Download - Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Page 1: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in Cambodia

Note: Recent research in Cambodia and other developing countries shows that the most common micro-nutrient deficiencies (especially among women and children) are: anemia (lack of iron), night blindness (lack of enough Vitamin A), and goiter/iodine deficiency (although in Cambodia they are promoting iodized salt, and a lot of people now use it). Additionally, protein deficiency is always a leading factor in severe malnutrition. See page 8 for recommended daily intakes.

Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked foods (unless otherwise noted); keep in mind that most vegetables lose nutrients the longer you cook them.

Scientific NameEnglish Common Name

Khmer Common Name

Nutritional value per 100 grams (raw/uncooked) Image

Energy (kcal)

Protein (g)

Vit. A (IU)

Vit. C (mg)

Iron (mg)

Other significant nutrients

Allium cepa bulb onionខមបរងk'teum barang

38 1.2 0 11 .8

Amaranthus tricolor leafy amaranthផp'tee

23 46 2,917 43.3 2.32215mg Calcium611 mg Potassium



សែណកដson-dyk die

570 25 3 1 3.8

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Page 2: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Artocarpus heterophyllus


95 1.72 110 13.7 .23

Benincasa hispida

wax gourd


fuzzy bourd


13 .4 10 13 .4

Brassica juncea mustard greensៃសៅខspy k'mao

22 2.2 9,900 130

Brassica oleracea, var. alboglabra

chinese kale

chinese broccoli


22 2.3 10,000 140 1.4135 mg Calcium447 mg Potassium99 mcg Folate

Brassica rapa, var. chinensis

bok choy

chinese cabbage

ៃសៅតឿរspy dtoo-uh

13 1.5 4,468 45 .8

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Page 3: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Carica papaya papayaលងle-hawng

30 .4 950 60 .6

Citrullus lanatus watermelonឳឡកow-leuk

22 .5 569 8.1 .3

Cucumis sativus cucumberតសកtra-sak

15 .65 105 2.8 .28

Cucurbita moschata tropical pumpkinៅលle-pou

25 4 7,384 9 .8

pumpkin shootsតយៅលtroo-ee le-pou

19 3.15 1,942 11 2.22

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Page 4: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Daucus carota carrotករតka-rot

41 .93 16,706 5.9 .3

Glycine maxsoybean

(cooked beans)

សែណកៅសៀងson-dyk see-ung

173 16.6 9 1.7 5.14 54 mcg Folate

Ipomoea aquaticamorning glory

water spinach


30 2.7 45 2.5

Ipomoea batatas sweet potatoដឡងជdom-lom chvee-uh

86 1.57 14,187 2.4 .61

Lagenaria siceraria bottle gourdៅឃកk'lok

14 .62 16 10 .2

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Page 5: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Luffa acutangulaluffa gourd


នៅនងជងna-nong j'rong

30 .8 5.6 7 1.6

Luffa cylindrica

luffa gourd

sponge gourd


នៅនងមលna-nong mool

Same as angled luffa?

Lycopersicon esculentum


18 .88 833 13.7 .6 2,573 Lycopene

Mangifera indica mangoសយsvai

60 .82 1,082 36.4 .16

Manihot esculenta




ដឡងៅឈើdom-lom cheu

160 1.36 13 20.6 .27

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Page 6: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Momordica charantiabitter gourd

bitter melon


17 1 471 84 .43

Moringa oleifera moringa leavesមmo-rom

92 6.7 13,000 220 7440 Calcium259 Potassium

Nasturtium officinale watercressកសងទបtra-song tee-ip

11 2.3 3191 43 .2

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

winged bean



49 6.95 128 18.3 1.5

Solanum melongena eggplantតបt'rawp

24 1 27 2.2 .24

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Page 7: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Scientific Name English Khmer Energy Protein Vit. A Vit. C Iron Other nutrients

Solanum tuberosum potatoដឡងបរងdom-lom barang

58 2.57 2 19.7 .78

Vigna radiatamung bean

(cooked beans)

សែណកបយson-dyk byee

105 7.02 24 1 1.4

bean sproutsសែណកបណះson-dyk baan-doh

30 3.04 21 13 .91210mg Calcium159mcg Folate

Vigna unguiculata, sp. Sesquipedalis

long beanសែណកគរson-dyk koo-uh

47 2.8 865 18.8 .47

Zea mays cornៅពតbpoat

86 3.27 187 6.8 .52

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Page 8: Nutritional Value of Common Fruits & Vegetables Grown in ... · Nutritional value of foods is based on the USDA database. Note that this is the value per 100 grams of raw, uncooked

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)

The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is the estimated average requirement for healthy people. People who are sick or do not have a health immune system (for example, people with HIV/AIDS) may need more than the recommended amount. These recommendations are from the Institute of Medicine's Food & Nutrition Board.

Protein (grams) Vitamin A (IU) Vitamin C (mg) Iron (mg)

Children 0-6 months Everything babies ages 0 to 6 months need is in the mother's breast milk!

Children ages 1-3 13 700 13 3

Children ages 3-8 19 917 22 4.1

Men 56 2083 75 6

Women 46 1667 60 8

Women who are pregnant 71 1833 70 22

Women who are breast-feeding 71 3000 100 6.5

What it's good for...Used to make cells

Build new tissues & fluids

Chemical processes

Protect against infection


Good growth

Prevent infections

Healthy eyes

Prevent blindness

Helps children grow

Helps the body absorb Calcium and Iron

Give oxygen to body

Build new tissues

Compiled by Daphne Fowler | MCC Prey Veng, Cambodia | 2011

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