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Page 1: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units)

Spring, 2018

Mary Luo, Ph.D.

[email protected]


A survey of the Pauline Epistles, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, the Johannine

Epistles, Jude, and the book of Revelation, with a study of selected texts and biblical

themes and an exploration of some issues from these biblical books.


Upon successful completion of the course requirements, students should be able to

1. gain a more detailed knowledge of the content of the Pauline Epistles, the

General Epistles, and the book of Revelation;

2. have a better understanding of the historical background, purpose(s) of writing,

the structural and literary characteristics, and major biblical and theological

themes of these biblical books;

3. gain a deeper understanding of selected texts and issues from these books;

4. construct biblical theology on a given theme from a given biblical book;

5. apply the truth learned from these biblical books to their own lives and

ministries more effectively.


1. Class Preparation: You are expected to complete the weekly reading

assignments before watching the lecture videos in order to better understand the

content of the lectures and be able to participate in the online discussion with more


Read each of the biblical books at least three times according to the class

schedule. You may use either a Chinese translation (和合本,和修本,新

譯本,環球譯本, 新漢語譯本等主要中譯本) or an English translation

(NIV,NASB,ESV,etc.). This is extremely important for this class and for

our Christian walk and ministry.

Read the assigned passages and relevant parts from other books listed in

the selected bibliography. The minimum reading requirement is 1000

pages in English or 800 pages in Chinese (Bible reading is not included).

Each student must fill in the reading report form at the end of this syllabus

as you read and turn it in on the final exam day (no later than 5 pm PST on

May 11).

Page 2: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


2. Watch the lecture videos: you are expected to watch the lecture videos early in

the week in order to participate in the online discussion.

3. Online discussions: online discussion creates distance learning community by

fostering interactions among the students and between the students and the instructor.

Discussion topics will be posted each week. After completing the reading assignments

and watching the lecture videos, students are expected to

(1) respond in writing to the posted discussion question(s) (click on the

“comment” button under the instructor’s post). The response to the

discussion topic should be of good quality (thoughtful, concise and

well-written). You may write either in English or in Chinese. The length of

your post should be about 200-350 words in Chinese or 130-230 words in

English. You are expected to respond to the discussion topic before Thursday

11:59 pm PST so that other students may have enough time to reply to your

post (points will be deducted for late posts).

(2) reply to at least two other students’ posted response by Sunday 11:59 pm PST

(click on the “reply button” under the student’s post to whom you reply). You

cannot see other students’ posts unless you post your own response to the

instructor’s prompt first. Your reply should be brief but not simply “I agree”

or “I disagree;” a reason for each positive or negative comment should be

given (including biblical references if applicable) as well as your personal

perspective. Show respect to each other when you reply to others’ posts;

make sure to give constructive suggestions if you disagree with other

people’s views.

4. Quizzes: five quizzes will be given throughout the semester to test students’

detailed knowledge of the biblical content. These are simple questions, including

multiple choice, true or false, fill-in-the-blank, short answer questions, etc. A practice

test with the different types of questions is on Populi (under Lesson 1) for you to

familiarize yourselves with the Populi quiz/exam style. Students may take each quiz

two times; the higher score will be recorded. These are closed book and closed Bible

quizzes. Honesty is required. Remember that God is watching you even when no one

is around.

5. Exams: two exams will be given in the middle of and also at the end of the

semester. They are mainly essay questions, testing students’ understanding of the

biblical books or passages in these biblical books. They are also closed book exams.

Page 3: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Lecture recordings, discussion posts, quizzes and exams will be open to view

each Monday 5 am PST and will be closed the following Sunday 11:59 pm PST. It is

your responsibility to get approval from the instructor at least a week in advance if

you need to reschedule the quizzes and the exams in the case of emergency.

6. Projects: other than reading assignments, online discussions, quizzes and exams,

students are to work on two selected NT themes. Instructions will be given in due

time. Please turn in the projects on time. Late projects will be penalized. One point

will be deducted from each late project per day.

