Download - NUMBER 12 - McPherson College · team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in

Page 1: NUMBER 12 - McPherson College · team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in


P•lrl>~ SpecUtor


Don' t ·MIM



*· Coeds Here

I All-School Party Tuetday. p • Pia An ucellCC:ll p rogrAm or Ull1$1C: 1\0 lh SIUdrnlM anti (~Ult)' UU!lll~ ass1on y

From Seven WI!! pres~nted by th4' Junior t llli!ll and ' will n O<'k lo lhl" 1'11)".!!llftl h':d U('AU(ln H T • h 11.·aa anf1ounted by prexy (km Ne"<A·· n u tldlnjt Ot".11:1 Tu1'Ml111)' nltcbt f()f" t he ere onig t kirk Jul WedneM!ay. A mixed octet bl111t annual <.iu 'bcmas µutJ'• wbk:b

K ColleO'eS '\' Junlbt1, Edith 1".lc.ker. F;vtlyn S.•· "m be hrld rrom 8 :00 to 10:00. In Film Form 30838 ~ thofC. Either Sberff, t;llubeth Moll· Tht> jt)·m "Ill bft df"rof'al4!tl tn l e.-

In. EmHt need. Dean t""ranl&, mCn- 1h·r KJllrb. )!:v1•t)·o1u~ •Uenlll"IC' I" ask.· ford }o' unk, nod All>crt Whltmtmi l I Thirty Teatulj Exp~tecl •~I 10 brl111C n t rn..f'f'nt girt to lttt1~ S. C. M: Sponaon 1umx "Con..e and \\'or1hlp" nnd " T he Herc; Will Com e In ~1;,:11;.;~u:' ~.::~ =~:::· ,

0 &lad· European-Made._Movie;

V olley Bull Sports Duy lo Success ; Sponsored By W. A. A. t"int Noel" In slmple 1rnd rdresh· From se,·eral SUllte!li Sh A A di .

ing humour. Rollin \\'•namaker drn 1hr ,~,.., o r all. own t U tonuei Seven teams and tlietr lfPODIOrt play-.:d t•·o cornet aolo1 and v.·u RC- ll)' t!rnt,o;t nt'cil 1


uy ()on Newkirk A(<:OJHed th~ hn·lt11.t1011 ot tho M<:· companied b)' Ven a Flory. " An • twb11t<1 Coach J. A. Ulalr reccmtly Cabinet Mccls Ph!!:nio'n college Wo1nen'e, At lllotlc Marla" 1.1)' Wo.1:ner wn,.. the he&uttrul , i announn'<I that an undiarclu1 debate Member• of the s . c. !\I. cabinet A new- BOun d film, made at Auoclatlon ~o vuliclpctte In Its third ;;election for Vera FlQr)''" violin solo . tournament will ht: held bere Jin· went to the""hom'" of Or. a nd Mrs. , a cOAt of $800.000, ~ill be pre-. annual Volle r Ball Svorts Day last 1.::elth Piere• concluded the pro1;ram

1 uary 1. 1h tint $a.1urdar tdter • •· Meuler afler chuttll on Suuda1 H· sented in the Com m unity

Saturd•r. F h e glrl• •nd their 1po11· ~"a:la~:~:r~'n ~~.;u.~S~~::1;:~ ·~~~~ cation endt. T tila tournament ..-111 enlns. December 10, for a 1oelal hour Building to-ni1Jht at 8 o'clock aor rro111 eacb collegu ... ·ere prcnn.t , 11robably a11racl tea1111' from tlltrtr a nd a • ·tH11.hl11 •ervlce. r ror'-!lor and! under the !ponsonhip of the s~ou.rd•Y morning. aa z.n encore._ ' 'The fllli r.tvrs"_. 'Hehci Ollf. luelud\nJ: aom o from ot her M M 11 I Ml Id Shockl ey

'flH~ U!a m 11 wer-0 from Sou thwest· t tSlMte!fo. Pi·or. P.lah· ha• a lread y re· ... ~·;~ al~~ ~re1

~~:11. ;ver:one H JOJ - Student Christian Movement ern, Mh1t Miiier apOtuOr; Unh·erttl)' l ceh·~ replleti from abou t Uhttn f!d tb~ s11.rnct a nd the retrt1hmenC.. O( thifJ'C&tnpUS.. ot Wlchlu, MW Jthnon ~Po1Hor: l\fedical ~esearch Sch walm To Chicago ' 1J.thoor. e1uerlng the tourna .ment. which contilst(!d Q/. •PPI" and pop-1 ·.~laotba·· ll tbt Unt and oa1.f

g;~~:!,c:~:1!;·el~;' b~c~~:=~=~D:~~ Offers Little · or J};;~,;;:,";~~:~e:~u~d•)~,:;;t1;r: ~~~~ areR~~:e~~t;~:1.:~:.'::~~~oaeco~11::: ~~;;la~~1~·~r11::,~~en=1~~;o~~1~:~.~-,~~~1cc~~~-1:~':7 ~:~:t~t tt~e !~:.::,: Randa ll 11pon11or: Ht thaD)' colle1e, t1oourt 111 tfie lntt• 1 ·~111~ of tlw i.:olh~gl' , u u or truhmtm and sophnmc>Te• aud ·r11onun1 Ool'111111er wu• a.Iced lo ! the Immortal 11torr ot Chrl•l In a Min Frusher .spQ111Jo1·: Sterling col · Dr. Walterat Preaident l ' rf.-ll. v. F . SchwAlrn ( r•tc ttnt:!d nlJllJe) up1wrdu1me11 wllb uo prevto1.u1 ea· f'Ome 111!1 u t'P~'IJll ,;ue11t. Afttir the. i 1pectacular and lmpre11ln maane r le1e. Mlu Nixon 1po111or; !<.larymount Of Central, Deplore• k .. ,.,.11 tuu1orro•· fnr 3 Chlc:axo com- pe_rhmce h1 collegiate deh11.tlni;:. They a!11t;lng or et•YN'al ChrlatmH c•rol• , ~hlch h-, .. caa-Hd c.r1U ·~ en.fJ•btN

collese, Mias Sch~eru 1pon,o:d d r Reaul~• Of Ruean:h mlltff nu!ellnc or th~ !'onh ~~.~~:~ !:;!::7 ,~:~~e11;;~,:nadndE;::\::. ~;~~~l:r~b~~f!:::;;hlp d:~rl~u~~~ ~~c~u~!·~~ 1~ :a~b:,.:~::::~as • ln::h:::!~-~o~l:~:u:::.::nt. .:1; P olntlns out that inedlcMI researda i ~~=latlon of l'ulh•ge!!! and i ne ller. Jack Do•ker and lhl..ell El· Q ulikf•r .,·ortl!hi1• •e-rvlce •• he es perl· f Thi• hour and tort1 mhla te pro--

a n Hu,.atlun tol"lc iame was uaed 1u1. does uol o tte r much In Ille • 'llY of . j so11bl~c. Hoy McAulcy and Kitty Moh· ~need It In Germany. Thu11 l h& aroup ducUon wu flhne d tn Europe •nd 11 tho 01~ntng "rubie1·." 'reams wcr o fame 61' wealth but ndmlntng llrnt It 1 -- ~- ler. and Ard)'i'l Mela a lld Vtr1 tnla ore11ent wu h·cl In a 1Hnllh1r k ind o f now beln& i hown throuihout Amtr-tb-On org1nt&ed a1 color tenuu1. with I mig h t lend aorne to contributions for I Kerlin. •t1rVI« "l\'hlch wus lmpreHln. I lu In the Ea1Uab Tertlon. The cul, lbe teains ustac the names of the It- bufl\au well-belnr. . Or. OrYllle s. Tom Doeppner T ella The dl'hatf!: queiillon to be u1ed I• coat•mM. .ad M l ll•J• mab It one laad• of Hawaii. The Laoal ttam, \\'a llera. pruldent of cuiral colle; e. I Of German Reli . on th~ one &elected by the Pl Kappa

r the 1eucnr ltam. took top hon· 1poU on "Med.teal n e11Hrc:.h 39 • · · gi oena tor 1hl1 ,·ear: ··neaolnd that Comtnission Has ;1'1~:;. sr;-~~1 -=~~m':::":11~·: ~ of Ibo t oun111ment. Th~ a:reen 1 Career" h1 ch a pel Monda)'. E\•en lhc ""'>-s li1·r11mn 'l(l\'(•rntnf"lll MWJt, the Un ited Stat.etJ fo llow 1 policy of G d D' • .•. '°""'· c•lleO M•ul. rho o••• •• !Olm ;«>ndlllon th•• •ome good might oornol "" oi,.., .. .i 'l'hr• ''" "" '" <loll >lrlct econotny and 'millllry toolJtlon 00 JSCl18810118 ~:::~,.'•,:•:.:.~11::~:1ca~' .~1~ lufuJ'n" t;:A't-1b1t1nr 'tcitnt!"*'tiu'4 1.he~-fntnr'9"" of r.tb&l"Cb, b6 PU· -'· ..... ~ .. t oward a ll•·ttJ.tlonil outaldo tho We11t.- What did tho An1~rlcan rtuolutloa cleoey la tbe pertorma.n...e:

bruwi•n team. knowi•n as UH! Kauai 1


1imllllcall7 warned. depeHded ~llU~l , To'~ ::::e1,:;~11•:...:~ :~1~~~':u~;;:;: en:. i-i('n1l1phere en1•1ed In aTmed In· al"e u:ir;~ Why have t.rtffl'! Who are ThOle wbo aee Uie tum • Ill '"

team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in G ~rm:1111 .. al 111~ ~ c" lerna1'on1t1 Qr cl•ll ~onrllcL" Ille coa11elentlou11 obJectunif C•n a Chrl•I crucltled on I.he Crou. aee a nd A•·ard1 were made at 3 o·clock at work •• and the lhlrel fo~'Ml:.:•1e ::~ M , utCl'tiu 1.;1111.Hlny ·1:,·4.:u!n1:.' O~j Tlwre "''Ill he rlu r<>unda n r de· 1 ru~ 1111clfh1t refuAe to 111,1p1mrt his hcu thtt na ll.1 driven In hi• b a adt .

