Download - NYPS E-Newsletter 3

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In This Issue


Principal’s Message 02

Long Service Award 04

Unveiling of Mrs Lee’s Bust 06

Founders’ Day 10

Leaders Retreat 14

Staff NE Day 20

Presentation Hongkong 22

Impressions About Singapore 26

National Day Celebrations 32

World Gymnastics 38

Choral Immersion in Taiwan 50

Teachers’ CIP 52

Hari Raya Celebrations 56

Racial Harmony Week 60

Teachers’ Day Celebration 64

Teachers’ Day Dinner 72

Importance of books 78

HA Sharing 80

Mid- Autumn Fest 86

Interviews with Book Prize Winners 90

CCA Achievements 94

New Staff 102

Staff’s babies 105

Cut Outs 106 • November 2011

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的姿 态,让同学们以 直观的方式感



真正 属于同学们自己的平台。这 里



积极参与,也 踊 跃提出你们的建 议

和看法,让这 里留下你们成长的足






我们也借 这 期电子简报,诚 邀校友



家长 及校友们,赶在旧校舍拆迁之

前,来这 里走一走、看一看,与新旧





Principal’s Message


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The Principal’s Message

Welcome to the 3rd issue of our e-newsletter! Beyond just being a platform of communication, we hope this new mode of engagement will ignite in our pupils the spirit of innovation and continual improvement. In the same spirit, we are proud to announce that we have added some new elements to our e-newsletter to reach out to more readers and strengthen connectivity with members of the Nanyang Family.

In this issue, we celebrate our pupils’ achievements and highlight the vibrancy of our pupils’ learning journeys to both local and overseas institutions.

We have also redefined pupils’ ‘success’ and ‘achievement’ under a broader perspective and give more emphasis to the development of soft skills. It is our hope that this e-newsletter can be our learning journal to reflect upon the holistic development of our pupils. So, sit back and enjoy the showcase of the talents and strengths of our pupils through the pages of Palette.


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MDM ONG LAY TIN MOE Long Service Award

MDM LIM LOO HUA MOE Long Service Award

MDM LIM PECK HOON CYNTHIA20 years in service

MDM NEO HUI WAN 20 years in service

Long Service Award


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JOCELYN LIM National Day Award, Commendation Medal

MRS MAUREEN WOO20 years in service

MR TING HUAT SENG 20 years in service

The long service award goes to ...


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8月15日,南小庆祝校 庆之际见证了

校 史另一个新的里程碑。

在南洋学 校历史的长河里,李光耀


已落下他们的足 迹。他们俩眼光独

到,早 在五十年代 就把 三个 子女:

李显龙总理、F&N 主席―李显扬先

生 及中央医院脑神经科董事主席―


接受教育。从 此,李资政一家与南

洋学 校结下了不解之缘。当时,南

小建校艰辛,李资政慷 慨解囊,多

次以私 人名誉捐款 给我校。至今,

李资政仍是南小名誉顾问,这实 在

是我们的极 大 荣幸!

本校历史性的一刻— 为柯玉芝女士铜像揭幕及命名本校图书馆为 “玉芝图书馆”郑月花师


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在他们三个孩子在南小求学 期间,


的办学方针及教学理 念 给予最大的


睿智、宽容,具有远 见的家长 及智

慧学 者。她紧密与学 校配合,培育



龙总理,让新加坡 这个弹丸 小国继

续 在国际舞台上大放异彩。

不但 如此,柯玉芝女士也是李光耀

总理当时 领导新加坡的力量泉源。

在动荡不安的六十年代,她 默 默守

在李资政 身边,积极为治国政 策提





献,董事部 特 在图书馆前面竖立她

的铜 像。

校 庆日当天早上,南小 校门内响起

了一阵振 奋人心的非洲鼓声,目的




宾莅临我校,为柯玉芝女士铜 像揭

幕。 本校部分二、三、四及五年级



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上,参与见证 这个庄重又具有历史


洋 特 色的图书馆命名为“玉芝图书

馆 ”,借此希望把 她的崇高精神发



席、钟蔚芬校长、副校长 及多位嘉

宾的陪 伴下,进入图书馆参观,并


时送上的祭文。本校 合唱团也特别

为此仪式献 上一首歌曲“隐形的翅


献,也激 励本校学生以柯玉芝女士



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齐聚一堂 三校同欢记南洋九十四周年 校庆午宴黄竹思师


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“一九一 七八月十五,是宝贵的良

辰。在火药气味浓 厚中,可爱的母

校出现。多少人呵寒送暖,将 护这

宁馨儿。多少人斩棘披荆,建 造 起







当天,席开五十七桌,大礼 堂里 盛

满了大家愉悦 欢畅的笑声。众多历


董事、校长、教师与在 籍学生,大家

济济一堂,叙旧、话家常、相见 欢。

南中、南小以及南幼的学弟学妹 们








当生日歌响起时,我们全 体肃然而

立,掌声延 绵不绝,由衷感谢蔡校


出。相信当天在场的学弟学妹 们也

深深 地感染了这一份真挚的感恩与


源”这句话的意 思。

“栋宇辉煌,多士跄跄,是 奋斗代


双 肩!”《校 庆歌》唱出了多少南洋




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Leaders RetreatBy Mr Ting Huat Seng

