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NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development

liberal studies --- reference & notes

Marking Scheme// Marking Guidelines (For ASL syllabus)

09(%) A
































20 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

A 18-20 14-15 13-14 12-13 11-12 10-11 9-10 8-9 8 7 6 5 B 16-17 12-13 11-12 11 10 9 8 7 7 6 5 4 C 14-15 10-11 9-10 9-10 8-9 8 7 6 6 5 4 3 D 11-13 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 E 9-10 7-8 6-7 6-7 6 5-6 5 5 4 4 3 2 F 5-8 4-6 4-5 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4 3-4 2-3 2-3 1-2 1 U 0-4 0-3 0-3 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0 0

NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development

NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development

2007 HR Q6

Wing Yee is a secondary student. The column below is her favourite column in a weekly magazine. She believes what

is written in the column, and likes to read similar columns.

The Zodiac 星座

Libra 天秤座 (24 September to 23 October)

Traditional Libra Traits On the dark side…

Diplomatic 圓滑 and polite Indecisive and changeable

Romantic and charming Easily influenced and cheated

Easygoing and sociable Proud and self-centred

Idealistic and peace-loving

Advice for this week:

Try to visit a country that excites you. You may be thinking of starting your own business.

Changes will not be easy for young people.

(a) Some secondary students, like Wing Yee, spend a lot of time reading magazine columns such as the one above.

Discuss why such columns are popular with some secondary students. (10marks)

(b) One of Wing Yee’s friends is concerned about Wing Yee’s obsession with these columns. Suggest ways in which

she cam help Wing Yee to become less reliant on such columns. (10marks)

2002 HR Q7

A social worker tells the following story of a young drug addict, Mary. Then gives a professional evaluation:

The story:

I knew that Mary was unhappy because her mother was very bad-tempered. … I told her not to choose bad

friends, but she thought they really cared about her. ... Later I knew that she started taking drugs. She said the

drugs could make her feel happy and forget all her troubles. Also, since all her friends were taking drugs, not

following their example would result in her being left out.

Professional evaluation:

First, Mary took drugs in order to cope with her unhappy feelings. Second, she wanted to be accepted by her

‘good’ friends, who had the habit of drug abuse. Third, it is true that some adolescents try drugs out of curiosity.

They underestimate how addictive drugs can be. Adolescents want to experiment with drugs and think they are

strong-willed enough, but only to find that they become controlled by drugs.

Source: Mingpao, 4 June 1998.

(a) In the above case, how does peer group pressure influence Mary’s behaviour? (5 marks)

(b) If you were a friend of Mary, how would you help her to quit drugs? Explain your answer in the light of the social

worker’s evaluation. (13 marks)


NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development

2007 Q4

Raves are quite popular among local young people. They are all-night dance events where DJs and other performers

play electronic rave music, and dancing continues until dawn.

Source A: Report on raves in Hong Kong

Nine in every 10 youngsters attending a rave either in Hong Kong or across the border are likely to have taken

recreational drugs.

Of these, one in every 13 is likely involved in sexual activities during or after the rave while one in 19 is likely

to be involved in a fight, according to a survey conducted by the Chinese university of Hong Kong between

Sept2004 and Mar 2005. the surveyed covered 300 respondents aged between 14 and 28..

An associate Professor at the Chinese university of Hong Kong said the widespread use of ‘party drugs’ brings

with it other dangers such as unprotected sex, fights and car races.

Source B: A gentler way to fight recreational drug use

Recreational drug use is the most series problem among young people participating in raves. Social

workers are trying hard to tackle this consequence of the popularity of raves.

Chu Fung, a Hong Kong Caritas social worker, commented that communication is an important tool. He

said, “They can get really bored during the long hours they spend at discos and they want to talk. That’s

when social workers can build relationships with them through conversation. We try to dissuade them

from drug use by giving them medical and objective points of view. Hopefully, this will have an impact on

them over time and lead them to reconsider their actions.”

