Download - NYSSEA Board… · NYSSEA Board Packet January 14, 2017 Table of Contents Meeting Agenda President’s Report

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• A.RodgerAlwais• HenryGrabkowitz,EA• PhyllisJoKubey,EA,CFP,ATA,ATP• JamesRacaniello,EA• MasonD.Wristen,EA


• 2016ConferenceExpenses• 2016ConferenceSurveyandResults






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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


JeffreyRGentner,EA,ExecutiveDirectorEmail:[email protected]





Courtyard Marriot NY LaGuardia Airport

9010 Ditmars Blvd East Elmhurst, NY 11369

I. Call to Order Roll Call II. Officers' Remarks III. Approval of Agenda IV. Approval of the Consent Agenda Approval of Minutes - October 21, 2016 Approval of Minutes - October 24, 2016 Committee Reports V. Unfinished Business 1 Vendor Proposals 2 2017 Legislative Day 3 2017 Conference 4 CAS Engagement Agreement VI. New Business 1 Governance Committee Proposed P&P Amendment 2 Awards/Scholarships SOPs 3 Board Development 4 Web Based Presentations VII. Good of the Order


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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


JeffreyRGentner,EA,ExecutiveDirectorEmail:[email protected]



Board Report Meeting: January 14, 2017


As I sit here watching it snow, realizing my little Miata is effectively "grounded" and that my rough draft is on the office desktop, it is clear I need a new plan! But there are times when even a broken play (it IS Wild Card Weekend, after all) can work out well. One of our long-standing goals has been to improve our relationship with NYS DTF. Yet certainly no one could have planned to have Laura Fallon (Office of Communications) and Nonie Manion (Executive Deputy Commissioner) join several of us at our lunch table during the NYS Tax Summit last September. It was incredibly fortuitous after several senior departures from DTF. So, I will polish my draft and use it in my opening remarks at the Board Meeting. For now, I would like to ask each of you to think of several items in preparation for our first meeting of the New Year. Hopefully, you recall I asked for some of your best new ideas at the October 24th meeting. I have budgeted plenty of time for New Business/For the Good of the Order. I personally believe there is no more important Board business than discussing fresh new ideas. In addition to original thoughts, I would ask you to consider how we might restructure/revamp our Chapter organization. We just don't seem to have enough members to flesh out a full complement of officers for 8 chapters. Possibly cut back on the number of upstate Chapters and utilize several venues over a wider area? Use some of our downstate officers in double-duty to help administer upstate Chapters? We are open to new suggestions! Another topic for discussion is Michael's question of what our next priority should be for our Government Relations Committee. I believe our next move must be well thought out, so as not to expend political capital needlessly, nor squander the opportunity our newfound DTF connections afford us. We have to be clear about


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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


JeffreyRGentner,EA,ExecutiveDirectorEmail:[email protected]



what we ask of the legislature, mindful of what we may be able to negotiate with the Dept of Tax & Finance. Both Michael and Handel are eager to continue Board training and development. So I would like you to provide them with some direction to be most effective. Coupled with their upcoming programs, we have openings for those interested in attending the Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy. While the 2017 schedule is not yet posted on the NAEA website, the training will most likely take place in November. Finally, I wish to discuss how NYSSEA can effectively produce webinars for "broadcast" around the state to meet our commitment to provide CEs to our membership. I had hoped to do a dry run at the December 14th Western NY Chapter Mtg with John Sheeley, EA, but Bohn's Restaurant did not have the web access John required. But he has the equipment and is willing. Unfortunately, I don't see another attempt until after tax season. So, come prepared to for a lively discussion in shaping the future of YOUR NYSSEA! Respectfully submitted, Ken Kohlhof, EA


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To: Board of NYSSEA

From: Handel J. Edwards, EA, PhD.

Date: January 14, 2017

Subject: 2nd Vice President Report

I would like to thank the board for the privilege to serve in this capacity. Although I continue to serve in other capacities within NYSSEA; my plan is to focus on two major areas of responsibilities. Those are Chapter Revitalization and Leadership Development and Training. Chapter Revitalization This will include but not limited to working with Don Rosenberg and Dan Coccia. We shall examine the ways to effectively interact with members and to reexamine the role of our chapters. Thus, developing and implementing an in debt and pragmatic ways and methods to increase membership. Collectively we will share ideas and challenges between Chapter Reps and Presidents to create a gateway of openness. Leadership Development and Training A leadership methodology will be established to identify and fulfill the needs of our leaders. We shall examine the role of each leader in their Chapter.


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Board of Directors Present: Ann Kummer, EA, CPA President; Ken Kohlhof, EA 1st Vice President; Michael Lawrence, EA 2nd Vice President; Vicki Hermann, EA Secretary; Salvatore Candela, EA Treasurer; Donald Rosenberg, EA Immediate Past President; Jeff Gentner, EA Executive Director; Henry Grabkowitz, EA Director at Large; Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA Director at Large; Koreen Jervis, EA Director at Large; Gino Comparetto, EA Director at Large; Handel Edwards, EA Director at Large; James Racaniello, EA Director at Large; Linda Senke, EA Director Central, Victoria McGinn, EA CPA Director Nassau/Suffolk; Michele Eaton, EA Director Lower Hudson Valley; Valley; Daniel Coccia , EA Director Western Lee Slater, EA Metro .

Absent: Loyd Lemos, EA Director Brooklyn/Queens. Director for Capital

and Mid-Hudson Valley no one elected. Guest: Barbara McDonald, EA; H. Rodger Alwais, EA and Mason

Wristen. Call to Order: The Board Meeting of the New York State Society of Enrolled

Agents was called to order at 4:48 PM by President Ann Kummer, EA CPA.

Quorum: Nineteen of Twenty One Board Members Present. Officer’s Remarks: Ann Kummer, EA, CPA President thanked everyone for coming to

the board meeting. She also stated we have made great strides over the last two years with Government relations and with the Sponsorship program. Ken Kohlhof, EA stated he is saving his remarks for Monday’s Board Meeting. Vicki Hermann, EA state that she would try to do a better job on keeping up with the minutes and announced that the CE uploading is down and was not sure when it would be back up. Salvatore Candela, EA stated how Ann Kummer, EA CPA has help learn his job seeing how see had no one to consult. Don Rosenberg, EA stated that the Presidency is a difficult job and how the board has changed in the last 12 years he has been a part of board. Jeffrey Gentner, EA had no comments.


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Agenda: Motion to Approve Agenda was made by Handel Edwards, EA. The motion was seconded by Salvatore Candela, EA. Approved. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda was made by Gino Comparetto, EA. The motion was seconded by Vicki Hermann, EA. Approved with the following pulled out.

1. Treasurer’s Report. 2. Sponsorship Report. 3. Informal Review of Financial Records and Practices.

Unfinished Business: 06/30/14 and 06/30/15 Financial Reviews. Henry Grabkowitz, EA

stated that the review was difficult because of the change in Treasurer’s every year for the last few years. He also recommended that we should have 3 signers on the checking account in case one of the signers is missing and a large check has to written which was the case a last year’s Conference. He also stated that these report are not official audits.

Salvatore Candela, EA stated that the Form 990 needs to be put on

extension and that the engagement with Custom Accounting Services should be renewed for the coming year. He also wants to increase the dues for membership by $5 again this year.

Motion was made by Donald Rosenberg, EA that the President

task Salvatore Candela, EA to explore the chapter dues structure and mechanics. The motion was seconded by Victoria McGinn, CPA EA. Motion was approved.

Daniel Coccia, EA stated that he wants ideas on how to make the

sponsorship program better and more appealing to sponsor for next year’s Conference.

New Business: We discussed the pricing for the 2017 Conference and having extra

early, early bird pricing at this year’s Conference to try to get people to sign up for the Conference at our new venue and location in Saratoga Springs.

Motion was made by Donald Rosenberg, EA that we refund the

registration fee without the cancelation fee if someone signs up for next year’s Conference and something unexpected comes up and they cannot make it. The motion was seconded by Lee Slater, EA. Motion approved with seventeen for and two against.

