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  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Nurses Writing Task 1

    Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows

    Time allowed: 40 minutes

    Today's Date



    Vamuya Obeki was admitted through the hildren!s "mergency #epartment foracute meningoencephalitis as a result of a complication following mumps$

    Patient History

    %ddress& '2 (e)ton (t* "kibin+hone& ,07- '..5555#ate of irth& 2' ay 200.%dmitted& 15th uly 20123ender& ale

    #ischarged& 25th uly 2012ountry of birth& (udan#iagnosis& acute meningoencephalitis

    Social History

    +arents& iri 4 %bdullah Obeki* refugees* arried in %ustralia in 2011$"mployment& %bdullah& 3olden ircle pineapple factory* shift workeriri& housewife%ccommodation& Recently moed to rental accommodation3+& 6o family doctor(ibling& 2 year old brother* (aeedanguage& #inka* %rabic8nterpreter needs& %bdullah understands spoken "nglish but has limited writtenskills$ iri has limited understanding of "nglish$ %bdullah attends "nglish classes$

    Medical History

    +arents state that both children had some kind of accination at birth but theaccination record has been lost$ +arents unaware of accine for umps$

    Discharge Plan

    %ppears to hae fully recoered from mumps and acute meningoencephalitis$9ill need adice on recommended accines for both children$9ill need neurological check:up$

    Writing Task 

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    ;sing the information in the case notes* write a letter to

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Writing Task 2 Nurses

    Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows$

    Time allowed: 40 minutes

    Today's Date



    s 6icole (mith is an 1. year old woman who has @ust gien birth to her Arstchild at the (pirit othersB =ospital in risbane$ Cou are the nurse looking after


    Patient Details

    %ddress& Dlat * atthews (treet* 9est "nd 101

    +hone& ,07- '1 '257

    #ate of irth& (eptember 1??

    %dmitted& ?th (eptember 2012

    #ischarged& 1'th (eptember 2012

    arital (tatus& (ingle

    ountry of birth& %ustralia

    Social Background

    6icole is single and has had no contact with father of child for si) months$ (hedoes not know his current address$6o family members in risbane$ +arents and sister lie in Rockhampton$ #oes not

    currently hae contact with them$ies in a rental share Eat with one other woman$urrently receies sole parent beneAts$

    Deels ery isolated and insecure$ #oubts her ability to be a good mother and hastalked about oFering the baby for adoption$

    Medical History

    3eneral health good=ad appendicectomy at 15 years


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    6o alcohol or illicit drug use$6o drug or other allergies

    Obstetric History

    Dirst pregnancy%ttended for Arst antenatal isit at 1G weeks gestation$. antenatal isits in total$6o antenatal complications$

    Birth details

    +resented to hospital at 1?00hrs on ?th (eptemberontracting 1&10mins1st stage of labour& 1G hrsode of deliery& "mergency aesarean (ectionReason& Detal distress and failure to progress$

    Baby Details

    #O& 10th (eptember 2012 

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task



  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Prescri!tion Medications

    Harea 150mg 1 dailyOro)ine 0$1mg 1 daily am

     uires continence pad

    $ecent Nursing Notes

    1%"&"12Dlu accination

    2("&%"12omplaining of indigestion following eening meal$ (ettled with ylanta

    &)"&)"12;nable to sleep J aches in shoulder$ (ettled following 2 +anadol and 1 6ormison

    &("&)"12Re>uested ylanta for indigestion*+anadol for shoulder pain J slept poorly

    1&"&)"12 a* 

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    • ")pand the releant case notes into complete sentences

    • #o not use note form


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    o +ulse J .. +

    o + J 115/70 mm=g

    o RR J 1G/min


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


     Cou are ee 9ong a registered nurse in the oronary are ;nit* (t %ndrews=ospital risbane$ ill OBRiley is a patient in your care$

    Patient Details

    6ame& ill OBRiley#O 12 anuary 1?5?%ddress ?7G Old #am Road* 3oondiwindi L# '?06e)t of Hin rother* "rnie OBRiley 72 urke (t* unnamulla L# ?0

    %dmitted 2 (eptember 2012#iagnosis Obstructie coronary artery diseaseOperation oronary artery bipass grafts ,) - on th (eptember 2011

