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Volume 107, No. 1 1 JANUARY 2008

Dear Friends in Christ, Several weeks ago, it was Jimmy V week on ESPN. Jimmy V is Jim Valvano, a college basketball coach who died a number of years ago due to cancer. During the week, ESPN was showing a speech that Coach Valvano made shortly before he died. As he was being ravaged by tumors throughout his body, he stood up in front of an audience and encouraged them to make sure that each and every day of their life that they do three things: take some time to laugh — enjoy the company of your family and your friends — who knows what tomorrow will bring; take some time to let your emotions be moved to the point of tears — it doesn’t matter if those tears be from sorrow or joy — let yourself be moved; and take some time to think — stop and think deeply about life. At the start of a new year, many spend some time thinking about what is really important in their life, and they make some plans and goals for what they would like to see happen in their life in the new year. It’s a chance to take a close look at our lives and decide what is truly important to us — what is it that we want at the core of our very being — how do we define who we are — what is so fundamental to who we are that if it were to be taken away, we would no longer be who we truly understand ourselves to be? At the core of who I am as your Associate Pastor is the ministry of Word and Sacrament. I believe that the most important thing we do together as a congregation is to gather together for worship where we receive what our Lord longs to give to us — the life and light, peace and hope, power and strength we need for daily living through the hearing of God’s Word and through receiving the body and blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. You might be saying to yourself — “Sure, Pastor Jeff. All of that stuff is supposed to be at the core of who you are as a pastor because, well, you’re a pastor.” True, but everything I wrote in the preceding paragraph is what I came to believe as a parishioner, although it didn’t happen until I was in my late 20s. Before that time, I tried to find other things to be at the core of who I wanted to be. In junior high, it was basketball and getting good grades. In high school, it was being with friends. In college, it was the quest to find a major where I could get a job that made a lot of money and it was the quest to find a special girl to share my life with. None of those things worked very well as the core of who I am. I couldn’t even make the “B” basketball team in high school. I came six credits shy of graduating with a degree that would allow me to be a computer programmer, but I was already so burned out writing computer code that I knew I wouldn’t last long. When I did find someone to spend my time with, I would be so afraid of losing her that I would overwhelm her and the relationships never made it past 3-6 months. After all of that, I finally came to the conclusion in my late 20s that Jesus Christ — my eternal, never changing, ever faithful, ever loving Lord and Savior — had to be at the core of who I was and if He wasn’t, then my life was never going to make any sense nor have any stability to it. And if Jesus Christ was to be the very core of my life, then I needed to be in worship every week because that was where I would be hearing the living Word of Life and receiving the food and drink that God wants to give for my life and the life of the world. How does worship make a difference in your life on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday, etc.? Does hearing God’s Word on Sunday morning make any difference to you in the rest of your week? How about receiving the bread of life in Holy Communion? Beginning on Monday, January 7 from 10 until 11 a.m., I will be starting a small group titled “Monday Connections.” We will have coffee together, have some time to discuss worship and the sermon (if I preached it on the Sunday before), and explore together how any of it connects to our life on Monday morning and the week ahead. You do not have to sign up for this group; just simply come to the church lounge on that Monday morning. As we head into 2008 and ponder what will be truly important in our lives and in the life of our congregation, take some time to laugh, to cry, to think. Worship — come hear God’s Word for you and receive the Bread of Life. Build on the Rock of our Salvation, Jesus Christ, the core of life that cannot fail, be defeated, be lost, nor be taken away. Thanks be to God, Pastor Jeff

“O Lord, What is your dream for our


There will be a decorated box in

the Fellowship Hall for used Christmas

cards to be collected for Diana Wagner. She uses them to help third graders at a local

school make Christmas

ornaments each year. All she needs

is the front of the card with the picture on it.

Please drop your cards in the box

during the month of January. Thanks for your help with

this project.