“When a lead goose tires, it drops back into formation while another goose flies to point position”– Lessons in Teamwork from Wild Geese


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It was against this backdrop of learning about teamwork that this year’s Leaders’ Retreat was held from 7 to 9 September at the Orchard Parade Hotel during the September break. The theme for this year’s retreat was “Lessons in Teamwork from Wild Geese” and the objectives were:

The theme for this year’s retreat was ‘Lessons in Team-work from Wild Geese’


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Gain clarity on the mission and mandate of the team including strategic directions and objectives.

Appreciate the connectedness amongst departments and work groups, and to explore more opportunities for collaboration

Address pupil and staff development issues and concerns.

Work on staff resource planning including deployment and succession planning

Provide an opportunity for key personnel including Principal, Vice Principals, Heads of Departments, Subject and Level Heads, Senior Teachers and invited staff to interact and network.


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Two main philosophies of leadership were also emphasised, namely ‘Seven Transformations of Leadership’ and ‘Leading by Serving’. More importantly, the spirit behind teamwork as represented by geese flying in formation was woven throughout the retreat.

A unique feature of this year’s leaders’ retreat was the Leaders’ Consensus Meeting held on 12 and 13 August to strategise and plan for the retreat. This prelude featured the Principal, Mrs Lee Hui Feng, the

vice-principals, Mdm Jocelyn Lim Bee Kim and Mr Steven Wong Junfu and Dean, Mr Ting Huat Seng. The 4 school leaders spent a fruitful Friday and Saturday putting their minds, experience and expertise together to plan and organize the leaders’ retreat and map out the school’s direction and objectives for the next 2 years.

A total of 46 key personnel comprising the 4 school leaders, Heads of Departments, Subject and Level Heads, Level Custodians and invited staff gathered together


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over 3 days to work on the plans for 2012, including strategic directions and plans, organizational structure, succession planning and matters pertaining to holistic pupils’ development and curriculum innovation. There was much debate and discussion on deployment matters and class promotion policies. This was also the first time that the retreat had involved such a big group of personnel. Past discussions were confined to school leaders and heads of departments, with some invited subject heads and level heads. It clearly

demonstrated Mrs Lee’s belief that leadership is a shared responsibility and her desire to include more people into her team, as well as to develop them as leaders through such opportunities.

The Leaders’ Retreat will continue to evolve over time but it continues to serve a major purpose in the leadership and management of Nanyang Primary School.


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All NYPS staff embarked on an NE learning journey on 25 June this year. The objectives were to learn about the challenges and constraints faced by Singapore due to the lack of natural resources and to gain an appreciation of how strategic long term planning overcame these constraints and other challenges posed by globalization, with special focus on environmental and economic sustainability.

We visited the Supreme Court. It was an eye-opening experience as

we were given a chance to enter the court room. The Singapore City Gallery at the URA was also one of the attractions. The amazing models gave us a clear indication that URA had made good use of the limited land space that we have in Singapore. Another site that we went to was the Marina Bay (Waterfront Promenade). At the Waterfront, the different landmarks tell different stories and these stories carry wonderful history that we can share with our pupils.

NYPS Staff NE Day by Mrs Rebecca Goh

The different landmarks tell different stories and these stories carry wonderful history that we can share with our pupils.


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Walking towards the Waterfront Promenade

Singapore City Gallery at the URA

Off we go to the Supreme Court!

Where is NYPS on the model?