Motion was made by Donald Rosenberg, EA that we set the full

price for the early pricing at $499 for the 2017 Conference. The


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motion was seconded by Gino Comparetto, EA. The motion approve with seventeen for and two against.

Motion was made by Henry Grabkowitz, EA that 2017 Conference

pricing for up to 10 NAEA members be set at $459 paid in full expiring on 10/24/16. Furthermore, the President can authorize extending this offer if necessary. The motion was seconded by Vicki Hermann, EA. The motion approved.

Motion form Governance Committee to approve the SOP on page

31 of the Board packet. No motion needs to be made coming from Committee. Motion approved.

Unfinished Business: Sponsorship program, Strategic Planning Goal Area’s 4 & 5 and

Engagement Letter-Form 990. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:33 PM Respectfully Submitted Vicki Hermann, EA Secretary Next Meeting October 24, 2016 at Honor’s Haven Resort, Ellenville, NY.


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Board of Directors Present: Kenneth Kohlhof, EA President; Michael Lawrence, EA 1st Vice President; Handel Edwards, 2nd Vice President; Vicki Hermann, EA Secretary; Salvatore Candela, EA Treasurer; Ann Kummer, EA, CPA Immediate Past President; Jeff Gentner, EA Executive Director; Henry Grabkowitz, EA Director at Large; Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA Director at Large; Koreen Jervis, EA Director at Large; Gino Comparetto, EA Director at Large; H. Rodger Alwais, EA Director at Large; James Racaniello, EA Director at Large; Mason Wristen, EA Director at Large; Linda Senke, EA Director Central, Victoria McGinn, EA CPA Director Nassau/Suffolk; Michele Eaton, EA Director Lower Hudson Valley; Valley; Daniel Coccia , EA Director Western Lee Slater, EA Metro; Loyd Lemos, EA Director Brooklyn/Queens.

Absent: Director for Capital and Mid-Hudson Valley no one elected. Guest: Nancy Lyman, EA and Marc Dombrowski, EA Call to Order: The Board Meeting of the New York State Society of Enrolled

Agents was called to order at 1:17 PM by President Kenneth Kohlhof, EA.

Quorum: Nineteen of Twenty One Board Members Present. Officer’s Remarks: Kenneth Kohlhof, EA President thanked everyone for coming to

the board meeting. He also stated that he was looking forward to serving as the next President of NYSSEA Board of Directors after initially being real nervous at the thought of being President. Handel Edwards, EA said thank you for the confidence of electing him as 2nd Vice President and gave a brief history about him. Vicki Hermann, EA said thank you for believing in her for another term as Secretary. Salvatore Candela, EA thanked everyone for allowing him to be Treasurer again. Ann Kummer, EA CPA stated that she was proud of the new Board and thought we would get a lot done. Jeffrey Gentner, EA had no comments. Mason Wristen, EA introduced himself to the Board. Jamie Racaniello, EA stated that we were a team and we should work together. H. Rodger Alwais, EA state that he did not have much to say.


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New Business: Handel Edwards, EA wants to give leadership presentations at the

local chapter level to their Board members. Salvatore Candela, EA spoke about the 990 engagement letter with

Custom Accounting Services. He also stated that we are on a fiscal year but contract is a calendar year contract. He would also like to see an engagement letter with no increase for the 990 for the current year.

Motion was made by Michael Lawrence, EA that the Board

approves to have the Executive committee review and approve a new engagement agreement with Custom Accounting Services before 12/31/16 and present the engagement letter to the entire Board. The motion was seconded by Jamie Racaniello, EA. The motion was approved.

Phyllis Jo Kubey was elected as the Director at Large for the

Executive Committee for the current year. Motion was made by Henry Grabkowitz, EA that the Executive

Committee be tasked with engaging a charge of Custom Accounting Services to prepare the Fiscal Year End 06/30/16 Form 990 up to $500.

Koreen Jervis, EA gave an update on this year’s Conference. Dan Coccia, EA stated that the Sponsors were very happy with

their treatment at this year’s Conference and is hoping that they will be back next year at the same level.

Salvatore Candela, EA stated that we are just waiting on the

decision for the Department of Labor audit. He also stated that we have a new Worker’s Compensation policy.

Jeff Gentner, EA has agreed to stay as Executive Director for up to

one year or until we find another Executive Director to fill his position.

Loyd Lemos, EA stated that we need to get the word out about the

scholarship program we have available. Handel Edwards, EA will be doing a Conference call for Chapter

Representatives and Chapter Presidents.


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Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 3:56 PM Respectfully Submitted Vicki Hermann, EA Secretary Next Meeting January 14, 2017 at The Courtyard Marriott East Elmhurst, NY.


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Board Report Meeting: January 14, 2017 Immediate Past President

Over the last two months, I have tried to step back and let President Ken Kohlhof, EA establish his Presidency with his leadership style and choices. That being said, my head has not been in the sand. Ken has kept me in the loop on various communications between board members, committees, and others. He has offered me opportunities I’m carefully considering for post-tax season.

We had hiccups in what should be a simple process of updating signature authority on the bank accounts, more due to banking procedure, busy/traveling officers, and geographic distance. Because it’s not a quick, easy update, I support a revision to our policies and procedures to add a third signatory before we have a situation requiring two signatures with only one authorized party available. This recommendation in Henry Grabkowitz, EA’s financial review last October is one I hope we pursue at this meeting.

We are quick to observe shortcomings in NYSSEA. I spoke often of continuous improvement and trust that efforts to better the Society will persist. We should, though, reflect on our progress – all the way back to NYSSEA’s humble beginnings to today – as the Society has developed, changed by the influences of our profession, member needs, and by legislation, technology, and other impacts never imagined by our predecessors. Progress begins with the fundamental idea that something should be enhanced. Then the development of how, followed by its execution. Challenge yourselves and your fellow members to bring to the table fresh concepts and liveliness as well as others with new opinions and vitality.

I look forward to assisting Ken with whatever he needs. I continue to serve on the Government Relations Committee. Ken asked me to chair the Nominating Committee and I’m honored to accept that task. I’ll need two or three members (not be running for office) to serve with me so let me know if you’re interested.

Here comes busy season! It can seem an insurmountable undertaking to push out so much work in so little time. Many of us accomplish this feat through team work. Team work – cooperation and collaboration – will help us bring NYSSEA to the next level. Remember this as we focus our efforts on common objectives.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann E. Kummer, EA CPA


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Report from the Executive Director January 14, 2017 NYSSEA Board Meeting

Since the Annual Conference in October 2016, I have been busy with a number of projects including

maintenance of the NYSSEA Website. I have updated all the Board Member profiles based on the

information supplied to me via the Board Contact Survey sent out following the Annual Conference. Other

updated areas include the Chapter pages (as requested and updated by Chapter Presidents or other

Representatives), the Chapter Calendar page and the Award and Scholarship pages (including the

updating/revising of the Scholarship Application and the Award Nomination Forms). I also added a link

under Tax-Related Links for the 2017 Call for Speakers Information and Application at the request of the

2016-2017 Education Chair and Committee. I am in the process of creating a new “Committee” page,

which will list all the Committee Chairs and Committee Members. Once I have all the necessary names, the

page will be created and posted.

With the success of the new NAEA Find a Tax Expert web directory, I abandoned our outdated and

troublesome Find and EA tool and adopted this new directory. I still recommend that the Board consider

working with GetNetSet to manage our NYSSEA website in the future.

The organization and distribution of the professional photos taken at the Annual Conference was a time-

consuming challenge with over 500 images to review and share. I used DropBox to simplify the process

again this year and it proved successful. I believe that putting a “picture with a name” has greatly improved

the NYSSEA website and I hope that we can continue this tradition with updated photos taken at each

annual conference. Photos have been replaced or added to the NYSSEA website with permission of the

individual member. I am pleased to say that all but one committee member now have photos included on

the NYSSEA website. NYSSEA Board Members and Committee Chairs continue to use the NYSSEA Board – Shared Folder in Dropbox. Dropbox seems to be working for everyone. The NYSSEA Board – Shared Folder

continues to grow and should make it easier for Board members to get files they need. Currently in the

NYSSEA Board – Shared Folder you will find the most current Expense Voucher, Event Report Form, Motion

Form and the NYSSEA Logos, along with the recently added updated NYSSEA Board Letterhead and a 2016-

2017 Board Misc. folder, which contains the 2016-2017 Board Contact Information roster and the 2016-

2017 NYSSEA Board Meeting Timeline document. There are also folders containing the most current SOPs

and Policies, current Bylaws and Board Packets.

