Download - NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

Page 1: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc.

Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together

Lawrence “David” DavisVP of Product Research

Page 2: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Topics

Terminology What is simulation? What are evolutionary algorithms? Some Case studies:

Investigating contacts Target allocation Army/NASA cockpit procedures Interpreting data


Page 3: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Terminology

Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Evolutionary Algorithm Genetic Algorithm Heuristic Evaluation Procedure

Page 4: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. About Simulation

Simulation involves reproducing events at the level of detail we care about

Can be done at a fine level of detail (agent-based modeling)

Can be done at a higher level Often has unexpected outcomes Should include what we care

about and finesse the rest

Page 5: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc.

Simulation: doesn’t change

Our strategy: Adapts

Page 6: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Why Evaluate with Simulations?

Simulations represent interactions that we can’t capture in other ways

Highly detailed effects “Cascading” effects Probabilistic effects Statistical reports are possible

Page 7: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. What are Evolutionary Algorithms?

Genetic algorithms—evolution simulated on a computer

We “evolve” the solutions to hard problems instead of figuring them out

Good for problems where mathematical techniques can’t be applied

Good when we need a reasonable answer fairly quickly

Really good when used to find rule sets or strategies that do well under simulation

Page 8: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Case Study:

Investigating Contacts

We have unidentified contacts in the ocean

We have different types of assets available (towed sensor arrays, underwater vehicles, rulees, etc)

When we have a contact, we want to allocate assets to investigate it

Success means determining what the source of the contact was, and continuing to monitor it if it interests us

Page 9: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Investigating Contacts:

Features of the Problem

The area the contact could be in increases in size with time

Different assets may work well together or may hamper each other (underwater vehicles can hinder surface listening devices)

We need to be able to investigate other contacts if they occur, so we might not want to allocate all our assets to any one contact

Page 10: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Features of the Simulation

We can model the arrival of contacts probabilistically

When contacts occur, they modify the probabilities of other contacts

When we learn about the contacts, this modifies our view of the probabilities

Some contacts don’t represent interesting things

Some contacts are extremely interesting

Page 11: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. We want to…

Find real contact sources at a high rate of success

Investigate multiple contacts with a high rate of success

Minimize cost of operations, and/or number of assets used

Page 12: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. What the Simulator is Like

The simulator generates events with probabilities based on our experience

It includes algorithms for computing success rates at finding event sources

It includes algorithms for changing the size of the search area with time

The simulator measurements of success are sensitive to weather, day/night, season, asset combinations, type of source, etc.

Page 13: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. What’s in the Simulator

A driver that steps us forward in time An event interpreter that creates events

based on the input probabilities Objects of various types that can

interact: assets, sources, weather events, and equipment

A statistics gatherer that tracks success rates and other data that interests us

Page 14: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Example of a Simulator Event

There is currently an unidentified contact (a submarine) at location 1

Assets are allocated to investigate the contact, using the current allocation and search rules

The simulator knows the course of the submarine

The simulator increases the probability of other contacts related to this source along its course

If a source of this type generally travels alone, the probability of other contacts of its type is reduced for some time

Page 15: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Another Example of

a Simulator Event There is currently an unidentified contact (a

fishing boat) at location 2 Assets are allocated to investigate the

contact, using the current allocation and search rules

The simulator knows the course of the fishing boat

The probability of other contacts related to the boat along its course is increased

The probability of identifying the type of source through radio and more detailed monitoring is computed

Page 16: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Example Rules for Asset Allocation

“If no other contacts are live and this contact is within 200 miles of base, send the slow but sensitive assets to investigate”

“Don’t send towed arrays and underwater assets to investigate the same contact”

“If there are three contacts in a straight line, concentrate search in the area on the projection of that line”

Page 17: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. How to Get Good Rule Sets

Start with randomly-generated rule sets, or rule sets that represent human heuristics

Evolve better and better rule sets Simulate months or years of activity to

evaluate a rule set Use the desired features of the problem to

decide which are the good rule sets and which are the bad ones

Make more rule sets, but let the good ones proliferate more than the bad ones

Mutate and cross-breed rule sets

Page 18: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. The rule sets Get Better

The system, evolving rule sets that function well in the context of the simulator, produces a rule set that works well for the kinds of contacts we are simulating

Sometimes these rule sets can have unexpected features

Mathematical techniques aren’t well suited to find solutions in the context of simulations

Evolutionary algorithms are very well suited for finding good procedures under evaluation by simulators

Page 19: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Case Study: Target Allocation

Suppose you have a force faced with a group of approaching unfriendly objects

How should you allocate fire in order to achieve your goals?