tbe farewell gc15ture of the tourn•· Jlo"We\er. h e P ld, It !* .. 1 n 111 fr~ r; butt• 1Jc1dnnl1111: ut. 9: 10 In lho morn• rounlry In i·oudut1 or It \\'a1· hy ue tu11.l hc•r Lhe mob& er)' for hli blood, ne mcnl. nnd w e n'..! p h1011110lC!i mh.d6 o f ff illle lo ;ncovcr ~evt 1 act:~f' d e rce~ 11.:t.1 ;J~e&lJ~l~•"r, 11 ~tuf;+•ur ri•oJll l:Pr- 1 ltlg irnd touth1ulnlt" u ntll In lho 1 fl1:htln1i:. 111111 )'•'I mftkc p1•otlt111 d lrcc:l.· JlldH betray blnt with a lcln, ... cork. which thl! plu)'Cra could keel.I Dr. \\tiltf·:1

11· ~h:w.t';~lhRt me~t<:11- I u•nny, pil"luri•d rt•lh::lon IJ4•foni nud t urternot1n The delllll' o f the tourn· , ly·froni th<' war! What 1ne the 1111es l'llate wash bis band• or tb e pill of

ae 11ouvenlra. P b. D. a11d ' . I~· t"'·o dl\' llilon~ the after lllllt:r. wt-:tYh1x lulu hill t11llc the 1 11.1111'11\ will be announced to all ~~h· of •hcrnallvt! """rvlce th1'1 "' 1-..aclfb:l es~•lln& an tnaocent man, b-.r U.e At noon a r. 11awplla11 hrncheon wu rff.f!an:h fell In th lahcn· .. tory, lf'ouditlon of thf' l•<'n.uu .. 1 Hhntr M l f•. Jud.en. •nd dcba1era lmm ed1atelr ,,..n ·d o d\erh1g ll(lth • ·nr •lld l.W'•ce r11nu11tt word• or Cbrlat •Pok~a from

Herwtd tu th<" 11:1111n11•lum o f Mc Phtr· ~lt"ntlllf" re~:~!e:'N"h :r thf' aclh't" 111,., \.ernlRn iwoJ•l" Tltt• tun:t·i.t ,..-.. 1•r1><:t•dlni:: the lir"'t round uf dch11111 11111,..C'! t.';111 11 pi.clrho lw • chaplaln thl! acrt:en and mtf.ll,. othor unforiol· 11011 colle;:c. whcr" the tou l;!narneut Mnd the limit

11 1 1 (' 1 1 18 1 n •anu1 1l1;ha1t: both lfldcs or lhC •111(.'ll• I lu thu 111·111)' ur n1tvy? Q11••t1tlun11 ~uch

Wl\11 held. doct or .. T~o teal 3!.''~~cell ~~011~er~:;;~ Ll~1,

0~!:0,':~';~::, ~h11~.'~•;::1~~l~tcl:1

\:Y1111~ i tl•tn, 1111d judge-is 11rc IO he fu rnlYhcd m1 llh'lh! " "''1• 111•(tducttd lll'11tcd • r1:;u· t« hlc llll;le IK:•.Htt!ll. :'lll1t1 Audrey llnmm unn wa~ ll:Oll· the ' ''1mt1r. The. 0 ere

1 1 1 I hy i•ach IN!hool 11artlcl11atl11g In the lll(•UIA In Ille World coo1icra1 lo11 Com· Collece 11tudenl• will be admlUtd. era I chatrma.n of thl' tour11ament oratorll'tt a re '°;u:k~1:sl ::rr•:c:~b:;: ~:~1l1t.!:h~;::1~/.~~;.'·~:.;:.,:,~':,:11r/;·;~;~ tuurnam1>11t. S o h .-ea are ch111'gcd, and inl11.islo11 PllH i&evenl w-retc.. iv s..., thl1 claem& prodactloa. Of 'tbt undcl' tbe dtrtt.11011 of ).11n Ll11an and student• r ,.:me C(JlllRle~lal tnan are l'rot11uau1 rrnd on~ iblrd. rm prll••" aft! Kh'en lo tbl• tourna· Sot all or 1hlt tommllld!llo11'• me.!.l· P&Nlloo Play t or tk and their actJ•· \Varner. woman 1 phy•lral educa1lnn d;'p~. The~ • wfl k

1 llir ~l lu· a n · l-atholk. I trtMl1 . ,.1114·1' It b1 eot1d11c1cd only to

1 his: ar,.. of 1!111 ''1'<'11 forum 11atur~. At lty tlclcei..

ln11r11c1or o f McPhcnon college . . r 1 ;t.~:~~~i~itrT ~~d ::f m:ii•h ~ro~n.!IS U••rm~u C'lnt .. l\uns hl'lh•H· th1ttl gh'<' lncx11erlcnced d t1l11Her11 m orl.! ttl• on_.. nwNln.i:, 1 ~r; .if 1hl! co111111ln lon -----

Officials and rercree11 wMe color u ' 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 11.-11 j 11orh:nrc I 111••mlmr11 IUl \'C l'fll/ortii: 011 o uuuand-

lols uhont lh~·lr 111•cka to 1tdd color 10 tUIJ!i Lccit inndn In i·on)Wt' i"h'r> rt.'· •11 11 1

lf' ni " " P•H1' '•r um 11 1

11- In~ mllt¢1tllrw u1·th::l .. !!i e1111c:er11inll' tn-

lhl1 potf.olar tournanuml, search: th~refore th~rt.1 II' ~·urnlul thflt tll" Ut·1'1111u1 rue'~ rulr•it oY•·~ " ! - h•n111llou111I Mfbtni. MINJ Id" f;hod1:· .( dupllcatlun. Commerdal reM:arch u\hPr rar •·" Th" G,.r man s:m1•rn· 1 )lurklwm To Co1uc It! al a letf'nt meetlag. apoh to the

and comfW!tltlon hav" dt'f.troy('(j lhfl llH'111 · thi·H·hu•' 11111""1 lw " 1"-')'etl the .\Ir. \\' T. Markham, forn1crly lhe :~u 1

tw111 work tam 1a ac Ii eon-

) B ·:a.. • . ldP.all111k a.1o1u,ct o r n'ledhnl research. aum" :.ic Gr.ii 111111111 1'.'. uheycd • ' ' ' '11

S1iilf· Ku11t•rl11te11dc11t or Publk :1ru(~t l \~' w111••· iroJcct .1

J,u"t Tuet1· Quatlra ng e eg111s l>r WaUUr1' recl11 tluu 1i1<'lo111Wc rt!• to 111<1 i; iHl11l: of ltllf'PI own f.uml1)' tr ' I I l K 111 lk I Chilli I I •, I I . . , . I " lOWllt"llll Ml l"ll 11•· r• l 11 l1••1J Jl'it' IOO" n 11111111!1, w l'i jtCl 11 • rlH)' _,.~~th .. t Hht>r y 1;av1• II NII' (jW u

To Take Forni ilcu~ch .111 f11~0 HS iu1s 11t1111:c- un outld •ThN" a:'l• i11J1110,111111h·I>' 61111 uuo if'! Mo1u.h1y mornlnJ.:, O~cmlwr 18. llo l 'hlUp 'C:ihl11•' liook. "Uh,od Hela· ud,auet!tl, di r:r~i •nd 1 . Ji·•·• Ir. ,;, .. t111tri

1111• An l•niwirtant wlll 111-io add re"" 1he ortcntatlu11 1 tlnn11". !'1·w nu•ml,..ra aod Ylitllor• 1tn

Quad Snapshot Contest Ha• Sine le Ent.rant ; He la Given P riz.e

lo IMllltclll <"Urloslly rt-•foofln for l h l' l•i'r .. ~ullon or lbt "'''" .. " nn llooday 1111.unlng u 11 · 1v •·f'lcorm~ 1o th" World Cooperalloa

" llro 111., nit·t• "'' hri kllh•il J••i.uM, J\ 11 Mr Markham hi w ldcly kuow11 Ill IUUI Dal-., S1u rky. Ji•W.'lt In c:1•rmtrn)' 1mlay I.• thi.I 1l11·r o'l"ll)('k I C"t1111mU.alon. h·• cl by Genldh1e Spohn

Unuaual Program J o..,d"h ... n1n•wi:111·oi 11tn• ... 111·1•11 11ur11~ 110

11" •• • ,',',',',',",.,,"0',. ~

11"'0J11:11,·11 A,•,,.'',','.~"1"'1'1'110h,~ - ----:--quud1·un1;:te t:tlt1or J 111ut-s Crlll u t•- G H I "' I .., .. P u H h T C

1101111ce" lhal definite progreu ha• To Be iven ere NI i·h··y n•l•llliu•·. huh"'"'""r. Ill ~or· l nirollttn 1rntl GuldaOCf', h1 cunn«:tlOll era . ey 0 ave alrt!adr lK.-eo made In cht: compotltfon Gt'f'•I AulhorUy on llf'll.:.:tuu, .·ll't th*h:~·;:~:.,:'11 1

1~:"':.i.:~::,11, and .-1111 th11 wol'k of lhl'I Slate 0e·~,1· Annual Party of thf- ~lt:Ph~non college 1ear-~ooi" . P f'n!ot' nl.!i slld~ Xf":t•I ,;un1hty Sh:ht a fPw. ~lht>r ,.11rnll n·ht;ln 1111 1:.10111n ~tTn·ri• of \fOt"Hloiu•I f;duc.atlon In K•n· «h~ml111ry ,.111dcotH • · Ill ,;•thcr for l k .-1ates 1ton: alroa1 dy ha1f O 1 ie . hll\'f' lw•·•i util•· •·• umln tul 11 tlu·lr ~11"· i• l;l)()tl lloiu ut thr. i111nu•l ('h{1ml"lrY lio1•kl!'inlhe h a11d11.uf1.hccngr11\'Cr•. Su mh1)'M'enlnf:.llll HT1U1Urnl Ch! I~!- 1 1 11 )' 411111d; r I ----- i«.)('lul 011 J IHllHH)' 1 ~. i hu 1101:ond AM y c1 110 11n1111whottc h11ve been ti(lnt 111.ro1> 11ro"r11111 wlll h e w:lv~11 1n t h•: :.1~; ~·:,~