REMINDER: When using any of the documents included in the DropBox, please remember to DOWNLOAD

the document so that you can edit/change it to meet your needs. When you are finished, be sure to save it


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to you DESKTOP – not back into the DropBox, since this will alter the generic document in the DropBox.

This happened twice recently. When preparing your reports for the Board Meeting, DO NOT place them

into the DropBox. Attach the reports to an email and send them to me.

Other Activities

1. Organized the January 14, 2017 NYSSEA Board Meeting successfully utilizing the new Travel/Hotel Reservation document

2. Gathered, edited and combined all Board and Committee Reports for the January 2017 Board Meeting

3. Participated in the monthly Executive Board telephone meetings 4. Updated the NYSSEA Board Information with NAEA 5. Communicated via telephone or email with various Board Members on activities, concerns and/or

procedural clarifications 6. Participated in the Affiliate Presidents Exchange (APEX) conference calls


NAEA Apex Meetings – November 2016: As a member of the NAEA Affiliate Council, I had the opportunity to attend the NAEA Affiliates Presidents Exchange meetings in November 2015 (Orlando). My expenses are completely covered by NAEA. I do not believe that NYSSEA took advantage of the stipend allowed for those leaders wishing to attend and I think we need to do a better job in making sure that NYSSEA is represented. Several Affiliates send more than one leader. Position of Executive Director: As announced at the October Meetings, I have agreed to stay on as NYSSEA Executive Director for a maximum of one year or until someone is hired to take the position. I urge to Board to continue their search so that a smooth transition can take place before the Annual Conference in October 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey R. Gentner, EA Executive Director NYSSEA January 14, 2017


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NYSSEA Board Meetings – Saturday, January 14, 2017 and Saturday, June 3, 2017

Courtyard Marriott NY LaGuardia Airport – 9010 Ditmars Blvd. – East Elmhurst, NY 11369

Timeline Timeline Activity Saturday January 14, 2017

Meeting Saturday, June 3, 2017

Meeting Make Airline Reservations (if needed) –

LaGuardia is the closest airport ASAP** ASAP**

Hotel Reservation Form (sent by Jeff Gentner*) E-blast from Jeff: December 15, 2016 DUE back: December 20, 2016

E-blast from Jeff: May 4, 2017 DUE back: May 10, 2017

Call for Reports (sent by Jeff Gentner*) E-blast from Jeff: December 15, 2016 Report Due: January 4, 2017

E-blast from Jeff: May 4, 2017 Report Due: May 26, 2017

Completed Board Packet in Dropbox for Review (Jeff will send reminder notice when Dropbox available) January 11, 2017 June 1, 2017

Meeting Time ** Saturday: 9:30AM (SHARP) – 4:00PM 9:30AM (SHARP) – 4:00PM

* The Hotel Reservation Form and the Call for Reports will come via ONE e-blast on the dates above. NOTE: Please add [email protected] to your email contact list and please use this address for all correspondence. ** Please note Meeting START and END times when making airline reservations or planning other travel. The hotel has a FREE Shuttle available from LaGuardia Airport. (No cab or shuttle fares will be reimbursed) All hotel reservations will be made by Jeff Gentner based on information provided on the Hotel Reservation Form.

Missed Deadlines: Hotel – if you miss the deadline above, you will have to make your own reservation and pay to regular hotel rate. NYSSEA will only reimburse at the negotiated rate. Reports – if you miss the deadline for submission of reports, you must bring 25 copies of your report to the Board Meeting.


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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service

Contact: Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104 Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Directors Report

Rodger Alwais, EA

Board Meeting January 14, 2017

To the members of the board: 1) I have joined the Education Committee and assisted with the review of the, "Call for Speakers" I have spoken with Jamie about the next steps and await further instructions. 2) I have expressed my willingness to assist Koreen Jervis on the Conference Committee 3) I have supported Educate America since its inception. When I got the call for teachers of the Gleim EA Review course Part 2, I stepped up and worked with Gleim to learn how to use their program effectively. They now have an excellent program. We (NYSSEA) may want to create a willing team of teachers who have learned the Gleim program so that we can teach the program they have designed. 4) I wonder why Queensborough Community College offered an EA Review Part 2 in the "Spring" (January through March) course. They had one student sign up. He was very disappointed when he was informed that the class was cancelled. February and March is smack in the middle of TAX SEASON! He was pleased to hear that I would mentor him through the process. I'm not sure what will entail, but it should be exciting.


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

To the Members of the Board: As of January 7, 2017 and since my last report I have contributed to the Board as follows:

1. I continue my role in Continuing Education administration for the Brooklyn-Queens and Capital chapters.

2. Attached please find the tabulated responses for the 2016 Conference Survey. We received 52 responses. I hope you find them illuminating.

3. At the request of the President, I have accepted the position of Chairman for the 2017 Conference Education committee. Members Jamie Racaniello, Michele Eaton and Lisa Cancellarich have agreed to serve on the committee but more hands make for short work. A Call for Speakers went out on Thursday, December 15, 2016. Follow up to locate, evaluate and ultimately secure speakers for all available slots is ongoing.

4. The Financial Review for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016 has not been started. Once a General Ledger for the year is received from the Treasurer and bookkeeping service, a selection of transactions for review can be made.

I continue to look for opportunities to be of service to our organization. Respectfully submitted, Henry Grabkowitz, EA, MCP


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Director’s Report for January 14, 2017 Meeting

Seems like the prior-year tax season never ends and yet here we are with another one! It’s a good thing I love my work – and that includes my involvement with NAEA and NYSSEA..

x I am in my first year serving as Chair of the NAEA PAC Steering Committee x I serve on the NYSSEA Membership Committee, the NYSSEA Government Relations Committee,

and serve as NYSSEA’s liaison to NYSDTF. I moderate the NYSSEA Tax Questions Google Group and help with NYSSEA CE reporting.

x I continue to advocate for CFP credit to be offered at the national level. At the Orlando meeting the Board of Directors seemed to be interested in this.

x I attended NAEA meetings/NTPI in Orlando in November 2016 and represented NYSSEA at the Affiliate Presidents Exchange meeting – proudly accepting NYSSEA’s award for best Membership retention and recruitment for a large affiliate.

x I attended NYC Department of Finance TaxRapp and spoke to several non-EAs who may be interested in obtaining the credential

x I attended the New England IRS Representation Seminar at Foxwoods and was pleased to be part of NYSSEA’s first year being a co-sponsor of that event. We planted the seeds toward developing more of a relationship with NYSSCPA.

x I attend the monthly IRS IMRS virtual/conference call meetings x I research and post items of interest/articles for the NYSSEA Tax Questions Google Group x I attend as many chapter meetings as schedule allows and as many events of other organizations as

possible x I wrote and submitted to Governor Cuomo’s office a request for EA week proclamation x On membership committee I have had some good communications with new members of


I am, as always, excited about continued advocacy work at the national, state, and local level. I am passionate about reaching out to new members and promoting our grEAt credential and organization.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Jo Kubey EA CFP® ATA ATP NTPI Fellow NYSSEA Board Member at Large


