Download - Nu Flow · THEHE INTERNATIONALNTERNATIONAL HOMEOME SHOWHOW Mississauga, Ontario October 6th, 2006 Nu Flow recently attended the 21st Annual International Home Show in Mississauga,

  • Nu Flow Nu Flow FallFall

    NewsletterNewsletter 2006


    International Home Show Highlights

    Drains Training in Oshawa

    Aqua Guardian Filtration System

    Success Stories

    Industry News

    Marketing Department

    Up Coming Events

  • Say Hello to Matt Sullivan!Nu Flow’s newest Sales Representative.....

    Matt Sullivan has over 10 years, sales, marketing, customer service,and management experience. His entrepreneurial creativity, and lead-ership skills have proven invaluable, with some of Canada's betterknown financial, telecom, and internet technology based companies.

    Matt joined Nu Flow at the end of August this year. Since then he hasassisted two KFC Franchises with Nu Flow Drains Technology. He’s currently working with the KFC Canadian Head Office to developa national preventative maintenance program.

    Matt is also in final negotiation stages with Pillar to Post, a NorthAmerican wide home inspection company, to partner their franchiseeswith Nu Flow licensees for a national lead referral program.

    Please join us in welcoming Matt to the Nu Flow Family!


  • TTABLEABLE OFOF C CONTENTSONTENTS1. Welcome Aboard!2. Message from Cameron Manners3. Message from Steve Howe4. The International Home Show5. Aqua Guardian6. Potable Water Kits7. Success Stories8. Industry News9. Success Stories

    10. Event Calendar11. Marketing13. Women’s Self Defense Class14. Job of the YearJune Training Participants from left to right;

    Justin Ullem of Aqua Source, Chris Rollins of BusyServices, Jeff Mies of Plumb Rite, Nick Stec and JacobJaroszewicz.

    Nu Flow Installers demonstrate bladder ends assemblybefore wetting out the felt and inflating the bladder.

    Nu Flow America offers monthly training seminars in Oshawa, Ontario or San Diego,California.

    The seminars involve a classroom componentcovering technologies, sales, bidding on con-tracts, dealing with municipalities, and integratinglining into a pre-existing business.

    The second part is a hands on demonstration ofthe Nu Flow pull-in-place lining method. Oftenclients are taken to an actual job site to observea Nu Flow crew in action.

    The seminar winds up with a marketing presen-tation and Q & A.


    The Nu Flow Newsletter Is published quarterly, in Oshawa, OntarioEditor: Sarah LatendrePublisher: Chris LuttrellPhotography and Graphic design by C. Luttrell and S. Latendre

  • Education and the IndustryOn October 8th we exhibited at our first Canadian Home Show in Mississauga, Ontario. Forthose of you unfamiliar with Ontario, Mississauga is a suburb of Toronto, one of the 5 largestcities in North America. The show was scheduled over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekendand the crowd was huge. TV legend Mike Holmes was giving seminars a few feet from ourbooth. I think we snapped a picture of him....

    The thing I heard over and over again at the show was “What’s Trenchless Technology?” and“The contractor told me I HAD to dig!. Where were you 6 months ago?”

    Sometimes in the rush to sell a job we forget the bigger picture. In our industry advertising and promotion areabout educating the public as much as they are selling. Sometimes just letting people know WHAT you do willmake the sale.

    Why stop with the public? Make sure local tradesmen know what you do and how it’s done. Use education as atool to network with your peers.

    Don’t know where to start? Call your Sales Rep and we’ll have a Marketing Package sent to you.


    MMESSAGEESSAGE FROMFROM THETHE VVICEICE PPRESIDENTRESIDENTIt’s all in the DetailsThere’s a famous example of a few details losing the war for market dominance;Betamax vs VHS.

    Sony's Betamax video standard was introduced in 1975, followed a year later by JVC's VHS.For around a decade the two standards battled for dominance, with VHS eventually emergingas the winner. What lost the battle for Sony? Betamax was a higher quality product and wasintroduced to the market an entire year earlier than VHS!