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学习村庄— 一个和香港学校网上交流的专题研习计划郑月花师 刘朝师


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今年,南小应香港中文 大学资讯 科

技教育中心之邀,参与一项通 过电


我校与香港的香海正觉莲社佛 教黄

藻森学 校配 对,进行跨地讨论及意

见交流,以完成专题研习任 务。这

个专题研究计划香港 早已在2 0 06

年便与美国多所中学进行配 对研

习,过后又与台湾及中国学 校配

对,效 果甚佳,参与的学生最终 都

能有效 地提高专题研习表达、沟通

及 运用资讯 科 技的能力。

南小是 香港中文 大学选中的首间新

加坡配 对学 校。大约5 0所参与这项


学于6月假香港中文 大学 校友会联

会张 煊昌学 校举 行 颁 奖暨结业礼。



花高级教师及 刘朝级主任、黄慧芬


学生前往香港出席颁 奖暨结业典

礼,并于香海正觉莲社佛 教黄藻森

学 校参加浸濡活动。本校两组学生

的得奖作品在会上做了公 开分享并


致 好评。香港中文 大学也邀请我校

在 来年带领 更多新加坡小学参与此



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Impressions about SingaporeBy Miss Lisbeth Agustin

On this Monday 3rd January 2011, a completely new life opened its doors to me. 2656 pupils were standing in lines, singing the National Anthem. Welcome to Singapore! The flag raising ceremony is truly unique! Never seen that anywhere in Europe. I experienced it when working in a summer camp in the U.S. some 25 years ago, but not with so many children! First choc. Some 210 members of staff, including more than 160 teachers. A huge operation that runs amazingly smoothly. How do they do that? The team spirit is prevalent everywhere. The leading hearts of NYPS (Principal, Vice-principals) are more human than most company managers. It is a big family. A family that seems to match most criteria to bring its children to success. Team work, dialogue, exchanging ideas, listening, exploring new fields as well. The teachers are 200% dedicated to their vocation. Teaching, meeting and marking, marking, marking… and marking more, but very little time and energy to experience Life. Here, teachers live to work and do not work for a living. Have you ever tried to count how many hours a week you dedicate to your vocation? You had better not! In Europe, we say that Asian people are workaholics. Well, that is one way of seeing life!

One thing is for sure, Singaporeans demonstrate their kindness and devotion to build a strong and peaceful country daily. Be it at Nanyang Primary School or at Nanyang Girls’ Boarding School, I always find someone


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Nancy and Amos took me to my first China-town dinner: delicious sweet and sour fish.

The P2K and Denise at Fort Canning. I just love them all...

Going to Sentosa island with Teo Chiang Yen. Here are only a few of the colourful flowers…


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Buddha’s Tooth is somewhere in there, in the heart of S’pore. Personally, I’ve got four missing.

Marina Bay Sands, the most beautiful spot in town…

Wan Fern showed me her favourite restaurant. It became mine as well…

Hey, my friend with beautiful eyes, would you lend me your dress? Please!

A completely new life opened its doors to me.


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to talk to, listen to, share with, and even go on a holiday with. NYPS and its CIP (Community Involvement Project), the visit to elderly people during the Chinese New Year, the Skypark, the National Education (NE) Show, Desaru, Southern Ridges, the old rail track , the bowling, the Singapore Flyer, etc. All experiences shared with different people on various occasions. Occasions to see the other side of the work done, sharing cherished moments. Apart from our common love for teaching, these shared moments will be etched in my heart forever. Thank you, Singapore!

A “stamp-size” country. Before leaving France, some people told me that you will see and do lots of shopping but nothing else much ! Wrong, Singapore has much more to offer. And I hate shopping, as you may have noticed: such a loss of time and money that could be used for something much more “enriching”… September 2010, still in France, getting prepared for my new life. The F1 race on TV. Both my eyes were glued to the tiny TV screen. “It is like Monaco by night! And what is that boat on top of three huge towers, with a 150 metre long swimming-pool? Are they nuts, or am I dreaming?” I pondered thoughtfully. To tell the truth, the Merlion does not mean much to Europeans, and neither does the Fullerton Hotel. But THAT Marina Bay Sands enclave is just amazing! This bay would soon become one of my favourite spots. How many evenings have I spent admiring that unique skyline: as you turn from one side to another, it was a magnificent sight to behold Marina Bay Sands of course, but also the Flyer (the very first thing I visited in Singapore) and Downtown East. To me these are the symbols of a progressive country.


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Then, Chinatown! There is no Chinatown as such in Paris, although there are many Asian restaurants. I can’t remember New York’s Chinatown, I was there 30 years ago. But, I can tell that London’s Chinatown (a city where I spent 5 years freezing under the rain) is just a microbe compared to Singapore. Here, it is full of life and Marina Bay is one of the best places in town to feel its heart beat, its origins, its REAL Chinese food, tasty and … tasty! Just the way I love it… with a bit less rice …

Now, let’s move to the other side of the island and visit the white tigers and the Toco Toucans-my favourite animals at the Singapore Zoo, the Night Safari and Jurong Bird Park. A wonderful long walk in the middle of the rainforest, surrounded with animals was a dream come true. I fell in love with the tigers and even bought a plush! And I was so happy to finally see those lovely toucans! Although they come from Southern America, I did not manage to see a single one in Argentina.

