Download - Nu News 1966-05 S

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


    NU EWSUniversity of California Chapter of Tau Kaa Eion

    oe 6 Ner eee My 66


    I s wh regre h we reor hee of rro . "Te" n fro sen her ck on erry 2s.To s QerTeke rgo e cory e ws he Non rer ny

    orn n Tes coer 6 8 heoe wh hs rens n ery geo Inn where he receve hs ec on hrogh hgh schoo ro hgschoo he wen on o Inos eseynnve rsy oongon Inos I ws re h he ws ne no TK son h her

    ro he of h s non Teook ee neres n he frerny In e ws eec Grn rynsn n he foong yer o Grn ry

    ns whc offce he he for hree yes.

    In 2 e ws e f e eecvescrery n serve n h ccy ne egnnng of orr II.

    fer evg he eoy of he frerny he ws ssoce n sness for ner of yers wh hs roher n hcg on remen he ve oDewre ho where he ws vng

    wh hs wfe he e of hs eh.In on o hs wfe he s srvve

    fve cren. noher son hs o es ch ws rwne n ong ccen ony few weeks fer grng

    fr hgh schoo He conne hs neres n he frr ny er evng s eoy n wsws n en o offce ns ons of new chers. ncng N cher whch ws nse n coer he offce 7 nsons.

    Te receve ny honors fro hefrerny n ony s Seeer heoncve n Toron ws wre he

    rer of he Goen ge he hgheswr cn e gven ny Teke

    The 2 New Dghers o Dn


    n Sny My 2 new grs wre

    ne no N her's Dghers ofDnThe non ws he cnon of

    scesson of ry fernoon socffrs whch over 6 rs weescreene n nervewe y he rers.

    h on ws oowe y seknner cock ry o ceerehe even

    The new Dgers hve een very c ve n Teke ffrs Thy hve reyrce n he rovne ersconference he ege rekfs n n

    for rsh

    TEK MNI SRING ING r nerson n hs we w hos co k ry for Tee n n heres / es on Sny My 22 6 Mke evey effor o en yoe g yo The nerson he s

    6 Srce Sree n erkeey

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


    Pg 2 May,966

    sbise by te u app s Ani oiaon a e u

    : pter of u Kapa silnr

    a fresews,cae f aresptos an

    ote te fiest sou e sen oeolones s:

    a a Epslonm ers Ofe

    240 anngay

    erke f9rna 7


    B K.n an,traural aran

    Fowin lst semester's succssTekes ve aintaind their to itara ran With the help o e etirese we ha hee league ca

    ionsips atg fndig ar luck ihe ay-offs.



    e as splt e e fen o t ts g on ear t s ofi hamore or thn e pen cd alper

    Tre s hus aar as e ressit eg te houean s ina is od shaeT wil1a anagng tce eng e o.

    e w jt&a eenus, reg al o; sng hea srs : a lison.e1-_te fraers aisy,o c hislast y roes t he o dHcltan tg pt f te jQ'b, use thfratrs se have sgestisad colaints abot ther rsts

    oev e e f te jbin t as ve ry cessfl Thesewr s o e tie eote toe task lasn te ae laess a esult e n hae seak ic eamstraber shorcake,

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


    Ma, 966 U EWS Pae 3


    ou Alumn Boad of Offce t hn the Fae led below fo thepacpaon n ou ue. poam Fd ae ue o fthe ou alumn elatonprogram and enhance he Chapter a Cal. If your name is not ised, t s not toolae to jon n. Sed your dues to Tau Kappa Epsilon, Alumni Records Offce, 2490

    Channn Wa, Bele.Man han to:

    Cal Andeon ' 57chad C Andeonobet S. Beb '48Haold B Bedc ' 33o W Be '57

    dwa olandJohn L Bola 57Edwad H Boe J. 2

    Alfed D Boone '2Andeon BothwcDonad Bettne '59 Ha L Boc, J '57 Howad C Bow '24M. H. BukoldeCecl BulP. E Cate ' 32Lowell Catl '54Wlfed F ave ' 33 Alfed H. Clak '23a F. Code ' 63Fan P. Conl ' 27

    John F Coad J. ' 65Dael B. Co tello '5Buce M Cowan' 3

    bet W. Cabtee ' 62 H D o 20chad B DavJeph F DeMatnEdwad Demot '49Inul Ee Hubet D. Elle Heman W. Fhe '52

    Davd P Flppn ' 6Davd E Fanc '54V J FemuhPaul ade ' 3Joeph E a '53S C oth '8 J oth ' 35Wllam W. aham '

    Jeffeon ave '5Jame ff

    Hen Habecht ' 29heodoe Ha '29

    Athu Haave ' 29Jo Ha ' 23obetB Heath 52Wllam D Heath ' 8

    Wllam E Hnel '63Clffod Hendeon ' 2 Hen Hendeo '58Wllam A. Heo ' 52a V HenEva . H'Ewn H chfde '71 E. Hobe ' 2