(a) Discuss why young people participate in raves. (10)

(b) You are a social worker at a secondary school and believe that some students often go to raves. What could you

do to help them minimize the risks they may encounter there? (10)

2000 HR Q3

Percentage Distribution of Drug Abusers by Reason for Current Drug Abuse and Age Group, 1998

Age Group

Reason for current drug abuse Under 21 (%) 21 or over (%)

Avoid discomfort of its absence 30.8 55.4 Peer influence / To identify with peers 60.9 25.5 Curiosity 38.7 27.3 Relief of boredom / Depression / Anxiety 271 22.2 To seek euphoria or sensory satisfaction 25.6 19.2 For self-medication 1.1 3.6 Under influence of the partner 2.0 0.7 Other reasons 4.2 5.1

Source: Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics October 1999

(a) Based on the above information, explain the relationship between age and the reason for drug abuse. (8 marks)

(b) Suggest three measures that the Government should adopt to prevent people under 21 from becoming drug

abusers. Explain which measure is the most effective. (3 marks + 7 marks) *7ec

NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development





整體表現令人滿意。本卷(人際關係)旨在評核考生在以下各方面的能力:(a)處理及分析所附資料;(b)從不同角度考慮問題,並就各自在朋輩、家庭、社群中的經驗作出申述;(c)組織意見,建立論點,處理問題。中夜文考生在本卷的分數方面並無明顯分別。 從答卷可見,考生多能成功代入所需的角色。部分考生則沒有仔細審題,結果未能集中討論最重要的環節。考生多能有效表達自的見解。考生亦多能有效分配時間,只有少數生有汲有足夠時間回答最後一題,一般而言,考生多迴避附有統計數據的題目。 -考生的整體表現令人滿意。然而,中文答卷與英文答卷的得分卻有明顯的分別。一般中文卷考生的表現遜色。這可能是由於以英文表達比較精確,故考生若用英文作答使可更具體地表達其論據。一般而言,考生都擅於分析資料,但卻不擅於作議論性的分析。最後,考生在分析思考方面訓練有素。

NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development

Pilot Paper NSS LS Paper 2 Q2

Relevant concepts: Emotion Control, relationship with parents, self, conflicts

Cartoon 1

Father: You’re playing online games again? I should cut your cable, no kidding!

TV: the gap between rich and poor is widening

Cartoon 2

TV: Hong Kong witnessed a surge in domestic violence last year …

(a) in the light of the above cartoons, what positive methods can adolescents use to deal with conflicts with parents

on the issue of playing online games? Explain. (8 marks)

(b) ‘Low soci-economic status 社經地位低 is the main cause of domestic violence in Hong Kong.’ Do you agree with

this statement? Explain your answer in the light of the above cartoons and according to your knowledge. (12marks)

NSS Liberal Studies –Human relationship and self development 重要理論: 薩提爾的冰山理論 (Satir Model)

自我認識的發展:我是誰?身體、行為、社會角色、感情與思想當中有自己未知或盲目的部份 Johari Window 周哈里窗

Erikson: 面












亞里士多德的三種友誼 心理學家認為友情在個人成長中,佔有相當重要的部分,尤其從小孩過渡到成人的一後時間,友情迅速發展,對建立人生觀有非常重要的影響。而古今中外的學者,亦察覺得到友情的重要性,因此對友情提出了不少理論,其中亞里士多德更提出了三種友誼: 1.以功利為基礎的友誼——彼此能從對方身上得到某些好處,所以才結交為朋友;不過這類友誼相當脆弱,當大家不能再從對方身上得到任何利益時,彼此間的友誼亦會消逝。 2.以快樂為基礎的友誼——彼此在一起的時候能夠從對方身上得到快樂,大家可能有共同的興趣和目標,在交往的過程中,大家能互相分享興趣並互相支持。 3.以品性為基礎的友誼——亞里士多德稱之為完美的友誼。他認為惟有道德善良的人才能成為朋友,彼此間因高尚的品德修養而互相吸引,他提出:「友誼是善人的友誼,在美德方面是相似的,彼此以善為目標,他們其自身也是善的。