    1) Sony had licensing problems with other companies that tied up resources needed to market the product2) VHS machines were easier and cheaper to manufacture, so more companies produced them3) VHS tapes recorded longer, up to three hours vs Betamax’s 60 minutes. (Sony did adapt and offer various solu-tions for longer recording, but it was too late.)

    Sony could have recovered from one of these problems, maybe two and you might have had a Betamax machinein your home today. The combination of all three factors was deadly to Sony’s efforts, costing them the market.

    What can we take from Sony’s hard lesson? Make sure all the little details are taken care of before you go to war.Know what the competition is offering and how it will impact your services. Make sure your supplies are readilyavailable. Be ready to answer the awkward questions and point out why you have the superior product...

    Remember folks, “It’s better to ACT than to REACT”

    Vice President, Nu Flow

    Cameron MannersPresident & CEO, Nu Flow

    Our Success comes only after Yours!

  • TTHEHE IINTERNATIONALNTERNATIONAL HHOMEOME SSHOWHOWMississauga, Ontario October 6th, 2006Nu Flow recently attended the 21st AnnualInternational Home Show in Mississauga, Ontario.It‘s Canada’s largest Fall Home Show includingmany attractions.

    The 2006 Show boasted a “Do-It-Herself”Renovation Theatre starring TV personality MikeHolmes.

    The Oshawa Sales team set up a live Aqua SourceFilter with water samples for the public.

    Installations Manager Sinan Omari also developeda mock up of a liner and bladder inside a real pipe.He was then able to demonstrate the inflation ofthe bladder and installation of the liner.

    “Visual aids are so important when explaining anew technology to a customer. If he or she can’tpicture it, they’ll never buy it.” explains Sinan.

    The show was a success, doing more educatingthan selling. Many of the attendees were complete-ly unaware of Trenchless and Potable Technology.

    The Show ran over the entireCanadian Thanksgivingweekend so all of the officestaff took a turn working thebooth. It was great exposurefor the Canadian public andNu Flow staff alike.

    About...The International Home Show

    The show is simply about SmartLiving, with a green emphasis

    Now in its 21st year, the eventhosts 400 exhibits and attrac-tions that shed light on howhomeowners can improve theirquality of life by changing oldconsumption patterns.

    It’s a chance to see how greenchoices are being put to work toimprove indoor air quality, savemoney and protect the environ-ment.

    “I was amazed by the number of home owners who“I was amazed by the number of home owners whoknew nothing about Tknew nothing about Trenchless Trenchless Technologyechnology..Several people told me they had just pSeveral people told me they had just paid for messyaid for messy,,expensive digs. One guy had his interlock drivewayexpensive digs. One guy had his interlock drivewaydestroyed. He just didn’t know there was an option.destroyed. He just didn’t know there was an option.This market has real potential, but our first step has toThis market has real potential, but our first step has tobe educating the public.” be educating the public.” -Matt Sullivan, Nu Flow Sales Rep.

    Right: InstallationsManager Sinan Omarimans the booth.

    Mike Holmes does a live demonstration at theInternational Home Show.

  • The Nu Flow Team presented the Aqua Source Guardian WaterFilter to the Canadian Public at the recent International HomeShow in Mississauga, Ontario.

    The complete filtration system was set up using city water as thesource. Show attendees were offered at taste test of tap water vsthe aqua source product.

    “The results were easy to see” chuckled Nu Flow Sales RepRob Richards, “The local tap water had a yellow tinge and dis-tinct odor to it. It really gave us a chance to show what the fil-ter can do”

    Following is a brief description of the Aqua Guardian’s features. Be sure to ask your rep about distribution rights.

    The Aqua Guardian Whole Home Ultra Filtration System

    Until now, the only way to effectively protect a home from water-borne contaminants has been whole house Reverse Osmosis, butReverse Osmosis is not a practical solution as it wastes water inthe filtration process and removes all the beneficial minerals. Nowthere is the Aqua Guardian. This NSF approved system filters thewater down to 0.02 microns for continuous, crystal clear safe waterat every water outlet in the home. It uses very little water during theflush cycle and leaves in all the beneficial minerals without addingany chemicals to the water.

