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Page 1: NW-Press Kit from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California, to raise awareness for homelessness. ... Nekisha


Page 2: NW-Press Kit from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California, to raise awareness for homelessness. ... Nekisha


“Walking is such a fundamental part of being Human that I believe, like manybefore me, it is the perfect tool for expressing and appealing to our Humanity.”

— Noah Rattler

Community Advocate Noah Rattler, Author Nekisha Pickney and Illustrator �addeus Lavalais have teamed up to create Noah’s Walk, an inspiring children’s book that tells the story of Rattler’s journey while walking 1,800 miles from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California, to raise awareness for homelessness.

Noah’s Walk tells the story of real life heroism and of a young man who makes a decision to impact the life of others. Pickney is able to capture Noah’s odyssey as he encounters the elements, animals and friends who supported him along the way. �e book also serves as a fun learning tool that highlights vocabulary, geography, and cultural cognizance.

Noah’s Walk was released on February 8th, at the Project Row House Store Project, 2501 Holman @ 3pm, in an e�ort to continue to raise awareness of homelessness in America and to encourage youth to become civically responsible. Noah explains, “I, like many before me, am doing what I can to make the world a better place. Noah’s Walk is an attempt to ignite and nurture the same �re in the hearts of future generations.”

“Noah’s story is one of self-sacri�ce. He was not homeless, yet he identi�ed a major problem in today’s society and did something to help. I’ve witnessed the fruit of the many seeds that Noah planted because of his journey. I’m sure that the Noah’s Walk children’s book will also touch the hearts of many,” says Pickney.


Noah Rattler hails from Houston, Texas, where he graduated from John E. Codwell Elementary. When he isn’t raising awareness for homelessness, Noah spends his time coming up with plans to save the world! “Or,” Noah explains, “at least make it a better place.” Noah enjoys long walks through the desert, riding his bike in freezing rain, hashtags and other mysteries of the universe. For those so inclined, contact him at

Nekisha Pickney is from Houston, Texas, and is a published author, freelance writer, poet and best of all she is the mother of three wonderful children! When she is not solving the mysteries of motherhood, Nekisha writes. Nekisha’s mission is to shine light and spread life all over creation by using words. More of Nekisha Pickney’s work can be found on her website where she can also be contacted at


�addeus Lavalais is from Beaumont, Texas and currently lives in Houston, Texas. Lavalais is a professional graphic designer with over 20 years experience in design and illustration. His designs have been seen in various publications as well as small business and corporate marketing pieces. He loves illustration, however, and Noah’s Walk is his �fth publication. He can be found at

Page 3: NW-Press Kit from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California, to raise awareness for homelessness. ... Nekisha

HOMELESS STATISTICSAccording to the State of Homelessness Report, there are over 633,782 homeless men, women and children in America and as many as 3.5 million people experience homelessness in a given year. Noah believes his walk has had a positive impact in favor of the homeless population and by writing Noah’s Walk, he and Nekisha are encouraging others to make a di�erence, too.

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT NOAH’S WALKNOAH’S COMPASSION AND COMMITMENTNoah's Walk demonstrates what true passion and commitment for civic engagement and being a true servant leader can accomplish. �e book tells a story in a concise manner with the appropriate words and pictures to give you a true sense of his journey. On behalf of all Houstonians, he sojourned from Houston to Los Angeles to raise awareness of the plight of our homeless. It demonstrates that one person can make a di�erence.

— Laurence Payne, �e Heart of Houston

NOAH’S WALK COMES TO OUR HOUSE�ere's a saying that people should "walk their talk." For years, Noah Rattler worked to bring attention to the plight of the homeless. Noah's commitment to eradicating homelessness didn't just start with the sleep outs he participated in and later facilitated. His drive to secure a place for those who are homeless is a driving mission that enabled him to walk more than 1,800 miles from Houston to Los Angeles in four and a half months. �is is what children read about in "Noah's Walk" and why we insisted that his �rst o�cial book signing happen at Our House, the store that artists built. As artists, educators, and social activists, we know Noah "walked the talk" with measured steps that will resonate with children each and every day. One person CAN make a di�erence.

— P. K. McCary, Black Bible Chronicles

GREAT EDUCATIONAL PIECE�is book was perfect for my son's second grade reading assignment. �e class had to �nd books that related to community awareness. It helped to open up conversations about homelessness in America and how they could help.

— Darrell Johnson

MEANINGFUL, INSPIRING AND EDUCATIONALVery well put together book! It reads like someone telling a story, perfect for youngsters. �ey introduce a real world, and real pressing issue in a way that's not too heavy and easy for children to comprehend. Many things can be learned from this book, and it being a true story, and the book showing real pictures of Noah on his walk nurtures the idea that we all can make a positive di�erence in the world. Also, this book can show kids that if you stand up for what you believe in, there will always be a community to support you. I really recommend this book for parents who wish for their kids to learn useful life lessons in the books they read!

— Brian Mejia

GREAT FOR ALL AGES!I absolutely adore this book! �e way it's written is very refreshing and younger audiences are guaranteed to learn something without realizing they've learned it. No matter the age group, there's something you can appreciate.

— Kimika G. Lowe

Page 4: NW-Press Kit from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California, to raise awareness for homelessness. ... Nekisha