Donate your Christmas


Volume 107, No. 1 2 JANUARY 2008

Bible Studies

“Listening Hearts” Bible Study So for some time now, you have been invited to be praying the prayer,

“O Lord, what is YOUR dream for OUR future?” While we all as individuals might have some idea of a direction God

is leading us, how will we as a congregation discern the answer to that prayer? I would like to invite you to an opportunity on Sunday mornings during January to

consider how we together might discern God’s call. It will take place in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings

(after Sunday School openings) from 10 a.m. until 10:45. The Bible Study and discussion that we have together

will be along the following lines: Jan. 6 – The Call

(How do we understand “Call” for the Christian?) Jan. 13 – Discernment

(What is discernment? What conditions help discern God’s call? How might we know it is God we are hearing?)

Men’s Bible Study If you would like to draw closer to God, this Bible study could be just the thing for you. Open to the men of FELC we meet each Thursday from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 4425 Nathan Drive. We learn

both from God’s word and each other. We are presently studying the book of Matthew. It does not matter if you are a novice or an expert. Come and share in a time of study and reflection. If you would like more information please get in touch with either Erlan

Leitz or Tom Rahl, or call Erlan at 528-0779.

Bible Study on Friday nights anyone? The Friday evening Bible study on Isaiah will restart on January 4th at 7 p.m.,

starting with Chapter 40. “God’s Amazing Grace” after the punishments listed in the previous chapters. God’s left hand of “Wrath,” replaced by His right hand of “Grace.” Both “hands” trying to get wayward nations and peoples of the world to return to their Creator, and find “rest” in living His way rather than our own. We

will meet in the lounge for approximately one hour each week. Come join us students of The Word.

See Through the

Scriptures Continues on Jan. 6 (Class meets in the

double Sunday School Room at 9:45 a.m.)

Take a fast-paced but highly revealing introduc-

tory journey through the entire

Bible, tracing the key themes that surface within it. The goal is to help you gain a clearer understand-ing of what preceded Je-

sus in order to understand the truly

immense and earth-shattering nature of

his ministry. A student workbook and DVD presentation will be

components of this course,

We have been using the new hymnal Evangelical Worship for about four

months now. Thank you so very much for your patience. It is always difficult

to get use to the changes that occur when using a new hymnal. The green

hymnals were with us for 30 years and sometimes we even got lost during their

use. In order to try to help you find your way through the liturgy and

hymns the worship and music team will be placing book marks in each hymnal.

They should be ready for use in January. There will be two different

colors of ribbons, one color to mark the liturgy pages, and another color to mark your hymns. We hope this helps during

this time of transition.

Get set, on your MARK, Go! That’s right! Get ready to have a conversational Bible study on the

Gospel of Mark beginning Jan. 6 and will be held each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. in the lounge. We will look at the text of Mark, share insights

and questions and learn from one another. We also will have a look at the book of Jude to open our 2006 study as an adult class — all 25 verses of Jude.

Les Backstrom and Pastor Alton Johnson are the discussion facilitators of this study.

Volume 107, No. 1 3 JANUARY 2008

The Grace Note Choir (adult men and women) will begin rehearsals for the new year starting on Sunday, Jan. 6 at 9:45 a.m. Anyone interested in

joining us for an exciting winter and spring season is invited to attend.

The Glory Ringers Bell Choir will begin rehearsals Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m.

El Shadai (7th – 12th grade choir) will begin rehearsals on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at

7:30 p.m. This choir is open to anyone. (“El Shadai” is an Old Testament name for God.)

The King’s Men Choir will begin rehearsals Friday, Jan. 11 at 11:30 a.m. This choir is open to all men of the congregation. Our rehearsals finish at 12:15 p.m.

Sing a song ...

Lord, Teach us to pray!  Have you ever prayed, “Lord, teach us to pray!”? It was a request of the disciples after they had witnessed Jesus praying. Maybe you feel guilty that prayer is not a part of your life. Maybe you are frustrated over how to pray and so you don’t pray. Jesus  mentored his disciples in prayer and all of us need that mentoring as well. Pastor Larry has been trained in  teaching people how to pray so that they will pray, and he is  preparing to mentor 10 people during 2008. What this will provide is a chance for a  person interested in developing a disciplined prayer life to meet individually with Pastor Larry for conversation twice a month and with the group of 10 plus Pastor Larry once a month on a Saturday morning. This will be from Jan. 12 through May 2008. If you are interested, sign up in the office right away. The first class is Jan. 12 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Talk to Pastor Larry for more  information. 