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

January 14, 2017 Starting my 24th year doing taxes and 12th year as an EA I have taken stock as to how I have grown as an EA and a professional. When Bob Nadel basically "signed" me up as chapter rep for Nassau/Suffolk, (with, I am sure, an assist from Vicki McGinn), I was green as it gets. (Of course I passed this rite of passage to Ken Kohlhof and Rodger Alwais as they can attest to). Eventually, I got my traction and realized the value of being part of NYSSEA and the board I am currently on as a director. Sometimes our duties become blurred or we have crossover from one person or committee to another, we all strive for the same goals, to get better and pass our knowledge off to anyone we can help. Being a volunteer sometimes takes its toll as for the time and effort we must all make to succeed in our tasks but nevertheless we all push ahead with the idea we can better ourselves and our organization in doing so. That being said I am entering my 7th year on the education committee either as the chair or committee member. It has been satisfying to try and improve this from one year to the next and I believe we have done this. This years conference in Saratoga Springs is a turning point for all of us. Some may not believe that the education we provide is worthwhile, that we can get the same thing online for a fraction of the price. Although this is true as far as a straight economic value, I disagree with the premise that there are no other discernable advantages. The issue is getting others to SEE the value. One understands that the expense for the conference is sometimes difficult for some, we have all been there at one time or another in our lives. However, there is simply no better way to expand our knowledge base and create the invaluable camaraderie this conference provides. Although I do not have all the answers I strongly feel that if all of us make a concerted effort to reach out personally, not just via technology, the success rate for all of our goals will be greatly enhanced. As simple as this may sound it can be very effective. If anyone needs proof see what Dan Coccia has done in his success with the vendors we now have. Our venue is set and our speakers are being signed for Saratoga Springs 2017. At the time of this letter we have already sent the call to speakers and have one instructor already set. I want to thank Henry Grabkowitz, EA as well as our new committee members Michele Eaton, EA and Lisa Cancellarich, EA. Also want to thank the conference committee because we all work hand in hand and for all practical purposes are one in the same. Very respectfully submitted. James P Racaniello, EA


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January 4, 2017 To the Board of Directors of the NYSSEA’s. Thank you for welcoming me to the board. I enjoyed meeting all of you. I found the discussion interesting about including vendors in same room as our seminars since the vendors like it and said they had the most success. Also, the discussion about calling of EA’s with tax questions campaign (perhaps we could take credit cards over the phone or use pay pal on the website). At one of the tables during our conference at Honors Haven I heard a comment that I would like to share. The member (not on the board) said she has semi-retired and retained less than ½ of her client base. She said that if the cost of next year’s conference goes up even as little as $1 she will not be back, as she can no longer afford any additional cost. Maybe we could discuss solutions for retirees? I look forward to working with you. Thank you, Mason D. Wristen, EA


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NYSSEA Brooklyn-Queens Chapter

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service

Aubrey Chichester, EA, Secretary Loyd Lemos, EA, Chapter Representative

Koreen Jervis, EA, President Sofia Sierra, EA, Treasurer

BROOKLYN/QUEENS CHAPTER REPORT January 14, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting

To the Board of Directors of the NYSSEA: Happy New Year to All! The BQ Chapter continues to hold two meeting sites – one in Queens and one in Brooklyn – each month, when possible. We have found great value in being able to provide two CE classes for all chapters member. Our December CE class had to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances in which our speaker, a representative from the IRS, was not able to make the class. As we could not find a suitable replacement at such short notice, no class was given in December. Also, we scheduled no 2nd CE class in December due to the holiday constraints. Our first CE class for the 2017 FY will be our second annual Round Table Discussion in which we intend to have an open discussion about how their tax season progressed and what conflicts they have encountered so that we can all help each other in providing solutions or advice. Due to the success we had last year, we are looking forward to this second annual round table forum and we gladly invite all chapters to join us. It is indeed a lively event. We have discussed whether we should bring in a paid speaker for one of our CE classes in 2017 and, perhaps, even expanding it as a multi-chapter CE class. We have also discussed about whether we should host a chapter social event instead of holding a CE class in an effort to bring variety and vitality to our chapter meetings. Details are still being discussed. We are looking to bring in new members onto our board and to join in various committees that we will be developing in the coming months. Respectively Submitted on January 3, 2017

Loyd Lemos, EA Loyd Lemos, EA: Chapter Representative / Queens Liaison Brooklyn-Queens Chapter of the NYSSEA


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NYSSEA Brooklyn-Queens Chapter

Aubrey Chichester, EA, Secretary Loyd Lemos, EA, Chapter Representative

Koreen Jervis, EA, President Sofia Sierra, EA, Treasurer

Chapter meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of the month to be held at the Brooklyn location and the 4th Thursday of the month to be held at the Queens location. Brooklyn meetings are currently being held at Hunter’s Steak House located at 94-04 4th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Queens meeting are currently being held at The Fabulous Las Vegas Diner located at 80-26 Queens Boulevard, Elmhurst NY 11373. Summary of 2016-2017 Fiscal Year CE Meetings Date Topic Speaker Attendees CE FY 2016 07/12/2016 IRS Collections and the CDP Process Frank Agostino, Esq 18 3 Location: Brooklyn 07/28/2016 OIC and Collections Strategies Kristen Bailey, Dir of

Collection Policy, IRS 15 3

Location: Queens 08/2016 BQ Community Project Make-A-Smile Foundation 10 0 Location: Target, Atlantic Terminal Helping children with back-

to-school shopping

09/13/2016 How can Taxpayer Advocate Succor Tax Practitioners with the IRS & NYS Update

Bernardita E. Tehrani and Darol Tucker, IRS TAS Robert Smith, NYS DTF

13 2+1 F/S

Location: Brooklyn 09/22/2016 IRS & NYS Issues: Focus on Collections Yvonne R. Cort, Attorney 10 2 Location: Queens 10/18/2016 TIGTA Update Mark Applegren, Special

Agent – TIGTA 12 3

Location: Brooklyn 11/04/2016 Tax Practitioner’s Institute CE Douglas Lee, EA

Mark Appelgren, TIGTA Matthew McWhirr, TIGTA Mwisa Chisunka, NYSDTF

56 4+2 F/S

Location: Queensborough Community College

11/15/2016 The IRM – A Resource for EAs Frank Degen, EA USTCP 17 3 Location: Queens 12/08/2016 IRS Representative – CANCELLED Tom Bishop, IRS 0 0 Location: Brooklyn 01/11/2017 2016 Federal Tax Update Katheryn Keane, EA TBD 3 Location: Brooklyn 01/12/2017 2016 Federal Tax Update Frank Agostino, Esq. TBD 3 Location: Queens

Average attendees for the 2016 FY (to-date) is about 14 for the BQ chapter Respectively submitted on January 3, 2017 Loyd Lemos, EA – Chapter Representative / Queens Liaison Brooklyn-Queens Chapter of the NYSSEA


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2016-2017 BQ TRANSACTION REPORTFor Periods July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

Respectfully submitted on January 04, 2017

by Sofia Sierra, EA, Treasurer

Type Date Attendees CreditBQ

BQ MeetingsDeposit 07/12/2016 15 Attendees $825.00 Deposit 07/28/2016 14 Attendees $750.00 Deposit August No Meeting $- Deposit 09/13/2016 21 Attendees $1,175.00 Deposit 10/18/2016 11 Attendees $605.00 Deposit 11/15/2016 17 Attendess $935.00

Total BQ Meetings 78 Attendees $4,290.00

Total BQ 78 Attendees $4,290.00

TOTAL $4,290.00

Expenses CheckN/A 07/12/2016 Mtg Expense $675.74 N/A 07/28/2016 Mtg Expense $508.90 N/A August-No Meeting N/AN/A 09/13/2016 Mtg Expense 812.51$ N/A 10/18/2016 Mtg Expense $436.39 N/A 11/15/2016 Mtg Expense $704.34 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AN/A

Total Expenses $3,137.88

TOTAL $3,137.88

Held in Reserve $1,152.12


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2016-2017 BQ SUMMARY OPERATING BUDGETFor Periods July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

Respectfully Submitted on January 04, 2017

By Sofia Sierra, EA, Treasurer


Chapter Income:

Membership Fees………………………………………...…………………. $4,030.00

Non-Member Fees…………………………………………...……………… 260.00

Total Revenues: 4290.00


Meal Cost……………..……..…..…………………………..……………….. 3,137.88

Venue Expenses……………………………………………………………… 0.00

Printing Cost……….………………… 0.00Chapter Development/Board Expenses………………………………. 0.00