Back to town to a place known as the “Little India”. In a restaurant, the Jungle Tandoor, I tasted Indian food, once again surrounded by animals, but fake ones this time. Reminded me of Rajasthan which I visited one year ago. India, a country made up of contrasts, colours, smells and tastes. Still, it was very hard to find non-spicy food there!

Now, how can I not talk about Sentosa island? The island dedicated to the big babies we all still are… How many days did I spend there? Can’t remember. Each day, something different to experience! Universal Studios was my very first stop. A dot on a confetti, near a stamp… You stepped


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in, you turned round, you are already out! Ok! That was fun! I particularly enjoyed the Mommy ride, twice, ‘cause it reminded me of … Egypt, of course (that country was one of the 4 destinations I wanted to visit with Greece, Australia and do a photo safari in Africa, I love animals … the last trip still has not been “materialized”)! Well, the pyramids still make me dream although I’ve been there twice…

Well, these are my favourite places around town. Places that I will probably miss a lot once I am back in Europe. However, don’t misunderstand, although I am going back HOME, by my beautiful ocean, it is not France I miss most, but Italy for its culture, its language, its climate, its food, its way of living.

(Miss Lisbeth Agustin is a French teacher who is currently on a one-year teaching stint in NYPS. She will be completing her teaching stint soon and returning to France in December 2011.)

Southern Ridges and Yasmeen’s shoulder. So tired I can’t even see my eyes! Have I turned Chinese?

Here are the pros of the camera at Rifle Range Railmall. I surely need to take more lessons


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National Day Celebrations at NYPS by Miss Asfalinda

It was amazing to see a sea of red at the assembly ground as pupils donned their red top to school.


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On 8 August 2011, we commemorated National Day. It was amazing to see a sea of red at the assembly ground as pupils donned their red top to school.

The day began with a solemn and dignified Observance Ceremony. Flag bearers from the 4 uniformed groups, namely Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade, Brownies and Cub Scouts marched in with the National and School flags. This was followed by a recitation of ‘Recollections’ – a poem that traces the journey of Singapore’s independence.

Our Principal, Mrs Lee, read the National Day Speech by the Minster of Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat.

Besides the presentation of awards to the uniformed groups members, the Girls’ Brigade performed their Gold Award ‘Fancy Drills’ which was truly interesting and refreshing!

The second segment of our National Day Celebrations was held in the school hall and classrooms where educational video screening, stunning performances, rousing sing-a-long sessions and fun activities were conducted for the pupils. The concerts came to a close with patriotic shouts of ‘Happy Birthday, Singapore’ and ‘Majulah Singapore’. The day certainly ended on a high note.


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Girls’ Brigade performing their award-winning Fancy Drills


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Girls’ Brigade performing their award-winning Fancy Drills


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Our stunning Gymnastics team

Rousing sing-a-long at Upper Primary Assembly Sing-a- Sing-a-long sessions

Our flag bearers in action.


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Intense classroom activities Quiz on ‘Who Am I?’

Lower primary pupils all geared up for sing-a-long session


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“Meet The Magic” was the theme of the 14th Gymnastrada held at Lausanne Switzerland. The participants from Nanyang Primary were most certainly bewitched by it! The energy, warmth and hospitality bestowed on us by the host at the Gymnastada was one that will forever be etched in the memories of our contingent from Singapore. We were honored to be chosen as the team to represent Singapore in this prestigious event and were proud to fly our national flag amongst the other 54 countries in the World Gymnastrada.

This event which is held every four years is based on two central elements: The Meeting and Sharing between people of all backgrounds and The Magic of Colours, Movement, Music, and Gymnastics. The common goal of each delegation is to awaken in each participant a childlike wonderment and admiration at breathtaking gymnastics performances from all over the world. It was also a wonderful opportunity for our children in Nanyang Primary School to showcase our talents to an international audience.

“Meet The Magic” By Mdm Jennifer Lew


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Today was our first performance. The crowd roared when we did our moves! That was such a high!