    The Technology

    Inside the Aqua Guardian'spressure vessel is a networkof hollow fibers that filtersimpurities from the water.The patented multi-bore technology is superior to other hollow fiber prod-ucts because there are seven capillaries in every fiber, making themstronger and more efficient. The inside-out filtration process effectivelyremoves concentrated impurities trapped on the surface of the capillarywalls by high velocity flushing. This inside-out filtration process assurescontinuous, effective cleaning and the longest possible life of the system.

    Safe Drinking Water at High Flow Rates

    The Aqua Guardian removes turbidity, harmful cysts, bacteria and mostviruses from the source water, and delivers this level of purity at flow ratesup to 10 gpm with very low pressure drop.

    The Right Kind of Water

    While removing turbidity, cysts, protozoa, algae and bacteria, the AquaGuardian leaves behind the beneficial minerals. It does not reduce TDS's,so there's no corrosion of the water pipes and no leaching of metals.

    Self-maintaining System

    The easy to program meter controller acts as the brain of the system. Theset-up is quick, easy and control is accurate. A flush cycle is initiated whena pre-set number of gallons pass through the membrane filter. The controlwill also sense when water has not been used in a 24 hour period and initi-ates a brief flush to keep the module performing at its best.


    Above: new The “Aqua Guardian”Filtration System from Aqua Source

    Below: The “Taste Test” Station


    The Nestle Factory in Trenton, Ontario has a yearly sum-mer shutdown to perform routine maintenance. Duringthe last maintenance shutdown a main drain line wasbeing flushed and the jetter hose became stuck.Thinking they had some sort of blockage the mainte-nance mechanics dug a pit to inspect the pipe. Theyfound a lot more than they’d bargained for.

    The 30 year old cast iron pipehad such extensive corro-sion that the bottom of thepipe had completely disap-peared. Anything going intothe pipe was going straightinto the ground!

    The Factory’s drain pipes run under more than 100 feet of thick concrete. Diggingwas not a viable option. They needed a permanent no dig solution. At this pointNestle called Nu Flow for an assessment.

    Once our team arrived on site they became aware of another major set back.Serious renovations to the facility left the drainage plans hopelessly outdated.

    Nu Flow Engineer Sinan Omari put together a plan of action. The first day on sitewas devoted to mapping out the pipe system. The pipes were cleaned out using ascorpion cutting tool. The camera was then used to plot out all of the connectionsstill used and mark the dead junctions.

    Once the job was completed the team had reinstated four 4"connections and lined over 100 feet of 6" cast iron pipe

    including two 45ºdegree bendsand one "Y" con-nection.

    A high heat resistantepoxy was used to safe-guard the drains against fur-ther damage.

    Nu Flow is consulting with NestleManagement about future projects

    Above: High temperature fluids used in cleaninghave completely removed the bottom of the pipe.

    Right: A sample of piperemoved from the TrentonPlant showing the exten-sive damage.

  • The Nu FlowFamily of Potable

    Water Rehab Equipment.

    The BEST SYSTEMon the Market


    MMeeeett tthhee FFaammii llyy!!


    Air Dryer/Purifier


    Air Manifold



    AAdddd PPoottaabbllee WWaatteerr RReehhaabbttoo YYoouurr BBuussiinneessss .. .. ..

  • Nu Flow Uses APL’s NSF ApprovedEpoxies US Patent # 5,707,702

    1 800 834

    Marketing Ideas Included:Sample Magazine Advertising Sample Yellow Pages AdvertisingSample Radio AdvertisingSample Television AdvertisingFull Salesman/Estimator Marketing Packages

    Equipment Included in Start-up Package**(1) Mixing unit for Epoxy (1) Sanding Unit for Pipe Preparation(1) Master Header – Large Air Manifold(1) Air Filter Cooler/Dryer(4) Small Headers(1) Dust/Grit Collector Separator(1) Heat Exchanger(1) In-Line Heater(1) Aqua Source Whole House Filter**Please Note that shipping of equipment is not included in the start up price.