Total Expenses: 3137.88

Projected Net income/Loss: $1,152.12


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Michael E. Lawrence, EA, President John R. Roland, EA, Vice President Lynn A. Senke, Treasurer and Chapter Representative Ernestine Patterson, EA, NSA, Secretary Our one hour November NYS Tax Update Meeting was cancelled and rescheduled from November 21, 2016 to January 9, 2017 because of the snow storm which shut roads down that day. On December 12 we had a one hour training session regarding Federal Updates which dealt mainly with PATH Act and Security Issues. We had 16 in attendance. We have a planning session by the above officers after the January 9th meeting, in order to write up a schedule for 2017. Submitted: Lynn Senke, EA Chapter Representative for Central New York chapter December 27, 2016


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

NYSSEA – LHV CHAPTER REPORT for January 14, 2017 Board meeting

Current Officers: Laura Golar, EA, President John Slattery, EA, Vice-President Ann Glick, Treasurer Michele Eaton, EA, Secretary and Chapter Representative


Date Topic Speaker IRS Course # CE credits

# of Attendees

09.27.2016 NYS Residency Audits - Forewarned is Forearmed

Henry Grabkowitz, EA

None 2 (for NAEA credit only)


11.29.2016 Innocent Spouse Issues

Salvatore Candela, EA

2 24

12.27.2016 Answering IRS Notices

Leonard Steinberg, EA

2 23

Attendance has been slightly better than usual at LHV’s November and December meetings. Whether this is due to increased awareness/interest or simply a need for end-of-year CE requirements, remains to be seen. But we have had some very fine presentations. One of our Platinum sponsors, Dennis Supraner of PLCSI, attended our Nov. 29 meeting, handed out some materials, and gave a brief presentation to the group prior to the CE session. The group was very receptive and it is hoped that Mr. Supraner will continue his relationship with NYSSEA. Outside of my work with LHV, I have agreed to serve on the Conference Education Committee, and have met with the committee to discuss the 2016 conference and plans for 2017. We are actively working now to get instructors for the 2017 conference. I continue to serve on the Awards, Governance, and Membership Committees. The Awards Committee has drafted a proposed new SOP, which has not been updated since 2005. The new SOP will be presented at the January Board meeting for approval and vote by the Board.


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Respectfully submitted Dec. 30, 2016 Michele Eaton, EA, LHV Chapter Representative


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New York State Society of Enrolled Agents Western New York Chapter Activity Report Fall - Winter 2016/2017 for Presentation at the January 2017 Board meeting

Dan Coccia, Chapter Representative Chapter Meetings:

x Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 Meeting held at Bohn’s Restaurant in Batavia, NY Dinner Meeting and Speaker Presentations

PATH ACT Changes – Beyond the Basics. This course covered the most important changes for 2016 brought by the PATH Act (Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes) and Surface transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act. These changes include: Due diligence requirements for the Child Tax Credit and the American Opportunity Tax Credit (Do your clients have children? Then these changes apply to you and your practice; failure to comply can mean substantial penalties per child, per credit.) Affordable Care Act Update; Changes in W2 and 1099 reporting; Due date changes for 2016 income tax returns. Our speaker for this event was John Sheeley, EA. Attendance was very good, with over 30 sign up. Lost a few due to the storm coming off of Lake Erie. Meeting went great, driving home in the storm was the worst part.

x Thursday, January 19th, 2017 Meeting will be held at Bohn’s Restaurant in Batavia, NY Dinner Meeting and Two Speaker Presentations

IRS Tax Update. Attendees will receive the latest updates on Federal Tax Law changes, E-services Registration Changes and Practitioner Data Breaches. Our speaker for this first presentation is Steven R. Ingraham, Senior Stakeholder Liaison, New York Field Office, Internal Revenue Service - Small Business/Self Employed Division. He has 28 years with IRS and currently serves as Senior Stakeholder Liaison for the New York Field Office in the Small Business Self Employed Operating Division of IRS.

New York State Tax Update. Attendees will receive the latest updates from the NYS Department of Taxation and

Finance. Includes a Summary of Tax Provisions including Corporate Tax Reform, Department Updates and On Line Services. Our speaker is Mwisa Chisunka, Special Assistant to the Commissioner for the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance and the Business Ombudswoman.

Other Activities: Sponsorship Program. Please refer to separate report. I would ask that, as a Board, we agree to a single standard form of engagement with vendors staring in 2017. Ways of adding value to our meetings: I have been trying out a few ways of enhancing meeting attendance. Some items I have recently tried: (1) More handouts or give-a-ways offered at the meeting; (2) Hosted a formal reception time with light refreshments, opportunity to network. (3) Have an informational table/display in the meeting room. Information varies from upcoming meetings, tax tool handouts, prior meeting handouts, Sponsor Vendor information, information on our October Conference. Future Meetings: I continue to solicit from the Western Chapter’s membership topics and speakers for upcoming meetings. Next meeting will be in the May/June time frame. Prepared by Dan Coccia, Chapter Representative, December 30, 2016


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Awards and Scholarship Committee January 14, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting

Loyd Lemos, EA – BQ Chapter, Chair Judy Straus, EA – Capital Chapter, Committee Member Michele Eaton, EA – LHV Chapter, Committee Member Firstly, I’d like to take this moment to thank the other two committee members for their hard work and efforts in making this committee succeed. They are doing a great job and their experience is extremely helpful within this committee. As I have proposed in my last committee report, this committee has reviewed and has made proposed revisions to the SOP and the criteria for each award, as the last revised SOP for this committee was done in June of 2005. Since this last revision, the NYSSEA has added two more award categories which have never been reflected in the SOP. In addition, as I have also stated in my last report, we are proposing changes as to the distribution of the scholarship fund. Below are three open issues for completing this committee’s SOP which we believe will require board approval:

1. Currently, only the Founders Award has a historical plaque listing every past recipient. Would the board like to see a similar historical plaque for the Robert Nadel Above & Beyond Award?

2. The Cardella Scholarship – it was told to me that this committee has the discretion of awarding more than one recipient for this scholarship when I first took over as committee chair, but it has recently come to my attention that the scholarship’s original intention was not to have more than one winner or no more than the original annual scholarship amount of $500 shall be awarded ratably to all winners.

a. With the submission of numerous applicants for this scholarship, in the past, there have been years in which more than one awardee each received $500. Based on the fund balance for this scholarship, it appears that there is sufficient funds to award more than one winner, each receiving the full $500, but we need to make a decision if this will be allowed. As an alternative, should the amount to be awarded annually remain to be $500 and should the committee be allowed to choose more than one winner, we would recommend that there be no more than two (2) winners each splitting the $500 equally ($250 each winner).

3. Distribution of the scholarship funds – we are proposing a change of how the scholarship funds be distributed to the winner(s). In the past, the winner of the scholarship was simply issued a $500 check. Although there has not been any significant misconduct or misuse of these funds by past recipients, there has been one or two incidents that has come to this committee’s attention which we believe deserves a revision to our SOP for distributing the funds for its intended purposes. Our proposed changes are as follows:


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

a. Funds chosen by the recipient to be used for either the national or state conference, for NTPI or for SSLA should be remitted directly to the conference committee (or committee responsible for collecting conference fees) and should only be redeemed after the winner signs-in at the actual conference they chose to attend.

b. Funds chosen by the recipient to be used for chapter meetings should only be reimbursed to the winner after submission of a completed Expense Reimbursement Voucher and proof of payment in the form of a receipt from the chapter or a canceled check. Reimbursements will only be valid for one year beginning July and ending June of the following year; winner can chose to attend any chapters’ meeting and multiple meetings per month, up to the $500 allotment or the one-year expiration date, whichever comes first.

This committee has determined that a voucher system is too cumbersome and, mainly, loses its anonymity to the winner, thereby, we believe a reimbursement policy would be the best solution in order to keep the integrity and spirit of this award by both the organization and the winning member(s). Please note that the reimbursement policy can also be utilized for those who chose to attend a conference rather than having the scholarship funds be paid directly to the conference; but it is plausible that the most common reason an applicant for the scholarship will apply is because they do not have the necessary funds available at the time of registration for the conference.