“O Lord, what is YOUR dream for OUR future?”

Book Club will meet on Wednesday, January 2, 2008. The selection is “Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx” by Heidi B. Neumark. The selection for February 6, 2008 is “Eat, Pray,

Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Book Club meets the first Wednesday of each month and all are welcome.

Making Marriage Work: A Biblical Look at Marriage

February 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 2 & 9 at 7 p.m. in the Church Lounge

Featuring a video presentation by Drs. Les and Leslie

Parrott, this class will take a look at the myths, pressure, conflict, and faith involved in marriage and what the

Bible has to say in regard to each of those topics. Contact Pastor Jeff for more information.

Volume 107, No. 1 4 JANUARY 2008

Patty Cottrell Patty is originally from Missouri. She moved to Rexburg from Scottsbluff, Neb., three years ago with her husband, Doug. Patty has two grown sons and two grandsons (Hunter and Alec in Neb.). She enjoys participating in the choir, reading, and hiking. (44 S. Second East #21, Rexburg, 356-9266)

Welcome new members!

Elise Fitschen Elise was born in southern California, but spent her formative years in the Denver area. She received her nursing degree at the University of Northern Colorado. She lived on Maui, Hawaii for five years and was widowed there. Her late husband, John, has two sisters who live here with their families and they invited her to come live here, which she did 11 years ago. She had been going to St. John Lutheran until now. Elise works at the Idaho Falls Surgical Center. She has two dogs, enjoys hiking, biking, and skiing. And she especially loves singing and making music with the choir here. Elise is very happy to be here at First Lutheran. The warmth and enthusiasm of the congregation has made her feel right at home. (2874 Sandstone Drive, Idaho Falls, 523-0827)

Linda and George

Gardner Linda was born in Fresno, Calif., and George was born in Oklahoma City, Okla. They moved here from Atlanta, Ga. (535 H St., Idaho Falls, 522-3825)

Eunice Halkar Eunice was born in Chicago and moved to Baraboo, Wis., after she was married and had four children. She and her husband bought what is now Carsten’s Bakery and actually moved here so that they could ski. She plays the organ and sings in the singalongs at her apartment complex and the Senior Center. (1275 S. Woodruff Ave., Apt. 104, Idaho Falls, 523-1756)

Al and Pauline Hohbach Al was raised in Washington and graduated from Washington State University. He worked 35 years as an engineer at INEL. Pauline graduated from IFHS and continues her higher education in the field of health and welfare in Idaho, Utah and N.J. They have two daughters, Cindy and Julie and two granddaughters Kate Scarlet and Skylar Jayne. (3740 Silverwood Circle, I.F., 529-2599)

Talley and Carrie Jenkins (Ta’Lynn Rhosin) Talley and Carrie moved to Idaho Falls from Butte, Mont., in 1992 to work for the U.S. Department of Energy. Both grew up in Three Forks, Mont. Talley received both his bachelor and masters degrees at Montana College of Technology and Science. Carrie received her bachelor degree from Montana State University. They were blessed with the arrival of their first child this year. (3196 Niel Drive, Idaho Falls, 522-5260)

Volume 107, No. 1 5 JANUARY 2008

Welcome new members! Randy Meyer Randy was born in California and raised in Virginia. He is married with 4 children. Randy moved here to raise his children. (1954 Sierra St. Idaho Falls, 716-4786)

Ed and Kim Wilkes Ed was raised in the Denver area. He attended and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD, with a BS in Chemistry. He served as an officer on submarines until 1988. Ed moved back to Denver in 1992 where he worked as an Industrial Hygienist and Health Physicist. Kim was raised in Iowa. She went to the Univ. of IA and then Northwestern Univ. in Chicago. She has worked as a physical therapist for the past 25 years, and is now working at EIRMC. They enjoy yard work/gardening, hiking, and snowshoeing. (7976 S. Blackhawk Drive, Idaho Falls, 522-0442)