    Equipment NOT included:Air Compressor with a capacity of 375 CFM Compressor (We advise localpurchase for best pricing and service/maintenance.)All Hoses and Cam Locks are not includedStart-Up Plumbing Inventory needed on the truckAir pressure Gauges, Band Clamps or the Band Clamping tool

    Services Included in Start-up Fees:1 week of on-site training at your facility Up to 1 month of training in San Diego: (Licensee to be responsible for all of trainees associated expenses: i.e. travel, food, hotel,and wages etc.)

    Trainees will get exposure to Small & Large job sites, office workings,marketing practices, sales practices, proper usage of equip., mentor-ing from experienced epoxy lining technicians.

    CCaall ll oouurr ffrr iieennddllyy SSaalleess RReeppss ffoorr mmoorree

    IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn!! ((nnoo oobbll iiggaatt iioonn))

  • The Newman Centre, Toronto Ontario

    Nu Flow was called to investigate a problem at theNewman Centre, a Student Facility for the University ofToronto. The site had frequent drain line blockages.Jetting the lines proved to be a temporary solution.

    The main line of the hundred year old building passesunder some of the Newman Centre’s historical land-marks. Excavation of the line would have meant digginga 60' trench right through the property’s original cobble-stone walkway and the destruction of two 100 year oldtrees. Adding to the problem, the Newman Centre islocated on a busy Toronto street and the excavationwould require trenching into the road.

    Further investigation revealed 4 other services running beside or overtop thepipeline. An excavation nightmare!The Facility Management was thrilled to discover the Nu Flow alternative.

    A camera inspection revealed that the pipe had not one or two, but three different diameters . This required a customliner with multiple transitions.

    The primary 3" cast iron pipe transitioned 4" clay pipe leading to a drain spout. At this point the pipe was broken, allow-ing for extensive root intrusion. Further down the line the pipe transitioned again to 6" diameter and continued to themain where more roots had entered.

    The Installers major challenge was pulling the custom liner through a 4" cleanout and then two 45º bends and a 90ºbend. Remember that the back end of the line was 6” in diameter. A tricky business for the inexperienced, but the veter-an Nu Flow Crew was able to use lubricantsand consummate skill to pull the customtransitions into place.

    The operation took 4 days including cam-era work, preparation, lining, and clean-up. Excavation would have taken weeksin a best case scenario.

    “We have another happy customer”

    remarked Installations Manager SinanOmari after a follow up interviewwith the Newman Centre PropertyManager.


  • IINDUSTRYNDUSTRY NNEWSEWSSewer & Water Infrastructure

    Hits Mainstream MediaThe August announcement that BP needed to shut downpart of its Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, crude oil facility due tosevere pipeline corrosion and leaks made national - andinternational - headlines. While this seems perfectly natu-ral - especially given the volatility in the energy sector - italso begs the question : Why don't sewer and waterpipelines garner the same level of interest in the main-stream media?

    In the wake of the Prudhoe Bay announcement, theBoston Globe ran an editorial titled "Corroding Sewers, Not Alaskan Oil Pipes, Are the Real Danger," writtenby Institution CEO Tom Rooney. ( A copy of Rooney's article is available on the Water Infrastructure Networkat

    It was surprising and refreshing to see the article, which pointed out the sad state of much of America's sewerand water infrastructure and put a perspective on the relative importance of water and waste water infrastruc-ture and oil infrastructure.

    Here's an excerpt: The oil pipes received a lot of attention. But remember this: No one died. No one got sick. No pristine landwas despoiled. It will cost us money. But only a few people are talking about the broken pipes that really hurt our environment, get people sick,cause people to die and cost even more money than oil pipeline shutdowns.We are talking bout sewer pipes of course.

    While it's a step in the right direction, much more exposure is needed for the public at large to understand theenormous challenges facing the water and wastewater industry. It is only after the public begins to voice con-cern that the politicians will react.

    Penn State Public Broadcasting is currently moving forward on an initiative that will help further the cause.

    In Spring 2008, Penn State Public Broadcasting, with distribution through American Public Television and inpartnership with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the National Environmental ServicesCenter (NESC) at West Virginia University, will roll out a national public education initiative on the U.S cleanwater infrastructure.