    Caoll C Hode '24 Haold HooveFlod E. Howe ' 34obet Hutton '23Wad O In m '3 odd veon ' 28Wedell B Jao '52Walte K Jane ' 5 Hoace Joeobet B Keabe ' 55 Anold J Klau ' 25Fan B Klkchad N. Klk '6

    Iv P Kck '28

    contnued on pa e 4


    VM 1cor'C ve e a h me e lo o ou alumn botheo ppeve mmbe W now ha leace andlumn ecmmenaon ae e fnet popec ouadute chape on o campu e ae

    anxou o pee n and bu even ute h eue an outadn pee fl an aa ou oa WIH OU HELPPleae en na . pa uh commendao cad encloed

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


    -" -

    a 966 NU NEWS



    chape pd he once he men p ee Nu Chae

    eae neren ver he ween n ne he l ped cleo p 6-7. ver 100 ee d D h cape ha nwn e re Dn ended, nn hoe alona, _ he er tm ee chape a Chc e hv h eeSae cameo Se d Hbd e ae , ca ea, he nSa ad ( cdd up h

    Alo ae wee pce upe lede re led bel:c Meer ld pevi r e acs nd rnd pohee Gee Mew e in Pa Bl n 6 Sn l

    r . --' -preMa-- = ---. -o e he coece Me aac B e 9 ee

    ece eue om endn e Mie e 6 n Bern

    a in lrd ve n ee Hre uh, oowe y a v di Gr Dnd '9 V ucuo a apaa he epee cape uh oam a he u Col Mcae 68 n rnI wa oe ha l ur e ca u de maan op mmeh l Dvi Mnd'6 n uhe epece co h wa o Phlwd y o peeao ae 9 Sn accMe nd ee h

    he aeoo uo wa eve dger uhbh 9 n ro poc aa Sen were Bu oe n vri eh irve Grdn del '69 Saa Brbraoce eao he eeae Bu daee o apo chape oce o Jh ree L Aneecomuae eea poce ew rreah e ohe pvne chaen he B Sha 9 o Aelepobe prvce ec pojc Ahecue

    wee cued, a we a pce Ml mu 68 Bkelepinc ,

    Stqc 9 . neaocoee e coee e

    oe o cu eaae ic cvenou aec ae a oca pde ann ace a B IXT IN GY MA Vng, ad pb rea n.

    The coference :ecoveed to hear re- i te campu UglyMa" cotest,

    po o commee poemeon

    pla hel ebua 23 ach heo he ex oce coeece c ae aa eed Buu, he houeSae a cmme wee mae fo he maco Preed o he ai d e pce nd e ae help p al amp

    he ex poe aad cl Aouh Bu eco 9maxe he coeece e awa o ew campu ule aa ha"mo mpoe chape we hc a ohe uch pace a wch he aSae Ouand chae wa e o e hae ow pofce camped uScren he Beele chape wn e a Buu coul h o beehe wa o he o ee chape in he ha xh h me ll a ceableoce peomace ue he ccumace

    ' \ { ;'-

  • 8/6/2019 Nu News 1966-05 S


    Pge 6 NU My, 196

    I NEWS . FROM YOU TEKE AERR HOAS 16 is rgeon in Scrmento ch of h creer s beensnt i te ry icl cors, dringorld r I nd fr246 He is reired coel i te cos I Pintconts s grdhiren n eeven getgrndchildren He is enthsisti lb mn, holding membeshi in brod sectrm of orgniztions rnging fro medicl to rmy to frternl e hs writtene of ic dln w de,selecte serce nd dibiy srce.Pinto nd i wfe live l4942nd treet

    Scrmento 95819

    DONAD L CHAFIN 58 is retil slesservisor for Union Oil Compny of i forni in Scrento ro 1958 to 191h s i he U S Am, recing ternk of sergent Don nd his wife ie34 ierr Vew Lne in cento

    EYN KINS 33 writes from YCity, !Any ekes png by r nite totop in 4100 ive Ok Highw High

    wy 99E, 3 es north of Yb City l wy s miig drs s Box 54 Cit 95991 \HOMAS A UNER 6 i Pece Corsvolnteer in te re of r comniyeveloent h orps hs sen o to _

    ff rabzo znd)on the Blck Se Hi ddress i YzlikKoy Mck, rbzon, rkey

    NORMN A ARRLL 59 is prctionlnning servisor for Cown Zellebch

    Corortion in City of Cmmerce e is ember of te Repblin ssocites ofLos Angeles Cnty No no lves t1000 Est Newmrk vene in MoeerkELMERB. QUIST 135 s a fancial ad

    sor wit i nn1 rogr, Inorported in n teo rom 1946, ewas a public helt saniarian, followedby 1 yers in ses nd s ses nger

    Bd his wie, n teir o cidrn reside t 73 est 41st Avene in Sn Meo

    JHN D cCBBIN 6 s ist lietent in the SAF He wrtes "I msttione in the Hn k re of theFedrl Rbic of ermn seving inone o te conen orgnztions o theNA O ir deense te My qrtersreon the ecnoy in s Gemnfr vilgeI ohn, wh w rriedin 195 gives his resent ddress sPO Bx 2 65th A& Sqd APNewYb'kO940: , ' -._