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I went to the Notre Dame and ran up all the 225 steps. We were all so tired and hot. I have learnt that if you try to come down very fast, you will fall on your friend and your friend will fall on another friend like dominoes and that will be a very bad scene. Megan Lai Yi Min (3I)

We watched the German participants performing in the arena and I realised that they worked hard together in order to put up such an awesome performance! We also went to the Olympic Museum. The museum is so cool! I think that they spent a lot of time decorating it. It was very beautiful. Zen Liew (4D)

We went to the Olympic Museum. It was very educational and we learnt about torch relays and many famous sports people. We also went to a shop inside the museum to buy souvenirs. I wanted to buy many souvenirs but I was not sure if my mother would allow so I just bought a Beijing Olympic badge with the Olympic symbol. Tasha Sonia Kaur (4J)

I am very tired because of the time difference. We sat in the train to get to the Notre Dame and I paid 2 Swiss Franc to visit the tallest spot. I


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took many photographs. The view is enchanting! Hester Pore (4C)

Today was our first performance. The crowd roared when we did our moves! That was such a high! Toh Pei Qi (5F)

We had a party that was organised by Mrs Lee, our principal and the teachers. It was so fun and exciting! After the party, we went back to our rooms. We slept at 1a.m.! Zon Liew

I felt that the trip was very enjoyable and I have learnt much from the people in Switzerland. When we waited below a block flats for the teachers and parents to bring back our dinner, the people came down and gave us cherries and chocolate. That was really kind of them. Jotham (6C)

I was so sad to leave Switzerland. I wish that we could stay there even longer. That was the best trip I have ever gone with my mum. Rachel (3J)

I was very excited. We performed very well. I was scared at the beginning of the performance. Frederick Chew, (3J)

The experience was one in a lifetime. It was nerve-wrecking and we made a few mistakes. When we executed the forward roll, it was so painful. My back hurt. When I did the front tug, I landed on my knees, but it was not as painful. I was overjoyed when our performance was over. I know that we will perform better the next time. Kieren, (4I)

I was initially not used to the food they provided in the school so together with some girls in my group, we had cup noodles. The next day, I decided to try the breakfast. They served yoghurt and cereal. They were so tasty and sweet! I also tried the ham and bread the following days and they were better than the ones at home! I decided to go down everyday for breakfast. Sophie Xie, (4B)


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On 14th July – 20th July 2011, the school choir went to Taichung to participate in Orientale Concentus IV, an international choir festival. In the festival, the choir participated and clinched the gold award in the competition for the children’s category. We also attended classes and put up items during the various concerts.

Besides competitions and performances, the choir also had the opportunity to visit 2 different elementary schools in Taichung. The first school, Dao He School, is a private school which caters to pupils from kindergarten to high school. Dao He Elementary School believes in bringing their students close to nature and incorporates eastern values into teaching. During

the visit, our choir listened to their

students playing Gu Qin (古琴). Our choir also put up a performance to show our appreciation.

The second school, Shao Zu (邵

族) Elementary School, is a school in the mountain. Our teachers, students and parents walked quite a distance to get there. It is a school for the Shao indigenous group. Our choir performed and interacted with some of the children in the school.

Orientale Concentus IV, Taichung (Taiwan) By Miss Mavis Tan


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The choir participated and clinched the gold award in the competition for the children’s category.


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南小的老师来到了飞 跃邻里 服务中


地方,中心也经常为独 居的乐龄人








身体健康。我们还与他们玩 BINGO





这 次活动的负责人胡志祥 老师

说:“这 次的活动特别有意义,能

给那些老人带来 欢乐,为他们平淡

的生活增添色 彩。我们作为活动的


参与活动的王静 敏老师说:“能尽

一份力为这些老人家带来 欢乐,让

我觉得很开心。我也 看到不同种族




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Aljunied School”的开斋节庆祝活



学 校时,对方以慷 慨 激昂的马来鼓

声来迎接我们。外 头虽然下着绵绵


来到礼 堂,登场的表演节目一项比

一项精彩,大家都 看得目不暇 接,




们载歌载舞,还 邀请我们的学生上

台参与。我相信大家都 看得 投入,

也 玩得尽兴!

我们还品尝了独 具风味的马来糕 点



他们合影,留下了美 好的邂 逅,也


其实种族和谐既是 必然的,也可以

是 很自然的。


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The celebration started with a number of colourful perfor-mances by their staff and children, dancing to their favourite Malay songs

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On 12th of September, Primary 3B joined in the Hari Raya Celebrations of West View Primary School. This is the second year the school had extended their hospitality in inviting a class from Nanyang Primary. The celebration started with a number of colourful performances by their staff and children, dancing to their favourite Malay songs. In addition to the performances, there was also an

Our pupils with the Principal of West View Primary, Mdm Rasidah.

West View Visit

informative segment that explained the significance and reason for the celebration of Hari Raya Puasa.

After the performances, the pupils were treated to various delicacies that were served during the festival. Lastly, a Malay Language teacher showed the pupils the different types of outfits worn by Malay men. It was certainly an enriching experience for our pupils.

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Informative segment on the importance of celebrating Hari Raya Pausa.