~;.\\ 1

:~··1:•.~·;,, 1;:;1 :;·;:It~· ;1111,0;l~ Student• U H New Book• ,..l'idiay of 1idwol altN· n.c.1atloo. This IO lh11 ~ncrnver. Chu rch or the Drethl'l'fl hiH~hm\ng Ill I • I ,, Ml lion ·1hr1 h.;1n• 111 ... oi}'.!l H 11any I!! ir!Wf'll 1•11rh year for 11.ll tbo

The article. aud rnmmcnt1 lO IM: 7 : l !i. T hfJ program. enthh•d ·-chrlt<l· ~~;: 813:,..,~hl·· ,\I r. Jlllt'ppn('r ht·long• In Chap.e l Son~ our c:hcmlairf daD<'li by IJr J . w. ller-wrt11en In the Quadrangle ""Ill no1 mu In .Art and SonJ:.'' w.·a• prepar• rd ,.,i; Qunk•·r i::iuui• 111 l"•rl 11 ll"K· l'rvf Sevin \\ . t'i•l1er WH In -ht· ~i;ln to take form untlJ a lter 1ht' ed hy Edllh L. TbomH aud ;\ll;rl"t ulHr mr.-tlur.:"I i•r•· h• Id 111111 lhl.ty re- . oehu11:•• of a 11ro11"ram of croutl alni;h1,; :,~-c:lln,; hi !tie Student Union end or 1l•t· flrt!t •erne11ter. 1 h1:n t:lll:l)Ort £ . Halley. tnltln 11 1mo•1 '-'111lrr•I)' urHll11turlwd. I dud1111.. the ch11:11cl liuur lut. F'rld1y. H(10111, tin• chem lflt& will otrnd tho

McPherson Girls Should Isolate

Mohler Win• Ower Myer. In Informal ,WOC'dfelll; Girl•' Trio Well Uked

U11holdlnrt: the aUtrmaUve or tbe question. "RC901Yed- lhat s tria Of Mcl'h4.1r1011 c ollo•e ehould adopt a 1wllcr of 11trlct lao1•Uon." and op~ lui Phll Mytira, aenlor aa4 Yars1(7 debater, In an lnform• I debate. KJtlt Mohler. pop1dar aOpbo1Por e Coed o f ,\lcl'ht!non collere. won the audleDce d ecl11IOJ1 In t}le 1n.,ettn1 of t h• Fo,... 1•1111tc Club held IM•l Wednudaf nl1M.

t:tneH Ueed, prv1t4ent of tb• club. 11rt:alded al lhe meeltn1. Preeedlal' the debalfJ tbe ttlo compoHd or Vlrglnh1 Kerlin. Olady1 Wlrslna. 11.11d ~velrn Amos unr two recent mu1lcal bit. which were ellJored b1

feolura \\':'ltcn "'Ile.I 01h1 rs will he re· Mr IJllllU>' 111 ono of 1ho:i i,;: rf.!ul r-11l 1 "Th~ Ml .. " • nu J.,ln g enfelto1· i1nd Vc1111 I . 1 1 t 1 1 • · Ur Her crttlWd 11. por1ruy the ,,o'ni:;-11 of dH· autho.rltl••" 111 the Unllcd Stutt..~ on Ht:!~1~:.~tl "~Jrrc;,.~;;:'.: .. :~ "'~.~;11 F'lory f"J<iry were .re.pon1.lble for t h e duo· ;~:; 1~~v:J11 :h~ ; ... ~;11;:;·ordt1~ tha; tere11t orgao1ut101u r• 11rt,.5eDl<'.d In re11,.1oua arc. T he pros;ram con!lh1l11 Phil rd tlu. 111,.110 Pl•ttO accump...nlme11t throug:tmul lhe memll"ni or all the cbentbtry lb• a!oldlence. 1lu.· J1111•110I. , of 10 coh>r" 1te.reopt1t"al alldea-re·

1 ti•" entire pro1ram. . rlU.1'.ie« mai.)' bl'-c;mne ai.~ualnlod. l.n After Ibo debate. wbkb wu atrlcl· Tlle w.nncr of . ,, •• Q-.z~dransle production• o f famoua 111 ... terplcee'I ~ Makin, UH of thfl n e w 11ong bouk11 lh1; pui 18 hu h"Cn the cuitotil to I)' tnrormar, tbree JmprotQPUt.1peetb•

•nap1hol conlet1l for the period e 11d· o f art t calurlns the S'atlvHr of Chrhit , • • · whleb Ju1nt been 11urchued bf the hue ,. ('hrl11tmu pnrty; howe\'cr. e• wure e lven. J11mu Muon, 1tated inc today to Ht•)' McAu.l(:y. rrc1hin1u1·d with thu mu11t heoutlful En Joy Mu11c Rec ital t $11ult.111t Council. 11tt1tlent11 op.,i1ed the the tlm<' ha~ bNH\ chanai;-0d thl• yen t h•t the c:ollece •bould provld, • • 11nncy, H :,1 priu··Wh 1.:11t" picture w1• Chrhitn u1J' urol1 from the fol honsl!I T;1lt-1t1 wua r111 11nadf' la11t Su111lur oru:ram with· a hymn, followed bf ll) ,,.nal)le morii aiudenl• to auend lutramural bUl .. ball;.

~~:;;~n:~ ~1:.~:;c·I, ~:~r:~1~11:n:; or;;::,°~;;;: ~~~e~,~~:~::;11 dlrecl ~t~.:::~:; .. ::~1~.~~~r~:-c:0:::~11~11::~ ~~:,;:~rl!i't~~le:hr~~~·:r~~u:a::~~ lh,. p~rly 1bu1 enuired In the contest_ " Vor hi• the ch~n11 which wUI lnt"lude. botl1 ehaf)t'I. Jn 1b"' !llOfl Hcht ''f 1he ''t•11· 1 In .1olnrt:hll .. Drink to me OoJ7 with - - ---u cellent pboto1raph )f~Auler wlll be the Cllurch Choir and the Vocal En· 1;e r hour , \ <M"lil. ,.Jl,ltn. 1111d 11lflnn · Thine Etu", "Spanl1h Cav•ller", .:11d To Elect Preaident g1•tn ~ po 1md ot thOCOllllCI!," llllU Kemble ot the. CollCl{(t. The c hnr'Ull 11111111(! •·l·l'i• t'Olllld11NJ JiltO hll Off"<!- "Old 1-"olka at tiome'' , Wlth areal T iii' h 1l1•1'111+t h111al Ht•l111tlo•oi Ct ub S. O. Hoover, IJualnea maoa1or or will t.i: arr111ged In the rear o r the U\l'e and t111)f•ly 11rnl{ram. 1•al)(!(!lally ei.ll111!!llaun the round "How your MUI m!,)1 11•' \l 'r'Ut"Ml• f •ftrmoun

T hen Cale.a Sten Mid t.hat. U. wo uld be bendlclal to hav• a ant•• of lnapeoctlon of the room.a ID J.'ahnt11lod1: H•ll 1 lmllar to lbe •:rt· tem In Arnold lb II. Roy McA.ult1 save a 1hort talk • Ith tbe id• tb&t the: Quadi'an1le. church sluC"e ll lntlud<'d a Cht111tmH a<n1~. Hoat" WM 1uns. The prosra m cl0tt· tor • t.llwu~ .. km o r tt'C'ent l;J.ooal!i tt--

The nut offklal monlb o r lb• la o~der to detray e_:1pen1e11 o f t he •:•eryone ~m~ 10 f'njoy ln1man1elr ~d ,..hh " Acid Lana S1ne... I lf'AM"tl b t 1hr t'•~~ Y.ndownan~ qoll• o ften Cbr .. u:ou 1ttt:a an e&f'.

conl.Hll ... m eod Pebl:lrary 1. ac-- rental of tbe slidit- .tnd their trana- , thit' 1wo Ylolh111 a11d piano tot~lhl!r. Thi• 1111uaual and enJorable pro· •nd to rlo.,·t • 11,.,.,.lde•11 lO tlll t~ tied to tbe exl tordlnc to a alatt!ment made bt Edi· here from Phlladelpbf•. an" 111 "''tll H thfl u1htr w.·t:ll· 11ret,.nted ll'"rnm WH 1poo110red t,iy th• Flne Art.a nu•"'"'' lf't1 bJ' the "-""l.tc11• 1loa or The •~orenslc Chab. aa •ta.tfld llir tnr Crlll. Plloto1raph1 to be flllsi- otferlnK" will hfl taken 1 t th~ e nd o f 1rn 111~er11. Thll 111anr pre11;en1 ..r1rcrlr f1e11art1111mt, a nd .UJ ll'etled by Min W fnl-011 l'lh1Jffl-r. 11•e me-t<tlns w llJ lhe pre1ldenl~ e ndeavon to ~ U.e ble muu be ... uaroed In before tbta. the urvlce. 111 walt 1he nut r .. c-ltal. JJrown. Ire at four u'l'lrM·k In thf!I ~. V. n. "mouthpiece or tbe Blu d ent Bo4f.'


• I -

Page 2: NUMBER 12 - McPherson College · team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in


"Undoubtedly the governor is well intentioned and desir­oua of brinainll' industry to Knn.,ns where nny added income would be a bl-lnr. There will be many who will hail Rnt-

~• lllncere booster etfort11. There will be others who belic\'e

t....iion ahoutd be riven thought. pnrticulnrly if they were lie asked to contribute capital toward• such n scheme.

"What, tor lnotance, does a munitions plant become when war la over? The ~nower ls-junk. What do the munitlona worken do when the plant closes? They go on relief. The w&llte of war is well lliustr•tcd by an indu•try that has no excuae except in times of conflict. I

. "Even If Krtnaas' we~ lnter8"led in quick profil• al the GJMll!9e at future troublea and miaery, there is still another question which mlaht be uked by Governor Ratner. He stood foremoat amonr t6oee who declared for pence and U. S. neu­tnlll1. How could any of uo reconcile auc:h principles with the balln- at beln1r "merc)ianto of death?"