Early decisions influence later ones Important targets should receive more

attention Some interactions between weapon types

are important: visual interference Distance effects matter, as does target

change time, etc

Page 20: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. How to Evaluate a

Target Allocation Strategy

Important targets have a high probability of being eliminated

Low probability of elimination of our force members

Minimize duration of interaction Minimize expenditure of ammunition Minimize loss of crew

Page 21: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Target Allocation is Similar to

Contact Investigation

This problem can be handled just like investigating contacts, except that the contacts are all considered at the same time

A simulation of the interaction is a good way to evaluate a blend of weaponry and a targeting strategy

An evolutionary algorithm can be used to find good target allocation rule sets

Page 22: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Different Rule Sets for Different

Types of Engagements Targets are aircraft Targets are boats Targets are mixed types Targets are far away and of unknown types We are moving We have time constraints

Page 23: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Example Rules for Target Allocation

(rule for one type of gun) Target the incoming object with the highest combination of importance and residual hit probability

(low visibility) Switch targets when probability of kill of the current target is greater than 96%

Target the guns with the highest probability of kills first

Page 24: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Evolve Good Rule Sets

Evolve a high-performance rule set by putting each candidate through a very large number of simulated engagements of the expected types, weighted by probability

Evolve rule sets for different types of engagements by starting a different evolutionary process for each type, and creating rule sets that function well for that type of engagement

Evolve different rule sets depending on the objectives: high survivability, high kill rate, deterrence, interdiction, etc.

Page 25: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Case Study: NASA in-cockpit

Procedures Studies

A3I project (Army-NASA Aircrew Aircraft Integration)

Also called MIDAS Simulated the effects of required

procedures on cockpit crews (commercial aircraft and Apache helicopter crews)

For commercial crews, simulated cockpit information systems and their effect in normal and emergency situations

For helicopter crews, simulated effectiveness of mission procedures

Page 26: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Example of a Simulator Event

There is a truck convoy ahead Two helicopters are assigned to locate it and

deliver a missile strike Pop-up and jinking procedures are used to

do reconnaissance and evasion of ground-to-air missiles

One pilot locates the target for the other Radio procedures, cognitive procedures, and

situational awareness are modeled Simulation is critical in assessing the impact

of different equipment and mission strategies

Page 27: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Evolution can be Used to Find Good

Strategies and Displays

Measure pilot effectiveness through hundreds of thousands of mission simulations to find the best strategies

Evolve cockpit displays to find those that give the highest levels of performance across hundreds of thousands of mission simulations

System used with minor modifications for police emergency call stations and astronaut repair missions

Page 28: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Case Study:

Interpreting Data

We get LOFARgrams from listening apparatus

Some contacts may be whales or fishing boats

Some may be large metallic fish Human experts can interpret the signals

with high accuracy Humans tend to be best in the region and

conditions where they were trained—Pacific, no storms, no whales in background, etc

Page 29: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. The Task

Produce an expert system that can do what the humans do

Big difficulty: identifying visual patterns that the humans see easily (“lines” in the data)

Expert system techniques didn’t produce good results at line-tracing

Development team used a genetic algorithm

Page 30: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. How the Algorithm Worked

Hundreds of LOFARgrams were marked by humans so that the interesting lines were identified

The genetic algorithm evolved rule sets for interpreting the data

A rule was evaluated based on how well it matched the human analysis

Over time, the system learned to do this as well as humans

By changing the training cases, the system could learn to do this in different locations, conditions, and types of background noise

Page 31: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc. Terminology

Simulation Monte Carlo Simulation Evolutionary Algorithm Genetic Algorithm Heuristic Evaluation Procedure

Page 32: NuTech Solutions, Inc. Simulation and Evolution Work Well Together Lawrence “David” Davis VP of Product Research.

NuTech Solutions, Inc.

Simulation: Strategies adapt

Our strategy: Fixed

A Useful Extension

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NuTech Solutions, Inc. Conclusions

Simulations can be more accurate and informative than high-level or mathematical models of an event

Probabilistic simulations show us what can happen under a wide variety of conditions

Many interesting problems can be solved very well if we simulate, evaluate, and evolve