust and

healthy conflict”, “have clearly defined roles and expectations”, “develops a culture of

accountability with the focus on the personal development of yourself, your team, and results”,

“creates an environment of transparency and honesty”, “extends trust to your team”, “delivers

on commitments”, and “supports and defends their team when appropriate.”

Studies have shown that trust in leadership directly affects employees’ psychological well-being

in positive ways.viii Don’t we all want positive, productive, engaged employees?

3. Coach, Mentor, and Student. Conscious Leaders are experts at giving and receiving feedback

demonstrated through their roles as coach, mentor, and student. All 3 roles utilize values

based thinking which we touched on in characteristic number 3 above. In a leading by example

approach, conscious leaders help their team identify their own personal and social values and

live by those values within their professional lives.

Leaders that are excellent in giving and receiving feedback

utilize the acronym CUP (Connect, Uplift, Praise). They use

every situation to inspire their team to greatness. Conscious

leaders connect with people with a natural buoyant energy

and authentically care about them and their success. People

naturally gravitate to leaders that continually uplift the

situation and are so happy for their team members that the

team members become happy themselves. And lastly, as a

society, we do not give praise nearly enough for all the hard

work and contribution that people make.

Conscious leaders are experts at giving and receiving feedback demonstrated through their roles as coach, mentor, and student.

Trust is a wall built one brick at a time. This requires consistent, predictable, trustworthy actions day in and day out by your leaders.

Page 9: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 8

4. Engaged With and Committed to Developing Teams.

Conscious leaders continually look for ways to engage and

develop teams. Conscious leaders take very seriously their

responsibility to manage human resources effectively and to

help people realize their full potential. They move people

across functions to increase their exposure and experiences

to different parts of the business. Everyone knows what is

expected, is results-based, and the conscious leaders mantra

is, “we’re all on this journey together.”

Closing Remarks

As you can see conscious leadership spans a person’s personal and professional life. By gaining

a better understanding and practicing conscious leadership in your home and at work allows

greatness to manifest in you and those around you.

As companies continue expanding leadership responsibilities, the leaders that continue learning

and growing naturally will rise to the top. These leaders will inherently create a learning

organization within their area of influence and their people. These leaders are always looking

to expand their experiences in order to learn and grow both personally and professionally.

With so much on the line, how can we aspire to be conscious leaders in a healthy and

energizing way? Begin by completing the Conscious Leadership Assessment available at the Win

Conscious Leadership website,

Contemplate your results, make a plan, and create greatness.

Conscious leaders take very seriously their responsibility to help people realize their full potential.

Pete’s book, Act Now! A Daily Action Log for Achieving Your Goals in 90 Days, is a great resource to help you get into action. The methodology Pete describes here will make taking daily actions simple and effective for you and your team.

Page 10: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 9

Readers are free to distribute this report within their own organizations, provided the Win

Enterprises, LLC footer at the bottom of every page is also present.

Contact Win Enterprises, LLC to Learn More About How We Can Help You

Begin Your Conscious Leadership Transformation

We have comfort guiding your whole team, from C-level executives and senior

managers to shop floor team members, toward achieving immediate results and

getting processes in place for results to sustain.

We’re experienced consultants and coaches and can support you in all the elements of the Win Holistic Transformation Model™. We have personally lead or played an active role in business transformations for over 20 years. We can help you to align with your purpose, realize your vision, and accomplish your strategic goals to achieve sustainable, transformational results.

Our coaching process targets an individual's internal beliefs, barriers, and capabilities. Coaching with a Win coach can range from executive coaching (improving the effectiveness of an executive) to success coaching (helping individuals apply the science of success to accomplish better results). Coaching can be one-on-one or group sessions.

For more information about Win Enterprises and the Win team, visit our



To request more information or to speak to one of our experts about helping

you in your company, please contact our office at +1.860.651.6859 or email us

at [email protected] .

We help business leaders transform their results

“Most people fail not because they lack the skills or aptitude to reach their goal but because they simply don’t believe they can reach it”

Tim Ferriss San Shou Kickboxing world champion, Tango world-record holder, author of The 4-Hour Workweek

Win Enterprises, LLC 134R West Street, Simsbury, CT 06070 PH: +1 860.651.6859

Page 11: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Primer David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 10


i Http:// ii

style/. iii Towers Watson 2012 Global Workforce Study, “Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment.” iv Kelloway, E. Kevin and Barling, Julian(2010) 'Leadership development as an intervention in occupational health psychology', Work & Stress, 24: 3, 260 — 279. v vi J Psychosom Res. 2004 Jul;57(1):35-43. Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits. A meta-analysis. Grossman P, Niemann L., Schmidt S, Walach H. vii Psychiatry Research, Neuroimaging. 11 August 2010. Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Britta K. Holzel, James Carmody, Mark Vangel, Christina Congleton, Sita M. Yerramsetti, Tim Gard, Sara W. Lazar. viii E. Kevin Kelloway, Nick Turner, Julian Barling & Catherine Loughlin (2012): Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership, Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organizations, 26:1, 39-55

Page 12: O S E O SION G O Win Conscious Leadership as the Path to ... · Conscious Leadership. The concept of Conscious Leadership is also congruent with our belief that leaders, to be truly

Win Conscious Leadership™ Assessment David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 1

Win Conscious Leadership™ Assessment Below are questions to consider when assessing your current conscious leadership level. With each question, give yourself a rating of 1 to 5 as described. After you complete all questions, add your ratings and learn what the implications may be for your leadership style.

Your Rating Low / Not Well = 1; High / Very Well = 5

1: Now that you have read Win Conscious Leadership, how would you rate your overall conscious leadership abilities? 2: Regardless of your title, you now know that you have the power to drive positive results and positively influence people. How well do you do this? 3: Centered And Grounded How aware are you of your strengths and weaknesses, your clarity about your passions, and your vision for where you want your life to go? 4: Possesses Clarity – Knows What Is Important Have you developed a list of actions to gain more clarity and/or improve aspect of your life that need attention? 5: Self-Aware – Knows Who They Are You have defined and can recite your personal and social values. 6: Introspective You practice introspective reflection each day to clear away trivia and stress and reflect on what is happening. 7: Humble Others describe you as having a high degree of authentic humility. 8: Trustworthy Others describe you as being trustworthy. 9: Coach, Mentor, and Student - Giving And Receiving Feedback Part of your regular daily actions includes helping your team identify their own personal and social values and live by those values within their professional lives. 10: Coach, Mentor, and Student - Giving And Receiving Feedback Others rate you as excellent in giving and receiving feedback where you utilize CUP (Connect, Uplift, Praise) on a regular basis. 11: Engaged with and Committed to Developing Teams Your peers and direct reports view you as highly effective in managing human resources and helping people realize their full potential.

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

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1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

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Win Conscious Leadership™ Assessment David Tweedt and Pete Winiarski

, A service offering of Win Enterprises, LLC © 2015 Win Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved 2

On the previous page, you rated 11 different questions on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 equating to a Low / Not Well rating and 5 meaning a High / Very Well rating. If your score is more than 45, you’re on track and are already applying many of the conscious leadership principles. If your score is between 30 and 45, you have adopted some principles, but could improve by making conscious leadership a daily habit. If your score is less than 30, then you should study and implement conscious leadership in your personal development plan; it will set you apart within your organization as a leader to aspire to.

Win Enterprises, LLC 134R West Street, Simsbury, CT 06070 PH: +1 860.651.6859 Email: [email protected] Online: Readers are free to distribute this report within their own organizations, provided the Win Enterprises, LLC footer at the bottom of every page is also present