The principal received a warm welcome as she walked into the hall to grace the celebration.

A teacher tied the “kain samping” for our


Our boys looking cute in their “kain samping”.

The celebration started with a number of colourful perfor-mances by their staff and children, dancing to their favourite Malay songs.

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In the month of July, our school organised Racial Harmony activities to celebrate Singapore’s success as a racially harmonious nation built on a rich diversity of culture and heritage. There was a week- long

exhibition held in the Interaction Room from the 18th to 25th July by the Singapore Philatelic Museum. The exhibits featured various aspects of cultural traditions among the Chinese, Malays, Indians and

Heritage and Cultural Exhibition @ NYPS

Racial Harmony Day 2011by Manjula Menon

Racial Harmony activities to celebrate Singapore's success as a racially harmonious nation built on a rich diversity of culture and heritage.

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A. Hmm…. What’s inside?

B. The Chinese Wedding Exhibition.

C. Pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, herbs… so these are spices for trading.

D. Hop-scotch! One, two, three… E. We love to play ‘Pick-up sticks’.

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Eurasians. These included traditional garments, music, dance and weddings of the four races.

Every class was scheduled to visit the Interaction Room to view the exhibits. In addition to the colourful exhibits, the parent volunteers organised a mini-carnival of traditional games outside the Interaction Room for pupils to enjoy and at the same time, learn more about the different games that they played.

The school commemorated Racial Harmony Day on 18th July. A speculator line-up of activities awaited the pupils during the 3 assemblies. Firstly, a group of pupils, who had attended a 3-day camp on “Making Friends”, presented their item on friendship. Next, on the assembly programme, was an Indian Dance performed by a renowned dance group in Singapore, The Rameshwara Dancers. They

danced to a popular Bollywood number which the pupils enjoyed tremendously. The last item was a Dikir Barat Performance by boys from Madrasah Aljunied Secondary School and our very own pupils from the enrichment class for Conversational Malay. They livened up the concert with a popular Dikir Barat song, “Wau Bulan”, which is a traditional kite mostly found in the state of Kelantan.

On the whole, the assembly programme was an enriching experience for the pupils and teachers. The Racial Harmony Day celebrations reinforce the continuous effort needed from educators, pupils, parents and other stakeholders to promote social cohesion and racial harmony. We must instil the values of care and harmony in our pupils so that they recognise the significance of this important event.

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A. Dikir Barat performance put up jointly by pupils from Madrasah Aljunied and Nanyang Primary School

B. Collaboration with Madrasah Aljunied.

C. The professional Indian dancers with our little dancers.

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This year, our school celebrated Teachers’ Day on 1st September 2011. It was a spectacular concert as many of our pupils showcased their talents. The highlight of the concert was the violin performance by Kimberly Lo of 4K. She played “

我问天” and everyone in the hall sang the chorus together.

Every year, the prefects put up a special performance during Teachers’ Day. This year, the prefects sang the song “You raise me up”. We spent two days trying to memorise the lyrics and learn to sing the song. At first, we thought the song was really hard to sing but the results were quite good. This song was dedicated to all the teachers who inspired and guided us.

During both concerts, some of the prefects presented roses to the teachers. It was great to see the teachers’ smiling faces. Other prefects were in charge of logistics, photography and AVA. This must be one of the busiest days for all the prefects. I felt happy because I have played a part in making this day special for all the teachers in NYPS. Happy Teachers’ Day!

Teachers’ Day Concert 2011 by Ashley Ng, 5E(2011)

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Primary 2 pupils’ “Di Zi Gui” class presentation.


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I felt happy because I have played a part in making this day special for all the teachers in NYPS.

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NYPS teachers reciting the Teachers’ Pledge.


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NYPS prefects putting up a special performance during the concert.


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Teachers’ Day Dinner at Fullerton Hotel by Cindy Guo and Melzone Chan

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Once a year, staff from all the three schools in the Nanyang Family would congregate to joyously celebrate a year of dedication to education.The Nanyang Family of Schools’ Annual Teachers’ Day Dinner was held at the Fullerton Hotel on the 19th of August this year. We were graced by the presence of our members of Board of Directors and our Guest of Honour was none other than the chairperson of our Board of Directors, Mdm. Wee Bee Hoon. Teaching and non-teaching staff from all three schools, Nanyang Kindergarten, Nanyang Primary School and Nanyang Girls’ High came together for a night of

exciting fun and games. Attractive prizes were given and many staff walked away happy with their lucky draw prizes, which included a 6-night resort stay. We would like to thank our Guest of Honour, Mdm. Wee Bee Hoon, and the members of our Board of Directors for gracing the event. Notably, our thanks go out to Mr. Philip Ng, who graciously and generously sponsored the dinner event.

