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Internet of Things �Tiny Components, Big Possibilities

Derek Kiong

15 July 2016

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Singapore. All Rights Reserved

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What is IoT?

� Network of things with network connectivity

� has embedded electronics, software, sensors,


� may collect and/or exchange data

� eg -- lamp, proximity sensor, camera, vehicle,

people etc

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Application of IoT

� By harnessing ICT, networks and data, the Smart Nation vision seeks to support better living, create more opportunities, and support stronger communities.

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Example �ATM

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Example �Hospital Visitation System

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Example �WiFi enabled SD Card

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� WiFi hotspot/client

� Embedded Web server

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Example �Xiaomi action Camera

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� WiFi hotspot/client

� Network API camera remote control

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Raspberry Pi as Sensor Hub

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Raspberry Pi pin layout

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Example actuators �Relays

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GPIO output

class Relay:

def __init__(self):



self.pinList = [22,23,24,25]

def switch(self, switch, state):

pin = self.pinList[switch]

GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)

if state == 0:

GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.HIGH)


GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)

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Example sensor �Motion Sensor

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GPIO input

class Sensor:

def __init__(self, pin): = pin



GPIO.setup(, GPIO.IN)

def getState(self):

return GPIO.input(

def waitFor(self, event):

GPIO.wait_for_edge(, event)

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GPIO input (event-driven)

def onStateChange(self, channel):

print "state change occurred"

def setEvent(self, event):


(, event, callback=self.onStateChange)

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Example �AD/DA converter

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Example �Text display

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