I’d like to remind not only the chapter reps, but all members of the board, to please remind their chapter members on a regular basis that this scholarship fund is available to all active members – one quick mention at the beginning of every CE meeting is all it takes. The scholarship criteria does not require the member to demonstrate financial need; so long as they are an active member of the NYSSEA in good standing, they may apply. The application is available year-long on the NYSSEA website. The due date for all applications is on June 15th of each year. I am glad to serve on this committee and we look forward to next year’s selection of scholarship and award nominees! We hope to see some of your names being submitted. Respectively Submitted on December 29, 2016

Loyd Lemos, EA Loyd Lemos, EA Chair, NYSSEA Awards and Scholarship Committee


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Date Approved: As approved by Board of Directors on [pending approval by the Board of Directors]


A. Administer the selection of award recipients according to award criteria.

B. Procure the awards to be distributed as directed by the President and the Board of Directors. At the discretion of the Board, the procurement of the awards may be assigned to the Executive Director.

C. Present awards at the annual State convention.


A. Review award specifications as defined by the President and/or the Board

of Directors.

B. Contact appropriate vendors and obtain prices.

C. Present information to the Board of Directors for approval.

D. Make purchases as required.

E. At the discretion of the Board, the above general duties may be assigned to the Executive Director.


A. The Awards Committee shall consist of the following members:

1. At least four NYSSEA members in good standing, preferably not on

the state Board, who have been NYSSEA members for a minimum of three years.

2. A Chairperson as appointed by the President.

3. The committee members shall be members of different chapters, to promote diversity on the committee.



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A. The Committee shall cause an article or notice to be published in the January issue of the state newsletter and all other issues prior to the nomination deadline that nominations for Awards are being accepted. The article or notice shall contain the criteria (see Appendices A, B, C and D), nomination instructions, and the deadline for the submission of names to be considered for the award. Such notice shall also be posted on the Society’s website.

B. Set the nomination deadline. This deadline is currently June 15th for the

Scholarship Award and September 15th for all other awards.

C. The Committee shall review all nominations and select the award recipients. The Committee shall have full discretion as to whether any nominee is deserving of an award. This may lead to no award recipient for any specific award should there not be any or insufficient deserving candidates nominated for that particular award.

D. The Committee shall cause plaques evidencing the awards to be prepared

for presentation to the award recipient.

E. The Committee shall maintain a historical plaque for the Founders Award that contains the names and dates of all past recipients. Such plaque shall be permitted to be displayed in the professional office of the current years’ recipient for a one-year period.

F. The Committee chairperson and/or members of the Committee shall announce award recipients at the annual Conference. The recipient(s) of the scholarship awards will remain anonymous, unless the recipient(s) agree to be publicly acknowledged.

G. The Committee shall cause to be published an award notice (photo optional) in the first edition of the state newsletter following presentation of the award.

H. The Committee shall provide notification of the awards to the

National Association of Enrolled Agents for possible inclusion in a national publication.


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The purpose of the Founders Award is to recognize significant leadership and contributions that have immediate impact or long-term impact on the growth and progress of the New York State Society of Enrolled Agents.

1. Nominees are limited to those who are current members in good standing within the Society, except for the posthumous nomination in which case the requirements would have been met at the time of the nominee’s death.

2. Nominees should be someone who contributed significantly to the development and growth of NYSSEA.

3. All Nominees must have been members of NYSSEA for a period of at least five years.

4. The Nominees must have attended at least five NYSSEA conventions.

5. All nominations are for the current year only. 6. All nominations must be postmarked by September 15th and sent

directly to the Awards Committee chairperson.


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The purpose of the Robert Nadel Above and Beyond Award is to recognize significant contributions of members above and beyond the normal responsibilities for the New York State Society of Enrolled Agents. Nominees must meet the following criteria:

1. Nominees are limited to those who are current members in good standing within the Society, except for the posthumous nomination in which case the requirements would have been met at the time of the nominee's death. 2. Nominees should be someone who contributed to either their local or state chapter. 3. Nominees should provide service that is above and beyond what is normally expected of the members. This could be helping with a committee or meeting arrangements, accepting assignments from officers for a special project, etc. 4. All nominations are for the current year only. 5. All nominations must be postmarked by September 15th and sent directly to the Awards Committee chairperson.


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The purpose of the Excellence in Public Awareness Award is to recognize significant contributions having immediate and/or long-term impact on making "Enrolled Agents" and "EA" more readily recognized in the state of New York as the tax professional of choice. Nominees must meet the following criteria:

1. Nominees must be current members in good standing. 2. Nominee should be an individual who has contributed significantly in the area of public awareness. The contribution could be made through, but not limited to, public or media appearances, public awareness administration, serving on an NYSSEA (regional or local) committee, teaching, writing, development, service with a public agency while representing NYSSEA, or other activity. 3. All Nominees must have been a member of NYSSEA for at least two years. 4. All Nominees are for the current year only. 5. All nominations must be postmarked by September 15th and sent directly to the Awards Committee chairperson.


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The NYSSEA Scholarship Committee annually awards scholarships of up to $500 to NYSSEA members in good standing for the purpose of furthering their education. The Scholarship may be used to attend NYSSEA chapter meetings, the NYSSEA Annual Conference or a NAEA Annual Conference (including NTPI). [Proposed additional language follows, pending Board approval]: Scholarship funds for conferences will be paid directly to the conference the applicant is attending. In the case of scholarship funds used for chapter meetings, the scholarship recipient will pay for the meeting attended and apply for reimbursement using an expense voucher. Scholarship applicants must refrain from referring to the part of New York State in which they live or practice, and must not use any reference that would otherwise possibly identify them to the Committee. Any applicant serving on the Board or a committee currently or in the past should avoid referring to specific positions held, in order to preserve anonymity. In order for the process to be as fair as possible, the Committee needs to be blind to the applicant’s identity. If the Committee is able to identify the applicant, that application must be disqualified. Once the scholarship recipient has been decided upon, the Committee shall contact the recipient to determine if the recipient prefers to remain anonymous. In the event more than one recipient is found to be deserving of assistance, …[pending vote on availability of scholarship funds]


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2017 YEAR

Please answer all questions and type responses whenever possible. Applicants must be an NYSSEA Member and have passed the EA exam.

Award applied for:

_____ 1 Year UHLPEXUVHPHQWV for attendance to chapter meetings (max. award $500 per year)

_____ Payment for expenses to attend a NYSSEA Conference (max. award $500)

_____ Payment for expenses to attend a NAEA Conference or Leadership Academy (max. award $500)

_____________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Initial

_____________________________________________________________ Business Address-Street, P.O. Box, Suite

_____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code

_____________________________________________________________ Home Address-Street, P.O. Box, Apt. #

_____________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code

____________________________ _________________________ Business Phone Best time to call ____________________________ _________________________ Home Phone Best time to call ____________________________ _________________________ Fax Number E-mail Address

Do you prefer correspondence to be mailed your____ home or ____business address?

I read all of the information and the requirements contained herein and agree to abide by them.

Signature_____________________________________ Date_____________________


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Instructions: You will provide some basic information to the Committee for review in the scholarship application process for year 2017. Even though we ask for some specific information on the previous page and below, you are not precluded from repeating this information in the essay you will write. However, when writing the essay, please refrain from referring to the part of New York State in which you live or practice and do not use any reference that would otherwise possibly identify you to the Committee. $Q\�DSSOLFDQW�VHUYLQJ�RQ�WKH�%RDUG�RU�D�FRPPLWWHH�FXUUHQWO\�RU�LQ�WKH�SDVW�VKRXOG�DYRLG�UHIHUULQJ�WR�VSHFLILF�SRVLWLRQV�KHOG�RU�GXWLHV�SHUIRUPHG�LQ�RUGHU�WR�SUHVHUYH�DQRQ\PLW\��In order for the process to be as fair as possible, the Committee needs to be blind to the applicant’s identity.��,I�WKH�FRPPLWWHH�LV�DEOH�WR�LGHQWLI\�WKH�DSSOLFDQW��WKDW�DSSOLFDWLRQ�PXVW�EH�GLVTXDOLILHG�

1. List your educational background and areas of occupational experience.(If more space is needed, use additional pages.)