Page 4: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017



1. Reading Assignments 5%

2. Online Discussions (14) 20%

3. Quizzes (5) 20%

4. Projects (2) 15%

5. Exams (2) 40%

Grading Scale:

Percentage Grade Point Percentage Grade point A 93.5-100.0 4.000 C 73.5-76.4 2.000 A- 90.0-93.4 3.667 C- 70.0-73.4 1.667 B+ 86.5-89.9 3.333 D+ 66.5-69.9 1.333 B 83.5-86.4 3.000 D 63.5-66.4 1.000 B- 80.0-83.4 2.667 D- 60.0-63.4 0.667 C+ 76.5-79.9 2.333 F 59.9 or below 0.000



1. Carson, D. A., and Douglas J. Moo. An Introduction to the New Testament. 2nd ed.

Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005. Or its Chinese translation:


2. Bruce, F. F. Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.




Desmond, Alexander T., Brian S. Rosner, D. A. Carson, and Graeme Goldsworthy.

eds. New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity

of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity, 2000.

Ladd, George E. A Theology of the New Testament. Revised edition. Grand Rapids:

Eerdmans, 1993.

Or its Chinese translation:《賴氏新約神學 》。下冊。馬可人, 楊淑蓮譯。台北

市: 中華福音神學院, 1989。

Hawthorne, Gerald F, et al., eds. 《二十一世紀保羅書信辭典》。上,下冊。楊長慧

譯 .臺北: 校園, 2009。

Moo, Douglas J. 《羅馬書》。陳志文譯。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2012.

Page 5: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Thiselton, Anthony C. The First Epistle to the Corinthians. NIGTC. Grand Rapids:

Eerdmans, 2000.

Harris, Murray J. The Second Epistle to the Corinthians: A Commentary on the Greek

Text. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.

Fung, Ronald Y. K. (馮蔭坤)。《加拉太書註釋》。台北:校園書房,2008.

O’Brien, Peter. 《以弗所書註釋》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2009.

Moo, Douglas J . The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon. Grand Rapids:

Eerdmans, 2008.

Fee, Gordon, 《腓立比書》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2004.



Towner, Phillip. 《提摩太, 提多註釋上下》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,


O’Brien, Peter. 《希伯来书注释》。陈志文,潘秋松译。South Pasadena: 美國麥


Moo, Douglas J. The Letter of James. Pillar. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000.

Bray, Gerald Lewis,and Thomas C. Oden, eds.《雅各書、彼得前後書、約翰一, 二,

三書、猶大書》. 石敏敏. 黃錫木. 台北: 校園書房, 2006.

Grudem, Wayne. 《丁道爾新約聖經註釋: 彼得前書》。歐思真译. 台北: 校園,


Mounce, Robert H. 《啟示錄註釋》李忠晉,潘秋松译. South Pasadena: 美國麥

種傳道會, 2007.

Osborne, Grant R.《啟示錄註釋》。 顧華德 。上下册 . 台北: 華神, 2008。

Page 6: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017



Wk Date Course contents Assignments*

1 1/22-28 Introduction


Read: Acts 13:1-16:5; Galatians;

Carson & Moo: Chapters 8, 9, 12;

Bruce: Chapters 1-17

2 1/29-2/4 1 & 2 Thessalonians Read: Acts 17:1-15; 1 & 2 Thessalonians;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 16;

Bruce: Chapter 21

3 2/5-11 Quiz 1

1 & 2 Corinthians (1)

Read: Acts 18:1-28; 1 Corinthians;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 11;

Bruce: Chapters 22-25

4 2/12-18 1 & 2 Corinthians (2) Read: Acts 19:21-20:6; 2 Corinthians;

Bruce: Chapters 27, 28

5 2/19-25 Quiz 2

Romans (1)

Read: Acts 28:11-31; Romans;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 10;

Bruce: Chapters 29-33

6 2/26-3/4 Romans (2) Read: Romans;