    Called Liquid Assets, the project is to raise public awareness of the urgent needs of our water and wastewatersystems and their vital role in protecting health and economic prosperity. "As we have researched the topic,talking with major cities, the EPA, ASCE and others, it is clear that a program to educate citizens is an impor-tant public service," said Tom Keiter, creative director for Penn State Public Broadcasting.

    Liquid Assets includes two 60-minute national broadcast programs, distributed tool kits ( with components tofacilitate public meetings and local government official education) and an outreach grant program to supportand promote local issues television productions to tie in with the national broadcasts.

    Penn State Public Broadcasting recently met with representatives from ASCE, BAMI-I, the City of Atlanta,NACWA and AGC for additional input as it plans to have a fully developed script by November.

    Source Trenchless Technology, September 2006 issue, Page 16

  • SSUCCESSUCCESS SSTORIESTORIESWhen they want it done right, they call Nu Flow...Failing copper pipe isn’t just a problem for older homes. Just ask the residents of this beautiful 7600 square footestate property in Rancho SantaFe. Yes, I said 7600 square feet!

    The 14 year old “modern daypalace” had a virtual flood on thefirst floor of the property causedby failing copper pipe. The flood-ing destroyed 2500 square feetof hard wood floors, along sidethe usual drywall, cosmetic dam-age and loss of personal proper-ty that comes with this type ofwater damage.

    Not wanting to ever face acatastrophe of that proportionagain, the home owners decidedto call Nu Flow and have theircopper plumbing coated for permanent protection.

    The job took the San Diego Nu Flow crew 3 days from beginning to end. (7600 square feet of house comes with alot of plumbing. The average home is prepped, coated and back in business over night)

    The very happy property owners agreed to share their story, but asked to have their names withheld.

    Rancho Santa Fe is home to some very wealthy and famous Americans.

    About Rancho Santa FeRancho Santa Fe, a town of 5,000 people 30 miles north of San Diego, is the nation's wealthiest among communi-ties of 1,000 households or more, according to Census figures released Tuesday.

    The per capita income of more than $113,000 puts RanchoSanta Fe ahead of Atherton and Woodside, both near SanFrancisco, Palm Beach, Florida, and Bloomfield Hills,Michigan, Census figures show. Indian River Shores,Florida, ranked No. 1 in the last Census in 1990, fell toseventh place in the latest survey.

    Rancho Santa Fe also was the most expensive place tobuy a house in the United States over the past year. Themedian single-family home price is $1.7 million, accordingto DataQuick Information Systems of San Diego.

    What's luring the wealthiest Americans? For one thing, pri-vacy.

    Rancho Santa Fe's rural feel has been zealously guardedfor 74 years by a strict set of rules, called the ProtectiveCovenant. Most properties are a minimum two acres. Allthe traditionally styled Spanish, Mediterranean or ranchstyle homes must meet standards set by a design boardthat calls itself the Art Jury, which strives to ensure even18,000 square-foot buildings blend into the landscape.

  • EventEvent DateDate LocationLocationDrains Training Seminar Nov. 16-17, 2006 Oshawa, ON, Canada

    PM Expo, Property Managers T.S. Nov. 28-30 2006 Toronto, ON, Canada

    Pumper/Cleaner Expo Feb. 8-10 2007 Nashville, TN, USA

    NASTT No Dig Expo Mar. 15-20 2007 San Diego, CA, USA

    National Home Show (CNE) Apr. 13-27 2007 Toronto, ON, Canada

    Potable Water Training Apr. 19-21 2007 San Diego, CA, USA

    ACE (AWWA) Jun. 24-29 2007 Toronto, ON, Canada


  • How Do I Develop a Marketing Budget?Depending on your industry, your competition, and what it is you wish to accom-plish in general, there are two basic ways to determine your budget: one is thepercent-of-sales and the other is the objective-task method. In the previousissue we discussed the requirements of the percent-of-sales method and wegave examples of some quick figures you could use. In this issue we will moveforward and focus on the objective-task method.