Joyce and Greg Stultz

Joyce was born in Fargo, N.D. She moved to Granada Hills, Calif., in 1960 and eventually received a degree in nursing. Greg was born in Canon City, Colo.. They met in Helena, Mont., and married in 1983. They have 3 adult children, Mindy age 25, Mike age 23, and Michelle age 18. (1249 Caysie Lane, Idaho Falls, 529-2468)

Carole Kruckeberg Carole was born and raised in Sandusky, Ohio. She received her BS from Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and her MA from the University of Northern Colorado. She spent 41 years in the field of education. She married James in 1959, whom she met at Wittenberg Univ. They owned and operated a 400-cow/calf ranch in Leadore for 26 years. They have two sons and 6 grandchildren. (888 Chantilly Lane, Idaho Falls, 940-0682)

Elizabeth Steingruber Elizabeth moved to Idaho Falls in 2001 after a major illness and surgery to live with her daughter and son-in-law (Carrie and Talley Jenkins). (3196 Niel Drive, Idaho Falls, 522-5260)

Rebecca Steingruber Rebecca moved to Idaho Falls from Omaha, Neb., in November 2007 to live with family and friends. She grew up in Montana and received a Bachelor of Science degree from Montana State University. (3196 Niel Drive, Idaho Falls)

See more new members on Page 8

January, 2008 Edition Find details and updates of events at

Click on “calendar” then an event. Find all the details: what, where, when, $, what to bring, etc.

Bible Buddies: Grades K-2 3rd Sunday of month: 12:30-1:30 pm (not Dec. or Mar.) Snack provided

January 20 Movie with popcorn (*12:30 –2 pm) *February 10 Sledding @ Freeman Park (*2-3 pm) (Meet at Veteran’s Memorial in park, bring sleds)

BUD Club (Building Up Disciples Club): Grades 3-5 2nd Sunday of month: 2-3:30 pm (*some exceptions)

January 13 Bingo at Good Samaritan Nursing Center (meet there) *February 10 Sledding @ Freeman Park (*2-3 pm) (Meet at Veteran’s Memorial in park, bring sleds)

DIT (Disciples In Training): Grades 6-8 3rd Sunday of month: 2-3:30 pm (*some exceptions)

*January 11-12 Overnight Luther Heights Winter Retreat @ First for 7th-12th graders (see back) RSVP by January 6 January 20 Movie and popcorn (*2-4 pm) February 3 Cookie Bake February 10 Youth-led worship at both services (see back)

YLIFE (Youth Living In Faith Everyday): Grades 9-12

Coffeehouse : 1st Monday of month at the Villa Coffeehouse on Park Avenue from 7-8 am. Kay buys beverage for first 3 there. A ride to school can be pro-vided. Other activities as noted.

January 7 Coffeehouse January 11-12 Overnight Luther Heights Winter Retreat @ First for 7th-12th graders (see back) RSVP by January 6 February 4 Coffeehouse February 10 Youth-led worship at both services (see back)

Don’t forget to invite a friend to any activity!

Youth and Family News

Well, it is white all around as I sit here typing this newsletter. As you know, this time of year is the most difficult for me as I am a warm weather type but I have to admit, I look out the window and it is beautiful! I can feel God’s presence in the crispness of the air, the fresh white snow, and the stillness all around. Be sure to take a moment or two every day and consider the works of the Lord. His creation

is awesome and He is all around us! I hope your New Year is blessed with every good gift from God.