"Thia baubfe of ""ar money is bcinll' dangled before _. &aaporarily bemuaed eye•. The reply I• apparent. BNtJMr ltatDe.r."

iUt M<mbtr l'MO

~ Coleeide Press ~'A~~·i.:

(All,,,~._, .... -'-... a MACU• CU'i Av•.. Nl'W 'l'Ollllt. H . 'I', ~-.. -.... _' ...................... ,.~-


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W. C. Simmons

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Meet your friends at the

We Appreciate Your


Follow the Blllldop ant! aft er the game Follow tbe Crowd



Permanent $2.00 to $6.00 WcPberaoa'• Qua.rttrbact Club MMta Here £•er7 Monday Soon. Edna-t01 ae.ty Salot "TO snvr You ann.a 1s oua


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79e to fi.35


. G. R. Dean, M. D. ~ Letteer Lewia, M. D . .


PboM. •• .-so

Page 3: NUMBER 12 - McPherson College · team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in

FRID1. Y, DECl'!BMER 15, 1939. The Srctator

;Dies Will Have " Pulchritude la Not A Comidera tion" I All-Colleae ,. S.ya Judee To Maco-eel Debater . o warm Reception Oac coonot •• ..... ••• • •••••• Coa<b Bl•I• ........ ....... ...... Peace Front B

trip such .. lbe MtPbert:on teams woald can lbe lr P•lrana at the hour J Loo. • Y- Universiws bad darlag Tbankqh•lnl' •acauon. requested: after all ll ••• bit em· s

Fro:11 tbe aUrt or the trip wben Blair '::~:::,'0('!:c~ h;~r~b7:: ~::::.;~ College Newspapers a lm,st forKOl to take the brake orr. c.arlon nf t111n1"1n11ll1y At1d Mr. F ri- Amrri~a'iil- S1udenu Soy Feair lnvel!ltigation to the end of 1he trip whn Ne• .. ~ ..,,ould aiittrttlate be.In~ h1tormed u " We Don' t Want To Will Barnt Educatiori I kJrll'a ear 1.lmotl for1o t to leaTe to an.7 c:ban .::e in rtil!t1Urft11tl!I,

11,. A~lat.t'd C"'ol1t·.-l1tte Prr1U1 Wichita In tlltu1 t,!) 1et to Arnold on 1 Stucky • i:iit ~ewkh·'lt found thla Fight In Enrore: ' Conirreum111 Ma rtin Dleff., ll1e goT· tltut th<1r t1 were wl•e cnr.k.~, dumb trip IQ be th<> molt t"llJO)'nlilo )-'t'I: F.\•t1"Mtou. 111.-(ACP )- A a l·

erunieol'• ono-nuw c:ruu de ftlJalnst srn111..a. and an unuaua t a mount of or court.~ It ullllhl ht1 thl\I h."~rlln und lrollfoge Di'Oee fl'ouc with "\\'en Do 't

alt tbln11 un·A n•urlcnn, lla11 announc· good hin. Ne wkirk "'*' •iultc 8 er:ai~: Metz. helpN to mnkc lt 10· Wau~ to FlJ:lll In E uro110'' iu'.I: Ju~ '~°'" ed that he'll coon turn hla prying aboit his f()Od wantlnit to be •u A changed Cll!llOIH thl• )'Nti· \\' ftA ):an, bnJ' Ueen ori;:Dlll&td hero by the

~ eret on U. S. colleces a nd unlver· got • II be ardered: a nd that re~lnd~ that there werf' uo d t"1HHt'f nt1er ·1;tudent new~p11por or Nortbweatera 11hle1-but ho'• ,0101 to get a warm Meh or cou1·1e thl\t he owH . er "°upp~r •Prldo.1 nltthf, bul h1•teoacl th'! I l'nh·er111ily. oud 11 • lowly Htumtn.­recopUon. mat~t milk all btcau111 Mohler and F"ine Ari• Deparlntt-nt or ~outhwf'1111t· 1 M,,;:ntrlrant':e a.:s colleiui edlton In a ll

Put aclt\'ftlea of Mr. DI"' we ll- Pet.e-noo ca me tbrou1h H Dtlr upeet- un Unh'enlty or W lnfltold tcne an iitttions of the c-ountrr Join In the publ!cl&ed committee have alrea.df ed. excellent concert followfd by a rt•· mo\'euu:nu.

l~!._~~~d Of ~elltf-1 Kid• wlll be kid.. but libs l..rb· dla~t. wbld lm't IUcb. a Md......._

nu~n QUlt:kly put an e:nd to It In t:ng-1 Tblt .u-tar1nc At tM w:.41..ot-.. 11,.b literature br movln~ Pa.ul Dao· C'llA~. Herb Mlcbul hQ reached awner. J oh6 Detrick, and AIRrcaret; h:iiPk lnta. th• r ... lm ot ll1- .,._ ea~ l)o.vt.: ll:l the ff'ont row Whe11 lut 1 J1tjrlence, and hi.JI •ut:ceeded Jn mak•

heard from they ""eN". 11ntOclnr; a! lnir "" nnua11al ~rY•Uoa. la79 row-boy .tooi 10 ~Ing by way Of 111101.1 llcrb: "Since the Bay al•&Jt .. .ua a~ durlntc 1he next cl~e J>erlod._ :~,11~~!Y1~~~mt~:~ :::~~~~:::~!bl

The'4'! blla o r C h1·i11t111aJ11 11>lrll h 'i !he iame old 111017 evel'J" 1 ear, whlth th~ g irls u 1·0 now w t-carln« on iiri.! chliJ ye1tr i.. not a.n e.1eeptJon. their dreMJe!l werf' orlji:'lnnted by Th,. « lr l• are·wnnderln~ what to 1 t.,. lhoaf' eJ:"('amp1111e d glrl1l. )llek e1 )for· lhc hoy• tor Chrl.tmaa, can and cto rl1on. MarJort, Ander-on. ;rnd Ven• the boya hM•e •• much trouble? ~lor,y. aa •·ell aa half~b \'era .<t the End of Euclid 1'111 •till M

lorr. hl'•e tn 1940, .c> It wnt greet roa 1-:111abf>th Ann llohlf'r kntt11 h• :'liftf'r vau1lo11. dlleredltcd bl• work. the c-olleg'lans Tbe cbld wlldom that. ~h11 learn· ceptJon for 1be ' 'i-itlni: d t>ho1er11 In f'or tlie p:t;s t 1.,..0 months. ~i::aaltJ

malnt11.Ju la tdllorlall In tbt- eollt>Je ed bo.-e..-t>r. wu tbat one taanot aub- tbe student anion room. Aftt•r thit" Yrankt·I. <>dhorl:al chlllrmaa of the -----------------------­Jlrf!&lll. but Ibey ne verthr len fear 1bat r;_tfU:te S. A. tor e'ldrnct. At lt>ut l•.$1 round of debJlf"t: on ~111urday nauy x Orth•·eatern. hat bttn ci>n­h lt pro~ ln'°ttthl:atloni w ill. wllb· tbe Judce •ho WTOte. ''pulchrf1ude a ftemoon lhe t"('ilftjl.A w1•r-t' ann'lnnr- iutln1: otb('r (:OJleii::ea. •nd out o r out cauze, 'nJure the n•llon'a Int.ti· not a con1tderatlon ... on her crlllcl1m ed and the " \\'1t1d·bau" 1oolc th<'lr hlK work the Pe-ac"' Frollt hat' cvolv· 1utloUJ1 of hl&hf'r lr11ralna: and bam- slieet mUll have hid th1t In mind. JSet'erat ways hoine. f.-.:1. per th" 11ccomnt11h11ient or 1helr pro- j In '!'e ea~I. Prlu<'eto u Unlver1l1r cr·am11 aud the fulflllmcnt nf their lii1ud('Rlll h:I\'£' organh:(.'CJ tlie Amer· dullf!~. There Are Many Pacifists A111ong 1rnn 1nc!PJ1f'lld('ncc L£1agu(' . .. w111e11 in· Dh~ Uu'4 Hc'nl't'llOUl'I ·r11rllt'H s d I A . u . . . 1<'IUd(>s ~3 nr the lf'11dlt1a: ('ft~t(lrn tinl·

br.~~1:c~":~n~10.~~~~:1;:;:1t~1:~:in~~;; ~ tu en ts n mer1can n1ver s1l1es !i\;~,·~11:~(-:111;~::11:11~r~8 ~~~;!'1111:1tt~·:;k~nn~ Rr Th~ A llJiodarrd ~o1l<'fCllllc l"rt-i>iot I ,~vowed i;:ootl lnicn1lo11a w~re. he has . '1••r lht• natio nal All·COllCRC Pea~~

I ltlod thorn w ith hit MiCllrrllou~ With rill elemcmll of the notion S. w;-nt tu wnr on lhf' "hi.-. .. 1 ''"' 11

From . h) the fa r w•:111. UCLA I• now '1Ctk11. ;\I r. DIH 1mcuu names. He ardentl)' campalgulnc for one 1lde allle11. I ..._l101dh1g out colle~o on the cout ar

hrowbeat• w1t11eoe1. lie l'alds Pri- or aaotber tn the current debftte over r.. On the nth1•r hirn•L r.!O ft"I' +Donn H1·own , hn.t rc:1r'11 rrefl.ld<-nl or "tale corrffJH>ndence. He doe• everr · the United State.' po11lton In lhe eent lndir:i•pcf rhat lh••y -.·ould rt.c:llt l t'('LA_!.tude11t bl.>dy a ud 11011 of movlt~ thine that I• undemocrallc 11od UD• cuneal world 11tu11lon. college 111tu- In tbto l '. s . Army If wr 11rt• 111111ck· I C:•}ln~lan J Ql' E. Urown. bo.s bff.n palatable to odYOC'll~ of dernocracr. denrx are 1troogl1 a&1ertlllg tbelr t'd. ThP 11urprblnt: hi<'l tflrC I• th~ l ln:l\"t-lnng- lbrou,::hout the wt11ern Not oal1 would Mr. Oles be • •ulfng Tien 00 Ju1t wtuu 1botlld be done hm~:" ,1 unbo•r H C. prr f'l!'nt' who 1·at~ In th~ c:ap.adtr of ort1:•nldnc the public'• money (In hivei.tlcatlug 'to darltr tbrlr eountr)''t atand on indlf-:atf"d that tb1>y wfmhl not 11,;ht ..-...-retary rur ll.1e •~tf'rn 1ta1u H 00Ue1t1). h e • •nuld be mAklng him· lntuaatlon1l Polhltt. Jf~re la a evea if our nAllon or h~ t•·rr1t ... r1u:a third autonlmou~ unl1 worklu1 for .self a p.ablle nulun~e and men•~-*' aun:r.:na ry of motl recent polls-a we re lnndNI. In rommoD i:~I. Th~ .omh«'rflt Collel{e St.uden• a1- • un:r.marr 1h11it tell11. 1ou Ju"t how the All lb('M' faf1a ll:C'tt!n ttt lndkatc< Thr mlddle• 'f"llt hH qukktr rt!ft·