Bruce: Chapters 18, 19

7 3/5-11 Quiz 3

The Captivity Epistles (1):

Ephesians, Colossians

Read: Acts16:6-40; 19:1-20:38;

Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians,


Carson & Moo: Chapters 13-15, 18;

Bruce: Chapters 20, 26, 34-36

3/12-18 Spring Break: No Class; no


8 3/19-25 The Captivity Epistles (2):


The Pastoral Epistles(1):

1 Timothy

Read: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 17;

Bruce: Chapters 37-38

Project 1 due

Prepare for Exam 1

9 3/26-4/1 Pastoral Epistles (2):

Titus; 2 Timothy

Exam 1: Pauline Epistles

Read: Hebrews;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 19;

Introduction part in any of the relevant

books listed in this syllabus (suggested or

reference books)

10 4/2-8 Hebrews (1)

Read: Hebrews

Page 7: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


11 4/9-15 Hebrews (2)

Quiz 4


Read: James;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 20;

Introduction part in any of the relevant

books listed in this syllabus (suggested or

reference books)

12 4/16-22 1 & 2 Peter


Read: 1 & 2 Peter; Jude;

Carson & Moo: Chapters 21, 22, 24;

Introduction part in any of the relevant

books listed in this syllabus (suggested or

reference books)

13 4/23-29 Quiz 5

The Johannine Epistles

Revelation (1)

Read: 1, 2, 3 John; Revelation;

Carson & Moo: Chapters 23, 25;

Introduction part in any of the relevant

books listed in this syllabus (suggested or

reference books)

14 4/30-5/6 Revelation (2) Read: Revelation;

Carson & Moo: Chapter 26;

Project 2 due

Prepare for exam 2

15 5/7-11 Exam 2 Reading report Due

*Reading assignments should be done before each class. For example, the reading of

Acts 13:1-16:5; Galatians; Carson & Moo: Chapters 8, 9, 12; Bruce: Chapters1-17

should be done before January 22nd

5am PST.

This schedule may be revised during the course according to the needs and

progress of the class; students are responsible for changes announced via the

bulletin board and/or your logos email ([email protected]).


Announcements will be posted on the bulletin board in Populi. Make sure to

check them and your logos email regularly.

For all course related questions, such as clarification about assignments or

course materials, please contact the instructor through email. If you have any

technical questions, please contact our media specialist Randolph Cheng at

[email protected] or our IT director Alex Hung at [email protected].

Page 8: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Selected Bibliography

The following list is only a small sample of books that might be helpful to you as

you study along. If you want to know more books on the general NT introduction and

various NT commentaries, please go to Carson’s commentary on NT commentaries

(Carson, D. A. New Testament Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2013).


Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the New Testament. New Haven: Yale

University Press, 1997.

Guthrie, Donald. New Testament Introduction. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press,


Ladd, George E. New Testament Theology. 2nd

edition. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.


Ladd, George E. 《賴氏新約神學 》。馬可人, 楊淑蓮譯。台北市: 中華福音神

學院, 1989。

Paul and Pauline Epistles:

Achtemeier, Paul J., et al.《新約文學與神學:保羅及其書信》。陳子安譯。香港:


Barnett, Paul W. Paul: Missionary of Jesus. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008.


Brauch, Manfred T. 《聖經難解之言—保羅篇》。蘇心美譯。台北:校園,1996.

Capes, David B, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards. Rediscovering Paul: An

Introduction to his World, Letters, and Theology. Downers Grove, Ill.:

InterVarsity, 2007.

Goodwin, F. J. A Harmony of the Life of St. Paul. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973.

Page 9: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Gorman, Michael, Apostle of the Crucified Lord. A Theological Introduction to Paul

and His Letters. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

Hawthorne, Gerald F, Ralph P. Martin, and Daniel G. Reid. 《二十一世紀保羅書信辭

典》。楊長慧譯 .臺北: 校園, 2009。


Ridderbos, Herman. Paul: An Outline of His Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,


Schreiner, Thomas。《詮釋保羅書信》。石彩燕譯。香港:天道,2000.