2. How long have you been a tax practitioner? ____ year(s)

How long have you been an enrolled agent? ____ year(s)

3. Are you self-employed? ________Yes ________No

If yes, how long? ___ year(s)

If no, how long with the current employer? _____ year(s)

4. Prepare a short essay including information about what your goals and ambitions are pertainingto being an enrolled agent. Include information about why you wish to receive the award for which you are applying and what you feel you will gain from attending the chapter meetings or the NAEA/New York State conference. Include any other relevant information you believe the committee should know about. Your essay should be typewritten. Attach the completed essay to this application.

5. All applications should be postmarked by June 15, 2017. No applications will be accepted ifpostmarked after that date. Email applications to [email protected] or Mail to Jeff Gentner, EA, NYSSEA Executive Director, 22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact Awards Committee Chair – Loyd Lemos, EA, email: [email protected].

The Scholarship Committee will review the applications and awardees will be notified no later than June 30, 2017.


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

CE Reporting Committee Report January 2017

To the Members of the Board:

As CE upload chair I would like to inform everyone that at the writing of this report the website to upload CE credit and obtain CE course numbers is back up and running. I am working on getting all the courses that were taken between September and December uploaded and that everything is correct. The new site is really user-friendly.

I also have been working on an issue about a complaint about the sign-in sheets and having PTIN on them. I have talk with RPO and am doing some other research on this subject and will report my findings at the Board Meeting on January 14, 2017.

Respectfully yours,

Vicki Hermann, EA


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JANUARY 14, 2017

SUBJECT: Governance Committee COMMITTEE: Barbara MacDonald, EA, Chair: Michele Eaton, EA REPORT: Reviewed the Policy and Procedure Manual and recommend the following change: Paragraph 5.5. Recommend the P&P be changed to read: 5.5 The Bank signatures for all NYSSEA accounts will include the following: President, 1st Vice-President and Treasurer. Pro: Allows more flexibility when more than one signature is required on a check. Con: None ACTION: Vote. Barbara MacDonald, EA Chair


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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary

Liaison, NYS Department of Taxation & Finance

January 14, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting

I was so pleased to have Deputy Commissioner Argi O’Leary as our keynote speaker at conference. Her presence during the dinner and reception - being able to meet so many of our members - was a tremendous step in continuing to develop better relationships with NYSDTF.

I don’t have too much new information to report. To my knowledge there is no one specifically in the liaison capacity at NYSDTF’s end. I believe there is some restructuring going on but there has been no communication in that regard.

My next step is to reach out and inquire about the possibility of a NYSDTF equivalent of the IRM. Also, several members have expressed a strong wish to get a comprehensive list of pensions eligible for the government pension exclusion – to have a good list in one place.

I was able to connect with several of the DTF personnel at the NYC TaxRapp in November. The personal contact at various events is important and I will do my best to attend as many functions as I am able.

We continue to work toward dialogue in establishing commonality in our points of view on issues of importance to NY EAs and I continue to promote the message that we are not adversaries of NYSDTF but that we can be allies in our shared goals for taxpayers to be assessed and to pay the correct amount of tax, for the rights of taxpayers to be honored and preserved, and to work toward effective and efficient tax administration. I am encouraged by the conversations we’ve had and look forward to building upon these efforts.

Respectfully submitted,

Phyllis Jo Kubey, EA CFP® ATA ATP NTPI Fellow NYSSEA Board Member at Large


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NYSSEA Board Report

January 14, 2017

Committee: Finance Committee Chair: Victoria A McGinn, EA, CPA

For quite a while I have been concerned that our financial report has not been included in the

Board Book, but rather brought to the Board meeting and we, as members of the Board, never

have time to review them prior to the meeting.

I asked about the time needed for our Treasurer to review the material before the board book

due date, and who received materials like bank statements, income from NAEA etc., this

information is being gathered.

My feeling is that with the frequent change in treasurers, information is being sent to old

addresses and are not forwarded. Hopefully, this will be sorted out soon.

Respectfully submitted,

Victoria A. Mcginn


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NYSSEA Board Report

January 14, 2017

Committee: Educating America Chair: Victoria A McGinn, EA, CPA

We have successfully completed two sessions of Part 1 of the SEE at Queensborough Community College. We are offering Part 2 starting January 2017, but it was cancelled due to poor registration. We will try again next semester. I have had a number of people who said they had a relationship with colleges but to date have not heard any progress reports. At this time, since we are all engulfed in tax season, I won’t bother anyone until May! Respectfully submitted, Victoria A. Mcginn


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Sponsorship Program Three Options available for your participation in our State Sponsorship Program

Platinum Sponsor $2,500

At the Platinum Sponsor level you receive maximum exposure to our entire membership not only at Conference but throughout the year.

Program Offerings provided to you during your twelve month sponsorship period:

Semi-Annual Email blast to entire State membership on your product offering.

Employees of your company are able to attend, at cost, an unlimited number of Chapter meetings to any of our NY State Chapters. You can setup an informational table at reception. You will be introduced at the beginning of the meeting as a State Sponsor and have an opportunity to say a few words. If you are unable to attend a meeting, you can coordinate directly with that Chapter’s Representative to ship information to be passed out at the meeting or signage to be displayed.

Program Offerings at our Annual Conference: This is a maximum visibility sponsorship.

You are Welcome to be present for the entire Conference. At the Platinum level, you receive one conference admission that includes the cost of all meals and functions included with the standard attendee admission.

Friday Evening Opening Reception – The conference is kick-started into high gear by our Friday evening Opening Reception. All Attendees of the conference are invited to this networking session where light refreshments are served. You will have the opportunity for plenty of signage and recognition from the Conference Chair during this Opening Reception which will put the focus on your company right from the start.

Saturday Morning Breakfast – This breakfast is included with the attendee’s admission and typically draws the entire crowd. This will be another opportunity for you to sit at one or more of the breakfast tables and network directly with the attendees.

Primary Conference Meeting Room / Exhibit Space Area – You will have a large space for displaying your product information. This room will be accessible to those in attendance during regular conference hours all day Saturday and Sunday when training is not in session. This unique space will be shared with our large meeting room so all attendees will have maximum exposure to your display table. Saturday and Sunday’s morning and afternoon breaks will also occur in this same area, which should get the entire crowd, who are looking for their mid-morning coffee fix or afternoon snack, to mingle directly alongside the Exhibit Space area.

Sunday’s Closing Dinner – This formal dinner always gets full attendance. As a Platinum Sponsor you will be recognized prominently in signage at the venue. You will again be introduced to the audience and given a Thank You from our current State President. As stated above, the cost of attending this function is included with your Sponsorship.

Other benefits of this sponsorship at the Conference are:

� An opportunity to put promotional material/items on every seat at one general session. � Access to conference attendees through an email blast facilitated by our Chapter Administration.


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� Your company logo will appear on the official 2016 NYSSEA Conference booklet. � Recognition in the conference program. � Registration Bag Inserts. We will insert your promotional materials in every bag distributed at registration.

ADDITIONAL OPTION available to Platinum Sponsors only: For an additional charge, a limited number of Platinum Sponsors will be able to make a short Product Presentation. On Saturday afternoon, you will have an opportunity at the beginning of one of our breakout educational sessions for a ten minute product demonstration. Use of technology will be made available to enable a short PowerPoint presentation or interactive product demo.

Gold Sponsor $1,500

At the Gold Sponsor level you receive full exposure to our membership not only at Conference but also at selected times throughout the year.

Program Offerings provided to you during your twelve month sponsorship period:

An annual email blast to the entire State membership on your product offering.

Employees of your company are able to attend, at cost, one (1) Chapter meeting at each of our NY State Chapters. You can setup an informational table at reception. You will be introduced at the beginning of the meeting as a State Sponsor and have an opportunity to say a few words. If you are unable to attend a meeting, you can coordinate directly with that Chapter’s Representative to ship information to be passed out at the meeting or signage to be displayed.