In.eked the tOtulnJt lm•et11tlr;alion llrltb wind is hlo••lng ao far a3 the llR· !ha t the r~trlrltllc "'"'"'''*of lh~ 114. 1110udf'd to lhf' fdPa. and toda1 61 of thcac •t11or(b ; " II 111!1 one tblag when 1lou·s under11:raduate1 4re coneerued: lion's rQJlea:-foni . flC or1,,.1 CXJlrt•flte•d J t .w h •:1dl11g rnlliPgN In lhl11 14.'Cllon

, the comrnlHet> 1tu'Ptiil l1u11u mem· LA little mor('! thon GS per eem , beroi·e. ba"" f'h:rn:.f'd 111 ,1, tilD<'•' t lit• 1t1rn working u ndiPr the l't•nct" .. 'root lieu ot 1he eommu11l1u partr tor sub· o r o.e college youth fa\•Or the mo,·e open in~ of 111,..,1111th•fll 111 .,:uroii\'. Thf) 1 Jiauncr. vc 1'11ll'O nctlvltle11;. llnd nnother wht;in o f the u. s . ,,e1111 Lc In voclnt; repeal genera l vl••w l'ct"t li t rn IJi' that th o l1. I At 11n•sN1I. lh~ women'• colle1~•

~. It turnm to educntlon. the t1lna;le g rbat· or ttie e mbargo n11:11h11n eh lf)men t of S . s hould t!Ol tl~ht rd.u'iH\I\ nudrr nre b• •ln~ org:tuh.ed b)' Che wo1111n 3 tid euenth•I o r demol'rnr.y. Au)' In· arms 10 rorc lgn nntlon1. uny circurn11r:lru·•'.I, bw lliM wt• •>dltor o r lhc U11Uy Northwe11t•rn, jury to the freedom or education If' !!. However. wht?n 11 comert 10 the is.hould do ull ili .:ur !)O\'ot'f 10 nit! the 111ul 1h'' southern collc,i:e• aro M lnit tilrlkln~ al 1he lUe hlood o f dem- quQlllon or rurnl1hlng mllltary a id to Englis h-J."r11 11<'h 111:1:111··•· ro th.•f•'Jt th~ 11r1>roarh{·d 011 t1ie •ubJeN. ~~ncy." · the atlle11 (Br1t1.ln a nd France) if ro .. ces or llltll". Staib :itul llultf!lo·I Tb•· purvo~e or l hl• Peuce F'1'0nt

// " E11cl1 111111dent, whatevf!r his 1'Ym· ther face defeat, colleghrn• vote gs Uni. { h, u ha. I~ &lnled. to k~p fltl.t pathleti, will he •lf~ted h)' any aucb per ceal agaln1t 1endtn1 our me n One mar rlJ"l·ll t 1111."IHIH' rrom tlll<i. · nation out of T ar. Thn)Ul h cani· lnTf!tltllatlon." IA)'• thfl University :and au1cbln"!I. r.eroM tll& Atlantic. prellmlnary i U' '"'Y ••·f'Orl 1h~1 the PU~ 11"'•"!11p:iper1t1 ll wantA 10 prop•· of Mlc-blgan Dally. "Ir not dlrectlJ , 3. T he •boYe vote I• de1plte the C'Olle;>;f' :rfillth l.c •tronJ;I)' 1.udn1alnln,t;: 1 pndi1P for pe:u:e. pointing out tn lbe.n l ndlre-ctly by • ·h .neulng the gen· tbat t l pu ce.nt o f the under- Ila view that the U.S. 1>hftuld n·n121ln 1""' t"oll•iu• J1tudtinl• that era.I au1pen1ton ot hl• frie nds . or (if graduate• Totin.:; flYOr the C&llle o f a.loaf to all for•-•ti:n enlr(·:i•I•• thal 1 tbr ptf114!'nl wa r l!l 111111•· o f lh1'1r bual· h" b• rr"•n~l,.u) hr 1h " fthhiu.allon the a.Hies a~alnAt the totalllartan •·e 11bould •<'ll' '•·lr enH•r 11(1 rtitht """'1'1, that d o.m O<"n• ., .... 4•nccr1i He a.nd flnal oblttentlon or c-ultnral pro- all1ance • 10 •S"•ln Pl'"" dt'll•l.H rn)' lrom dr~ I h lbl!ll bemlapherf". and that tbey gTH.11_1iere ot the ~nlverslly.'' 4. ln ·k~plng with the ea-prealons feat. Ju!!l hn•· 1111011i::' 1111• \ k•' 1~ ' 111·"""' nothing 10 gain by flt:htJnr.

The ~fM'<'C•to" FON~ g)t'en a bove, 91 per cent voted In entrendu>d wlll lw 11r!'\'"" only wlu-11 I Th" P~ttt"r lo' rullt. ulmll ltl con•lnclnr T he MePhc rton Collc1:e Spedalor t he "oo" column when uked It 1he7 j tbc defeat o r till• 1l1•niocra 1fr 1 rn1l<111i;i: 1 j"1ll"~" i.tudt·nis that thr1 wlll hf'

hrougllti thfl PONlhlo re:11ult• o f the tbo u11:bt the U. 8. 1hould en1 er tbft brconu:it 1wmlucnt. for thM1 "Ill ··011w <·ilkd Ul\\JU to flghl In 4"ftllO or " lnve1llg11llon t1on1c l o It" re.Bd~r• Jn Pret>enl Eu1·01H!an • ·ar. In fftct . 18 the real lC#t ot wht·lh••r 01· 1101 lh~)· i, r'tro11i:: nnd unlll~d puhllf' .hi~ mannc1· : " Ir lhe tOn\mlHee per ceul lnd iCAt.f'd thAI lhC)' would C~fl ll IHIJl,ih•t.•ly w:L1d1 101u llli1rl1111t1011 j 01 1'.n\~11 I~ llu• hl'l'il "'";i po~: n.scnln.-t ~ould l1n'C(llhm1c McPherAt)n Col- not \'Oluntcer tor 11crvtco If the U. :IMHJUlt' 11.11 ('Vl'll mor\' d 1•11ilu1tut J)0· 1111\nhl."mf'nt, :ind tlmt 1111.0 t:olletr:e

legn, j ucl.ctlnlt by PrevlnuA methods. new york liltlmi In 1-'.llrove. l " llltlt·nc f;houltl h1ne 1111 lm11ortnnt lhl.l)' prohn.bly would find that the h 1n1I In moldin.i: thnt O!llnlon. hlAtory c:IHBCll nrc u1tnc 11111bveralve ----·-

••,•.•.••.•,·,~."m0 ·.·~er:~~=~.;~:!~:=: ~l~~ Audience Boos Villian, Cl1eers llt.' ro T he t'nh'cnslty of Chh:aliiO hH on 4'a1to .... •menl fund ot SG~.400,000.

Ian rorporntt" a tate, thtl' Oen'dan \'er- A Th " E " J • Ion or l'<•llon• I So<lal .. m, a nd lhe 8 . ey IUOfe 11 J\f e)oflrmlla JapanHG s ytlf'm Of lOl &lllarfa nlsm. r#,,1'#.Jl/T####,##., And economlct dauet1 would be scor· Tiie Theeplan Club play, " The Oe- 1nas1edully do11r-por1u,.lnA thiP ed for dltacu11ln~ lhe rcti<Slhll~ torot n". •'u 1>ronounc:ed a thumptn.i;. ra1be r sllltf'd 1•mf>llttnoe uf thr IHl G M

('Ommunl111tlc economy, thf' aboll1lon 0 lbrobblrag: 1ucrea1 br lbe DllDJ peo- ('eAIUI')'. Tht••t ...... If.qr- A ill for en lhe prlc:e •135tem. the replacem~nt of pie \\'ho auendd the •"rlda nl ht Mflcinl' d •·3th uf th1• 0•·101um1 C!arrlt'l Che caplt&ll•Ue tdf'al with aome bet- f I h c r .~II the eruo1l()n11 uf ''"' UIHllt·llf'" lo lhl• ~ WHO t(lr me1hod11. The rl~ht of dlecuA· per cirmancf! 11

t • ommun l,Y a clfmu o t tht• 1•\'1·11ln~ f01l Mi"• WANT'!M 11\on nnd tho rl~ht to frt'edOm of ~~o:~~e~~:~~l~~;I~~;. ?i~~~~~:~p!:::: Donua J l'3t• J ola11Jlu11 u11 tM ~ra·I ~ speech a nd a11embl1 nre Inherent and d0Ut11 lady M 1h•· 1111111Mlo 11, g111111 Ml11~1 fiil4 mu11 he TC}lalncd In R dem1>Cracy. Any ;!\.:c~~ci;o1

1~iicc~;1~:~lt~~ 1:l~'~lti~r~:~~ nkk. a8 tho r~11hn flhd11)' IJoru. Sic · '