Westerholm, Stephen. Perspectives Old and New on Paul. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,

2004. Or its Chinese Translations by 麥種。


Carson, D. A., 保羅的禱告:靈命更新的呼召。South Pasadena: 麥種傳道會,


Fee, Gordon.《認識保羅的聖靈觀》。台北:校園,2000.

Reeves, Rodney. Spirituality according to Paul. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2011.

Hock, Carl B. Jr. All Things New. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.


Kruse, Colin G. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. PNTC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012.

Osborne, Grant. Romans Verse by Verse. Bellingham, WA: Lexham, 2017.


_______. 《羅馬書(卷下)》。香港:天道,1996.

Bruce, F. F. 《羅馬書》。台北:校園福音出版社,1987.

Page 10: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017




Moo, Douglas J. 《羅馬書》。陳志文譯。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2012.

Stott, John.《羅馬書》。台北:校園,1997.

1 Corinthians

Carson, D. A.《十架與事奉:哥林多前書論領導》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳




Thiselton, Anthony C. The First Epistle to the Corinthians. NIGTC. Grand Rapids:

Eerdmans, 2000.

2 Corinthians:




Fung, Ronald Y. K. (馮蔭坤)。《真理與自由:加拉太書註釋》。香港:證道,1987.

_______. 《加拉太書註釋》。台北:校園書房,2008.



O’Brien, Peter. 《以弗所書註釋》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2009.

Page 11: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Snodgrass, Klyne.《以弗所書》。香港:國際華人聖經協會,2003.


Fee, Gordon.《腓立比書》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2004.


Martin, Ralph P.《丁道爾新約聖經註釋:腓立比書》. 台北:校園,1987.


Moo, Douglas J . The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon. Grand Rapids:

Eerdmans, 2008.

Wright, Nicholas, 《丁道爾新約聖經註釋:歌羅西書》台北:校園,1987.

1 & 2 Thessalonians:





1 & 2 Timothy and Titus:

Liefeld, Walter. 《提摩太前、提摩太後書、提多書》。黃宜嫻譯。香港:國際聖


Stott, John. 《提摩太前、提摩太後書》。台北:校園,2001.

Towner, Phillip. 《提摩太, 提多註釋上下》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,


General Epistles:

Page 12: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


O’Brien, Peter. 《希伯来书注释》。陈志文,潘秋松译。South Pasadena: 美國麥


Knight, George R. 《探索希伯來書》。周翠珊. 臺北市 : 時兆出版社, 2010.

Moo, Douglas J. The Letter of James. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000

Grudem, Wayne. 《丁道爾新約聖經註釋:彼得前書》。歐思真. 台北: 校園, 1987。

McKnight, Scott.《彼得前書》。國際釋經應用系列。陳永財. 香港: 漢語聖經協

會, 2004.

Jobes, Karen H. 1 Peter. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.


Green, Gene L. Jude and 2 Peter. Grand Rapids: Baker 2008.

Davids, Peter H. The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006.

Moo, Douglas J. 2 Peter, and Jude. NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids:

Zondervan, 1996.


Mounce, Robert H. 《啟示錄註釋》. 李忠晉,潘秋松译. South Pasadena: 美國

麥種傳道會, 2007.

孫寶玲. 《啟示錄: 萬主之主(研經本)》。香港: 明道社, 2007.

吳道宗. 《啟示錄: 得勝君王的啟示與作為》。新北市: 聖經資源中心, 2013.

Osborne, Grant R.《啟示錄註釋》。 顧華德. 上,下冊。台北: 華神, 2008。

Page 13: NTS 502-EL NT Survey II (3 Units) Spring, 2018 Mary Luo ... · New Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Exploring the Unity and Diversity of Scripture. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity,

Logos Evangelical Seminary

Revised , December, 2017


Reading Report

Name: ______________________________________

Course: _______________________________________ Date: __________________








