Download - November newsletter



November NewsGreat Things!By George Lockhart

November was once again a very busy month with much travel and ministry. I think I was at home in TN about 5 days! The rest was spent on the road! My travels took me back to Kings Mountain, NC where I visited Faith Baptist Church for their Homecoming Services. It was great to catch up with JR and Patty Robbins and to see my wonderful friends at Faith. They have continued to serve the faithfully through the years and it was a blessing to be able to return to share music and a special message for their morning service. I was also joined by Trevor Jenkins and Nathan Smoker who served with me during the weekend, both of whom are doing some intern work with me and V2H and have

made many trips over the last few months serving in various ways.

The Tuckers (Dana, Noah, Nathan, and CJ) are very dear friends of mine from Newport, NC (near where I grew up) and they came to be part of the ministry at Faith also. Dana Tucker and I grew up in the same church and have been lifelong friends and it was a great joy and honor to have them be part of the service. Dana’s 3 kids are learning

some sign language and they helped me with some songs and painting the Jesus

Paid It All pieces on Sunday morning.This was one of many great and

wonderful things that happened this month.




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Nathan Smoker and Trevor Jenkins

Dana Tucker and her three boys, Noah, Nathan and CJ


Not only was being at Faith Baptist great for ministry but it was great for reconnecting me with some old friends! As I mentioned seeing JR and Patty was awesome but also seeing their kids Candi, Jessica and Josh as well, all of whom are grown now! YIKES!

I also got to see another great friend of mine from Teen Valley Ranch. Jason Robinson and his wife Jennifer live near Kings Mountain and made a special effort to come by and visit after church services. They have recently added to their family and are proud parents of a baby boy! Congrats! Jason and I have had some great times together, working at TVR and then rooming together for a couple years while I was serving at Faith. He’s been a great and true friend through the years and it was wonderful to see him again!

That weekend was not short on events. Moses Nueman threw a surprise birthday celebration for his wife and my great friend Claudia. It was a wonderful gathering of family and friends and I was honored to be there and to be able to speak a few words of how truly special Claudia is to me. I was grateful to be an invited guest of this great party.

Please continue to pray for

Moses and Claudia as they faithfully serve with WorldCare Ministries, the organization I serve Nigeria through. I believe Moses is even back there now overseeing more work on the Bible College we are building on the property given to us by the king. God is continuing tot do great things!

As the month rolled on, we had much to prepare for with the National youth Workers Convention coming up. A few months ago, Mike Liebler and long time friend tole me about an idea he had for a website he wanted to create to use as a ministry tool for youth pastors, pastors and parents. It was called The Youth Culture Report. Through some of his own extensive research Mike was single-handedly crafting a news site that had not yet existed in this kind of way. What makes The Youth Culture Report so unique and different is that it is constantly updated on a daily basis with current and relevant articles and it’s free! Mike literally spends hours of time poring over news streams, article and web pages to compile the content that goes onto the website.

What we had to do now in preparation was to get ready to meet many of these youth pastors at the National Youth Workers Convention. Mike flew in from Miami and we spent the few days before the convention getting our materials together. God was gonna be moving in ways we didn’t expect but they were all great and mighty! There’s no doubt that November was definitely a month where we at V2H had to be thankful!






Me and Jason

Me and Moses

Claudia Nueman

Nathan and Noah try some really sour candy!







I’ve been able to attend the National Youth Workers Convention about 11 times I think. I’ve been to Cincinnati, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville and Atlanta over the past several years to be part of the learning and sharing process that is the convention. Each year, they have a theme and sometimes it’s more meaningful than others, as one might expect. However, this year the theme “Abundantly Expectant” was great in many ways and for many reasons.

The thought is taken from Romans 8:14-15 in the Message:God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?"

If the theme was any hint of what God is saying to me and many others collectively then there is much we can expect to see God do over the course of the next few months and even years!

When I simply look back at how God worked and opened so many doors for us through the NYC, it really is so amazing! Here are just a few things that happened:

1)we had the chance to do a flash mob for the attendees of the conference. We had some great feedback and people were able to hear more about us.

2)The Youth Culture Report was not only recognized by many people that we handed out our “app” cards to but even some of the executive leaders in many well know organizations including Youth Works and those involved with the convention.

3)We were able to not only help sponsor an event following the convention but we were able to make several more significant contacts through the YOUTH CARTEL and our friends Adam and Marko! They have given us some great feedback and exposure!

Abundantly ExpectantNational Youth Workers Convention





S David Crowder Band plays their last YS show.

Starfield lead us in group worship.

Mark Matlock, Doug Fields and all of YS say good-bye to Tic Long.


The Youth Culture ReportPosting What You Need

There is no shortage of news sites, web pages and even phone apps that will directly feed your need for the latest and greatest news. Where the Youth Culture Report is different is that we weed thorough all of the articles for you bringing you the latest and most pertinent articles for youth culture. We are the most comprehensive youth news web

aggregate online. If you are looking for ways to stay connected to youth culture and perhaps to you own teenager or child, make the Youth Culture Report your first site to check every day. We have apps for your Droid or iphone and a place for you to submit your own articles or headlines. Take advantage of this wonderful free site and resource!

The Youth Culture Report is a ministry of Vision 2 Hear

The convention went very well for all of us who attended from New Vision, Elevate, Youth Culture Report and Stockbridge UMC. We joined several thousand more who were pursuing how we can better serve youth and parents and make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

To be honest, I am not a natural optimist. I have often been the pessimist and self-proclaimed “realist”. But I have to admit that there is something that I can’t deny: God is working and does work regardless of my slant on life or outlook. Not that I had any qualms with where we were as a ministry but I guess I just figured that maybe things were as far as they were going to go in some aspects. Yet with the addition of the Youth Culture Report and with my calendar being fairly booked, I have to say I am adventurously expectant of all that God is gonna do in 2012. I have added some very good friends over the last year or so, met people who have literally changed my life and the way I live and want to live. I have been part of great Kingdom work through V2H and seeing people’s lives changed through WAVE teams, mission trips and internships. I have been able to invest more of myself and even more money into the lives of others because of some people who have chosen to invest in me.

Attending the conference was great for me this time because I really did need to have some time to refocus, be fed from

people who are wiser than me in youth ministry and to have my creative soul rejuvenated.

Yeah, we all had a blast attending and there were some great contacts and friendships formed but most importantly, I came back with a sense of expectation. What a great way to go into the Christmas season! I have no idea where any of this is gonna really go but I’m not gonna be pessimistic about it, that’s for sure! “What Next, Papa?”





SAfter many trials and many times when she could have compromised her beliefs, my dear friend Stephanie has remained a solid Christian and faithful friend through the years. I got to see her and celebrate her life for a few hours this month. She recently went through a bout with breast cancer and won! So glad to see her and happy to share in her life and success story and all God is doing in her life!

Stephanie and I met at Teen Valley Ranch in 1989 and have been great friends ever since. She lives in Colorado with her husband and 3 kids. launched a few months ago and is quickly becoming a site to be watched among youth leaders.

Abundantly Expect