:~~:11;11~11 n~1:.~~~~~Clll=n~C~-:!~~_.'~ In wltb inueh belier •••KO ,tACllltlea, and ;:~~ ~tl~:r~~d<1~~:1;•::·Pl;;;~1~~~·~·r1;;n1~~~1;.~:j f Hine To Oonan•.1um1an'it Pu.11JOSC that n play of lhlit t)'l>O had never be- their partt~ wllll :i 111·of1"•"lo11nl J1h· \ ... ~ .. ~ ~

Jn an edltorlnl letter to l\lr. Die!, tore been o.ttempled here In r~cent Althcm..:h Jrnvh1R a 11\hun· rolt". the V-:.\ J,_;_"",' ~',. the Unlveralty of PltUhUrfl;:b hinted years. Indian IHI pl;1yed hf f"nrr~·-it Rlf'fll I \ ~ kc. Al• poulbte exr>lanallon o r the con· From the llr•t rlppllnit ind toe· w ith comparalln'ly no •1·1.,1kh1,; tH1r1. ~1~?,:~\ . ' itreuman'• mo•e: "WI" reatfui that tlc~llng note. or the d l:ileland ba.nd, ..-ui :. hn•'lln,;. 111tt:r• .. ,• 1'" n , 11,.n• 8 ,.. . 1.;,, .. ·J JOU Olr. Ole•t are a wbollr dis· Jed ll'J' Fr•oklln llle btrt and •talion· 1or. contrlhutlni;: atmo phn,. ••f're ~ • totern ted re11eircher •hen ro11 (:Ome ed I• the ,Jdt. u ntil tbe Jaal curtain. the anHr• of Old l'N" and Dlcln. j t o e:umlne our college. and unin,... the •hole attitude of tbe aadlenee l.eonard \":11ughn anit :\l .uy 1IN"k·1

,1~1tles. That of tbe CO eot1e1e Joar- "&a ooe or comptete e.nSormeat aad lrian . • n•la we re.d, 00'7 one llllle 1ebool reluatlon. &Yeryone entered heart- All throu,;b thA phi)' lhf' 1:m"lllf'r hu commeoded 1ou. while about 4 ~ llJ" Into the com01u ull1 alnglac tte. part!l .,.-rrr takE"n Niri• nf tu •n 11.h!P rolle,;o papera ban denounced your t ween the first and aecond ad.1, lead and rirorC$...,lonal ,.,.3,. h)' Jami·• Crill.I action• hat. or courte, nothing to do by P rore11or Ne•ln W . F'lther In Raymond F'lorr ... ,"~' l ktonh"rry, Mu with you r .111udden detf.rmlnatlon to de rbr and mou1ta~he. And everyone I.Jrunton. Jof' J>i•ll. \\'ll)'n•· f'rl•t , ]{('II· C.XJM>AO thOH bothedl or radfcall1m, allemate.11 teuM!d and relaxed u tbl1 nerh Yln~n. Jh•lpb ,\"khul~on. Wll· the Amcrlca.n ta11tullon111 of hl~her Droadwa1 olay or 18Gt wu unfolded llaru Cnlim, Ti•tl \\'i.u ih lnlrn. nor111

" learning. Come on, Mr. Dle1, we're before their eye.. Votthell, 8 1lthcr sherry, 1u11I \'lnd nln ••alllns:;." A11d 110, 11• Wfl aald In the From lbe flr1l e..ntranec of the Yll· Ke rlin. be1h1nh1J:;, Mr. Ole.111 111 due to receive l&Ju. John Del.rick. unlll h l1 lut exit, co~tum.-~. ,.ftu:C' t-ff•'<'I,., nrthHL hi:'· ll warm welcome frt1111 the nation'il be dQmloatet1 the 11a1e--drawh::i1 t [email protected] llltlnu11 1111rll u11 1h1· Vuulty colle1lan1! hlHet and boos from tbt audience•• Quar-t~t a nd the ,.010 by lll'KrO 0'1am·

------ his love tor t he octoroon •nd bl• mr. ?olary Lou m .,.km11n: t1tul pt>l\nut Enjoy Comm:un_it,. Sins 1ebe1:1ta roz her mounted. For the Tendt>n. all c:ontrlb11l•d to ntftkl\ tbl111

Soft lf'HO-COlored ll1bt.1. Chrh1t· love ecenea of lbe oetoroon and \ be Tbet!lplan play 00,. o f th«- out•taodlni: mu wttalb#, a.nd cbe beauUtull.7 dee· aoq of"'"the plantallon owner, Mar· onu lhat bu bt"'n produrl'd. )lacb'd lhl"ff lo tt.o eonie:r contrlbated &'•r.t Darl• ••d Pa_.1 OaooetleT. tit!· credit t• 1;1ven 10 th" dlr"(l"r. ram• to the Commun1t1 81•1 beld In •be ff b m wllb rrt:at tD'f'J, The1 were MlnnlC"k: and r rof. Ralph ~111mnan.

S. U. room 1 .. t Sund&J 9"ulac after --------..,.---· --------------cb.urcb. St•denll 'are now In Toca1 Debater. In Trianplar Meet

lar d~b&t~ h;mrn•m"nt •l1 h Hff'M'f' Junior COllt'~ Mnd (lutthlmwn JllR•

lor college. It wat • 11nounf't•d by llf'· trmdettlau 'l'e... p~ ... bate Coach J, A. Blair 7ett.liPrday

b 1-Jor Ool~p ~n~ an~n ~ahu~e~:=:~I:;.: \\~:~1~t1 ;~;!';~~

- ~ ~ :::_. w;:rt =. ~ !!::~ llCU. C.Utse me:• p f•r thtm u. • ~~..::·~ ~:!i:!'ic :;.U:::.":t: •w• Ut c.t.r. Be ...-6 I• Nit the ,Wf"JI nrw -~Jude l•p anlr.ld. Crut ~llJ'• al 50c a.nd u.p.

The Christmas Store BROWN-Md>OllAl.D

Emory Uni,·erSity

S1111l~n•• "°""" A. C'. f".-noy, ) 'ou r~allr n~

lhMe PXlra ttmok_.. pl'r pack. If )'Oll'rc nn Emor)" t.:nh'PDlty ~tud..-ul. A '""''t;)' therl'! re,·enlt'd that Jt you huy OIH! p11•·k. you'rf> nl111n11L 1111;". · 10 h1n•c une-11unr1~r of OH' !!O lm111tnt•d l1t'!f1)ro llu• lutl t one llf ~(l111•. I

D<>rlnllely, two cnn'I 1'11Hlkf' ll".!

Peoples State Bank

Member Federal Depoait lu ur­


We Welcome McPherson College Students

ch•"'"' "" on•! I ,.___ ___ ---.:

~ Nt.1mbt1 OneCh•i,tm<n g1lr ;ug9eoi0i1 fo1 9en1l emen you wh h to u~membcr1 01'1 ~h i ' occaiion. The mo,1 ~oulilwl collC!(l1on of gift 1lt) in the hi,101y of 01,11 11011" )\,Id tho lcind c f colo1~ ond pollcrn~ 1ho1 men 11\c•. Sff thc\e hond,omt, mff•J.v..J.flf'IJ Beau Br\lmmcll tie\ fof 11'10 mt!n on y o\lr

gift 110 ••• 1hey'll chittr you1 ~lecrion. Mad.• il'I U. S. A . by fkav 8'vmmc11.

Wch::ome to

Engborgs Drug.Store

2 13 N. JUa~ St.

Yon Need a

Table Lamp Stmly Deok Texl Boolu Chai"' Typewriter Book C.11e 01.ld Job•


or nnr o f a ltwulred olla.r thin11

Use a

Classified Ad 1o 3w~~ 3Se

Phone 98 or 99



Home-Made Ice Cream zso Q1IU't


Graves Urui Store

Maud's Flower Sllop Fount.oin Ser vire Onr

Specially. 109 S. Mai.a Plione620

THE HOME STATE BANK J. B. Alli110n, Pte1ident

C. H. Hiebert, Ca•hier M. G. Mathia, A..t. Cuhl9r

Member Federal Depo1lt l~aurance Col'poratila

GENUINE PARTS FOR M1gneto1, St1rtin1 i nd UPfln1 5,..._

6. 0. SWANSON BECTRICAl BVKE ..... -Roy~I Barller Shep

Un: N. Mala

We Apprccint.o Yoll'I' Buelne­Get Your Haircut.I at a Smart Pi&ce '

condition tor lhe carollnc to ronow nut Suad•J t1il1bt.1 cburcb aer'Tiee. S1IYla Vanaortdel led tbe croup lo elaglog all th& <"ArOla foand tn the · ' 'Comm11n1tr 81nc" boob puc.ILaaed recenll1 b1 the 8Cudenl Council ka• mle Wt1lro. a.ccompaafe4 wUh U.e


The men'• underel&M dehal.6 and nu1'6JI nhhK!. Th,.ro wlll t.ft.JDI •Ill 10 to Uutchlnaon neat bo four rou nda of dllbnto lu the nr­Wec1atsd•1 to ~ompelc In a trlaogu. tern(IOn and ov<Jnlng. ~""""""""""""""""~~L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'

Page 4: NUMBER 12 - McPherson College · team. each won one game. lbe dlr~lor of the labor11:or1\ :c • ••J11f'11ifc.IO.;,in


Bulldogs Play To Be Novel Tourney Le Th ...,.....~ U I Earl Ja&per Swoons When On ADate,· 1n 1atramun11 aasketb•ll t e ~•ups Fa

r.\'___ • S•"t coach w. P. "Buck" A .. 1. ••• ••· · - Frosh Is Revived With Wet Hankies · mD, pona ' IA e nounced that a new pl11.n will be uaed !jpcct•tor 8porta He.alt The case tourney neld at Topeka - will tu•nl•b• -ucb con1petlUon •nd 01 Ro,' >fe.Allle7 'I" N" h lhlt Jt•r In the Intramural· ' The Spectator to Introduce ... ,