Happy Birthday! – (be sure to stop by my office or catch me at church for a birthday treat!) If we are missing someone’s birthday, please call the church office and let us know the date so we can update our files. January: Mark Christensen, Kylee Rainey, Treyson Rainey, Victoria Boyd, Sammy Jo Eldridge, Alexis Conquergood, Jeanna Ritter, Andrew Walsh, Tymber Tenerowicz, Jessica Harris, Hannah Johnson, Darian Olaveson, Ben Hersh, Austin Skaar, Stephen Maria, Ashleigh Ferrara, and Casey Briggs. DIVE INTO SCRIPTURE Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:14-15

*Please remember to RSVP to activities no later than 4 days prior to the activity You can do this by phone, email or on Kay’s office door*

Winter Retreat

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to a Luther Heights style overnight Winter Retreat, January 11-12 here at First! We will begin at 8:00 pm on Friday night and conclude either at 1:00 pm on Saturday or if you go to the fellowship activity with us, we will be back to the church by 3:00 pm. Ben and Sarah will be leading the event. Please plan to stay the whole night once you arrive. Our fellowship activity will be swimming at the Aquatic Center. There will also be a servant event. The youth group will be paying $10 toward the cost so your cost is $10 for the event or $15 for the event and swimming activity. Please sign up by January 6 by either calling or emailing Kay or on the sign up sheet on Kay’s office door! Please be sure and let me know if you are staying for the activity. There is a form (found on Kay’s door) to fill out so either do that ahead or be sure a parent comes in with you to fill that out. You can bring the money (checks made out to Luther Heights) the night of the event. Don’t miss this fun event!

Youth –Led Worship

February 10th will be a wonderful day of opportunity to serve your church as a young adult if you are in grades 7-12! There will be all sorts of ways to help where you, the youth, will lead

all aspects of both worship services! There will be a mandatory practice on February 9th from 10 am to noon. Please let Kay know by February 3 that you are willing to be part of this

service. If you have a preference as to what you would like to do, let me know. Come and serve your church in the wonderful and meaningful way!

Keep walking in Christ’s light and praising our God and loving His people!

522-9301, 525-8390, 521-6642 or [email protected]

Remember to discuss these as a family!

What does it mean for us to be “the

light of the world”?

January’s Question


’s C



Welcome new members! Brett and Shelly Wilken (Brittney, Cory, Ramsey, Madison) Brett and Shelly were born and raised in Montana and came to Idaho in 2002 when Brett had a job transfer. Brett has worked for General Mills since 1983 and Shelly has been employed as a teacher or day-care operator since 1982. Brett and the boys enjoy riding dirt bikes and attending sporting events. The family enjoys camping in the summer and skiing in the winter. Brittney graduated in December from the University of Montana. and Cory will finish the electronics program at ISU Tech in May. (666 W. 75 South, Blackfoot)

V. Mitchell Liss (3310 Valencia Drive, Apt. N. 269, Idaho Falls, 569-3997)

See other new members on Pages 4 and 5

How about this for a New Years Resolution

A year ago, I led many of you through a class titled “Celebration of Discipline!” For 13 weeks in a row, we looked at 12 different disciplines of the Christian life. It was like going through this

marvelous buffet line. When we finished the 13 weeks, the question was asked as to where do we go from here? Here is what I am suggesting. Would you resolve to grow closer in your life with Christ in 2008? Here is

one way to present yourself for that wonderful journey. Let’s commit to concentrating on one of the 12 disciplines each month over the months of 2008. On the first Saturday of each month, we would spend 1½

hours studying and discussing the discipline for that particular month. By next December we will have spent a month concentrating on each of the disciplines. The first Saturday we meet will be January 5th at 9 a.m. The

discipline we will look at in January will be “Christian Meditation.” Call the church office at 522-9301 to sign up. We need at least 12 people to sign up for us to do this.