Here’s wishing all staff a Happy Teachers’ Day and another fruitful year in education ahead!

Here's wishing all staff a Happy Teachers' Day and another fruitful year in education ahead!

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序幕的“书声处处” 导读活动场面

令人 感动,食堂、广场、图书馆到处


一个由高年级同学给 低年级同学导

读的活动。导读员在介 绍故事的同

时,也带领 大家进入精彩的书本世




点扭捏。为了提高效 果,他们学会

利用故事 提 纲,理清故事脉 络,加

强记忆。活动结束后,小听 众方面

的反应也令人 感到鼓舞,众多同学

都 期待下次的故事会。


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PERI Visit by Mdm Jennifer Lew


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Following the success of the COMPASS visit in March, CPDD requested that Nanyang replicate a similar experience but for a different audience. The PERI visit was meant for teachers of schools in Phrase Two who have not embarked on the Holistic Assessment journey and would be doing so in the following year. The different departments in Nanyang Primary School once again rallied together and gave the participants a memorable holistic experience. They were impressed

by the range of extra-curricular programmes and were inspired by the achievements of our teachers and children. We certainly hope that they have gleaned much from our programmes here in Nanyang and are glad to be able to impart our knowledge and assist them in their Holistic Assessment journey.


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Sharing on Holistic Development Of Our Students


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The different departments in Nanyang Primary School once again rallied together and gave the participants a memorable holistic experience.

The different departments in Nanyang Primary School once again rallied together and gave the participants a memorable holistic experience.

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们中秋快乐,希望大家能在这 迷 人

的夜晚 玩得尽兴。



烈。学生和家长 们巧心 构思,以中

秋团圆为题材,制作出一款 款形态

各异的灯笼。最 后,一只造 型独特

的环保灯笼吸引了众 人的目光,它




端、朴”的校训。这 只灯笼不仅美

观 又富有深意,摘取了本次比赛的

桂 冠。




华武 术等节目,精彩之余又紧紧扣

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“暮云收尽溢清寒,银 汉 无声转玉



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Interviews with Prime Minister’s Book Prize Winners


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Xu Xinyue Selina Class 6M 2010

I first heard of the Prime Minister’s Book Prize in Primary Five. Needless to say, at that time, it seemed like a faraway goal that often drifted out of reach, never becoming a reality until this year when the letter came. I was swept up into a whirlwind of events— the interview, the result, the preparation— all building up to the final proud moment of receiving the certificate itself, wearing the smart attire of a Nanyang girl.

To put it simply, I feel a sense of accomplishment for receiving this award. I know that this is an accolade that would make a difference in my life. Yet, more than just recognition, this award gives me the motivation to remain steadfast in my pursuit of the languages.

I would love to thank my teachers, especially Madam Tan Ley Hoon (陈丽芬老师) as well as Mr Tan Ying Kiat, who have both inspired my writing and helped me to improve in my language proficiency. NYPS has been an open sky for every student to soar in, and I would want to genuinely thank my alma mater for giving me numerous opportunities that played a vital role in kindling my passion and enabling me to find my forte!

Quoting Albert Camus, “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” Not only would I want to continue with vigour in finding my own niche in the world, I would also want to encourage all juniors to bravely shape their own future, fuelled by their passion!

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Tan Jia Yi Class 6K 2010

How did you feel when you received this award?

I was elated and honored when I received this award, as the Prime Minister’s Book Prize is a really prestigious award.

How do you think NYPS has helped you in getting this award?

NYPS focuses on bilingual education and the strong Chinese culture in NYPS has really helped me to improve my Chinese. NYPS also provides a conducive environment for bilingual education, for which I am really grateful . Also, my Chinese and English language teachers have really put in much effort in helping me to improve in both languages and correcting my mistakes.

What is your future plan?

I plan to continue my bilingual pursuits by working hard on my English and Chinese, taking them to a higher level, as I have a strong interest and passion for both languages.

This award gives me the motivation to remain stead-fast in my pursuit of the languages.

This award gives me the motivation to remain stead-fast in my pursuit of the languages.

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Once again, through the synergy of the teachers, coaches, instructors, parents and pupils, we have achieved excellence in the various competitions and have demonstrated our expertise in our respective arenas.

Thank you all for the dedication and commitment. Let’s celebrate our achievements and share the joy and glory of our success. However, we will not rest on our laurels but strive for excellence in alignment with the Olympic motto, ‘ Faster, Swifter and Higher’!