.I. omorrow 1(1 l bell touraame.ot. la pre•IOUI toum- tu aew apor ... 1-laff. wbkb Wiii, we u:pe:rltace for'lbe baaltetba.11 pla,e n . Tbe Romeo Of Kllae Ha11. E&r-l , ...... thea tbai •be rull&ed that poor -0 •meat.a ladlYidu.1• h••• hope, rl•• a dequate co,.erai e lo Mc- The a(J::bt beront •Halton lrom col· per, t.bN:lw quite • 11eare Into oae or Earl was tolallt unc:on11eious to tblli

llePh Pia Fi l tum• aad h.J,• e entered u • t eam. Pbe r'90n collece ac:U•Ht tn aporta and le..:e class.ea enda wl11 wllness a home th• cutlea lbe other nl&bt-but tbere- world. Alle r about fifteen mlnutet ereoa 71

n For tbl• tourname nt. 111 tholl!I who to booal the team In uy other -·ay ~•10n0•1•1,0w01•1•0h,,B•Albel100 •• •,h0

ogocamhooowl 1o1hr t0•1~ In lle1 a •lory. , or effort tailed to revive bJm, hl!IP

llome Game of Se&IOn; wt1b to parUctpa.t.e s hould 1lt1;:n up a;ioHlble. Acing u •POrla editor only .. . h1 the peni.ous or Jo'111.n11ch t and friend Seeoadi 'WUI .Play Alio In the Sfm. From th11 ll•t. team•, temporarily 11 Ernest Rffd, a Junior tuwu wlll be 1Hayed tho 11eJ t TueMa7, lt 10 soea that at a bout the habit· (now how did they happeti to be

• will be choten. ~ with exp«1rlence • t •Port.I writing. J 1ui, t . Ollawn ls expected to han ual time Ea.rl arrived at Kline one around!) wt.a IUlnnioned. Ten ruin· The Balldor c•aen wlll open their Jt I• thousht that h1 thl1 me•bod Oun•• Siauffer. tesml• leuerman a atronK 1eam lhli1 rr•r. St. Bene- ••enlna: he and •tm• KUneue (aa lltn wltb wet haakles on the fore-

bo111e MUOD la b .. ketbaU aeuon. on i:nore e•enl7 mat~hed team• can be for two )'Hrs at M. C. and 8 w riter diet c:olle~e •Ill proYlde atroog op- Ir 00 oae knew •ho •he ..... , •eat bH rd a•·all:eaed (lt"a 100 baG 1he tbt1 hudwood of the Coanalloo Hall ~olered and the leq e.-,erleoeed or experlenee, .,111 81d In reponlag Potlllon the nut. Thunday. Jan: II . tor a 1trot1. r-:ow J Hper bu ne•er word " rolved'" toulda't be uied tom.orTOw alabt at 9:00 when they pla7en wlll bue a chance t o ente r varsity iport• . StaufJer wu sports Then •1111 follow rour coP-fereoce l.>cen one ~ waate •hoe leather ao 'here ) eart. He waa Jus t aoOO-:.-wfn pl., tb• stroos tin from Em!)Or· cnn compeUtton. editor of the Hocky Pord. Colorado. gn111c11 nnd one uon~onferem:.e 111me when a 11ult&ble vlace to sit dO'll>'D wa• llleepy. I• State 1'Hc:hen. Emporia Slate No ramH wlll he r un otr bc rore high Bcllool paper for 1_.0 yetrni. Eu· nway f1•om home. T ho llulldog11 re~ fount-- Jn a "'catenien1 10 the preu no111· ha1 an es.cellent tet.m tbla 1eai:: There Chrl1tm11 vaca tion. but All tho1e geuo Lichty, a fre11hman who al!!o turn ID Conven llt.n Hall ror a home Aa t.he e•e 11tn1 pro1reued tbe lie declared. ··r didn't ml11d Earl

:.:.£i:h.':!:~:~: .. ::~: ;;:1:: :::~·:.·=~.~~~· "" '" ... ::. ·.:!.:;~:;:~,·:~d ·.: ~:%:.~"::.~ ;:;;.:..:~%:::::i~~::=r::.~:: ~iS:~ :;:~;.::··~~·:::fa:~; !=:::~.!~;:~·:r .• ~·!.~.::.: .~~~ :: eocol\ lbe pme loll to IJterllac Pittsburg, Haya Are nor Me).'UJey, frei hinan prexr. wlll lenm eucl11 tu iw.uon with three home

by a acore or u~u. Tbl1 next iame Added To Schedule I !~"11r1i~I :~;:.~ 0~fl;l;;:~1 ~r1:!~ ;~;;~~ ,:;11mCH on 1110 couicrence 1chedule. Cobb Win8 Bout

1Utated tl"MIJ ta tba IY.IOD'I tint a nd other odds and e.nda. of them confenmce 1tn11tee, tbel '

wlll be benertctarto the MePheraon Thtf'e c•rntrwl «onft.'r.·rM·t> 1'c•tn1'1 man cbed of no 11Jntall populurlty, ..., 111 . t.:udll•JI'. with the Swede game oo In Fight Card .quad and abould 1ln: tbe teem much 1 ktoeo S•YW'tator r~adeu Informed f f"(Jb. !.S, the hatkt1Lball Kho.Jule Ded 11 C bb 1 • Lo TL. c "Perlet:tce tor the conr-.renc. M-.. on. To lk f'J•rM HJ lfMO 11u11dUJt."1 ! .. ~~ o should .r;h'e the DulldOSI plenty of ea:·1 e o • Hn or at M<":PbetlOn vett J..1t•ug 0 · Tbe p~ablt lrlc Pber'90D atartibc Coach "Duck"" A•tlt1 recentb re· ~~=e:ct!~~"co·:' wtpober::· A. A. and anr C'llt1omf'nL. cou e.-e, woo the dtcl•lon OY'er o\lelYID • llae-ap tor tbt pme wltb Emporia leased the toot ball K hedule tor next • Quo111bl1• Quaek ...• ' lfarlln, Kansas Sta ie lnduatrla.J Re· T•ehe:n: 11 Jonf'• aaa Yoap__1 at for· )'eat, •hkh lncludess ab: conference nulld<>K H.a"'li~1b.11 Srll ... lulo T ht Uet huny Me111enp:11or •ara "Jt r tormatory boxer. In one ot stwera.I • watd•, Wanamaker al cenler, and I game. nnd three uon-conrf:rcnec , T"1A 7e ar • ha~ktitlmll ~hPdUlf' rm•ll>' w<mll'ln·t b~ 11 CAAO ()f aie~plng j boxing rnatebet held at the Con\'~11-B~•t and S(lhubert a t 1uard1. Mc· , «"amH with BtronJi: oppo• Hlon coming 1~ack .. m1111y thrills tor 1n•l1l Uulldog '''° rur tJut ou the !)ra nch It we up I lion flall lnat Monday night. The -:am mlshl 1tarl at tor-ward tn11eact from two •tale teacher'• coll~..:H. sporu f'ana. und S::llV~ tl1a Sll'edea .. far better · ~::~';: ~:D~he fhchta WU the Amer- We ca rry a complete as- I ~· of .Joau or Younr. Tbe Oulldoa:a opeo the ael!laon : l\kJ'h•r11on plar a her flnl home than even chance t o rooat a top the 1 HO g

11 opelllng amateur bo1:· sortment of early Ameri-

ag-alut 8outh•e1tern 00 lbe home with f~mporla SI.Ille tomorrow ! Kt.naH Conference bad:Mbal1 tbronei n~ •bb w. 5 c,A fleid,,epl. 20. A wee'k Iller they nl1bt II Convention Hall. arcer nut Febru;:u7 !I."' I 'II doO'fll'~lnlg4 M.::~:. u:. ~~Linn!:~ can old Spice. BuIJ.dogs Lose

Opelling Game To Sterling

play H111 State Teacheira: College a t on the floor for the count or nln In tlaya. 011 Nov. 8 the OulldOKI play B lld B k } }} s h d } l tha final round but managed toer.,- J~----------~ their la.11 no11~onfl!reuco Knmo Ill u QO' as et )3 C e U e I t.In h i• feet und !!Illy In the tight .-------------_, home 1r1tn1t Plltaburg Stntu T each· " uutll the gong ended the tbree·round era Coller• . Home Cam•• ' Came• Away atral•. DOUGLAS M. HALE

TbNO are the flnt toolbatt lilt• Dec. tG Emporia Teachers Dec. 12 Sterling -==========="' ~::u :.:,r~lul~~C:,:r:::e tht~•~:: Jan. 3 Bethel Jnn. 20 C. of E. :::!io:!-:: ~;;ted Hm s111e i nd Pitt.bu,.•••••· Jan. !I Ottawa i:::: ~~ ~~~~~;~ Teachers

Wjlh Siron .. T••m The complete schedule ror next t11n Jan. lJ St. Bef\cdlct ,Jun. 29 Kansas Wcsleya.n ~ _... It •• ro11ow1: •Feb. · 3 Kansas Wesleyan Jo"'cb. 1 Ottawa

An untried 1quad or McPbtnon Sept. 10 Southwestern, her" Feb. 16 c. of E. F·eb. 5 Baker eolle1• bulr:etbatl pla,nn went down Sept. II Hua Sta te , :'.lero. Feb. 19 Baker Feb. 6 St. Benedict to a U·U deteH t.t tbe b1.nd• of 1be <kt. i . Ottawa. he re. Feb. 28 Bethany Feb. 1 G Bethel Sterllll oll W rt l 8 11 OcL. I I Baker; there. Ta8"a~ :1,:~~o ,:~ .~~10


n•a !~:n:~ Oc:t. 18 Dethel. here. lni; luu1 hfld to he conditioned by tbe tor tlle Bulldo1a. Oct, 21'.i Jhuhany, tJ1erc. . iJake Cramer l'1101·mou•IY 1ncrco1ed publlc inter- ' r•a.r ot lhe two lfUU:n• ...... fa lrly Nov. 1 o. of ·~ .. lhe1·0. ('I'll Ill w hat we are a llOlll and .. cur· t-Hn ror tb• rlrat tbree quartera, tbe Nov. 8 PJtuburc, berc. Ch F 1011!11.Y mlzed attitude It t1.

TAXI Phone 455 ·

15c for one passenger. 1 Oc for each additional pas­senger.


n. .. .a .. .w..• TYPEWRITERS

f . A. Int, luiltfin9

.~ !~~·!1~:ae~~~~!~ a~~:p_s:. wHbout draft. Controlled clrcu· lated heat In y,•lnter. cool a ir for 1ummer rar your comrOrt. Plcntl· ful aupply or aott wa ter.