In case you are wondering about what this will entail, I offer you the following: This opportunity is designed to help Christians experience authentic transformation through engagement with

classic Christian Disciplines. Our time together will provide you with resources to enable you to come to a place where you might experience significant growth in your Christian walk. The Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:19 says “My little children, for whom I am again in the pain of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,…” Christ being formed in you and me is the goal God has for our lives. The Apostle Paul reinforces this idea in

Romans 8:29 where we read, “For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first born within a large family.” “Christ formed in you.” and being “conformed to the image of his Son” is transformational language about God’s purpose for our lives. Out of

this transformation grows the abundant life Jesus promised and the love of God and neighbor we are called to. This program has been created by Pastor Richard Foster and of this work, Pastor Eugene Peterson, author of

The Message Bible has said: “Richard Foster has ‘found’ the spiritual disciplines that the modern world stored away and forgot, and has excitedly called us to celebrate them. For they are, as he shows us, the instruments of joy, the way into mature Christian spirituality and abundant life.” If you have more questions, give me a call.

Pastor Larry

“O Lord, what is YOUR dream for OUR future?” Volume 107, No. 1 8 JANUARY 2008

Volume 107, No. 1 9 JANUARY 2008

Ministry Team Snapshots

Here are some highlights from December as the following ministry teams seek to Praise our God and Love His People:

Christian Education Sunday School Christmas Program was

presented (and presented very well!) at the 11 worship Dec. 9. Thank you to our Sunday School

Superintendents (Debra Nims and Kami Shadley) and to our teachers (Mitzi Ellingson, Natalie Muth, Donna Nims, Michelle Cleverly, Shawn Cleverly, Jeff Shadley, Bobbi Crosser, Sarah Johnson, Tracie Detrick, Amy Thorne, Greg Katainen, Beth McIlwain, Kim Nate, Steve Thorne, and Kay Sawyers) for their steadfast dedication in sharing the love of Christ with our Sunday School Students.

Local Missions Went on a tour of the Ruth House, the

Haven, and the Shepherd’s Inn. Approved giving $650 out of our Local

Missions budget to support the Haven, which reaches out with housing, education, and support to women and families working to overcome many difficulties in their lives (Check out Page 33 of the November/December edition of the Idaho Falls Magazine for information on the director of the Haven.)

Outreach Helped to welcome new members at

worship on Dec. 2 and organized refreshments for the reception of new members during the fellowship hour between services. Worked with the Properties Team

Ministry to place a sign at the road entryway to our church parking lot.

Stewardship Faith Pledge letters have been sent out to

our members. Discussed options for follow-ups to the


Bob Bates will be 80 years old on January 2, 2008.

To celebrate, his family will host a reception in his honor from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday, Jan. 5, at the Museum of Idaho. Everyone is invited.

No gifts please.

Senior Lunch on Jan. 24th will be at 11:30a.m. and

BINGO will begin at noon, all are welcome. RSVP to

the office, 522-9301.

“O Lord, what is YOUR dream for

OUR future?”

Volume 107, No. 1 10 JANUARY 2008

First Communion Class

We would like to invite all third graders and anyone in grades four to six who have not had the First Communion class, to come and take part in it. The schedule is listed below.

Sunday February 10, 9:45-10:45 (class) Sunday February 17, 9:45-10:45 (class) Sunday February 24, 9:45-10:45 (class) Saturday March 1, 10:00-noon (bake

communion bread) Sunday March 2, 11:00 (First Holy

Communion at worship)

Come and share in this wonderful opportunity to learn more about this Holy meal. Please RSVP to the church office or Kay by January 27 ([email protected], [email protected] or 522-9301). This will allow us time to get the materials needed for everyone. If you have questions, call Julieann at 529-2704 or Kay at 522-9301.

Youth-led Worship Services February 3rd

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited and encouraged to participate in the youth-led worship services on February 3. You will have the opportunity to be the worship leaders at both the 8:15 and

11 services. Youth will do every part of the service so there will be something for everyone to do! This is a wonderful way to serve God in His church and have a great time with your peers, too.

There will be a mandatory practice on February 2 from 10 to noon. Please let Kay know you will be helping out in some way by Jan. 17.

E-mail her at [email protected] or call 522-9301.

