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Nutrition SeminarWhy cleansing is important?

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Drowning in nutritional information…

but thirsting for the real knowledge

Why Are We Here?!

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Our clients have used our Total System Cleanse with great results reported practically across the board, from health to weight loss.

We evaluate approx. 10, 000 programs per year,  100,000 over 10 years, Host 648 workouts each week

Providing feedback on 33,696 sessions a year

A regular guy would need to work out, every day for 95 years to equal these numbers

That why Unlike practically ANY other dietary system you come across, this program is based upon timeless principles that you will probably NEVER have to alter or amend.

Before You Panic!!

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After years of study into diet and nutrition that led to the reading and researching of HUNDREDS of books and papers about creating and maintaining

optimal human health and performance1. Vitamin D

2. Magnesium Miracle

3. Detoxify or die

4. Water

5. China Study

6. The Anti-Estrogenic Diet

Methods And Principles

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No approach was ignored yet none give higher status than another until it was proven to work on a

predictably reproducible basis to bring about improvements in human health and performance.

Losing weight was not enough.

Methods And Principles

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So the Total System Cleanse was born of the question:

“If you human body thrives best on natural food, what ‘unnatural’ or de-natured foods are we currently eating that may be contributing to making us sick or at least, less vital than we

should be?”

Methods And Principles

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What happens when the body doesn’t get the right raw materials (Nutrients)?

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We Become Sick!

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How To Get Sick


Pathophysiology Change

Path morphological Change




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There are 6 stages that you must pass through in order to transform from completely healthy to very sick/dead:

1. Homeostasis: Under direct hypothalamic control. Internal mileu/ environment monitored and ‘corrected’

2. Pathophysiological Change: Changes in internal environment caused by lack of endocrine control leading to blood sugar, adrenocortical, thyroid imbalances, ischemia etc.

3. Pathomorphological Change: Physical adaptations in response to physiological change. Heel spurs, postural changes, growth, cysts

4. Symptoms: Pain, bleeding, change in sleep.5. Disease (chronic): Hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, increased

toxicity, too many to mention..6. Death! (DO I need to explain?)

How To Get Sick

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Your overall health is direct reflection of the health of your cells

Healthy Cells = Healthy BodyUnhealthy Cells= Unhealthy body

Methods And Principles

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Healthy cells are dependent upon getting the correct quality and quantity of nutrients that serve to

maintain both their structure and function.

Structure and function are interlinked, change one and you change another…


How To Get Sick

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Much of what going into the human diet is doing

nothing to maintain optimal celleur structure so we are depriving the cells of the fundamental building

blocks of health, but we’re actually contributing to the rapid depletion of the limited supply that they

already have, meaning that breakdown is unavoidable

….. Plus your selection of FOOD actually HARMS it!

How To Get Sick

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But its not limited to individual cells

Cell = Organs = Systems = Body

How To Get Sick

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If you have a disease or dysfunction then you MUST have put negative causes in place

somewhere along the line. Negative health causes were allowed to take root. Nothing more, nothing

less, or there would be no negative effects

(Most people try to change health at the effect end of the problem rather than the cause)

How To Get Sick

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“When the diets is wrong, medicine is of no use. When the diet is right medicine is of no need”

- Ayurvedic Proverb

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The human body SHOULD be able to cope with most physiological ‘insults’ through the various

detoxification pathways

Often they’re too fatigued to cope with the stress they are put under, so the cycle continues.

Our primary detoxification organs are:

How To Get Sick

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The Liver (Just under your right rib)

Is considered by many to play the most important role in detoxification of the body as a whole and for this reason is usually the primary ‘target’ for detoxification programs.

Through various pathways the liver cleans the blood.

Problem here can affect detoxification, digestion, hormone output and sensitivity, excretion and reproduction.

Also burdens here can causes aknock-on effects to each of the other detoxification pathways and can be pretty powerful too.

The Detoxification Pathways

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Intestines/Digestive Tract

From mouth to anus, each part of the digestive tract has a vital role to play in extracting the vital nutrients we need in order to maintain optimal health and disposing of the fecal matter efficiently without compromising the body or making it prone to illness or infection.

Detoxification problems here can lead to indigestion, diarrahea, constipation, flatulence, gas, bloating, IBS, crohn’s fat retention, obesity, diverticulitis.