    Social History 6eer married ies alone in own home @ust outside 3oondiwindi

    Dencing contractor

    Medical History (mokes 20 cigarettes/day %lcohol& 2 ) '00ml bottles beer / day =t 170cm 9t ??kg ;sual diet& sausages* deep fried chips* eggs* ac#onalds %llergic reaction to nuts

    Nursing Manage*ent and Progress Routine post operatie recoery

    %dised to cease smoking* reduce alcohol ow fat diet 9alking well 9ounds healing well Routine isit from (ocial 9orker

    Discharge Plan Returning =ome to 3oondiwindi %ppointment made for follow up isit to local 3+ #r$ %ril ensen 2pm 15/?/12 ocal physiotherapist to continue rehabilitation e)ercise program

    Writing Task 

    r$ OBRiley has re>uested adice on low fat dietary guidelines and healthy simplerecipes$ 9rite a letter to the ommunity 8nformation (ection of the =eartDoundation* 3regory

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    +hone& ,07- ''?7 2G?5#ate of irth& Debruary 1?50

    Social Background

    arital status& 9idow$ 6o children$ ies alone6e)t of kin& egan ack ,6iece-6iece lies with husband in (ydney who works as software engineer for 3oogle%ustralia$ (ister died recently$ 6o other relaties$

    Medical History

    #iabetes ellitus

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Task ) /ase Notes& Henry O'.eee

    Time allowed: 40 minutes

    Today's Date19/3/12

    Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows& Cou are a nurse with the lue (kies =ome 6ursing entre$ Cou isited this patientat home today for the Arst time following a referral from the (pirit +ublic=ospital$ =e was discharged from hospital on 17/0'/12$

    6ame& =enry OBHeefe

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    %ddress& 12 #onaldson (treet* 3reenslopes 121+hone& ,07- '?1 22G7#ate of irth& 2 Debruary 1?2?%dmitted& 1/'/12#iagnosis& alignant elanoma eft (houlder

    Medical History

    arge lesion successfully remoed 1/'/12#ischarged 17/'/126eeds assistance with showering and to dress wound prior to remoal of suturesat ater +ublic =ospital on 2/'/12

    3a*ily History

    arried aged pensioner$ ies in housing commission home with wife #orothyalso an aged pensioner$ 6o children

    14""121st Ho*e 5isit

    (howered patient$ 9ound dressed J healing satisfactory no sign of infectionalance a little shaky : complaining of increased arthritic pains in hands and legs$

    urrently taking 3lucosamine 4 hondroitin (upplement recommended by 3+$+ain relieed with 2 +anadol ' times daily$ onfused about why he had operation$#orothy concerned about future$

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    • #o not use note form in the letter

    • ")pand the releant case notes into full sentences

    • 9rite between 1.0:200 words

    Task 4 /ase Notes0 #lison /oo!er

    Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows$

    Time allowed: 40 minutes

     Cou are the school nurse at a

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Today6s Date


    Patient Details

    %lison ooper Cear 5 student#O& 1/G/2002=eight&1'.cm9eight&0 kg Oerweight for her age"cema outbreaks on hands and mild asthma J has entolin inhaler6o other signiAcant illnesses

     Coungest in her class

    Social History

    Dather died in motor accident 1. months ago$ies with mother* a bank manager* working full timeiddle child: brother* (imon* aged 7 and sister* isa* aged 12+aternal grandmother lies near school : proides after school and holiday care :looks after children if unwell

    School Medical $ecord

    Regular absences from school dating back to time of fatherBs death Cear 2& ' days Cear '& days Cear & 10 days

     Cear 5& . days in Arst term

    School Health /entre $ecords2012

    Debruary .& omplained of headache$ 3ae paracetemol* rested and returned toclass$ 6oted ecema on hands red and weepy : has ointment at home$Debruary 1G& omplained of stomach ache$ alled grandmother for pick up$Debruary 22& omplained of aching legs$ alled grandmother for pick up$arch & omplained of headache$ 3ae parcetemol* rested 1 hour* still hadheadache$ alled grandmother for pickup$

    arch G& Deeling nauseous : ecema on hands red and weepy$ alledgrandmother for pick up$