Winter Retreat for Youth January 11th –12th

Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to a winter retreat/lock-in to be held here at First Lutheran

January 11-12. Ben and Sara from Luther Heights will lead us through activities, songs, worship and games as we explore our theme

“Diving Deep”. We will start at 7:00 p.m. on the 11th and either end at 1:00 or 2:30ish p.m.

depending on whether you take part in the “off site” ending activity or not. Once you are here, you will be expected to stay here for the night.

The cost is $20/retreat or $25/retreat and activity. Scholarships of $10 will be paid for

each person who lets Kay know you are coming by January 6th. You can e-mail

[email protected] or call 522-9301 to reserve your spot. If you haven’t already, please pick up a medical/covenant release forms and

return them with your balance (checks made out to Luther Heights) either to Kay or bring to the

event. You can find them on my door in the education hall. This is an event for our entire cluster, Twin Falls to Jackson so hope to see you there for the fun, fellowship, service and


Volume 107, No. 1 11 JANUARY 2008


• Madeleine Koeppen • Pastor Harry Brainbridge — Episcopal bishop of

Idaho • Sheila DaBell on the death of her father • Judy Allsop • Marie Mathewson • Cliff and Liz Kunary • Helen Batdorf • Carol Romer • Mark Lincoln, LTC • Paul Gronbeck in Iraq • Linda Magnuson • Bob Jones • Kent Krotzer • Sybil Fee on the death of her

husband, Russ • Doug Swanson’s sister Linda Baum • Bart Cook on the death of his father, Ned Wilde •

GIVING THANKS FOR • Elizabeth Kocsis’ 85th birthday • Bob Bates’ 80th birthday

General Fund Cumulative Summary - 2007

















General Fund Monthly Summary - 2007











Grief Recovery Support Group to be Offered

Grief is our normal and natural reaction to loss. Loss can be experienced in many varying ways — death, divorce, loss of a job, substance dependency, broken trust, loss of health, etc. As long as your grief is not acknowledged and addressed, it will continue to affect your life in ad-verse ways. The Grief Recovery Program is being offered to guide those who wish to resolve their loss issues and move beyond their grief to a richer quality of life. This 12-week program will be conducted by Julieann Holman, certified grief recovery specialist at the church. The group will begin meeting in January. Please sing up by calling the church at 522-9301 or by contacting Pastor Larry or Julieann Holman.

Dear First Evangelical Church — It has meant so much to my family and me for the prayers, cards and thoughtfulness extended to us during my father’s illness and struggle with cancer. Both my parents were comforted knowing that they were cared for even 2,200 miles away. Thank you for your uplifting support these past several months. In Christ, Martha and Andy Wentzel

Volume 107, No. 1 12 JANUARY 2008

Non-profit Organization

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Idaho Falls ID

Crosswalk is a publication of First Evangelical Lutheran Church 455 West Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, ID 83402 Telephone: (208) 522-9301 Fax: (208) 522-1898 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page:

Jan. 6: Isa 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-7, 10-14; Eph 3:1-12; Matt 2:1-12 Jan. 13: Isa 42:1-9; Ps 29; Acts 10:34-43; Matt 3:13-17 Jan. 20: Isa 49:1-7; Ps 40:1-11; 1 Cor 1:1-9; John 1:29-42 Jan. 27: Isa 9:1-4; Ps 27:1, 4-9; 1 Cor 1:10-18; Matt 4:12-23 Feb. 3: Exod 24:12-18; Ps 2; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Matt 17:1-9



Address service requested

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pastors The Reverends Larry Cudmore and Jeff Nate Pastor Emeritus The Reverend Robert W. Larsen Visitation Pastors The Reverends John Piirto and Alton Johnson Director of Music Ministries Penny Dixon Director of Youth Ministries Kay Sawyers Parish Assistant Sarah Johnson Secretary Kymm Swiston Custodian Warren Hill Bookkeeper Elaine Harris Financial Secretary Suzy Hersh Christian Preschool Directors Wendy Cudmore and Diane Yonk Crosswalk Editors Tiffany Aldinger and Karen Guilford Put news items for the Crosswalk in the “Newsletter” box at the church office OR e-mail items to: [email protected] and [email protected]