The Detoxification Pathways

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The Lymphatic System

Is a vital contributor to overall immune system function as well as acting as a transport pathway for nutrients and waste matter to and from the cells. A kind of ‘second highway’ after the bloodstream, if you will.

Detoxification problems here can lead to frequent infection, illness, allergies, sinusitis, Swollen lymph nodes (oval shaped organ of the immune system)

The Detoxification Pathways

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The Dermal System (Skin)

The dermal system refers to the skin which, as well as providing a barrier to prevent unwanted bacterial and chemical entry to the body also acts as an exit route for toxic compounds through the process of sweating.

Detoxification problem here include acne, eczema, rashes, blotches, skin allergies, skin sensitivities, overheating.

The Detoxification Pathways

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Urinary System

The kidneys, bladder and urethra make up the primary processing station of liquid ‘waste’ within the human body and, as such, come under a lot of pressure as a detoxification pathway.

Working in conjunction with the liver (which turns many toxins into water soluble compounds), the urinary system can be compromised in many different ways. Weather it is, kidney stones, bladder infections, cystitis, low back pain and water retention often follow.

The Detoxification Pathways

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Sure, the detoxification pathways are often the first to suffer from being over-burdened but their inability to cope has knock-on effects on other areas of the

body too.

“But problems aren’t just limited to the detoxification organs and systems


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The Nervous System (Electrochemical message system)

The neurological pathways that control cognitive, behavioural and motor-control aspects can be directly affected by negative changes in the body’s internal environment and has been linked to movement impairment, tremors, moodiness and depression, anxiety and inability to cope with stress, ADD, ADHD and cognitive problems including memory retention

Other System Affected

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Endocrine System

The endocrine (hormonal) system is primarily a chemical messenger system that tells various hormone producing glands to switch on, secrete a certain amount of hormone and then switch off as dictated by the hypothalamus which is constantly monitoring every function in the body.

When the internal environment is changed through being either overburdened by toxins or under-nourished with minerals, the endocrine system no longer operates as it should and can create lead to problems such as thyroid disorders, diabetes, adrenal fatigue, endometriosis, PMS, polycystic ovaries, infertility and metabolic syndrome leading to weight gain and obesity.

Other System Affected

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Muscular Skeletal

The joints of the body and the muscles that cross them are designed for a lifetime of pain-free movement in a wide variety of directions. As human beings we are extremely versatile in our ability to move, to produce force and to reduce the forces acting upon us from our environment. Or should be!

An over-burdened detoxification system or lack of correct nutrition can lead to muscle and/or joint pain, movement restrictions, fibromyalgia, arthritis and general weakness.

Other System Affected

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The Cardiovascular System

Along with the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood and nutrients from the heart and into the tissues that require them.

When the arteries, veins and capillaries responsible for carrying out these vital roles are over-burdened there is often an increase in the incidence of heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Other System Affected

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Because the human body is cybernetic, if you break one part, you break the whole thing!

That’s why it about addressing the WHOLE SYSTEM to produce health and outstanding results!

The integrated approach should take into consideration;

Cybernetics Are Us

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NOTE: These aren't separate systems, they're all interrelated!

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Wheat, Diary, Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar, Denatured, Chemically altered, Pesticide covered, Grains (Rice, wheat,

barley, oats, millet,

rye Starches (rice potato),

sweet potato) Legumes (Beans, pea,

peanuts) Nightshades

(tomatoes, pepper, potatoes, aubergines

Phytates, gluten, lectins

Nutrition and NutrientsRemove

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Clean, natural, unadulterated foods Food rotated to avoid sensitisation meat, poultry,

vegetables and fruit Plenty of sulphur contain foods Plenty of water Plenty of sleep 8-10 hours. (Bed before 10:30



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“We have used our scientific knowledge largely to change natures food and thereby have defeated natures law of


Nature has put foods up in packages containing the combitions of mineral and other factors that are essential

for nourishing the various organs

Our modern process of robbing the natural foods for convenience or gain completely thwarts natures inviolable


You may ask why is this important?

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We require 91 nutrients to maintain health:

60 mineral16 vitamins12 Amino Acids3 Essential Fatty Acids

You may ask why is this important?

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Any Questions

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