    Objective-Task MethodThe objective-task method requires a lot more skill and commitment than the percent-of-sales method. Thismethod helps in answering the question of; “What’s it going to take to get us where we want to go?” For thismethod one must first establish your sales goals than determine the tasks necessary to achieve these goals.If this is the direction you wish to pursue you should include at least 10% of your budget for contingencies.That way you can monitor your promotional efforts throughout the year to see if goals are being reached.Then, if they are not, or if they are being overachieved, you can adjust the budget upward or downward withinthe limits of this contingency reserve fund. This fund is also useful for meeting special circumstances, such asa change in demand or to implement new promotional tactics.

    Who should use this method

    Like any other marketing decision one must carefully pick whichmethod is best suited for their situation. This method is one which isfamous for larger corporations but isn’t for every business.

    A big drawback of the objective-task method is that it requires farmore skill, judgement, and research in determining tasks than doespercent-of-sales method. A smaller company may not have the mar-keting skills among their personnel to determine a budget using thismethod. This method requires extra time and commitment that yourcompany may be unable to produce.

    Next Quarter we will discuss different types of advertising media and their uses.

    Credit Where Credit is DueMost of the information in this article comes from a book by Robert Grede called “Naked Marketing, The Bare Essentials”It’s well worth the 20 dollars if you are a small business owner who is serious about putting together a marketing plan.


    Have you submitted a project for the

    JOB OF THE YEAR ?Speak to your Sales Rep for Details...

  • Women’s Self Defense SeminarWomen’s Self Defense Seminar

    Techniques showing how to break a hold,striking points, and how to complete powerful& effective punches were just a few movesthat we practiced.

    The Seminar was informative and greatlyappreciated by all who attended. With somuch talk stemming from the seminar it isprobable that another one will occur in the following months. We would like to thankChris for his time and effort in putting this session in motion. Thanks Chris.Sarah Latendre, Editor

    Angela Lee practices some friendly puches withinstructor Chris Luttrell

    Angela Lee and Sarah Latendre take a few swings at each other.(no one was hurt in the making of these pictures, much)

    On August 21, 2006 Nu Flow held it’s firstever Self Defense Training Seminar led by our veryown Marketing Manager Chris Luttrell. Chris hasbeen an instructor of Martial Arts for over 13 yearsand graciously brought forth the idea of having ourvery own training session.

    The class consisted of both a lecture and ahands on demonstration. Subjects such as PINS,(Pre Incident Indicators) Offensive and DefensiveMindsets, as well as personal habits to keep youfrom becoming a victim were covered.

    Towards the end of the seminar attendee’s weregiven a chance to learn specific maneuvers todefend themselves in different situations.

  • Win Your Dream Vacation from Nu Flow...Win Your Dream Vacation from Nu Flow...It’s EASY, just send us the specs for your most challenging and rewarding jobs of 2006!

    You can win a $2000.00 Travel Certificate!! (No Cash Value)The Job of the Year will be chosen by a panel of Nu Flow judges based on the following criteria;

    Degree of difficulty ProfitabilityJob resultsCustomer satisfaction

    Travel certificates will awarded to the winners for Best Potable Job and Best Drain Job at this year’sPumper/Cleaner show in Nashville TN.

    Submit your entry before Jan 21st, 2007 by fax or E-mail.Pictures or diagrams of the job will increase your odds of winning!

    Contact your Nu Flow Sales Rep at

    1-800-834-9597for more details.

    WWe’re Protecting Historye’re Protecting History... from the ... from the Inside OutInside Out ..Nu Flow America is proud to be a part of the award winning Tishman Restoration Team.

    Best of 2006: Temple Emanu-El, Manhattan, Rehabilitation, Renovation and Restoration

    Don’t tear up yourproperty without talking to us first!

    Of course we’re no strangers to the Rehabilitation and Restoration Industry, just ask the property managersof other New York Landmarks like St. Bartholomews and St. Thomas. We’ve done diagnostic work and restored leaking drain pipes and rain leads for both properties.

    If it has a pipe, we can line it without digging holes or tearing out walls.

    Problem solved. Permanently.

    St. Thomas

    Temple Emanu-El