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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

English Professor David Barkers epidemological research studies show that

the nutri&onal status of the mother, mainly as hemoglobin count has an effect on fetal


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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

This has also been &ed to the health of the infant throughout life.

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

From the beginning of the century new-born babies weight as well as the placenta has

been recorded.

We know today that a low nutri&onal status, above all low hemoglobin values in the mother, is reflected in placental weight

versus baby weight.

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

By combining these data for more than 5 000 persons and comparing them with health

development throughout life certain conclusions could be drawn.

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

It turns out that those born by mothers with low nutri&onal status suffered from various internal diseases such as low blood pressure

and diabetes to a higher degree, an increased risk of coronary heart disease and the

disorders related to it: stroke, non-insulin dependent diabetes, raised blood pressure,

and the metabolic syndrome

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

A substan&al number of studies show that mineral and vitamin supplements especially during the vital first trimester has a decisive influence on maternal nutri&onal status and

birth weight of the baby.

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

The "fetal origins hypothesis", states that cardiovascular disease and non-insulin dependent diabetes originate through

adapta&ons that the fetus makes when it is undernourished.

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Nutri&onal status and birth weight

These adapta&ons may be cardiovascular, metabolic or endocrine and include slowing

of growth, they permanently change the structure and func&on of the body.

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The Op&Fer® series of heme iron food supplements are safe, efficient and very well

tolerated, which is crucial for therapy success.

They can be used over longer periods with no change in efficacy or tolerance.