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2. We are going to learn... The food groups and nutrients The digestive system and its organs How to have a healthy diet The stages of digestion. 3. WHAT IS A HEALTHY DIET? Have a healthy diet is very important for your body. If you dont have a healty diet your body has bad health .You should eat all types of food. 4. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND ITS ORGANS 5. THE DIGESTIVE PROCESS Digestion begins in the mouth. In the stomach the food is mixed with the gastric juices. In the small intestine the food is divided into subtances which our body needs.Later the food is transformed into faeces.Faeces are expelled through the anus. 6. THE END BY Asier ,Alejandra and Mateo 7. NUTRITION WE ARE GOING TO LEARN. 1.FOOD GROUPS 3.WHAT ARE NUTRIENTS GOOD FOR.. 4.A HEALTHY DIET 5.THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS 6.THE PROCESS 8. FOOD GROUPS There are five food groups: 1.Grains group.2.Vegetables groups.3.Fruit group.4.Milk group.5.Meat and fish group. 9. NUTRIENSGRAINS GIVE YOU ENERGY VEGETABLES HELP KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND FEELING GOOD FRUIT FIGHT OFF INFECTIONS. MILK GROUP HAS CALCIUM BEANS GROUP ARE FULL OF PROTEIN TO HELP YOU BUILD STRONG MUSCLES l 10. OUR BODY Our stomach is like a bag. Our oesophagus is between our mouth and the stomach. Our intestines are long tubes. It is made up of two par ts: the small intestine,which is about seven metres long,and the lar ge intestine,which is about a metre and half long. At the end of the lar ge intestine is the anus. 11. PROCESS 1.Digestion begins in the mounth, then the food goes down the OESOPHAGUS 2. In the STOMACH the food is mixed with a liquid (Grastric juice). This breack donw the food into simpler sudstances. 3 In the SMALL INTESTINE The food is divided into the substances which our body needs. 12. THE ENDBY:Jon and Carlos 13. NUTRITION 14. WE ARE GOING TO LEARN: . 1:FOOD GROUPS 2:NUTRIENTS THAT ARE GOOD FOR YOU 3:A HEALTHY DIET 4:DIGESTIVE ORGANS 5:STAGES OF DIGESTION 15. FOOD GROUPS FRUIT AND VEGETABLES: tomatoes,carrots,apples letucce... MEAT AND FISH:chese, salmon... GREINS:potato,bread... MILK:yogurt,chese... SUGAR:sweets,cakes 16. NUTRIENTS Foods for energy: carbohydrates like bread, rice,and pasta give us energy to run, to play. Foods for growth: proteins like meat, fish, HELP grow cells to repair the body.Food for health vitamins like fruits and vegetables oranges,apples... Carbohydrates become fat is not good.Food for bones: calcium 17. HEALTHY LIFE WE SHOULD EAT A VARIETY OF FOOD WE SHOULD DO REGULAR EXERCISE WE SHOULD NOT EAT SUGAR OR FAT WE SHOULD DO LOTS OF EXERCISE WE SHOULD KEEP CLEANWE 18. THE ENDBata and Oscar 20136th year 19. ORGANS 20. NUTRITIONBY ANDREA AND ANGHY 21. WE ARE GOING TO LEARN: 1 FOOD GROUPS AND NUTRIENTS2 A HEALTHY DIET 3 DIGESTIVE ORGANS4 PROCESS5 THE END 22. FOOD GROUPS GRAINS GROUP VEGETABLES GOUPFRUIT GROUPMILK GROUPMEAT AND BEANS GROUP 23. NUTRIENTS Carbohidrates CARBOHIDRATES : PASTA, RICE AND CEREALS GIVE US ENERGY AND ARE GOOD FOR RUNNING... Proteins:MEAT, EGGS ...ARE NEEDED TO MAKE NEWCELLS TO HELPS US GROW AND TO REPAIR OUR BODIES . Vitamins:VITAMINS AND MINERAL LIKE SALT ARE IMPORTANT TO KEEP INFECTIONS AWAY.Fibre:FIBRE AND WATER IN OUR DIET IS NEEDED TODIGEST WELL. 24. A HEALTHY LIFE EAT A HEALTHY,BALANCED DIET: Its important to eat a variety of food every day. DO EXERCISE: When we exercise ,our muscles need ore oxigen , so we breathe faster and our heart works harder to pump more blood around our body. KEEP CLEAN: We wash our body to remove dirt, bacteria. SLEEP: Its very important to have enough sleep because its when we sleep that our body repairs itself and grows. 25. The digestive system and organs The digestive system is made up of the following organs: the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, intestines and anus.Food enters our body through our mouth.Our oesophagus is a tube between our mouth and stomach.Our stomach is like a bag.Our intestine is a long tube.It is made up of two parts:the small intestine , which is about seven metres long,and the lange intestine ,which is about a metre and a half. At the end of the lange intestine is the anus 26. PROCESS I CHEW THE APPLE IN MY MOUTH. THE APPLE,MIXED WITH SALIVA,GOES DOWN THE OESOPHAGUS IN MY STOMACH,THE APPLE IS MIXED WITH GASTRIC JUICE THEN THE FOOD GOES INTO THE SMALL INTESTINE. THE PARTS OF THE APPLE THAT MY BODY CANNOT US GO TO LARGE INTESTINE. FINALLY, THE FACES ARE EXPELLED THROUGH THE ANUS. 27. THE END BY ANGHY AND ANDREA 28. WE ARE GOING TO LEARN 1.FOOD GROUPS2.NUTRIENTS3.HEALTHY DIET4. DIGESTIVE ORGANS5.STAGES OF DIGESTION6.PROCESS 29. FOOD GROUPS There are four groups: -Grains groups -Vegetables groups -Fruit groups -Milk groups -Meat and bean groups 30. NUTRIENTS -Cereals,bread,spaghetti,rice,crackers are Carbohydrates which give you energy. -Broccoli,carrots,beans,potatoes,espinach,and corn are vegetables which help keep you healthy.and have vitamins. -Apples ,pears ,melon,watermelon,grapes,blueberries. Fruit fight off infection. -Milk,yogurt,cheese,ice cream and puding group has calcium. -Hamburgers, chicken,fish, eggs, beans and nuts are full of proteins. 31. Healthy diet Every day we need to eat all tipes: proteins,vitamins,minerals,carbohydrates and calcium. 32. Digestive organs The digestive system is made a of up the following organs: The mouth,oesophagus,stomach,intestins and anus. 33. The endBy:Alicia and Iraitz 34. NUTRITION 35. We are going to learn... The food groups and nutrients. The digestive system and its organs. How to have a healthy diet. The stages of digestion. 36. FOOD GROUPS AND NUTRIENTS Milk food group contains yogur, butter... Fruit food group contains oranges... Vegetables food groupcontains peppers... Grains food group contains bread... Meat and beans food group contains chicken, beans... 37. WHAT IS A HEALTHY DIET? Have a healthy diet is very important for ytour body. If you dont havea good diet your body has bad health .You should eat all types of food. 38. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND ITS ORGANS 39. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM AND HIS ORGANS Digestion begins in the mouth. In the stomach the food is mixed with the gastric juice. In the small intestine the food is divided into a subtances our body needs. Later the food transformate into a faeces 40. How do we process our food? 1st 2nd Chewing in the Digestion in the stomach mouth. 5th Forming and expelling faeces3rd. Digestion in the small intestine4th The nutritious subtances enter our blood