Program Offerings at our Annual Conference:

You are Welcome to be present for the entire Conference. At the Gold level, if you want to participate in any of the meals or functions included with an attendee’s admission you will have to pay the cost of a Guest Conference Attendee.

Friday Evening Opening Reception – The conference is kick-started into high gear by our Friday evening Opening Reception. All Attendees of the conference are invited to this networking session where light refreshments are served. Your company will be recognized by our Conference Chair during this Opening Reception. If you purchased the Guest Conference Attendee package you will be formally introduced as well as have the ability to network with the attendees.

Primary Conference Meeting Room / Exhibit Space Area – You will have a large space for displaying your product information. This room will be accessible to those in attendance during regular conference hours all day Saturday and Sunday when training is not in session. This unique space will be shared with our large meeting room so all attendees will have maximum exposure to your display table. Saturday and Sunday’s morning and afternoon breaks will also occur in this same area, which should get the entire crowd, who are looking for their mid-morning coffee fix or afternoon snack, to mingle directly alongside the Exhibit Space area.

Sunday’s Closing Dinner – This formal dinner always get full attendance. As a Gold Sponsor your company will be formally recognized by our State President. If you purchased the Guest Conference Attendee package you will be formally introduced as well as have the ability to network with the attendees.

Other benefits of this sponsorship are: � Access to conference attendees through an email blast facilitated by our Chapter Administration. � Your company logo will appear on the official 2016 NYSSEA Conference booklet. � Recognition in the conference program. � Registration Bag Inserts. We will insert your promotional materials in every bag distributed at registration.


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Silver Sponsor $750

At the Silver Sponsor level you receive a more focused exposure to our membership at our Annual Conference primarily through participation in the Exhibit Area.

Program Offerings at our Annual Conference:

Primary Conference Meeting Room / Exhibit Space Area – You will have a large space for displaying your product information. This room will be accessible to those in attendance during regular conference hours all day Saturday and Sunday when training is not in session. This unique space will be shared with our large meeting room so all attendees will have maximum exposure to your display table. Saturday and Sunday’s morning and afternoon breaks will also occur in this same area, which should get the entire crowd, who are looking for their mid-morning coffee fix or afternoon snack, to mingle directly alongside the Exhibit Space area.

Other benefits of this sponsorship are:

� Your company logo will appear on the official 2016 NYSSEA Conference booklet. � Recognition in the conference program. � Registration Bag Inserts. We will insert your promotional materials in every bag distributed at registration.


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NYSSEA Vendor Engagement Programs Reported by Dan Coccia for January 2017 Board Meeting

I. Sponsorship Program

Three Options are available for vendor participation in our State Sponsorship Program. (1) Platinum Sponsor Level $2,500. At the Platinum Sponsor level, a vendor receives maximum exposure to our entire membership not only at Conference but throughout the year. (2) Gold Sponsor Level $1,500. At the Gold Sponsor level, a vendor receives full exposure to our membership not only at Conference but also at selected times throughout the year. (3) Silver Sponsor Level $750. At the Silver Sponsor level, a vendor receives a more focused exposure to our membership at our Annual Conference primarily through participation in the Exhibit Area.

We currently have three companies participating at the Platinum Level. Mile IQ, Josh Brost. Canopy, Jordan Ray (modified program). Professional Liability Consulting

Services, Dennis Supraner (did not able to attend 2016 Conference, will be attending 2017 Conference).

II. Independent Supported Agreements

Through my research, I have been made aware of two vendors that we get “engaged” with The Tax Book (formal agreement), Gleim (informal agreement).

TaxBook: Our Chapter signs a Rebate Program agreement provided by The TaxBook. It requires that we send out to our Chapter members a minimum three emails. We also provide a link from our Website to order their product and we hand out literature at Conference. As reported by Jeff Gentner, in order to get paid each year, we have to sell a minimum of 10 books or other tax materials. We did not reach that goal in 2015, so no payment was made to NYSSEA. For 2014, we received a check of $140.00 in May 2015. For 2016, right now we are due $100.00, which will not be paid until May 2017. In the Program Agreement, it also states that two members of our Chapter are supposed to receive a complimentary subscription to their WebLibrary Plus. Jeff provided contact: Char DeGrote, Customer Service Manager, Tax Materials Inc., 866-919-5277 x204. 01/03 DLC contacted Char for more information. 01/04 Char returned call, good conversation. She will email me the licenses for the two subscriptions, hopefully in advance of the Board meeting, I will present to the Board for handling. I also presented our Sponsorship Program and will email her the information.

Gleim. We provide them recognition at our State Conference and hand out their product literature. In turn, they provide bags for use by attendees at the Conference. III. Selling Booth Space at Conference

For a negotiated fee, we have been offering booth space at our Fall Conferences, in 2016 one vendor took advantage of this, CFS Tax Software. They paid us $400.


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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service

Contact:���Jeffrey�R�Gentner,�EA,�Executive�Director�Email:���[email protected]



Conference Chair Report January 14th 2017 Committee Members: Rodger Alwais Carolyn Hallisey Jamie Racaniello Our annual conference, from the comments I received, went very well. From a financial aspect, not so well. But this did not come as a surprise to us. We had a total of 80 attendees, 69 of which were full paid and 11 were first timers. 2015 attendees were 86, 73 full paid and 22 first timers. Our budget was $43,026 and we spent $45,845. The staff at Honors Haven really did their best to ensure that we had a successful conference and I truly appreciated the excellent support we had from the wait staff. There was no request made that they did not take care of. The experience I gained from managing this conference will serve me well as I prepare for 2017. 2017 conference is already under way with twelve paid attendees. Save the date flyers have already been circulating and we are on the search for speakers. Since this will be our 30th year, it is our intention to make this a memorable conference. We are working on coming up with new ideas and making this a gala event. To make this successful, not only will we need more attendees, but we also need to raise funds outside of what we receive from registrations. We talked last year about doing a mailing to our members, but we never did. I feel that we should send by mail the conference flyer to all members who did not attend in the last two years and we should also consider advertising in the EA Journal. I am recommending that we use the funds raised from the auction towards conference costs. I feel that these funds should no longer be allocated towards the Scholarship Fund which does not need it. I would like to see us taking a vote on this at our meeting. Having the money from the sponsorships will also help, but I am asking that we come up with other ideas to raise funds. We raised $87 by raffling off the basket we received as a gift from the Saratoga Tourism Bureau. Maybe we can look at other companies that may be interested in giving us products we can do something like this with. Our thanks go out to our speakers Frank Degen and Marc Dombrowski for their unselfish support year after year, not only at our conference, but also at our Chapter Meetings. Thank you Jamie, Henry & Daniel for your tireless help and support with last year’s conference and I am looking forward to working with you and our new committee members Rodger and Carolyn. Together we will make a grEAt team. Happy & Prosperous New Year to you all!! Sincerely, Koreen Jervis, EA Conference Chair


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Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service

Contact:���Jeffrey�R�Gentner,�EA,�Executive�Director�Email:���[email protected]




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22 Hidden Ridge Common, Williamsville, NY 14221

Members Licensed to Represent Taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service


Jeffrey R Gentner, EA, Executive Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 716-616-0104

Web Site:

Kenneth R Kohlhof, EA, President Michael E Lawrence, EA, 1st Vice-President Handel Edwards, EA, PhD, 2nd Vice-President Salvatore P. Candela, EA, Treasurer Vicki Hermann, EA, Secretary


RAFFLE 87.00

TOTAL 33943.00




RESORT FEE @ 18% 18% 241.20

SALES TAX 8% 102.50


GRATUITY 15% 1581.20 237.18


BREAKFASTS: SAT, SUN, MON 10 256.00 2560.00

LUNCHES: SAT, SUN 17 178.00 3026.00

COFFEE BREAKS: 8 270.00 2160.00

10 88.00 880.00

6 80.00 480.00


MEET & GREET RECEPTION 11 80.00 880.00


SUNDAY BANQUET 48 94.00 4512.00

TOTAL FOOD 16848.00



COMPLIMENTARY ROOM -600 1.00 -600.00



RESORT FEE 7840.44

SALES TAX @ 8% 2098.28


GRATUITY 15% 15% 26878.44 4031.77






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