    Debruary 15& omplained of toothache$ alled grandmother for pick up$%pril & omplained of headache$ 3ae paracetemol : rested 1 hour$ay 1& =eadache* ecema on hands red and weepy* rested 1 hour not bettercalledgrandmother for pick up$

     uly 25& Deeling nauseous$ alled grandmother for pick up$%ugust 1G& (light feer$ alled grandmother for pick:up$

    (eptember 22& Deeling unwell$ "cema irritating$ alled grandmother for pick up$October 2'& omplained of stomach ache$ Rested 1 hour* returned to class$

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    6oember 27& omplained of headache$ 3ae paracetemol* rested '0 minutes$

    Social History

    %lison started school well but since 3rade ' has had trouble concentrating :rarely participates in class actiities unless encouraged$ %oids sporting actiitiesJ standard of her school work is declining$ =as few friends and is often teased byher classmates about ecema 4 weight$ "mbarrassed about hands which donBtseem to be responding well to ointment suggested by chemist$

    other was contacted by class teacher regarding these issues$ (ays %lison isalso becoming withdrawn at home$ %lison was ery close to her father J oftentalks to her about him and cries because she misses him$ (eeks comfort in foodlike chips and cakes after school$


    Refer her to the school psychologist to And out whether %lison has underlyinggrief related or other psychological problems$

    W$,T,N- T#S. 

    ;sing the information in the case notes* write a letter to refer this girl to theschool psychologist* arnaby 9ebster* to assess her$ Outline the purpose of thereferral$ +roide details of signiAcant factors which will assist the psychologist tomake this assessment$8n your answer&

    • #o not use note form$

    • ")pand the releant case notes into full sentences$


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


     Cou are 3race ones* a >ualiAed nursing sister working in 9ard 25* +rincess%le)andra =ospital$ ontact +h$ 07 '.?7 7G2$ %nnette ac6amara is a patientin your care$ Read the case notes below and complete the writing task whichfollows$

    6ame& %nnette ac6amara%ddress& ;nit 15* .G (mart (t* 9est "nd+hone& ,07- ''7? 5?2G#ate of irth& 1 une 1?'?

    Social Background

    (ingle %ge +ensioner : Recently moed to a small Eat in new suburb$ =ouse sherented for 10 years was sold$ Deels increasingly lonely and isolated : rarely seesneighbours J transport problems make it impossible to continue to attend bowlsand bridge clubs$ 6e)t to kin* 6iece J (tella %ttois +h 075 5?. 721G lies andworks in (outhport : generally isits once a fortnight$

    Medical History

    #ate of admission& 20:05:2012#ate of #ischarge 22:05:2012 J proided no complications and home assistancearranged$%dmitted to hospital following fall$ (lipped and fell while descending stairs to putout garbage$P:ray reealed fractured right wrist J aceration to left hand caused by brokenglass$ (titches re>uired: (eere bruising of right shoulder and lower back$

    MedicationsHarea 150mg daily am J history of high blood pressure now controlled6ormison 10mg:1 nightly for insomnia when re>uired$+ain relief J 2 +anadol hourly while pain persists$

    Discharge !lan

    Organise daily isits from lue 6ursing (erice to assist with showering and todress hand wound$(ocial 9orker to organise eals on 9heels and physiotherapy$,niece will isit at weekend to help with housework and shopping-(titches to be remoed and situation to be reiewed at Out +atient #epartment

    appointment : 10$'0 am '1:05:12

    W$,T,N- T#S. 

    ;sing the information in the case notes* write a letter to the #irector* lue6ursing (erice* 207 (ydney (treet* 9est "nd$

    • #o not use note form in the letter

    • ")pand on the releant case notes into complete sentences


  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    • ;se correct letter format

    Task 1& /ase Notes& 7i* Middleton

    Time allowed: 40 minutes

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows& uite well on their income from a number of

    inestments$Olga told you she is worried as income from these inestments has recently beensigniAcantly reduced due to seere stock market falls$ (he is concerned im willnot be able to continue to maintain their garden and they will not be able toaFord a gardener or any other help at this time$


    on her behalf$

  • 8/19/2019 Nurses Writing Task


    ;sing the information in the case notes* write a letter to