CCA ACHIEVEMENT 2011 compiled by Ms Eng Li Li

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Sports / Games

Achievement for National Inter-Primary Schools Competitions

Team Division


Gold Silver Bronze

Artistic Gymnastics

‘C’ Stage 2 Girls – 1st 2 2 1

‘C’ Level 2 Girls – 1st 1 1 3

‘B’ Optional IEF Girls – 1st 1

‘C’ Novice Boys – 2nd 3 2 3

‘B’ Optional Boys – 2nd

Badminton National Junior Division

Girls – 4th

Zonal Junior Division

Girls – 1st

Boys – 2nd

Zonal Senior Division

Girls – 2nd

Boys – 1st

Swimming ‘B’ Division Girls – 1st 5 2

‘C’ Division Girls – 2nd 1 5 2

‘D’ Division Girls – 2nd 5 2 1

Table Tennis

National Junior Division

Girls – 1st 1 1 1

Boys – Top 8 1 1

National Senior Division

Girls – 4th 1 1

Boys – Top 8 2

Zonal Junior Division

Girls – 1st

Boys – 2nd

Zonal Senior Division

Girls – 1st

Boys – 2nd

Track & Field

‘B’ Division Girls – 1st 6 1 1

‘C’ Division Girls – 1st 2 1 1

Boys – 5th 1 1

‘D’ Division Girls – 1st 1 1 2

Boys – 5th 295

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Sports / Games

Achievement for National Inter-Primary Schools Competitions

Team Division


Gold Silver Bronze

Tennis Senior Division Girls – 3rd

Boys – 4th

Wushu Junior Division Boys 2 1

Senior Division Girls 1 2 1

Boys Brigade

The Boys' Brigade J M Fraser Award For Excellence 2011

Gold Honours Roll

BB Week 2011 Gold Honours Roll

Brownies 2011 Chief Commissioner Award

Chief Com-missioner's Badge Award (CCBA)

Girls Brigade

Company Awards Achieve GOLD for Company Awards for year 2010

National Drill Competition 2011 (Grils' Brigade)

Gold Award

Scouts Frank Cooper Sands Award 2011


Chess Club 12th ASEAN Age-Group Chess Championships 2011(Tarakan, Indonesia)


ACSI Mind Games 2011

2 1


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Sports / Games

Achievement for National Inter-Primary Schools Competitions

Team Division


Gold Sil-ver


Chess Club 63nd National Schools Individual Chess C'ships 2010

Girls Under 7 1 1

Girls Under 8 1 1

Girls Under 9 1

Girls Under 12 1

Open Under 10 1

Open Under 12 1

Chinese Cal-ligraphy

2011 Ulu Pandan National Calligra-phy Competition

1 1

2011 Yew Tee National Calligra-phy Competition

1 1

28th National Huichun Competition

1 1 1

The 15th World Calligraphy Cultural Art Grand Tour Exhibition

5 12 13

Green Club Project H2O Competition 2011 – "Value" Category


Robotics RoboCup Singa-pore Open 2011

P5 Team 1

P6 Team 1

RoboCup 2011 World Championship (Turkey)

Super Team 1

Weiqi Club National Youth Weiqi Competition 2011

Team – 2nd


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Three cheers for the badminton team.

Champion paddlers from NYPS98

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Well done, gymnasts!

Wow! How smart they look in their pugilistic suits.99

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Well done, gymnasts!

Way to go, girls in the Swimming CCA!

Look at that cute teacher from the Track and Field Team!100

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The pupils in the Tennis CCA have made the school proud. 101

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Ms Loo Zue Li Shirley

Mdm Xu Guangnan

Mdm Ng Chay Hwang

Mr Steven Wong Vice-Principal

Mdm Xu Hai

Ms Chai Wan Nin

Mr Lim Kuan Chin

Ms Bai Qiong

Ms Candy Lim Yun Yun

Mr Saravanan s/o Sadanandom HOD Special Project


New Staff

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Ms Eunice Lim Hwee Hong

Ms Chen Lai Lin

Ms Lisbeth AgustinMdm Poh Guat Ler Faith

Mdm Ng Lei Hoon Alice

Mdm Chua Deak Her

Mr Toh Jiun Wey Wayne

Mdm Tay Mei Yan

Ms Tan Yee Ling

Ms Chiang Lih Pyng


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Mdm Soh Sheau MaiMdm Lai Ling Lee Jean Mrs Lynn Lee


Welcome Back Staff

Mdm Soh Sheau Mai

Mdm Lai Ling Lee Jean

Mrs Lynn Lee

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Staff Baby Photos

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Cut Outs Cut and fold along the dotted lines to create your very own little

paper figurines!