I Q l):lme !;tore Row Halcon}" Hen fttnkll:n Sture

lllld ebanaha& "back tortb Mf'eral NoT. 15 Kan1u WHle7au, here. osen or "On 1he one band ll I• reflected The Colli!J" Student'• Frknd UmtL WJtll M•tn mlautu of tb• I All c n£ In • hat I belle,·e to be a permanent ,

MCOlld ll&lr JOH McPher.on led b7 . fntramural Wrestling ; - 0 ei·ence l! l~I' Oken In t\me rlc.-n thoua:bt. , llltM r'°lDLI but 8anderaoa and Kre!e ~ Will Start Nexl Week j 1u1mol)'. tha1 colle.ge1 and unlveralllet Iii ii' Ardlie W. 6raYOS, 0. D. ;vc,. ~.."::~~.~1~~ ~ ot St1rua1 took cbarre. Tbo War-1 Bulldor Halfback la nro cnll••d on ll()t onl1 to train lead· i rioft r ipped lbe net for tho nut WHh onl1 nine mcu (llllOred, the Cene Kemper' a Choice cr11 h111 10 11eo 10 the dltt1.11lon ot a I lltlrteen m.lautea. I Intra mural wre111Uh1g 1ourn1rnurnt will hitch lf'W•I nf lnlelllJ11:t1nce. There la .

Por llc.Pberaon Youn1 a nd Jonell e el unde r way ner:t week. F or Halfback Berth •deep puhlk con,·lctlon thr.t the7 1bow6d 1reat poalbllltlell aa flrat- 1 lo the ll&·pound daN lla rold Oecauae or his conal•teut brtmance th1• hroadf: or the 4>pen roads to op- • ~· • IOGK :S. Maln Phone 7.:W 7ear men. COacb W. P. Aatle UHd a Mueller wUl meet Harold Duncanson. on tho ll'hllron lbla Huton. Jake- porlunlly. t here b a ••ldHprud of ab:t.Ma men to tbe same a nd Vtrcll Wu lllnt: mee11 Olcnford Cr11mtr. atell.r Oulldo1 halfback.. f f111th. luarllculate, 11onuHlme1 almost eitdeaTortn1 to rind a worltlna com·! Funk. Sam Elrod and Wilbur Dul· w111 vhttOd on the All·Confcrence f J)ulhcHi" In their JJO"'er. !:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• bfa.a tfou. With erperlence 111ned In linger drt:w h>·u. In 811 lnrormal te11m cho11en by Gone l\tHUllCr or the · " On tho oth~r hand, them~ hu l:tecn : tbl• pme aad a def.tat~ 11a9 on each •lalemcnL i.~unk dc-clftrcd. "My only Topelrn Dr•llY Capital, Thi• 1rnlcctlon fa ll nlunK n curloufll rMr nbout what • Ploet·a poe1ttillltla. Coach A•ll• worr-1 11 'Squllt' Elrod." 111 rocognbed as t he otrlclat a ll-4:on· 1 hlgh~r cducallon do.!1 to people. II LAKE SUPERIOR LUMBER COMPANY : feela qalt.. optlmlattc coaceralni tbe ' Andy Collolt mce.ta Mtrlln Myer terence Itani of t.he Kanua Confer- h t1p<l5tt-n of u 'unacllllns:.' ' radical." : comtaa seuoa. I In the onl7 malc:.h ht lhc beav1we1iht euce. ilat:e It ta cb011en br Ge ne ·trn-ll~ou~·: utterancH or lndlvtd aat1 GEORGE H. GOODHOLM., Mauser :

Tll• a.oz .:ore: dtvlllton. Ton,- Vo11hell drt• • bye. He mper with the coaiultallon or the 1m~ rc1:ardcd &11 0Hlcl1I e1:preuton1 : Slt:rttaa FO FT JI' atwea coachc1 of tho conference. I ot tile 11hllosophy of whole lnstltu· • laad.lnon" .................... 6 5 1 Build \ :p I Cr11mur." 11011homol'C, WMI the only tlonii hy V('onle who torgel that uni· LUMBER - HARDWARE - PAINT - <zOAL ! Krele ............................ • a 2 O!?'S I' ace MePber1011 vluyer to ral(l 11 bo1·th Oil j \'f:'rllltlc• 111 fl dcmoerAtlc 1!11ate mu11t : Klrttoa ............ - .•.......•. O O O u oHher t1n 1 or e:econd nll..em1r~renc(l f llwuuwlvea e>:~nipllry the proee.uea • ,.. ................ · - ··--- s ., 1 Tough Teams team this yet.r. JoJurlt'll werf!: the or d~·mo<rlt')". In the years which. 301 N. Maple Phooe 40 : ::a.=·--········-··-- 2 : ! sole ft.etor pre.entlng th" cholre of He ahead the rec:o1nltlon of tbta :

H r ............ -. ...... 1

1 31 Jn Cage Meet o ther McPhenoo playel'll fornie rl)' or funcllon of our unlvcnltle. la euen· i •••••••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••••:

elm ....... - ......... , ......... O 111-<:0nfcrence c&llbre. tlal In tho prCAer\'llllOn Of democrac1 .

lcllodltar ................. o o _.1

" '""·" 1r-----------------------... Tho complete all-contcrcnct) rnt-

Tolal1 ..... ................. u ~ · 11 1McPher110n Accc1•t• · •••• .,. • •••• h•low: ---·- : Don't forget students - the Bunch meets at the McPtnnoa PO PT '"1 Invitation To Tourney $0r~lr~~t:a~~;~::;; !~'::1· == -·-···········-···-·· : : ~ I Held During Vncalion taw•. Tacklea, Lawrence Datu. Wea· Cener•I El-tri"c ~~··::::::::~:~== O O ti leyaa: Leonard Hohtra. Ottt.wa • .... , ... ·-...................... - 1 o 1 McPhe'l'SOn college will com· Guard•. :u:n lln B•~r. WMleyan CCap· , Refrige rators & R1dios

Maytag Washen

a.tucker ........ ............ o o o pete in a pre-season basketball talnJ : J ohn Altenbor~. llcith11ny. Ceu-1 W A ~.::::::~:::::::::::: : o o tournam2nt to be held at To- ••" Hul• nd t.anw . JJoo••" Q"""'"'' , • Crary Hardware 11179, · ··-···-············-- 0 : ~ peka D\cember 28, 29, and bac k. L7rnan Morgan, Otutwa. Halt· '------=------' VOllaell ··-····· .. -· .. ······- 0 0 1 80, Coach \V, P. "Buck" Astle bacll:I, J ake . Cramt?r. McPherson; W.....U1r -··-········ 1 o o ' recently announCfd· !~:\::';';;.~~ta;•· Pullback. Al·

:..~·::-.. :~.::::::~: ~ : : te::~:= ~:11.~,~~::~ 0t~: ~~:~:~ l.UW .......... ·-········••u 0 0 0 me nt br111kt1t. The Olhera that have Schools Should .,....~ ... -............ ;··· .. ·-···· a· O ' • cccpl(ld the ht\·tlattou ~ro CoTo:·•do

Tolala ...................... u u State c~llCMe. N~-.v Me xico St11le col- ; Set Example Of le1e. Emporlt. St• te Teachtra, South· w.....,, Teun western, \Vathburn, Baker Unlver- T De

n.q.1n.1ee Tovaey ,,.,, ••d ••• tlnlm•ll7 ot Kan .... ! rue mocracy ., .., lld*T * m!! ~~~ ~:::n::u!b,: ~~1~.o~, ~~'! f

l N. Y. U. Chauc<'llor Chace

Vt,.U W•llta1'1 team • Sain dom· nation. L all year ~outhwaatcrn won laaleJ tb• ta,ramual YOlle1 ball plar the uallonal lnl'ercolleglat• title. New R eports Thus In ltcport tlala wee•. W•tl&A& won from the Meslco stale colle1e held thl.a title To University Cound l ~ ,._. Crone lf&Hd Ill one two ,_,.. aao. Equ•111' t•mou1 al'e l New York CHr- ( ACP)-l n a .... ~ t~ Wftt o• to lro• nee bHktt ball teama coached br democratic state. unh·enlllea and ......... ...._ tub.loo. Pbo1 Allen of KaDHa Unl•tnlt7. colleletl! proTtde i n ~Ample ~ ftft mOf't. ~- remain la Tbe bracke1 11 belnc Hransed 90 of d emocracy and dltfute a htch level

.._ \o'l,...Ht. BOU. Cro~n and ~bat each team wltl play onct and l or lntelllfttnco u Wtlll 111 iiertorm Praab onld OYel'UJte the ledera 0011tlll1 twice each aa.r. Eat'lh team I their Job ur tratnlnJ le.d• n . 'WIUl ~ .. 1.7 P•~tf 7tl to be pla.1· •Ill play at teut only daUr. The! Tbhl t• a candid opinion or l)r fill. lel th Hooww .. tad., a tlll wJtb· psarpote of Lbt tourney 11 to 1l•t the 1 Harry Woodburn Cbac•. ebaac•llor 0; .,.a. f ......,,. 11 M..--11 out or earl7 tea.t0a team..t much aeedtd u-,~ New York Ualveral\y, wbo recentlJ ~~ Perleac., PT• hla aanual report to the uni·

'1t~lap oC lM team1 ue u The tournament .,.m be beld al the <renllJ oouacU. -W&1hbuna oollese s1mnulum. lt ta j "Hieber education In Amorlca."'

Pet. aadei:-tood lbal attera.oon and nen·1Dr.· Chace attlrmed In hl1 reporl. .In In• sames wlll be PlQed. "b .. Jaen. learoh1g to llve with a new .11' "Tbe toiaraamnt will oro•ld• a Mt or rae11 and ouUooQ whh whl• !a .HO 'peat dtll of ex-pertence tor mr It b .. aot aa ret altoretber ~onie .OH team;• eommealed COM.b AIUt. t to tt rmt.. P"undamu.t.a.117 our think·


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